Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Recruitment Examination-2015 Held on November 22, 2015 Question Paper With Answer Key

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Recruitment Examination-2015 Held on November 22, 2015
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Recruitment Examination-2015 Held on November 22, 2015 Question Paper With Answer Key

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Recruitment Examination-2015 Held on November 22, 2015

Part I General Intelligence

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-9) Find the odd word/ letters / number from the given alternatives.


(a)   Caprice

(b)   Foible

(c)   Quirk

(d)   Whim

Answer: (b)


(a)   15

(b)   17

(c)   6

(d)   12

Answer: (b)


(a)   532

(b)   734

(c)   853

(d)   751

Answer: (d)


(a)   Solid

(b)   Plump

(c)   Thick

(d)   Fathom

Answer: (d)


(a)   HGFE

(b)   DCBA

(c)   PONM

(d)   IJKL

Answer: (d)


(a)   FUEV

(b)   VUXW

(c)   QPSR

(d)   YXWV

Answer: (a)


(a)   3463

(b)   8948

(c)   6514

(d)   5725

Answer: (c)


(a)   NPR

(b)   RQP

(c)   HGF

(d)   DCB

Answer: (a)


(a)   qqstuu

(b)   aacdff

(c)   mmopqq

(d)   ggijkk

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 10-18) Select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.

10. Eyes : Tears : : ___ : ____

(a)   Hunger : Bread

(b)   Volcano : Lava

(c)   Heart : Artery

(d)   Sea : Water

Answer: (b)

11. 196 : 256 : : ? : 400

(a)   324

(b)   204

(c)   452

(d)   144

Answer: (a)

12. 32 : 28 : : 160 : ?

(a)   80

(b)   120

(c)   110

(d)   140

Answer: (d)

13. 414 : 636 : : 325 : ?

(a)   222

(b)   636

(c)   547

(d)   414

Answer: (c)

14. Perch : Fresh water : : ? : Salt water

(a)   Frog

(b)   Cod

(c)   Snake

(d)   Crocodile

Answer: (b)

15. SNAKE : VQDNH : : CRADLE : : ?

(a)   EVFGOF

(b)   FUDGOH

(c)   EUDGOH

(d)   FVDGPH

Answer: (b)

16. Vacation : Holiday : : Vocation : ?

(a)   Money

(b)   Pleasure

(c)   Degree

(d)   Career

Answer: (d)


(a)   22

(b)   12

(c)   21

(d)   24

Answer: (c)

18. FE : HG : : ML : ?

(a)   QP

(b)   PO

(c)   JI

(d)   ON

Answer: (c)

19. Arrange the following words as per the reverse order in a dictionary.

(1) Multitude          (2) Multinational

(3) Multiplier          (4) Multinomial

(5) Multilingual

(a)   1 3 2 4 5

(b)   4 5 3 1 2

(c)   5 4 3 2 1

(d)   1 3 4 2 5

Answer: (d)

20. Insert the arithmetical operations in the following numerical figure :

4 _ 3 _ 4 = 48

(a)   × ×

(b)   + +

(c)   × −

(d)   + −

Answer: (a)

21. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?


Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 22-25) Select the missing number from the given responses.


(a)   54

(b)   34

(c)   78

(d)   24

Answer: (a)


(a)   4

(b)   32

(c)   2

(d)   16

Answer: (d)


(a)   11

(b)   7

(c)   4

(d)   10

Answer: (b)


(a)   20

(b)   11

(c)   13

(d)   15

Answer: (c)

26. Karan has a brother Prem and a sister Neesha.. Karan’s wife is Naj and has a daughter Naksha. Naksha got married with Neesha’s son Akbar and has a baby girl Riya. What is relation between Naksha and Neesha?

(a)   Mother and daughter

(b)   Sister

(c)   Niece and Aunt

(d)   Mother and grand-daughter

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 27-28) From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot  be formed using the letters of the given word.

27. Calculate

(a)   Cat

(b)   Team

(c)   Tea

(d)   Late

Answer: (b)

28. Correspondence

(a)   Condense

(b)   Respond

(c)   Correspond

(d)   Respondent

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 29-31) Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?

29. a_baa_baa-ba

(a)   bba

(b)   bbb

(c)   aab

(d)   bab

Answer: (b)

30. _ _ babbba _ a _ _

(a)   babbb

(b)   ababb

(c)   bbaba

(d)   baaab

Answer: (a)

31. oopqop _ qoo _ qo _ oqo _ pq

(a)   oppo

(b)   popo

(c)   poop

(d)   opop

Answer: (a)

32. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.

Answer: (c)

33. Which conclusion is true with respect to the given statements?


(1) All squares are rectangles.

(2) All rectangles are polygons.


(a)   Square is a polygon.

(b)   Square is a rectangle and polygon.

(c)   Square is not a polygon.

(d)   Square is not a rectangle.

Answer: (b)

34. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

Answer: (c)

35. If Sita walks 10 km towards West, then turned toward South and walked 10 km, then turned East walked 10 km, and turned North walked 10 km. How far she is from starting point?

(a)   40 km

(b)   20 km

(c)   0 km

(d)   10 km

Answer: (c)

36. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-2 are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., ‘M’ can be represented by 01, 10 etc. and ‘R’ can be represented by 58, 85 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word NOW.

(a)   55, 78, 11

(b)   86, 58, 11

(c)   95, 55, 34

(d)   95, 67, 02

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 37-39) A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

37. 361, ?, 169, 121, 49, 25

(a)   196

(b)   324

(c)   256

(d)   289

Answer: (d)

38. 127, 131, 139, ?, 151, 157, 163, 167

(a)   143

(b)   147

(c)   141

(d)   149

Answer: (b)

39. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ?, 13, 21

(a)   8

(b)   6

(c)   7

(d)   9

Answer: (a)

40. Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below :

Social Science, History and Geography

Answer: (c)

41. If ‘Stress’ is coded as Rtress. Then ‘Pulse’ will be coded as

(a)   Oulse

(b)   Qulse

(c)   Rulse

(d)   Fulse

Answer: (a)

42. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following in ascending order?

(1) Atom       (2) Matter

(3) Molecule  (3) Electron

(a)   4 1 3 2

(b)   3 4 1 2

(c)   1 2 3 4

(d)   3 1 4 2

Answer: (a)

43. If ARMS equal 1234 then MARS will equal to

(a)   1243

(b)   4321

(c)   3124

(d)   4213

Answer: (c)

44. If + stands for division; × stands for addition; − stands for multiplication, ÷ stands for subtraction, then which of the following is correct?

(1) 25 × 3 – 7 ÷ 8 + 12 = 18     (2) 25 + 3 × 7 – 8 ÷ 12 = 10.89

(3) 25 – 3 ÷ 7 × 8 + 12 = 132   (4) 25 ÷ 3 × 7 – 8 + 12 = 19.3

(a)   1

(b)   2

(c)   4

(d)   3

Answer: (c)

45. Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary.

(1) Silt (2) Silicon   (3) Silicate  (4) Silken

(a)   1, 4, 3, 2

(b)   2, 1, 4, 3

(c)   4, 1, 3, 2

(d)   3, 2, 4, 1

Answer: (d)

46. Six faces of the dice are A, B, C, D E and F. A is adjacent to B. B is adjacent to D but not C. E is adjacent to D and F. What is the side opposite to A?

(a)   E

(b)   D

(c)   C

(d)   F

Answer: (a)

47. Ali had Rs 320. He spent 3/4 of it to buy a watch. Of the remainder, he used 1/8 of it to buy a pen. How much money is left?

(a)   Rs 120

(b)   Rs 90

(c)   Rs 70

(d)   Rs 100

Answer: (c)

48. In the question, two statements are given each followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. you have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.

Statements Some clerks are poor. A is poor.

Conclusions I. A is clerk. II. A has a large family.

(a)   Neither conclusion I nor II follows

(b)   Both conclusions I and II follow

(c)   Only conclusion II follows.

(d)   Only conclusion I follows.

Answer: (a)

49. Laxmi went 10 km to the West from my house, then turned left and walked 20 km. She then turned East and walked 25 km and finally turning left covered 20 km. How far was she from my house?

(a)   5 km

(b)   15 km

(c)   40 km

(d)   10 km

Answer: (b)

50. If a mirror is placed on the line RS, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?

Answer: (a)

Part II English Language

Directions (Q. Nos. 51-54) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

51. Desist

(a)   Hope

(b)   Continue

(c)   Request

(d)   Assign

Answer: (b)

52. Defile

(a)   Yield

(b)   Repair

(c)   Describe

(d)   Purify

Answer: (d)

53. Sterile

(a)   Dense

(b)   Fertile

(c)   Barren

(d)   Infertile

Answer: (b)

54. Prudent

(a)   Careless

(b)   Miserly

(c)   Foolish

(d)   Strange

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 55-58) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

55. Jealous

(a)   Proud

(b)   Envious

(c)   Greedy

(d)   Lustful

Answer: (b)

56. Quest

(a)   Trial

(b)   Test

(c)   Search

(d)   Decision

Answer: (c)

57. Diligent

(a)   Modest

(b)   Energetic

(c)   Industrious

(d)   Intelligent

Answer: (c)

58. Desultory

(a)   Diminish

(b)   Random

(c)   Forsake

(d)   Frugal

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 59-62) Out of the four alternatives, Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

59. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play

(a)   Blurb

(b)   Monologue

(c)   Epilogue

(d)   Prologue

Answer: (d)

60. A cinema show held in the afternoon

(a)   Play

(b)   Premiere

(c)   Entertainment

(d)   Matinee

Answer: (d)

61. Intentional damage to arrest production

(a)   Sangfroid

(b)   Modus opernadi

(c)   Sabotage

(d)   Nemesis

Answer: (c)

62. A handsome man

(a)   Tycoon

(b)   Debonair

(c)   Adonis

(d)   Cavalier

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 63-64) A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the ‘same sentence’ in Indirect/Direct.

63. The peon said, to his officer, “Please forgive me”.

(a)   The peon requested his officer that he forgive him.

(b)   The peon requested his officer to forgive  him.

(c)   The peon said to  his officer that he should forgive him.

(d)   The peon told his officer please forgive him.

Answer: (b)

64. My brother told me that he would buy me a notepad the next day.

(a)   My brother said to me, “I will be buying you a notepad tomorrow.”

(b)   My brother said to me, “I would buy you a notepad tomorrow.”

(c)   My brother said to me, “I shall buy you a notepad tomorrow.

(d)   My brother “I am going to buy you a notepad tomorrow.”

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 65-74) In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks

Past I us in understanding our present world in a II better way. If we know III our ancestors lived or IV the wars were waged, we can understand the today’s world V and get ideas for a VI future. What appears to VII as wrong today could have been right VIII. It is also interesting to know how IX in the past X the life of humans.


(a)   (I)-helps

(b)   (I)-helped

(c)   (I)-help

(d)   (I)-is helping

Answer: (a)


(a)   (II)- most

(b)   (II)- just

(c)   (II)- more

(d)   (II)- much

Answer: (d)


(a)   (III)-when

(b)   (III)-why

(c)   (III)-where

(d)   (III)-how

Answer: (d)


(a)   (IV)-how

(b)   (IV)-which

(c)   (IV)-when

(d)   (IV)-why

Answer: (d)


(a)   (V)-best

(b)   (V)-well

(c)   (V)-betterment

(d)   (V)-better

Answer: (d)


(a)   (VI)-fairy

(b)   (VI)-fairer

(c)   (VI)-fair

(d)   (VI)-fairest

Answer: (b)


(a)   (VII)-him

(b)   (VII)-them

(c)   (VII)-us

(d)   (VII)-they

Answer: (c)


(a)   (VIII)-earliest

(b)   (VIII)-early

(c)   (VIII)-earlier

(d)   (VIII)-later

Answer: (c)


(a)   (IX)-adventures

(b)   (IX)-inventors

(c)   (IX)-inventing

(d)   (IX)-inventions

Answer: (d)


(a)   (X)-improvement

(b)   (X)-improve

(c)   (X)-improves

(d)   (X)-improved

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 75-78) Sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out the four.

75. We can ……… right and wrong.

(a)   distinguish between

(b)   distinguish by

(c)   distinguished for

(d)   distinguished from

Answer: (a)

76. You take a decision. The ball is in …………. now.

(a)   your court

(b)   your pocket

(c)   your garden

(d)   your net

Answer: (a)

77. The cold breath of autumn had ……….. the ivy leaves from the vine and the branches remained almost bare.

(a)   striking

(b)   strike

(c)   stricken

(d)   strucked

Answer: (c)

78. He is a man of ……. simplicity.

(a)   childless

(b)   childish

(c)   child

(d)   childlike

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 79-82) The first and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

79. (1) Though the government

(P) the growth of population

(Q) has undertaken a series of plans

(R) and for raising the standard of living of the people

(S) for economic development

(6) has upset all the plans.

(a)   QSRP

(b)   QPRS

(c)   SPQR

(d)   SRPQ

Answer: (a)

80. (1) Glorious tributes were paid

(P) who, after fighting a battle with cancer,

(Q) the original superstar of Bollywood

(R) passed away last month

(S) to the legendary Rajesh Khanna,

(6) at  his residence in Mumbai.

(a)   SRPQ

(b)   SQRP

(c)   SQPR

(d)   QSPR

Answer: (c)

81. (1) A volcano is an opening or rupture in a planet’s surface.

(P) Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards.

(Q) This opening allows magma, ash and gases to escape from below the surface.

(R) Volcanic ash can be a threat to aircraft.

(S) Volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging.

(6) Historically, so-called volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines.

(a)   SPQR

(b)   RSPQ

(c)   SQRP

(d)   QSPR

Answer: (d)

82. (1) What gives some persons

(P) torturing physical pain

(Q) after experiencing

(R) after the loss of a precious loved one

(S) the power to fight on

(6) day after day?

(a)   PSQR

(b)   PQRS

(c)   SRQP

(d)   PQSR

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 83-86) Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, you answer is ‘No error’.

83. Whoever assumes his statement true is foolish.

(a)   No error

(b)   is foolish

(c)   his statement true

(d)   Whoever assumes

Answer: (b)

84. Iodine deficiency is an easy and inexpensive nutrient disorder to prevent.

(a)   Iodine deficiency

(b)   No error

(c)   is an easy and inexpensive

(d)   nutrient disorder to prevent

Answer: (d)

85. The people gathered at the funeral to pay respect.

(a)   at the funeral

(b)   No error

(c)   The people gathered

(d)   to pay respect

Answer: (d)

86. When the workers threatened to go on a strike, the mill owner declared a lay off on his mill.

(a)   No error

(b)   declared a lay off on his mill.

(c)   go on a strike, the mill owner

(d)   When the workers threatened to

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 87-90) Four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

87. To take after

(a)   to resemble

(b)   To remove

(c)   To cheat

(d)   To write down

Answer: (a)

88. She paid a flying visit to Mumbai to see her ailing father.

(a)   a surprise visit

(b)   a very short visit

(c)   a very long visit

(d)   went by aeroplane

Answer: (b)

89. Have a finger in every pie

(a)   to be greedy

(b)   to be meddlesome

(c)   to be quarrelsome

(d)   to be efficient

Answer: (b)

90. The jury is not

(a)   The entire jury decides to stay out of the proceedings

(b)   No decision has been reached.

(c)   The jury has taken a break between hearings.

(d)   A jury member is absent.

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 91-92) A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

91. Take the medicine.

(a)   You are requested to take the medicine.

(b)   Let the medicine be taken.

(c)   The medicine must take you.

(d)   The medicine is to be taken by you.

Answer: (b)

92. I cannot trust him any more.

(a)   He cannot be trusted by me any more.

(b)   He could not be trusted by me any more.

(c)   He may not be trusted by me anymore.

(d)   He cannot trust by me any more.

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 93-96) Four words are given in each questions, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.


(a)   Acommodation

(b)   Accommodation

(c)   Acomodation

(d)   Accomodation

Answer: (b)


(a)   Puritanical

(b)   Purritanical

(c)   Purritaniccal

(d)   Puritannical

Answer: (a)


(a)   Ingenous

(b)   Ingenious

(c)   Ingenius

(d)   Ingeneous

Answer: (b)


(a)   Plegiarist

(b)   Plagraist

(c)   Plagiarist

(d)   Plagearist

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 97-100) A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed choose ‘No improvement’.

97. He said, ‘Let the show begins’.

(a)   No improvement

(b)   ‘Let the show begin’

(c)   ‘Let’s the show begin’

(d)   ‘Let the show to begin’

Answer: (b)

98. Both of them are good, but this is the best of the two.

(a)   better

(b)   much better

(c)   No improvement

(d)   good

Answer: (a)

99. The museum’s collection includes artefacts dated back to prehistoric times.

(a)   dating back to

(b)   No improvement

(c)   date back to

(d)   date backs to

Answer: (a)

100. I’m really Sorry but I haven’t got much money myself.

(a)   I’m really sorry but I have very few money myself.

(b)   No improvement

(c)   I’m really sorry but I not have much money myself.

(d)   I’m really sorry I have lesser money myself.

Answer: (b)

Part III Quantitative Aptitude

Directions (Q. Nos. 101-105) The pie-chart shows how the school funds is spent under different heads in a certain school. Using the pie-chart answer the questions.

101. What is the ratio of expenditure on sports to that on art and craft?

(a)   1 : 1

(b)   4 : 3

(c)   1 : 4

(d)   2 : 1

Answer: (b)

102. Which head has the maximum expenditure?

(a)   Library

(b)   Art and Craft

(c)   Sports

(d)   Science

Answer: (c)

103. Which head uses 25% of the funds?

(a)   Art and Craft

(b)   Sports

(c)   Misc

(d)   Library

Answer: (a)

104. Which heads have the same amount of expenditure?

(a)   Library and Science

(b)   Science and Misc

(c)   Sports and Science

(d)   Misc and Library

Answer: (a)

105. What percentage of the total expense is spent on library?

(a)   24.3%

(b)   16.6%

(c)   20%

(d)   24%

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 106-109) The following table shows the world production of steel in 1920-1927. Study the table and answer the questions.

106. The number of years during which the company has its production less than the average production during 1920-1927 is approximately

(a)   4

(b)   2

(c)   3

(d)   6

Answer: (a)

107. The average production of steel is

(a)   74.07

(b)   76.09

(c)   77.10

(d)   75.13

Answer: (c)

108. The difference of the production of steel in the year 1923 and 1924 is x% of 1927. Then the value of x is approximately

(a)   .001

(b)   1

(c)   .01

(d)   .1

Answer: (b)

109. The ratio of production of steel in the year 1924 and 1925 to that of 1923 and 1927 is

(a)   2005 : 2077

(b)   2205 : 2007

(c)   2205 : 2077

(d)   2077 : 2205

Answer: (d)

110. The radius of a hemispherical bowl is 6 cm. The capacity of the bowl is (Take π = 22/7)

(a)   495.51 cm3

(b)   452.57 cm3

(c)   345.53 cm3

(d)   422 cm3

Answer: (b)

111. Simon purchased a bicycle for Rs 6810. He had paid a VAT of 13.5%. The list price of the bicycle was

(a)   Rs 6696.50

(b)   Rs 6140

(c)   Rs 5970.50

(d)   Rs 6000

Answer: (d)

112. Each side of a cube is decreased by 25%. Find the ratio of the volumes of the original cube and the resulting cube.

(a)   64 : 1

(b)   27 : 64

(c)   64 : 27

(d)   8 : 1

Answer: (c)

113. D and E are mid-points of sides AB and AC respectively of the ∆ A line drawn from A meets BC at H and DE at K.

AK : KH = ?

(a)   1 : 2

(b)   2 : 1

(c)   1 : 1

(d)   1 : 3

Answer: (c)

114. The total discount on Rs 1860 due after a certain time at 5% is Rs 60. Find the time after which it is due

(a)   9 months

(b)   10 months

(c)   7 months

(d)   8 months

Answer: (d)

115. A m an buys a TV priced at Rs 16000. He pays Rs 4000 at once and the rest after 15 months on which he is charged a simple interest at the rate of 12% per year. The total amount he pays for the TV is

(a)   Rs 18200

(b)   Rs 17800

(c)   Rs 17200

(d)   Rs 16800

Answer: (b)

116. The value of the following is 

(a)   −1

(b)   0

(c)   1/2

(d)   1

Answer: (b)

117. For real a, b, c, if a2 + b2 + c2 = ab + bc + ca, the value of  is

(a)   0

(b)   3

(c)   2

(d)   1

Answer: (d)

118. The difference between the greatest and the least four digit numbers that begins with 3 and ends with 5 is

(a)   900

(b)   909

(c)   999

(d)   990

Answer: (d)

119. AB and AC are tangents to a circle with centre O . A is the external point of the circle. The line AO intersect the chord BC at D. The measure of the ∠BDO is

(a)   45°

(b)   60°

(c)   75°

(d)   90°

Answer: (d)

120. A hemisphere and a cone have equal bases. If their heights are also equal, then the ratio of their curved surfaces will be

(a)   √2 : 1

(b)   1 : √2

(c)   2 : 1

(d)   1 : 2

Answer: (a)

121. A student goes to school at the rate of  and reaches 6 min late. If he travels at the speed of 3 km/h he is 10 min early. What is the distance to the school?

(a)   4 km


(c)   1 km


Answer: (a)

122. 9x2 + 25 – 30x can be expressed as the square of

(a)   3x2 – 25

(b)   3x + 5

(c)   −3x – 5

(d)   3x – 5

Answer: (d)

123. There is 10% loss if an article is sold at Rs 270. Then the cost price of the article is

(a)   Rs 300

(b)   Rs 250

(c)   Rs 270

(d)   Rs 320

Answer: (a)

124. A and B can do a piece of work in 15 days. B and C can do the same work in 10 days and A and C can do the same in 12 days. Time taken by A, B and C together to do the job is

(a)   9 days

(b)   8 days

(c)   4 days

(d)   5 days

Answer: (b)

125. The base o f a right prism is a trapezium whose lengths of two parallel sides are 10 cm and 6 cm and distance between them is 5 cm. If the height of the prism is 8 cm, its volume is

(a)   320 cm3

(b)   300 cm3

(c)   310 cm3

(d)   300.5 cm3

Answer: (a)

126. TF is a tower with F on the ground. The angle of elevation of T from A is x° such that tan x° = 2/5 and AF = 200 m. The angle of elevation of T from a nearer point B is y° with BF = 80 m. The value of y° is

(a)   75°

(b)   45°

(c)   60°

(d)   30°

Answer: (b)

127. The sum of the perfect squares between 120 and 300 is

(a)   1204

(b)   1024

(c)   1296

(d)   1400

Answer: (d)

128. The number of pair of positive integers whose sum is 99 and HCF is 9 is

(a)   5

(b)   4

(c)   3

(d)   2

Answer: (b)

129. On what sum of money will the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum be equal to Rs 63?

(a)   Rs 24600

(b)   Rs 24800

(c)   Rs 25200

(d)   Rs 25500

Answer: (c)

130. A pipe can fill a tank in 24 hours. Due to a leakage in the bottom. It is filled in 36 hours. If the tank is half full, how much time will the leak take to empty the tank?

(a)   24 h

(b)   48 h

(c)   72 h

(d)   36 h

Answer: (d)

131. If sin θ + cos θ = √2 sin(90° − θ), then cot θ is equal to

(a)   √2 + 1

(b)   √2 – 1

(c)   √2

(d)   0

Answer: (a)

132. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their LCM is 120. The sum of numbers is

(a)   70

(b)   140

(c)   35

(d)   105

Answer: (a)

133. If x + y = 2a then the value of  is

(a)   2

(b)   0

(c)   −1

(d)   1

Answer: (b)

134. 50% of a number when added to 50 is equal to the number. The number is

(a)   100

(b)   75

(c)   50

(d)   150

Answer: (a)

135. AB is the diameter of a circle with centre O. P be a point on it. If ∠POA = 120°. Then, ∠PBO = ?

(a)   50°

(b)   120°

(c)   60°

(d)   45°

Answer: (c)

136. An epidemic broke out in a village in which 5% of the population died. Of the remaining, 20% fled out of panic. If the present population is 4655, then the population of the village originally was

(a)   6000

(b)   5955

(c)   6125

(d)   5995

Answer: (c)

137. If A, B, C are the angles of a ∆ ABC then following is equal to 

(a)   cosec A/2

(b)   cos A/2

(c)   sec A/2

(d)   sec B/2

Answer: (b)

138. What is the position of the circumcentre of an obtuse-angled triangle?

(a)   It lies inside the triangle.

(b)   It lies outside the triangle.

(c)   It is the vertex opposite to the largest side.

(d)   It is the mid point of the largest side.

Answer: (b)

139. A shop is electronic goods is closed on Monday. The average sales per day for remaining six days of a week is Rs 15640 and the average sale of Tuesday to Saturday is Rs 14124. The sales on Sunday is

(a)   Rs 20188

(b)   Data inadequate

(c)   Rs 23220

(d)   Rs 21704

Answer: (c)

140. The value of the following is 

(a)   4

(b)   2

(c)   3

(d)   1

Answer: (c)

141. If p3 – q3 = (p – q) {(p – q)2 – xpq} then find the value of x is

(a)   1

(b)   −3

(c)   3

(d)   −1

Answer: (d)

142. If  then the value of x3 is

(a)   27

(b)   1

(c)   0

(d)   −27

Answer: (d)

143. In a business A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2 : 1, whereas A and B invested amounts in the ratio 3 : 2. If the their annual profit be Rs 157300, then B’s share in the profit is

(a)   Rs 36300

(b)   Rs 48000

(c)   Rs 24200

(d)   Rs 48400

Answer: (d)

144. The greatest four digit number which is exactly divisible by each one of the numbers 12, 18, 21 and 28.

(a)   9288

(b)   9882

(c)   9828

(d)   9928

Answer: (c)

145. A circle touches the four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD. The value of  is equal to

(a)   1

(b)   1/4

(c)   1/3

(d)   1/2

Answer: (a)

146. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle and AD perpendicular to BC. Then, AB2 + BC2 + CA2 = ?

(a)   5 AD2

(b)   4 AD2

(c)   2 AD2

(d)   3 AD2

Answer: (d)

147. If √33 = 5.745, then the value of the following is approximately 

(a)   1

(b)   6.32

(c)   0.5223

(d)   2.035

Answer: (c)

148. The mean high temperature of the first four days of a week is 25℃ whereas the mean of the last four days is 25.5℃. If the mean of the whole week is 25.2℃, then the temperature of the 4th day is

(a)   25.2℃

(b)   25.5℃

(c)   25.6℃

(d)   25℃

Answer: (c)

149. The difference between simple interest and the true discount on Rs 2400 due 4 years hence at 5% per annum simple interest is

(a)   Rs 70

(b)   Rs 30

(c)   Rs 50

(d)   Rs 80

Answer: (d)

150. A train passes an electrical pole in 20 seconds and passes a platform 250 m long in 45 seconds. Find the length of the train.

(a)   250 m

(b)   300 m

(c)   200 m

(d)   400 m

Answer: (c)

Part IV General Awareness

151. Which one of the following is odd?

(a)   SNMP

(b)   POP

(c)   IMAP

(d)   SMTP

Answer: (a)

152. Which one of the following wood is used in making cricket bats?

(a)   Morus alba

(b)   Limum usitatissimum

(c)   Salix prupurea

(d)   Cedrus deodara

Answer: (c)

153. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

(a)   Dynamic RAM

(b)   EPROM

(c)   ROM

(d)   Static RAM

Answer: (a)

154. Which was the first talkie film made in India?

(a)   Raja Harishchandra

(b)   Mother India

(c)   Kisan Kanya

(d)   Alam Ara

Answer: (d)

155. Which day is observed as ‘World AIDS Day’?

(a)   March 20

(b)   December 1

(c)   December 20

(d)   March 1

Answer: (b)

156. Who wrote the famous novel ‘The Guide’?

(a)   Satyajit Ray

(b)   RK Narayan

(c)   Arundhati Roy

(d)   Chetan Bhagat

Answer: (b)

157. Who was the first Indian to become member of British Parliament?

(a)   Firozshah Mehta

(b)   D. Dadadhai Naoroji

(c)   Surendranath Banerjee

(d)   DN Wacha

Answer: (b)

158. The Indian, who won the Grammy Award 2015 in the new age album category is

(a)   Kavita Krishnamurthy

(b)   A R Rehman

(c)   Neela Vaswani

(d)   Ricky Kej

Answer: (d)

159. The common name of the sodium bicarbonate is

(a)   baking powder

(b)   soda ash

(c)   baking soda

(d)   soda lime

Answer: (c)

160. World’s largest producer of coffee is

(a)   Brazil

(b)   Argentina

(c)   India

(d)   Peru

Answer: (a)

161. Eddie Redmayne, won the Oscar (2015) for Best Actor for which film?

(a)   Still Alice

(b)   Birdman

(c)   The Theory of Everything

(d)   None of the options

Answer: (c)

162. Which of the following property of sound is affected by change in air temperature?

(a)   Wavelength

(b)   Amplitude

(c)   Intensity

(d)   Frequency

Answer: (d)

163. Who was Akbar’s famous Revenue Minister?

(a)   Tansen

(b)   Rana Partap Singh

(c)   Humayun

(d)   Todarmal

Answer: (d)

164. If there is one million Mg2+ ions in MgCl2, how many chloride ions are there?

(a)   Two million

(b)   One million

(c)   Half million

(d)   Ten million

Answer: (a)

165. Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?

(a)   Respect for Individual Rights

(b)   Strong Military Forces

(c)   A One-Party System

(d)   A Agricultural Economy

Answer: (a)

166. Soilless agriculture refers to

(a)   Sericulture

(b)   Hygroponics

(c)   Hydroponics

(d)   Inter-cropping

Answer: (c)

167. Who invented the safety razor?

(a)   Lar Strauss

(b)   Gillette

(c)   Steve Job

(d)   Steve Cher

Answer: (b)

168. The non-cooperation movement was called off due to

(a)   Poona Pact

(b)   Chauri-Chaura Incident

(c)   Jallianwalla Bagh Tragedy

(d)   Gandhi-Irwin Pact

Answer: (b)

169. The idea of parliamentary form of government is adapted from

(a)   the UK

(b)   the USA

(c)   Ireland

(d)   the USSR

Answer: (a)

170. The instrument used to measure pressure

(a)   thermometer

(b)   hygrometer

(c)   aneroid barometer

(d)   anemometer

Answer: (c)

171. Who is the founder of the concept ‘Sarvodaya’?

(a)   Mahatma Gandhi

(b)   KG Mushroowala

(c)   Vinoba Bhave

(d)   Jai Prakash Narayan

Answer: (a)

172. In which year was the first ‘World Environment Day’ observed?

(a)   1972

(b)   1973

(c)   1974

(d)   1980

Answer: (a)

173. When and where did the concept of Earth Hour began?

(a)   In June, 2007 in Christchurch, New Zealand

(b)   In April, 2008 in Tokyo, Japan

(c)   In May, 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka

(d)   In March, 2007 in Sydney, Australia

Answer: (d)

174. The Industrial Development Bank of India was set-up in

(a)   July, 1968

(b)   July, 1966

(c)   July, 1962

(d)   July, 1964

Answer: (d)

175. The total utility from 9 units of commodity x is 20 and from 10 units is 15. Calculate the marginal utility from 10 unit.

(a)   −0.5

(b)   0.5

(c)   −5

(d)   5

Answer: (c)

176. More than 50% of the world’s coal deposits are held by

(a)   USA, Russia and China

(b)   China, India and Russia

(c)   China, India and USA

(d)   India, Russia and USA

Answer: (a)

177. Who among the following rulers abolished Jaziya?

(a)   Aurangzeb

(b)   Akber

(c)   Balban

(d)   Jahangir

Answer: (b)

178. ‘Cloud burst’ means

(a)   sowing of seeds of a crop in cloudy weather

(b)   presence of scattered flakes of cloud in the sky

(c)   abnormally heavy downpour of rain, associated with a thunderstorm

(d)   formation of artificial rain

Answer: (c)

179. RBI’s deadline to exchange pre 2005 currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 is

(a)   December 31, 2015

(b)   April 1, 2015

(c)   January 1, 2015

(d)   March 31, 2015

Answer: (a)

180. National Renewal Fund (NRF) was instituted for the purpose of

(a)   Restructuring and modernization of industries

(b)   Rural reconstruction

(c)   Providing pension for retiring employees

(d)   Social security

Answer: (a)

181. How many States are there in the Indian Union?

(a)   30

(b)   27

(c)   29

(d)   28

Answer: (c)

182. Pick out the person associated with the coining of the term ‘gene’

(a)   Waldeyer

(b)   Morgan

(c)   Mendel

(d)   Johannsen

Answer: (d)

183. The battle of Plassey was fought between

(a)   None of the options

(b)   Mir Khasim and Robert Clive

(c)   Mir Jafar and Robert Clive

(d)   Sirajudduala and Robert Clive

Answer: (d)

184. The serious environmental degradation of Maldives is considered to be essentially due to

(a)   high population density

(b)   industrial pollution of water of air

(c)   constant soil erosion

(d)   None  of the options

Answer: (d)

185. Barter transactions means

(a)   money Acts as a medium of exchange

(b)   coins are exchanged for goods

(c)   goods are exchanged with gold

(d)   goods are exchanged with goods

Answer: (d)

186. How many Nobel Prize awards are awarded each year?

(a)   6

(b)   5

(c)   8

(d)   10

Answer: (a)

187. Phycology is the study of

(a)   fungi

(b)   lichens

(c)   bacteria

(d)   algae

Answer: (d)

188. ‘Red Data Book’ provides an account of

(a)   extinct animals only

(b)   endangered plants and animals

(c)   endangered  plants only

(d)   fossil plants

Answer: (b)

189. Name the first Asian country to orbit Mars.

(a)   Japan

(b)   India

(c)   Pakistan

(d)   China

Answer: (b)

190. Which US President announced the “New Deal” for economic recovery in the aftermath of the Great Depression?

(a)   Roosevelt

(b)   Abraham Lincoln

(c)   JF Kennedy

(d)   Benjamin Franklin

Answer: (a)

191. A bullet of mass ‘m’ and velocity ‘a’ is fired in to a large block of wood of mass ‘M’. The final velocity of the system is





Answer: (d)

192. First human heart transplant was performed in

(a)   1959

(b)   1967

(c)   1972

(d)   1955

Answer: (b)

193. What is ‘Talcher’ important for?

(a)   Heavy water plant

(b)   Cable industry

(c)   Hydro-electricity generation

(d)   Atomic reactor

Answer: (a)

194. The intensity ratio of waves is 25 : 9. What is the ratio of their amplitudes?

(a)   5 : 3

(b)   50 : 18

(c)   25 : 9

(d)   3 : 5

Answer: (a)

195. Which one of the following is not coal variety?

(a)   Peat

(b)   Dolomite

(c)   Lignite

(d)   Bituminous

Answer: (b)

196. The gas that causes suffocation and death when coal or coke is burnt in a closed room is

(a)   ethane

(b)   methane

(c)   carbon dioxide

(d)   carbon monoxide

Answer: (d)

197. The directive principles incorporated in the Indian Constitution have been inspired by the Constitution of

(a)   Ireland

(b)   the USA

(c)   Australia

(d)   Canada

Answer: (a)

198. When number of turns in a coil is tripled, without any change in the length of coil, its self inductance becomes

(a)   nine times

(b)   six times

(c)   three times

(d)   one-third

Answer: (a)

199. Dry ice is the solid form of

(a)   nitrogen

(b)   water

(c)   air

(d)   carbon dioxide

Answer: (d)

200. When was the last telegram sent in India?

(a)   July 30, 2013

(b)   June 14, 2013

(c)   August 1, 2013

(d)   July 14, 2013

Answer: (d)

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