Lok Sabha Constituencies in Botad district, Gujarat (MP Constituencies) | Bhavnagar |
MLA Assembly Constituencies in Botad district, Gujarat | Gadhada Botad |
About the District :
Botad District is situated in Saurastra which is newly made from Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad District of Gujarat State. The administrative headquarter of the district is Botad which is about92 km from Bhavnagar and 133 km From Ahmedabad by road distance.
Botad District is surrounded by Surendranagar District to the northeast, Rajkot districts to the west, Bhavnagar and Amareli to the south and Ahmedabad District to the East.
The Sukhbhadar River flows on northern border of Botad district in Ranpur taluka.The Kalubhar River flows on southern part of Botad district in Gadhada taluka.The district is situated between 71E latitude and 22 N latitude &42 E longitudes to 10N longitudes. The total area of the district is 2564 Sq.km. .Kalubhar,Sukhbhadar,Ghelo,Utavali,Goma are main rivers in the district.
District has a population of 6.52 lac as per last census-2011. District is divided in 2 Revenue Sub-Divisions & 4 Talukas. There are 3 Municipalities in the District.
At a Glance :
Tourist Places :
Salangpur Hanumanji Temple :

This Hanumanji temple is considered most holy and sacred. It is among the more prominent ones in the Swaminarayan Sampraday. The image of Hanuman was installed by Sadguru Gopalanand Swami This temple is so powerful and centre of religious faith.. Sarangpur is easily reached by bus or car, as it is only 82 km from Bhavnagar.There can be a long wait at the temple gate sometimes, mainly on Saturdays. The temple is really big and spacious, and the statue of Lord Hanuman is really impressive.
Swaminarayan Temple – Gadhada :

The temple is a place of many memories of Swaminarayan. On the path of the worship circuit of the inner temple, there is the idol of Ghanshyam facing northward. This prasadi temple has prasadi items of Swaminarayan displayed in a museum at the temple. On the southern side of the temple, there is a big neem tree and the chamber of Vasudeva where Swaminarayan gave several discourses which are recorded in the Vachanamrut scripture.In May 2012, the temple’s spires were plated with gold, making it the first temple in Gujarat to have golden spires.
Bhimnath Mahadev – Bhimnath :

This place is very Historical. It is related to Mahabharat.(Pandavo).The stone laid down under the Jal tree by Bhim, was worship by Arjun(Pandav) and it is called Bhimnath Mahadev.
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