Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) Examination Held on October 15, 2017 Paper-1 (Class I-V) Question Paper With Answer Key

Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) Examination Held on October 15, 2017 Paper-1 (Class I-V)
Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) Examination Held on October 15, 2017 Paper-1 (Class I-V) Question Paper With Answer Key

Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) Examination Held on October 15, 2017

Paper-1 (Class I-V)

Part 1 Child Development and Teaching Method

1. The period of learning, where no improvement in performance is made, is called

(a)  learning curve

(b)  plateau of learning

(c)  memory

(d)  attention

Answer: (b)

2. The formula for calculating IQ is

(a)  Mental age × Chronological age



(d)  Chronological age + Mental age

Answer: (c)

3. Who has propounded the Law of Trial and Error of leaning?

(a)  Kohler

(b)  Pavlov

(c)  Thorndike

(d)  Gestalt

Answer: (c)

4. In a normal zygote, the number of chromosomes in pair is

(a)  22

(b)  23

(c)  24

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

5. Operant conditioning theory is propounded by

(a)  Hull

(b)  Thorndike

(c)  Hegarty

(d)  Skinner

Answer: (d)

6. Kohler is associated with which of the following?

(a)  Theory of motivation

(b)  Theory of development

(c)  Theory of personality

(d)  Theory of learning

Answer: (d)

7. Fluid mosaic model of intelligence was proposed by

(a)  Cattell

(b)  Thorndike

(c)  Vernon

(d)  Skinner

Answer: (a)

8. Brainstorming model of teaching is used to improve which of the following?

(a)  Understanding

(b)  Application

(c)  Creativity

(d)  Problem solving

Answer: (d)

9. Goleman is associated with which of the following?

(a)  Social intelligence

(b)  Emotional intelligence

(c)  Spiritual intelligence

(d)  General intelligence

Answer: (b)

10. Find the odd one out.

(a)  Theory of learning to learn

(b)  Theory of identical elements

(c)  Drive reduction theory

(d)  Theory of generalization

Answer: (c)

11. The lowest level of congnitive achievement is

(a)  knowledge

(b)  understanding

(c)  application

(d)  analysis

Answer: (a)

12. A boy who can ride a cycle is going to drive a motorbike. This is an example of

(a)  horizontal transfer of learning

(b)  vertical transfer of learning

(c)  bilateral transfer of learning

(d)  No transfer of learning

Answer: (b)

13. Which of the following is not the cause of plateau of learning?

(a)  Limit of motivation

(b)  Non-cooperation are as follows of school

(c)  Physiological limit

(d)  Limit of knowledge

Answer: (b)

14. “Learning is the modification of behavior through experience and training. “This statement was given by

(a)  Gates and others

(b)  Morgan and Gilliland

(c)  Skinner

(d)  Cronbach

Answer: (a)

15. ‘Stanford-Binet Test’ measures

(a)  personality

(b)  reading efficiency

(c)  intelligence

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (c)

16. Who was classified introvert personality and extrovert personality?

(a)  Freud

(b)  Jung

(c)  Munn

(d)  Allport

Answer: (b)

17. The factors affecting the social development of children are

(a)  economic elements

(b)  social-environmental elements

(c)  physical elements

(d)  hereditary elements

Answer: (b)

18. Which of the following is a primary law of physical development?

(a)  Law of difference from mental development

(b)  Law of irregular development

(c)  Law of rapid growth

(d)  Law of relation from imagination and emotional development.

Answer: (c)

19. Which of the following is not the theory of development?

(a)  Theory of conditioned reflex

(b)  Theory of continuous growth

(c)  Theory of interrelation

(d)  Theory of uniform pattern

Answer: (a)

20. “Development results in new characteristics and new abilities”. This statement is given by

(a)  Gesell

(b)  Hurlock

(c)  Meredith

(d)  Douglas and Holland

Answer: (a)

21. Instincts are classified in fourteen types by

(a)  Drever

(b)  McDougall

(c)  Thorndike

(d)  Woodworth

Answer: (b)

22. “Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one object rather than upon another”. This statement is given by

(a)  Dumvilli

(b)  Ross

(c)  Munn

(d)  McDougall

Answer: (a)

23. Which is not included in primary law of learning?

(a)  Law of readiness

(b)  Law of exercise

(c)  Law of multiple response

(d)  Law of effect

Answer: (c)

24. Which test is propounded by Dr. S. Jalota in Hindi for the children of 12 to 16 years?

(a)  Non-verbal intelligence test

(b)  General mental ability test

(c)  Army alpha test

(d)  Picture drawing test

Answer: (b)

25. Who propounded the two-factor theory of intelligence?

(a)  Thorndike

(b)  Spearman

(c)  Vernon

(d)  Stern

Answer: (b)

26. Which of the following pairs is not true?

(a)  Stimulus – response theory of learning – Thorndike

(b)  Operant conditioning theory of learning – BF skinner

(c)  Classical theory of learning – Pavlov

(d)  Holistic theory of learning – Hull

Answer: (d)

27. Whose name is associated with ‘Father of the Eugenics’?

(a)  Crow and Crow

(b)  Galton

(c)  Ross

(d)  Woodworth

Answer: (b)

28. Who described different types of personality based on glands?

(a)  Kretschmer

(b)  Jung

(c)  Cannon

(d)  Spranger

Answer: (a)

29. “Creativity is a mental process to express the original outcomes”. This statement is given b y

(a)  Cole and Bruce

(b)  Drevahal

(c)  Dehan

(d)  Crow and Crow

Answer: (d)

30. The tendency of ‘Feeling of Revolt’ is concerned with which of the following ages?

(a)  Childhood

(b)  Infancy

(c)  Early adolescence

(d)  Middle adolescence

Answer: (d)

Part 2 Language-I (Hindi)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (a)

Answer: (a)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (a)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (a)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (a)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (d)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (d)

Part 3 Language-II (English)

Directions (Q. Nos. 61-65) Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Antarctica is an icy continent in the South Pole. It is covered by permanently frozen ground, is surrounded by water and is about 1.5 times longer than the United States. The world’s largest desert i in Antarctica. 98% of the land is covered with a continental ice sheet; the remaining 2% of land is barren rock. Antarctica has about 87% of the world’s ice. The South Pole is the coldest, windiest and driest place on Earth. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at the South Pole; it reached as low as – 128.6°F of −88.0°C. On an average most of the Antarctica gets less than 2 inches of snow each year. Although scientific expeditions visit Antarctica, there are no permanent human residents. This is because of the extreme weather, which includes freezing temperature, strong winds and blizzards. There are about 4000 seasonal visitors to Antarctica. Antarctica hasn’t always been located at the South pole. It has drifted, like the other continents and has ranged from the Equator during the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago to the South Pole. During the time of the dinosaurs, Antarctica has more temperate and housed dinosaurs and many other life-forms. Now there is very little indigenous life.

61. The word ‘icy’ in the passage is a/an

(a)  noun

(b)  adjective

(c)  adverb

(d)  homonym of ‘ice’

Answer: (b)

62. The word ‘desert’ in the passage is a

(a)  noun

(b)  pronoun

(c)  verb

(d)  verbal

Answer: (a)

63. The word ‘windiest’ in the passage is a

(a)  second form of verb

(b)  superlative form of adjective

(c)  superlative form of adverb

(d)  positive form of noun

Answer: (b)

64. Has Antarctica always been fixed in the South Pole?

(a)  Yes

(b)  No

(c)  May be

(d)  Not given in the passage

Answer: (b)

65. Who are the earliest known inhabitants of Antarctica?

(a)  American scientists

(b)  Indian scientists

(c)  Dinosaurs

(d)  It has always been a desert

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 66-70) Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow, by selecting the most appropriate option.

The first thing which a scholar should bear in mind is that a book ought not to be read for mere amusement. Half-educated persons read for amusement, and are not to be blamed for it, they are incapable of appreciating the deeper qualities that belong to a really great literature. But a young man who has passed through a course of University training should discipline himself at an early day never to read for mere amusement. And once the habit of discipline has been formed, he will find it impossible to read for mere amusement. He will then impatiently throw down any book from which he cannot obtain intellectual food, any book which does not make an appeal to the higher emotions and to his intellect. But on the other, the habit of reading for amusement becomes with thousands of people exactly the same kind of habit as wine-drinking or opium-smoking; it is like a narcotic, something that keeps up a perpetual condition of dreaming, something that eventually results in destroying all capacity for thought, giving exercise only to the surface parts of the mind and leaving the deeper springs of feelings and the higher faculties of perception unemployed.

66. The writer believes that half-educated persons are not able to

(a)  enjoy win-drinking

(b)  enjoy dreaming

(c)  think properly

(d)  appreciate hidden qualities of admirable literature

Answer: (d)

67. The word ‘narcotic’ in the passage means

(a)  great literature

(b)  intoxicant

(c)  cheap books

(d)  intellectual exercise

Answer: (b)

68. The phrase ‘the higher faculties’ in the passage means

(a)  different departments in the University

(b)  different ways of enjoying things

(c)  mental powers of a high order for understanding great literature

(d)  superficial part of the mind

Answer: (c)

69. The word ‘eventually’ in the passage means

(a)  after some time

(b)  at last

(c)  never

(d)  initially

Answer: (b)

70. The word ‘unemployed’ in the passage means

(a)  jobless

(b)  in search of employment

(c)  not working

(d)  unused

Answer: (d)

71. Which of the following is a correct expression?

(a)  As cheerful as a lark

(b)  As busy as a bat

(c)  As cunning as a dog

(d)  As happy as a donkey

Answer: (a)

72. The sentence, “This is the house in which I was born”, is

(a)  a simple sentence

(b)  a compound sentence

(c)  a complex sentence

(d)  a compound-complex sentence

Answer: (c)

73. Which of the following words is a preposition?

(a)  Beyond

(b)  And

(c)  Yet

(d)  Now

Answer: (a)

74. Which of the following words is an adverb?

(a)  Apace

(b)  Face

(c)  Meek

(d)  Fury

Answer: (a)

75. Join the following sentences to make a simple sentence:

The coffee isn’t too strong. It won’t keep us awake.

(a)  The coffee isn’t too strong to keep us awake.

(b)  The coffee isn’t too strong and will not keep us awake.

(c)  The coffee isn’t too strong so it won’t keep us awake.

(d)  The coffee isn’t too strong so as to keep us awake.

Answer: (a)

76. Fill in the blank with suitable pronoun :

My son and my daughter are very fond of ………. .

(a)  herself

(b)  each other

(c)  themselves

(d)  himself

Answer: (b)

77. Give one word for ‘one who hates mankind?’

(a)  Nazist

(b)  Fascist

(c)  Misanthrope

(d)  Sadist

Answer: (c)

78. Transform the following sentence into a simple sentence ending with ‘book’

Let the book be given

(a)  Give me the book

(b)  Give the book

(c)  Please transfer the book

(d)  Can you give the book

Answer: (b)

79. Transform the following sentence into a direct sentence :

I asked Sheela if I might know her father.

(a)  I said to Sheela, “May I know your father?”

(b)  I told Sheela, “May I know your father?”

(c)  I asked Sheela, “Can I know your father?”

(d)  I questioned Sheela. “ Will I know your father”?

Answer: (a)

80. Fill in the blank to complete the following sentence.

The Ministers are responsible …….. the Chief Minister of their State for their work.

(a)  for

(b)  to

(c)  of

(d)  towards

Answer: (b)

81. Complete the following sentence with correct conjunction :

……… he had not paid his bill, his electricity was cut off

(a)  But

(b)  Either

(c)  Unless

(d)  As

Answer: (d)

82. Choose the correct figure of speech in the following sentence. Death lays his icy hand on kings.

(a)  Metaphor

(b)  Personification

(c)  Apostrophe

(d)  Simile

Answer: (b)

83. The study of population is known as

(a)  Ecology

(b)  Astronomy

(c)  Demography

(d)  Genealogy

Answer: (c)

84. Give the meaning of the following proverb.

A bird in hand is worth two in a bush.

(a)  To catch two birds with your hands

(b)  To be dissatisfied with what you have

(c)  It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to try to get what is not yours

(d)  To trap birds in bushes

Answer: (c)

85. Which of the following sounds is not associated with the sound of a bell?

(a)  Chime

(b)  Jingle

(c)  Ring

(d)  Dang

Answer: (d)

86. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

Are you sorry ……. what you have done?

(a)  with

(b)  for

(c)  by

(d)  over

Answer: (b)

87. Pick out the correct synonym of the following word :


(a)  Repent

(b)  Force

(c)  Divide

(d)  Make thin

Answer: (d)

88. Pick out the compound sentence.

(a)  To add to their trouble the servant ran away.

(b)  Having no money with me, I could not give the beggar anything.

(c)  I loved him because he was my friend.

(d)  The servant ran away and added to their troubles

Answer: (c)

89. Select the most appropriate preposition to complete the following sentence :

Why are you always so suspicious ……….. me?

(a)  to

(b)  with

(c)  of

(d)  for

Answer: (c)

90. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence :

The Headmaster ……… to speak to you.

(a)  wants

(b)  is wanting

(c)  was wanting

(d)  None of these

Answer: (a)

Part 4 Mathematics

91. If 24 is 2/3 of 3/4 of a number, then what will be 1/4 of that number?

(a)  8

(b)  12

(c)  10

(d)  32

Answer: (b)

92. The square root of 7 + 2√10 is

(a)  (√6 + 1)

(b)  (√3 + 2)

(c)  (√2 + √5)

(d)  (2 + √5)

Answer: (c)

93. The most important person, related to the method of ‘Analysis of Variance’ in Statistics, was

(a)  RA Fisher

(b)  Gauss

(c)  Laplace

(d)  Newton

Answer: (a)

94. If 3/5th part of 60% of a number is 36, then that number is

(a)  100

(b)  75

(c)  80

(d)  90

Answer: (a)

95. π is a/an

(a)  rational number

(b)  irrational number

(c)  prime number

(d)  integer

Answer: (a)

96. If  then the value of  is

(a)  √2

(b)  7

(c)  2

(d)  1/√7

Answer: (c)

97. The digit of unit place in (378 × 236 × 459 × 312) will be

(a)  6

(b)  8

(c)  2

(d)  4

Answer: (d)

98. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 12 and 72 respectively. If the sum of thee numbers is 60, then one of the numbers will be

(a)  12

(b)  24

(c)  60

(d)  72

Answer: (b)

99. A teacher wrote on the blackboard:

Find 29 × 4

A student copied it on her notebook as 27 × 4 and solved it as follows

The teacher should

(a)  give 0 mark to the student

(b)  as her to be attentive in the class and given 0 mark

(c)  give 2 marks out of 5 marks to the students

(d)  try to ascertain the reason of wrongly copying the question by the student and give her full 5 marks for the correct process.

Answer: (d)

100. If the cost price of an article is 3/2 of its selling price, then the profit or loss percent is





Answer: (b)

101. The total area of four walls of a room is 660 m2 and the length is twice its width. If the height of the room is 11 m, then the area of its ceiling is

(a)  200 m2

(b)  150 m2

(c)  100 m2

(d)  75 m2

Answer: (a)

102. If 604 …6 is divisible by 11, then the integer in the blank space is

(a)  1

(b)  3

(c)  7

(d)  5

Answer: (d)

103. Who was the self-taught Indian mathematical genius in the 20th century?

(a)  Aryabhatta

(b)  Sridharacharya

(c)  Srinivasa Ramanujan

(d)  Harish Chandra

Answer: (c)

104. Twice the larger of two numbers is three more than five times the smaller and the sum of four times the larger and three times the smaller is 71. What are the numbers ?

(a)  43, 8

(b)  11, 9

(c)  14, 5

(d)  17, 1

Answer: (c)

105. A cube of side 5 cm is painted on all its faces. If its sliced into 1 cm3 cubes, how many 1 cm3 cubes will have exactly one of their faces painted?

(a)  142

(b)  27

(c)  42

(d)  54

Answer: (d)

106. Which measures of central tendency get affected if the extreme observations on both the ends of a data arranged in descending order are removed?

(a)  Mean and median

(b)  Mean, median and mode

(c)  Mean and mode

(d)  Mode and median

Answer: (b)

107. Every digit of a natural number is either 3 or 4. The number is divisible by both 3 and 4. What is the smallest such number?

(a)  333

(b)  444

(c)  44

(d)  4444

Answer: (b)

108. Find the sum of all the interior angles of pentagon.

(a)  450°

(b)  180°

(c)  360°

(d)  540°

Answer: (d)

109. 4/7 of a pole is in the mud. When 1/3 of it is pulled out, an 8 m long piece of the pole still remains in the mud.

What is the total length of the pole?

(a)  21 m

(b)  25 m

(c)  30 m

(d)  12 m

Answer: (a)

110. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and A in 20 days. How long would A take separately to do the same work?

(a)  10 days

(b)  20 days

(c)  30 days

(d)  40 days

Answer: (c)

111. D, E and F are respectively the midpoints of the sides of ∆ Which of the following is true?

(a)  Area of ∆DEF = Area of ∆ABC




Answer: (d)

112. If the difference and the product of two numbers are 5 and 36 respectively, then their reciprocals differ by

(a)  5/36

(b)  31/36

(c)  5/9

(d)  9/5

Answer: (a)

113. A two-digit number is such that the product of its digits is 6. If 9 is added to the number, the digits are reversed. The number is

(a)  16

(b)  35

(c)  43

(d)  23

Answer: (d)

114. The height of a rectangle in a histogram shows

(a)  frequency of the class

(b)  width of the class

(c)  upper limit of the class

(d)  lower limit of the class

Answer: (a)

115. In a constructivist classroom, teachers should not do which of the following?

(a)  Allow students to develop their own strategies to solve questions.

(b)  Ask students to rote memorize formulate.

(c)  Create situations for exploration.

(d)  Allow students to construct meanings for mathematical tools.

Answer: (b)

116. The difference of two complementary angle is 40°. the angles are

(a)  65°, 35°

(b)  70°, 30°

(c)  25°, 65°

(d)  70°, 110°

Answer: (c)

117. When 121012 is divided by 12, the remainder is

(a)  0

(b)  2

(c)  3

(d)  4

Answer: (d)

118. Which of the following should be assessed in a student?

(a)  Mathematical communication

(b)  Capacity to memorize without understanding

(c)  Capacity to listen to teacher

(d)  Attitude of not asking question even if the concept is not understood

Answer: (d)

119. The difference the maximum and minimum observation is called

(a)  frequency

(b)  class size

(c)  range

(d)  mean

Answer: (c)

120. The smallest prime number is

(a)  2

(b)  3

(c)  5

(d)  7

Answer: (a)

Part 5 Environmental Studies

121. ‘AGMARK’ is related with

(a)  quality

(b)  packaging

(c)  processing

(d)  production

Answer: (a)

122. The problem of water pollution with arsenic is maximum in

(a)  Uttar Pradesh

(b)  Madhya Pradesh

(c)  Bihar

(d)  West Bengal

Answer: (d)

123. The Wildlife Protection Act was passed in

(a)  1960

(b)  1962

(c)  1972

(d)  1975

Answer: (c)

124. The process of curd production from milk is known as

(a)  photosynthesis

(b)  distillation

(c)  fermentation

(d)  sterlization

Answer: (c)

125. Fundamental Duties are adopted from the Constitution of which country?

(a)  Germany

(b)  United Kingdom

(c)  the USA

(d)  the USSR

Answer: (d)

126. The Polestar is

(a)  North star

(b)  South star

(c)  East star

(d)  West star

Answer: (a)

127. ‘Project Tiger’ was started in India in

(a)  1972

(b)  1973

(c)  1981

(d)  1985

Answer: (b)

128. The Valley of Flowers is located in

(a)  Jammu and Kashmir

(b)  Himachal Pradesh

(c)  Sikkim

(d)  Uttrakhand

Answer: (d)

129. How many bones are present in an adult human being?

(a)  305

(b)  275

(c)  206

(d)  175

Answer: (c)

130. The Headquarter of Greenpeace International is located on

(a)  New York

(b)  Sydney

(c)  Amsterdam

(d)  Nagasaki

Answer: (c)

131. During light phrase of photosynthesis, ……. is oxidized and ……… is reduced.

(a)  water, NADP

(b)  NADPH2, CO2

(c)  CO2, water

(d)  CO2, NADPH2

Answer: (a)

132. What is not true for LPG?

(a)  It is a clean fuel

(b)  It has high calorific value

(c)  It burns with blue flame

(d)  It is methane emitting

Answer: (d)

133. The ‘Origin of Species’ is a work of

(a)  Aristotle

(b)  Charles Darwin

(c)  Mendel

(d)  Robert Hooke

Answer: (b)

134. The Tropic of Capricorn is




(d)  23°S

Answer: (c)

135. The Head Office of the International Court of Justice is situated in

(a)  Geneva

(b)  The Hague

(c)  New York

(d)  Paris

Answer: (b)

136. The Constituent Assembly adopted over National Anthem on

(a)  January 20, 1950

(b)  January 24, 1950

(c)  May 21, 1949

(d)  November 13, 1949

Answer: (b)

137. Where is Pushkar Fair held?

(a)  Jaipur

(b)  Udaiaur

(c)  Jodhpur

(d)  Ajmer

Answer: (d)

138. Which of the following ultraviolet rays more dangerous?

(a)  UV-A

(b)  UV-B

(c)  UV-C

(d)  None of these

Answer: (a)

139. Which of the following is not an abiotic component of biosphere?

(a)  Protein

(b)  Soil

(c)  Fungi

(d)  Phosphorus

Answer: (c)

140. ‘Gir Lion Project’ is situated in

(a)  Gujarat

(b)  Maharashtra

(c)  Uttar Pradesh

(d)  Madhya Pradesh

Answer: (a)

141. WWF stands for

(a)  World Wife Fund

(b)  World War Fund

(c)  World Wildlife Fund

(d)  World Watch Fund

Answer: (c)

142. The river Ganga rises from

(a)  Aravalli range

(b)  Ladakh glacier

(c)  Gangotri glacier

(d)  Milap glacier

Answer: (c)

143. Which of the following agencies is primarily concerned with the measurement of pollution in India?

(a)  Green Tribunal

(b)  Central Pollution Control Board

(c)  Central Water Commission

(d)  Survey of India

Answer: (b)

144. ‘Cotopaxi’ is an active volcano situated in

(a)  Sicily

(b)  Hawaii

(c)  Andes

(d)  Rockies

Answer: (c)

145. Tsangpo river of Tibet, in India, is known as

(a)  Ganga

(b)  Yamuna

(c)  Brahmaputra

(d)  Indus

Answer: (c)

146. In a food chain of grassland ecosystem, the top consumer are

(a)  herbivorous

(b)  carnivorous

(c)  bacteria

(d)  either carnivorous or herbivorous

Answer: (b)

147. The main atmospheric layer near the surface of the Earth is

(a)  stratosphere

(b)  troposphere

(c)  mesosphere

(d)  ionosphere

Answer: (b)

148. The number of permanent members of the UN Security Council is

(a)  3

(b)  4

(c)  5

(d)  6

Answer: (c)

149. Sariska National Park is situated in

(a)  West Bengal

(b)  Gujarat

(c)  Rajasthan

(d)  Assam

Answer: (c)

150. The main source of energy in an ecosystem is

(a)  ATP

(b)  sunlight

(c)  DNA

(d)  RNA

Answer: (b)

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