Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant (Handicrafts Development Corporation) Examination 2013 Question Paper With Answer Key

Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant (Handicrafts Development Corporation) Examination 2013

1. If  then the value of 

(a)  2√2

(b)  2

(c)  0

(d)  √2 – 1

Answer: (b)

2. Find the number if it is decrease by 25½% gives 153:

(a)  600

(b)  501

(c)  595

(d)  613

Answer: (a)

3. The average of odd numbers up to 50 is:

(a)  30

(b)  35

(c)  25

(d)  24

Answer: (c)

4. A hall 25 meter long and 15 meter broad is surrounded by a veranda of uniform width of 2.5 meter. The cost of flooring the veranda at the rate of Rs. 4.00 per square meter is

(a)  Rs. 900

(b)  Rs. 600

(c)  Rs. 800

(d)  Rs. 1000

Answer: (a)

5. A car is moving with a speed of 72 km/hr. How many meters will it cover in 15 minutes?

(a)  1080

(b)  16000

(c)  18000

(d)  12000

Answer: (c)

6. A man sold an article for Rs. 450 at a loss of 10%. At what price should it be sold to earn a profit of 10%.

(a)  Rs. 500

(b)  Rs. 460

(c)  Rs. 470

(d)  Rs. 550

Answer: (d)

7. The total number of prime factors in 620 × 1615 × 2112 are:

(a)  47

(b)  124

(c)  134

(d)  110

Answer: (*)

8. Arjun completes a work in 35 days where as Biju completes the same work in 45 days. If they complete it, together and get a payment of Rs. 3200. What is Biju’s share?

(a)  Rs. 1300

(b)  Rs. 1800

(c)  Rs. 1400

(d)  Rs. 1450

Answer: (c)

9. At simple interest, in how many years will a sum of money double itself at 12% per annum ?

(a)  8 years 6 months

(b)  8 years 5 months

(c)  8 years 8 months

(d)  Rs. 8 years 4 months

Answer: (d)

10. The ratio of milk and water in a mixture is 4 : 3. If 14 liters of water is added to the mixture, the ratio of milk and water become 3 : 4. Then the quantity of milk in the mixture is.

(a)  24 liters

(b)  18 liters

(c)  12 liters

(d)  14 liters

Answer: (a)

11. If + means ÷, − means ×, ÷ means + and × means −, then 36 × 12 + 4 ÷ 6 + 2 – 3 = ?

(a)  2

(b)  32

(c)  42

(d)  52

Answer: (c)

12. A father is twice as old as his son 20 years ago, the age of the father was 12 times the age of the son. The present age of the son is.

(a)  20 years

(b)  25 years

(c)  22 years

(d)  26 years

Answer: (c)

13. In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same code ?





Answer: (a)

14. Choose the correct alternative : Dog : Bark :: Goat : ?

(a)  Bleat

(b)  Howl

(c)  Grunt

(d)  Bray

Answer: (a)

15. Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence.

(i) District (ii) Village (iii) State (iv) Town

(a)  ii, i, iv, iii

(b)  ii, iii, iv, i

(c)  ii, iv, i, iii

(d)  iii, ii, i, iv

Answer: (c)

16. Choose out the odd one:

(a)  Inch

(b)  Foot

(c)  Yard

(d)  Quart

Answer: (d)

17. Which is the number that is equal to the cube of the sum of its digits?

(a)  4193

(b)  4913

(c)  4923

(d)  3923

Answer: (b)

18. A man goes 10 m due north and then 30 m due east. His distance from the starting place is:

(a)  10√10 m

(b)  100 m

(c)  20√10 m

(d)  40 m

Answer: (a)

19. A train 110 m in length runs through a station at the rate of 36 km per hour. How long will it take to pass a given point?

(a)  12 sec.

(b)  11 sec.

(c)  13 sec.

(d)  15 sec.

Answer: (b)

20. The year next to 1990 having the same calendar as that of 1990 is:

(a)  1998

(b)  1999

(c)  2000

(d)  2001

Answer: (d)

21. The smallest bone of Human body is:

(a)  Malleus

(b)  Incus

(c)  Stapes

(d)  Femur

Answer: (c)

22. Which of the following is associated with conservation of nature?

(a)  NCERT

(b)  IUCN

(c)  WHO

(d)  IMF

Answer: (b)

23. Who is known as Father of Indian ‘White-Revolution’?

(a)  Dr. M. S. Swaminathan

(b)  C. V. Raman

(c)  Dr. Verghese Kurian

(d)  dr. Chandrasekhar

Answer: (c)

24. Which of the following is not as Excretory organ ?

(a)  Uterus

(b)  Liver

(c)  Lungs

(d)  Kidney

Answer: (a)

25. Cause of Malaria is a :

(a)  Virus

(b)  Bacteria

(c)  Fungus

(d)  Protozoa

Answer: (d)

26. What is the main content of Biogas?

(a)  Ethane

(b)  Methane

(c)  Acetylene

(d)  Butane

Answer: (b)

27. What is the metal contained in Haemoglobin?

(a)  Copper

(b)  Aluminium

(c)  Iron

(d)  Magnesium

Answer: (c)

28. Who invented electric bulb?

(a)  Thomas Alva Edison

(b)  J. J. Thomoson

(c)  Robert Stephenson

(d)  Rutherford

Answer: (a)

29. The lightest metal is known as :

(a)  Sodium

(b)  Potassium

(c)  Aluminium

(d)  Lithium

Answer: (d)

30. Potassium is kept in:

(a)  Water

(b)  Kerosene

(c)  Alcohol

(d)  Ammonia

Answer: (b)

31. Who inaugurated the Emerging Kerala 2012, the global investors meet held at Kochi ?

(a)  Mr. A. K. Antony

(b)  Dr. Manmohan Singh

(c)  Mr. Pranab Mukherjee

(d)  Mr. P. Chidamabaram

Answer: (b)

32. Deepika Kumari is associated with:

(a)  Archery

(b)  Tennis

(c)  Shooting

(d)  Swimming

Answer: (a)

33. The Controversial Nuclear Power Project at Kudamkulam is :

(a)  Rajasthan

(b)  Maharashtra

(c)  Tamil Nadu

(d)  Bihar

Answer: (c)

34. Which Indian Film Star was recently conferred Honorary Doctorate by Bedfordshire University in UK?

(a)  Om Puri

(b)  Amir Khan

(c)  Amitabh Bachchan

(d)  Sha Rukh Khan

Answer: (d)

35. Who was been appointed as the Managing Director of Kochi Metro recently?

(a)  Tom Jose

(b)  K. Jayakumar

(c)  E. Sreedharan

(d)  Elias George

Answer: (d)

36. Who is the author of the Book ‘The Casual Vacancy’?

(a)  Salman Rushdie

(b)  J. K. Rowling

(c)  Amrit N. Shetty

(d)  Shashi Tharoor

Answer: (b)

37. Which type of tax is implemented by the EU countries over flight charges with effect from 1-1-2012 ?

(a)  Carbon tax

(b)  Luxury tax

(c)  Petroleum tax

(d)  Service tax

Answer: (a)

38. Name the famous astronaut who passed away on August 25th, 2012:

(a)  Yuri Gagarin

(b)  Edwin Aldrin

(c)  Neil Armstrong

(d)  Michel Collins

Answer: (c)

39. The 34th National Game 2011 was held at :

(a)  Assam

(b)  Bihar

(c)  Punjab

(d)  Jharkhand

Answer: (d)

40. Who was the recipient of Bharatha Ratna Award in 2008 ?

(a)  Pandit Bhimsen Joshi

(b)  Pandit Ravi Shankar

(c)  Ustad Bismillah Khan

(d)  Lata Dinanath Mangeshkar

Answer: (a)

41. The confluence of River Bhagirati and River Alakananda is at:

(a)  Rudraprayag

(b)  Devaprayag

(c)  Vishnuprayag

(d)  Karnaprayag

Answer: (b)

42. The Kaziranga National Park is located at:

(a)  Madhya Pradesh

(b)  Uttar Pradesh

(c)  Assam

(d)  Rajasthan

Answer: (c)

43. Most populous State in India is:

(a)  Bihar

(b)  Tamil Nadu

(c)  Uttar Pradesh

(d)  Gujarat

Answer: (c)

44. The place where the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) is located :

(a)  Hyderabad

(b)  Bangalore

(c)  Ahmadabad

(d)  Chennai

Answer: (a)

45. The soils formed due to intense leaching in areas of high temperature and rainfall :

(a)  Black Soil

(b)  Laterite Soil

(c)  Alluvial Soil

(d)  Red Soil

Answer: (b)

46. The country that shares longest land frontier with India?

(a)  Bangladesh

(b)  China

(c)  Pakistan

(d)  Nepal

Answer: (a)

47. The national Fruit of India is:

(a)  Jack Fruit

(b)  Apple

(c)  Orange

(d)  Mango

Answer: (d)

48. The highest waterfall in India, Jog falls is on the river :

(a)  Kaveri

(b)  Godavari

(c)  Ganga

(d)  Sharavati

Answer: (d)

49. The most urbanized district in Kerala :

(a)  Thiruvananthapuram

(b)  Enrakulam

(c)  Thrissur

(d)  Malappuram

Answer: (b)

50. Which among the following is a Hill Station?

(a)  Madurai

(b)  Indore

(c)  Amritsar

(d)  Darjeeling

Answer: (d)

51. The only and major fresh water lake in Kerala is at:

(a)  Vembanad

(b)  Ashtamudi

(c)  Sasthamkotta

(d)  Tirunavai

Answer: (c)

52. Who started Samathva Samajam?

(a)  Vaikunda Swamikal

(b)  Chattambi Swamikal

(c)  Sree Naryana Guru

(d)  K. P, Karuppan

Answer: (a)

53. Which social reformer was also known as ‘Pulayaraja’?

(a)  Chattambi Swamikal

(b)  Sree Naryana Guru

(c)  Ayyankali

(d)  Brahmananda Sivayogi

Answer: (c)

54. Which one is not the work of Sree Narayana Guru?

(a)  Atmopadesha Satakam

(b)  Nirvriti Panchakam

(c)  Darshanamala

(d)  Vedadikara Nirupanam

Answer: (d)

55. Who founded ‘Vidya Poshini Sabha’?

(a)  Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pilla

(b)  Ayyankali

(c)  Sahodaran Ayyappan

(d)  Dr. Palpu

Answer: (c)

56. Chattampi Swamikal attained samadi at:

(a)  Kannanmoola

(b)  Panmana

(c)  Sivagiri

(d)  Chempazhanthi

Answer: (b)

57. The pattern for the organization of NSS was evolved from:

(a)  SNDP

(b)  Servants of India Society

(c)  Ygakshema Sabha

(d)  Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham

Answer: (b)

58. A daily published by Swami Vagbhatananada :

(a)  Abhinava Keralam

(b)  Advaita Chinta Padhati

(c)  Atmavidya Kahalam

(d)  Daivasathakam

Answer: (a)

59. Monthly published by Vakom Abdul Khadir Maulavi:

(a)  Al Hilal

(b)  Al Rashid

(c)  Al Amin

(d)  Al Islam

Answer: (d)

60. Thomas arrived in Kerala in:

(a)  52 AD

(b)  53 AD

(c)  50 AD

(d)  78 AD

Answer: (a)

61. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees equality in matters of employment in government offices?

(a)  Article 14

(b)  Article 15

(c)  Article 16

(d)  Article 17

Answer: (c)

62. According to the Constitution, India is a

(a)  Federation

(b)  Unitary State

(c)  Union of States

(d)  Confederation

Answer: (c)

63. In India, ‘equal pay for equal work’ is a :

(a)  Fundamental Right

(b)  Directive Principles of State Policy

(c)  Fundamental Duty

(d)  Civil Right

Answer: (b)

64. The Constitutional Amendment Act which deleted the ‘Right to Property’ from Fundamental Right is:

(a)  41st Amendment

(b)  42nd Amendment

(c)  43rd Amendment

(d)  44th Amendment

Answer: (d)

65. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with the ‘Right to Education’?

(a)  Article 20 (a)

(b)  Article 21 (a)

(c)  Article 22 (b)

(d)  Article 23 (b)

Answer: (b)

66. The state having maximum number of representatives in the Rajya Sabha is:

(a)  Maharashtra

(b)  Andhra Pradesh

(c)  Uttar Pradesh

(d)  Tamil Nadu

Answer: (c)

67. The write issued by the court when it finds that a particular office holder is not doing legal duty and thereby infringing the right of an individual is:

(a)  Habeas Corpus

(b)  Mandamus

(c)  Prohibition

(d)  Certiorari

Answer: (b)

68. In India money bill can be introduced in

(a)  Lok Sabha only

(b)  Rajya Sabha only

(c)  Either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha

(d)  Estimates Committee of Parliament

Answer: (a)

69. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed for a six year term or continue till the age of:

(a)  60

(b)  62

(c)  65

(d)  70

Answer: (c)

70. Which schedule in Indian Constitution deals with the administration of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes?

(a)  Schedule-4

(b)  Schedule-5

(c)  Schedule-6

(d)  Schedule-7

Answer: (b)

During (Q. No. 71-76) : Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate forms of the word/phrase from the lists given below:

71. I ______ tennis with Sania for a week now.

(a)  has played

(b)  played

(c)  have been playing

(d)  was playing

Answer: (c)

72. The number of soldiers killed in the war ______ not large.

(a)  were

(b)  was

(c)  be

(d)  is

Answer: (b)

73. The violence in the plant ______Maruthi’s net profit by 5.41%.

(a)  marked

(b)  pushed in

(c)  boosted

(d)  dipped

Answer: (d)

74. He would get the job if he _____

(a)  had tried

(b)  tried

(c)  will try

(d)  would try

Answer: (b)

75. He takes pride _____ his son.

(a)  of

(b)  in

(c)  about

(d)  for

Answer: (b)

76. Everyone stood up_____

(a)  didn’t they ?

(b)  didn’t he ?

(c)  weren’t they ?

(d)  haven’t they ?

Answer: (a)

77. Select the antonym of the world ‘critical’?

(a)  uncertain

(b)  unimportant

(c)  uneasy

(d)  significant

Answer: (b)

78. Which of the following expression is the most informal request?

(a)  Could you close the door please ?

(b)  Do you mind closing the door ?

(c)  Can you close the door ?

(d)  Would you mind closing the door please ?

Answer: (c)

79. Which of the following is identical in meaning to the sentence?

“raju finished his work and then he left home”

(a)  Finishing his work and then he left home

(b)  Raju left home finishing his work

(c)  Having finished his work Raju left home

(d)  having left home Raju finished his work

Answer: (c)

80. Select the apt passive form of

‘Release the prisoner’

(a)  The prisoner may be released

(b)  The prisoner can be released

(c)  Let the prisoner be released

(d)  The prisoner will be released

Answer: (c)


Answer: (b)


Answer: (c)


Answer: (b)


Answer: (d)


Answer: (a)


Answer: (d)


Answer: (d)


Answer: (*)


Answer: (a)


Answer: (a)

91. What is the full of Wi-Fi ?

(a)  Wired Fidelity

(b)  Wireless Fidelity

(c)  Wireless Fixation

(d)  Wired Fixation

Answer: (b)

92. HTTPS stands for:

(a)  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

(b)  Hypertext Transport Protocol Security

(c)  Hypertext Transfer Per Second

(d)  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Security

Answer: (a)

93. The inventor of the World Wide Web:

(a)  Robert Berners – Lee

(b)  Tim Berners – Lee

(c)  Tim John Shoch

(d)  Robert John Berners

Answer: (b)

94. 1 MB stands for

(a)  1024 bits

(b)  1024 GB

(c)  1024 KB

(d)  1024 Bytes

Answer: (c)

95. ___________ is a virtual network of libraries of different academic institutions.

(a)  BRNET


(c)  NIC NET

(d)  UGC NET

Answer: (b)

96. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU ?

(a)  Control unit and registers

(b)  Registers and main memory

(c)  Control unit and ALU

(d)  ALU and bus

Answer: (c)

97. What does EBCDIC stands for ?

(a)  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

(b)  Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

(c)  Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

(d)  Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

Answer: (a)

98. Viruses that travel from computer to computer to spread their infection :

(a)  Worm

(b)  Logic Bomb

(c)  Macro Virus

(d)  Comp Virus

Answer: (d)

99. India passed the IT Act 2000 and notified it for effectiveness on:

(a)  2000 May 17

(b)  2000 June 9

(c)  2000 July 9

(d)  2000 October 17

Answer: (d)

100. Which of the following is not harmful for computer?

(a)  Spyware

(b)  Cookies

(c)  Virus

(d)  Malware

Answer: (b)

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