Loyola College M.Sc. Mathematics Nov 2012 Classical Mechanics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 06/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL the questions:


  1. a. i. The quantity exerted by the outside agent that causes the change of position is called ———
  2.   I get up in the morning and go to work – denotes ————–type of motion.

iii. I get up in the morning and go to work but evening I’m back at home  – denotes ————–type

of motion.

  1. The generalized displacement is —————————-
  2. Holo means —————-in Greek.


  1. Derive the equation of motion of Atwood’s machine  [ 5 ]


  1. .i. State and prove the principle of Virtual Work and deduce D’Alembert’s principle
  2. An inextensible string of negligible mass hanging over a smooth peg at A connects another

mass m1on a frictionless inclined plane of angle q to another mass m2 . Use  D’Alembert’s

principle to prove that the mass will be in equilibrium if  m2  = m1sinq.


  1. Classify constraints and state the principles involved in choosing the generalised coordinates and

classify the constraints with reasons for any one of  the following cases

  1. A bead moving on a circular wire.
  2. A sphere rolling down a rough inclined plane without slipping.

iii. The molecules moving inside a gas container.                                                                      [15]


  1. a. i. An ignorable coordinate is one which ———————-
  2.  In a conservative system,  H = ——– + V

iii. In  variation , energy is ————————

  1. In – variation process, System point is speeded up or slowed down in order to make the total

travel time along every path ——————


  1. Find the Routh’s function for the motion for the motion of a projectile.  Hence deduce equation of

motion.                                                                                                                                            [5]


  1. State Hamilton’s principle and deduce Lagrange’s equation from Hamilton’s principle and hence

find the equation of motion of  one dimension Harmonic oscillator.                                              [7+8]


  1. i. Derive the Hamiltonian function
  2. Derive Hamilton canonical equation of motion.

iii.Give the physical significance of Hamilton’s function                                                           5+5+5]


3.a. i.


iii. The time taken by a light ray to travel between two points is —————.

  1. If the dynamical system have one degree freedom, then pdq – PdQ = —————
  2. generates an ————– transformation.  


  1. b. Show that is a canonical transformation


  1. State and prove Integral Invariant theorem of Poincare



  1. Discuss about the motion of a top


 04.a. i. The solution of H (q1, q2 q3,…. qn , ) + = 0 is known as ———————-

  1. In any dynamical system, the collection of points is called a—————–

iii.  =

  1. If qi is cyclic, then pi a ———————–



  1. State and prove Liouvilli’s theorem. [5] 


  1. Derive the conservation theorem of angular momentum using Infinite decimal

contact transformation                  


d.Derive the Hamilton – Jacobi equation for the Hamilton’s principle function S. and deduce that


05.a.i.  The  Complete integral W of Hamilton –Jacobi equation is called  ——-

  1. Separation of variables in Hamilton Jacobi’s equation is possible only if ——————

iii. For a conservative dynamical system in which the generalized coordinates are q , f  cyclic, then

the solution is given by ————-

  1. Action integral denoted by A is defined to be —————–
  2. If Wk denotes characteristic function, then  Jk = is known as —————


  1. Discuss the motion of a particle moving in a plane under the action of central

force using Hamilton – Jacobi equation.                                                                                                [5]

  1. Derive the Hamilton – Jacobi equation for the Hamilton’s characteristic function


  1. Discuss Kepler’s problem using action angle variable.




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