Bank of Baroda PO (Scale-I) Examination Held on 18-4-2015 Quantitative Aptitude Question Paper With Answer Key

Bank of Baroda PO (Scale-I) Examination Held on 18-4-2015 Quantitative Aptitude
Bank of Baroda PO (Scale-I) Examination Held on 18-4-2015 Quantitative Aptitude Question Paper With Answer Key

Bank of Baroda PO (Scale-I) Examination Held on 18-4-2015

Quantitative Aptitude

Directions – (Q. 1 to 5) In this question two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option.

1. I. 2x2 – x – 10 = 0

II. 2y2 – y – 21 = 0

(A)  x < y

(B)  x > y

(C)  x ≤ y

(D)  x ≥ y

(E)  Relationship between x and y cannot be established

Answer: (E)

2. I. 2x2 + 11x + 15 = 0

II. 4y2 + 22y + 24 = 0

(A)  x < y

(B)  x > y

(C)  x ≤ y

(D)  x ≥ y

(E)  Relationship between x and y cannot be established

Answer: (E)

3. I. 2x2 + 9x + 9 = 0

II. 2y2 + 17y + 36 = 0

(A)  x < y

(B)  x > y

(C)  x ≤ y

(D)  x ≥ y

(E)  Relationship between x and y cannot be established

Answer: (B)

4. I. 3x2 – 22x + 40 = 0

II. 2y2 – 19y + 44 = 0

(A)  x < y

(B)  x > y

(C)  x ≤ y

(D)  x ≥ y

(E)  Relationship between x and y cannot be established

Answer: (C)

5. I. 3x2 – 16x + 21 = 0

II. 3y2 – 28y + 65 = 0

(A)  x < y

(B)  x > y

(C)  x ≤ y

(D)  x ≥ y

(E)  Relationship between x and y cannot be established

Answer: ()

6. A merchant buys two items for Rs 7,500. One item he sells at a profit of 16% and the other item at 14% loss. In the deal the merchant makes neither any profit nor any loss. What is the difference between selling price of both the items? (in Rupees)

(A)  625

(B)  610

(C)  620

(D)  630

(E)  615

Answer: (C)

7. There was 120 litres of pure milk in a vessel. Some quantity of milk was taken out and replaced with 23 litres of water in such a way that the resultant ratio between the quantities of milk and water in the mixture was 4 : 1 respectively. Again 23 litres of the mixture was taken out and replaced with 27 litres of water. What is the respective ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture?

(A)  58 : 37

(B)  116 : 69

(C)  69 : 43

(D)  101 : 37

(E)  None of these

Answer: (E)

Directions – (Q. 8-12) Refer to the pie-charts and answer the given question-

8. If the respective ratio between total number of male professors and total number of female professors is 9 : 16 ad the respective ratio  between total number of male assistant professors and total number of female assistant professors is 9 : 11, what is the total number of female professors and assistant professors teaching the given six subjects in University ‘X’?

(A)  63

(B)  90

(C)  77

(D)  73

(E)  87

Answer: (E)

9. What is the central angle corresponding to the total number of professors and assistant professors teaching Hindi ?

(A)  46.8°

(B)  50.4°

(C)  43.2°

(D)  39.6°

(E)  38.4°

Answer: (E)

10. What per cent professors are teaching Psychology and Sociology together out of the total number of Professors and assistant Professors teaching these two subjects together?






Answer: (A)

11. The total number of assistant professors teaching Economics and English together are what per cent more than the total number of professors teaching these two subjects together?






Answer: (C)

12. What is the average number of professors teaching Computer Science, Psychology, English and Sociology ?

(A)  8.5

(B)  8

(C)  10

(D)  10.5

(E)  17

Answer: (A)

13. 15 years ago the average age of a family of four members was 40 years. Two children were born in that span of 15 years. The present average age of the family remained unchanged. Among the two children who were born in between the 15 years. If the older child at present is 8 years more than the younger one, what is the respective ratio between the present age of the older child and the present age of the younger child ?

(A)  9 : 4

(B)  7 : 3

(C)  7 : 6

(D)  7 : 4

(E)  9 : 5

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 14-18) The question consist of a question and two statements I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and choose the appropriate option.

14. What is the definitely the value of ‘x’?

I. The value of  is equal to 0.

II. The value of 3x – 2 . 92x – 3 is equal to 95x – 19

(A)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in both the statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(E)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Answer: (E)

15. An item was sold after giving a certain discount on the marked price. What was the percentage of discount given ?

I. The profit earned by after giving the discount is 44%. Had the percentage of discount been doubled the profit earned would have been 28%.

II. The cost price of the item is Rs 400.

(A)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in both the statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(E)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Answer: (D)

16. What is the respective ratio of initial investments of A and B?

I. A started the business by investing a certain amount and he invested for the whole year. B joined A after 4 months from the start of the business and invested for the rest of the year. The profit earned by A and B are in the respective ratio 7 : 8.

II. The initial investment of B was Rs 10,800.

(A)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in both the statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(E)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Answer: (D)

17. How much will the boat take to cover a distance of 63 km upstream?

I. The difference between the time taken by the boat to travel from A to B (upstream) and time taken by it to travel from B to A ( downstream) is 2 hours.

II. The distance between A and B is 45 km and speed of the boat in still water is 12 kmph.

(A)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in both the statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(E)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Answer: (C)

18. There are two cylindrical rollers bigger and smaller. How many rotations will the bigger roller take to flatten a stretch of land (X) ?

I. The respective ratio of the radii of the bigger and the smaller roller is 7 : 3. Both the rollers are of the same length.

II. The smaller takes 63 rotations to flatten the stretch of land (X).

(A)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in both the statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(E)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Answer: (C)

19. A man takes 17/9 times as long to row a distance upstream as to row the same distance downstream. What is the speed of the boat in still water if it takes 3 hours to travel 38.4 km downstream ? (in km/h)

(A)  11

(B)  10

(C)  12.4

(D)  12

(E)  14

Answer: (B)

20. In a company ‘XYZ’, the respective ratio between the total number of under-graduate employees and the total number of graduate employees is 13 : 23. The Company has only two branches, one in Mumbai and one in Delhi. If the total number of under-graduate employees in Mumbai branch is 351, which is 30% of the total undergraduate employees in the company, what is the total number of graduate employees in the company?

(A)  2185

(B)  1955

(C)  2070

(D)  2100

(E)  1985

Answer: (C)

Directions- (Q. 21-25) Which of the following will come in  place of the question-mark (?) in the given question ?

21. (30.06% of 560.14 + 53.02% of 1100)/8 = ?

(A)  78

(B)  94

(C)  99

(D)  81

(E)  85

Answer: (B)

22. ? × 5 × 4.92 – 13.13 × 4.02 × 4 = 117

(A)  18

(B)  13

(C)  7

(D)  21

(E)  9

Answer: (B)

23. (9117.88 – 8021.85 + 93.92) × 12 = 1500 × ?

(A)  12

(B)  8

(C)  15

(D)  22

(E)  4

Answer: (C)


(A)  729

(B)  1849

(C)  2209

(D)  1369

(E)  1089

Answer: (E)

25. 5 × 5.04 + 237 – 302.11 = ?

(A)  5125

(B)  5000

(C)  5035

(D)  5005

(E)  5085

Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 26-30) Study the table to answer the given questions-

26. What is the difference between the total number of cars manufactured in countries A and B together and the total number of cars manufactures in country C and D together?

(A)  10,000

(B)  12,000

(C)  15,000

(D)  6,000

(E)  10,500

Answer: (A)

27. Total number of cars sold in countries A and B together for what per cent of the total cars manufactured by in all the countries together in that particular quarter?

(A)  30

(B)  35

(C)  40

(D)  32

(E)  38

Answer: (B)

28. What is the total number of cars which remained unsold in the given quarter in the countries C and E together?

(A)  2400

(B)  3400

(C)  3650

(D)  3800

(E)  3600

Answer: (E)

29. What is the respective ratio between sales (in Rs) of the total number of cars sold in country D and the sales (in Rs) of the total number of cars sold in country E ?

(A)  55 : 47

(B)  52 : 47

(C)  53 : 44

(D)  55 : 42

(E)  52 : 45

Answer: (D)

30. If the cost for manufacturing a car in country C is Rs 4,50,000, what is the per cent profit earned by the company on which car sold in the same company?






Answer: (E)

Directions – (Q. 31-35) Refer to the graph and answer the given question-

31. Number of elephants in reserve A increased by what per cent from 2001 to 2005 ?

(A)  56.5

(B)  62.5

(C)  68.5

(D)  54.5

(E)  58.5

Answer: (B)

32. What is the average number of elephants in reserve B during 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006?

(A)  46

(B)  56

(C)  51

(D)  53

(E)  49

Answer: (C)

33. Out of the total number of elephants in reserves A and B together in 2002 only 40% were African elephants and out of the total number of elephants in reserves A and B together in 2004 only 65% were African elephants. What is the difference between total number of African elephants in reserves A and B together in 2002 and total number of African elephants in reserves A and B together in 2004 ?

(A)  37

(B)  47

(C)  43

(D)  41

(E)  55

Answer: (A)

34. What is the respective ratio between total number of elephants in reserves A in 2003 and 2006 together and total number of elephants in reserve B in 2005 and 2006 together?

(A)  17 : 18

(B)  23 : 24

(C)  11 : 14

(D)  9 : 14

(E)  11 : 12

Answer: (E)

35. Number of elephants in reserve A decreased by 25% from 2006 to 2007 and number of elephants in reserve B increased by 15% from 2006 to 2007. What was the total number of elephants in reserves A and B together in 2007?

(A)  172

(B)  164

(C)  158

(D)  174

(E)  166

Answer: (B)

36. There are two garbage disposal rectangular tanks, A and B with lengths 12 m and 15 m respectively in a square field. If the total area of the square field excluding the rectangular tanks is 360 sq. m and the breadth both the rectangular tanks is 1/3 of the side of the square field, what is the perimeter of the square field ? (in m)

(A)  92

(B)  84

(C)  96

(D)  78

(E)  72

Answer: (C)

37. Raman took a loan of Rs 15,000 from Laxman. He was agreed that for the first three years rate of interest charged would be at 8% Simple Interest per annum and at 10% Compound Interest (compounded annually) from the fourth year onwards. Ram did not pay anything until the end of the fifth year. How much would he repay if he clears the entire amount, only at the end of fifth year ? (in Rs)

(A)  Rs 22,506

(B)  Rs 22,105

(C)  Rs 22,900

(D)  Rs 22,500

(E)  Rs 22,450

Answer: (A)

Directions – (Q. 38-42) Study the information carefully  to answer the question :

Sidhartha has decidied to start a new company ‘Sidhartha Travels’. He wants to buy some furniture-table, chair, air-conditioners. He also wants to buy a few desktops which will include monitor, CPU, keyboard and mouse. The cost of each table is 13.5 times the cost of a mouse and the cost of a chair is 3/5th of the most of a table. The cost of an air-conditioner is 5 times the cost of a chair.

The cost of a monitor is 20% more than the cost of a chair, a CPU costs Rs 1,500 more than a table and the keyboard costs 4 times a mouse. The cost of a mouse is Rs 1,000.

38. What will be the total cost of 1 table and 2 chairs together?

(A)  23,200

(B)  28,800

(C)  29,700

(D)  24,700

(E)  21,300

Answer: (C)

39. What is the respective ratio between the cost of a CPU and the total cost of a mouse and a keyboard together?

(A)  3 : 2

(B)  4 : 1

(C)  3 : 1

(D)  5 : 1

(E)  5 : 3

Answer: (C)

40. If the cost of a keyboard and mouse increases by 20% and 15% respectively, what will be the total cost of a desktop (given that the cost of CPU and Monitor the same) ?

(A)  Rs 36,930

(B)  Rs 32,640

(C)  Rs 34,753

(D)  Rs 30,670

(E)  Rs 35,425

Answer: (D)

41. Sidharatha bought 1 table, 1 chair and 1 desktop for himself. What was the total cost incurred by him ?

(A)  Rs 53,400

(B)  Rs 51,460

(C)  Rs 50,640

(D)  Rs 55,440

(E)  Rs 51,320

Answer: (E)

42. It was initially decided that 4 air-conditioners will be installed but later only 3 air-conditioners and a fan were installed. If the cost of a fan is 1/10th of t he cost of air-conditioner, what was the total cost incurred?

(A)  Rs 1,29,400

(B)  Rs 1,24,500

(C)  Rs 1,25,550

(D)  Rs 1,24,350

(E)  Rs 1,25,600

Answer: (C)

43. Prem and Shyam decide to go on a trip to point Yon a particular from Point X. Prem leaves for Point Y at 11 : 00 am, at speed of 72 km/hour. Shyam leaves for point Y at 11 “ 30 same day as Prem left. At what speed should Shyam travel to catch up with Prem in 4 hours ? (in km/hour)

(A)  85

(B)  81

(C)  80

(D)  82

(E)  86

Answer: (B)

Directions- (Q. 44-48) What will come in place of question-mark (?) in the given numbers series?

44. 2, 12.9, 9.5, 14.6, 7.8, ?

(A)  17.9

(B)  16.3

(C)  16.7

(D)  16.2

(E)  16.9

Answer: (B)

45. 8, 5, 9, 22.5, 61, ?

(A)  184

(B)  181.5

(C)  192.5

(D)  177.5

(E)  172.5

Answer: (D)

46. 7, 9, 24, 84, ?, 1810

(A)  336

(B)  356

(C)  348

(D)  340

(E)  352

Answer: (B)

47. 11, 27, 48, 84, 145, ?

(A)  241

(B)  239

(C)  263

(D)  257

(E)  229

Answer: (A)

48. 16, 15, 20, 43, 102, ?

(A)  221

(B)  237

(C)  213

(D)  251

(E)  249

Answer: (A)

49. ‘A’ began a small business with a certain amount of money. After four months from the start of the business, ‘B’ joins the business with an amount which is Rs 6,000 less than ‘A’s initial investment. ‘C’ joins the business after seven months from the start of business with an amount which is Rs 2,000 less than A’s initial investment. At the end of the year total investment reported was Rs 1,42,000, what will be A’s share in the profit, If B received Rs 8,000 as profit share ? (in Rs)

(A)  Rs 48,000

(B)  Rs 46,500

(C)  Rs 46,000

(D)  Rs 42,000

(E)  Rs 48,500

Answer: (A)

50. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, How much time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work?

(A)  4 days

(B)  5 days

(C)  6 days

(D)  7 days

(E)  8 days

Answer: (A)

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