Loyola College Supplementary English April 2006 Power Communication In English Question Paper PDF Download




                                        EL 2062 – POWER COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH




Date & Time : 28/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 75 Marks



Answer the following questions:

  1. Identify the elements and various types of communication. (10 marks)
  2. What are the various communication factors and skills necessary for communicating effectively? (10 marks)
  3. Draft a speech on the following topic with an arresting introduction, relevant elaboration with four main points and an apt conclusion.

“The Media has no right to offend religious sentiments claiming the right to free speech”.           (15 marks)

  1. Why should every good speaker know about audience psychology? How does it help him/her?  (10 marks)
  2. What are the factors that contribute to Group-worthiness? (10 marks)
  3. Why is listening difficult for most of us? Elaborate on the importance of listening skills for success in a group discussion.                                                                       (10 marks)
  4. List out the decisive factors for success in a job interview. (10 marks)



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Loyola College Supplementary Mathematics April 2006 Measure And Integration Question Paper PDF Download


Date & Time : 27/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
ANSWER ALL :-                                                                                                                                                    MARKSI      a  (1)  Define outer measure and show that it is translation invariant (8)                                      (OR)
(2)  State and prove countable sub additive theorem for outer measures.
b  (1)   Prove that there exists a non measurable set                                                                 (17)                                                                                                                               (OR)
(2)   Show that the following statements are equivalent for a set E :                (i)     E is measurable(i)      0 , G an open set ,G  E, such that m(G – E)  , (ii)     G, Gδ  -set, G  E, such that m (G – E) = 0(iii)      0 , F a closed set, F  E, such that m (E – F)   ,(iv)     F, an Fσ–set, F  E, such that m (E – F) = 0 .
II.  a.   (1)   If  is a measurable simple function ,then in the usual notations prove                            (8)  (i)    dx =  aį  m ( A      0 for any measurable set E.
(ii)      dx =   dx +   dx for any disjoint measurable sets A and B.
(iii)      a  dx  = a   dx if a  0.
(2)    Let f and g be non negative measurable functions.Then prove                                                             f dx +   g dx =  (f  + g) dx

b.   (1)    State and prove Fatou’s Lemma  for measurable functions                                         (17)                                                                                                        (OR)
(2)     Show that if f  is a non negative  measurable function., then  a sequence               of measurable simple functions such that  (x)     f (x) .                                                                                                                    III   a   (1)   Show that with a usual notations the outer measure  on H(),and the                        (8)           outer measure defined   by  on S(   and  on S  are the same.
(2)    Let ‘s’ be a non negative measurable simple function defined on a measure  space                          (X, S ,   ) Define  (E)  =   s d then  is a measure on  (X, S )  and if ‘t’  is another                non negative measurable simple function defined on a measure space              (X, S,  )  then prove that    (s + t) d =  s d +   t d  .                                                                              .                                                               b  (1)     State and prove Holder’s’s inequality for convex functions                                              (17)
(2)   (i)   State and prove Jensen’s inequality for convex functions       (8+9)
(ii)  If f, g LP (, are complex numbers then  prove that,
(fg)   LP (  and    (fg)  d =   f d +   g d                                                                                                                               IV.  a  (1)  Show that if  be a sequence of sets in a ring  R then there exisists                      a sequence    of  disjoint sets of  R such that    Bi    Ai for each i and                       A  =    B   for each N ,so that    A i =    Bi  .                                                                        (OR)
(2)   State and prove ‘Egorov’s theorem for almost uniform convergence.
b.       (1)   State and prove ‘Completeness theorem’ for convergence in measure.                            (17)                       .                                                                                                                                                                   (OR)
(2)      (i)    State and prove  Reisz-Fisher’s theorem                                                                   (8+9)
(ii)   State and prove Jordan’s lemma.


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Loyola College Supplementary English April 2006 British Literature (1670 – 1832) Question Paper PDF Download




                                    EL 3805/EL 3800 – BRITISH LITERATURE (1670 – 1832)




Date & Time : 27/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks

Part – A

  1. Interpret the following lines in about 50 words each. (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
  1. Though round his breast the rolling clouds are spread Eternal sunshine settles on his head.
  2. The song began from Jove
  3. In tasks so bold, can little men engage
    And in soft bosoms dwells such mighty rage?
  4. The paths of glory lead but to the grave
  5. So twice five miles of fertile ground
    With walls and towers were girdled round:
  6. “I love everything that’s old: old friends, old manners, old looks…  Comment on the attitude of the speaker.
  7. The greatness of hear is not in corporal dimension, but in intellect.  Explain.
  8. I reverence theses young Africans of our own growth.  Explain the metaphor.
  9. Spirits and fairies cannot be represented… only be believed.  Comment.
  10. … and immediately awaking I found myself seated … with the faithful Bridget unchanged by my side.  Explain the autobiographical element.

Part – B

  1. Write paragraph answers to any FIVE of the following in about 150 – 200 words each. (5 x 8 = 40 marks)
  1. Show how in the final analysis, the little black boy is in a better position than his white counterpart.
  2. What are the various blessings of the evening according to Collius?
  3. What is tale and the message connected up with ‘The Castaway’?
  4. How does Jane Austen employ various types of love in pride and prejudice?
  5. Write a short note on Johnson’s views on Milton’s epics.
  6. How does Dryden establish Chancer as the father of English Poetry in Preface to Fables?
  7. Write a short note on two themes swift develops in Gulliver’s Travels.

Part – C

III. Answer the following in about 350 – 400 words each.                        (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

  1. How does Trinothens influence Alexander the great by the powr of his music?


  1. Bring out the most impressive features which make ‘The School for Scndal’ a very successful play.
  2. Tintern Abbey traces the evolution of Wordsworth as a poet. – Illustrate.


  1. She stoops to conquer is a play about Appearance and Reality – Elucidate.


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Loyola College Supplementary (Commerce) April 2006 Financial Accounting & Fin. State. Analysis Question Paper PDF Download





                            CO 2101 – FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & FIN. STATE. ANALYSIS




Date & Time : 27/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Answer all questions                                                               10*2=20


  1. What is double entry  system of book keeping?
  2. State any two merits of  subsidiary books?
  3. What is ledger?
  4. Why is suspense account opened ?
  5. Why is  bank reconciliation prepared?
  6. What is earning per share ?
  7. What is depreciation ?
  8. Give any  two non cash items?
  9. State the rules for debiting and crediting .
  10. What is meant by convention of conservatism ?




Answer any five questions                                          5*8=40


  1. Explain the advantages and limitations of ratios.
  2. Discuss the fundamental concepts of double entry system
  3. Distinguish between single entry and double entry.
  4. An old machine  worth Rs.12,400 was purchased on 1.1.1999 . Rs.8000 was spent on repairs and Rs.3,600 for installation of the same . Depreciation was to be charged @ 30% p.a under diminishing balance method. The said machine was sold  as scrap for Rs.3,600 at the end of  2001. show machinery a/c upto 2001.


  1. Enter the following transations in a purchase book or in sales book as the case may be.

1st Sep.2001  ,100  tonnes of coal @ Rs.577.50 per tone  from A &CO.

5TH                   200 tones of soft coke @Rs.465 ,less trade discount 5%.

10th                  200 tones of hard coke @Rs.522.5 ,less trade discount 5%.

19th                  10 tones of soft coke sold to B&CO @Rs.500 less 2.5% trade  discount.

30th                  400 tones of coal @Rs.532.5 sold to XY&CO ,less discount5%.


16.Enter the following transaction in a triple column cash book .

Jan  1 cash balance inhand                                          400

Cash at bank                                                   1650

  • received from somu Rs.180 ,discount allowed Rs.5
  • paid for stationary in cash 35
  • paid ganesh by cheque Rs.315 ,discount Rs.8
  • sundry expenses in cash 17
  • Robbin settled his a/c for Rs.400 less 5% discount
  • withdrew from bank for  office  50
  • bought goods by cheque  250
  • sold goods for cash 150
  • paid into the bank 350.


17.Journalise the following transaction.

Started business with cash Rs.50,000

Purchased goods for cash  Rs.10,000

Sold goods for cash Rs.15,000

Purchased goods from X on credit Rs.5000

Sold goods to  B for Rs.6000

Bought a furniture  Rs.14,000

Paid wages Rs.400


18.From  the ledger balances given below ,draw up  the trial balance.

Rs.                                           Rs.

Capital                         8950   drawings                      1050

Stock                           3725    purchases                     23100

Sales                            39425 wages                           6205

Lighting and heating  310       equipment                   3600

Carriage outward        230      carriage inward           105

Returns outward         290      discount allowed         285

Provision for doubtful debts   350,  cash        110,  rent  1115,

Discount received       315    motor vehicle    1475

Creditors 4925,  debtors 13920  ,bank overdraft  975.





Answer  any  two  questions:                                      2*20=40


  1. The following is the trial balance of Mr.Maria for the year ended 31st dec 2001.

Compile the final a/c for him, after incorporating the adjustments.

Dr(Rs.)            Cr(Rs.)

drawings        and capital                               4,000               65,000

purchase and returns outward                         25,000             4,000

sales                                                                 —                      71,000

stock on 1.1.2001                                            9,000               —

salary                                                               10,000             —

wages                                                              3,000               —

cash in hand                                                    6,100               —

rent and rates                                                  5,500               —

bank loan                                                         —                    14,000

discounts                                                         400                  500

building                                                           35,000             —

machinery                                                        50,000             —

debtors and creditors                                      10,000             6,000

———-            ———

160500            160500


  1. wages of Rs.1000 and salaries of Rs.2000  are not paid.
  2. Included in the salaries is a figure of Rs.1000 taken by the proprietor

For personal expenses.

  1. stock on 31.12.2001 is Rs.30,000
  2. depreciate building by 2% and machinery by 10%.



  1. From the following information ,make out a balance sheet.

Current ratio  2.5

liquid ratio  1.5

proprietary ratio 0.75(fixed     assets/prop.fund)

Working capital Rs.60,000.

Reserve and surplus  Rs.40,000

Bank overdraft  Rs.10,000


There is no long term loan or fictitious assets.


21.From the following balance sheet ,you are required to prepare a cash flow



Liabilities                    1999                2000    Assets              1999                2000


Share capital    2,00,000          2,50,000          cash                 30,000             47,000

Creditors            70,000             45,000          debtors                        1,20,000          1,15,000

Profit &lossa/c   10,000             23,000          stock                  80,000             90,000

Land                  50,000             66,000

———-            ————                                 ———-            ———

2,80,000          3,18,000                                  2,80,000          3,15,000

——— –           ——–                                      ———-            ———–


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Loyola College Supplementary (Commerce) April 2006 Business Law – I Question Paper PDF Download




                                                            CO 3500 – BUSINESS LAW – I




Date & Time : 28/06/2006/1.00 – 4.00          Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Section – A (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

  1. How does an agreement differ from a contract?
  2. What is the legal effect of cross offers?  Give an example.
  3. When an acceptance may be revoked?  Illustrate.
  4. Do you agree that the performance of legal duty is a valid consideration for one’s promise to pay?
  5. Can a lunatic enter into a valid contract?  Justify your answer.
  6. What is the legal consequency of ‘undue influence’ on the validity of a contract?
  7. Specify with an example any one circumstance under which the object of an agreement is unlawful?
  8. When does a breach of contract occur?  What is its legal effect?
  9. Why is a contract of indemnity formed?
  10. What is known as ‘ex-post facto agency’?

Section – B (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ANY FIVE questions.

  1. “All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts” – Comment.
  2. What are the circumstances under which an offer comes to an end?
  3. Specify and explain in brief any eight legal rules for a valid acceptance?
  4. “Consideration may be past, present on future” – Explain with examples.
  5. Differentiate fraud from misrepresentation?
  6. What are the provisions of the Indian Contract Act which govern the performance of joint promises?
  7. Explain the nature and extent of surety’s liability?
  8. Briefly explain the position of an aggrieved party in case of anticipatory breach of contract?

Section – C (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

Answer ANY TWO questions.

  1. Classify and discuss the types of contract?
  2. List out and briefly explain with examples the types of agreements which are legally declared void?
  3. Describe the duties and the rights of a bailor and a bailee?



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Loyola College P.G. Tamil Literature April 2013 Tamil Teaching Methods Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College P.G. Tamil Literature April 2013 Special Literature Silappathigaram Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College P.G. Tamil Literature April 2013 Minor Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College P.G. Tamil Literature April 2013 History Of Tamilnadu & Culture II Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College P.G. (Tamil Literature) April 2013 History Of Tamil Nadu & Culture Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College P.G. (Tamil Literature) April 2013 Grammar II Tholkappiam Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.Phil. English April 2008 Sla Research & Techinh Techniques Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 28/04/08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



  1. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 100 words each. (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. What different meanings are associated with the term ‘interlanguage’?
  2. How is error different from mistakes?
  3. What are the characteristics of a good language learner?
  4. What is silent period?
  5. What are the primary purposes of ESP?
  6. What is meant by intrinsic motivation?
  7. What is content based learning?
  8. What are the warning signs that a student may have a learning disability?



  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in about 250 words each. (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. What are the factors impinging on language learning?
  2. Differentiate between learning and acquisition and comment on its relevance to language teaching.
  3. How can anyone capitalize Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to motivate the learners?
  4. What according to Chomsky are the shortcomings of the behaviourist approach?
  5. What are the types of learning associated with the CLT Approach?
  6. Why are Language Learning Strategies important for L2/EFL learning and teaching?



III. Answer any Two of the following essays in about 500 words each.          (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. What is Task Based Learning? Explain the concept with an example.
  2. How is teaching L1 different from L2 teaching?
  3. Suggest an effective way of teaching pronunciation to Indian learners.
  4. What are the salient features of Community Language Learning and explain its relevance to language learning in the present context?



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Loyola College M.Phil. English April 2008 Rhetoric & Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 25/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


  1. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 100 words each: (4×5=20)
  2. Explain the structure of a research thesis.
  3. What is meant by ‘Cohort’?
  4. What is the function of a ‘topic sentence’?
  5. Identify the qualities of a sound research.
  6. Define ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ sources.
  7. Why is coherence in writing important?
  8. Explain why a good hypothesis is important to begin a research work.
  9. Define ‘ethnographic approach’.


  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in about 250 words each: (4×10=40)
  2. What are the salient features of academic writing?
  3. Why is Review of literature important for a research work
  4. Elaborate on the methods of ‘note making’ for research.
  5. Define ‘citation’ and explain the techniques.
  6. How is ‘field testing’ carried out?
  7. How is data collected for ELT research?


III. Answer any TWO of the following essays in about 500 words each:            (2×20=40)

  1. Elaborate on the importance of ‘piloting’ in research. Provide examples.
  2. Compare and contrast academic writing with a personal essay.
  3. State the hypothesis of your proposed dissertation and provide an outline of its organization.
  4. Explain how the following bibliographical issues are usually documented.
  5. a) A TV interview b) Citing indirect sources c) Different volumes of a multi volume work            d) more than one work by the same author


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Nalanda Open University MLIS Public Library System And Services Paper V 2009 Question Paper PDF Download

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