St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 I Sem Hindi Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – Sept/ Oct 2015

 B.B.A. – I Semester

m1 15 1 hn : Hindi

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100


  1. रिक्त स्थानों की पूति कीजिए                    (10 x 1 = 10 )
  2. कबीर के गुरू का नाम …………….. था।
  3. कबीर, तुलसी, रहीम ……………… काल के कवि हैं।
  4. अकबर के दरबार में …………….. रत्न थे।
  5. रामधारी सिंह दिनकर ………………… विश्वविद्यालय के उपकुलपति थे।
  6. तिरूवल्लुवर की कविता का नाम …………… है।
  7. ‘कुकुरमुत्ता’ के कवि ………………. है।
  8. अकाल और उसके बाद के कवि ……………. है।
  9. हमारे राष्ट्र कवि ………… है।
  10. ‘चाँद औऱ कवि’ में कवि की …………… चाँद के ताने का उत्तर देती है
  11. ‘श्री वैद्यनाथ मिश्र’ किसका असली नाम है?


  1. किसी एक दोहे की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए                                       (1 x 8 = 8)


  1. टूटे सुजन मनाइए, जों टूटे सौ बार

रहिमन फिरि फिरि पोहिए, टूटे मुम्ताहार ।।


मधुर भाषण से जब अनुपम आनन्द प्राप्त होता है तब

व्यक्ति, पता नहीं क्यों, कठोर वचन बोलता है।


  • किन्ही तीन काव्य पदों की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए                   (3 x 8 = 24) 
  1. तेरे तात किन्तु थे रक्षी,

तब उसने जो था खगभक्षी,

हठ करने की ठानी।


  1. जहाँ साँझ सी जीवन-छाया

ढीले अपनी कोमल काया,

नील नयन से ढुलकाती हो

ताराओं की पाँती घनी रे।


  1. जीवन में और भी सुखों- सुविधाओं को लाएँगी।

युगों पुरानी मिथ्या परग्पराओं को वे हटाएँगी और सभी अन्धविश्वासों को तोड़ फेंफेंगी,


  1. जिन्दगी में जो कुछ महान है

वह प्रोमोशन नहीं है

किसी बड़े आदमी या साहित्यिक

का झूठा सर्टिफिकेट एप्रीसिएशन नहीं है।


  1. आओं, आगे आओ, अपना दाय भाग लो

अपने स्वप्मों को पूरा करने की खातिर

तुम्हें नहीं तो और किसे हम देखें बोलो।


  1. किसी एक कविता का सारांश लिखकर
  • उसकी विशेषताओं पर प्रकाश डालिए                  (1 x 16 = 16)
  1. चाँद और कवि
  2. तुम किशोर तुम तरूण
  3. नयी नारी


  • किसी एक कविता पर टिप्पणी लिखिए                    (1 x 6 = 6)
  1. ले चल मुझे भुलावा देकर
  2. राहुल जननी
  3. गाँव


  1. न्नदन प्रकाशन, कोलकत्ता वालों ने अभी तक आपके आदेश का माल नहीं भेजा है। इसकी ओर उनका ध्यान आकर्षित करते हुए एक पत्र लिखिए।       (1 x 14 = 14)


सनशौन दिल्ली वालों ने आपके बिल का भुगतान नहीं किया है।  तकाज़े का अंतिम पत्र लिखिए।


  1. हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए (10)

The Indian Banking System has expanded a good deal in recent years both in terms of dimension and functions but its coverage is still limited to urban and semi urban areas.  Even within the areas it covers, it mainly tries to meet the requirements of relatively bigger and better established industries of business.  As the development process gathers momentum and becomes complicated so does banking.


  1. (i) इन परिभषिक शब्दों का हिन्दी अर्थ लिखिए (6)
  2. Commerce Emoluments             c. Finance
  3. Export Insurance                 f. Guardian


ii). इन पारि भाषिक शब्दों का अंग्रेजी अर्थ लिखिए                                        (6)

  1. उपदान
  2. विदेशी मुद्रा
  3. पहचान पत्र
  4. किश्त
  5. प्रबन्धक
  6. विपणन







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 Retail Analytics Question Paper PDF Download




Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                     (7×5=35)
  1. Explain the functions of retailing, quoting suitable examples.
  2. Explain the different sources of competitive advantage with an example.
  3. How can ‘retailer corporate strategy’ be benefitted in adopting the category management?
  4. Take a real estate company as an example and discuss some of the retail services offered by them.
  5. For the month of October, the toy department sales was ` 25, 00,000. The ‘beginning inventory’ was ` 12,00,000. An ‘ending inventory’ of planned value was estimated at `12, 50,000. What would be the planned purchase be if reductions are planned at




If the mark percentage is 45%, calculate the planned purchase at cost?

  6. “Marketing Mix Modeling works on the historical data of a retail firm”. Discuss.
  7. What are the objectives of the store design and name the different types of store design?
  8. Name some of the essential skills to operate the retail store that is expected from a  resource person.
  9. How can the mode of channels benefit  retail firms in the market?
  10. “Retailing strategies would benefit the firm in the long run.” Justify the statement.
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                  (3×15=45)
  11. How can target market identification be a criteria for NIKE  when compared to their competitors?
  12. ‘Alibaba had a competitive advantage over the competitors’. How can the company benefit from its advantage?
  13. Proposition design gives the immense value to the firm and SKU’s can meet the demand and supply of the retail firm. How can retail company benefit by meeting the challenges?

Item No 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
Annual Demand 80 20 30 40 60 250 260 400 500 1200 300 80
Unit Price $12 $13 $122 $142 $132 #1202 #212 $2312 $312 $123 $1342 $142




Classify the items as A, B, or C items.

(a) The first two items account for 60% or more percentage of annual usage and should be classified as A items.

(b) The next four items account for about 25% of annual usage and should be B items.

(c) The remaining items should be classified as C items.


  15. A new retail store that had been set up in Metro City. Identify the different factors that could drive sales?


III. Case Study                                                                                                                    (1×20=20)
  16. You have recently joined in as the Chief Analytics Officer & Business Strategy Head at an online shopping store called DressMart Inc. that specializes in apparel and clothing. One day you had the chief marketing officer of the company come rushing to your office looking unusually worried. The board of directors has given him hefty targets for sales and slashed his marketing budgets into half at the same time.  You immediately identify that you are dealing with a common business problem of improving business revenue with reduced cost. You have also realized that this is a great opportunity for you to establish analytics practices in the company since there is a quick opportunity for you to improve the P&L (income statement).

Additionally, the CMO informed you that last year they had carried out marketing campaigns with different offers on the product catalog. A direct mailing product catalog was sent to some hundred thousand customers from the base of over a couple of million customers last year with the response rate of 4.2%. The direct mailers were later followed up with SMS and email messaging

How can analytics benefit the DressMart Inc where marketing budget had slashed up to 50% of the actuals? Discuss the same in detail




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 Operation Research For Business Decisions Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. Three products are processed through three different operations.  The times (in minutes) required per unit for each product, the daily capacity of the operations (in minutes per day) and the profit per unit sold for each product (in rupees) are as follows:

Operation Time per unit (Minutes) Operation capacity (Minutes/day)
Product I Product II Product III
1 3 4 3 143
2 5 0 4 146
3 3 6 2 142
Profit/unit (Rs.) 20 10 30  

The zero time indicates that the product does not require the given operation.  It is assumed that all units produced are sold.  Moreover, the given profits per unit are net values that result after all pertinent expenses are deducted.  The problem is to determine the optimum daily production for three products that maximizes the profit.

Formulate the above production planning problem in a linear programming problem.

  2. Find the dual of the following problem:

Maximize               Z = 6x1+8x2

Subject to              2x1 + 3x2  ≤ 16

4 x+ 2x2  ≥ 16

2x1    +  x2     =  16

x1  ,  x2     ≥ 0


  3. A director in a Management Institute has the problem of assigning courses to teachers with a view to maximizing educational quality in his Institute.  He has available to him one professor, two associate professors, and one teaching assistance (TA).  Four courses must be cleared and, after appropriate evaluation, has arrived at the following relative ratings regarding the ability of each instructor to teach each of the four courses

  Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4
Prof.  1 60 40 60 70
Prof.  2 20 60 50 70
Prof.   3 20 30 40 60
TA 30 10 30 40

How should he assign his staff to the courses to realize his objective?


  4. At Dr. Prachi’s clinic patients arrive at an average of 6 patients per hour.  The clinic is attended to by Dr. Prachi herself.  The doctor takes 6 minute per patient to serve them.  It can be assumed that arrivals follow a Poisson distribution and the doctor’s inspection time follows an exponential distribution.  Determine:

i)                   The percent of time a patient can walk right inside the doctor’s cabin without having to wait.(Traffic Intensity)

ii)                 The average no. of patients in Dr. Prachi clinic.

iii)              The average no. of patients waiting for their turn.

iv)               The average time a patients spends in the clinic.


  5. Plot separately the following equations in a Graph. Also highlight the feasible area in each case.

i)       4x + 6y  ≤ 12

ii)     4x + 6y  ≥ 12

iii)   4x + 6y = 12


  6. A project consists of the following activities with the time estimates noted against each:

Activity Time Estimate


Activity Time Estimate


1-2 2 3-7 5
1-3 2 4-6 3
1-4 1 5-8 1
2-5 4 6-9 5
3-6 8 7-8 4
    8-9 3


i)                   Draw a network diagram.

ii)                 Determine the critical path and its duration.


  7. Baroda lather shop has three manufacturing plants and four sales outlets.  Data of daily demand at various sales outlets and supply from various plants along with transportation cost per unit between plants and sales outlets are given in the following table.  Determine the Initial Basic Feasible Solution (IBFS) by using the Least Cost Method

Plants Sales outlet Supply
1 10 2 20 11 15
2 12 7 9 20 25
3 4 14 16 18 10
Demand 5 15 15 15  
  8. A company’s management and labour union are negotiating a new three years settlement.  Each party has four strategies these are:-

I.                     Hard and aggressive bargaining approach.

II.                 Reasoning and logical Approach


III.               Legalistic approach

IV.              Conciliatory Approach

The cost to the company for every pair of strategy choices are given in the table below:

Union strategies Company Strategies
I II III       IV
I 20 15 12 35
II 25 14 8 10
III 40 2 10 5
IV -5 4 11 0

Which strategy should the management adopt and which strategy should the union adopt? Solve and find the value of the game through the Maximin Minimax principle.


  9. Sofitel Plumbing and Heating maintains a stock of 30 –gallon hot water heaters that is sells to homeowners and installs for them.  Owner Mr. Gupta likes the idea of having a large supply on hand to meet customer demand, but he also recognizes that it is expensive to do so.  He examines hot water heater sales over the past 50 weeks and notes the following.

Hot water heater sales per week Number of weeks this number was sold.
4 6
5 5
6 9
7 12
8 8
9 7
10 3
                                                                                               Total:    50


a)      Simulate the data and determine the average number of sales per week over a 6- week period?  Random Numbers: 10, 24, 03, 32, 23, 59.


b)     If Mr. Gupta maintains a constant supply of 8 hot water heaters in any given week, calculate the closing stock at the end of the 6-week period?


  10. “Operation Research is concerned with scientifically deciding how best to design and operate man machine systems usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scare resources.  In light of this statement explain the main features of Operation Research.


II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. Two caters, A & Co. and B & Co. are competing for an increased market share.  The payoff matrix, shown in the following table, describes the increase in market share for A & Co. and decrease in market share of B & Co.


B & Company

A & Company Give Coupons Decrease Prize Maintain Present Strategy Increase Advertising
Give Coupons 2 -2 4 1
Decrease Price 6 1 12 3
Maintain Present Strategy -3 2 0 6
Increase Advertising 2 -3 7 1

i)       Determine optimal strategies for both the manufactures and the value of game by using the Dominance method.

ii)     Determine the probability of company A and B choosing each strategy.

  12.        i) Obtain an IBFS to the following transportation problem by VAM.

ii) Is the solution degenerate?  Test the optimality of the solution thus

Obtained using the MODI method. If not, optimize the solution.

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Ai
O1 19 30 50 10 14
O2 70 30 40 60 18
O3 40 8 70 20 36
Bj 10 16 14 28 68
  13. A city corporation has decided to carry out road repairs on main four entries of the city.  The govt. has agreed to make a special grant of Rs.106 lakhs towards the cost with a condition that the repairs must be done at the lowest cost & quickest time.  If conditions warrant, then supplementary grants will also be considered favorable.  The corporation has floated tenders and 5 contractors have sent in their bids (in lakhs).  In order to expedite work, one road will be awarded to only one contractor:

Contractors/Road R1 R2 R3 R4
C1 18 28 38 30
C2 14 34 40 38
C3 18 36 42 36
C4 20 24 36 38
C5 20 30 42 32

i)                   Find the best way of assigning the repair work to the contractors to reduce the costs.

ii)                 If it is necessary to seek supplementary grants, then what should be the amount sought?

iii)              Which of the five contractors will be unsuccessful in his bid?

  14. A single counter Ticket Booking Centre employs one Booking Clerk.  A Passenger on arrival immediately goes to the Booking Counter for being served if the Counter is free.  If, on the other hand, the Counter is engaged, the Passenger will have to wait.  The Passengers are served on first come first served basis.  The time of arrival and the time of service varies from 1 minute to 6 minutes.  The distribution of arrival and services time is as under:

Arrival/Service time(Minutes) Arrival (Probability) Service (Probability)
1 0.05 0.10
2 0.20 0.20
3 0.35 0.40
4 0.25 0.20
5 0.10 0.10
6 0.05
  1. Simulate the arrival and service of 10 passengers starting from 9 A.M. by using the following random numbers in pairs respectively for arrival and services.  Random Numbers (60 09) (16 12) (08 18) (36 65) (38 25) (07 11) (08 79) (59 61) (53 77) (03 10).
  2. Determine the total duration of Idle time of Booking Clerk and Waiting time of passengers.


  15. Solve by Simplex method the model given below

Max Z = 22x1 + 18 x2


Subject to constraints

x1 +x2                     ≤ 20

360x1 + 240x2 ≤ 5760

Where x1  , x2  ≥ 0

III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. A small project consists of seven activities, whose time estimates are given in the following:

Activity      : 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-5 4-6 5-6
to                          1 1 2 1 2 2 3
tm                         1 4 2 1 5 5 6
tp                         7 7 8 1 14 8 15

a)       Determine the expected time and variance for each activity.

b)     Draw the network and determine the project duration and critical path.

c)      Determine the total float, free float and independent float for each activity.

d)     What is the probability that the project is completed 4 days earlier than expected?

e)      What is the probability that the project is completed 4 days later than expected?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 Impex Procedures And Documentation Question Paper PDF Download



MCom (I.B) – ii  semester

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100


I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                             (7×5=35)
  1. Discuss the objectives and important services of EXIM Bank in India.
  2. Differentiate between FOB Contract and CIF Contract in exporting.
  3. Explain the excise clearance requirements and procedures for exportable goods.
  4. Explain the types of financial guarantees provided by ECGC in India.
  5. An exporter is required to register his organisation with a number of institutions and authorities – Explain the formalities.
  6. Define Bill of Lading and explain its purpose and types.
  7. Explain Aligned Documentation System and how the export documents are classified under this system. Give three examples of each.
  8. Explain the 3 methods of Quality Control and Pre-shipment Inspection.
  9. Discuss the meaning and scope of Marine Insurance in export business.
  10. Discuss the essential and desirable services expected by exporters from

C & F Agents.

II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                       (3×15=45)
  11. Elaborate the meaning, parties involved and types of Letter of Credit used in export.
  12.  Export procedure consists of several commercial and regulatory formalities which the exporter is required to complete during the course of export trade. Explain the procedures at various stages.
  13. Discuss the institutional framework available in India for export finance and their roles.
  14. Discuss the incentives and assistance provided to exporters by the Govt in India.
  15. Write short notes on any 3 (Three) of the following.     (5marks each)

a)      Export Promotion Councils

b)     Certificate of Origin

c)      Duty draw back scheme

d)     Special Economic Zones

e)      EPCG Scheme


III) Case Study -Compulsory question.                                                      (1×20=20)
  16. KARUN Mills is exporting a big consignment of textiles from Mumbai Port in Maharashtra to Shanghai Port, China. The registered office of the company is at 739, Sabarmathi Road, Baroda, Gujarat, India.

From Baroda, the goods are to be received and transported by road in trucks to Mumbai Port by the C&F Agent, VRL Logistics Agencies. Shipping space has been booked on the ship M.V 55001- Seven Stars. The company has not used any imported items in the products to be exported or in manufacture.

The consignment has to be sent as per the order received from Fashion Garments, 708, Jade Market, China, vide Order No: 98888- 42222, dated  20th March 2015.

The export contract stipulates the importer opening an Irrevocable Documentary L/C for the full chargeable value under the CIF contract.

Details of Cargo:

1.      Arvind Mills’ IEC Ref.No       : GOI 235544221BGK

2.      Trade mark/brand                   : KARUN

3.      Container No                             : SPSSP 3001122

4.      Packing List                               :  600 packages – thick card board

5.      Description of goods                 :  Assorted textiles/ 42,000 numbers

6.      Rate                                              :  US$  1000 / package

7.      Amount                                       :  US$  6,00,000

8.      Marine Insurance Premium paid:  US$ 30.000

9.      Ocean freight paid                     :  US$  50,000

10.  Certificate of Origin                  : Made in India


a.      Prepare a Commercial Invoice based on the details provided in the case, using the blank form given.

b.      In the case of documentary L/C, what are the documents to be enclosed by KARUN Mills to receive payment? Explain each document briefly.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 International Financial Institutions And Markets Question Paper PDF Download



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examinations – March / April 2016
M.Com (I.B.) – ii semester
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. A 9% Rs. 100 face value Bond, having a provision for conversion at the end of 5 years into four equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 15 each. It is expected that the equity shares will have market value of Rs. 33 per share on the date of conversion. An investor has expected rate of return of 15% per annum: suggest him at what price he should be ready to buy this Bond.
  2. Write a short note on repo and reverse repo?
  3. What are the types of derivatives that are used in the Forex Market?
  4. Write short notes on ECB and FCCB?
  5. Write a brief note on SWIFT.
  6. What is FRA?
  7. If exchange rates in Mumbai interbank market and London market are as follows:

Interbank Mumbai

USD 1 = Rs. 41.2550/41.2650

London Market    GBP 1= USD 1.6520/1.6527,

At what rate can an importer buy GBP 1 against rupees?

  8. Explain the role and function of IMF?
  9. Explain the following Terms:  a. Direct quote b. Indirect quote

c. Bid Rate   d. Ask rate    e. Spread

  10. The current bank interest rate of US and India are 4.5% and 8.5% respectively. The present spot market rate of exchange in 1 US $ is Rs. 45.36. What would be the twelve months forward rate?
II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. Explain the types of Bonds that are offered by international bond market.
  12. Explain the types of international payment /settlement system.
  13. What is ADR and GDR? Differentiate between them.
  14. ICICI has issued 9% Bonds @ par value of Rs.1000 each and redeemed at a premium of 10% after 10 years from the date issue. The prevailing inflation rate is 8%. Calculate the duration of bond?
  15. What is meant by securitization? Explain the process/mechanism of securitization





III) Case Study – Compulsory question.                                                               (1×20=20)
  16. Futures Long and Short Positions.

For a Future contract in Canadian Dollar, the initial margin prescribed by the exchange is USD 5,000. A contract is concluded at a price of USD 0.75. The settlement price in the exchange at end of Five subsequent days are as follows:

Day 1   USD 0.745

Day 2   USD 0.750

Day 3   USD 0.760

Day 4   USD 0.745

Day 5   USD 0.760

At the end of each day, the margin accounts of both the buyer and seller will be adjusted based on the settlement price for the day where the margin goes below the initial level, the buyer/ seller will be required to reimburse to bring the balance to the initial level. If the margin is more than the initial level, the member concerned is free to withdraw the excess. Draw the Table that shows Futures Long and Short Positions and their Net Profit/Loss at end of five subsequent days.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2016 Finance For Managers Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) 

End Semester Examination – March /April 2016
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. The Indian yatch company has developed a new cabin cruiser which they have earmarked for the medium to large boat market.  A market analysis has a 30% probability of annual sales being 5000 boats, 40% probability of 4000 annual sales and 30% probability of 3000 annual sales.  This company can go into limited production, where variable costs are Rs. 10000 per boat, and fixed costs are Rs. 800000 annually.  Alternatively, they can go into full scale production, where variable costs are Rs. 9000 per boat, and fixed costs are Rs. 50, 00,000 annually.  If the new boat is to be sold for Rs. 11000 should the company go into limited or full scale production when their objective is to maximize the expected profits?
  2. From the following project details calculate the sensitivity of the

Project cost

Annual cash flows

Cost of capital


  • Project cost Rs. 12000
  • Annual cash flow rs. 4500
  • Life of the project 4 years
  • Cost of capital 14%


  3. XYZ ltd intends to set up a project with capital cost of rs. 50,00,000.  It is considering the three alternative proposals of financing

Alternative 1 100% equity financing

Alternative 2 debt equity 1:1

Alternative 3 debt equity 3:1

The estimated annual net cash inflow is @ 24% i.e. Rs. 12, 00,000 on the project.  The rate of interest on debt is 15%.  Calculate WACC for three different alternatives and analyze the capital structure decision.

  4. Write short notes on Gilt edged securities and call/notice  money market
  5. ABC ltd was started a year back with a paid up equity capital of Rs. 40, 00,000.  The other details are as under

Earnings of the company Rs. 4,00,000

Price earnings ratio 12.5

Dividend paid Rs. 3,20,000

Number of shares 40000

You are required to find out the company’s dividend payout ratio is optimal using Walter’s formula.


  6. Z ltd is foreseeing a growth rate of 12% per annum in the next 2 years.  The growth rate is likely to fall to 10% for the third year and fourth year.   After that the growth rate is

Expected to stabilize at 8% per annum.  If the last dividend paid was Rs. 1.50 per share and the investors required rate of return is 16%.  Find out the intrinsic value per share of Z ltd as of date.

  7. Consider the figures available for Greaves ltd

Net sales Rs. 16 crores

EBIT as a percentage of sales 10%

Tax rate 40%

Capital employed

Equity share capital Rs 10 each Rs. 4 crores

10% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each Rs. 3 crores

12% secured debentures Rs. 2 crores

You are required to calculate

EPS of Greaves ltd

The % change in EPS if EBIT increases by 10%

  8. How do you ascertain the risk and return of a portfolio
  9. Describe how RADR can be computed under Irving Fisher model?
  10. An investor holds two equity shares X and Y in equal proportion with the following risk and return characteristics

E ( R x) 24%

E ( R y) 19%

Std of X = 28%

Std of Y = 23%

The returns of these securities have a positive correlation of 0.6.  You are required to calculate the portfolio return and risk.  Further, suppose the investor wants to reduce the portfolio risk to 15%.  How much should the correlation coefficient be to bring the portfolio risk to the desired level?

II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. The Shcrisight company is attempting to decide whether or not to invest in a project that requires an initial outlay of Rs. 4 lakhs.  The cash flows of the project are known to be made up of two parts, one of which varies independently overtime and the other one which display positive correlation.  The cash flows of the six year life of the project are:

Year Perfectly correlated components Independent components
  Mean Stddeviation Mean Std deviation





























Find out the expected value of the NPV and its standard deviation, using a discount rate of 10%

Also find the probability that the project will be successful i.e. NPV>0 and state the assumptions under which the probability can be determined.

  12. Given below is information of market rates of returns and data from two companies A and B

  2002 2003 2004

Company A

Company b










Determine the Beta co efficient of the shares of company A and Company B

  13. A new product is being introduced by XYZ ltd at a cost of Rs. 100000.  The following cash flows have been projected for the life of the project

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3






























The company feels that cash flows over time are perfectly correlated.  Assume a risk free rate of 8%.

Compute the expected value and standard deviation of the probability distribution of possible NET present values

Assuming a normal distribution what is the possibility of the project providing a net present value of

  • Zero or less
  • Of 12000 or more


  14. Salvations and solutions have been in IT business for six years and enjoy a favorable market reputation.  Corporate tax is 30%.  They anticipate that the demand for IT solutions would increase sizably since many foreign firms are setting up their BPO shops in India.  For an expansion project, they propose to invest Rs. 22 crores to be funded by new debt and equity on 50: 50 bases.  Enquiries with merchant bankers reveal hat funds can be raised as under.

debt Rate%
First Rs. 5 crores

Next Rs. 5 crores

All additional funds


Risk gradation by company





2% over WMCC

  • Compute the appropriate risk adjusted discount rate
  • What should be target breakeven level of net annual cash flow after tax for the company, if the life of the project is four years?
  15. Describe the traditional view on the optimum capital structure.   Compare and contrast this view with the NOI approach and NI approach.




III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. AC company ltd has improved its profitability in 2014 and is on a growth path after poor performance in the preceding two years.  The following is the summary of the company’s operations during the preceding three years.

The company’s focus in 2014 was on cost reduction and funds management rather than growth in sales.  Operating and interest costs fell by 3.3% and 60% respectively.  According to the company’s managing director.  The turnover in 2014 dipped because of a drop in volumes.  However the sales are not strictly comparable because in the previous year, there was a large order worth Rs.15 crores from a public sector oil company.  On the other hand, the net profit growth was higher because of better asset management.  This resulted in reduced borrowings and lowered the financial charges.  The company was able to bring down its inventory holding period to 46 days from 81 days and debtors holding period to 95 days from 119 days.  The company is changing its debt policy to a conservative policy.  The debt equity ratio of 1.8:1 in 2012 has been brought down to 0.5:1 in 2014.

Operating performance                                                   (Rs. In crores)

  2012 2013 2014

Gross profit

Net profit

EPS (Rs)













The prospects of the company for increased business in 2015 are estimated to be good.  According to the managing director.  The general industrial activity as such has picked up which should result in a better demand for the company’s products from sectors such as automobiles, mining and chemicals.  Experts think that compressor industry will grow at 10% in 2015.  The company is anticipating a sales growth of 15-20% in 2015.  The company’s strategy of cost reduction and improving marketing efficiency will continue.

The company operates in the compressor industry and drilling and mining equipment industry.  It is number two in the compressor industry after Inger Soll rand.  The product profile of the company in the years has shifted in favor of the compressor sector.

In 2014 the company’s gross block increased to rs. 22 crores from Rs. 20 crores.  The company has planned for an investment of Rs 5 crores in its Poona factory.  The company’s share enjoys good liquidity and its PE ratio is 32.  In the expectation of good performance the company’s share price started rising since January 2009 and sharply increased to Rs. 285 just before the budget from Rs. 190 in January.  The current price (after technical correction) is around Rs. 225 -35.

In the last two years the company paid a dividend of 10%.  The company was wondering if it should declare a higher dividend in 2014.


  1. Evaluate the company’s financial condition
  2. Recommend the dividends to be paid by AC company ltd.  Justify your advice.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2016 Business Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examinations – March / April 2016


                        P415 AR 202:    BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. What are the different types of research?
  2. What is the purpose of extensive literature survey?  How do you conduct an effective literature review?
  3. Briefly discuss about the interview method of collecting data and their advantages and disadvantages?
  4. Define research design? Describe the basic principles of experimental design?
  5. Develop a Likert scale and Semantic differential scale for measuring the customer’s satisfaction level towards any airline company?
  6. How is Data Preparation done?  Explain the various steps.
  7. The null hypothesis is that 20% of the passengers go in first class, but management recognizes the possibility that this percentage could be more or less. A random sample of 400 passengers includes 70 passengers holding first class tickets. Can the null hypothesis be rejected at 10% level of significance?

At 10% Z value is 1.645?

  8. Write Short Notes on:  a) Type I and Type II errors b) One tailed test and two tailed test.
  9. A sample of 100 children has an average higher cholesterol level of 198 with standard deviation  15, than the national average.  It is known that the mean cholesterol level for all Americans is 190. Do we have evidence to suggest that only children have an average higher cholesterol level than the national average?  Construct the relevant hypothesis test at 5% level of significance? Z= 1.96 at 5% level of significance.


  10. Explain the terms Bibliography and Impact Factor?


II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                  (3×15=45)
  11. What is Sampling? Explain the following methods of sampling

a)Stratified Sampling

b)Simple Random Sampling

c)Convenience Sampling

d)Sequential Sampling


  12. A certain manure was used on four plots of land A, B, C and D. Four beds were prepared in each plot and the manure used. The output of the crop in the beds of plots A, B, C and D is given below. Find out whether the difference in the means of the production of the crops of the plots is significant or not 5% level?














































On the basis of information given below about the treatment of 200 patients suffering from a disease, state whether the new treatment is comparatively superior to the conventional treatment.



                       No    of     Patients  

Response                 No  Response

























For drawing your inference, use the value of chi-square for one degree of freedom at the 5 percent level of significance is 3.84


  14. Explain the questionnaire design process with examples.


  15. What is a Research Proposal and explain Steps in drafting dissertations?



III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)


  16. The Indian Solar Energy Centre (ISEC) located at Chennai was asked by a local state legislator if it would conduct a survey to obtain information from owners of various solar energy devices concerning the amount spent in 2015 on such devices per household in Chennai Urban and Rural Dist. and percentage of people who were satisfied with those devices.

Assuming that you have been requested by the ISEC for developing an appropriate research Proposal model, Design Questionnaire and suggest suitable research tools for analyzing the problem.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 Securities Analysis And Portfolio Management Question Paper PDF Download



 M.I.B. – IV semester

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100

I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                             (7×5=35)
  1. Mutual funds provide stability to share prices, safety to investors and resources to prospective entrepreneurs – Discuss the importance of mutual funds.
  2. Determine the market value of equity shares of the company from the following information:

Earnings of the company   Rs.8,00,000

Number of shares outstanding  1,00,000

Dividend paid  Rs.4,00,000

Price earning ratio   10%

Rate of return on investment  15%

  3. At the expansion stage, companies show their competitive position and able to maintain their profits in the market. Hence, this is the best time for investment. – Explain.
  4. What are the functions of credit rating?
  5. Explain the assumptions of Random Walk Theory.
  6. What is Beta?  How is it different from correlation?




Following are the particulars relating to realized yield to maturity of investment in bond:

Par value : Rs.1,000;  Coupon rate: 10% p.a.;  Maturity : 5 Years;  Current market price : Rs. 600;

Reinvestment rate of future cash flows 12%. Calculate the future value of bond.

  8. “All investors are risk averse- only the degree of aversion varies”.  In this light, bring out the different categories of investors.
  9. Explain the portfolio management process.
  10. Differentiate between Capital asset pricing model and arbitrage pricing theory model.
II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                     (3×15=45)
  11. a) State the significance of company analysis in case of consumer goods industry.


b)An investor has to choose from 2 securities. The following are their rates of return and probabilities





Return(%) Probability Return(%) Probability
13 0.1 20 0.1
16 0.2 16 0.4
22 0.3 10 0.3
25 0.4 3 0.2

State which is the best security for investment?

(8+7 =15)

  12. a)From the following data calculate (i)Beta, (ii)Alpha, (iii)residual value and (iv)correlation.

Year X Y
1 0.10 0.29
2 0.24 0.31
3 0.11 0.10
4 0.08 0.06
5 0.03 0.07


b) From the following calculate return and risk through probability distribution and standard deviation and variance of two companies

Possible outcome Return of A Return of A Probability
1 0.04 0.05 0.25
2 0.12 0.09 0.50
3 0.18 0.18 0.25

                                                                                                                    (8+7 =15)

  13. a)An investor has expected a rate of return of 25% from the following shares. Which one should be chosen?

Name of shares Expected dividend Price of share on
1.04.2005 1.05.2006
A 35% 100 130
B 15% 40 110
C 10% 350 450


b) Explain the methods of diversification.

                                                                                                                  (8+7 =15)

  14. An investor wants to buy shares in companies under pharma industry. What are the fundamental factors to be considered which affect the growth of the industry before making purchase?


  15. a) The earnings of a company is Rs.8 and the rate of capitalization is 10%. The company has before it an option of adopting (i) 50%, ii) 75%  and

(iii) 100% pay out ratio. Compute the market price of the company quoted share as per Walter’s model, if it can earn a return of (i)15%,  (ii)10%

And  (iii) 5% on its retained earnings.

b) What are the assumptions of CAPM.

                                                                                                                  (8+7 =15)




III) Case Study                                                                                                       (1×20=20)
  16. An investor earns a return of 15% if he invests in equity shares, A mutual fund announces scheme whereby the investor will earn 16%. The expenses of the mutual fund on the new issue are 2%. What in your opinion should be the expenses of the mutual fund for the investor to be indifferent between equity investment and mutual fund investment?












































St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 Project Management Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)




Duration: 3 hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100

I  Answer any SEVEN questions: Each question carries 7 marks                 (7 x 5 = 35)

  1. What do you mean by Project Environment? In one sentence each name or describe these Environments?
  2. Name the steps involved in project contaract management?
  3. Name the types of project closure?
  4. What is group think?
  5. What is Critial Chain Project Management? Name the types of buffers that are inserted where potential problems occur?
  6. With the help of an illustration, depict the risk management process?
  7. Which are the factors influencing qualities of estimates?
  8. Define WBS.
  9. What is quality and quality assurance?
  10. What do you mean by Earned Value Management?



  1. Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks. (3×15=45)
  2. Illustratively explain the 5 stage team development model.
  3. What are the characteristics of a high performing project team and explain how such

a team can be developed?

  1. Explain the terms: a) TQM b) Six Sigma      d) Kaizen
  2. Explain what are the activities (in a project) that cost control aims to focus on?
  3. What is the difference between risk response and contigency plan and draw up

the risk response matrix?



III. Case Study – Compulsory question.                                                                   (1×20=20)

  1. The following is the network diagram of a project.














The Project Manager has estimated the times for these activities which are as follows

Numerical description Activity Time estimation (weeks)
Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
1-2 a 9 12 21
1-3 b 6 12 18
2-4 c 1 1.5 5
3-4 d 4 8.5 10
2-5 e 10 14 24
4-5 f 1 2 3

Questions for case study

  1. a) Estimate the average time based on the above data  (5 marks)
  2. b) Complete the network diagram showing the average time and mark the critical path

(10 marks)

  1. c) Work out Activity float, Free float for the pair of activities 2-4. (5 marks)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 International Logistics And Supply Chain Management Question Paper PDF Download


M.I.B. – IV semester

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                            (7×5=35)
  1. Write  an account of international logistics functions.
  2. Have you ever wondered how your hot drink,  whether you are a tea or coffee drinker makes its way onto your breakfast table.  Represent the above with the help of a supply chain diagram and explain the same.
  3. Discuss the different formats in which supply chain players function.
  4. Enumerate the Criteria of Selecting the Third-Party Logistics Operator.
  5. Discuss briefly the different types of inventory holdings.
  6. Discuss the different roads vehicles used for transportation of the goods and the context under which it is used.
  7. What is meant by containerization? What are its advantages?
  8. Explain the special features of liner shipping.
  9. What is meant by Bill of Lading?
  10. Discuss the characteristics of the airline transportation?


II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                     (3×15=45)
  11. What are the key activities of the business logistics function? Discuss their existence and importance to the management of i) automobile company, ii) a fast food chain (McDonald’s)
  12. What are the main issues in Managing the Logistics of a Global Organization? What are the specific problems of working internationally?
  13. What are the different modes of transportation of goods? What are the advantages of each mode?
  14. Explain the special features of liner shipping services and the factors to be considered while selecting the liner ship.
  15. What are the factors that affect air freight rates?


III) Case Study                                                                                                 (1×20=20)
  16. Best Foods, Inc.

Best Foods, Inc., a major U.S. food products company located in Philadelphia, developed a new type of coffee and planned to test market the coffee nationwide. In addition to the test marketing, Best wanted to saturate the coffee market with its new product by selling the coffee at a


$2.50 per pound introductory price for one week. In the second week of the introductory campaign, Best planned to increase the price per pound to $2.75, but all one-pound new cans were three inches higher to accommodate enclosing a free stainless steel measuring scoop.

Two weeks before the product introduction, the marketing department, using all forms of media, advertised heavily throughout the United States. Posters, billboards, newspapers, radio, and television all carried advertisements for the new coffee. Raffle drawings were established in all major grocery store chains nationwide, with Best Foods providing the prizes.

In conjunction with the marketing department, production for the new coffee started one month before the introduction. Estimated demand for the new product was 1 million units for the first week and 1.25 million units for the second week. Production runs had to be started early to meet the estimated product demand and to allow for a break in the production for the second week to set up for the new size cans.


Case Questions:


a.      Describe what interactions are needed to take place among the marketing, production and logistics departments. Explain the logistics department’s role in the introduction of the new product.

b.      Why was it necessary for the logistics department to be cognizant of all the planned changes in the promotion and production schedules for the new product introduction?

c.       Discuss various problems that may have arisen and what the logistic department’s responsibilities were with respect to changes.







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2016 IV Sem International Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



mIB– iVsemester
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. Enlist the need and significance of labour management relations.
  2. Explain the terms QWL, Quality Circles.
  3. Explain the various methods of performance appraisal.
  4. “Brick and Mortar Organizations Versus Virtual Organizations.” Explain.
  5. Explain going rate approach.  State its merit and demerits?
  6. What is the role of time rate, piece rate in the determination of wages?
  7. Define Trade Union. Explain the functions of Trade Union in India.
  8. What is Recruitment and Selection. Explain internal and external factors for Recruitment.
  9. Write a brief note on Cross Cultural Training.
  10. Explain the difference between Domestic and International HRM.


II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. Distinguish between learning and training. Explain the importance of on the job training.
  12. Explain the variables affecting expatriate performance.
  13. Explain the functions, objectives and qualities of  HR Manager.
  14. Highlight the merits and demerits of using HCN, TCN & PCN in international assignments?
  15. Enumerate the various industrial disputes and its settlement.


III) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. On October 2006, Ram Shriram, a founding board member of Google Inc. said that the company faced a challenge of finding candidates with the right skill sets in India, when compared to other parts of the world.  He cited the shortage of web development skills, web design technology professionals, and the need for more talented middle-level managers.


Analysts pointed out that these remarks were a further indication of the impending talent shortage in the Indian IT sector.  NASSCOM had estimated that, by 2010, India could face a shortfall of 500,000 IT professionals.  It was believed that this could seriously threaten India’s position as a leading provider of IT and ITES services.








According to NASSCOM, every year over 3 million people (graduates and post graduates) are added to the workforce in India.  Of these, only 25 percent of technical graduates and 10-15 percent of other graduates are considered employable by the growing IT and ITES sectors.




a.                  Explain the main cause/causes of concern for the Company in this case. Can it be solved? How?

b.                  What strategies do companies resort to in order to retain, their existing talented work force?

c.                   Highlight the significance of “providing Training” to the employees in an organization. Is It really important.














St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 IV Sem German Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – March 2016

MIB IV Semester


    Duration: 2 hrs.                                                              Total Marks:  100 


  1. Mündliche Prüfung. (Oral Exam.)


  1. I) Das Diktat: ( Dictation )                                                                    5                                                                                                                                                                                      


   Was haben Manja,Herr Demme und Frau Biechele im Urlaub gemacht?   10


Ich bin Manja.Ich war in den ————– an der  ————.Ich war oft am———.

Ich habe  in der ———- gelegen, viel ———– und ————.


Hallo,ich bin Herr Demme.Ich habe im ————– einen————— in ———–

besucht.Wir haben die Stadt—————- und dann sind wir in  die  ———–

gefahren.Wir sind viel ——————–.


Ich bin Frau Biechele.Ich war auf der ———-  ———–.Ich habe—————

———————,wir sind oft ——-  ————— und haben die  ———–

angesehen.Und ich habe immer lange —————–!


  1. B) Schriftliche Prüfung (Written Exam)
  2. I) Kommunikation.Was sagen Sie in diesen Situationen?Kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort an.

 Ein Termin beim Personalchef:  Frau Lim sucht Arbeit. Sie stellt sich vor.     

       Erganzen Sie den Dialog.                                                                    9                                                                                                                                                       

  1. a) Ich spreche Chinesisch, Japanisch und Englisch.
  2. b) Ja, ich bin schon fünf Jahre hier.
  3. c) Doch doch, ich nehme immer das Auto. Mein Mann fährt lieber mit der S-Bahn.
  4. d) Guten Tag! Mein Name ist Lim Mey Ee.
  5. e) Entschuldigen Sie, der Familienname ist Lim.
  6. f) Das ist kein Problem.
  7. g) Nein, ich wohne mit meinem Mann in Potsdam.
  8. h) Oh, ich kann gut organisieren. Das mache ich auch sehr gern.
  9. i) Ich danke auch. Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Wiegand.
  10. j) Ich komme aus Singapur.


  1. Guten Tag! Wie heißen Sie?
  2. d) Guten Tag! Mein Name ist Lim Mey Ee.
  3. Frau Ee, ……
  4. Ach so. Frau Lim, Sie sprechen sehr gut Deutsch. Sind Sie schon lange in Deutschland?
  5. Woher kommen Sie?
  6. Wir haben Viele Geschäftspartner in Asien. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?
  7. Das ist sehr gut. Und leben Sie hier in Berlin?
  8. Ach, fahren Sie mit dem Auto? Oder haben Sie keinen Führerschein?

8.Was denken Sie? Was können Sie besonders gut?

  1. Sehr schön. Ist ein Arbeitsbeginn am ersten Dezember für Sie moglich?

10.Vielen Dank. Wir rufen Sie in der nächsten Woche an. Auf Wiedersehen, Frau Lim.


II)Welches Wort passt nicht?                                                         4                                                                    

1 Farbe                              Schwarz- Grün- Weiβ- Weit -Gelb

2 Touristeninformation      Wegbescreibung-Stadtplan-Geschäft-Busplan-Tickets

3 Hotel                               Frühstück-Zimmer-Kirche-Übernachtung-Urlaub

4 Verkehrsmittel                Fahrrad-Bus-Straβenbahn-Fuβgängerzone-Bahn

5 Kleidung                         Rock-Hemd- Hose-Mantel-Schuhe

6 Möbel                              Schrank-Sessel-Koffer-Tisch-Stuhl

7 Wohnung                        Wohnzimmer-Küche-Schlafzimmer-Kuchen-Bad

8 Milchprodukte                 Käse- Butter-Sahne-Zwiebel-Milch

9 Obst                                Pflaume-Blumenkohl-Pfrisch-Erdbeer-Apfel

10 Urlaub                           Postkarte-Hotel-Museen-Strand-Arbeit

11 Lebesmittel                    Gemüse-Fleisch-Brot-Stiefel-Obst

12 Jahreszeit                      Winter- Frühling-Frühstück-Sommer-Herbst

13 Berlin                            Reichstag- Brandenburgertor-Bundeskanzleramt-

Allianz Arena –Schloss Bellevue

14 Deutschland                  Sylt-Heidelberg-Tirol-Hamburg-München

15 Familie                          Vater-Mutter-Schwester-Brüder-Füller

16 Gemüse                         Erbsen- Eier- Bohnen- Kartoffeln-Zwiebeln


III)Hannes hatte einen Unfall.Ergänzen Sie den Text mit den passenden     Präpositionen.                                                                                2.5                                                                                     


Gestern war es schön warm und Hannes ist nach der Arbeit——– dem

Fahrrad——- den Park gefahren.Er hat——–Park seine Freunde getroffen und

sie haben Fuβball gespielt.Da war noch alles okay.——–neun Uhr war es

dunkel.Er wollte direkt——–Hause fahren,aber die Lampe——–seinem Fahrrad

war kaputt.Plötzlich ist ein Radfahrer sehr schnell——die Ecke gekommen und

hat Hannes nicht gesehen.Er ist——-das Rad von Hannes gefahren und dann—-

Rad gefallen.Dem Radfahrer ist  nichts  passiert,aber sein Rad war kaputt.Sie

sind——-Polizei gegangen.

IV)Ergänzen Sie:                                                                                         4

Hotel-Fotos- Strand-besichtigung-Radtour-Museum-Berge-Wetter


1.Anderes Wort für Fahrradurlaub:eine——————–machen.

2.Das —————– war nicht so gut.Das Zimmer war klein und das Frühstück schlecht.

  1. In den Alpen gibt es viele—————-.Einige sind sehr hoch!

4.Das————– war Super! Immer Sonne und 25 Grad.

5.Sonne,Sand und Meer!Wir waren jeden Tag am —————-.

6.Das Nationalgalerie in Berlin ist ein——————-.

7.Wir haben in Italien viele Bilder gemacht.Wollt ihr unsere———–sehen?

8.Sich etwas ansehen,zum Beispiel ein altes Schloss:eine——————-  machen.

V)Ergänzen Sie mit modal verben:                                                            3


  1. Kinder———- die Baustelle nicht betreten. (dürfen)


  1. Mein Arzt sagt, ich——— mehr Sport treiben. (sollen)


  1. ———-du immer so spät nach Hause kommen. (müssen)


  1. Ich———- noch einen Saft, bitte. (möchten)


  1. ————– ihr uns nicht mal besuchen? (wollen)


  1. ————— man hier denn irgendwo gut essen gehen? (können)


VI)Partizip II: Ergänzen Sie die Tabelle: trennbar (+) oder untrennbar (-),

  die Formen im Präsens und das Partizip II.                                       12.5


Infinitiv + / – Präsens (er/se/es) Partizip II









(sich) entscheiden





+ sagt …… ab abgesagt








VII)Schreiben Sie die Sätze in Partizip Perfekt:                                            3

  1. Ich spreche mit einem alten Freund.


  1. Die Waschmaschine funktioniert nicht.(am Wochenende)


  1. Axel kommt um 21Uhr an.(gestern)



 VIII) Übersetzen Sie die Sätze in Partizip Perfekt.                                      3


  1. Mr Witte worked until nine o’clock.


  1. They watched television.



  1. What did you do yesterday?



  1. IX) Obst oder Gemüse? Was ist das? Ordnen Sie die Buchstaben.Kreuzen Sie an.



1.RTFKOLEFA ——————–   Obst   □       Gemüse    □


  1. ZWEBELI ——————— □                        □


  1. PKIRAPA ———————- □                   □


4.EEERRBED ———————-           □                   □


5.PAFLE          ————————–           □                   □


6.MOTAET      ————————         □                         □


7.SLATA         ————————-         □                        □


8.TANSPI      ———————      □                   □


  1. X) Passiv, Komparativ und Superlativ: Ergänzen Sie:                             7                                        
  2. a) viel

1.Herr Rahn trinkt sehr ———–Kaffee.Sein Artz sagt,das ist nicht gesund.Er


muss———–Wasser oder Saft  trinken. Aber Herr Rahn trinkt immer noch—-


Kaffee —- andere Getränke.Er trinkt schon vor dem Frühstück die erste Tasse.


—————Kaffee trinkt er nachmittags bei der Arbeit.

  1. b) gern

1.Berliner Shülerinnen und Schüler essen—————Fastfood.Sie mögen


Döner————–    —- Hamburger. ———————– essen Sie Pizza.

  1. c) gut
  2. Florian findet Aktivurlaub——-.Der Fahrradurlaub im letzten Jahr hat ihm


bis jetz—————- gefallen.Er hat ihm sogar noch———— gefallen——


die Bergwanderung in den Dolomiten.Einen Urlaub in einer Stadt findet Florian


nicht so——.

  1. XI) Mögen. Ergänzen und konjugieren Sie.  3


1.———–ihr asiatische Küche,Wolfgang und Astrid?-Ja,sehr gern.


2.Hmmm,Sauerkraut.————– du das auch?-Nein,nicht so gern.


3.Ich————–Erdbeeren am liebsten mit Sahne.


4.Meine Eltern—————– spanischen Rotwein am liebsten.


5.Erich isst gern italienisch,aber Pizza —————er nicht.


6.Wir——————Hamburger nicht so gern.Wir essen lieber Döner.


XII)Bringen Sie die Sätze in die richtige Reihenfolge:                                3

  1. a) □ Das stimmt.Magst du kein Fleisch?
  2. b) □ Mmh,das sieht ja lecker aus!
  3. c) □ Mein lieblingsessen ist Hähnchen mit Pommes.Und dazu eine Cola!Und dein  Lieblingsessen?

      d)□ Hm.Ich glaube, wir passen  nicht zusammen!


  1. Fisch und dazu ein groβer Salat .Cola mag ich nicht. Ich trinke lieber Wasser.
  2. Ja, sehr lecker. Aber es gibt so viel Fleisch—–
  3. Nein ,ich esse lieber Fisch als Fleisch.Was isst du am liebsten?


b ).Mmh,das sieht ja lecker aus!


XIII) Andrea kocht für ihre Freunde Gemüsereis mit Fisch.Ergänzen Sie das Rezept.                                                                                                      5

Zutaten: 250gm Reis, 1 Zwiebel,2 Paprika(rot+grün), 3-4 Tomaten,500g Fisch,Salz und Peffer



1.Reis ——————. Die Paprika in streifen——————. Die Zwiebel und


—————- in Würfel—————–. Das Gemüse in einer Pfanne————–.


Den——————in eine Form —————- und mit etwas———– und


Peffer würzen.Im Backofen bei 200 Grad ca.20Min.—————.Den Reis mit


dem Gemüse————–.



     XIV)Übersetzen Sie :                                                                               6                                                                             

1.Dose  2.Modemesse  3.bunt  4. Angebot  5.Wolken  6.Schnee


7.Wurst  8.Kleid  9.Mantel  10.braten  11.lecker  12.Speisekarte


  1. XV) Berufskleidung in Deutschland.Zwei Kleidungsstücke passen nicht zu den Berufen.Welche? 3

1.Eine Zahnärztin trägt—einen Trainingsanzug-eine weiβe Jeans-ein helles T-Shirt-eine kurze Hose-bequeme Schuhe

2.Kellner tragen—schwarze Hosen-helle Stiefel-weiβe Hemden-dunkelrote Mäntel-schwarze Schuhe.

3.Bäcker tragen-blaue Anzüge-helle Tshirts-weiβe Jacken-weiβe Mützen-warme Stiefel.


XVI) Kleidungsstücke für Frauen und Männer.Ergänzen Sie Artikel und die Singular-und Plurlformen                                                                          4

   Artikel                          Plural

1.——-  Mantel       —————–

2.——-  Hose          ——————

3.——-  Rock          ——————

4.——-  Jacke          ——————

5.——-  Kleid           ——————

6.——-  Hemd          ——————

7.——-  Pullover       ——————

8.——-  Anzug           ——————

XVII)Ordnen Sie die Wörter:                                                                       3



2.unterrichtet-Direktorin-Englisch und Biologie-unsere.




 XVIII)Schreiben Sie eine Postkarte über ihren Urlaub oder über ihre  Heimatstadt.                                                                                                6


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2016 IV Sem French Question Paper PDF Download





Time: 2Hrs                                                                                                                    Max Marks: 100

  1. Complete with the correct form of the imperative (10×0.5=5)


Cher Daniel,


Mets (mettre) un peu d’ordre dans ta vie…………………………(écrire) des listes, ………………………(ranger) bien tes affaires. ……………………….(penser) a ce que tu dois faire. …………………(Ne pas faire) pas tout au dernier moment.  ……………………..(Ne pas avoir) les problèmes à résoudre. ……………………(prendre) le temps de t’organiser, c’est une question d’habitude. ________ (venir) vite au travail et pour cela, _______ (partir) belle en avance. ______(aller)-y, Nous avons beaucoup de choses a faire. Nous devons partir ensemble. _______ (être) courageux.




2) Imagine that you belong to the mad ads group of your college; write the daily activities of your group using at least 10 pronominal verbs.                                                                      (5)


3) Complete the following using imperative                                                              (6×0.5=3)


  • …………………gentil avec le chien (tu-etre)
  • …………………… la patience (vous-avoir)
  • ……………………….les exercices (vous-faire)
  • ………………………jouer sans tricher (tu-savoir)
  • …………………….. au marche (vous-aller)
  • ……………………la porte(tu-ouvrir)


4) Complete with passe compose using the negation ne…pas                                     (10×1=10)


  • Nous ……………………………………………………….ça.(ne pas apprendre)
  • Je………………………………………….la question (ne pas comprendre)
  • Je …………………………………………….faire mes devoirs)(ne pas pouvoir)
  • Mes meilleures amis ………………………………………….au collège aujourd’hui (ne pas venir)
  • Elle …………………………………………..longtemps(ne pas rester)
  • Simon ………………………………………de photos parce que son appareil-photo est casse(ne pas faire)
  • Je ……………………………………..(ne pas répondre) parce que je ……………………………….(ne pas entendre) la question
  • Nous …………………………………….. (ne pas sortir ) hier soir a cause de la neige,
  • Elles ………………………………………..(ne pas arriver) a l’école a 8h15
  • Grace à Dieu ,elle ………………………………(ne pas mourir) après l’accident.


5) Complete with passe récent                                                                                  (12×0.5=6)


  • Roger et Camille, Est-ce que vous du ski? (faire)
  • Je ______ un repas. (prendre)
  • Bette, tu ______ Edouard? (voir)
  • Elle ______ le paquet. (ouvrir)
  • Edouard ______ les clientes. (servir)
  • Nous ______ une bouteille de vin. (boire)
  • Bette et Tammy ______ du shopping (faire)
  • Je ______ la cathédrale. (visiter)
  • Corey ______ à la piscine. (nager)
  • Nous ______ un article choquant. (lire)
  • Ils ______ des cadeaux à Tex. (offrir)
  • Elles ______ un film. (regarder)



6) Convert the following sentences from present to recent past                                      (1×5=5)


example : On achète le cadeau

On vient d’acheter le cadeau


  • Sebastien et moi finissons le projet


  • Mon cousin fait le dîner


  • Je lave la voiture


  • Ma tante et mon oncle visitent les musées


  • Est-ce que vous voyez le film?



7) Complete the following with Futur proche.                                                                     (5)

  1. L’équipe de football ___________(perdre) le match, c’est certain.
  2. S’ils continuent ainsi, ils ___________ (gagner) ce voyage dans les Alpes.
  3. Demain, je ___________ (partir) chez ma tante pour 3 semaines.
  4. À la bibliothèque, je ___________ (pouvoir) emprunter un livre.
  5. Tu ___________ (livrer) un de tes clients cet après-midi.
  6. La semaine prochaine, il ___________ (faire) très beau.
  7. Ils ___________ (écrire) un livre sur les singes.
  8. Je ___________ (acheter) un nouvel ordinateur portable.
  9. Nous ____________ (recevoir) de nouveaux clients demain matin.
  10. Si tu fais ça, les chiens _____________ (aboyer) et réveiller les voisins.


8) Fill in the following family tree correctly using the information given below (10×0.5=5)


Nicole a trois enfants. Victor a deux soeurs. Elodie est la fille de Natalie. Phillipe est la petit-fils de Nicole. Gerard est le grand-père de Marie, Helene et Lucas. Arianne est la belle-fille de Nicole. Sebastien est l’oncle de Lucas, Helene et Phillipe. Sebastien est le beau-frère de Victor. Phillipe est le frère de Lucas et Helene. Lucas est le cousin de Marie. Sebastien et Natalie ont deux enfants. Nicole est la belle-mère de Sebastien. Chloe est la tante de Marie et Lucas.


9) Write the correct form of the colour given in the bracket                                 (12×0.5=6)


  • une fleur ……………………….(pink)
  • une ceinture…………………….(black)
  • les chats……………………(white)
  • les chaussures………………..(red)
  • le ciel……………………..(blue)
  • les chiens……………………….(black)
  • le parc………………………….(green)
  • les poissons ………………………(orange)
  • une pomme ……………….(red)
  • une feuille………………….(green)
  • une souris…………………..(grey)
  • une jupe…………………(yellow)



10)Reformulez les phrases en utilisant le futur proche :                                                    (5)


  • Moi, je suis à Bordeaux avec ma famille
  • Les parents de Phillipe ont quatre voitures.
  • Demain nous allons à l’université pour l’examen
  • Vous parlez trop pendant le cours
  • Les filles demandent beaucoup de leurs copins
  • Vous vivez avec votre famille à Bangalore
  • Béatrice travaille tous les jours
  • Notre train vient dans quelques minutes
  • Je prends mon petit-déjeuner dans le cours après 7hr.
  • Ils savent bien danser

11)Transformez les phrases suivantes au présent :                                                       (5)


  • J’ai lu des nouvelles.
  • Il a écrit une belle histoire.
  • Mon ami a eu un bébé.
  • Nous avons éteint la lumière.
  • Elle est allée en Espagne.
  • Avez-vous choisi ?
  • Elle a fait du vélo.
  • Mother Teresa est morte.
  • Hier, Nicolas a vu un film.
  • Ils ont eu raison.

12)Conjuguez les verbes au futur                                                                                        (5)


  • Est-ce que vous (aller) _______ à la piscine en été?
  • Le week-end prochain ils (courir)________ un marathon.
  • Mardi prochain nous (pouvoir) __________ nous rencontrer.
  • Le médecin (employer) ___________ une nouvelle infirmière en septembre.
  • Demain je me (peser)_________ .
  • A mon anniversaire j’(avoir)__________ plein de cadeaux.
  • Dans un mois ils (partir)____________ à Bordeaux.
  • Erica et John (venir)_________________ ce samedi
  • Nous (savoir) __________________ les resultats ce dimanche.
  • Les filles (aller)_______________ aux Etats-Unis


  1. Reformulez les textes en les transformant
  • Au Passey composey
  • Les négatives en affirmatives et vice versa                                                      (5)


  • Elle est très gentille avec les garçons.
  • Nous n’avons pas de belle voiture
  • Marc et Tammy ne vont pas à l’église
  • Les filles de Thomas ne tombent pas devant ces garçons J
  • Vous faites un bon travail mes étudiants
  • Helene ne vive pas en Inde
  • Marcus et Lise doivent trouver un appartement
  • Le chauffeur peut trouver des rues
  • Les enfants d’Afrique meurent de faim
  • Notre enfant court trois kilomètre chaque jour


  • Transformez le paragraphe en Futur simple : (5)


À l’Office du Tourisme de Toulouse :


-Bonjour ! Je veux savoir Madame s’il y a des visites guidées de Toulouse et ses environs.

>>Oui, on peut prendre le car ici – il part tous les jours pendant les vacances d’été.

-Je dois combien, Madame ?

>>C’est dans les 46 euros pour toute une journée,

-Merci, Madame.

-Je fais un tour de la ville et je vois les temples d’abord. Je sais que vous connaissez les bonnes routes.

-Oui, en effet

-Merci beaucoup Madame.

-De rien.


  1. Transformez le paragraphe en passé composé : (5)


Les filles de Monsieur Thomas vont au collège chaque jour. Elles font bien les études et elles aiment bien étudier chaque jour. Hannah sort avec ses copines à 6hr mais elle rentre avant 10 heures. Lise a un ami, les deux partent ensemble pour les films dans les multiplexes. Les sœurs sortent avec leurs amis et elles ne voient pas les garçons toute seuls. Hannah et Lise ne tombent pas amoureuse de personne.


  1. Write the following body parts in French and with their articles: (10)


  1. Write down the parts of the house in French along with their articles: (10)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 IV Sem Financial Reporting And Operational Compliance Question Paper PDF Download


end semester examination – march/april 2016



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100




  1. Answer any 7 of 10 questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (7X5=35)     


  1. Name the Accounting Standard?:


Particulars Accounting Standard
a.   Depreciation  
b.  Impairment of Assets  
c.   Borrowing Cost  
d.  Investments  
e.   Inventories  


Write a note on Borrowing Cost in not more than 3 sentences


  1. Briefly explain the importance of IEC and Objectives of EXIM policy.


  1. Briefly explain the applicability and disclosure requirements of AS-18 ‘Related Party Disclosures’


  1. When does a dealer required to register under Karnataka Value Added Tax Act, 2003? What is the due date for filing monthly VAT returns for a dealer claiming input tax credit against output tax?


  1. Briefly explain the applicability of Employees’ Provident Funds Act, 1952 and also provide the contribution to be made by employer and employee under the act.


  1. Match the following:


Sl.No Column – A Column – B
1 Form 100 Tax on Profession, Trades, Callings and Employment
2 Negative List Monthly VAT Return
3 Maximum Retail Price Service Tax
4 Profession Tax Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
5 Foreign Direct Investment Valuation of Excisable Goods



  1. List the transactions to which AS -10 Fixed Assets are not applicable.


  1. What are the steps involved in Company Incorporation under Companies Act, 2013.


  1. In not more than 5 sentences explain the need for Foreign Currency Translation in the books of account.


  1. What are the qualitative characteristics of Financial Statements?




  1. Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (3X15=45)


  1. Explain briefly the modes of valuation of goods under Central Excise Act, 1944.


  1. Explain Input Tax, Output Tax and Net Tax. What is the due date for filing monthly VAT returns for a dealer claiming input tax credit against output tax?


  1. Briefly explain the applicability of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 and also provide the contribution to be made by employer and employee under the act.


  1. Explain the significance of Form FCGPR and FCTRS under FEMA regulations.


  1. What are the entry routes for investments in India under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999? Briefly Explain.


  1. Who are the users of financial statements and briefly explain their information needs?


  1. Briefly explain limitation of accounting.


  1. What is manufacturing under Central Excise Act, 1944. Briefly explain


  1. What is Declared Service under Service Tax Law? Give 3 examples of Declared Service.


  1. Distinguish between LLP, Company and Partnership.


  1. Briefly explain the meaning of ‘Partner’ and ‘Designated Partner’ in a LLP





  • Answer the following Compulsory (1×20=20)

You are required to prepare financial statements under Revised Schedule VI (including Notes forming part of accounts) from the following trial balance of Jai Trading Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2016.

Jai Trading Ltd -Trial Balance as at 31st March, 2016

Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
Authorised Capital – Rs.2,00,000/- (Shares of Rs.10 each)

Equity Share Capital (Shares of Rs.10 each)



Cash Credit Loan   5,26,150
Trade Payables   1,75,850
Sales of Goods   16,95,400
Sale of Services   45,800
Opening Stock of Goods 55,800  
Profit & Loss appropriation   2,68,400
Furniture & Fixtures 50,000  
Plant and Machinery 2,00,000  
Advertisement 5,000  
Purchase of Goods 15,65,000  
Rentals 6,000  
Cash 44,340  
Bank Balance 31,200  
Interest on Cash Credit 3,65,700  
Salaries and Wages 2,01,200  
Debtors – Trade Receivable 1,84,500  
Direct Expenses 75,120  
Travelling and Conveyance 27,740  
 Total 28,11,600 28,11,600

Additional Information :

– Closing stock of goods as on 31st March, 2016 – Rs. 7,51,500

– Rate of Depreciation

Particulars As per Companies Act based on useful life of assets As per Income Tax Act
Furniture & Fixtures 15% 10%
Plant and Machinery 25% 15%
  • 10% of debtors are bad, 5 % of debtors are doubtful and Rs.50,000/- is outstanding from the 15th August, 2015.
  • Rate of Income tax – 30%
  • 25% of Trade Payables are payable after one year from the end of 31st March 2016.


Also provide relevant Accounting Policies in Notes forming part of accounts.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 IV Sem Enterprise Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. What are the benefits of  ERP?
  2. What are the five stages of Data warehousing process?
  3. Order Management helps the company in integrating front office with back office operations. Justify the same with example.
  4. In what way the efficient supply chain would lead to growth of the company. What are the elements of the supply chain?
  5. What are the different problems faced by SME’s in selecting the ERP Package?
  6. How can a consultant be in a more advantageous situation rather than a employee of the company?
  7. Explain the role of vendors from selecting an ERP package to the implementation stage?
  8. BPR would definitely eliminate the complexities to smoothen the operations of the company. Discuss.
  9. Why Re-engineering? Name some of the benefits that a company can get from BPR.
  10. What are the various symbols that would build up the flow chart of a Business Process?
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. What are the new developments in ERP? How can the existing systems take  leverage  in adapting to the new technology?
  12. How can blue dart as a company overcome the logistic challenges? Explain in detail how this will benefit the company.
  13. Explain in detail the  importance of the acquisition team and their role in the procurement process of an ERP Package?
  14. Customization of an ERP Package would suit the needs of the enterprise. Discuss the same by taking a company as an example?
  15. What are the key steps involved in developing a BPR? Design a process of an organization by using a flow chart.
III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. Assuming you are the CEO of a retail giant, what are the essential steps you would take to revamp the whole system and how can you fill the existing GAPS and eliminate them as a part of the restructuring strategies? Discuss the same in detail.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 IV Sem Business Policy And Strategic Management Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. How do you carryout environmental analysis? What are the techniques available for it?
  2. Explain the steps in strategic decision –making process for entrepreneurial Ventures.
  3. Distinguish between Mission and Objectives and briefly explain different types of Strategies.
  4. What is BCG matrix? What are its uses and limitations?
  5. “Corporate planning is not synonymous with long range planning.”  Why? Discuss.
  6. Explain the essential need for the success of corporate planning system.
  7. How can the concept of value chain help in making diversification decisions? Critically discuss.
  8. What is strategic fit? Explain the factors to be considered for selecting the best strategy?
  9. Critically examine the role of strategic control in management.
  10. Use the Porter`s Five forces model to analyze an industry of your choice.



II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)


  11. Establish in detail the use of SWOT in the analysis of internal strategic assessment.
  12. Briefly explain Corporate Restructuring? What are the various conditions under’ which corporate restructuring is required?
  13. Explain in depth the various issues faced by small scale industries and Non Profit organizations .What strategies can they adopt to face those issues.
  14. Discuss the importance of organization structure and explain the link between structure and strategy.
  15. Why is it important to integrate R&D into corporate strategy? Briefly discuss the factors which should be taken into consideration if the innovation process is to be managed successfully. Explain giving examples









III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)


  1. MasterCard Faces Strong Buyer Power


MasterCard Inc. generates revenue by charging fees to process payments from banks to consumers who swipe MasterCard-brand credit and debit cards, making the banks, not individual consumers, MasterCard’s customers.



MasterCard issues 916 million cards through 25,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries.

Rapid consolidation within the banking industry, combined with a 28% market share in global credit and debit card transactions compared with main- rival Visa’s 68% share, means that MasterCard has to work hard to win and keep bank business. Further, MasterCard success depends on its four largest customers, which makes up 30% of annual revenues: JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America and HSBC.

MasterCard strategy focuses on two key elements- pricing and marketing. MasterCard carefully executed price increases between 2007 and 2008, with little customer pushback. At the same time, the company created MasterCard account teams that are tailored to fit the specific key customer needs. The teams drive the growth of customer usage, and thereby company growth. MasterCard’s marketing talent was also reoriented from a dedication to strengthening MasterCard’s brand identity to directly benefit these customers.




  1. Identify driving forces that may help MasterCard to make fundamental changes in its competitive environment?


  1. Advise on the possible key success factors that may help MasterCard Inc. to have a great impact in future competitiveness.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem Retail Analytics Question Paper PDF Download




Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                     (7×5=35)
  1. Explain the functions of retailing, quoting suitable examples.
  2. Explain the different sources of competitive advantage with an example.
  3. How can ‘retailer corporate strategy’ be benefitted in adopting the category management?
  4. Take a real estate company as an example and discuss some of the retail services offered by them.
  5. For the month of October, the toy department sales was ` 25, 00,000. The ‘beginning inventory’ was ` 12,00,000. An ‘ending inventory’ of planned value was estimated at `12, 50,000. What would be the planned purchase be if reductions are planned at




If the mark percentage is 45%, calculate the planned purchase at cost?

  6. “Marketing Mix Modeling works on the historical data of a retail firm”. Discuss.
  7. What are the objectives of the store design and name the different types of store design?
  8. Name some of the essential skills to operate the retail store that is expected from a  resource person.
  9. How can the mode of channels benefit  retail firms in the market?
  10. “Retailing strategies would benefit the firm in the long run.” Justify the statement.
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                  (3×15=45)
  11. How can target market identification be a criteria for NIKE  when compared to their competitors?
  12. ‘Alibaba had a competitive advantage over the competitors’. How can the company benefit from its advantage?
  13. Proposition design gives the immense value to the firm and SKU’s can meet the demand and supply of the retail firm. How can retail company benefit by meeting the challenges?

Item No 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
Annual Demand 80 20 30 40 60 250 260 400 500 1200 300 80
Unit Price $12 $13 $122 $142 $132 #1202 #212 $2312 $312 $123 $1342 $142




Classify the items as A, B, or C items.

(a) The first two items account for 60% or more percentage of annual usage and should be classified as A items.

(b) The next four items account for about 25% of annual usage and should be B items.

(c) The remaining items should be classified as C items.


  15. A new retail store that had been set up in Metro City. Identify the different factors that could drive sales?


III. Case Study                                                                                                                    (1×20=20)
  16. You have recently joined in as the Chief Analytics Officer & Business Strategy Head at an online shopping store called DressMart Inc. that specializes in apparel and clothing. One day you had the chief marketing officer of the company come rushing to your office looking unusually worried. The board of directors has given him hefty targets for sales and slashed his marketing budgets into half at the same time.  You immediately identify that you are dealing with a common business problem of improving business revenue with reduced cost. You have also realized that this is a great opportunity for you to establish analytics practices in the company since there is a quick opportunity for you to improve the P&L (income statement).

Additionally, the CMO informed you that last year they had carried out marketing campaigns with different offers on the product catalog. A direct mailing product catalog was sent to some hundred thousand customers from the base of over a couple of million customers last year with the response rate of 4.2%. The direct mailers were later followed up with SMS and email messaging

How can analytics benefit the DressMart Inc where marketing budget had slashed up to 50% of the actuals? Discuss the same in detail




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem Quantitative Techniques And Operations Research Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. A manufacturing unit has three products on their production line.  The production capacity for each product is 50, 30 and 45 respectively.  The limitation in the production shop is that of 300 manhours as total availability and the manufacturing time required per product is 0.5,1.5 and 2.0 manhours.  The products are priced to result in profits of Rs.10, 15 and 20 respectively.  If the company has a daily demand of 25 units, 20 units and 35 units for respective products, formulate the problem as LP model so as to maximize the total profit.


  2. Find initial solution to the following transportation problem using Least Cost Method.

Supply Points Destinations Supply
D1 D2 D3 D4
P1 19 30 50 12 7
P2 70 30 40 60 10
P3 40 10 60 20 18
Demand 5 8 7 15 35
  3. What is a Travelling Salesman Problem?  How is it solved?


  4. State the addition and multiplication theorem on probability.

Probability that a contractor will get a building contract is ¼. And the probability of not getting a road contract is 2/3. If the probability of getting both the contracts is is 2/5, find out the probability that he will get either of the two contracts.


  5. Based on the weather conditions and industrial development in a new industrial belt, the demand for petrol for vehicles on a new service station follows the under mentioned distribution.

Weekly Demand Probability
2,000 litres 0.12
3,000 litres 0.23
4,000 litres 0.48
5,000 litres 0.17

Beginning of every week storage of petrol is 3500 liter.  Simulate for 5 weeks to show the inventory at the end of the week and unsatisfied demand

Random Nos: – 23,  78,  95,  05,  29




  6. Customers arrive at the first class ticket counter of a theatre at a rate of 12 per hour.  There is a clerk who can service the customer at the rate of 30 customers per hour.  Find

a)       Average length of the queue.

b)     Average waiting time in the system.

c)      The free time of the clerk if he works for 8 hours a day.


  7. Payoff of three acts X,Y,Z and states of nature L, M, N are given below:

States of nature Payoffs (in Rs.)
L -40 -50 220
M 250 -120 -50
N 400 650 350

The probabilities of the states of nature are 0.3, 0.4, and 0.3 respectively.  Calculate the expected monetary value (EMV) for different acts & select the best act.


  8. A company dealing with newly invented telephonic device is faced with the problem of selecting the following strategies:

i)                   Manufacture the device itself,

ii)                 To be paid on a royalty basis by another manufacturer,

iii)              Sell the rights for its invention for a lump sum.

The profit is thousands of rupees that can be expected in each case and the probabilities associated with the sales volume are shown in the following table:

Event Probability Manufacture itself Royalties Sell the right
High demand 0.2 100 40 20
Medium demand 0.3 30 25 20
Low demand 0.5 -10 15 20

Represent the company’s problem in the form of a decision tree and identify the best decision.


  9. Find initial solution to the Transportation problem by VAM and check for degeneracy.

  P Q R S T Supply
A 5 8 6 6 3 8
B 4 7 7 6 5 5
C 8 4 6 6 4 9
Demand 4 4 5 4 8  
  10. State Baye’s Theorem. In a bolt factory macines A, B and C manufacture 25, 35 and 40 percent of the bolts. Out of the total of their output 5, 4 and 2 percent are defective. A bolt is drawn at random and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it was manufactured by machine B.



II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. Solve graphically

Maximize Z= 80x + 120 y

Subject to constraints,

20x +50 y ≥300

x + y ≤ 9

x  ≥ 2

y ≥ 1

where x , y≥0


  12. a)  Solve the following assignment problem to maximize production. The table shows the number of units produced

Machines ->

Operators |


1 10 5 7 8
2 11 4 9 10
3 8 4 9 7
4 7 5 6 4
5 8 9 7 5


b)  A decision problem has been expressed in the following pay off table:

States of Nature Alternatives
  a 1 a 2 a 3
E1 2000 2800 1600
E2 2500 1200 1500
E3 1500 1800 1100

What will be manager’s decision if he has:

i)                    Maxi-Max Criterion

ii)                 Maxi-Min Criterion

iii)              Mini-Max Regret Criterion

iv)               Hurwicz Criterion if coefficient of operation ( alpha – α ) is 0.7

v)                  Laplace Criterion.


  13. Given the initial solution to the transportation problem test the optimality by Modified Distribution Method.  If need be optimized.

  Project A Project B Project C Plant


Plant W 4 8 8 56
Plant X 16 24 16 82
Plant Y 8 16 24 77
Demand 72 102 41  

Initial Solution:





From           To                   Units

Plant            Project            Transported

W                  A                      31

W                  B                       25

X                   A                       41

X                   C                       41

Y                   B                       77

  14.  Customers arrive at a booking office window being manned by a single individual at a rate of 25 per hour. The time required to serve the customer has an exponential distribution with a mean of 2 minutes. Find

i) Traffic Intensity

ii)                 Idle time of the queuing system

iii)              Mean waiting time of the customer in the system and queue.

iv)               Average number of customers in the system and queue.

v)                 Probability that the length of the queue is exactly 3.


  15. Solve by Simplex Method

Maximize  Z = 6x + 8y

Subject to,

5x +10y≤ 60

4x +4y ≤ 40


Where x, y ≥ 0

III) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. Dr. Suhan a dentist owns a Dental Clinic ‘Smile Innovators’. She schedules her patients for 20 minutes appointments. Some of the patients take more or less than 20 minutes depending on the type of dental work to be done.  The following summary shows the various categories of work, their probabilities and the time actually needed to complete the work.

Category Time Required


Filling 30 0.40
Crown 45 0.15
Cleaning 15 0.15
Extraction 20 0.10
Checkup 15 0.20

Simulate the dentist’s clinic for two hours and determine the average waiting time for the patients as well as the idleness of the doctor. Assume that all the patients show up at the clinic at exactly their scheduled arrival time starting at 6 p.m.

Random numbers- 40, 82, 11, 34, 25, 66







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem Managerial Economics Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                              (7×5=35)
  1. Explain the decision making process in brief with suitable examples at each process/stage.
  2. What is Benchmarking?  Describe its measure of performance.
  3. What is meant by risk bearing theory of profits?
  4. What to you mean by PDCAC in TQM?
  5. How reengineering process helps in business?
  6. Explain the significance of Anti trust laws in Indian business.
  7. What are learning curves? State their scope in the cost benefit analysis.
  8. Explain the six sigma process.
  9. Is safety margin different from target profit explain through a mathematical problem.
  10. Briefly explain the sales maximization theory of the firm.
II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                         (3×15=45)
  11. State the relationship between the SAC and LAC curves (through a diagram).  State their significance in business decision.
  12. What is Producers equilibrium? Explain the economic region of operation in the production process with the help of ridgelines.
  13. Explain the relationship of Total, Average  and Marginal relationships used in a Company.
  14. What is TQM? Explain the different method of TQM followed in the companies.   Answer with examples.
  15. What is meant by demand forecasting? Explain with the help of a mathematical example:  a. The least square method b. Moving average method of forecasting the demand for a product.




III) Case Study                                                                                                     (1×20=20)


  16. HXM  sales  of Computer peripherals.


Year Sales(rs) Profits(rs)
2011 20000 100000
2012 25000 140000


Fixed cost being Rs 200000/-

a.      What is a Break even point?

b.      Find the break even point .

c.       Find Profit volume ratio.

d.     Find the sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 18000/-






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem International Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. What are the similarities and differences between domestic and international HRM?
  2. Write a brief note on HRM practices in USA.
  3. What is an expatriate failure? How can it be minimized?
  4. What are the challenges faced by MNC’s  in their  overseas operations?
  5. What is culture shock? Briefly explain its phases.
  6. In what way is an ethnocentric approach that favors parent country nationals over local employees a form of ‘Discriminatory Management’?
  7. Explain how trade unions may limit the strategic choices of Multinational firms?
  8. What are advantages of using PCN in international assignments?
  9. Write a note on the ILO.
  10. Explain the component of pre-departure Training.
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. Who is an expatriate? What are the challenges of International performance Management?                                                                                                    (3+12)
  12. Write a detailed note on HRIS.
  13. Explain the different approaches adopted in international compensation.
  14. Consider yourself the owner of Brunt Hotels, a national chain of hotels in the UK. They have recently acquired a small chain of hotels located in France from the Bradley Group. Half of the new hotels in France will be retained and will be re-branded as part of Brunt Hotels PLC. This organization has never owned any overseas hotels. What approach do you suggest they should adopt to have a smooth and effective transfer?
  15. What are the potential business benefits that have been attributed to those multinational organizations that value and actively encourage workforce diversity?
III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)

An Expat Dilemma – Jaguar or Bluebird? Mark Chan’s Decision to Stay Overseas or Return Home after his Expatriate Assignment.

Mark Chan and his family were at a crossroads. His next career move looked certain to be the most important he would ever face. His time in England would soon be coming to a close. He, his wife and their young children had all quite enjoyed their time in Britain. But he now had either to continue pursuing his international career, or return to their native Singapore.

Mark had risen quite quickly in Energem, a diversified international corporation with leading positions in a number of industries. Having begun his career at the Singapore subsidiary of a Japanese-based consultancy firm, he was attracted by Energem’s wide range of possibilities. He joined the Singapore office after having travelled extensively in Asia for work. Having started a family, he returned to Singapore and took a managerial position in Energem’s chemicals division.

Impressing his superiors and having been promoted, after three years Mark was offered a three-year posting at the company’s London HQ. Accepting it would make him a senior executive and, despite his wife needing to give up her job, they gladly accepted.

The family was quite happy in England overall. But Mark had some concerns. Certain colleagues seemed to be implying tacitly that he was hired as a “token Asian” to add diversity to the main office. He was, however, able to convince them in time that he had indeed been hired on merit.

Over time, Mark also began to appreciate that his family was closer and happier than they had been in Singapore. Their standard of living was also higher. Sadly, Linda’s father fell seriously ill, and she began to feel intense guilt about the geographical distance between herself and her family.

Thus the emergence of the Chan family’s big dilemma: In spite of his professional success, Mark could not locate a position within the Singapore office that was a step up. He was passed over for a coveted spot in favor of someone with no international experience, and was beginning to feel quite cynical about Energem’s much-touted appreciation of the value of “global players”.

Eventually, a three-year position in Holland appeared, offering a major promotion. While appealing on many levels, the school system and culture were entirely different to anything his family had ever experienced.

Mark Chan and his wife are now on the verge of being forced to make one of the toughest decisions of their lives. Return to Singapore to a lower-paying, less attractive job for family reasons; or relocate to an unfamiliar country, yet one that was still in Europe, where they have been so comfortable? (There were also clear considerations regarding the restarting of Mark’s wife’s banking career – something that was only ever likely to happen back in Singapore.)


a. What can the organization do to avoid the kind of problems illustrated in the case?                                                                                                                 (6 marks)

b. Should Mark accept the position in Singapore and return home? Explain why or why not.                                                                                                           (7marks)

c. What are his opinions? If Mark accepts the position in Singapore, what should his career plan be?                                                                                         (7 marks)



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