Click here for Stream A Model Papers
Click here for Stream A Preparatory Course
Click here for Stream B Model Papers
Click here for Stream B Preparatory Course
(i) OMR answer sheets of the candidates shall be scanned through computer/scanner and evaluated through computer by matching the OMR answer sheet responses of the candidate with the Stream-wise (Stream-A/ Stream-B), optional subject-wise (Agriculture/ Biology/ Mathematics) and Series-wise (Series-1/ Series-2) Answer Key templates prepared beforehand. Overall merit-rank list shall be prepared separately for both subject streams. In the event of candidates getting equal marks in the Entrance Examination, relative merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the compulsory subjects (Physics and Chemistry) in AIEEA-UG Examination.
In the event of tie again, the ratio of positive and negative marks will be decided. Candidate with higher absolute value of the ratio will be given better rank. In the event of tie again, a candidate, higher in age, would be rated higher in merit. Category-wise final merit list for counseling shall be prepared based on the reservation category information given by the candidate in OMR Answer sheet.
(ii) The result of the AIEEA-UG-2014 is likely to be declared after third week of May 2014 and will be placed on ICAR website. The copies of the result will also be displayed at the Examination Cell of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012.
(iii) The result of the entrance examination would be available in terms of overall merit-rank obtained by the candidates qualified for counselling.
(iv) All announcements related to the conduct of entrance examination including, issue of examination notification,admit card information examination result, call letter for counseling, general notices, etc. would be posted regularly and available on the ICAR website. The candidates are advised to be vigilant about the announcements on the ICAR website as the ICAR would not be held responsible for non-receipt of any information/ letter by post or otherwise.
(v) No separate intimation about the non-selection of the candidate in AIEEA-UG-2014 Examination, nor marks obtained therein, will be sent to the candidate and no correspondence (Letter/ Fax/ e-mail/ Telegram) in this regard will be entertained.
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