Lok Sabha Constituencies in Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh (MP Constituencies) | Shahdol |
MLA Assembly Constituencies in Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh | Anuppur Kotama Pusprajgarh |
District at a Glance
- District –
- Headquarters –
- State –

- Total –
- Rural –
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- Population –
- Rural –
- Urban –
- Male –
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- Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males) –
- Density (Total, Persons per sq km) –
- Assembly –
- Loksabha –
- Official Website –
Geographical Scenario
According to 2001 Census, the total population of Anuppur District is 667155, out of which 309624 are Scheduled tribes and 48376 are Scheduled castes. In this manner, Anuppur District is a tribal dominated district.
Geographical Structure
Increase in Population
In year 1991, Total Population of district was 4,97,955 During last decades increase in Population is 667155. From 1951 to 1961, 1961 to 1971,1971 to 1981 and 1981 to 1991 , the increase in Population was 6.96, 11.81, 21.10 and 29.64 respectivily.
Climate and Rains
The climate of the District is temperate. It rains from June to October in the District. The temperature remains the highest in the month of June and the l owest in the Month of January. The maximum and minimum temperature of the District remains 46oC and 2.6oC respectivily
One third of the District consists of forest area. Sal Amla , Teak , Sarai and Shisham are the main trees found in this District. The flower of Mahua and Guli Provide us edible oil. Mahua flower is mostly used for making wine by tribal people.
Mines and Minerals
District Anuppur is very rich in its mineral resources. Minerals found in district are coal, Bauxite and fire clay. Most of the Coalmines are located in Kotma Sub Division. Amarkantak in known for its Bauxite Deposited.
According to the 1998 Survey, there are 106 industries ( Large Scale & Small Scale ) in the whole District. The Orient paper Mill and Soda Factory are situated in Amlai. Small Scale industries of polythene and Baskets of Bamboo are also run in the District. There is a Bidi Factory in Venkatnagar.
Amarkantak Thermal Power Plant is established for the production of electricity. 94% villages of the District have been electirfied. Chachai Power House has total generating capacity of 290 MW.
From transpoting point of view, road is the main means of Transportation. Matelic Road is about 741.67 kms. and Kachhi Road is about 1355.47 kms. Railway Facility is available for Katni , Chirimiri and Bilaspur route.
Post and Telecommunication
There are one 111 Post Offices and their braches working in the whole District. There are 6 Telegram Offices . The District has 2038 Telephone Connection.
Public Health
Besides one District Hospital , t here are 5 Community Health Centers, 17 Primary Health Centers, 12 Ayurvedic Dispensaries and 174 Sub-Health Centers Working in the District.
Other Facilities
One third of the District consists of forest area. Sal Amla, Teak, Sarai and Shisham are the main trees found in this District. The flower of Mahua and Guli Provide us edible oil. Mahua flower is mostly used for making wine by tribal people.
Mines and Minerals
District Anuppur is very rich in its mineral resources. Minerals found in district are coal, Bauxite and fire clay. Most of the Coalmines are located in Kotma Sub Division. Amarkantak in known for its Bauxite Deposited.
Climate and Rains
The climate of the District is temperate. It rains from June to October in the District. The temperature remains the highest in the month of June and the l owest in the Month of January. The maximum and minimum temperature of the District remains 46oC and 2.6oC respectivily
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