State Bank of India PO Preliminary Exam-2017 Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India PO Preliminary Exam-2017
State Bank of India PO Preliminary Exam-2017 Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India PO Preliminary Exam-2017

Solved Paper

English Language

Directions-(Q. 1-10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

   On January 19th every year, Americans celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), a Baptist clergyman turned activist, who is often credited with spearheading the country’s civil rights movement. Thanks to his efforts that America is today a nation where everyone has equal rights, regardless of race, colour or creed. MLK who would have celebrated his 86th birthday on January 15th, 2015, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1929, a city where racial divide was a way of life. Blacks and whites lived totally disparate lives. They went to different schools, ate at different restaurants and even sat on specially designated seats on buses and trains. Though this did not seem right to the young boy, just like the others, he accepted it as a way of life. Things started to change in the summer of 1944 when 15 year old MLK left Atlanta to work in the tobacco fields of Simsbury, Connecticut. To his surprise, the black residents in the Northern states were not subjected to the same kind of racial injustice. The young boy expressed his astonishment in a letter he wrote to his father in June saying, “After we passed Washington there was no discrimination at all. The white people here are very nice. We can go to any place we want to and sit any where we want to.” By the end of the summer, the seeds of what would transform MLK into America’s most influential civil rights leader had been firmly planted. In 1954, MLK who was by now an ordained Minister and married chose to become pastor of a church in Montgomery, Alabama, a city that was notorious for its racial discrimination. His foray into activism began gradually-by encouraging Montgomery residents to register to vote and join the NAACP, the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. However, his passive stance changed on December 1st, 1955 after fellow activist Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to vacate her seat on a public bus for a white passenger. Enraged, MLK asked the black residents of Montgomery to boycott all public transportation. This was no easy request. The buses were the only commute mode for the residents, whose jobs often entailed traveling long distances. But they took the challenge not for just one day or month, but a full year ! As the news of the boycott spread, black people from other parts of the nation that had similar laws, joined in ! In 1956, the activist won their first battle when the Supreme Court of the United States passed a ruling that abolished the transportation segregation law. But MLK was just getting started. He decided to dedicate his life to the cause and spent the next decade travelling around the country, spurring all Americans to stand up against segregation in a non-violent peaceful manner by organizing sitins, boycotts and protest marches. While he gave many inspiring speeches, his most memorable one was delivered on August 28th, 1963. The events leading to the oft-quoted ‘I have a dream’ speech began in June of that year when President John F. Kennedy asked the US Congress to pass a civil rights bill-one that would give all Americans equal access to public places. To convince government officials to pass the bill, MLK along with other civil rights leaders asked people to demonstrate their support by staging a peaceful march in Washington D.C. Over 250,000 Americans from all over the country flew, drove, rode buses and even walked, to participate in what the history books now call the March on Washington ! It was at this event while standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, that MLK articulated his dream of living in a country where everyone was treated equally. Unfortunately, the civil rights activist was killed while on a trip to Memphis, Tennessee in 1968, and did not live long enough to see it come true. But had MLK been alive, he sure would have been proud to see how far the country has come in recognizing that every-one is equal regardless of race, color creed !

1. Why did he initially accept discrimination as a way of life?

(A)  As he was afraid of the whites

(B)  As his father wanted him to accept that as a form of life

(C)  So as to save himself from the abuses and the beatings by the whites

(D)  Because he lacked decision making capabilities as he was young

(E)   As he was ignorant to the cause of the blacks

Answer: (D)

2. What happened when he went to Simsbury in the summer of 1944?

(A)  It was the first time he saw specially designated seats on buses and trains for blacks

(B)  His passive stance changed

(C)  He was stupefied by what he saw there

(D)  He encouraged the residents there to vote

(E)   He gave his famous speech ‘I hav a dream’

Answer: (C)

3. Why was MLK enraged?

(A)  Because of specially designated bus seats for black people in Montgomery

(B)  As a fellow activist was apprehended

(C)  Racial injustice in Washington

(D)  Different schools on the basis of race

(E)   He was enraged with how people accepted the discrimination

Answer: (B)

4. What was the first victory won by the activists?

(A)  Passing of the civil right bill

(B)  The voting rights granted to the black people

(C)  Abolishment of transportation segregation law

(D)  Boycotting public transportation by the black people

(E)   Right to vote

Answer: (C)

5. What led to the famous “I have a dream” speech?

(A)  The arrest of the activist named Rosa Parks

(B)  Kennedy’s urge to fellow congress to pass the civil right bill

(C)  Transportation segregation law

(D)  US congress’ reluctance to pass the bill

(E)   None of the above

Answer: (B)

6. What was MLK’s dream?

(A)  Abolition of public transportation segregation law

(B)  Right to vote

(C)  Equal access in all public places

(D)  To exonerate Rosa parks from the accusation of violating civil rights

(E)   He wanted a person who is black to be the next U.S. President

Answer: (C)

   Directions-(Q. 7 and 8) Which of the following words is nearest in the meaning to words as given in bold letters?

7. Entail

(A)  Engender

(B)  Prohibit

(C)  Exclude

(D)  Feign

(E)   Dissuade

Answer: (A)

8. Foray

(A)  Exodus

(B)  Retreat

(C)  Incursion

(D)  Disengagement

(E)   Detachment

Answer: (C)

   Directions-(Q. 9 and 10) Which one of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the words given in bold letter in the passage?

9. Ordained

(A)  Appoint

(B)  Consecrate

(C)  Sanctify

(D)  Abrogate

(E)   Enact

Answer: (D)

10. Spurring

(A)  Incentive

(B)  Stimulant

(C)  Inducement

(D)  Impetus

(E)   Deterrent

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 11-15) Rearrange the following seven sentences (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(a) One is the adverse global environment.

(b) But the second can be tackled and should have been tackled by now. Unfortunately, precious time has been lost for want to clarity on the way forward.

(c) It will be up to the incoming RBI governor, therefore, to show the way. The bulk of the bad loans is with public sector banks (PSBs).

(d) As bad loans mounted and banks had to make provisions for these, profits fell at PSBs or losses mounted. PSB performance suffered in comparison with private banks.

(e) The other is a banking sector weighed down by bad loans. There isn’t much we can do about the first.

(f) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is better placed than anybody else to feel the pulse of the banking sector.

(g) The Modi government’s attempts to accelerate growth and realize the promise of achche din face two formidable obstacles today.

11. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?

(A)  a

(B)  b

(C)  f

(D)  d

(E)   e

Answer: (A)

12. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?

(A)  a

(B)  c

(C)  b

(D)  g

(E)   e

Answer: (D)

13. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(A)  e

(B)  d

(C)  b

(D)  f

(E)   a

Answer: (D)

14. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(A)  a

(B)  b

(C)  c

(D)  f

(E)   e

Answer: (B)

15. Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(A)  c

(B)  d

(C)  a

(D)  b

(E)   e

Answer: (A)

   Directions-(Q. 16-20) The following questions have two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

16. Though the country has ……. Free medical service for the poor. It is ……

(A)  stopped, unaffordable

(B)  rendered, essential

(C)  maintained, admirable

(D)  favoured, appreciable

(E)   instituted, inadequate.

Answer: (E)

17. If India is …….. on protecting its resources, international business appears equally …………… to safeguard its profit.

(A)  dreaded, fragile

(B)  Stubborn, weak

(C)  Bent, determined

(D)  Approaching, settled

(E)   Obsessed, prepared

Answer: (C)

18. Obesity and uncontrolled diet…….. together to…….. the risk of liver disease in both men and women.

(A)  Act, increase

(B)  Result, aggravate

(C)  Taken, arrest

(D)  Put, heighten

(E)   Mix, lower

Answer: (A)

19. The blame game for the air tragedy is already in full …… with the authorities involved making attempts to ….. themselves up.

(A)  Sway, defend

(B)  View, try

(C)  Fledged, protect

(D)  Swing, cover

(E)   Roll, hide

Answer: (D)

20. Human beings are biological …….. they need to struggle in order to …….

(A)  Things, forward

(B)  Souls, back

(C)  Organisms, survive

(D)  Features, undone

(E)   Creatures, again

Answer: (C)

   Directions-(Q. 21-25) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

21. In Indian working woman (A)/ lead a life of dual responsibilities (B)/ if they are married (C)/ and have a family. (D)/ No error (E)

Answer: (A)

22. Though, she has aptitude (A)/ in mathematics, I won’t allow (B)/ her to take it up as a subject of study for the Master’s Degree (C)/ because I know the labour involved will tell upon her health. (D)/ No error (E)

Answer: (E)

23. The RBI has proposed to introduce (A)/ polymer notes after taking into considering (B)/ the cost and longevity (C)/ associated with their manufacturing. (D)/ No error (E)

Answer: (B)

24. Over the next five years (A)/ the government needs to invest (B)/ at less 350 billion dollars (C)/ in rural infrastructure. (D)/ No error (E)

Answer: (C)

25. Money from poor countries (A)/ is flowing into richer ones (B)/ in large part due to the active purchase (C)/ of foreign assets by central banks. (D)/ No error (E)

Answer: (A)

   Directions-(Q. 26-30) In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicted by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

   Rural healthcare in India is ….(26)… by a huge gap between supply and demand. Currently, rural healthcare needs met either by limited government facilities and private nursing homes, which have not been able to keep pace with increasing demand or by a number of quacks who practice medicine in rural areas. The quality of infrastructure is usually poor and people end up having to go to nearby large cities if they need high quality care. Rural India deserves, better, since the ability to pay has gone up over the last few years, driven by growth in income penetration of government healthcare programmes. Increasing demand …(27)… with the failure of existing infrastructure to scale, has resulted in rural healthcare …(28)… a large under served market. Absence of a viable business model …(29)… conversion of the huge rural expenditure on health into an economic activity that generates income and serves the poor. It is this …(30)… that entrepreneurs are looking to plug.


(A)  Performed

(B)  Displayed

(C)  Furthered

(D)  Characterized

(E)   Male

Answer: (D)


(A)  Couple

(B)  Combined

(C)  Mentioned

(D)  Engaged

(E)   Resulting

Answer: (B)


(A)  Become

(B)  Happening

(C)  Being

(D)  Exists

(E)   Is

Answer: (C)


(A)  To

(B)  Makes

(C)  So

(D)  Ceasing

(E)   Prevents

Answer: (E)


(A)  Gap

(B)  Truth

(C)  Progress

(D)  Catastrophes

(E)   Divides

Answer: (A)

Quantitative Aptitude

   Directions-(Q. 31-35) What will come in place of the question mark (?) in each of the following series?

31. 14, 8, 9, 14.5, 30, ?_

(A)  75

(B)  76

(C)  60

(D)  65

(E)   80

Answer: (B)

32. 20, 29, 54, 103, 184, ?

(A)  310

(B)  350

(C)  305

(D)  315

(E)   320

Answer: (C)

33. 7, 8, 18, 57, ?, 1165

(A)  250

(B)  234

(C)  230

(D)  232

(E)   235

Answer: (D)

34. 5, 7, 18, 47, 103, ?

(A)  195

(B)  210

(C)  200

(D)  190

(E)   220

Answer: (A)

35. 77, 85, 69, 101, 37, ?

(A)  180

(B)  165

(C)  170

(D)  120

(E)   175

Answer: (B)

   Directions-(Q. 36-40) Read the following line graph and answer the following questions.

36. If the sale of company X in year 2016 is increased by 20% with respect to year 2015 and the sale of company Y in years 2016 with respect to year 2015 is decreased by 10%, then find the total sale of the company X and Y together in year 2016?

(A)  7200

(B)  9600

(C)  8400

(D)  5600

(E)   8800

Answer: (B)

37. Find the ratio of the sales of company X in years 2011, 2013 and 2015 together to the total sale of company Y in year 2012 and 2014 together?

(A)  23 : 14

(B)  14 : 23

(C)  11 : 29

(D)  29 : 11

(E)   23 : 11

Answer: (A)

38. Total cars sold by both companies in year 2012 are what per cent more/less than the total cars sold by both companies in year 2013?

(A)  28%

(B)  18%

(C)  25%

(D)  20%

(E)   21%

Answer: (D)

39. Find the difference between the average number of cars sold by company X from 2011 to 2015 and the average number of cars sold by company Y from 2011 to 2015?

(A)  750

(B)  900

(C)  800

(D)  850

(E)   830

Answer: (C)

40. Find the total number of cars sold by both companies from year 2012 to 2014?

(A)  23000

(B)  21000

(C)  22500

(D)  21500

(E)   22000

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 41-45) Read the following table and answer the following questions.

41. Total number of female visitors from district Q and R together to see the museum are how much more/less than total number of male visitors from district R and S together to see the museum?

(A)  142

(B)  126

(C)  128

(D)  131

(E)   136

Answer: (D)

42. Average number of visitors from district P, Q and R together to see the museum are approximately what per cent of the average number of visitors from district S, T and Y together to see the museum?

(A)  71%

(B)  76%

(C)  78%

(D)  74%

(E)   85%

Answer: (B)

43. Find the ratio of the male visitors from district T and U together to see the museum to the female visitors form district R and S together to see the museum?

(A)  107 : 117

(B)  106 : 111

(C)  111 : 116

(D)  117 : 107

(E)   117 : 106

Answer: (C)

44. Male visitors from district R to see the museum are what percent more/less than the female visitors from district T to see the museum (Approximate up to two decimal points)?





(E)   50%

Answer: (D)

45. Find the difference between the total number of male visitors from district Q, R and S together to see the museum and the total number of female visitors from district S, T and U together to see the museum?

(A)  25

(B)  75

(C)  60

(D)  50

(E)   59

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 46-50) In the following question two equations numbered I and II are given you have to solve both the equations and given answers if.

(A) x > y                        (B) x ≥ y

(C) x < y             (D) x ≤ y

(E) x = y or the relation can not be established

46. (I) x2 – 3x + 2 = 0

(II) 2y2 – 7y + 6 = 0

Answer: (D)

47. (I) 3x2 + 4x + 1 = 0

(II) y2 + 5y + 6 = 0

Answer: (A)

48. (I) 2x2 + 5x + 2 = 0

(II) y2 + 9y + 20 =  0

Answer: (A)

49. (I) x2 – 7x + 10 = 0

(II) y2 – 12y + 35 = 0

Answer: (D)

50. (I) (x2 – 12)2 = 0

(II) y2 = 144

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 51-55) What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?

   Note-You are not expected to calculate the exact value.

51. 23.001 × 18.999 × 7.998 = ?

(A)  4200

(B)  3000

(C)  3500

(D)  4000

(E)   2500

Answer: (C)


(A)  81

(B)  72

(C)  169

(D)  121

(E)   144

Answer: (C)

53. 94.95 × 13.03 + √35.98 × 14.99 = 53 × √?

(A)  25

(B)  144

(C)  225

(D)  625

(E)   900

Answer: (D)

54. 1884.88 ÷ 144.921 + 6.99 + (?)2 = 69.09

(A)  3

(B)  4

(C)  7

(D)  6

(E)   5

Answer: (C)

55. 41% of 601 – 250.17 = ? – 77% of 910

(A)  800

(B)  500

(C)  690

(D)  760

(E)   550

Answer: (C)

56. An article is marked up 40% higher than CP but it was sold on x% discount. The shopkeeper thus gains 12%. What would be the S.P. of the article with C.P. Rs 120 and sold on x% profit?

(A)  Rs 134.50

(B)  Rs 144

(C)  Rs 128

(D)  Rs 148

(E)   Rs 157

Answer: (B)

57. There are 27 cards having number 1 to 27. Two cards are picked at random one by one. What is the probability that sum of number of these 2 cards is odd?

(A)  13/27

(B)  8/13

(C)  182/729

(D)  14/27

(E)   15/32

Answer: (D)

58. B is 20% more efficient than A. B started the work and do it for x days. And then B is replaced by A. A completed the remaining work in x + 8 days. Ratio of work done by A and B is 3 : 2. In how many days A and B working together complete the whole work?






Answer: (C)

59. A sum of Rs 9100 is borrowed at 20% per annum compounded annually. If the amount is to be paid in two years, what will be the total amount?

(A)  Rs 13,104

(B)  Rs 13,280

(C)  Rs 13,250

(D)  Rs 14,230

(E)   Rs 13,514

Answer: (A)

60. A man spends 28% of his salary on food. From the remaining he spend 1/6th on rent and sends 3/8th to his mother. If he left with Rs 5280, what amount he sends to his mother?

(A)  Rs 4230

(B)  Rs 4320

(C)  Rs 4580

(D)  Rs 4420

(E)   Rs 4570

Answer: (B)

61. The average age of a husband and wife was 23 years when they were married 5 years ago. The average age of husband, the wife and a child who was born during the interval, is 20 years now. How old is the child now?

(A)  9 months

(B)  1 year

(C)  3 years

(D)  4 years

(E)   6 years

Answer: (D)

62. The ratio between the ages of a father and a son at present is 5 : 2 respectively. Four year hence the ratio between the ages of the son and his mother will be 1 : 2 respectively. What is the ratio between the present ages of the father and the mother respectively?

(A)  3 : 4

(B)  5 : 4

(C)  4 : 3

(D)  Cannot be determined

(E)   6 : 5

Answer: (D)

63. Total distance between A and B is d If the distance travelled along the stream is three times of the total distance and the distance travelled against the stream is two times of the total distance. The time taken to cover distance along the stream is 10% less than the time taken to cover the distance against the stream. If a person covers a distance of 21 km in 1 hr. 24 min. along the stream, then find the rate of current-

(A)  2 km/hr

(B)  3 km/hr

(C)  1 km/hr

(D)  4 km/hr

(E)   5 km/hr

Answer: (B)

64. P and Q started a business by investing Rs 15,000 and Rs 18,000 respectively. After four months R joined the business with a capital of Rs 10,000. After two more months Q left the business with his capital. At the end of the year P got a share of Rs 4,500 in the profit. What is the total profit earned?

(A)  Rs 6800

(B)  Rs 7600

(C)  Rs 8600

(D)  Rs 9200

(E)   Rs 9600

Answer: (D)

65. Inside a square plot a circular garden is developed which exactly fits in the square plot and the diameter of the garden is equal to the side of the square plot which is 8 metre. What is the area of the space left out in the square plot after developing the garden?

(A)  98 m2

(B)  146 m2

(C)  84 m2

(D)  168 m2

(E)   115 m2

Answer: (D)

Reasoning Ability

   Directions-(Q. 66-70) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

   In an apartment, 8 persons i.e., D, E, F, G H, I J and K live on different floors of 8 storey-building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the building is numbered 8. They are of different stream of engineering i.e., Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Software Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Civil Engineering.

   The one who lives on fourth floor is specialized in Mechanical Engineering. D lives on odd numbered floor but above 3rd floor. The number of person between D and the one who is specialized in Electrical Engineering is same as number of persons between D and I. The one who is specialized in Instrumentation Engineering lives on lower most floor. K lives on an even numbered floor and he is specialized in Automobile engineering. There are two floors between E and H and E lives above to H. E is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering. J lives just above the one who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering. The number of floors between the one who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is two. The one who is specialized in Civil engineering lives on odd numbered floor. The number of floors between the one who is specialized in Chemical Engineering and J is four. The one who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering lives on an odd numbered floor. The number of floors between the one who is specialized in Civil Engineering the floor on which F lives in same as the number of floors between F and G. I lives below the floor on which D lives.

66. How many persons live between the person who is specialized in Chemical Engineering and the one who is specialized in Electrical engineering?

(A)  Six

(B)  One

(C)  Four

(D)  Two

(E)   None of these

Answer: (C)

67. J is specialized in which of the following stream of Engineering?

(A)  Aeronautical Engineering

(B)  Electrical Engineering

(C)  Civil Engineering

(D)  Instrumentation Engineering

(E)   Mechanical Engineering

Answer: (B)

68. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they from a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A)  J

(B)  K

(C)  H

(D)  I

(E)   G

Answer: (E)

69. D lives on which floor?

(A)  1

(B)  3

(C)  4

(D)  5

(E)   7

Answer: (D)

70. G is related to Mechanical Engineering, in the same way as F is related to Automobile Engineering. Then, which of the following is H related to? (Following the same pattern)

(A)  Mechanical Engineering

(B)  Electrical Engineering

(C)  Civil Engineering

(D)  Instrumentation Engineering

(E)   Aeronautical Engineering

Answer: (E)

71. Which of the following symbols should replace the sign ($) and (#) in the given expression in order to make the expressions P > C and C ≤ B definitely true?

‘A > B ≥ R $ C < R ≤ Z = M # P ≥ X’

(A)  ≥, >

(B)  ≥, ≤

(C)  >, =

(D)  =, ≥

(E)   <, ≤

Answer: (B)

72. Five persons namely A, B, C, D and E are going to the school in different days of the week, starting from Monday to Friday. Two persons are going between C and B. C is going before Wednesday. D is going to the school immediate after E. A is not going on Friday. Then who among the following persons are going to school on Wednesday?

(A)  B

(B)  C

(C)  D

(D)  E

(E)   A

Answer: (D)

   Directions-(Q. 73-77) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

   Eight people viz., A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting in a straight line. They all are facing north. Each one of them has a different age i.e., 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 and 31 year, but not necessarily in the same order.

   B sits at one of the extreme end of the row. There are three persons sitting between C and Q. Q is of neither 14 nor 19 years old. There are three persons sitting between D and the person whose age is 23 years. Neither Q nor D is the oldest person. Age difference of immediate neighbours of D is 5 years. A sits to the right of R, but not immediate right. There are three persons sitting between B and the one whose age is 16 years. The one whose age is 19 years sits third to the right to C. R sits to the right of B. Q sits second to the right of the person whose age is 23 years. P sits immediate left of the person whose age is 14 years. Q is not youngest person. The one, whose age is 31 years in not immediate neighbor of the youngest person, C is not the fourth oldest person.

73. Who sits second to the right of D?

(A)  A

(B)  S

(C)  P

(D)  R

(E)   None of these

Answer: (E)

74. How many persons sits between the persons whose age is 31 years and S?

(A)  Four

(B)  Five

(C)  Three

(D)  One

(E)   None of these

Answer: (A)

75. Who among the following person is 26 years old?

(A)  R

(B)  D

(C)  C

(D)  S

(E)   None of these

Answer: (E)

76. If P is related to 16 years in the same way as B is related to 26 years, then which of the following is R related to, following the same pattern?

(A)  19 years

(B)  17 years

(C)  21 years

(D)  31 years

(E)   None of these

Answer: (A)

77. What is the age difference of A’s immediate neighbours?

(A)  Three

(B)  Seven

(C)  Five

(D)  Six

(E)   None of these

Answer: (D)

78. Q is the daughter of A. J is the brother of Q. J is the son of R. J is the father of S. If it is given that A is mother of Q, then what is the relation of R with respect to S?

(A)  Father

(B)  Mother-in-law

(C)  Mother

(D)  Father-in-law

(E)   Grandfather

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 79-83) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

   There are seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V who were born on the same day of the same month of different year i.e., 1984, 1946, 1967, 1972, 1982, 1989 and 1992 but not necessarily in the same order.

   Note : Their age are considered as on the same month and day of 2017 as their date of births.

   The difference between the ages of Q and R is twice the square root of the age of one of the any seven persons. Difference between the ages of R and S is the same as the number obtained by dividing ages of any of the other five persons. Age of P is greatest amongst those whose age is a multiple of five. T is older than V who is not the youngest. Q is not youngest person.

79. Who amongst the following person is the oldest?

(A)  P

(B)  V

(C)  U

(D)  T

(E)   None of these

Answer: (D)

80. What is the age of R?

(A)  33  years

(B)  35 years

(C)  25 years

(D)  45 years

(E)   50 years

Answer: (B)

81. How many persons are youngest than U?

(A)  One

(B)  Two

(C)  Three

(D)  Four

(E)   None of these

Answer: (E)

82. What is the age of S?

(A)  45 years

(B)  35 years

(C)  33 years

(D)  50 years

(E)   28 years

Answer: (C)

83. Who was born on 1989?

(A)  V

(B)  U

(C)  T

(D)  P

(E)   Q

Answer: (A)

84. In a certain code language ‘economics growth registered’ is written as ‘ve jo qi’, ‘growth is expected’ is written as ‘qi lo mn’, and ‘registered expected number’ is written as ‘lo ve pr’, then what is the code for “economic”?

(A)  lo

(B)  pr

(C)  qi

(D)  ve

(E)   jo

Answer: (E)

85. If 2 is subtracted from each odd digit in the number 7493652 and 3 is added to each even digit in number then which of the following digit is repeated in the new number so obtained?

(A)  9, 3

(B)  6, 5

(C)  5, 4

(D)  5, 9

(E)   5, 7

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 86 and 87) Study the following information carefully and answer the given below :

   There are four boxes i.e.., J, K, L and M in which four types of fruits are stored. Fruits re Litchi, Apple, Grapes and Mango, Boxes are arranged in such a manner from top to bottom.

   There are two boxes between K and L. The box is which grapes are stored is above L, but not immediate above. The box in which Apple is stored is immediate below M, but not stored in box L. Litchi box is above is Mango box, but not immediate above Apple box.

86. In which of the following box, Litchi is stored?

(A)  J

(B)  M

(C)  K

(D)  L

(E)   Either J or M

Answer: (C)

87. Which of the following fruit is stored in second lowest Box?

(A)  Grapes

(B)  Apple

(C)  Mango

(D)  Litchi

(E)   Cannot be determined

Answer: (B)

   Directions-(Q. 88-92) Study the following information carefully and answer the given below :

   Eight persons M, N, O, V, W, X, Y and Z attend seminars on different months of the y ear viz., March, June, October and November, such that not more than two persons attend their seminars in each of the months. Seminars can be held on either 10thh or 27th day of the month. No two seminars can be held on the same day.

   W and N attend the seminars on the same month. There are three seminars between the seminars of X and O. W does not attend their seminar in November. Z attends his seminar immediately after N. V attends his seminar in the month of November. The number of persons who attend their seminars between the seminars Y and Z respectively is the same as the number of persons who attend their seminars between the seminars of N and V respectively. X does not attend the seminar on October. W attends his seminar before N.

88. M attends his seminar on which of the following dates?

(A)  10th October

(B)  27th November

(C)  10th November

(D)  10th March

(E)   None of these

Answer: (C)

89. Which of the following persons attends his seminar on 27th March?

(A)  W

(B)  N

(C)  M

(D)  X

(E)   None of these

Answer: (D)

90. How many persons attend the seminar after W?

(A)  5

(B)  4

(C)  6

(D)  3

(E)   None of these

Answer: (A)

91. Who among the following persons attends the seminar on 10th October?

(A)  W

(B)  M

(C)  V

(D)  Z

(E)   None of these

Answer: (D)

92. How many persons attended seminar after V?

(A)  5

(B)  4

(C)  7

(D)  No one

(E)   None of these

Answer: (D)

   Directions-(Q. 93 and 94) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

   There are six family members A, B, C, D, E and F and all of them are different ages. A is younger than only one person. E is older than B and D but not as old as A. D is older than only one person. F is youngest in the family. The age of D is 25 years and the age of person who is second oldest is 40  years.

93. Who is the oldest in the family?

(A)  A

(B)  B

(C)  D

(D)  E

(E)   C

Answer: (E)

94. What is the possible age of B?

(A)  42 years

(B)  20 years

(C)  55 years

(D)  19 years

(E)   30 years

Answer: (E)

95. Which of the following statements shows ‘A ≥ R’ and ‘B < C’ holds definitely true?

(A)  B ≤ C = A ≥ K = R

(B)  C = K > B < R ≥ A

(C)  C > B > A ≥ K = R

(D)  B = K < C < R = A

(E)   None of these

Answer: (C)

   Directions-(Q. 96-98) In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statement is followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.

(A) Only conclusion I is implicit.

(B) Both conclusion I and II are implicit

(C) Either conclusion I or II is implicit

(D) Only conclusion II is implicit

(E) Neither conclusion I nor II is implicit

96. Statements : M > U > L ≤ N; L ≥ Y > A

Conclusion I : Y < N

Conclusion II : Y = N

Answer: (C)

97. Statements : J ≥ A > D = E; L < A < M

Conclusion I : M < J

Conclusion II : J > L

Answer: (D)

98. Statements : M ≤ K > L = Y ; P ≤ T > M

Conclusion I : P > Y

Conclusion II:  T < L

Answer: (E)

99. In a vertical row 13 persons are sitting. A is seventh from the beginning and two persons sits between G and A. Persons between A and L is same as persons between G and Q. Then what is the position of Q from the beginning?

(A)  Fourth

(B)  Eighth

(C)  Sixth

(D)  Ninth

(E)   Cannot e determined

Answer: (E)

100. A man walks 12 m east from point A and reaches point B. From point B he takes turn and walked 6 m and again he takes right turn and walks 7 m and again takes right turn and reaches point M. If it is given that point B is in north from point M, then what is the distance between B and M?

(A)  7 m

(B)  6 m

(C)  5 m

(D)  4 m

(E)   3 m

Answer: (E)

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