first SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
ZO 1805 / Z 724 research methodology
9.00 -12.00 Max: 100 Marks
SECTION – A (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL questions
- What are the advantages of Website in literature collections?
- What is Curating?
- Distinguish conceptual from emperical research.
- What are Tautonyms?
- Define international code of Zoological Nomenclature.
- Define the term – Null hypothesis.
- Distinguish bar diagram from histogram.
- What is a holotype?
- Mention any two objectives of Research.
- Differentiate acclimation from acclimatisation
SECTION – B (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following
- Explain briefly types of sampling.
- What is Berlese Funnel? Explain its use in collection of arthropods.
- Write an account of types in insect taxonomy.
- Summarize statistical techniques used in experiments.
- Explain the impact of physicochemical parameters in stress experiments.
- Bring out the significance of current contents and review volumes in research.
SECTION – C (2 ´ 20 = 40 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following
- Write an essay on preparation of a manuscript for publications
- Describe various methods of collection of insects in the field.
- Describe any two types of Taxonomic keys with examples.
- Give an account of types of preservation of insects.