State Bank of India PO Examination Held on 21-6-2015
Quantitative Aptitude
1. As present Pia is 5 years older to Ray. The respective ratio between the present ages of Pia and Mini is 3 : 4. At present, Ray is 14 years younger to Mini. What is the Ray’s present age ?
(A) 16 years
(B) 20 years
(C) 14 years
(D) 18 years
(E) 24 years
Directions- (Q. 2-6) In the questions two equations numbered (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
2. (I) 4x2 + 17x + 15 = 0
(II) 3y2 + 19y + 28 = 0
(A) x ≥ y
(B) x ≤ y
(C) x > y
(D) x < y
(E) relationship between x and y cannot be established
3. (I) 3x2 – 17x + 22 = 0
(II) 5y2 – 21y + 22 = 0
(A) x ≥ y
(B) x ≤ y
(C) x > y
(D) x < y
(E) relationship between x and y cannot be established
4. (I) 3x2 + 11x + 10 = 0
(II) 2y2 + 13y + 21 = 0
(A) x ≥ y
(B) x ≤ y
(C) x > y
(D) x < y
(E) relationship between x and y cannot be established
5. (I) 3x2 + 13x + 14 = 0
(II) 8y2 + 26y + 21 = 0
(A) x ≥ y
(B) x ≤ y
(C) x > y
(D) x < y
(E) relationship between x and y cannot be established
6. (I) 3x2 – 14x + 15 = 0
(II) 15y2 – 34y + 15 = 0
(A) x ≥ y
(B) x ≤ y
(C) x > y
(D) x < y
(E) relationship between x and y cannot be established
Directions-(Q. 7-11) Study the table to answer the given question.
Data related to expenses by companies A, B, C, D and E in the April 2012.
(Note- Other than the mentioned expenses under the given heads, there may also be some other expense. For calculation purposes, please consider the given expense heads only.)
7. What is the respective ratio between the marketing expense of company A and the marketing expenses of company C?
(A) 34 : 35
(B) 32 : 33
(C) 35 : 36
(D) 36 : 37
(E) 37 : 38
8. Total expenses of Company E in October 2012 was 20% more than the total given expenses of the same company in April 2012. How much was the Marketing expenses of the same Company in October 2012, if it was 25% of the total expenses of the same month ? (in Rs Lakhs)
(A) 27
(B) 24
(C) 26
(D) 21
(E) 18
9. Marketing expenses of company D is less than marketing expenses of Company B, by approximately what per cent ?
(A) 20
(B) 40
(C) 39
(D) 59
(E) 29
10. What is the average total expense of all the companies ? (in Rs. Lakhs)
(A) 75.25
(B) 75.8
(C) 75
(D) 72.8
(E) 72.25
11. What is the difference between the total expenses made by company C in legal and marketing together and the total expenses made by company E in legal and marketing together ? (in Rs Lakhs)
(A) 24.5
(B) 23.5
(C) 22.9
(D) 23
(E) 23.9
Directions- (Q. 12-21) What approximate value will come in p lace of the question mark (?) in the given question ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value).
(A) 14
(B) 22
(C) 2
(D) 16
(E) 8
(A) 670
(B) 570
(C) 710
(D) 510
(E) 610
(A) 625
(B) 400
(C) 25
(D) 900
(E) 225
15. 85% of 679 + 19.9% of 219.89 = ?
(A) 115
(B) 145
(C) 65
(D) 105
(E) 85
16. 1441 ÷ ? + 149.888 ×99 = 3006 – 254.91 –
(A) 35
(B) 15
(C) 25
(D) 45
(E) 3
17. 11 31 69 131 223 ?
(A) 257
(B) 351
(C) 349
(D) 231
(E) 254
18. 12 15 20 27 36 ?
(A) 47
(B) 59
(C) 43
(D) 49
(E) 51
19. 5 9 18 34 59 95 ?
(A) 272
(B) 168
(C) 116
(D) 148
(E) 144
20. 19 20 16 25 9 ?
(A) 32
(B) 38
(C) 34
(D) 42
(E) 48
21. 65 70 77 86 97 ?
(A) 110
(B) 121
(C) 100
(D) 112
(E) 90
22. A bag contains 5 red balls, 6 yellow balls and 3 green balls. If two balsa re picked at random, what is the probability that either both are red or both are green in colour ?
(A) 3/7
(B) 5/14
(C) 1/7
(D) 2/7
(E) 3/14
23. In a 140 litres of mixture of milk and water, percentage of water is only 30%. The milkman gave 20 litres of this mixture to a customer. Then he added equal quantities of pure milk and water to the remaining mixture. As a result the respective ratio of milk and water in the mixture became 2 : 1. What was the quantity of milk added ? (in litres)
(A) 12
(B) 16
(C) 18
(D) 8
(E) 10
24. A boat can travel 4.2 km upstream in 14 minutes. If the respective ratio of speed of the boat in still water and speed of the stream is 7 : 1. How much time will the boat take to cover 17.6 km downstream ? (in minutes)
(A) 52
(B) 44
(C) 48
(D) 46
(E) 54
25. A starts a business with a capital of Rs 1500. B joins the business 6 months later from the start of the business and C joins the business 8 months later from the start of the business. End of the year their respective share in profit was in ratio of 5 : 3 : 3. What is the sum of amount put in the business by B and C together ?
(A) Rs 3300
(B) Rs 3500
(C) Rs 4200
(D) Rs 4800
(E) Rs 4500
26. The length of a rectangle is 4 m more than the side of a square and the breadth of the rectangle is 4 m less than side of the same square. If the area of the square is 576 sq. m., what i s the area of the rectangle ? (in sq. m)
(A) 549
(B) 545
(C) 557
(D) 560
(E) 551
27. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% of B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs 1500, what did A pay for it ?
(A) Rs 1000
(B) Rs 1500
(C) Rs 600
(D) Rs 2000
(E) Rs 500
28. 10 men can complete a work in 7 days. But 10 women need 14 days to complete the same work. How many days will 5 men and 10 women need to complete the work ?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8
(E) 9
29. A sum of Rs 6400 earns a compound interest of Rs 1008.80 in 18 months, when the interest is reckoned half yearly. Find the rate interest.
(A) 20%
(B) 15%
(C) 10%
(D) 25%
(E) 30%
Directions- (Q. 30-34) Refer to the graph and answer the given question.
30. Number of hats sold by store M during January is what per cent of the total number of hats sold by the store N during March and April together ?
31. What is the average number of hats sold by store N during January, March, May and June ?
(A) 535
(B) 525
(C) 515
(D) 500
(E) 530
32. Stores M and N sells only two types of hats : Fedora Hats and Trilby Hats. If the respective ratio of total number of Fedora hats to total number of Trilby hats sold by stores M and N together during March is 9 : 5, what is the total number of Fedora hats sold by stores M and N together during March ?
(A) 990
(B) 900
(C) 720
(D) 630
(E) 810
33. If the total number of hats sold by stores M and N together in July is 15% more than the total number of hats sold by the same stores together during June, what is the total number of hats sold by the same stores together during July?
(A) 1298
(B) 1316
(C) 1356
(D) 1284
(E) 1334
34. Number of hats sold by store M increased by what per cent from February to May ?
(A) 75
(B) 55
(C) 65
(D) 70
(E) 60
35. Monthly salary of Dex is 1/4th of his father’s monthly salary. Dex’s sister’s monthly salary is 2/5th of their father’s monthly salary. Dex’s sister pays Rs 12800, which is 1/4th of her monthly salary as study loan. Savings and expenses made out of the monthly salary, by Dex is in the respective ratio 3 : 5. How much does Dex save each month ?
(A) Rs 12000
(B) Rs 10600
(C) Rs 10400
(D) Rs 12600
(E) Rs 12400
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