SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination (1st Shift) Tier-I Held on 11 December, 2011 Question Paper With Answer Key

Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination

(1st Shift) Tier-I Held on 11 December, 2011


General Intelligence

1. Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis, find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation.

7 × 8 × 3 = 873

5 × 9 × 4 = 954

2 × 7 × 5 = ?

(A)    572

(B)    752

(C)    257

(D)    725

Answer: (D)

2. Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the given equation.

6 * 5 * 10 * 3 * 12

(A)    ÷ + = ×

(B)    + ÷ × =

(C)    × ÷ + =

(D)    + − = ÷

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 3 and 4) In these questions select the missing number from the given responses.


10     85  8

7       54  7

8       ?    9

(A)    72

(B)    77

(C)    74

(D)    79

Answer: (B)


12           13                    16

3             5                      6

8             8                      ?

288         520                  84

(A)    4

(B)    5

(C)    3

(D)    6

Answer: (A)

5. 1 went 15 m to the north, then I turned west and covered 10 m, then I turned south and covered 5 m and then turned east and covered 10 m. In which direction am I from the starting point?

(A)    East

(B)    West

(C)    North

(D)    South

Answer: (C)

6. A person moves 400 metre to East. He turns to his left and moves 400 metre. Then again he turns to his left and walks 400 metre. Finally he turns to his right and moves 100 metre. Now how far away in metre he is from the starting point?

(A)    1300

(B)    900

(C)    800

(D)    500

Answer: (D)

7. Two statements are given followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

Statements : Every bottle with a red label contains fruit juice. Fruit juice is safe to drink.

Conclusion I : It is safe to drink the contents of bottles with red label.

II : It is not safe to drink from bottles with green label.

(A)    Only I follows

(B)    Only II follows

(C)    Neither I nor II follow

(D)    Both I and II follow

Answer: (A)

8. Two statements are given followed by four conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

Statements (A) : All clerks are typists.

(B) : Some typists are stenos.

Conclusions I : Some stenos are clerks.

II : No steno is a clerk.

III : All typists are clerks.

IV : All clerks are stenos.

(A)    All the conclusions follow

(B)    None of conclusions follow

(C)    Either I or II follows

(D)    Only IV follows

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 9-17) In these questions select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

9. Yes : No : : Alive : ?

(A)    Life

(B)    Live

(C)    Dead

(D)    Funeral

Answer: (C)

10. Today : Day before yesterday : : January : ?

(A)    December

(B)    February

(C)    November

(D)    March

Answer: (C)

11. Man : House : : ?

(A)    Cat : Mouse

(B)    Beast : Den

(C)    Tree : Plant

(D)    Cage : Rat

Answer: (B)

12. AD : NQ : : EH : ?

(A)    RT

(B)    RU

(C)    RS

(D)    RV

Answer: (B)

13. AZB : BYC : : MVN : ?

(A)    NUO

(B)    NVO

(C)    NVQ

(D)    NRQ

Answer: (A)

14. BEHI : JMPQ : : KNQR : ?

(A)    SUXY

(B)    RUXY

(C)    RVXY

(D)    RUYX

Answer: (A)

15. 625 : 25 : : 225 : ?

(A)    13

(B)    14

(C)    15

(D)    16

Answer: (C)

16. 49 : 216 : : 36 : ?

(A)    25

(B)    125

(C)    625

(D)    3125

Answer: (B)

17. 2, 4, 2, : 4, 16, 4 : : 1, 1, 1 : ?

(A)    2, 4, 2

(B)    1, 1, 1

(C)    2, 2, 2

(D)    2, 13, 2

Answer: (B)

Directions-(Q. 18-26) In these questions select the one which different from the other three responses.


(A)    Wood

(B)    Cork

(C)    Stone

(D)    Paper

Answer: (C)


(A)    Rain

(B)    Cloud

(C)    Mist

(D)    Fog

Answer: (A)


(A)    Lawyer

(B)    Carpenter

(C)    Doctor

(D)    Engineer

Answer: (B)


(A)    M

(B)    N

(C)    O

(D)    P

Answer: (C)


(A)    CFH

(B)    LOQ

(C)    XAC

(D)    KMO

Answer: (D)


(A)    PCAQ

(B)    LKIN

(C)    XGEZ

(D)    DWUF

Answer: (A)


(A)    23

(B)    37

(C)    9

(D)    17

Answer: (C)


(A)    92 – 99

(B)    48 – 54

(C)    58 – 64

(D)    89 – 95

Answer: (A)


(A)    13 – 31

(B)    71 – 88

(C)    45 – 54

(D)    16 – 61

Answer: (B)

Directions- Arrange the following words according to English Dictionary.


(A)    DBAEC

(B)    BDCEA

(C)    DBCEA

(D)    BDACE

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 28 and 29) In these questions which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order?

28. (1) Word (2) Paragraph

(3) Sentence       (4) Letter

(A)    1, 3, 4, 2

(B)    1, 4, 3, 2

(C)    3, 4, 1, 2

(D)    4, 1, 3, 2

Answer: (D)

29. (1) Stem (2) Flower       (3) Root           (4) Leaves       (5) Fruit

(A)    3, 1, 4, 2, 5

(B)    3, 1, 5, 2, 4

(C)    4, 3, 1, 5, 2

(D)    5, 2, 1, 4, 3

Answer: (A)

30. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?

a_bcaa_caa_ _

(A)    a b c c

(B)    a b a c

(C)    a b b c

(D)    b a a c

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 31-34) In these questions choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

31. J, Q, I, R, H, S, ? ?

(A)    F T

(B)    G T

(C)    H U

(D)    K T

Answer: (B)

32. CFL, EIK, GLJ, IOI, ?

(A)    KRH

(B)    KRJ

(C)    JRH

(D)    KQH

Answer: (A)

33. 256, 16, 4, ?

(A)    8

(B)    6

(C)    2

(D)    4

Answer: (C)

34. 1, 6, 13, 22 ?, 46

(A)    32

(B)    33

(C)    40

(D)    43

Answer: (B)

35. Find the wrong number in the given series. 41, 41, 42, 44, 48, 51, 56.

(A)    48

(B)    51

(C)    56 

(D)    41

Answer: (A)

36. A and B are the young ones of C. If C is the mother of B, but A is not the daughter of C, then what is the relationship between C and A?

(A)    Nephew and Aunty

(B)    Brother and Sister

(C)    Mother and son

(D)    Niece and Aunty

Answer: (C)

37. There are five friends Shailendra, Keshav, Madhav, Ashish and Rakesh. Shailendra is shorter than Keshav but taller than Rakesh, Madhav is the tallest. Ashish is a little shorter than Keshav and little taller than Shailendra. Who is the shortest?

(A)    Rakesh

(B)    Shailendra

(C)    Ashish

(D)    Keshav

Answer: (A)

38. From the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.


(A)    GATE

(B)    RATE

(C)    HATE

(D)    GRUNT

Answer: (D)

39. A group of alphabets are given the each being assigned a number. These have to be unscrambled into a meaningful word and correct order of letters may be indicated from the given responses.

A           R         K         H         S

1             2          3          4          5

(A)    5 2 1 4 3

(B)    5 3 1 2 4

(C)    5 4 1 2 3

(D)    5 4 2 1 3

Answer: (C)

40. PROHIBITION is coded as 68032124205. How will you code INHIBITION?

(A)    2531214205

(B)    2532125205

(C)    2542124205

(D)    2532124205

Answer: (D)

41. Which interchange of sings or numbers will make the following equation correct?

(7 + 2) × 3 × 4 – 1 = 20

(A)    2 and 3

(B)    × and −

(C)    7 and 3

(D)    + and ×

Answer: (D)

42. A solid cube of 4 inches has been painted red, green and black on pair of opposite faces. It has been cut into one inch cubes. How many cubes have no face painted?

(A)    0

(B)    4

(C)    8

(D)    16

Answer: (B)

43. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing East. C is between A and E. B is just to the right of E but left of D. F is not at the right end. Who is to the left of A?

(A)    E

(B)    C

(C)    D

(D)    F

Answer: (D)

44. If KEDGY is coded as EKDYG, then how will LIGHT be coded?

(A)    ILHTG

(B)    ILGHT

(C)    ILGTH

(D)    THGIL

Answer: (C)

45. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?

Answer: (A)

46. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

Answer: (D)

47. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened?

Answer: (D)

48. Which of the answer figure is exactly the mirror image of the given figure, when the mirror is held on the line A B ?

Answer: (D)

49. Which one of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among Days, Year and Months.

Answer: (B)

50. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 3 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 4 to 7. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., ‘A’ can be represented by 00, 33, 21, etc. and ‘M’ can be represented by 22, 30, 13, etc. Identify the set for the word MEAL.

(A)    13, 44, 23, 46

(B)    22, 64, 54, 65

(C)    30, 56, 21, 67

(D)    01, 65, 12, 31

Answer: (C)

For Visually Handicapped Candidates Only

45. Today is Sunday. On Wednesday last, the date was 29th February, 2000. What date will Tomorrow be?

(A)    8th March, 2000

(B)    4th February, 2000

(C)    1st March, 2001

(D)    5th March, 2000

Answer: (D)

46. From amongst the given alternatives, select the one which belongs to the same class to which the given three words belong.

Shirt, Pant, Coat.

(A)    Cloth

(B)    Underwear

(C)    Towel

(D)    Wool

Answer: (B)

47. One year ago a man was eight times as old as his son. Now his age is equal to the square of his son’s age. What is the present age of the son?

(A)    5 years

(B)    6 years

(C)    7 years

(D)    8 years

Answer: (C)

48. Kamlesh ranks 9th in a class of 40 students. There are 15 students below Vimlesh rankwise. How many students are there between Kamlesh and Vimlesh?

(A)    13

(B)    14

(C)    15

(D)    16

Answer: (C)

49. A, B, C and D are playing cards. A and B are partners. D faces towards North. If A faces towards West, then who faces towards South?

(A)    B

(B)    D

(C)    C

(D)    A

Answer: (C)

50. Divide 480 into two parts so that one exceeds the other by 24.

(A)    252, 228

(B)    254, 230

(C)    264, 240


Answer: (A)


English Language

   Directions-(Q. 51-55) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle (∎) in the Answer Sheet.

51. Place where wine is made-

(A)    bakery

(B)    cloakroom

(C)    tannery

(D)    brewery

Answer: (D)

52. A paper written by hand-

(A)    handicraft

(B)    handiwork

(C)    manuscript

(D)    thesis

Answer: (C)

53. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish-

(A)    taxonomy

(B)    taxidermy

(C)    topology

(D)    seismology

Answer: (B)

54. Related to moon-

(A)    solar

(B)    moony

(C)    lunar

(D)    honeymoon

Answer: (C)

55. The plants and vegetation of a region-

(A)    flora

(B)    fauna

(C)    landscape

(D)    environment

Answer: (A)

Directions-(Q. 56-60) Groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.


(A)    systamatically

(B)    systematically

(C)    systematicaly

(D)    systimatically

Answer: (B)


(A)    erthiness

(B)    earthines

(C)    earthhiness

(D)    earthiness

Answer: (D)


(A)    truely

(B)    truly

(C)    truily

(D)    trueily

Answer: (A)


(A)    allienate

(B)    aliennate

(C)    alienatte

(D)    alienate

Answer: (D)


(A)    vacilliation

(B)    vasillation

(C)    vacillation

(D)    vacilation

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 61-70) Some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.

   The true elixir of life near to our hands is the commonest of all liquids, plain water. It has …(61)… a role of vast significance in …(62)… the course of earth’s history and …(63)… to play the leading role in the …(64)… of life on the surface of our …(65)…. Indeed, there is nothing here which …(66)… so much to the beauty of the …(67)… as water, be it just a little …(68)… trickling over the rocks or a …(69)… pond by the way side where animals …(70)… their thirst.


(A)    done

(B)    played

(C)    created

(D)    developed

Answer: (B)


(A)    shaping

(B)    solving

(C)    preventing

(D)    uplifting

Answer: (A)


(A)    decides

(B)    continues

(C)    prepares

(D)    refuses

Answer: (B)


(A)    movement

(B)    drama

(C)    scene

(D)    future

Answer: (A)


(A)    star

(B)    constellation

(C)    planet

(D)    sea

Answer: (C)


(A)    deduces

(B)    adds

(C)    detracts

(D)    brightens

Answer: (B)


(A)    countryside

(B)    river

(C)    human beings

(D)    skies

Answer: (B)


(A)    river

(B)    stream

(C)    waterfalls

(D)    well

Answer: (C)


(A)    dirty

(B)    short

(C)    huge

(D)    little

Answer: (D)


(A)    complete

(B)    quench

(C)    pamper

(D)    destroy

Answer: (B)

   Directions-(Q. 71-75) Some part of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the rectangle (∎) corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B, C). If there is no error, blacken the rectangle (∎) corresponding to (D) in the Answer-sheet.

71. This custom (A) / has come down (B)/ since times immemorial. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer: (C)

72. This letter will reach him (A) / before he left (B)/ for Delhi. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer: (B)

73. We stayed for (A) / a short time (B)/ in the hotel. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer: (D)

74. Students are prohibited (A) / to bring cycles (B)/ into the college. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer: (C)

75. Unless you are careful (A) / you are bound to make mistake (B)/ in your work. (C)/ No error (D)

Answer: (B)

Directions-(Q. 76-80) Sentences are given with blanks to be filled in the with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle (∎) in the Answer-sheet.

76. The aim of education is to …….. the best in students.

(A)    bring on

(B)    bring in

(C)    bring about

(D)    bring out

Answer: (D)

77. I have known him ………. along time.

(A)    since

(B)    for

(C)    before

(D)    from

Answer: (B)

78. I wish I …….. her to clean the room.

(A)    have asking

(B)    have asked

(C)    asked

(D)    had asked

Answer: (D)

79. He always takes full ……….. of the mistakes made by his friends.

(A)    benefit

(B)    advantage

(C)    profit

(D)    use

Answer: (B)

80. He drained what was left ……… his drink.

(A)    from

(B)    in

(C)    of

(D)    off

Answer: (B)

Directions-(Q. 81-85) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-sheet.

81. Irresolute

(A)    undecided

(B)    angry

(C)    ignorant

(D)    firm

Answer: (A)

82. Frugal

(A)    economical

(B)    delicate

(C)    splendid

(D)    hungry

Answer: (A)

83. Motive

(A)    reason

(B)    occasion

(C)    intention

(D)    preparation

Answer: (C)

84. Pity

(A)    offence     

(B)    mercy

(C)    kindness

(D)    joy

Answer: (C)

85. Quash

(A)    question

(B)    pledge

(C)    reject

(D)    slash

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 86-90) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-sheet.

86. Quiet

(A)    strong

(B)    noisy

(C)    incomplete

(D)    violent

Answer: (B)

87. Vague

(A)    clear

(B)    dull

(C)    unknown

(D)    shady

Answer: (A)

88. Incredible

(A)    believable

(B)    possible

(C)    imaginable

(D)    enjoyable

Answer: (A)

89. Inevitable

(A)    avoidable

(B)    unnecessary

(C)    inseparable

(D)    uncertain

Answer: (A)

90. Humility

(A)    dignity

(B)    cruelty

(C)    anger

(D)    pride

Answer: (D)

Directions-(Q. 91-95) Four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-sheet.

91. As a businessman, my father always maintained that his transactions constituted an open book.

(A)    an account book always open

(B)    a book of open confessions

(C)    an opening for new ventures

(D)    straight forward and honest dealings

Answer: (D)

92. The project advanced by leaps and bounds.

(A)    rapidly

(B)    slowly

(C)    sharply

(D)    simply

Answer: (A)

93. She is too fond of her own voice.

(A)    loves singing

(B)    very selfish

(C)    does not listen properly to anyone else

(D)    very talkative

Answer: (C)

94. Indian police is, on the whole, high handed is dealing with citizens.

(A)    kind

(B)    overbearing

(C)    prompt

(D)    adept

Answer: (B)

95. I take exception to your statement that I am bad tempered.

(A)    do not agree

(B)    feel unhappy

(C)    object

(D)    feel angry

Answer: (D)

Directions-(Q. 96-100) A part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (D).

96. My foot is

(A)    aching

(B)    ailing

(C)    hurting

(D)    No improvement

Answer: (A)

97. The light went out while I read.

(A)    was reading

(B)    am reading

(C)    had read

(D)    No improvement

Answer: (A)

98. She said me about her holiday in Kerala.

(A)    told about

(B)    said about

(C)    told me about

(D)    No improvement

Answer: (C)

99. Why do you prefer the theatre than the cinema?

(A)    for

(B)    against

(C)    to

(D)    No improvement

Answer: (C)

100. He is the only man I know who can laugh at himself.

(A)    whose

(B)    whom

(C)    which

(D)    No improvement

Answer: (D)


Quantitative Aptitude

101. If x : y = 3 : 4, then the value of (4x – y) : (2x + 3y) is –

(A)    4 : 9

(B)    8 : 9

(C)    4 : 3

(D)    8 : 3

Answer: (A)

102. A container contains two liquids A and B in the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 ;litres of mixture are drawn off and the container is filled with same amount of B, the ratio of A and B becomes 1 : 1. How many litres of liquid A was in the container initially?

(A)    36




Answer: (D)

103. The batting average of a cricket player for 64 innings is 62 runs. His highest score exceeds his lowest score by 180 runs. Excluding these two innings, the average of remaining innings becomes 60 runs. His highest score was-

(A)    180 runs

(B)    209 runs

(C)    212 runs

(D)    214 runs

Answer: (D)

104. A batsman has a certain average runs for 11 innings. In the 12th inning he made a score of 90 runs and thereby decreased his average by 5. His average after 12th inning is-

(A)    127

(B)    145

(C)    150

(D)    170

Answer: (B)

105. By selling 20 articles for Rs 160 a man loses 20%. The number of articles to be sold at Rs 240 so as to gain 20% is-

(A)    20

(B)    28

(C)    24

(D)    18

Answer: (A)

106. The selling price of 12 articles is equal to the cost price of 15 articles. The gain per cent is-


(B)    20%

(C)    25%

(D)    80%

Answer: (B)

107. Tickets for all but 100 seats in a 10,000 seat stadium were sold. Of the tickets sold, 20% were sold at half price and the remaining tickets were sold at the full price of Rs 20. The total revenue from the ticket sales, in Rs was-

(A)    158400

(B)    178200

(C)    180000

(D)    198000

Answer: (B)

108. How much water must be added to 100 mL of 80 per cent solution of boric acid to reduce it to a 50 per cent solution?

(A)    30 mL

(B)    40 mL

(C)    50 mL

(D)    60 mL

Answer: (D)

109. A man swims downstream a distance of 15 km in 1 hour. If the speed of the current is 5 km/hr, the time taken by the man to swim the same distance upstream is-

(A)    1 hour 30 minutes

(B)    45 minutes

(C)    2 hours 30 minutes

(D)    3 hours

Answer: (D)

110. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 5% per annum for two years is Rs 1.50. The sum is-

(A)    Rs 300

(B)    Rs 400

(C)    Rs 500

(D)    Rs 600

Answer: (D)

111. If  is equal to-

(A)    5

(B)    1/3

(C)    3

(D)    1/3

Answer: (B)

112. If  and x > 1, then the value of  is-

(A)    54

(B)    18

(C)    72

(D)    36

Answer: (D)

113. If the numerical value of xy is-

(A)    4/3

(B)    3/4

(C)    1/4

(D)    1/3

Answer: (A)

114. If (x + y – z)2 + (y + z – x)2 + (z + x – y)2 = 0, then the value of x + y + z is-

(A)    √3

(B)    3√3

(C)    3

(D)    None of these

Answer: (D)

115. If x + y + z = 0, then 

(A)    (xyz)2

(B)    x2 + y2 + z2

(C)    9

(D)    3

Answer: (D)

116. The length of the diagonal BD of the parallelogram ABCD is 18 cm. If P and Q are the centroid of the ∆ABC and ∆ADC respectively then the length of the line segment PQ is-

(A)    4 cm

(B)    6 cm

(C)    9 cm

(D)    12 cm

Answer: (B)

117. Two circles touch each other externally at point A and PQ is a direct common tangent which touches the circles at P and Q respectively. Then ∠PAQ =

(A)    45°

(B)    90°

(C)    80°

(D)    100°

Answer: (B)

118. The in-radius of an equilateral triangle is of length 3 cm. Then the length of each of its medians is-

(A)    12 cm

(B)    9/2 cm

(C)    4 cm

(D)    9 cm

Answer: (D)

119. ABCD is a cyclic trapezium whose sides AD and BC are parallel to each other. If ∠ABC = 72°, then the measure of the ∠BCD is-

(A)    162°

(B)    18°

(C)    108°

(D)    72°

Answer: (D)

120. In ∆ ABC, PQ is parallel to BC. If AP : PB = 1 : 2 and AQ = 3 cm; AC is equal to-

(A)    6 cm

(B)    9 cm

(C)    12 cm

(D)    8 cm

Answer: (B)

121. If A = sin2 θ + cos4 θ, for any value of θ, then the value of A is-

(A)    1 ≤ A ≤ 2

(B)    ¾ ≤ A ≤ 1

(C)    13/16 ≤ A ≤ 1

(D)    ¾ ≤ A ≤ 13/16

Answer: (C)

122. If sin θ + cosec θ = 2, then the value of sin5 θ + cosec5 θ when 0° ≤ θ ≤ 90°, is-

(A)    0

(B)    1

(C)    10

(D)    2

Answer: (D)

123. sin2 5° + sin2 10° + sin2 15° + … + sin2 85° + sin2 90° is equal to-



(C)    9


Answer: (D)

124. There are two vertical posts, one on each side of a road, just opposite to each other. One post is 108 metre high from the top of this post, the angles of depression of the top and foot of the other post are 30° and 60° The height of the other post, in metre, is-

(A)    36

(B)    72

(C)    108

(D)    110

Answer: (B)

125. If tan 2θ . tan 4θ = 1, then the value of tan 3θ is-

(A)    √3

(B)    0

(C)    1

(D)    1/√3

Answer: (C)

126. If the digits in the unit and ten’s places of a three digit number are interchanged, a new number is formed, which is greater than the original number by 63. Suppose the digit in the unit place of the original number be x. Then, all the possible values of x are-

(A)    7, 8, 9

(B)    2, 7, 9

(C)    0, 1, 2

(D)    1, 2, 8

Answer: (A)

127. The greatest among  is-


(B)    √2

(C)    ∛4

(D)    ∜5

Answer: (C)

128. A student was asked to multiply a given number by 8/17. Instead, he divided the given number by 8/17. His answer was 225 more than the correct answer. The given number was-

(A)    64

(B)    289

(C)    136

(D)    225

Answer: (C)

129. A number when divided by 280 leaves 15 as remainder. When the same number is divided by 35, the remainder is-

(A)    15

(B)    10

(C)    20

(D)    17

Answer: (B)

130. If the HCF and LCM of two consecutive (positive) even numbers be 2 and 84 respectively, then the sum of the numbers are-

(A)    30

(B)    26

(C)    14

(D)    34

Answer: (B)

131. Ratio of the number of sides of two regular polygons is 5 : 6 and the ratio of their each interior angle is 24 : 25. Then the number of sides of these two polygons are-

(A)    20, 24

(B)    15, 18

(C)    10, 12

(D)    5, 6

Answer: (C)

132. The base of a right prism is a trapezium. The lengths of the parallel sides are 8 cm and 14 cm and the distance between the parallel sides is 8 cm. If the volume of the prism is 1056 cm3, then the height of the prism is-

(A)    44 cm

(B)    16.5 cm

(C)    36 cm

(D)    10.56 cm

Answer: (C)

133. A right angled sector of radius r cm is rolled up into a cone in such a way that the two binding radii are joined together. Then the curved surface area of the cone is-

(A)    πr2 cm2

(B)    4πr2 cm2


(D)    2πr2 cm2

Answer: (C)

134. The areas of curved surface of a right circular cylinder and a sphere are equal. If the radii of the cylinder and the sphere be equal, ,then the ratio o their volumes will be-

(A)    2 : 3

(B)    3 : 2

(C)    3 : 4

(D)    4 : 3

Answer: (B)

135. If the 4 equal circles of radius 3 cm touch each other externally, then the area of the region bounded by the 4 circles is-

(A)    4(9 – π) sq. cm

(B)    9(4 – π) sq. cm

(C)    5(6 – π) sq. cm

(D)    6(5 – π) sq. cm

Answer: (D)

136. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 36 cm and 27 cm in length. If the distance between the shorter sides is 12 cm, then the distance between the longer sides is-

(A)    10 cm

(B)    12 cm

(C)    16 cm

(D)    9 cm

Answer: (D)

137. The height of a solid right circular c cylinder is 6 metres and three times the sum of the areas of its two end faces is twice the area of its curved surface. The radius of its base, in metre, is-

(A)    4

(B)    2

(C)    8

(D)    10

Answer: (A)

138. 3 men and 4 women can do a work in 16 days, but 4 men and 3 women can do the same work in 12 days. Then 2 men and 5 women can do the same work in-

(A)    24 days

(B)    20 days

(C)    12 days

(D)    18 days

Answer: (A)

139. A is 50% more efficient than B, and B can alone do a work in 33 days. The number of days, in which A and B, working together, can finish the job in-

(A)    11

(B)    13

(C)    20

(D)    21

Answer: (A)

140. Successive discount of a% and b% equivalent to a single discount of-

(A)    (a + b)%




Answer: (C)

141. Maha Bazaar offers 20% discount on bags which have been marked 50% above the cost price. Amarnath pays Rs 840 for a bag. Then the cost price of the bag is-

(A)    Rs 672

(B)    Rs 700

(C)    Rs 790

(D)    Rs 810

Answer: (B)

Directions-(Q. 142-146) Read the graph and answer the questions.

142. Which month has least demand of computers relative to production?

(A)    Jan

(B)    April

(C)    May

(D)    Feb

Answer: (D)

143. What per cent of the demand of computers for the month of March is the demand of computers for the month of February?

(A)    5

(B)    10

(C)    7.5

(D)    15

Answer: (A)

144. The production of computers in April is approximately how many times that of production in January?

(A)    2.2

(B)    1.8

(C)    1.4

(D)    2.6

Answer: (A)

145. What is the difference between average demand and average production of computers of the five months taken together?

(A)    400

(B)    700

(C)    540

(D)    260

Answer: (D)

146. What is the ratio of the months having more demand than production to those having more production than demand?

(A)    4 : 1

(B)    2 : 3

(C)    3 : 2

(D)    1 : 4

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 147-150) Study the following table and answer the questions.

147. For school E, what per cent of the income from miscellaneous is the income from donation?

(A)    25

(B)    40

(C)    1/4

(D)    400

Answer: (D)

148. Which school has the highest percentage of income from tuition fee out its total income?

(A)    A

(B)    B

(C)    C

(D)    D

Answer: (C)

149. In case of how many schools, is the income by way of tuition fee, is less than four times of term fee?

(A)    0

(B)    1

(C)    2

(D)    3

Answer: (B)

150. Which school has the lowest ratio of income by way of grants and tuition fee?

(A)    E

(B)    B

(C)    C

(D)    D

Answer: (A)

For Visually Handicapped Candidates Only

142. A man buys some toffees at 2 for Rs 1 and an equal number at 3 for Rs 2 and sells the whole lot at 5 for Rs 3. Find the gain or loss per cent.





Answer: (A)

143. If I walk at the rate of 5 km/hour I will be late by 7 minutes but if I walk at the rate of 6 km/hour I will be early by 5 minutes. The distance to be covered in km is-

(A)    60

(B)    12

(C)    10

(D)    6

Answer: (D)

144. 10 women can weave 15 sarees in 5 days. The number of women needed to weave 120 sarees in 8 days is-

(A)    80

(B)    128

(C)    60

(D)    50

Answer: (D)

145. One of the factors of x2 + 9y2 – z2 + 6xy is-

(A)    x – 3y + z

(B)    x – 3y – z

(C)    3x + y – z

(D)    x + 3y – z

Answer: (D)

146. The value of  is-

(A)    √3(√2 – 1)

(B)    √3(√5 – 1)

(C)    √2(√3 – 1)

(D)    √2(√5 – 1)

Answer: (C)

147. If  then which one of the following is true?

(A)    0 < R ≤ 0.1

(B)    0.1 < R ≤ 0.5

(C)    0.5 < R ≤ 1

(D)    R > 1

Answer: (D)

148. The time in which the interest on a sum of money be 3/5th of the principal at 10% p.a. simple interest is-

(A)    6 years

(B)    10 years

(C)    12 years

(D)    15 years

Answer: (A)

149. X and Y started a business with their investments in the ratio 15 : 8. Their annual profits were in the ratio 21 : 16. If Y invested the money for 10 months, then X invested his money for-

(A)    6 months

(B)    8 months

(C)    7 months

(D)    9 months

Answer: (C)

150. I earn Rs 20,000 and spend 80% of it. When the income is increased by 20% I spend Rs 5000 more. Percentage of my savings after the increase is-

(A)    15




Answer: (C)


General Awareness

151. Why is water not suitable for putting out a petrol fire?

(A)    The oxygen content of water is isolated by petrol and thus it helps in burning

(B)    Petrol is too inflammable to be extinguished by water

(C)    The heat required for combustion of petrol is very low

(D)    Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns

Answer: (D)

152. Milk is-

(A)    Emulsion

(B)    Suspension

(C)    Foam

(D)    Gel

Answer: (A)

153. The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is-

(A)    Calcium phosphate

(B)    Calcium chloride

(C)    Calcium sulphate

(D)    Calcium borate

Answer: (A)

154. Social forestry is-

(A)    growing different types of plants together on private land

(B)    management of forest by cooperative societies

(C)    growing one type of plant in govt. owned land

(D)    growing and management of useful plants on govt. owned land

Answer: (B)

155. Which of the following exhibits unidirectional flow in an ecosystem?

(A)    Light

(B)    Energy

(C)    Water

(D)    Biomass

Answer: (B)

156. Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is-

(A)    0.01

(B)    0.05

(C)    1.0

(D)    2.0

Answer: (B)

157. Earth Summit was held in-

(A)    Chicago

(B)    Adilaide

(C)    London

(D)    Rio-de Jeneiro

Answer: (D)

158. Who invented Penicillin?

(A)    William Harvey

(B)    Louis Pasteur

(C)    Alexander Fleming

(D)    Edward Jenner

Answer: (C)

159. The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music?

(A)    Mauryas

(B)    Nandas

(C)    Guptas

(D)    Cholas

Answer: (C)

160. Who is the following won the Wimbledon 2011 Women’s Singles title?

(A)    Maria Sharapova

(B)    Petra Kvitova

(C)    Venus Williams

(D)    Serena Williams

Answer: (B)

161. The Vice-President Hamid Ansari Presented the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akademi fellowships and awards for the year 2010 on 22 July, 2011. Who of the following received award in the field of music?

(A)    Chhanu Lal Mishra

(B)    Malabika Mitra

(C)    Atamjit Singh

(D)    T. K. Murthy

Answer: (A)

162. How many new Duranto Trains are proposed to be introduced as per the Railway Budget 2011-12?

(A)    5

(B)    7

(C)    9

(D)    10

Answer: (D)

163. According to the latest data of the Planning Commission, poverty based on the formula suggested by the Tendulkar Committee in 2009-10 has declined to-

(A)    36%

(B)    32%

(C)    28%

(D)    24%

Answer: (A)

164. After ONGC, OIC, NTPC and SAIl, the ‘Navaratna’ PSU which was awarded ‘Maharatna’ status is-

(A)    HAL

(B)    GAIL

(C)    Coal India Ltd.

(D)    BHEL

Answer: (C)

165. Which of the following registers the highest density in the country as per Census 2011?

(A)    Delhi

(B)    Chandigarh

(C)    Puducherry

(D)    West Bengal

Answer: (A)

166. On 9 June, 2011 India successfully flight tested-

(A)    Agni-I

(B)    Agni-II

(C)    Prithvi-II

(D)    Akash

Answer: (C)

167. Right to Education became a fundamental right on-

(A)    15 March, 2010

(B)    1 April, 2010

(C)    17 July, 2010

(D)    10 October, 2010

Answer: (B)

168. Which one of the following is not included while estimating national income through income method?

(A)    Rent

(B)    Mixed incomes

(C)    Pension

(D)    Undistributed profits

Answer: (B)

169. Taxation is a tool of-

(A)    Monetary policy

(B)    Fiscal policy

(C)    Price policy

(D)    Wage policy

Answer: (A)

170. Globalization means-

(A)    Integration of economy

(B)    Integration of financial market

(C)    Integration of the domestic economy with the world economy

(D)    Integration of the various sectors of economy

Answer: (C)

171. Which is the artificial port of India?

(A)    Kandla

(B)    Mangalore

(C)    Chennai or Madras

(D)    Haldia

Answer: (C)

172. The Nobel Prize was instituted by the country-

(A)    USA

(B)    UK

(C)    Russia

(D)    Sweden

Answer: (D)

173. Which of the following motion is related with the Union Budget?

(A)    Adjournment

(B)    Censure

(C)    Cut

(D)    None of these

Answer: (C)

174. Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution were taken from the Constitution of-

(A)    Britain

(B)    Ireland

(C)    USA

(D)    Canada

Answer: (B)

175. As per Indian Constitution the right to property is a-

(A)    Fundamental Right

(B)    Natural Right

(C)    Legal Right

(D)    Moral Right

Answer: (C)

176. The success of democracy depends upon the-

(A)    Right to criticise

(B)    Right to association

(C)    Right to personal liberty

(D)    Right to property

Answer: (C)

177. Who is the Chairman of Planning Commission?

(A)    President

(B)    Prime Minister      

(C)    Finance Minister

(D)    Vice-President

Answer: (B)

178. In 1937, The Congress formed ministries in-

(A)    7 states

(B)    9 states

(C)    5 states

(D)    4 states

Answer: (A)

179. Kalinga war took place in the year-

(A)    261 BC

(B)    263 BC

(C)    232 BC

(D)    240 BC

Answer: (A)

180. The Akaal Takht was built by-

(A)    Guru Ramdas

(B)    Guru Teg Bahadur

(C)    Guru Hargovind

(D)    Guru Nanak

Answer: (C)

181. Who was the regent of Akbar in his early days?

(A)    Abul Fazl

(B)    Bairam Khan

(C)    Tansen

(D)    Todarmal

Answer: (B)

182. Before assuming the office of the Sultan of Delhi Balban was the Prime Minister of Sultan-

(A)    Nasir-ud-din

(B)    Qutub-ud-din-Aibak

(C)    Bahrem Shah

(D)    Aram Shah

Answer: (A)

183. Which one of the following is known as the ‘brown coal’?

(A)    Anthracite

(B)    Bituminous

(C)    Coke

(D)    Lignite

Answer: (D)

184. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) is at-

(A)    Thiruvananthapuram

(B)    Mumbai

(C)    Hyderabad

(D)    Bengaluru

Answer: (A)

185. Which one of the following is known as the ‘Pearl City’?

(A)    Kandla

(B)    Tuticorin

(C)    Kochi

(D)    Hyderabad

Answer: (D)

186. Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer of-

(A)    Cotton

(B)    Oil-seeds

(C)    Pulses

(D)    Maize

Answer: (C)

187. Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth?

(A)    Mercury

(B)    Mars

(C)    Venus

(D)    Pluto

Answer: (C)

188. In onion the edible part is-

(A)    Leaf

(B)    Root

(C)    Stem

(D)    Flower

Answer: (B)

189. Mushroom Cultivation is not useful in-

(A)    Biogas production

(B)    Biological control of crop diseases

(C)    Recycling of agricultural wastes

(D)    Preventing cancer

Answer: (B)

190. The Drone in honey-bee are-

(A)    Fertile male

(B)    Fertile female

(C)    Sterile male

(D)    Sterile female

Answer: (C)

191. On which tissue nails, hoofs and horns are made of-

(A)    Cutide

(B)    Chitin

(C)    Keratin

(D)    Tunicin

Answer: (C)

192. Haemoglobin has highest affinity of-

(A)    Oxygen

(B)    Carbon dioxide

(C)    Carbon monoxide

(D)    Nitrogen

Answer: (A)

193. Which chromosomal combination is responsible for maleness in man?

(A)    XO

(B)    XXX

(C)    XX

(D)    XY

Answer: (D)

194. The Newton’s First Law is also called as-

(A)    Law of moments

(B)    Law of inertia

(C)    Law of energy

(D)    Law of momentum

Answer: (B)

195. If we want to calculate the pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a vessel, the quantity which is not required to determine it, is-

(A)    Height of the liquid column

(B)    Surface area of the bottom of the vessel

(C)    Density of the liquid

(D)    Acceleration due to gravity at the bottom of the vessel

Answer: (B)

196. The water from a hand pump is warm in winter because-

(A)    Our body is cold in winter and the water appears to be warm

(B)    The temperature inside the earth is higher than the atmospheric temperature

(C)    The pumping process causes friction which warms up the water

(D)    Inside water comes out and absorbs heat from the environment

Answer: (B)

197. A water tank appears shallower when it is viewed from top due to-

(A)    rectilinear propagation of light

(B)    reflection

(C)    total internal reflection

(D)    refraction

Answer: (D)

198. Small and cheap computers built into several home appliances are of which type?

(A)    Mainframes

(B)    Mini Computers

(C)    Micro Computers

(D)    None of the above

Answer: (C)

199. What is the process of defining tables called?

(A)    Data definition

(B)    Data Normalization

(C)    Index definition

(D)    Data administration

Answer: (B)

200. The chief source of naphthalene is-

(A)    Coal-tar

(B)    Diesel

(C)    Charcoal

(D)    Camphor

Answer: (A)

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