Guarding the city below, crowning a perpendicular cliff, the fort was founded by Rao Jodha in 1459 Ad when he shifted his capital from Mandore. Standing sentinel to the city below, it overlooks the rugged and rocky terrain and houses a palace intricately adorned with long carved panels and latticed windows exquisitely wrought from red sandstone. The apartments with, have their own magic the Moti Mahal (Pearl Palace), Phool Mahal (Flower Palace), Sheesh Mahal (Mirror Palace), Sileh Khana and Daulat Khana with a rich varied collection of palanquins, howdas, royal cradles, miniature paintings of various schools, costumes, furniture and an impressive armoury. The display of cannons on the ramparts near Chamunda temple is among the rarest in India. As youclimb up, folk musicians revive the grandeur of a bygone era.


Built in the memory of Maharaja Jaswant Singh II, in 1899, the imposing white marble memorial marks the site of a royal crematorium. The cenotaph houses portraits of successive rulers. These four cenotaphs commemorate notable acts of bravery, generosity of the four successive rulers.


Build by Maharaja Umaid Singh (1929-1942), and named after him, this exquisite palace is also known as Chittar Palace because of the local Chittar sandstone used. It is a splendid exampleof Indo-colonial and art deco style of the 30s. A unique featureof this palace is the fact that the hand chiselled sandstone blocks have been put together in a special system of interlocking, there is no mortar binding. A portion of the palace has been converted into a hotel, the other remains on view to visitors in form of excellent museum which houses model aeroplanes, weapons, antique clocks and bob watches, Priceless crockery, and hunting trophies. Both sections retain the ambience of royal splendour.


Nesting in the middle of the Umaid Public Garden, this museum houses a rich collection of exhibits – armoury, textiles, local arts and crafts, miniature painting, Portraits of rulers, manuscripts and images of Jain Tirthankaras. Umaid Public Garden houses a zoo also.


Throbbing with activity, the colourful bazar, near Clock Tower, has narrow lanes dotted with tiny shops selling exquisite Rajasthani textiles, handicrafts, clay figurines of camels and elephants, marble curios with inlay work and exquisite Rajasthani silver jewellery.


This unique academy is established for the up gradation, protection & development of colourful &spectacular classical music, folk music, dance& stage art. The academy is operating stage show, folk celebration, seminar, research publication, training, scholarships, honours & awards for effective development & motivation of the cultural heritage of the city.

The academy also possesses rare folk music and instrumental recording & has air-conditioned sound recording studio as well.