Loyola College U.G. English April 2008 Executive Communication Question Paper PDF Download



MD 15







Date : 16/04/2008             Dept. No.                                          Max. : 50 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 3:00


Invigilators, please note: The Examination is only for TWO HOURS




  1. Answer any EIGHT of the following in 50 words each: (8×2=16)
    1. What are the different approaches to negotiation?
    2. Define ‘Kinesics’ and give two examples.
    3. What is the difference between decision-making and problem-solving?
    4. What are the objectives of an interview?
    5. What is meant by positive body language?
    6. What are the various kinds of official letters?
    7. Define ‘memo’.
    8. Why is ‘you-attitude’ very important?
    9. Differentiate ‘channel’ from ‘direction’.
    10. What are the qualities of a democratic leader?





  1. Answer any THREE of the following in 200 words each: (3×5=15)


  1. Write an effective letter in Full Block Format to the Commissioner of Police, Chennai City

Circle, inviting him to inaugurate the activities of the Student Union.

  1. Elaborate with illustrations the structure of a business letter.
  2. What are the ways and means to remove communication blocks?
  3. What strategy is usually used in sequencing the interview questions?
  4. Draw a mind map on the topic, ‘communication – objectives and principles’ and do a random jotting on the same topic, and prioritise it.





  1. Study the following advertisement and write down your comments, applying the parameters of ad analysis. (1×9=9)


















  1. Study the case given below and answer the questions that follow: (4X21/2 = 10) .


The importance of keeping the lines of executive communication with one’s business partner cannot be overemphasized. Both domestic partnerships and especially foreign partnerships are premised extensively of the degree and quality of the relationship that the parties have assumed. A relationship can only survive if the parties involved maintain a line of communication. This concept becomes even more relevant when the partnership entails an international agreement where the enhanced distance between the partners will exacerbate the need to keep in touch. An executive can only keep on top of things if they are in contact with their partners because otherwise, how are they going to know what’s going on?

Secondly, the line of communication needs to be a two way process and should flow back and forth. It happens that too many international negotiators do not take the time, and dismiss the need to include some frank discussion in how the two parties will maintain contact with each other. They assume wrongly that the communication process will evolve all in its own sweet time. The time to discuss the line of communication is when the venture is being negotiated. They should not consider the issue later, and after the fact, when serious problems suddenly arise and challenge the viability and the stability of the joint venture. The other problem occurs when the two parties neglect to keep in touch with each and simply allow their interest in their agreement to ‘wither on the vine’, while the agreement simply falls apart due to a genuine lack of interest.

Many joint ventures have collapsed apart needlessly due to a lack of communication between the parties involved. International agreements are especially prone to dissolution when the partners fail to maintain a respectable level of contact.

Take the case that occurred between one particular U.S. Company and their Japanese partner for example. The agreement that they signed stipulated that the Japanese company would supply the manufacturing, management, and marketing components of the deal, while the American company would supply the technology.

The American representative, who was based in Hong Kong, met with their Japanese counterparts only once every three months where all aspects of the operation would be discussed.

In between these quarterly visits, the two parties exchanged communications through written correspondence and infrequent phone calls. To the Japanese partner, this periodic though infrequent contact signalled that the American partner was not overly committed to the relationship. Needless to say, the Japanese commitment to the partnership began to dwindle as well. As time progressed, the U.S. Company’s strategy altered as they began to concentrate on a smaller product line. The American company never bothered to advise their Japanese partner of the change in their strategy. Due to this smaller line and change, there was the additional problem. The Japanese company was not going to be receiving the technology it had negotiated with the American firm.

The Japanese took a dim view of what they now perceived as an agreement that was signed in ‘bad faith’. The Japanese became bitter as the relationship soured and ended in arbitration. What was the result of the arbitration? The partnership was dissolved.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is executive communication necessary?
  2. What was the agreement between the two companies?
  3. Write down the reasons that indicate why this venture failed.
  4. How can this problem be resolved? [OR] What lessons do you draw from this case?




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Loyola College U.G. English April 2012 Executive Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Answer any TEN of the following: (10 X 3=30Marks)


  1. What is known as “Space Fillers”? Give Example
  2. What is a Conflict?
  3. Mention the functional and non-functional roles that a discussant may play.
  4. What does Brain Writing mean?
  5. Write note on “Note Card”?
  6. What are the different types of answers one may employ in an Interview?
  7. How does standardized Interview differ from unstandardized interview?
  8. What are the three dimensions of appeal in advertisement?
  9. What are the two kinds of Print Ads? Explain with examples
  10. Write a brief note on the alphabet code for writing effective business letters?
  11. What are the two kinds of letters of enquiry? Explain
  12. What are the advantages of e-mail?




  1. Answer any Five of the following in about 250-300 words each: (5 X 8=40 Marks)


  1. Explain any two group decision – making techniques in detail.
  2. What factors may contribute towards success of meetings?
  3. Enumerate the barriers in communication and suggest ways to remove them.

16.Draft a speech to congratulate your office staff on his achievements in the past year.

  1. How is an autocratic manager different from a consultative and democratic manager?
  2. What are the various ways in which an executive can have control over his language?
  3. Prepare an agenda and write the minutes of the meeting of the Sports Committee held on the

eve of the annual sports of the college.




III. Attempt the following:


  1. Prepare an advertisement layout for a product of your choice without missing any of its essential

components- hookline, illustrations, colour, symbol, text, brandname and byeline.      (10 Marks)


21.Write an effective business letter in the Full Block format to the Director of Tourism, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands, promoting your airways company ’Great Air’.                                          (10 Marks)





  1. Read the Case Study and then answer the questions given below: (10 Marks)

Identify the leader within – Brig.Rajiv Divekar(Retd.)

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already. – John Buchan

Insightful as it is, this aphorism needs to be modified to suit the 21st century. It can instead be said that- The task of each one is not to seek greatness in others but to recognize it within self, for it is there already. The task is to recognize one’s ability to lead one’s self and others if the need shall arise. Generation Y desperately needs not a Nehru but the belief that a Nehru is rooted deep within them.

A manager today has to lead, meet targets and also to be successful in creating a second line of leaders. As citizens of the new global village one needs to be prepared to smoothly step in the leader’s shoes if the need arises. The qualities of a leader: strong moral fibre, vision, determination and focus to transform that vision to reality is within reachable grasp of everyone.

The Jasmine revolution was started by average people who wanted to make a difference. If each of us recognizes our inherent strength and ability to lead, to take command we can move mountains. Not long ago the ‘Lead India’ campaign extolled this strength that is innate in each of us.

Having recognized this need how does one hone one’s self into a leader?

The most essential requirement would be ‘character building’. All other skills like effective communications, motivation amongst others would be easy to inculcate once a strong moral conscious coupled with the desire to be proactive is established. These two would drive you to have vision; they would fuel your passion for every activity that you engage in.

Marianne Williamson’s prose explains this belief well:

“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberate others.”

So, see yourself as a leader, strengthen your character and develop your skills relentlessly to excel as you were meant to. That is the essence of leadership.(The writer is director,SIMS)

Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the essential components of leadership according to the writer? Justify with examples from the text.
  2. If you were a manager of the new global village, how would you strengthen your character and develop your leadership skills?




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