Advent of the Europeans in Indian History:
- A new Sea route to India via Cape of Good Hope (Southern tip of South Africa) by Vasco da Gama in 1498 AD marked the beginning of European period in Indian History.
- He first arrived at Kapad near Kozhikode in Kerala
- Saint Gabriel was the name of the ship in which Vasco-da-Gama landed at Kappad, the port of Zamorine of Calicut.
- The most famous Portuguese men from the point of view of India Vasco da Gama, Almeida and Albuquerque.
- Vasco-da-Gama arrived for the second time in 1502 and for the third chance in 1524. He died at Fort Cochin and was cremated at the St. Frnacis Church there. Later his remains were brought back to Portugal.
- Don Francisco de’Almedia was the first Portuguese governor in the East. His policy was called ‘‘the bluewater policy’’ which aimed at the establishement of strong navy
- In 1507 the Portuguese arrived at Madras. The city finally got its name from their leader Madra.
- The greatest Portuguese governor to the East was Albuquerque. He was the real founder of the Portuguese authority in India.
- Albuquerque tried to abolish Sati.
- His policy mixed colony system was to encourage intermarriage between the Portuguese and Indians.
- They Portuguese religious policy was Lantinisation of Kerala.
- The conflict for the establishment of Latin rite and syrian rite led to the Coonan Cross Oath incident in 1653.
- The Portuguese introduced agricultural products such a cashew, coconut, custardapple, pineapple etc in India
- They introduced Tobacco in the court of Akbar in 1604.
- Portuguese authority in Indian seas remained upto 1595.
- The Portuguese started the first press in India at Goa in 1556
- The first Portuguese fort in India was constructed at Cochin.
- Portuguese captured Goa from the Bijapur Sulthan in 1510.
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