Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2009 Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


JQ 19







Date & Time: 23/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                               (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What is Marginal costing?
  2. Define Management accounting.
  3. What do mean by ‘Variance analysis’?
  4. What is meant by break – even analysis?
  5. What is margin of safety?
  6. Write short notes on:
  7. Debt Equity ratio
  8. Debt Collection period
  9. Calculate the material usage variance from the following;

Standard:        2,000 units at Rs. 2 each.

Actual:                        2,500 units at Re.1 each.

  1. Calculate current ratio from the following:
Cash in hand 2,000
Debtors 10,000
Stock 40,000
Land 12,000
Bills receivable 30,000
Bank overdraft 35,000
Creditors 60,000
Debentures 10,000
  1. Compute the P/V ratio: Sales Rs. 10,000, variable cost Rs.3,000 and fixed costs Rs. 5,000.
  2. What is overhead variances?


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                       (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Distinguish between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.
  2. From the following compute 1) Fixed assets turnover ratio        2) Debtors turnover ratio

3) Net profit ratio                          4) Stock turnover ratio.

Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st dec. 1998.

To opening stock 2,50,000 By sales 18,00,000
To purchases 10,50,000 By closing stock 1,50,000
To Gross profit 6,50,000
           ————- ————-
19,50,000 19,50,000
           ————– ————-
To Administration expenses 3,30,000 By Gross Profit 6,50,000
To other expenses 20,000 By Interest 50,000
To Net profit 3,50,000
————-             ———-
7,00,000 7,00,000
 ————-            ———–

Other information are:

Fixed assets Rs. 7,00,000

Debtors Rs. 2,50,000.




  1. From the following particulars, prepare a production budget of sales company for the year ending on 31st March 2005.
Product Sales (Units)             Estimated Stocks (Units)
          1.4.2004 31.3.2005
A 1,50,000 14,000 15,000
B 1,00,000 5,000 4,500
C 70,000 8,000 8,000
  1. Compute the break even point in rupees and in units. The fixed expenses of the concern is Rs.

1,80,000.  Its variable cost per unit is Rs. 29 and selling price is Rs. 44 per unit.

  1. Write short notes on the following.
  2. Zero based budget    b) Budgetary control            c) Control ratios.
  3. Following particulars are taken from the records of a company, calculate:
  4. Operating ratio b) Operating profit ratio          c) Current ratio            d) Liquidity ratio
Gross profit 55,000
Selling expenses 4,000
Administration expenses 22,000
Sales 1,54,000
Debtors 1,20,000
Cash 10,000
Inventory 30,000
Creditors 25,000
Bills payable 12,000
  1. Calculate funds from operations from the following Profit and Loss Account:
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To expenses 50,000 By Gross Profit 1,00,000
To depreciation 20,000 By gain on sale of machinery 10,000
To loss on sale of building 7,750
To discount allowed 250
To goodwill written off 6,000
To net profit 26,000
————– —————
1,10,000 1,10,000
————— —————
  1. Calculate material cost variances from the following data:
Standard Actual
Quantity 800kgs 920kgs
Price Rs. 4 per kg Rs. 3 per kg
Value Rs. 1600 Rs. 1380



Answer any TWO questions                                                                        (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

  1. For the production of 10,000 units of a product, the following are the budgeted expenses. Prepare a budget for the production of 6,000 and 7,000 units.
Direct materials 60
Direct labour 30
Variable overheads 25
Fixed overheads (Rs. 1,50,000) 15
Variable expenses (direct) 5
Selling expenses (10% fixed) 15
Administration expenses (Rs. 50,000 rigid at all levels) 5
Distribution expenses (20% fixed) 5
  1. From the following Balance Sheet of ABC Ltd., Prepare a Fund Flow Statement.

Balance Sheets

Liabilities 2002 2003 Assets 2002 2003
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Equity share 4,50,000 5,00,000 Goodwill 1,15,000 90,000
Reserve fund 40,000 70,000 Building 2,00,000 1,70,000
P&L A/C 30,000 48,000 Plant 80,000 2,00,000
Proposed dividend 42,000 50,000 Debtors 1,60,000 2,00,000
Creditors 55,000 83,000 Stock 77,000 1,09,000
Bills payable 20,000 16,000 Bills  receivable 20,000 30,000
Provision for taxation 40,000 50,000 Cash in hand 25,000 18,000
————– ————- ————- ————-
6,77,000 8,17,000 6,77,000 8,17,000
————– ————- ————- ————-

Additional information:

  • Depreciation on plant Rs. 10,000 and building Rs. 20,000 charged in 2003.
  • An interim dividend of Rs. 20,000 has been paid in 2003.
  • Income tax Rs. 35,000 was paid during 2003.


  1. a) The sales and profit for 2006 and 2007 are as follows:

Sales                Profit

Rs.                     Rs.

2006                1,50,000          20,000

2007                1,70,000          25,000


  • P/V Ratio
  • BEP
  • Sales for a profit of Rs. 40,000
  • profit for sales of Rs. 2,50,000 and
  • Margin of safety at a profit of Rs. 50,000


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2011 Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 09-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


     ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS:                                                                                                 (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. What is Management Accounting?
  2. What is ratio analysis?
  3. What is Cash Budget?
  4. What is fund flow statement?
  5. What is contribution?
  6. Give the formula for Earnings Per Share.
  7. What is direct labour cost variance?
  8. Ganesh purchased and used 800 tons of a chemical at Rs. 40 per ton whereas the standard price fixed was Rs.48 per ton. Calculate material price variance.
  9. A company shows the trading results for two periods.
Period Sales




1 10,000    400
2 20,000 1,000

Calculate profit volume ratio.


  1. From the following information, calculate Fixed overhead

cost variance.

  Standard Actual
Production in units 4,000 3,800
Fixed overheads Rs.40,000 Rs.39,000



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                                   (5  x 8 = 40 marks)

  1. Explain the functions of Management Accounting.
  2. You are required to prepare a production budget for the half year ending June 2000 from the following information:
Product Budgeted sales quantity Actual stock on


Desired stock on


  Units Units Units
S 20,000 4,000 5,000
T 50,000 6,000 10,000


  1. Find out fixed assets and gross profit from the following information:

Sales  Rs. 10,00,000

Gross profit ratio 25%

Fixed assets turnover ratio (on cost of sales) 5 times.


  1. Find out the funds from operations from the details given below:
Net profit for the year 2006-2007 95,000
Depreciation charged on Fixed assets 42,000
Profit on Sale of Long term Investments included in the P&L A/C 13,000
Goodwill written off 20,000


  1. You are asked to compile a working capital statement from the following details:
Particulars 1-1-1999




8% Debentures 40,000 40,000
Outstanding rent 8,000 12,000
Cash in hand 4,000 8,000
Cash at bank 12,000 15,000
Accounts payable 20,000 26,000
Machinery 25,000 16,000
Accounts receivable 30,000 34,000
Prepaid commission 4,000
Inventories 22,000 27,000
Share premium 15,000 15,000
Equity share capital 50,000 50,000


  1. What are the advantages of ratios?


  1. From the following information relating to Palani Bros. Ltd., you are required to find out
  • P/V Ratio (b) Break even point (c) Profit (d) Margin of safety (e) Volume of sales to earn profit of Rs.6,000.


Total fixed costs                                4,500

Total variables costs                                      7,500

Total sales                                      15,000



  1. Calculate material cost variance, material price variance and material usage variance from the following data:

Standard                                 Actual

Quantity                                 400 kgs                                   460 kgs

Price                                     Rs.2 per kg                            Rs. 1.5 per kg

Value                                    Rs. 800                                   Rs. 690



ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                                          (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Kunal Products produces and sells a product for which total capacity of 2,000 units exists.

The following expenses are for the production of 1,000 units of the product which is sold at Rs. 130 per unit.

Per Unit


Direct materials                                                              20

Direct Wages                                                                  30

Administration overheads (constant)                              20

Selling expenses (50% fixed)                                         10

Distribution expenses (25% fixed)                                  20


You are required to prepare a flexible budget for the production and sale of 1,200 units, 1,600

units and 2,000 units, showing clearly the marginal (variable) cost and total cost at each level.


  1. The following is the Comparative Balance Sheets of Pratima & Co.Ltd. as on 30th June 1987 and 30th June 1988.

Balance Sheet

Liabilities 30-6-1987




Assets 30-6-1987




Share capital 1,80,000 2,00,000 Goodwill 24,000 20,000
Reserve Fund 28,000 36,000 Buildings 80,000 72,000
P&L A/c 39,000 24,000 Machinery 74,000 72,000
Trade Creditors 16,000 10,800 Investments 20,000 22,000
Bank overdraft 12,400 2,600 Inventories 60,000 50,800
Provision for Taxation 32,000 34,000 Debtors 40,000 44,400
Provision for doubtful debts 3,800 4,200 Cash 13,200 30,400
  3,11,200 3,11,600   3,11,200 3,11,600



Additional Information:

  • Depreciation charged on machinery Rs. 10,000 and on buildings Rs. 8,000.
  • Investments sold during the year Rs. 3,000.
  • 15,000 interim dividend paid during January 1988.
  • Taxes paid during the year Rs. 30,000.

Prepare (a) a statement of changes in working capital.

(b) a funds flow statement.


  1. A company manufactures a particular product the standard material cost of which is Rs.10 per unit. The following information is obtained from the cost records.
  • Standard mix

Material         Quantity           Rate                    Amount

Units              Rs.                        Rs.

A                    70                  10                         700

B                    30                    5                         150

100                                              850

Loss 15%               15                                                 

85                                                850


  • Actual results for January 1987:


Material         Quantity           Rate                     Amount

Units              Rs.                         Rs.

A                    400                 11                          4,400

B                    200                   6                          1,200

600                                                5,600

Loss 10%                60                                                  Nil

540                                                5,600


Calculate: (1) Material price variance (2) Material mix variance (3) Material usage variance (4) Material yield variance (5) Material cost variance.





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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2012 Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




 ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS:                                                                    (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. What are the tools of management accounting?
  2. Give the meaning of the term: Window Dressing.
  3. State two reasons for preparing cash budget.
  4. What is the significance of liquidity ratios?
  5. Why Net Working Capital is computed?
  6. What is margin of safety?
  7. Calculate P/v ratio given that sale is Rs. 30,000 and fixed  cost Rs. 15,000, contribution- Rs.12,000.
  8. Compute Pay out Ratio: Net Profit-Rs.80, 000, Provision for Tax-40,000, Preference Dividend- Rs.10, 000, No. of equity Shares- 30,000, dividend per Equity Share-0.45.
  9. Calculate the Material Usage variance.




5 Kg. per unit Rs5 per Kg 400 units are produced 2200 Kg consumed
  1. What is FFO?




ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                    (5X8=40 Marks)


  1. Discuss the importance of budgeting.
  2. What are the uses of marginal costing as a tool for managerial decision making?
  3. How Fund Flow Statement is different from a Balance Sheet?
  1. The Sales turnover and profit during two years were as follows

Year                            Sales                Profit

Rs.                      Rs.

1991                         1,40,000               15,000

1992                         1,60,000               20,000

Calculate (a) P/V Ratio  (b) Break even point  (c) Sales required to earn a profit of

Rs.40, 000 (d) Fixed Expenses (e) Profit when Sales are Rs.1, 20,000(f) Margin of Safety.

  1. A Factory is now Producing 10,000 units, costing information relating to the same are furnished below:

Per unit


Direct material                                         70

Direct labour                                            25

Variable overheads                                  20

Fixed overheads

(Rs.1, 00,000)                                          10

Variable overheads (direct)                        5

Selling expenses (10% fixed)                   13

Distribution expenses (20% fixed)            7

Administration expenses (Rs.50, 000)       5

Total cost per unit                  –                  155

Prepare a flexible budget for the production of 7500 units.

  1. Calculate sales Value variance and sales price variance.
Particulars Standard Actual


Qty. S.P. Total Qty. S.P. Total
Product A 500 5.00 2500 625 5.4 3375
Product B 700 8.00 5600 875 8.2 7175


  1. Calculate 1. Current assets, 2. Current liabilities, 3. Liquid Assets and Stock from the following data:

Current Ratio: 2.8

Acid-test Ratio: 1.5

Working Capital – Rs.1,62,000.


  1. The summarized Balance Sheets of Ms.Kiruba & Co as on 31-12-2010 and 31-12-2011 are furnished, prepare a Schedule of changes in Working Capital.
LIABILITIES 2010 2011 ASSETS 2010 2011
Share capital 12,00,000 16,00,000 Plant and machinery 8,00,000 12,00,000
Debentures   4,00,000   6,00,000 Land and building 6,00,000   8,90,000
P& L a /c   2,50,000   5,00,000 Stock 6,00,000   7,00,000
Creditors   2,30,000   1,80,000 Bank    40,000      80,000
Bad & Doubtful debts      12,000        6,000 Preliminary expenses    14,000      12,000
Depreciation on land & building      40,000      48,000 Debtors 1,38,000 1,22,000
Depreciation on plant & Machinery     60,000      70,000
21,92,000 30,04,000   21,92,000 30,04,000





ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                                (2X20=40)


  1. Prepare a cash budget, for the month of April, May and June 2010.


Month Sales Purchases Wages Miscellaneous


February 1,20,000    84,000 10,000   7,000
March 1,30,000 1,00,000 12,000   8,000
April    80,000 1,04,000   8,000   6,000
May 1,16,000 1,06,000 10,000 12,000
June    88,000    80,000   8,000   6,000

Additional Information:

  • Cash Balance: as on 1st April Rs.1, 00,000.
  • Sales: 20% realized in the month of sales, remaining in the subsequent month.
  • Purchases: These are paid in the month following the month of supply.
  • Wages: are paid in the same month.
  • Miscellaneous expenses: Paid a month in arrears
  • Rent: RS.1, 000 per month to be paid.
  • Income-tax: First installment of advance tax Rs.25, 000 due on 15th June
  • Income from Investments: Rs.5, 000 to be received in April, July.


  1. The following information is available from the records of AERO COOL Ltd.  Prepare a Profit and loss account and the Balance sheet as on 31st
  • Current ratio – 1.75
  • Acid-test ratio- 1.27
  • Working capital- Rs.33,000
  • Fixed Assets to shareholders equity – 0.625
  • Inventory turnover (based on Closing Stock) – 4 times
  • Gross profit ratio- 40%
  • Earnings per share – Re.0.50
  • Debt collection period – 73 days
  • of shares issued – 20,000
  • Return on Investment – 25%


  1. From the following balance sheet of a company prepare a Statement showing the fund Flow.
Liabilities 2005 2006 Assets 2005 2006
Share capital 1,00,000 1,25,000 Land & building 1,00,000 95,000
General reserve    25,000    30,000 Plant & machinery    75,000 84,500
P&L a/c    15,250    15,300 Inventories    50,000 37,500
Bank loan    35,000 Sundry debtors    40,000 32,000
Creditors    75,000   67,500 Cash         250      300
Provision for taxation   15,000   17,500 Bank    4,000
      Goodwill    2,000
  2,65,250 2,55,300   2,65,250 2,55,300


Additional information:

  • Dividend of Rs.11,000 was paid during 2006.
  • Depreciation written off – Rs.7,000.
  • A provision of Rs.16,500 was made on taxation.






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