SBI Probationary Officers (Pre.) Examination (2nd Shift) Held on 9-7-2016 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

S B I Probationary Officers (Pre.) Exam, 2016 (2nd Shift) Held on 9-7-2016
SBI Probationary Officers (Pre.) Examination (2nd Shift) Held on 9-7-2016 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

SBI Probationary Officers (Pre.) Examination (2nd Shift)

Held on 9-7-2016


Directions (Q. 1-3) Read the given information carefully and answer the questions.

     Each of the six translators, L, M, N, O, P and Q translates different number of books in a year. O translated more books than only two people and M is one of them. N translated more books than P but less than L. L did not translate the highest number of books. P translated more books than M. The one who translated second highest number of books translated 32 books. P translated 15 books.

1. Who is translated the highest number of books ?

(A)  P

(B)  L

(C)  Q

(D)  O

(E)  M

Answer: (B)

2. Which of the following is true regarding the number of books translated by Q ?

(A)  No other translator has translated less books than Q

(B)  Q has translated less number of books than N

(C)  Q translated less books than only two persons.

(D)  Q possibly translated 45 books

(E)  The difference between number of books translated by P and Q is less than 17

Answer: (D)

3. How many books has M possibly translated ?

(A)  30

(B)  10

(C)  24

(D)  36

(E)  32

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 4 and 5) Read the following information and answer the given questions.

     Gauri starts walking from Point M and walks 20 m towards the south. She then takes a right turn and walks for 30 m. She takes a left turn and stops at Point O after walking for 15 m.

    Point R is 10 m to the east Point O. Point J is 35 m to the north of Point R. Point S is 5 m to the west of Point J.

4. If Pooja is standing at Point W which is 10 m to the north of Point S, in which direction will she have to walk in order to reach Point O ?

(A)  North-east

(B)  West

(C)  South-west

(D)  South

(E)  South-east

Answer: (C)

5. How far and in which direction is Point S with respect to Point M ?

(A)  25 m towards West

(B)  20 m towards East

(C)  25 m towards East

(D)  20 m towards West

(E)  25 m towards North

Answer: (A)

Directions – (Q. 6-11) Study the following information and answer the given questions.

    Seven people, namely J, K, L, M, N, O  and P like seven different cartoon characters namely, Tweety, WIene, Superman, Garfield, Jerry, Ariel and Popeye. Each of them studies in either of the three standards viz. IV, VIII, XI with atleast two of them in a standard.

    (Note : None of the information given is necessarily in the same order.)

   Only one person studies with M in Xi standard. K studies with the one who likes Ariel. M does not like Ariel. P studies with only the one who likes Garfield. Neither K n or M likes Garfield. J likes Popeye. J does not study with K. The one who likes tweety studies with J. N studies with the one who likes Jerry. N does not study in IV standard. Neither K nor O likes Jerry. The one who likes Superman studies with N.

6. Who amongst the following likes Wiene ?

(A)  N

(B)  O

(C)  M

(D)  P

(E)  K

Answer: (D)

7. Which of the following cartoon characters does L like ?

(A)  Superman

(B)  Ariel

(C)  Tweety

(D)  Jerry

(E)  Garfield

Answer: (D)

8. Which of the following statements is true ?

(A)  Both M and J study in the same standard.

(B)  K studies in IV standard.

(C)  J studies with the one who likes Wiene.

(D)  More than two people study in the standard in which O studies,.

(E)  None of the given statements is true.

Answer: (A)

9. Which one of the following combinations represents the combination of people studying in VIII standard ?

(A)  N and the one who likes Wiene

(B)  J, O

(C)  K, L, N

(D)  K and the one who likes Tweety

(E)  None of these

Answer: (C)

10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?

(A)  PM

(B)  LK

(C)  KN

(D)  LN

(E)  OP

Answer: (A)

11. Which one of the following combinations represents the standard in which O studies and the cartoon character he likes ?

(A)  VIII-Garfield

(B)  VIII-Superman

(C)  XI-Tweety

(D)  IV-Ariel

(E)  IV-Garfield

Answer: (E)

Directions (Q. 12-17) Study the following information and answer the questions.

   Seven people, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V have a meeting but not necessarily in the same order on seven different months (of the same year) namely January, February, April, May, July, August and September. Each of them also likes a different fitness activity namely Yoga, Gym Training, Zumba, Mountaineering, Bicycle, Running and Surfing but not necessarily in the same order.

    The one who likes Gym training has a meeting on one of the months before May. The one who likes Gym training has a meeting in the month which has less than 31 days. Only three people have a meeting between the one who likes Gym training and T. Only two people have a meeting between T and the one who likes running. The one who likes Mountaineering has a meeting on one of the months after the one who likes running. The one who likes. Mountaineering has a meeting in the month which has only 30 days. V has a meeting on one of the months before the one who likes Gym training. V does not have a meeting in the month which has least number of days. More than three people have a meeting between V and R. Only two people have a meeting between R and Q. The one who likes Yoga has a meeting immediately before U. U does not have a meeting in a month which has 31 days. Only one person has a meeting between the one who likes Surfing and S. S has a meeting after the one who likes surfing. R does not like Zumba.

12. In the given arrangement Yoga is related to February and Zim Training is related to May following a certain pattern, which of the following is Zumba related to following the same pattern ?

(A)  July

(B)  September

(C)  April

(D)  August

(E)  January

Answer: (D)

13. Who amongst the following has a meeting immediately before the one who has a meeting in July ?

(A)  The one who likes Zumba

(B)  The one who likes Surfing

(C)  S

(D)  R

(E)  O

Answer: (C)

14. Which of the following combination is correct ?

(A)  S-Zumba

(B)  V-Yoga

(C)  R-Running

(D)  T-Bicycling

(E)  U-Gym Training

Answer: (B)

15. Who amongst the following likes Surfing ?

(A)  U

(B)  Q

(C)  R

(D)  T

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (A)

16. How many people have a meeting between the one who has a meeting in February and R ?

(A)  More than three

(B)  None

(C)  One

(D)  Two

(E)  Three

Answer: (E)

17. In which of the following pairs, both the persons have a meeting in the months which has less than 31 days ?

(A)  R, S

(B)  R, Q

(C)  U, Q

(D)  T, P

(E)  S, U

Answer: (C)

Directions (Q. 18-21) Study the following information to answer the given questions.

     Eight friends, C, D, E, F, K, L, M and N are seated in a straight line, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north while some are facing south.

• Only one person sits to the left of K. E sits third to the right of K.

• C sits second to the left of E. C is not an immediate neighbour of K.

• C faces a direction opposite to that of E (i.e., if E faces north then C faces south and vice –versa.)

• Both the immediate neighbours of D face south. D is not at any of the extreme ends of the line.

• F sits third to the right of N.

• Both the immediate neighbours of C face north. L is not an immediate neighbour of E.

• Immediate neighbours of K face opposite directions (i.e., if one neighbour faces north then the other faces south and vice-versa.)

18. Who amongst the following sits second to the right of L ?

(A)  C

(B)  N

(C)  E

(D)  M

(E)  No one as less than two people sit to the right of L

Answer: (D)

19. Which of the following is true, based on the given arrangement ?

(A)  M and E face opposite directions.

(B)  M sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.

(C)  Only four people face south.

(D)  None of the given options is true.

(E)  K faces north.

Answer: (C)

20. Who among the following represents the persons sitting at extreme ends of the line ?

(A)  L, N

(B)  L, M

(C)  F, M

(D)  M, N

(E)  F, N

Answer: (A)

21. How many people sit between C and K ?

(A)  Four

(B)  Three

(C)  More than four

(D)  Two

(E)  One

Answer: (A)

Directions (Q. 22-25) Study the following information and answer the given questions.

   L is the sister of D. D is the mother of U. U is married to T. T is the only son of Z. Z is the son of R. R is the husband of Q.

22. How is Q related to U ?

(A)  Grandfather

(B)  Grandmother

(C)  Aunt

(D)  Brother

(E)  Mother

Answer: (B)

23. If Z is t he father of X, then how X related to U ?

(A)  Brother

(B)  Sister-in-law

(C)  Cousin

(D)  Brother-in-law

(E)  Sister

Answer: (B)

24. How is U related to L?

(A)  Son-in-law

(B)  Daughter

(C)  Daughter-in-law

(D)  Niece

(E)  Nephew

Answer: (D)

25. How is Q related to T ?

(A)  Sister-in-law

(B)  Mother-in-law

(C)  Grandmother

(D)  Mother

(E)  Aunt

Answer: (C)

Directions (Q. 26-30) In this questions, statements and their conclusion are given. You have to decide which of the conclusions follows the given statements and give answers :

(A) Only conclusion I follows.

(B) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

(C) Either conclusion I or II follows.

(D) Both conclusions I and II follow.

(E) Only conclusion II follows.

26. Statements :

M ≤ J ≤ B = L< T > P ≤ S

Conclusions : I. J < T

II. L > S

Answer: (A)

27. Statements :

D ≤ R ≤ I ≤ L; I ≤ F < S

Conclusions : I. D ≤F

II. S > R

Answer: (D)

28. Statements :

R ≥ I > S ≥ K; V ≥ O > S

Conclusions : I. O  < R


Answer: (B)

29. Statements :

M ≤ J ≤ B = L < T > P ≤ S

Conclusions : I. B > P

II. M ≤ L

Answer: (E)

30. Statements :

D  ≥ R > A < F ≤ T

Conclusions : I. R < T

II. D ≥ F

Answer: (B)

Directions (Q. 31-35) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

   Seven boxes M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are kept one above the other, but not necessarily in the same order. Each box is of a different shape. Square, Triangular, Rectangular, Hexagonal, Conical, Pentagonal and Octagonal, but not necessarily in the same order.

     The Hexagonal box is kept immediately below M. Only two boxes kept between the Hexagonal box and the square box. More than two boxes are kept above the square box. Only one box is kept between the square box and R.  O is kept immediately above R. Neither O nor S is a Hexagonal box. S is kept immediately above the Pentagonal box. S is not a square box. N is kept immediately above Q. Only one box is kept between the N and the Triangular box. N is kept above t he Triangular box. N is kept above the Triangular box. Only two boxes are kept between the Triangular and the Octagonal box. The Rectangular box is kept neither at the top nor at the bottom of the stack.

31. Which of the following is kept immediately below R ?

(A)  S

(B)  The Triangular Box

(C)  P

(D)  N

(E)  The Conical Box

Answer: (D)

32. Which of the following boxes rectangular in shape ?

(A)  R

(B)  N

(C)  M

(D)  O

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (B)

33. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?

(A)  M-Triangular

(B)  M-Hexagonal

(C)  O-Octagonal

(D)  S-Square

(E)  S-Conical

Answer: (E)

34. What is the position of S in the given stack of boxes ?

(A)  Second from the top

(B)  Fourth from the top

(C)  Third from the bottom

(D)  Third from the top

(E)  Second from the bottom

Answer: (C)

35. How many boxes are kept between the P and the Square box ?

(A)  More than three

(B)  One

(C)  None

(D)  Three

(E)  Two

Answer: (E)

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