State Level National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Exam-2013 Class-VIII
General Mental Ability Test
Directions-(Q. 1-10) Each question has four terms. Three terms are alike in some way. One term is different from others. Write the letter of the different term against the corresponding question number on your answer sheet-
(A) Mercury
(B) Mars
(C) Moon
(D) Saturn
(A) Pistol
(B) Sword
(C) Gun
(D) Rifle
(A) 21
(B) 19
(C) 23
(D) 17
(A) 9 – 169
(B) 25 – 81
(C) 16 – 36
(D) 121 – 49
(A) D B G
(B) E B J
(C) B D H
(D) C E O
Directions-(Q. 11-20) There are four terms in each question. The term to the right of the symbol : : have the same relationship as the terms to the left of the symbol : : Out of the four terms one term is missing which is one of the alternatives given below. Find out the correct alternative and write its letter against the corresponding question on your answer sheet-
11. Jharkhand : Ranchi : : Chhattisgarh : ?
(A) Pune
(B) Dispur
(C) Raipur
(D) Bhopal
12. Sushil Kumar : Wrestling : : Unmukt Chand : ?
(A) Chess
(B) Cricket
(C) Football
(D) Table Tennis
13. 3 : 24 : : 5 : ?
(A) 120
(B) 126
(C) 136
(D) 115
14. F N R W : H P T Y : : H M P S : ?
(A) I N P T
(B) J O R V
(C) K N O R
(D) J O R U
15. D H O T : E J R X : : F K N V : ?
(A) H L M U
(B) I N P T
(C) G M Q Z
(D) J L M W
21. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, ?
(A) 36
(B) 25
(C) 28
(D) 42
22. 2, 12, 20, 30, 42, ?
(A) 62
(B) 32
(C) 49
(D) 56
23. 2, 5, 11, 23, 47, ?
(A) 95
(B) 92
(C) 96
(D) 84
24. 13, 20, 28, 37, 47, 58, ?
(A) 67
(B) 65
(C) 70
(D) 72
25. 47, 44, 40, 35, 29, 22, ?
(A) 16
(B) 14
(C) 18
(D) 13
Directions-(Q. 26-30) Each problem four figure is given at the left hand side consisting sequential designs and the place for firth figure is vacant which has been shown by question mark (?) Four answer figures are given against each problem figure. Find out the correct answer figure and write its alternative letter against the proper question number on your answer sheet.
Directions-(Q. 31-35) Are based on letter series. In each question some letters are missing shown by (−). The missing letters are given in a proper sequence as one of the four alternative given under each question. Find out the correct alternative and write its letter against corresponding question number on your answer sheet.
31. d b – c – c d – b c c −
(A) d a c b
(B) b c b c
(C) c b d b
(D) b b c c
32. S – C K – A – K S – C −
(A) A C K S K
(B) K A C A K
(C) A S C A K
(D) C A S K C
33. n n – p n – o p – n o −
(A) n o p o
(B) o n n p
(C) n n o p
(D) o n p o
34. J L – P J – N − − L N −
(A) N L J P N
(B) L J N L N
(C) P L J L P
(D) N L P J P
35. A M – Z O – A – A Z − N
(A) A N M O
(B) N N M N
(C) M A N O
(D) Z M N O
36. In any code language PENCIL is written as NCLAGL, in the same code language TABLE will be written as-
(A) S Z A K C
(B) R Y Z J E
(C) Q X Y I B
(D) R X B I E
37. If BAG is written as 14, CUB is written as 126, DIG will be written as-
(A) 20
(B) 156
(C) 252
(D) 124
38. If in a code language 237 is written as 144 and 159 is written as 225, in the same language the code of 627 will be written as-
(A) 324
(B) 289
(C) 225
(D) 144
39. If in any language TRUCK is written as GIFXP, in the same language LIGHT will be written as-
40. If any code language SUN is written as 8613, in the same language WAR will be written as-
(A) 3629
(B) 6324
(C) 9264
(D) 4269
41. If any code language abdomen is written as ebnamdo, in the same code language absence will be written as-
(A) cbeanse
(B) nscbeae
(C) cbnseae
(D) nsecbea
42. There are five Saturday in a 30 days month. What was the first day at that month-
(A) Sunday
(B) Friday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Monday
43. If it was Monday on 15th of March 1999. What was the day on 10th of July 1999-
(A) Friday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Saturday
(D) Wednesday
44. If day after tomorrow is Thursday, what was the day three days before yesterday?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Saturday
(C) Friday
(D) Sunday
45. In 2009, 15 August was celebrated on Saturday. In the same year 31 August had been celebrated on-
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Sunday
(D) Monday
Directions-(Q. 46-50) Are based on the following information. Read the information carefully and choose the correct alternative out of four alternative and write its letter against the proper equations number on your answer sheet.,
Information : Six boys N T V P K and B are standing in a line. The boy ‘T’ is standing in between P and ‘B’. The boy ‘N’ is neither next to ‘B’ nor ‘P’. The boy ‘V’ is not standing next to ‘P’. The boy ‘K’ is standing in between ‘N’ and ‘V’.
46. Between whom the boy ‘B’ is standing ?
(A) K − T
(B) K − P
(C) P − V
(D) T − V
47. Between whom the boy ‘V’ is standing?
(A) B − N
(B) K − B
(C) T − K
(D) N − T
48. Who is standing at the fourth position from right end?
(A) T
(B) K
(C) B
(D) N
49. Who is standing at the right hand of ‘K’?
(A) B
(B) N
(C) P
(D) T
50. Who is standing at the fifth position from left end?
(A) B
(B) V
(C) K
(D) N
Directions-(Q51-58) The question have become wrong because of the wrong order of signs. Choose the correct order of signs from the four options given below each question so as to make the questions right. Write the alternative of the correct option on your answer sheet against the corresponding question number.
51. 56 – 8 = 49 ÷ 16 × 327
(A) = × ÷ −
(B) ÷ − × =
(C) − × = ÷
(D) ÷ × − =
52. 96 + 30 × 3 = 62 ÷ 24
(A) ÷ + = −
(B) − ÷ = +
(C) − = + ÷
(D) + ÷ − =
53. 25 × 5 ÷ 30 = 60 – 90
(A) − ÷ = +
(B) × = ÷ −
(C) = × ÷ −
(D) ÷ × − =
54. 5 + 9 × 6 = 26 – 13
(A) − × + =
(B) + − × =
(C) × − = +
(D) × + = −
55. 9 ÷ 117 – 13 × 5 = 36
(A) − ÷ = ×
(B) = ÷ × −
(C) ÷ × = −
(D) × = − ×
56. 15 – 5 = 5 × 10 × 7
(A) = × − ×
(B) × − = ×
(C) − × × =
(D) × = − ×
57. 17 + 25 = 5 + 10 ÷ 2
(A) + = ÷ +
(B) = + ÷ +
(C) = ÷ + +
(D) + = + ÷
58. 45 × 9 = 10 ÷ 5 + 55
(A) + × ÷ =
(B) = × + ÷
(C) ÷ × = +
(D) ÷ + × =
59. Shyam moves towards east from the point P and walks for 20 km, turning to right he walks for 10 km, again he turns to right and walks for 20 km and reaches to point Q. Now in which direction is Shyam’s face?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) East
(D) West
60. Two friends are sitting joining their back. If the face of a friend is towards north, in which direction will be the right hand of the second friend?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Directions-(Q. 61-70) Numbers are placed in figure on the basis of some rules. One place is vacant which is indicated as (?). Find out the correct alternative for the vacant place and write its letter against the proper question number on your answer sheet.
(A) 7
(B) 9
(C) 6
(D) 3
(A) 210
(B) 220
(C) 230
(D) 240
(A) 47
(B) 37
(C) 28
(D) 45
(A) 36
(B) 54
(C) 55
(D) 56
(A) 31
(B) 25
(C) 23
(D) 19
(A) 50.5
(B) 51.5
(C) 52.5
(D) 53.5
(A) 15
(B) 30
(C) 45
(D) 90
(A) 17
(B) 34
(C) 289
(D) None of the above
(A) 6
(B) 12
(C) 18
(D) 26
(A) 14
(B) 25
(C) 49
(D) 343
Directions-(Q. 71-75) Are based on the following information. Read the information carefully and choose the correct alternative out of four alternative and write its letter against the proper question number on your answer sheet.
Information-A father had five sons named Raman, Aman, Naman, Gagan and Chaman. Aman was born in 1968. Naman is 9 years older than Raman while 7 year younger than Aman. Gagan is three year older than Raman and 8 year younger than Chaman.
71. How many year Aman is older than Chaman?
(A) 5 year
(B) 8 year
(C) 7 year
(D) None of these
72. How many different of year between Raman and Chaman?
(A) 5 year
(B) 7 year
(C) 9 year
(D) 11 year
73. Who was born in leap year in addition to Aman?
(A) Raman
(B) Gagan
(C) Chaman
(D) Naman
74. In which year Gagan was born ?
(A) 1975
(B) 1983
(C) 1981
(D) 1972
75. Who is the middle order among five brothers?
(A) Chaman
(B) Naman
(C) Gagan
(D) Raman
Directions-(Q. 76-80) Are based on the information given below. Read the information carefully and find out the correct answer out of the four alternative and write its alternative letter on your answer sheet against the proper question number.
Information- In a family there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F. ‘C’ is sister of ‘F’. ‘A’ is brother of the husband of E. ‘D’ is father of ‘A’ and grandfather of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and one mother in this family.
76. How many male members are there in this family?
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1
77. What is the relation between F and E?
(A) Husband-Wife
(B) Father-in-law-daughter in law
(C) Son-mother
(D) Brother-sister
78. Which group belongs to brother?
(A) A B C
(B) A B F
(C) A B D
(D) B D F
79. Who is the husband of ‘E’?
(A) B
(B) D
(C) C
(D) A
80. Who is the mother in this family?
(A) A
(B) C
(C) B
(D) E
81. A clock bells one time at on O’ clock, two times at 2 O’ clock, 3 times at three O’ clock and so on. How many times will it bell in total at twelve O’ clock.
(A) 12 times
(B) 24 times
(C) 156 times
(D) 78 times
82. In a mirror a clock’s minute hand is seen at 12 and the hour hand is seen at 0, then what will had the actual time?
(A) 9 O’ Clock
(B) 6 O’ Clock
(C) 3 O’ Clock
(D) 4 O’ Clock
83. To see the time in a watch, a man misunderstood the minute hand as hour hand and hour hand as minute hand. In this way he saw 12 minute past 5 by the watch. What was the correct time?
(A) 7 : 50
(B) 2 : 25
(C) 2 : 22
(D) 3 : 20
84. For street light all the pole was fixed in a straight line putting the interval of 50 metre. What will be distance between first pole and the ninth pole ?
(A) 350 metre
(B) 400 metre
(C) 410 metre
(D) 50 metre
85. A man, for some work, gets one rupee on the first day, it double money i.e. 2 rupees on second day and its double i.e. 4 rupees on third day and so on it continued till 15 days. What amount will be get at 15th day?
(A) Rs 309
(B) Rs 5124
(C) Rs 8192
(D) Rs 16384
Directions-(Q. 86-90) Are based on following letter series. Study the letter series carefully and find out the correct alternative out of the four alternative letter on your answer sheet against the proper question number.
n o I j o n p t a k t l n o p u j e t b n a p u b
86. In this series which letter is been repeated the most?
(A) o
(B) n
(C) p
(D) t
87. In this series how many times the vowel occurs before and after consonant?
(A) One time
(B) Two time
(C) Three time
(D) Four time
88. In this series how many times vowel occurs before consonant but not after consonant?
(A) One time
(B) Two time
(C) Three time
(D) Four time
89. In this series how many times the vowel occurs after consonant but not before consonant?
(A) One time
(B) Two time
(C) Three time
(D) Four time
90. Which letters are been repeated for three times?
(A) j p o
(B) o n t
(C) t o p
(D) b o n
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
91. Non-renewable source of energy amongst the following is-
(A) Air
(B) Water
(C) Biogas
(D) Coal
92. What is the time period of minute needle of a clock?
(A) 1 minute
(B) 1 hour
(C) 12 hour
(D) 24 hours
93. Distilled water is-
(A) Good conductor of Electricity
(B) Non-conductor of Electricity
(C) Weak conductor of Electricity
(D) None of the above
94. The Non-magnetic material is-
(A) Nickel
(B) Iron
(C) Cobalt
(D) Gold
95. An object placing 2F in front of convex lens, the image will be-
(A) Virtual, Erect, Bigger
(B) Real, Inverted, Bigger
(C) Real, Inverted, Same size
(D) Real, Inverted, Smaller
96. The upthrust force on an object depends on its-
(A) Shape and size
(B) Weight (lightness/heaviness)
(C) Length and width
(D) Volume and density
97. When a light ray enters from lighter medium into denser medium, then it-
(A) bends away from normal
(B) bends towards normal
(C) travels in the direction of normal
(D) does not deviate at all
98. All of the following are unit of time, except-
(A) Second
(B) Month
(C) Year
(D) Light year
99. I.S.P. (Internet Service Provider) is-
(A) A device which provide Internet service
(B) Provides password
(C) Connect computer to internet through telephone
(D) Provide facility to use internet
100. The speed of light in vacuum is-
(A) 2 × 108 km/sec
(B) 3 × 105 km/sec
(C) 5 × 103 km/sec
(D) 9× 104 km/sec
101. Resistance of ideal Ammeter is-
(A) Zero
(B) Infinite
(C) Very less
(D) Very much
102. The figure given below represents-
(A) Switch in the ‘ON’ position
(B) Switch in the ‘OFF’ position
(C) Circuit breaker
(D) Battery
103. Triple bond between carbon-carbon is present in-
(A) CH4
(B) C2H6
(C) C2H4
(D) C2H2
104. The drinking water can be purified by-
(A) Chlorine
(B) Ozonisation
(C) Both processes
(D) D.D.T.
105. The density of water is maximum on-
(A) 0°C
(B) 100°C
(C) 4°C
(D) −4°C
106. Purification of metal is done by-
(A) Roasting
(B) Electrolysis
(C) Smelting
(D) Calcination
107. The Producer gas is-
(A) CO + N2
(B) CO + H2
(C) CO2 + N2
(D) CH2 + H2
108. Which of the following compound different?
(A) Benzene
(B) Coke
(C) Phenol
(D) Toluene
109. Teflon is a polymer of-
(A) Flouro ethylene
(B) Tetraflouroethylene
(C) Polythene
(D) Polyvinyl-chloride
110. Gas released by Gobar gas plant is-
(A) Benzene
(B) Ethane
(C) Butane
(D) Methane
111. Phosphorus used in making Matchbox is-
(A) White Phosphorus
(B) Black Phosphorus
(C) Brown Phosphorus
(D) Red Phosphorus
112. Equal number of electrons are in which group?
(A) 6C12 and 6C13
(B) 7N14 and 8O16
(C) 6C12 and 8O16
(D) 2He4 and 1H1
113. Compound which can exist in all the three states of matter-
(A) Methane
(B) Water
(C) Nitrogen gas
(D) Producer gas
114. Plant Hormone in the following is-
(A) Adrenaline
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Gibberellin
(D) Insulin
115. Photosynthesis is done by which organelles-
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(C) Ribosome
(D) Chloroplast
116. ‘Plumule’ develops into-
(A) Shoot
(B) Root
(C) Leaf
(D) Flower
117. By which process plants gives us Oxygen?
(A) Respiration
(B) Circulation
(C) Excretion
(D) Photosynthesis
118. Desert plant in the following is-
(A) Mango
(B) Jamun
(C) Cactus
(D) Banana
119. In living beings, unit of Heredity is-
(A) Chromosome
(B) Gene
120. Sudden change in genetic material is-
(A) Adaptation
(B) Natural selection
(C) Mutation
(D) Reproduction
121. Organism which is not cellular in the following-
(A) Bacteria
(B) Amoeba
(C) Paramecium
(D) Virus
122. Power house of the cell is-
(A) Chloroplast
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Ribosome
(D) Lysosome
123. To diagnose AIDS, which test us used-
(B) Widal
(C) E.C.G.
(D) X-Ray
124. Which is not found in milk?
(A) Carbohydrate
(B) Vitamin-B
(C) Fat
(D) Vitamin-C
125. By which element deficiency causes anaemia?
(A) Iron
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Potassium
(D) Oxygen
Social Science
126. Which Planet is called as ‘Sister Planet of Earth’ of ‘Twin Planet of Earth’?
(A) Mercury
(B) Venus
(C) Jupiter
(D) Uranus
127. ‘Manna Loa’ an active volcano is situated at-
(A) Hawaiian Island
(B) Chile
(C) Ecuador
(D) California
128. ‘Death Valley’ is known for-
(A) Excess hotness
(B) Excess coldness
(C) Excess depth
(D) Excess length
129. ‘Tsunami’ word is related with the language-
(A) French
(B) Latin
(C) Japanese
(D) Chinese
130. Which country is largest producer and exporter of softwood and wood pulp?
(A) Norway
(B) Sweden
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Canada
131. Kalgoorlie mines located in Australia is famous for-
(A) Gold Production
(B) Iron Production
(C) Silver Production
(D) Tin Production
132. The farming of citrus fruit is mainly done in-
(A) Hot Desert Region
(B) Polar Region
(C) Mediterranean Region
(D) Tropical Grassland Region
133. Igloo, Harpoon, Slaze cart is used by-
(A) Eskimo
(B) Pygmy
(C) Masai
(D) Bushman
134. The Southern most point of India is-
(A) Kivithu, Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Gaur Mota, Gujarat
(C) Indira Point, Great Nicobar
(D) Siachin Glacier, Jammu-Kashmir
135. According to the Census 2011 the Sex-ratio of India is-
(A) 940
(B) 933
(C) 989
(D) 904
136. Brahamputra River in Tibet is known as-
(A) Tsang Po
(B) Yamuna
(C) Old Ganga
(D) Meghna
137. Which state of the country has largest production of coffee?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Jammu-Kashmir
138. By which name Chanakya was known in his Childhood?
(A) Chandragupta
(B) Vishnugupta
(C) Skandgupta
(D) Kumargupta
139. The first invader of Muslim Ruler in India was-
(A) Qutubuddin Ebak
(B) Mahmood Gaznavi
(C) Muhammad Bin Kasim
(D) Muhammad Gauri
140. ‘Deen-E-Elahi’ was founded by which Emperor?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Akbar
(C) Humaun
(D) Shershah
141. “Aadigranth or Guru Granth Sahib” is compiled by-
(A) Guru Arjun Dev
(B) Guru Tegbahadur
(C) Guru Nanak
(D) Guru Govind Singh
142. “Satyameve Jayte” word is taken from-
(A) Mundkopnishada
(B) Kathopnishad
(C) Tatriya opnishad
(D) Chhandogyaopnishad
143. The Birth Place of Gautam Buddha is-
(A) Lumbini
(B) Bodhgaya
(C) Sarnath
(D) Kushinagar
144. The founder of Jaipur City was-
(A) Jai Singh
(B) Maan Singh
(C) Chhatrasal
(D) Akbar
145. The first European Company came in India for trade was-
(A) Portuguese
(B) Dutch
(C) English
(D) French
146. ‘Aanand Math’ Novel was written by-
(A) Ravindra Nath Tagoe
(B) Dada Bhai Naurozi
(C) Bankim Chandra Chaterji
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose
147. The first Viceroy of India was-
(A) Lord Canning
(B) Lord Elgin
(C) Lord Duffrin
(D) Lord Rippen
148. ‘Chauri-chaura’ tragedy was related with which city-
(A) Gorakhpur
(B) Allahabad
(C) Panipat
(D) Azamgarh
149. The Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi is-
(A) Hindi Swaraj
(B) Navjeevan
(C) Young India
(D) My Experience with Truth
150. The first Education Minister of free India was-
(A) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(B) Abdul Kalam Azad
(C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(D) Jagjeevan Ram
151. Total numbers of fundamental rights at present is-
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 4
(D) 5
152. National Song ‘VandeMataram’ was written by-
(A) Ravindra Nath Tagore
(B) Bankim Chandra Chatarjee
(C) Bhagat Singh
(D) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
153. Which language is not included in 8th schedule of the Constitution?
(A) Urdu
(B) Nepali
(C) Konkani
(D) Bhojpuri
154. In which state of India, the first time women was appointed as Chief Minister-
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) Gujarat
(D) Assam
155. In which state of India Panchayati Raj System was started first time?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Jammu-Kashmir
(D) Bihar
156. The first deputy Prime Minister of India was-
(A) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(B) Morarji Desai
(C) Chaudhary Devi Lal
(D) Lal Krishna Advani
157. United Nations Organization was established in-
(A) 24 October, 1945
(B) 15 August, 1947
(C) 26 January, 1950
(D) 30 January, 1948
158. Which type of system is formed in a city, where population is more than five lakh?
(A) Nagar Panchayat
(B) Nagar Palika Parishad
(C) Nagar Nigam
(D) Gram Panchayat
159. Among the following, who is the elected representative?
(A) Gram Panchayat Adhikari
(B) Gram Vikas Adhikari
(C) Lekhpal
(D) Gram Pradhan
160. ‘Bharat-Natyam’ is a dance of which state?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Odisha
(C) Kerla
(D) Karnataka
161. The value of
(A) 1
(B) x
(C) y
(D) x/y
162. will be-
(A) x2
(B) x – y
(C) x + y
(D) 1
163. A boy is 25 years younger than his father. Three years ago the boy’s age was one sixth the age of his father, then the present age of the boy will be-
(A) 10 years
(B) 6 years
(C) 8 years
(D) 4 years
164. If 2x = 8, then the value of x will be-
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 8
165. If then the value of
will be-
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
166. 30% of 5000 will be-
(A) 300
(B) 500
(C) 1500
(D) 3000
167. The value of expression: will be-
168. A wire is in the form of a circle of radius 28 cm. Area of the square into which the wire is bent will be-
(A) 1936 cm2
(B) 1866 cm2
(C) 19.36 cm2
(D) 193.6 cm2
169. If then the value of z will be-
170. The value of expression will be-
171. In a rhombus ABCD, the diagonals intersects at O, if AB = 10 cm, diagonal BD = 16 cm. Then the length of the diagonal AC will be-
(A) 12 cm
(B) 16 cm
(C) 8 cm
(D) 6 cm
172. The Arithmetic mean of 2, 3 and 4 will be-
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 9
173. The Highest common factor (HCF) of two numbers is 9 and their least common multiple (LCM) is 270. If the sum of the numbers is 99, their difference will be-
(A) 18
(B) 9
(C) 12
(D) 15
174. If A = {1, 3, 5} and B = {3, 5, 7, 9), then A ⋂ B will be-
(A) {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
(B) {3, 5}
(C) {7, 9}
(D) {1}
175. In a right angle triangle ABC, ∠A = 90°, ∠B = ∠30°, then the ∠C will be-
(A) 30°
(B) 45°
(C) 60°
(D) 90°
176. If a labour completes a work in 3 days, then 3 labours will complete the same work together in-
(A) 1 day
(B) 3 days
(C) 2 days
(D) 4 days
177. The value of a machine depreciates every year by 15%. If its present value is Rs 50,000, then after one year the value of machine will be-
(A) Rs 40,000
(B) Rs 42,000
(C) Rs 42,500
(D) Rs 43,000
178. The value of –
will be-
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 10
179. The value of will be-
(A) x2
(B) y2
(C) 1
(D) x/y
180. The value of x° will be-
(A) x
(B) 1
(C) 0
(D) 2
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