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Air Force Common Admission Test
(AFCAT)-2 2015
Directions (Qs. 1-3): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Patience is better than wisdom: An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains. All men praise patience, but few can practice it. It is a medicine which is good for all diseases, but it is not every garden that grows the herbs to make it with. Many people are born crying, live complaining and die disappointed. They think every other person’s burden to be light and their own feathers to be heavy as lead, and yet if the truth were known, it is their fancy rather than their fate that makes things go so hard with them. Many would be well off then what they think of.
1. Which of the following is the most suitable explanation to the author’s remark that an “ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains”?
(A) Wisdom can only be attained by practicing patience.
(B) Patience comes first, wisdom next.
(C) Patience is essential for every achievement in life.
(D) Without patience wisdom cannot be used properly
2. Which one is the most likely explanation, among the following, of the author’s metaphorical statement that “It is not every garden that grows the herbs to make it with”?
(A) Patience is a must for solving all our problems in life.
(B) Patience is a rare herb that cures all diseases.
(C) Patience is virtue of a highest order.
(D) It is only a small number of people that are found observing patience in life.
3. The writer’s remarks, “They think every person’s burden to be light and their own feathers to be as heavy as lead” is very significant. It means
(A) They are always worried and dejected.
(B) They consider their own problems to be difficult to solve as compared with problems of other people.
(C) They feel that they alone face serious problems while others have a nice time.
(D) They remain very much worried about their won problem.
Directions (Qs. 4-9): Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number:
Life is an (4) series of challenges and opportunities to be seized. You have to plan for exercising the right career choices and (5) the right opportunities. Planned (6) rather than a hasty decision is (7) as far as your career is concerned. You need to (8) what occupational groups, (9) and type of organizations are suitable for you.
(A) enticing
(B) exciting
(C) encharming
(D) enhancing
(A) catching
(B) offsetting
(C) grabbing
(D) conceiving
(A) delay
(B) hindrance
(C) application
(D) execution
(A) desirable
(B) deciphered
(C) inevitable
(D) acceptable
(A) check
(B) classify
(C) divide
(D) analyse
(A) specifications
(B) limitations
(C) qualifications
(D) identifications
Directions (Qs. 10-13): Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word:
10. Nebulous
(A) Tiny
(B) Vague
(C) Insignificant
(D) Inadequate
11. Debilitate
(A) Weaken
(B) Attack
(C) Surmount
(D) Destroy
12. Anathema
(A) Religious Chant
(B) Pun
(C) Musical Subject
(D) Curse
13. Penchant
(A) Liking
(B) Eagerness
(C) Disability
(D) Keenness
Directions (Qs. 14-17): Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word:
14. Refractory
(A) Refreshing
(B) Burdensome
(C) Privileged
(D) Manageable
15. Insolent
(A) Sullen
(B) Affable
(C) Determined
(D) Rich
16. Acrimonious
(A) Legal
(B) Severe
(C) Cursive
(D) Harmonious
17. Sceptic
(A) Cryptic
(B) Believer
(C) Support
(D) Eminent
Directions (Qs. 18-21): Choose the word that best defines the given phrases:
18. To hold something in leash
(A) To restrain
(B) To disappoint
(C) To dismiss
(D) To discourage
19. To talk through one’s hat
(A) To speak fluently
(B) To talk nonsense
(C) To talk wisdom
(D) To speak at random
20. To throw up the sponge
(A) To surrender or give up a contest
(B) To offer a challenge
(C) To become utterly disappointed
(D) To maintain grit and enthusiasm until the end
21. To get into hot waters
(A) To be impatient
(B) To suffer a huge financial loss
(C) To get into trouble
(D) To be in confused state of mind
Directions (Qs. 22-26): Choose the correctly spelt word:
(A) Dolorous
(B) Dolurous
(C) Doloreus
(D) Delorious
(A) Condiut
(B) Conduit
(C) Connduit
(D) Condeut
(A) Gragarious
(B) Gragerious
(C) Gregarious
(D) Grigareous
(A) Intrensic
(B) Intrinsic
(C) Entrensic
(D) Entrinsec
(A) Sepulchral
(B) Sepalchrle
(C) Sepalchral
(D) Sepulchrle
Directions (Qs. 27-30): Which word or words explain the meaning of the following idioms:
27. To flog a dead horse
(A) To act in a foolish way
(B) To waste one’s efforts
(C) To revive interest in an old subject
(D) To revive old memories
28. A bull in a China shop
(A) A person who is very ugly but loves the beautiful things of life
(B) A persons who takes a sadistic delight in harming innocent people
(C) A person who becomes too excited where no excitement is warranted
(D) A rough and clumsy person at a place where skill and care are required
29. The alpha and the omega
(A) The beginning and the end
(B) A nice act
(C) The stars and the moon
(D) Very costly
30. A fool’s errand
(A) A blunder
(B) An impossible task
(C) A useless undertaking
(D) None of these
Directions (Qs. 31-65): Choose the most appropriate answer:
31. Serena Williams defeated _____ to win the women’s singles title of Australian Open 2015.
(A) Venus Williams
(B) Sania Mirza
(C) Maria Sharapova
(D) Ana Ivanovic
32. Vinod Mehta an eminent Indian journalist and founder editor-in-chief of ‘Outlook’ published his autobiography by the name of
(A) Lucknow Boy: A Memoir
(B) One Life is Not Enough
(C) Accidental Prime Minister
(D) The Substance and the Shadow
33. Which city will host the 2022 Common Wealth Games?
(A) Gold Coast, Australia
(B) Durban, South Africa
(C) Lusaka, Zambia
(D) Nairobi, Kenya
34. What is the name of ‘Innovative Council’ proposed in the Rail Budget 2015 to promote innovation?
(A) Rail Tech
(B) Sankalp
(C) Kayakalp
(D) Navachar
35. Which of the following Asian countries celebrates its Independence Day on 4th February?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Bahrain
(C) Cambodia
(D) Bangladesh
36. Animals active at night are called
(A) Diurnal
(B) Nocturnal
(C) Parasites
(D) Nacto-diurnal
37. Think-tank of Government of India that replaced Planning Commission on 01 January 2015 is
(A) NITI Vakya
(B) NITI Dharma
(C) NITI Vajpayee
(D) NITI Aayog
38. The book, ‘Born Again on the Mountain’ is authored by
(A) Pooja Rani
(B) Arunima Sinha
(C) Bachendri Pal
(D) Urbashi Lal
39. The present chairman of ISRO is
(A) MYS Prasad
(B) Shailesh Nayak
(C) AS Kiran Kumar
(D) K Radhakrishnan
40. Natural radioactivity was discovered by
(A) Marie Curie
(B) Earnest Rutherford
(C) Henry Bacquerel
(D) Enrico Fermi
41. Sir C. V. Raman was awarded Noble Prize for his word connected with which of the following phenomenon of radiation?
(A) Scattering
(B) Diffraction
(C) Interference
(D) Polarization
42. In which atmospheric layer are the communication satellites located?
(A) Stratosphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Mesosphere
43. Who was the Viceroy when the Simon Commission visited India?
(A) Lord Chelmsford
(B) Lord Reading
(C) Lord Irwin
(D) Lord Wellington
44. Mahatma Gandhi left South Africa to return to India in
(A) 1911
(B) 1915
(C) 1917
(D) 1919
45. Todar Mal was associated with _______ in Akbar’s durbar.
(A) Music
(B) Literature
(C) Finance
(D) Law Reforms
46. Lines joining places of equal temperature are called
(A) Isotherms
(B) Isohyets
(C) Isomers
(D) Isobars
47. Who has been awarded the Dada Saheb Phalke Award for the year 2014?
(A) Pran
(B) Shashi Kapoor
(C) Dilip Kumar
(D) Amitabh Bachchan
48. How many days moon takes to revolve around the earth?
49. Indian-American music composer, Ricky Kej has won the Grammy Award for the album
(A) In the Lonely Hour
(B) Morning Phase
(C) Beyonce
(D) Winds of Samsara
50. Recently tested Agni-V missile is capable of carrying nuclear payload of
(A) 1000 kg
(B) 1500 kg
(C) 2000 kg
(D) 2500 kg
51. The Russian name of INS Vikramaditya is
(A) Admiral Groshkov
(B) Admiral Gorbachev
(C) Admiral Nakhimov
(D) Admiral Petr Bezobrazov
52. A boat travels upstream from B to A and downstream from A to B in 3 If the speed of the boat in still water is 9 km/h and the speed of the current is 3 km/h, the distance between A and B is
(A) 9 km
(B) 10 km
(C) 11 km
(D) 12 km
53. A steamer moves with a speed of 4.5 km/h in still water to a certain upstream point and comes back to the starting point in a river which flows at 1.5 km/h. The average speed of steamer for the total journey is
(A) 12 km/h
(B) 9 km/h
(C) 6 km/h
(D) 4 km/h
54. A can do ½ of a piece of work in 8 days while B can do 1/3 of the same work in 8 days. In how m any days can both do it together?
(A) 9.6 days
(B) 10.5 days
(C) 11.2 days
(D) 16 days
55. A does ½ as much work as B and C does ½ as much work as A and B together. If C alone can finish the work in 40 days, then together all will finish the work in
(A) 30 days
(C) 15 days
(D) 20 days
56. A train 150 m long is running with a speed of 68 km/h. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 8 km/h in the same direction in which the train is going?
(A) 8 sec
(B) 8.5 sec
(C) 9 sec
(D) 9.5 sec
57. A train covers a distance of 12 km in 10 min. If it takes 6 sec to pass a telegraph post, the length of the train is
(A) 90 m
(B) 100 m
(C) 120 m
(D) 140 m
58. A’s salary is 50% more than B’s. How much per cent is B’s salary less than A’s?
59. The price of an item is decreased by 25%. What per cent increase must be done in new price to get the original price?
60. Anmol sold two items for Rs 1000 each. On one, he gained 10% and on other, he lost 10%. How much did he gain or lose in the whole transaction?
(A) profit, 0.95%
(B) loss, 1%
(C) profit, 10%
(D) loss, 10%
61. If the selling price is doubled, the profit triples. The profit per cent is:
(B) 150%
(C) 100%
(D) 90%
62. A man lent a sum of money at the rate of simple interest of 4%. If the interest for 8 years is Rs 340 less than the principal, the principal is
(A) Rs 500
(B) Rs 520
(C) Rs 540
(D) Rs 560
63. A sum was invested for 3 years at simple interest at a certain rate. Had it been invested at 4% higher rate of interest, it would have fetched Rs 600 more. The sum is
(A) Rs 4000
(B) Rs 4950
(C) Rs 5000
(D) Rs 5150
64. The average weight of 50 boys in a class is 45 kg. When one boy leaves the class, the average reduces by 100 g. Find the weight of the boy who left the class.
(A) 50 kg
(B) 50.8 kg
(C) 49 kg
(D) 49.9 kg
65. In a mixture of 35 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4 : 1. If 7 litres of water is added to the mixture, the ratio of milk and water of the new mixture will be:
(A) 2 : 1
(B) 1 : 2
(C) 4 : 5
(D) 5 : 4
Directions (Qs. 66-70): Each of these questions given below contains three elements. These elements may or may not have some inter-linkage. Each group of elements may fit into one of these diagrams at A, B, C or D. You have to indicate the group of elements which correctly fits into the diagrams.
66. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between
67. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Detectives, Spies and Men with Beards?
68. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Males, Fathers and Human being?
69. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Steel, Wood, and Building Material?
70. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Doctors, Teachers and Engineers?
Directions (Qs. 71-75): In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
71. Blizzard : Freeze : : ? : ?
(A) Insult : Humiliation
(B) Bad : Immoral
(C) Caution : Careless
(D) Jealousy : Respect
72. Graceful : Clumsy : : ? : ?
(A) Horror : Sympathy
(B) Laugh : Cry
(C) Recapitulate : Synopsis
(D) Encumber : Burden
73. Zenith : Nadir : : ? : ?
(A) Indigent : Poverty
(B) Zeal : Eagerness
(C) Success : Peak
(D) Genuine : Phony
74. Pedagogy : Teaching : : ? : ?
(A) Telepathy : Emotions
(B) Radiology : Sound
(C) Mycology : Fossils
(D) Entomology : Insects
75. Capriciousness : Reliability : : ? : ?
(A) Heated : Boiling
(B) Tenacious : Practically
(C) Arbitrary : Whimsical
(D) Unreliable : Inhuman
Directions (Qs. 76-80): In each of the following questions, four words have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while the fourth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
(A) Niagara
(B) Alamere
(C) Kempty
(D) Andes
(A) Small Betrayals
(B) We Indians
(C) Shooting from the Hip
(D) Surviving Men
(A) Brass
(B) Bronze
(C) Silver
(D) Steel
(A) Documentary
(B) Puppet
(C) Commentary
(D) Feature
(A) Deccan
(B) Kaas
(C) Chhota Nagpur
(D) Nanda Devi
Direction s(Qs. 81-85): In each of the following questions, select the figure from amongst the four alternatives, which when placed in the blank space of figure (X) would complete the pattern.
Directions (Qs. 86-90): Each of the following questions consists of five figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 called the Problem Figures followed by four other figures marked A, B C and D called the Answer Figures. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
Directions (Qs. 91-95): Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 constitute the Problem Set While figures A, B, C and D constitute the Answer Set. There is ad definite relationship between figures (1) and (2). Establish a similar relationship between figures (3) and (4) by selecting a suitable figure from the Answer Set that would replace the question mark (?) in fig. (4).
Directions (Qs. 96-100): In each problem, out of the four figures marked A, B, C and D, three are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is not like the other three. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
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