CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE Class 7 Mathematics:

               The syllabus of CBSE Class 7 Mathematics is an upper primary syllabus for developing the mathematical understanding and interest among the growing children.

The topics which are covered in the CBSE Class 7 are mostly similar to that of class 6. Few of the new topics that are added new in class 7 are Exponents and powers, Congruence of triangle, Triangle and its properties, etc.,

So, let’s check the syllabus of CBSE Class 7 Mathematics below:


  • Numbers:

        Just similar to all the previous classes of CBSE, Numbers is the first and foremost chapter in the syllabus of CBSE Class 7 Mathematics. Since this is a upper primary syllabus, Number chapter includes various topics such as

  • Integers
  • Fractions and rational numbers
  • Exponents and powers


                           Integers are the special group of numbers which consists of set of positive and negative    

       whole numbers and do not contain any fractional or decimal part. The syllabus which are covered

       under the topic of “integer” are,

  • Multiplication and Division with integers
  • Addition and subtraction with integers
  • Word problems on integers
  • Properties of integers

       Properties such as Closure property, Commutative, Associative, Distributive are very important properties in the syllabus.


  1. In an exam, positive mark is given for every right answer and negative marks are every wrong answer. If sekar scores 23, 4, -7,-4, 10 in five successive rounds, what is his total at the end?

Answer: 26

  1. When two positive integers are added, we get result in _______

Answer: Positive

Fractions and Rational numbers:

                Fractions can be explained as “number of parts in a whole”. This is represented with a slash. The number above the slash is called as a numerator and the number which is below the slash is called as denominator. Any number which can be represented in a fractional form is called as Rational number. This is represented with “:”. The numerator and denominator are whole numbers in a fraction for a rational number. This includes topics such as multiplication of fraction, fraction as an operator, reciprocal of a fraction, division of a fraction, word problems on mixed fractions and decimal fractions, etc.,


  1. 2 * 1/7 = ___

Answer: 2/7

  1. 3/7*4/11 = ___

Answer: 12/77

  1. Is 1.5 a rational number?

Answer: Yes

Exponents and Powers:

                   Exponent is number of times a number multiplied by itself. This covers different laws of Exponents such as First law, second law up to fifth law. The topics which are covered under this are expressing the number in exponential form, laws of exponent, standard forms of exponent, solving the exponential expressions, expressing decimal number system in exponential form using power of 10, etc.,


  1. Simplify the following: (220 % 215) * 25 = _____

Answer: 256

  1. The usual form of 1.001 * 109 = ___

Answer: 1001000000


  • Algebra:

         As we already know, introduction to Algebra is given in the previous class 6 and thus this is a continuation of advanced concepts of Algebra. Algebra is a branch of Mathematics which deals with the symbol and rules for manipulating those symbols. The topics which are covered under this chapter are Generating algebraic expressions involving one or two variables, identifying constants, coefficients and powers, addition and subtraction of algebraic expression, simple linear equations in one variable, etc.,


  1. Subtract the following:

         3a-b+4 – a –b

Answer: 2a +4

  1. Terms which have same algebraic factors are called as ______

Answer: Like terms

  1. The sum or difference of two like terms is called as ______

Answer: Like term


  • Geometry:

   This covers vast topics in Geometry like Lines and Angles, Triangle and its properties, Congruence of Triangle, practical geometry and finding out the perimeter and area.

Lines and Angles:

       A line is a single dimensional object which does not have end point. When two lines meet at a point they form an angle. The point at which the angles are formed is called as vertex. There are different types of angles such as acute angles, adjacent angles, interior angles, exterior angles and so on.

Triangle and its properties:

               Triangle is one of the geometrical shapes which is a polygon with three sides, 3 vertices or 3 corners. There are different types of Triangles such as equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle and so on. Similarly, each triangle has its own properties such as Angle sum Property of a triangle, Triangle inequality Property and so on. The topics which are covered under this topic are Medians and Altitudes of the Triangles, Exterior angle of a triangle and its properties, Right angled triangle and Pythagoras theorem, sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle, etc.,

Congruence of a Triangle:

               Two triangles are said to be congruent if their respective angles and sides are equal. This topic covers rules of the congruency of triangles, axioms and so on. The topics which are covered under this are congruence of line segments, angles and plane figures, criteria for congruence of Triangles such as SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, RHS.


  1. When two angles are supplementary, each angle is said to be ____ of each other.

Answer: Supplement

  1. _____ has no end points.

Answer: Line

  1. According to the Pythagoras property, in a right angled triangle , a square on the ____ = sum of the squares on the legs.

Answer: Hypotenuse

  1. Determine the angle for the following triangle with the sides 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm respectively.

Answer: Right angled.

  1. How many medians does a Triangle have?

Answer: Three

  1. An ____ is formed when line segment or lines meet?

Answer: Angle

  1. If two angles have same measurement, then they are said to be ______ angle.

Answer: Congruent


  • Collection and Organization of data:

                Collection of data which are represented graphically to understand the structure and organization of the data. This is because it is easier to understand and interpret when it is pictorially represented. Thus, a collection of data can be represented using different types of graphs such as :

  • Bar graphs
  • Tally graphs
  • Pictographs
  • Pie charts


  1. Any type of graphs or charts is given. Questions are based on the given pie chart or bar graph. Answers are solved according to the pictorial representation of data.


  • Mensuration:

                 This covers the topics such as finding the perimeter and area of the given object. Perimeter means total boundary size of an object whereas Area is the total surface covered by an object. Different objects such as circle, rhombus, Trapezium are covered under this topic. Topics such as area of rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, circle, finding the circumference and area of the circle, area between two rectangles and two concentric circles and so on.


  1. Write ¾ in the form of percentage?

Answer: 75%

  1. One fourth of the perimeter of a square gives _____

Answer: Side of the square

  1. What is the area of the parallelogram _____

Answer: Base * Height


  • Comparing quantities:

             This covers the new topics such as Profit and loss, calculating percentage and simple interest, etc., This is rather very important chapter for a growing child to understand and calculate this day to day mathematical problems.


  1. The cost price of 20 articles is same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is:

Answer: 16

  1. If the selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percentage?

Answer: 100%


  • 3-Dimentional visualization:

               This topic deals with the objects which have three dimensions such as length, height and depth. Examples of such object are sphere, prism, pyramid, cube and cuboid.


  1. Which is the three dimensional figure which has six rectangular faces at right angles to each other?

Answer: Cuboid

  1. A three dimensional figure which is bounded by polygons are called as ______

Answer: Polyhedrons

Thus, these are the topics which are covered under the syllabus of CBSE Class 7 Mathematics.



CBSE Class 6 Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE Class 6 Mathematics:

              CBSE Class 6 consists of variety of chapters in Mathematics including all the regular topics introduced in the previous classes. In CBSE Class 6, additional topics which are introduced are

  • Algebra
  • 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional Geometrical shapes
  • Perimeter and area of an object
  • Integers
  • Mensuration
  • Practical geometry and construction

The syllabus which are covered under the CBSE Class 6 Mathematics are follows:


  • Numbers:

           There are many sub topics covered under the chapter “Numbers”. Topics such as Knowing our numbers, playing with numbers, whole numbers, negative numbers and integers, fractions, etc.,

Knowing our numbers:

            It covers the topics such as comparison of numbers using <.>,+ symbols, ascending and descending order of numbers, calculations of large numbers up to 8 digits, place value of a number, etc.,

Even or odd numbers:

            Integers which are divisible by 2 are said to be even numbers whereas numbers which are not divisible by 2 are said to be odd numbers.

Prime or composite numbers:

             A natural number which has only two distinct factors which is “1” and the number itself, is said to be a prime number. A number other than “1” and not a prime number is said to be a composite number.

Relatively prime or co-prime numbers:

             A set of numbers which do not have any common factor other than “1”, are said to be co-prime numbers or relatively prime number.

Perfect Numbers:

              Perfect numbers are the natural numbers, whose sum of positive divisors (except the number itself) is equal to the number itself.

Playing with numbers:

             It is part of mathematics which is fun to solve. It involves concepts such as even, odd numbers, prime and composite numbers, divisibility rules, multiple and factors, prime factorization, HCF and LCM and simplification of brackets.

Negative numbers and integers:

            Importance of negative numbers, arranging the negative numbers in ascending and descending order, introduction to integers, how to solve the problem with integers, how to solve the problems involving addition and subtraction of integers, etc.,

Whole numbers:

           Whole numbers are a set of positive integers. They do not have any fractional or decimal part. Natural numbers along with zero are whole numbers. This topic covers the concepts such as natural numbers, whole numbers, properties of numbers such as commutative, associative, distributive, multiplicative identity, additive identity), solving problems involving whole numbers, knowing the difference between whole numbers and natural numbers, etc.,


           Fractions and decimals are the most important chapters in “Numbers”. Fractions are the representation of a number with “/” whereas decimal is the representation of a number with “.”(Decimal point).


  1. 783422 _____ 783426
  • =
  • None

             Answer: <

  1. What is the predecessor of 3456?
  • 3455
  • 3478
  • 3422
  • 3498

             Answer: 3455

  1. If the product of two whole numbers is zero, then ________ of them will be zero.

Answer: one

  1. _____ is the factor of 50
  • 10
  • 3
  • 7
  • 6

           Answer: 10

  1. Fourth multiple of 8 is ___
  • 16
  • 24
  • 32
  • 40

           Answer: 32


  • Introduction to Algebra:

       Algebra is an important branch of Mathematics which is introduced right from the CBSE Class 6th level. Algebra can be defined as a part of mathematics which deals with the symbols and rules for manipulating those symbols. The main concept in Algebra is “Equations”. Every equation in algebra describes the relationship between two variables. Any equation has two parts in LHS and RHS with “=” in between. The topics which are covered under this are recognizing the Algebraic expression, expressing an algebraic equation, introduction to different terms of expression, solving algebraic expression, etc.,


  1. Find out the expression with numbers only?
  • 2y+5
  • (20%5) -3z
  • 3x+3
  • 3(23-5)+5*2

               Answer: 3(23-5)+5*2

  1. An equation has ____ sides with = sign between LHS and RHS.
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Six

               Answer: Two


  • Ratio and Proportion:

         Ratios are the concepts which are used to compare two values. They make us understand the difference between two numbers. If total number of boys in a class is 5 and total girls in that class is 4, then the ratio of boys in the class can be represented as 5/9. Proportion is a name which is given when two ratios are equal. This can be represented as a:b=c:d. The above topics covers the syllabus such as ratio and proportion of a number, unitary method and word problems based on Ratio and proportion.


  1. Meetu weight is 25 kg and her mother’s weight is 75 kg. What is the ratio of weight of meetu to weight of her mother?
  • 1:3
  • 1:2
  • 1:4
  • 3:1

             Answer: 1:3

  1. If two ratios are equal then we say that they are ______

Answer: Proportional


  • Geometry:

         This topic covers concepts such as Basic 2 dimensional geometrical ideas, understanding elementary shapes (2 dimensional and 3 dimensional), symmetry and construction of Geometrical objects.


  1. How many end points does a ray have?
  • 0
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1

           Answer: 1

  1. The end points of same sides of a polygon are called the _______ vertices.
  • Parallel
  • Same
  • Different
  • Adjacent

             Answer: Adjacent


  • Mensuration:

           Already students would have learned about the basic concepts of finding the perimeter, area of a given object in the previous classes.

Perimeter is the total number of boundary size that an object can cover whereas area is the total number of surface that an object covers. The other concepts which are covered under this topic are concept of Area, area of a rectangle and triangle, calculating the perimeter of a rectangle and square.


  1. Find the perimeter of a regular octagon with each side measuring 3 cm.
  • 24 cm
  • 20 cm
  • 10 cm
  • 15 cm

             Answer: 24 cm

  1. Find the side of the square whose perimeter is 20 m.
  • 4 m
  • 3 m
  • 6 m
  • 5 m

             Answer: 5 m


  • Practical Geometry and construction:

                 This is a branch of Geometry which deals with the construction of geometrical objects. There are specific instruments or tools and specific rules to construct the geometrical objects. The tools such as ruler, compass, protractor can be used to construct every geometrical object.

               The topics which are covered under this are construction of line segment using ruler and compass, construction of circle, construction and measuring angles, construction of perpendicular bisector, how to bisect angles, etc.,


  1. Find out the correct type of the triangle which has sides 7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm.
  • Isosceles triangle
  • Scalene Triangle
  • Equilateral triangle
  • None of these

               Answer: Scalene Triangle

  1. The measure of right angle is ____
  • 60 degree
  • 90 degree
  • 180 degree
  • 30 degree

             Answer: 90 degree


  • Statistics and data handling:

         Collection of information is said to be data. These data can be pictorially represented using graphs, charts, bar charts, etc. The reason behind representing the data through pictorial representation is it gives a clear understanding of the data and its organization. Graphs such as pictographs, tally graphs, bar charts and pie charts are used to represent the data.

        The topics which are covered under the “Statistics and Data Handling” are definition of data, construction of pictograph, collection and organizing data using the charts such as bar charts, interpret data using the pictograms and graphs.


  1. A _____ represents data through pictures of objects.

Answer: Pictograph

  1. The _______ each bar gives required information.

Answer: Length


  • 3 D shapes:

                 This covers the topics such as 3 dimensional shapes and sizes of an object, recognizing different 3d shapes, understanding the concepts of vertices, edges and faces , etc.,


  1. A _______ is a polygon with four sides.

Answer: Quadrilateral

  1. Two faces meet at a line segment called as ______

Answer: Edge

Thus, the above topics are covered under the syllabus of CBSE Class 6 Mathematics.



CBSE Class 5 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 5 Science:

      CBSE Class 5 science syllabus covers the following topics such as

  • Living and non-living things
  • Reproduction in plants
  • Animals
  • Human body
  • Food
  • Health and hygiene
  • Safety and first aid
  • Our environment
  • Air
  • Water and its conservation
  • Our universe
  • Rock and minerals
  • Matter

These topics are in detail below:


  • Living and non-living things:

       This chapter covers the basic difference between the living and non-living things, examples of living and non-living things, characteristics, features, etc. A living thing is an organism which is lively, active and made up of cells. They exhibit different characteristics of life such as growth, development, movement, reproduction, response to stimuli, and needs energy to perform day to day activities. Plants, animals and human beings are the best examples of the living things. Non living things are just totally opposite. They do not grow, respire, move, reproduce and do anything as that of a living organism. Some examples of non living things are electronic goods, paper, stones, etc.


  1. Most of the plants grow from ______ (Egg/seeds)

Answer: Seeds

  1. Non living things that are made by man are called as ____ (man-made/natural)

Answer: Man made


  • Reproduction in plants:

           Reproduction in plants meant to be generation of new individuals or offspring. Reproduction in plants is either sexual or asexual. Sexual reproduction is done through the fusion of gametes whereas asexual reproduction is done through without the fusion of gametes.

          In detail, sexual reproduction in flowering plants is done by the production of male and female gametes, and the transfer of male gametes to the female ovules through a process called as pollination. After this process of pollination, fertilization occurs which results in the production of fruits.

         In other hand, asexual reproduction does not involve any union of cells, or nuclei of the cell. Typically it can be said that asexual reproduction only requires and only allows for only one parent. Asexual reproduction is otherwise called as vegetative propagation.


  1. The fusion of male and female gamete is called as ____

Answer: Fertilization

  1. Asexual reproduction in spirogyra is an example of __

Answer: Fragmentation

  1. Moses, ferns, moulds, etc reproduce by __ formation

Answer: Spores


  • Animals:

     Every animal has unique characteristics and feature. Every animal has distinct looks, different eyes, nose, ears, and bodily structures. For example, the skin pattern, color and body strength is different that of zebra. Also, there are different types of animals such as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.


           The animals which eat only plants are called as herbivores. Best example of herbivores are Cow, goat, deer, etc.


           The animal which feeds on another animal is called as carnivores. Best example for carnivores are Lion, tiger, wolf, etc.


           An animal or person that eats variety of food of both plants and animals is called as omnivores. Best examples for omnivores are pigs, rats, chickens, crows, etc.


  1. Name the feet or claws of the birds used for:
  • Eagle
  • Ducks
  • Herons
  • Hens
  • Crows


  • Talons
  • Swimming
  • wading
  • Scratching
  • Perching
  1. How birds fly?


          Birds fly with the help of their wings


  • Human body:

           Human body consists of different organs which help our whole body system to function well. Also, humans do different things such as seeing, touching, hearing, eating, studying, sleeping and so on.

The major organ systems of our body are

  • Circulatory system:

               It consists of heart, blood vessels, and veins which is responsible of carrying blood throughout the entire body.

  • Excretory system:

             The major organs for the process of excretion are kidneys. These help in removing unnecessary waste from our body.

  • Nervous system:

         It consists of brain, spinal cord, nerves which control all the functions of the body. The most important thing is it controls the brain which is said to be the central processing system of the human body.

  • Skeletal system:

             It gives shape, support and structure to the human body. It gives strength to the body and protects the soft organs inside.

  • Muscular system:

         As the name suggests, it consists of muscles and controls all parts of the human body.


  1. Name the diseases that are spread through touching______

Answer: Flu, cough and measles

  1. Give the functions of skeletal system in our boy:


  • It helps the movement of the body with the help of joints
  • It supports the body by giving shape and structure
  • It provides protection to the internal organs


  • Food:

     The basic nature of different types of food, how long they stay consumable, when does a food gets spoiled?, how did the people find their foods earlier, Who prepares our own food in our houses?, different types of taste that our mouth can feel, what are the foods for plants are the key concepts which are covered under this chapter.

When food gets spoiled:

                 A food gets spoiled when it its atmosphere changes or when the food is prepared long time ago. For example, milk gets spoiled during summer season due to the excess heat in the outside temperature.

Who produces food we eat?

               This chapter makes children to know about the people who really work hard for our daily foods. They study about the farmers, their daily routines in the agricultural farms, how they preserve the crop from natural calamities and so on.

What food did people eat earlier?

             Our ancestors or grandparents would have not eaten the same type of food which we eat now. Thus, different types of food habits are followed during olden days in different places.

Taste buds:

         Our taste buds can feel different types of taste such as sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salt. This chapter tells the importance of taste buds and different kinds of taste that human beings can enjoy.

What are the foods for plants?

                     Just like foods for animals and humans, plants also need food for surviving. The key requirements for a plant are water, air and sunlight. These are said to be the food materials for the plants.


  1. Name any three foods that are rich in vitamins:

Answer: Broccoli, papaya, citrus fruits

  1. Rice and jute grow well in ____ types of soil

Answer: Alluvial soil


  • Health and hygiene:

                 According to World Health Organization health can be defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being of the human body. In other words, a person is said to be physically healthy, if he/she has no physical deformities and all body functions are working properly. This topic covers various subtopics such as different diseases that are caused if a human body is not healthy. This covers diseases caused when people are anaemic, diseases caused by mosquitoes and other insects.


  1. We should drink at least ________ liters of water every day.

Answer: 3 -4 liters

  1. Vitamins and minerals are required in a very _____Quantity.

Answer: Small


  • Safety and first aid:

               First aid is the immediate care given to a person who is injured before the physician arrives. Any first aid box contains basic things such as:



Antiseptic cream

Paper tape

Adhesive tape


Types of first aid:

  1. Cuts and minor wounds:

       For these types of wounds, clean the wounded area, apply antiseptic with sterile cotton, and if the wound does not stop bleeding tie it up with a tight bandage called as tourniquet.

  1. Burns:

   If the burns are superficial, then the burnt area must be applied with cold water. If the burn type is like blisters then wash with water and cover with a clean cloth.

  1. Broken bones:

     Do not move the broken part of the body. If the bone of the hand is broken tie it up with a sling using a cotton or bandage.

  1. Sprain:

Do not move the sprained part of the body. To keep it from moving an elastic bandage can be tied around the affected area.

First day, sprain must be treated by soaking your affected area in cold water. From second onwards, soak it in warm water two or three times a day. Ointment must be properly rubbed and applied in the affected area.


  1. Write any three safety precautions to be followed by all to avoid accidents on roads.


  1. Do not take alcohol before driving
  2. Always use back view mirrors whenever overtaking another vehicle
  3. Practice to give signals before turning or reversing.
  1. Write any three first aid tips for first aid:


  1. For all types of burns, apply cold water for atleast 20 minutes
  2. Do not use ice, butter or creams in the affected are.
  3. If the burn is severe, immediately seek medical attention


  • Our Environment:

          Everything that is surrounding us and affects us is called as an environment. It is always our duty to keep our environment clean away from pollutions. Also, every human being must understand that forest is the important source for all living beings. Forests keep the air clean, and have dense trees which help to give fresh air rich in oxygen. Thus, humans must understand deforestation is a dangerous thing and must not be followed.


  1. Give any three characteristics of solid substances:


  1. It does not take the shape of its container
  2. It also has a definite volume
  3. It has a definite shape
  4. Name the states of matter for Milk:

Answer: Liquid


  • Air, Water and its conservation:

         What the sources of water, water conservation methods, from where the farmers get their water for crops, animals and plants life in water, basic concepts of oil and water which do not mix with each other. Also, this chapter covers layers of the atmosphere, importance of the atmosphere and properties of air, etc.

Layers of atmosphere:

                   There are two layers of atmosphere namely


                       Lower layer of atmosphere up to 15 kms, clouds are formed in this layer.


                   Layer of atmosphere from 15 to 50 kms, planes fly in this layer.

What are the sources of water in earlier days?

           How waters are stored during the olden days? How the waters are got during the olden days.

Water flow:

                   Definition of irrigation and types of irrigation followed for different types of crops. How farmers preserve water for irrigation, different methods of lifting water, etc.,

Plants and animals in water:

                      This chapter covers the different types of plants and animals that can live in water. Animals like seal, dolphin, crocodiles, turtles can live in water whereas sea grass, duckweed, algae are the examples of the plants that can live within the water.

Nature of water and other liquids:

         This chapter covers the difference between nature of the water and other liquids. It also explains why oil does not get mixed with water and other basic concepts of liquids.


  1. Name any three water borne diseases?

Answer: Tuberculosis, dysentery and jaundice

  1. What are the precautions to save water from the pollution?


  • Boil the water before usage
  • Do not dip your hands or fingers in drinking water
  • Do not use the ground water located near drainage or sewage.
  • Tap water should be filtered and boiled well before use
  • Always store the drinking water in a closed vessel.


  • Our Universe:

         This chapter covers about our solar system and nine planets in our solar system. It gives an idea about the universe and how big it is. Also, it covers the topics such as galaxies, planets, stars, satellites and many other things. Our Earth is one of the planets in our solar system and Milky way is the name of our galaxy.


  1. The man who first landed on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

  1. The study of the heavenly bodies:

Answer: Astronomy


  • Rocks and minerals:

            This chapter covers the types of rocks, conservation of fossil fuels, introduction to minerals, etc.,

Types of rocks:

         There are different types of rocks such as Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.

Conservation of fossil fuels:

             Fossil fuels burn in the presence of oxygen releasing energy and carbon dioxide. More usage of fossil fuels decreases the amount of oxygen and increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, this results in global warming and air pollution.


  1. Name any three common ores:

Answer: Bauxite, Pyrite, Hematite

  1. Name any five metamorphic rocks:

Answer: marble, quartzite, coal, slate, mica


  • Simple machines:

       Different types of simple machines such as wheel and axle, wedge, pulley, screw and inclined plane are covered under this chapter. Other topics which are covered are inclined plane, wheel and axle, care of machines, pulley, lever, types of simple machine, etc.,


  1. What is a machine that has a grooved wheel that has a cable?

         Answer: pulley

  1. Machine with a bar that pivots on a fixed line?

Answer: Lever


  • Matter :

A matter is made up of tiny particles called as atoms. Two or more atoms combine to form molecules. There are three states of matter such as solid state, liquid state and gaseous state.

This chapter also covers types of changes and classification of matter, elements and compounds, etc.,


  1. How is matter classified in terms of physical state?

Answer: Solid, liquid and gas

  1. What you mean by the term volume?

Answer: The space occupied by a substance is called as volume

Thus, these are the topics which are covered under the CBSE Class 5 science stream.


CBSE Class 5 Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE Class 5 Mathematics:

             Mathematics gets little tougher this time when compared to the previous classes such as CBSE class 3 and class 4. CBSE Class 5 includes many concepts such as Percentage, lines and angles, shapes and their properties, multiples and factors along with the regular topics of previous classes.

The syllabus covered for CBSE Class 5 mathematics are below:

  • Numbers and Arithmetic operations on it:

             Few advanced concepts in “Numbers” topic are covered such as introduction to abacus, handling prime and composite number , knowing the differences between face value and place value of a number, rounding of numbers and number patterns. Word problems on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are covered under this topic.


  1. The smallest odd prime number ________

Answer: 3

  1. All even numbers are divisible by ___

Answer: 2

  1. Round off 5117 to the nearest ten:
  • 5120
  • 5130
  • 5115
  • 5100

Answer: 5120

  1. Build a five digit number from the following:
  • 3+35+0+1000+70000

               Answer: 71,038

  1. Answer the following using BODMAS rule:
  • 75*(4-2)

               Answer: 150


  • Multiplication and Division:

                    Advanced word problems in multiplication and division are covered under this syllabus.


  1. Alia saves Rs.546 per month. How much does she save in a full year?

Answer: 6,552

  1. There are 675 pages in a book. How many pages are there in 15 books?

Answer: 10,125

  1. How many weeks are there in 205 days?

Answer: 29 weeks 2 days


  • LCM and HCF:

     This comes under the topic of “Multiples and factor”. LCM stands for Lowest Common Mutiple and HCF stands for Highest Common factor.


  1. What is the HCF for the numbers 20 and 30?

Answer: 10

  1. What is the common multiple for 5 and 7?

Answer: 35

  1. Sunil planted 35 apple and 30 peach trees. If he wants to plant same number and type of plants in a row, what is the maximum number of trees that he can plant in a row?

Answer: 10

  • Fractions and decimals:

                 The concept of fractions consists of two main parts such as numerators and denominators. Numerator is the number which is above the fraction line whereas denominator is the number which is below the fraction line. The concept of decimals can be defined as the numbers which contains the decimal point. The number to the left of decimal point is an ordinary whole number and the number to the right of the decimal point is called as “tenths” digits. For example, 1.5 is same as 1 plus 1/5.


  1. Find out the answer for the following:
  • 85*0.25

               Answer: 0.2125

  1. 10/40 is equal to ____

Answer: 0.25

  1. 3 3/4 % 1 2/3 = ?

Answer: 9/4 which is equal to 2 1/4


  • Ratio and percentage:

     Ratio shows relative sizes of two or more values. It is represented with the symbol “:”. If there are totally 4 boys and 5 girls in a classroom, then it can be represented though ratio system as: 4:5 which means there are 4 boys out of 9 students (4/9) and 5 girls out of 9 students (5/9). Percentage can be expressed as a value on the basis of rate or proportion per hundred. For example, 36/100 is equal to 0.36 or 36%.


  1. Calculate the following ratios:
  • 2:3 = 36 : _
  • 4:6 = 8 : _
  • 8:3 = 24 : _

               Answer: 36: 54

                               8 : 12

                               24 : 9

  1. 72% of 11 is _ of 40% of 97?
  • =

               Answer: <


  • Lines and angles:

           A line is a straight path that goes on and in opposite directions. There are different types of lines such as parallel lines and perpendicular lines. Parallel lines are the lines that never intersect or cross each other. Perpendicular lines are the lines which cross each other or intersect at right angles. An Angle is a two lines that meet at an endpoint called a vertex. There are different types of angles such as acute angles, obtuse angles, supplementary angles,etc. Acute angle is an angle which measures less than 90 degrees through the protractor. Obtuse angle is an angle which measures greater than 90 degrees through the protractor. Two angles whose measurement adds up to 180 degrees are supplementary angles.


  1. Questions are based on pictorial representation of angles asking students to identify the type of angles.


  • Perimeter and area:

       As these concepts are covered in the previous class 4, a little more advanced syllabus are added under this topic. Perimeter is the total boundary size of the object whereas area is the total surface covered by the object.


  1. There are 5 cm cubes which are glued together to form a cuboid. Find the volume of the cuboid.

Answer: 192 cubic cm

  1. How much water does a rectangular tank hold with a square base of 2.5 yards and a height of 4 yards hold?

Answer: 10 cube yards


  • Shapes and their properties:

                 This is a part of geometry which covers different types of triangles such as Scalene, isosceles, equilateral, acute, right and obtuse triangle.


  1. Questions based on classifying triangles and properties related to that.


  • Patterns and Symmetry:

             An object which has evenly balanced properties called as symmetrical. A shape is symmetrical when its two halves are mirror images along the line of symmetry. Different types of lessons such as mirror games, turning mirror images by ½ turn, examples and problems, identifying different patterns, etc.


  1. Pictorial representation of various figures are given to find out the lines of symmetry of each object.

Along with the above topics, regular topics like Time and date, measurement of length, mass and capacity, smart charts are also covered in the syllabus of CBSE Class 5 Mathematics.

CBSE Class 4 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 4 Science:

      CBSE Class 4 Science covers the following topics such as

  1. Plant life and animals
  2. Human body
  3. Food and nutrition
  4. Clothes, safety and first aid
  5. Our environment and our universe
  6. Our family
  7. Our society
  8. Force, work and energy

These are the various topics that are covered in the CBSE Class 4 Science stream. Let us check these topics in detail below. Note that these topics are not given in the form of sequential chapters.


  1. Plant life and animals:

               Any plant consists of roots, stems, leaves and may produce fruits or vegetables. Any green leaves of the plants prepare their own food with the help of the process called as photosynthesis. Roots absorb water and other important minerals from the soil. Stem helps in carrying this minerals and water absorbed by the roots to the various parts of the plant. Not only that, they also help in carrying food from the leaves to the other parts of the plants. It stores excess food and gives support to the plant.

              The sub topics which are covered under this are adaptation, making food by plants, uses of plants, dispersal of seeds and parts of the plants. Similarly, every animal has unique characteristic and feature. Every animal is different and may have different organs such as long or short tail, with or without horns, lengthy ears, color and pattern, etc all differ from one animal to another.

              For example, rabbits or bunnies have long ears whereas we cannot see ears in the birds such as parrots or crows, etc. Animals like tigers, zebra, and giraffe have specific pattern and color in the skin tones and every animal varies greatly in shape and size. Thus, the sub topics which are covered under this are birds, useful animals for the environment, adaptations and reproduction in animals, etc.,


  1. ______ Plants grow along the ground.

        Answer: Creepers

  1. Small and bushy plants are called as _____

        Answer: Shrubs

  1. ______ animals are kept in man-made home

        Answer: Domestic

  1. Which is the fast running bird?

        Answer: Ostrich

  1. Which are teeth less animals?

        Answer: Birds


  1. Human body:

           Human body is a combination of different organs which are responsible to do their own functions independently. Because of these organs, humans are able to do their daily activities without any problem.

The important organ systems in our human body are:

  • Digestive system:

       Human digestive system is a series of organs which are responsible for converting the foods consumed into essential nutrients that are absorbed into the body and eliminates unused waste materials. Only if digestive system of a human body functions properly, the foods consumed will be converted into essential nutrients and wastes are properly released.

  • Circulatory system:

             Circulatory system is a network with number of organs and vessels that are responsible for carrying blood through cells, segregation of hormones, passing oxygen and other important gases to and from the cells, etc. Without circulatory system the body will fail to fight against the diseases and human body becomes more vulnerable to any kind of diseases.

  • Respiratory system:

         This is an important system in the human body which is responsible for inhaling oxygen and exhaling out carbon dioxide. The primary and most important organ of an respiratory system are lungs which are responsible for this exchange of gases as we breathe.

  • Excretory system:

   Excretory system is a system of organs which eliminates wastes out from our body. This is also an important function in the human body without which a human being cannot be healthy.


  1. Sense organs are controlled by _______System in the human body.

         Answer: Nervous

  1. I absorb the nutrients from the food and pass it to your bloodstream. What am i?

         Answer: Small intestine


  1. Food and nutrition:

               Food is the basic necessity for all living beings. Healthy food which is rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, and carbohydrate is necessary for any human being or animals to build up energy and fight against diseases.


  1. A common mineral used in our foods are ______

Answer: salt

  1. Cereals are ____ of the plants:

Answer: Seeds


  1. Clothes , safety and first aid:

               Clothing is also a basic necessity for any human being for the survival of life. There are different types of clothes like wool, cotton, silk, fur, etc which are either made from natural plants or from animals. Clothes like wool and fur protect our body from heat whereas clothes like cotton keeps us cool during summer. Safety and first aid chapter deals with the important first aid tips to be followed during any emergency cases. These first aid tips are really helpful to save someone’s life in danger.

For example, if someone is unconscious and not able to breathe, the first aid tips are as follows:

  • Check breathing by tilting their head backwards and look and feel their breaths.
  • Push firmly downwards in the middle of the chest and then release
  • Push at the regular rates until any other help arise
  • If this not helps, call for ambulance immediately.


  1. A crack or break in the bone is called as _______

Answer: Fracture

  1. A dog bite may cause ________ disease

Answer: Rabies


  1. Our Environment and Our Universe:

         Plants and animals are very important for human survival. Thus, a human being should understand that cutting the trees and killing the animals may harm his own life. It also important to keep our environment clean without any types of pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.

How to reduce air pollution?

  1. Stop destroying trees in your neighborhood
  2. Reduce the usage of aerosols in your home
  3. Use only unleaded petrol

How to reduce noise pollution?

  1. Construction of soundproof rooms for the noisy machines must be encouraged.
  2. Use of horns, jarring sounds and motorbikes with damaged pipes must be banned
  3. Noise producing industries must be built far away from the living areas.

How to reduce water pollution?

  1. Industrial waste should not be allowed to be mixed in the rivers, lakes or ponds.
  2. Use minimum amount of detergent while washing your clothes or vessels.
  3. Avoid using toilet as a dust bin. Dispose solid wastes separately in a dust bin.

Our Universe:

             Just like “Our Environment” it is necessary to know about our universe too. Our Universe comprises of solar system and planets. Solar system is made up of sun and all small objects revolve around it. Totally there are 9 planets such as Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Thus this topic covers the solar system and detailed description of nine planets.


  1. Planet that is neared to the sun ____

Answer: Mercury

  1. Name any two diseases that are caused by food spoilage

Answer: Diarrhea and stomach ache


  1. Our family:

             As the name suggest, the chapter explains the importance of each of the family members and the relationship with you. A typical family tree is drawn to pictorially represent the relationships between the family members.


  1. What is called as an extended family?

Answer: Any family which includes close relatives, grandparents, and cousins often living within close proximity or in same house is called as extended family.

  1. Why a small family is called as nuclear family?

Answer: Nucleus means a centre around which others collect. Thus, a small family with two individuals (Father and mother) with their offspring is said to be a nuclear family.

  1. Our Society:

   Just like knowing about “our Family” It is important to understand about “Our Society”. Students must be aware of the current news and happenings in our surroundings, their effects and changes in the society and so on.


  1. What are local self governments?

Answer: It includes panchayat in village, municipality in towns and small cities and Municipal Corporation in big cities.

  1. India is _________ country.

Answer: Democratic


  1. Force, work and energy:

             This chapter covers the topics such as Force, types of forces, work, types of energy, etc. Work can be defined as activity involving mental or physical effort which is done in order to achieve the result. Energy can be defined as a strength or vitality required for sustained physical activity. There are different types of energies such as Kinetic energy, potential energy and mechanical energy. Force is a physical push or pulls acting on an object. There are different types of forces such as Gravitational force, electrical force, magnetic force, frictional force, etc.,


  1. Define force:

Answer: Push and pull on an object is called as force

  1. What are fuels?

Answer: Wood, coal, petroleum, vegetable oils and animal fat are called as fuels.

  1. _____ is the ability to do work

Answer: Energy

Above are the topics covered in the CBSE Class 4 Science stream.



CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics:

              Math is highly important for the growing children and they must be properly trained to solve all the possible problems in their syllabus. Apart from the regular patterns such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Class 4 covers various topics such as geometrical figures, fraction, decimal, etc. It is a known fact that the student who has strong knowledge in math is capable to solve any kind of problems even in other subjects. CBSE Class 4 syllabuses is prepared by experienced teachers who have designed the subjects according to the student’s learning ability.

Now let us check the detailed syllabus of CBSE Class 4 Mathematics below:


  • Numbers:

         This is a next level of numerical system which covers the topics such as Rounding of numbers, Indian and International systems, predecessor and successor number, comparing numbers, even odd numbers and so on.



  1. The Roman numeral for 49 is __________
  • XLIX
  • L
  • XLVI

               Answer: XLIX

  1. Write the numbers in standard expanded form:
  • 45634

               Answer: 40000+5000+600+30+4

  1. Arrange the following in descending order:
  • -9, 0,-4, 5,3,1

               Answer: 5, 3,1,0,-4,-9


  • Arithmetic operations on numbers:

               Word problems based on Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are covered in this section. These problems will help the students to solve day-to-day real life problems while dividing cakes among friends, shopping, saving and many more.


  1. The smallest 5-digit odd number ______
  • 1002
  • 1233
  • 1001

               Answer: 1001

  1. Subtract the following numbers:
  • 888888-177777 =?

               Answer: 711,111

  1. A factory produces 2050 dolls per day. How many dolls are produced in 45 days?

               Answer: 92,250

  1. 25 % _ = 1

              Answer: 25


  • Fractions, Decimals:

     Introduction to Fractions are given in the CBSE Class 3. Thus now, fractions concept cover dividing shapes in half’s, quarters, mixed and advanced word problems in fractions.

     In CBSE Class 4, Decimal section is introduced which covers the topics like reading the decimals and place value, conversion and operations of decimals, etc., This gives a basic understanding for the students of Class 4 that the decimal point goes between units and tenths.

The best example for understanding the concept of fraction and decimal is below:

Fraction: 45/100

Decimal: 0.45


  1. Arrange the following fractions in ascending order:
  • 5/12, 3/12,1/12,4/12

             Answer: 1/12, 3/12, 4/12, 5/12

  1. If 25 out of 45 students are girls in a school, then the decimal for the part of girls in the school are:

             Answer: 25/45


  • Time and Date:

     Time and date is a very important concept in everyday life. Students must have a strong understanding of time and date formats, AM and PM difference, reading the clock, handling the time, etc. The concept which are covered in “Time and Date” are reading the clock and knowing the correct time, time taken for a task, 24 hour format, etc.,


  1. 6 hours after 8.45 P.M is ______

          Answer: 2.45 A.M

  1. Asha leaves home at 7.30 A.M and returns home at 4.15 P.M. How long she has stayed out?

          Answer: 8 Hours 45 minutes

  1. Half past 7 A.M and quarter past 10 P.M?

          Answer: 7.30 A.M and 10.15 P.M


  • Money:

           Just like time and date concept, the concept of money is also very important for day-to-day activities. Understanding the profit and loss in a sale, knowing the current balance are most important concepts in everyday life.


  1. How many rupees are there in 4560 paise?

          Answer: 45 Rupees 60 paise

  1. The price of color pencil box was Rs.58 on February which was priced up to Rs.98 within next two months. What is the difference in the price increase?

         Answer: Rs.40


  • Geometry:

     Geometry is an important and interesting subject of mathematics. In our day-to-day life we come across various objects in different shapes. Also, such objects shapes differ according to the position we look at it. Thus, these positions are named as front view, top view, side view and bottom view. Every object is different in different positions.


  1. ________ has two end points?

Answer: Line

  1. The radius of a circle is 5 cm. Find out its diameter?

Answer: 10 cm

  1. Sunil walks around a triangular garden with sides 16m, 23m and 45m. Find out the distance he covers if he walks around it for 4 times.

Answer: 336 m


  • Circle:

                 This is part of Geometrical concept, which covers the topics such as drawing circle, radius of the circle, making circle designs using the compass, centre of circle and so on. The main specialty of a circle when compared to other geometrical figures is it does not have any edges or corners. The distance between the centre of the circle and its circumference is said to be radius.


  1. Pictorial representations of circles are given to find out the diameter, radius of it.


  • Perimeter and Area:

                   These are used to measure the size of an object. Perimeter is the total boundary size of an object whereas Area is the total surface covered by the object. Perimeter is measured in terms of meter.

                   The topics which are covered under this section are calculating the exact boundary of given objects, uneven objects and curved shape, Circle boundary and word problems based on perimeter and area of an object.


  1. Examples are based on pictorial representation of a triangle, rectangle or square. Students are asked to find out the perimeter and area of the object by giving the sizes of the sides.


  • Measurement of Length, Mass and Capacity:

           This is a very common concept and it covers calculating distance between two objects, converting meter to kilo meter, milli meter, etc., Along with the standard unit meter, in CBSE Class 4, other measuring units such as Miles, yard, feet and inches are also taught. Similarly, measuring mass in terms of kgs and grams are also covered in CBSE Class 4 syllabus. In addition to this, introduction to the problems of jugs and mugs, litters and milli litters are covered under the topic of Measurement of capacity.


  1. Divide the following:
  • 25km 96m divided by 2

             Answer: 12548 meter

  1. Convert 7678 kg into quintal:

Answer: 76 quintal 78 kgs

  1. Convert the 25 l 75 ml in ml

Answer: 25075 ml


  • Designs and patterns-Building with bricks:

     This is a concept which is a part of Geometry as it mostly covers the concept of Cuboid. Bricks are in the shape of cuboid and math is going to be a fun with these building bricks. Topics covered in this section are Drawing a brick and different wall patterns, shapes and sizes of the bricks, process of building bricks, etc.,


  1. A brick has ______ edges
  • 13 edges
  • 8 edges
  • 12 edges

               Answer: 12 edges

  1. A dice has _________ faces
  • 8
  • 6
  • 4

               Answer: 6

Thus, above are the syllabus covered for CBSE Class 4 Mathematics.

CBSE Class 3 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 3 Science:

The topics which are covered under the CBSE Class 3 Science stream are as follows:

  • Living and non living things
  • Plants and animals
  • Our body
  • Home
  • Safety and first aid
  • Our Environment and our universe
  • Force, work and energy
  • Light and sound
  • Matter
  • Transport and communication
  • My family:

These topics in detail are as below:


  • Living and non living things:

Living things are the organisms which are made of cells and those which are alive. In other words, alive means breathing, sleeping, growing, moving and reproducing. All types of living things need food and energy for the survival to do their day-to-day activities. Best examples of living things are animals, plants, humans, bacteria, etc.,

Non living things are just opposite to that of living things. Non living things are the things which are not alive and hence does not breathe, reproduce, move and grow. Best examples of non living things are Paper, pen, stone, etc.,



  1. Name any two living things and non living things:


Living things: Plant, dog

Non-living things: soap, pencil

  1. What is difference between a living thing and non living thing:


Living thing has life and can move, grow and reproduce.

Non living thing does not have life and does not move, grow and reproduce.


  • Plants and animals:

This chapter covers the various types of plants and animals on the earth. Plants are the green shrubs or herbs which have different parts such as stems, roots, branches, etc. The functions of the roots are to carry water and nutrients from the soil to all parts of the plants. There are different types of plants such as flowering, non-flowering, short, long ,etc.,

Similarly, animals are huge in variety and every animal has unique and different characteristics. Every animal has its own color, pattern, body weight and structure. For example, the patterns in the body of the tiger are different when compared to the pattern of zebra. Similarly, the strength of an elephant is quite higher when compared to the strength of a deer.

Animals can be differentiated into various categories like insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. Animals like cow, hen, and goat are tamed for the household purposes and are called as domestic animals. Similarly, animals like tiger, lion, rhino, and deer can be seen only in dark forest and cannot be tamed in the houses for domestic purposes.



Animals which feed on other animals are called as carnivores. Example: Tiger, lion, wolf, etc.,


Animals which feed on other animals as well as leafy vegetables are called as omnivores. Example: Crow, rat, peacock, etc.,


These types of animals are soft by nature. They feed only on fruits, green and leafy vegetables, etc., Examples: cow, deer, goat, etc.,


  1. Name any two water animals?

Answer: Fish and octopus

  1. I fix the plant to the soil. Who am i?

Answer: Root

  • Our body:

Human body consists of different organs which are responsible for different kinds of tasks individually. This chapter covers the main systems of our human body and their functions.


Excretory system:

This is an important system which releases unwanted wastes from our body. Pair of kidneys helps in the process of eliminating unwanted waste from our body.

Nervous system:

This is a main control system for a human body. It consists of brain, spinal cord, sensory organs and nerves which connect throughout the entire body. This is responsible for all the sensory organs of the body.

Circulatory system:

This is a vast network of organs and vessels that is responsible for flow of blood, nutrients, hormones and oxygen. Without the circulatory system the body will fail to fight against the diseases and hence the body becomes more vulnerable to any kind of diseases.

Respiratory system:

As the name suggests, respiratory system is responsible for inhaling fresh oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This process is done with the help of pair of lungs.


  1. Which are the organs used for the respiration process?

Answer: Nose, lungs, trachea and bronchi

  1. The process of removing waste from our body is called as

Answer: Excretion


  • Home:

House is a place for shelter and safety. This is quite different from the word “Home”. House is made up of different materials whereas home is a place where you live with your family and friends. The topics which are covered under this chapter are your house and people living in it, animals found in the houses, how to keep your home tidy and beautiful, etc.,


  1. What kind of animals can be tamed as pet animals in our home?

Answer: Dog, cat, fish, etc.,


  • Safety and first aid:

First aid is the immediate attention to the patients before any medical attention. The main aim of a first aid treatment is to prevent further injury, preserve life and promote recovery. First aid box consist of things such as cotton, bandage, scissors, antiseptic powder, ointment, pain killer, etc.,


First aid treatment for a bone fracture:

A bone fracture can occur during an athletic completion, accident or during some cases. During such bone fractures immediate medical attention is needed to prevent further injury. But however, before that, few first aid treatments which can be taken are

  1. Please do not move the part which is injured. Be careful during this time since moving the injured part may cause severe damage to the bones.
  2. Apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth
  3. Splint that area if possible
  4. Call for medical attention as soon as possible


  1. Write any two steps to be taken when a person is in unconscious state?

Answer: Check their breathing by tilting their head backward and feel the breath, Loosen his tight clothing.

  1. What should be done when a ship catches fire and we are in it.

Answer: Immediately wear life jacket and try to catch a life boat.


  • Our environment and our universe:

   This chapter covers the topics such as air and weather and water.


This is an invisible gaseous substance which is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. This kind of air is pure when it is not polluted. Air pollution occurs due to many factors such as increase in the usage of vehicles, releasing more wastages and dust from the industries, burning plastics and other raw materials, etc.,


This is a transparent substance which is very much necessary for living organisms. Most part of our body is covered with water. Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water daily is an essential day to day activity. Thus, water must be pure and prevented from pollution.

Our Universe:

This is a study of galaxies, number of planets, solar system, stars, meteoroids, satellites, etc., This chapter covers nine planets and their names, function of our solar system, moo, sun and satellites.



  1. Name any three activities which can be done without water?

Answer: Writing, singing and running

  1. What is meant by atmosphere?

Answer: The layer of air surrounding the earth.


  • Rocks and soil:

Rocks are made up of one or more minerals. There are three main classifications of the rocks such as sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks. Soil is formed from the fine rock particles mixed with air, water and particles from dead plant and animals.


  1. In addition to the rock particles, soil contains?
  • Air and water
  • Water and plants
  • Minerals, organic matter, air and water
  • Water, air and plants

Answer: Minerals, organic matter, air and water

  1. Which top soil is best suited for growing plants?
  • Sandy soil
  • Loamy soil
  • Clayey soil
  • None of these

Answer: Loamy soil


  • Force, work and energy:

Work is a result when a force acts upon an object to cause displacement. In other words, it refers to an activity involving a force and movement in the direction of force. Energy is a capacity to do any work. In other words, in order to do any kind of work you need energy.

Force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object’s interaction with another object. Whenever, there is an interaction between two objects, there exists a force. When the interaction ceases, two objects no longer experience force.


  1. Does a work done on a load depend upon the time taken to raise the load?

Answer: No, work does not depend on the time

  1. Is work a scalar or vector quantity?

Answer: Work is a scalar quantity

  1. Can kinetic energy of an object be in negative?

Answer: No it can’t be negative


  • Light and sound:

A sound is a vibration that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s or animal’s ear. Light is a natural agent that stimulates the eye sight and make things brighter than normal.


  1. Sound can travel through?
  • Gases only
  • Solids only
  • Liquids only
  • Solids, liquids and gases

Answer: Sound travels through solids, liquids and gases as it requires a medium to travel through.       These three states provides medium for the sound to travel. Sound cannot travel in vacuum.

  1. Which of the following voices is likely to have minimum frequency?
  • Baby boy
  • Baby girl
  • A man
  • A woman

Answer: A man voice has minimum frequency since the sound is directly proportional to its pitch. Thus, the voice of an adult man has lower pitch when compared to the other voices.

  1. An image that cannot be obtained on the screen is called as ___

Answer: Virtual image


  • Matter:

Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. According to physics, matter consists of various types of particles such as mass and size.


  1. Which of the following are matter? Chair, air, cold drink, smell of perfume.

Answer: Anything that occupies space and has mass is called as matter. Matter can exist in three states such as solid, liquid and gas. Chair is a solid state of matter. Air and smell of perfume are gaseous state of matter. Cold drink is a liquid state of matter.

  1. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

Answer: This shows that the matter is made up of particles.


  • Transport and communication:

There are different means of transport in our country. In our day-to-day life, we go by bus, car, scooter, bicycle, auto rickshaw or by any other means of transport. Communication is a way of expressing our thoughts and ideas to the people we meet. We talk to our parents, friends, neighbors and share our ideas. Just remember, if we do not have anyone to communicate or share our thoughts? Ideas and feelings cannot be exchanged in such cases. Thus, communication is very important in our everyday life.


  1. Give any two transports of the people in villages?

Answer: Tonga, Bullock cart

  1. Which means of transport will you use to travel from Chennai to Delhi?

Answer: Train or Flight

  1. Letters and telegrams are common means of ______

Answer: communication

  1. E-mail is sent through a ______

Answer: computer

  1. Who invented television?

Answer: John Logie Baird


  • My Family:

Our first school is our family. Our parents, brothers, sisters, elders are our family. We learn many things from our family such as good manner, discipline, good habits, etc., Our parents teach us basic things in our everyday life and how to respect the elders. Thus, learning about our family is very important and everyone should know their own family’s likes and dislikes.



  1. What is a family?

Answer: A group consisting of parents and children living together in the same household is called a family.

  1. What is an extended family?

Answer: An extended family consists of close relatives, grandparents, cousins living together in the close proximity or in the same house.

Above are the syllabus covered for the CBSE Class 3 science stream.



CBSE Class 2 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 2 Science:

The syllabus for CBSE Class 2 is as follows:

  • Our environment
  • Plants and animals
  • My body
  • Food, clothing and shelter
  • Good habits and safety
  • Air, water and weather
  • Earth and sky
  • Rocks
  • Light and shadow
  • Institutions that serve us

These topics in detail are below:


  • Our environment:

     It’s our duty to keep our environment neat and clean. A clean environment is necessary for a neat and peaceful life. Natural environment helps humans and animals to live their day-to-day life. They provide fresh air, vegetables, fruits, water and so on. But due to some bad and selfish attitudes of humans, the environment gets spoiled. Thus, it is the duty of the human beings to take care of our environment by preventing pollution and avoiding deforestation.

The types of pollution which are caused due to humans are:


Air pollution:    

             Air pollution occurs due to the increased number of vehicles, increased number of waste discharge from the industries, burning plastics and so on. Thus, humans must take step to control air pollution by following ways.

  1. Instead of burning papers, glass bottles, plastics try to recycle them which conserve energy and reduce production emission.
  2. Plant at least one tree at your neighborhoods.
  3. Try to use solar electricity at your homes.
  4. Choose not to smoke anywhere outside the smoking area.


Water pollution:

                     Just like air pollution, water pollution is also one of the major threats caused by human beings. Water pollution which are caused due to several factors like mixing chemical wastages from the industries, polluting the ponds and lakes, etc.,

       The ways to control water pollution are:

  1. Do not flush pills, powder medications or any solid waste into your toilet.
  2. Do not pour oil based foods, fat or cheesy foods stuffs in your sinks.
  3. Do not dispose any kinds of chemicals, motor oil or other automotive fluids into the sanitary sewer which may end at the river.


Noise pollution:

                   Whenever the sound is excessive or unpleasant, noise pollution occurs. Loud music, sounds raised by the traffic jams on the roads, electrical appliances sound, etc. are all examples of noise pollution.

       The ways to control noise pollution are:

  1. Planting number of trees around your atmosphere may reduce noise pollution.
  2. Approving noise producing industries away from the city areas.
  3. Sound absorption can be done by constructing windows with double or triple panes of glass with sound absorbing material.


  1. What is the role of decomposers in our ecosystem?

Answer: Decomposers decompose dead remains of the plants and animals. This way they channelize the raw materials back to our environment and also reduce the burden of removing the waste dead body away from the environment.

  1. What is ozone and how does it affect any ecosystem?

Answer: Ozone is a form of oxygen. Ozone forms the ozone layer in our atmosphere. Ozone layer prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays from sun and thus protects the living beings.


  • Plants and animal life:

         Plants are the living things which has various parts such as roots, stem, branches, leaves, etc., There are different types of plants such as flowering or non-flowering plants, plants that grow longer or shorter, plants that live for longer period or shorter period, etc.,

Plants prepare their own food with the help of the process called photosynthesis. The main foods for the plants are water, sunlight and healthy soil. Reproduction is of two types in plants. Asexual reproduction takes place with the help of single parent whereas sexual reproduction takes place by the fusion of gametes resulting in offspring. Plants main responsibility to our environment is to inhale harmful carbon dioxide and exhale fresh oxygen. Also, we get various types of foods from the plants such as fruits, vegetables, leafy vegetables, etc.,

Animal life:

           Every animal has unique characteristic and feature. The appearance of every animal is different from another. For examples, the body structure and pattern in the skin of cheetah is different to that of zebra. The animals can be of different types and belong to several categories such as



           Animals which feed on another animal for food are called as carnivores. Examples: Tiger, lion, etc.,


             Animals which feed on plants as well as another animal are called as omnivores. For example, Rat, crow, etc.,


           Animals which feed only on plants are called as herbivores. For example, cow, deer, etc., Domestic animals are the animals which are tamed as pets in the households. For example, dog, cat, parrot, rabbit, etc. Wild animals are the animals which cannot be tamed at houses and live only in jungle areas. For example, elephants, tiger, lion, wolf, etc.,


  1. Name any plant that has flowers but no leaves?

Answer: cactus

  1. Photosynthesis is carried out in which part of the cell?

Answer: Chloroplast

  1. What is the fastest animal with two legs?

Answer: Ostrich


  • My body:

       Our body is made up of several organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, etc which are responsible for individual tasks.

Respiratory system:

                 The primary organ for the process of respiration is lungs. Lungs take in oxygen and expel out carbon dioxide as we breathe.

Excretory system:

             This is a system which releases out unnecessary wastages from our body. Kidneys help in the process of excretion.

Nervous system:

               This consists of brain, spinal cord, sensory organs and all the nerves that connect these organs to the rest of the body. These organs control the body and helps in communication among all the parts.


  1. How many chambers does a normal human heart have?

Answer: 4

  1. In the human body, where is the humerus bone?

Answer: Upper arm

  1. How long does a missing finger nail take back to grow again?

Answer: 4 to 5 months


  • Food, clothing and shelter:

         Food is an essential thing for human life. Foods can either be in a solid or liquid state. In order to perform everyday activities, every living being depends upon food which gives them energy to perform any function.

         Clothing is also an essential factor for humans which protect them against various types of seasons on earth. For example, cotton keeps the body cool during the summer whereas wool, silk or fur keeps the body warm during winter season.

         Shelter is place where humans can be safe and secure. Houses built up with woods, stones and any other material with proper ventilation, proper security is called as shelter. Shelter is a place which keeps the humans warm during winter and cool during summer.



  1. What ingredient makes the bread to rise?

Answer: Yeast

  1. Which cloth is made from the skin of polar beer?

Answer: Fur

  1. Name any product that helps us to keep our house clean?

Answer: Broom

  • Good habits and safety:

           It is important to cultivate safety habits right from the child hood period. Learn the safety tips while crossing the road, swimming, traveling, playing games outdoor and indoor, etc.,

Few safety tips while travelling are:

  1. Wear seat belt that is provided at the back of your seat. This will keep you safe whenever the vehicle travels in excess speed.
  2. Always watch the front mirror before overtaking a vehicle.
  3. Never suddenly turn or reverse the vehicle without indicators.


      Few safety tips while Crossing road:

  1. Look both sides of the road before crossing it.
  2. Cross the road only when you see “Pedestrain cross” symbol.

      Few safety tips while playing games:

  1. It is always important to wear knee caps and helmets before playing any outdoor game.
  2. Hydrate yourself sufficiently before start playing since the water content of the body highly decreases while playing.


  1. A crack or break in a bone is called as _____

Answer: Fracture

  1. State true or false:
  • If the arm is broken it is supported by tying a sling.

               Answer: True


  • Air, water and weather:

           Air, water and weather are the essential things for the survival of living organisms. Air is an invisible gaseous substance surrounding our atmosphere. It is a mixture of mainly oxygen and nitrogen. Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid which forms lakes, seas, rivers and is the most essential for all the living organisms including plants, animals and human beings. Weather is a state of the atmosphere which can be hot or cold, wet or dry, clear or cloudy, calm or stormy.


  1. Which gas is found to be highest by volume in air?

Answer: Nitrogen

  1. Taj mahal is suffering from marble cancer? What is called as marble cancer?

Answer: Acidic rain which corrodes marble

  1. What is ground water?

Answer: Some of the rain water goes into the soil and this is called as ground water.

  • Earth and sky:

        This topic covers our earth and our Universe. This covers details about stars, meteoroids, planets, solar system, etc. The Solar system also known as solar family is made up of Sun, nine planets, satellites and other celestial bodies like asteroids and comets. The solar system has sun at its centre and sun keeps the solar family together with its gravitational pull. The planets, comets and asteroids revolve around the sun in different orbits.

       The solar system is considered to be about billion years old which is formed from the dust and gas of the ancient solar nebula. There are nine planets such as mercury, venus, Earth, mars ,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


  1. Which star is at the centre of our solar system?

Answer: Sun

  1. Which planet is nearest to the earth?

Answer: Mercury

  1. Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter


  • Rocks:

            Our Earth is formed with the help of rocks and minerals. Rocks are constantly being formed, worn down and formed again. Rocks break down into sand. The sand along with the decomposed products of animals and plants becomes soil.

            The most important thing is, Earth crust is made up of rock. Rocks have been used by the humans for millions of years for making tools, weapons, and other construction materials to make their shelter. There are different types of rocks such as sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks:

When magma cools and solidifies it forms igneous rocks. Examples of such rocks are basalt, gabbro, etc.,

Sedimentary rocks:

             Sediments deposited over years often as the layers at the bottom of the lakes and oceans forms sedimentary rocks. Examples of sedimentary rocks are mudstone, sandstone, flint, etc.,

Metamorphic rocks:

             Extreme pressure and heat over times are called as metamorphic rocks. Examples of such rocks are schist, granulite, etc.,


  1. What remains of living things does sediments include?

Answer: Rock, shells, bones, leaves and stems

  1. What is the type of rocks that forms layers?

Answer: Sedimentary rocks

  • Light and shadow:

               This topic covers the concepts of light, definition of light, how light travels through space, what is shadow, how shadows are formed and so on. Light always travels in a straight line and allows one object to hide another. Light comes from the light source such as sun, light bulbs in our houses and candles. Light is reflected off the object and into our eyes. That is why we able to see them. Shadows are formed when the light is blocked. Light cannot travel through opaque objects such as metal and wood.


  1. Which travels faster sound or light?

Answer: Light

  1. Which color does yellow and red make?

Answer: Orange


  • Institutions that serve us:

                    There are many organizations and institutions such as post office, hospitals, banks, railway station, bus stop, market, etc. We need all these institutions to lead our day to day life easily. Post office is very necessary to send any posts, letters, telegrams, couriers to our friends and relatives. Banks are also very important for any money transactions, crediting or debiting money, savings of money, etc.,

In railway station, trains serve as the best means of transport for an individual’s daily journey. Similarly, nearby hospitals help us vastly when we are sick. They treat us immediately and help us to become completely alright very soon. Thus, this lesson covers all the important institutions and there valuable service for us.


  1. Pictorial representation asking the students to point out the function of each persons.

Thus, these are the above topics which are covered in the syllabus of CBSE class 2 Science stream.

CBSE Class 1 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 1 Science:

  The syllabus which are covered under the CBSE Class 1 Science are:

  • Living and non living things
  • Plant and animal life
  • My body
  • Food
  • Homes
  • Health and hygiene
  • Safety and first aid
  • Air, water and weather
  • Our universe
  • Light and sound
  • People who help us

The above topics in detail are:


  • Living and non living things:

            Those things which have life and can move, grow, reproduce are called as living things. On the other hand, those things which do not have life and do not grow, move or reproduce are called as non-living things.

           Best example of living beings are humans, animals, plants. Example for non living things are pencil box, rubber, paper, etc.,


  1. Name any two examples for non-living things:

           Answer: Pencil, rubber

  1. Which need air, water and sunlight?

           Answer: Plants


  • Plant and animal life:

             Plants can be of different types and shapes. Every plant is unique and has different characteristics when compared to other plants. But however, any plant may have stem, roots, flowers, leaves, etc., There are also few plants like cactus which have flowers but no leaves.

             Plants make their food through a process called as photosynthesis. The leaves of the plant contain a pigment called chlorophyll which gives green color to the leaves. This chlorophyll helps the plant to make their own food through the process called photosynthesis in which the plant mainly requires sunlight, water and other nutrients as their food. During this process of photosynthesis, plants release fresh oxygen and inhales harmful carbon dioxide.

            Plant reproduction takes place either asexually or sexually. Asexual reproduction is the process of producing the offspring through only one single parent whereas sexual reproduction is the process which produces the offspring through the fusion of the gametes. Apart from the above things, plants have wide variety of uses such as it provides clothing, fuel, shelter, and many other necessities for human life.


Animal life:

            Just like plants, every animal is different from another. For example, the skin pattern for a cheetah is different from that of a deer. Also, the bodily structure and strength differs for every animal.  Most of the animals such as fish, reptiles, mammals, reptiles and birds have simple life cycle. They are born either directly through their mother or through hatching the eggs. Then they grow similarly just like their own species and die.

           Most of these animals have only three stages of growth such as before birth, young and adult. In all the stages, the physical appearance of the animal varies only in sizes but not in appearance. There are different varieties of animal species such as amphibians, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. Amphibians like frogs undergo metamorphosis in which they spend their childhood under the water breathing with the help of gills and they start breathing with the help of lungs once they are grown up.

Insects have four stages in life cycle:

These four stages are

  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa
  • Adult


  1. Name any one amphibian animal:

          Answer: Frog

  1. Write any two land animals:

          Answer: Cat, dog

  1. I make the seeds for the plants. Who am i?

         Answer: Flower

  • My body:

       Our body is made up of many organs which are responsible for individual task.

Respiratory system:

          This is a system which helps the humans to respire. With the pair of lungs, it inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.            

Excretory system:

          This system is responsible for removing waste from the human body. A pair of kidneys helps in the process of excretion.

Nervous system:

          This consists of nerves, spinal cord, brain and all sensory organs that connect these nerves to the rest of the body. These organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.

Circulatory system:

          The functions of a circulatory system is to deliver the oxygen, removal of carbon dioxide and other waste materials from the body, supplying nutrients and other useful molecules to all the body parts.


  1. Name the organ for respiration:

          Answer: Lungs, nose, trachea, bronchi

  1. The system which helps to produce babies is called as ___

          Answer: Reproductive system

  1. What are the parts involved in the digestive system?

          Answer: Mouth, stomach, intestines, Liver and pancreas


  • Food:

   The basic nature of different types of food, how long they stay consumable, when does a food gets spoiled?, how did the people find their foods earlier, Who prepares our own food?, different types of taste that our mouth can feel, how do the plants make their food are the key concepts which are covered under this chapter.


When food gets spoiled:

       A food gets spoiled when it its atmosphere changes or when the food is prepared long time ago. For example, milk gets spoiled during summer season due to the excess heat in the outside temperature.

Who produces food we eat?

              This chapter makes children to know about the people who really work hard for our daily foods. They study about the farmers, their daily routines in the agricultural farms, how they preserve the crop from natural calamities and so on.


What food did people eat earlier?

             Our ancestors or grandparents would have not eaten the same type of food which we eat now. Thus, different types of food habits are followed during olden days in different places.

Taste buds:

         Our taste buds can feel different types of taste such as sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salt. This chapter tells the importance of taste buds and different kinds of taste that human beings can enjoy.

What are the foods for plants?

                     Just like foods for animals and humans, plants also need food for surviving. The key requirements for a plant are water, air and sunlight. These are said to be the food materials for the plants.


  1. Name any three foods that are rich in vitamins:

Answer: Broccoli, papaya, citrus fruits

  1. Rice and jute grow well in ____ types of soil

Answer: Alluvial soil


  • Homes:

               A Home is different from the house because house is just a place of shelter and it can be a concrete building. But a home is different. It can be any place the living being chooses to live for. For example, for animals the home can be the dark forest whereas for the humans the home can be their own houses built with the help of several construction materials.


  1. Name any two animals that can be tamed as domestic animals at our houses?

Answer: Cat, dog.


  • Health and Hygiene:

         Health education plays a very important role in everyday life. To prevent illness and to always stay positive, a clear understanding of health and hygiene is very much necessary. Health is cleanliness and cleanliness is one of the main defense against diseases.

         Similarly, hygiene means the art of keeping oneself healthy. The purpose being hygienic is to make man healthier. It not only depends on the individual’s health but also the whole community can be safe by practicing hygiene.

Few of the tips for Hygiene are:

  1. Brush and floss regularly
  2. Bathe regularly. This will not only keep you fresh but also remove all the unnecessary dirt and dust from the skin.
  3. Trim your nails
  4. Wash your hands
  5. Get good sleep

   Practicing this will keep anyone healthy and hygienic.


  1. What is the correct temperature that frozen foods can be kept at?

          Answer: -18 degree or lower

  1. What is the reason for drying your hands after wetting them?

         Answer: Because germs and bacteria easily spread with wet hands.


  • Safety and first aid:

             Help which is given during the emergency situations before the person can get the medical attention is called as first aid. This first aid treatment contains the first aid box which includes all the major instruments necessary to treat the patient.

             The first aid may contain scissors, sticky tapes, antiseptic cream, disposable sterile gloves, bandages, pain killers, distilled water for cleaning the wounds, thermometer, etc. But however, before an accident occurs it is very much necessary to be careful preventing any accidents.

First aid tips for burns:

  1. Remove the clothes around the wounded area.
  2. Run cool water (Not very cool) into the wounded area until the pain eases.
  3. Lightly apply gauge bandage.
  4. Do not put any ointments, butter or cream without medical supervision.
  5. Do not break any blisters that might have formed.

      First aid tips for dog bite:

  1. Clean the wound immediately
  2. Run it under the warm water thoroughly until the wound is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Encourage to bleeding from the wound. This will prevent any bacteria entering into the wound.
  4. Take any pain killers.
  5. Immediately seek medical attention.


  1. Write true or false:
  • The meaning of red in the traffic signal is “Stop”

             Answer: True

  1. The immediate help given to an injured person before he gets medical attention is called as ____

Answer: First aid


  • Air, water, weather:

               Air is an invisible gaseous substance present around our atmosphere. Air pollution   occurs when the air contains dust, fumes, odour and it can be harmful to the humans, animals and even plants. The substances that causes pollution is called as pollutants.

     Thus, it is the duty of all individuals to keep our air clean and fresh. Few of such ways are:

  1. Avoid burning woods, plastics, bottles, etc.,
  2. Avoid smoking
  3. Keep your surroundings and atmosphere clean
  4. Use air filters in your home

       Water is a colorless, odorless liquid which occupies most of the seas, lakes, ponds in the Earth. Around 71% of human body is made up of water. A human cannot survive long without water. Thus, water is a very important source for the living beings survival.


Water pollution:

                 Water in the lakes, ponds, rivers are often contaminated by the human activities. This is called as water pollution. Let’s check out the few ways to control the water pollution.

  1. Please to do not dispose any oil substances, ghee foods, chemical substances into the toilet or sinks at your houses.
  2. Do not flush pills, medicines, chemicals into your toilet.
  3. Use limited pesticides to your garden. Instead make use of environment safe liquids to your gardens.
  4. Do not make use of more detergents, soaps and powders while washing your clothes or dishes.


         Weather is all around us all time. Weather controls our everyday life right from the food habits to

the types of clothes to wear. During winter season, we often see people wearing fur clothes, woolen

clothes, coats, jackets to keep themselves warm. Similarly, during summer people use to wear cotton

dresses to keep themselves cool throughout the whole day.

There are different types of weather such as stormy, windy, cloudy, hot, cold, rainy, foggy, snowy,

misty, etc., These are divided into following seasons such as

  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Monsoon


  1. We need ___ for breathing?

          Answer: Oxygen

  1. Rainwater flows down to ______

         Answer: River

  1. Name the elements that determine the weather of the place?

        Answer: Humidity, Wind speed, rainfall, Temperature and air pressure


  • Our Universe:

             This lesson covers the major topics such as solar system, nine planets, meteoroids, stars, galaxy, etc. Solar system is made up of sun and all the other smaller particles move around it. Apart from the sun, there are eight other planets which revolve in different orbits.

They are:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars. The space between the galaxies and stars are extremely empty.


  1. Is the Sun moving?

Answer: Yes. All the planets move around the sun and in turn the whole solar system (Sun at the centre) revolves around the centre of galaxy, milky way.

  1. What is the biggest planet in the universe?

Answer: Jupiter


  • Light and sound:

           Sound and light both travels as waves. Sound waves travel million times slower than the light waves. Light waves are capable of moving through an empty space whereas sound waves moves much slower than the light waves and can travel through any substance such as solid, liquid and gas.


  1. What is a light?

          Answer: A form of energy that travels through in waves

  1. Why does not sound travel in a vacuum?

          Answer: There are no atoms to vibrate to carry the sound waves. Thus it needs a medium to travel.


  • People who help us:

       Different people do different jobs and provide numerous services to us. These people are called community helpers. Few examples of such community helpers are plumber, doctor, postman, farmer and many others. Thus, this lesson covers the services provided by them and the type of work carried out by them.


  1. Who is a cobbler? What is his nature of work?

          A cobbler is a person who repairs shoes.

  1. Name any two instruments used by a carpenter?

         Answer: Driller, hammer

Thus, these are the topics which are covered under the syllabus of CBSE class 1 science stream.

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