JEE Main 2014 Participating Institutions

JEE Main 2014 Signature Query

jee main, 2014, model papers, practice papers, sample papers

The online submission of particulars, uploading of scanned photograph, signature and thumb impression may be made at JEE (Main) 2014 website . The candidates should supply all the required details while filling up the online form.

Technical Specification for the Signature:

Signature of Candidate should be in JPEG format

File size should be: 1KB to 30KB

File dimension: image 3.5cm width x 1.5cm height

Advised to sign with black ball point pen with good clarity and check the scanned image before upload. Any wrong made during upload may result in long waiting to rectify the mistake.

Disclaimer: Entranceindia is a test preparation website and has released many model papers and DVDs for JEE Main and JEE Advanced 2014.

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JEE Main 2014 FAQ

JEE Main 2014 Home

Practice Papers for JEE Main 2014

JEE Main 2014 Achiever’s Plan (online mode)

JEE Main 2014 Achiever’s Plan DVDs

JEE Main Model Papers (15+1 Sets)

JEE Main Model Papers (10+1 Sets)

Practice Papers for JEE Advanced 2014:

JEE Advanced 2014 Online Model Tests (20 Papers)

JEE Main 2014 Rank list for Admission to B.E/B.Tech(in institutions other than IITs)

  • Resolution by marks obtained in Mathematics in JEE (Main) – 2014. Candidate obtaining higher marks will be given better rank.
  • Resolution by marks obtained in Physics in the JEE (Main) – 2014. Candidate obtaining higher marks will be given better rank.
  • Resolution by total normalised qualifying exam marks. Candidate obtaining higher normalised marks will be given better rank.
  • Resolution by finding the ratio of positive marks and negative marks. Candidate having higher absolute value of the ratio will be given better rank.
  • If the resolution is not possible after this criterion, candidates will be given the same rank.

JEE Main 2013 Normalization Process

The detailed procedure for normalization of Qualifying examination marks is as follows:-

i. Note down the aggregate marks (A0) obtained by each student in JEE- Main.

ii. Compute the percentile (P) of each student on the basis of aggregate marks in his/her own board (B0) computed from the list of five subjects specified (each marked out of 100). The percentile is to be computed among all students of the board whose subject combinations meet the eligibility criteria of JEE-Main. The variable B0 is only a base for calculating percentile (P), which is further used to get corresponding JEE (Main) marks.

iii. Determine the JEE- Main aggregate marks corresponding to percentile (P) at the All- India level. Regard this as B1.

iv. Also, determine the JEE- Main aggregate marks corresponding to percentile (P) among the set of aggregate scores obtained in the JEE-Main by the students of that board. Regard this as B2.

The normalized board score of the candidate was computed as:

Bfinal = 0.5 * (B1 + B2)

For the purpose of admission to CFTIs where it has been decided to use the JEE Mains performance and the Normalized Board performance in the 60:40 ratio, the composite score for drawing the merit list was computed as:

C = 0.6 * AO + 0.4 * Bfinal

Five subjects to be used for normalization:-
1. Physics
2. Mathematics
3. Any one of the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Technical Vocational subject
4. One language
5. Any subject other than the above four subjects.

In respect of 3, 4 and 5, the best mark in a given category will be chosen.

JEE Main 2014 Normalization Process

1. The percentage of marks and percentile are totally different entities hence the candidates should not confuse with both the above terms.

2. Percentage is a number out of 100.

3. Percentile Score of a candidate in a Board or JEE (Main) will reflect how many Candidates have scored below that candidate in his / her Board or JEE (Main) Examination.

  • A Percentile score is the value below which a certain percent of observations fall. For example, the 40th Percentile is the value or score below which 40 Percent of the observations may be found.
  • The Percentile of a Candidate will be calculated as

100 X Number of candidates in the ‘group’ with aggregate marks less than the candidate               ______________________________________________________________________

                         Total number of the candidates in the ’group’

Example: Suppose in a particular Board:

No of Candidates Registered =13918 and No of Candidates Appeared = 13711

a. A Candidate who has scored 50% marks in the Board and 2218 candidates have scored below him; his Percentile score will be calculated as follows

Percentile score for 50% marks in the Board =    (2218 x 100) / 13711  = 16.18

b. A Candidate who has scored 60% marks in the Board and 6865 candidates have scored below him; his Percentile score will be calculated as follows

Percentile score for 60% marks in the Board =  (6865 x 100) / 13711 = 50.07

c. A Candidate who has scored 90% marks in the Board and 13615 candidates have scored below him; his Percentile score will be calculated as follows

Percentile score for 90% marks in the Board = (13615 x 100) / 13711 = 99.30

With these examples, it is clear that percentage of marks obtained by a candidate (50%, 60% or 90%) is different from the percentile  score (16.18, 50.07 or 99.30).

4. The normalized Qualifying examination marks will be based on the position of the candidate in the Board (i.e. his/her percentile score). The percentile score a candidate gets in his/her board will mainly contribute to his/her normalized marks.

5. The candidates, willing to appear in the improvement examination to improve the qualifying examination marks, will have to appear in all the five subjects for improvement.

6. In the percentile system, the total marks (of all five subjects) obtained/shown on the mark-sheet of a particular year are required in JEE (Main) and also in JEE (Advanced). The marks from two different years (i.e. marks for 3 subjects from year 2012 and marks for other 2 subjects from 2013) mark-sheets cannot be considered for percentile calculation.

7. For JEE (Advanced) 2014: If a candidate submits the particulars of his/her qualifying examination for 2013, the top 20 percentile criteria of 2013 will be applicable which was declared by IITs after the declaration of the boards’ results of 2013. Similarly, the candidates who are providing their qualifying examination particulars of 2014, the criteria of 20 percentile will be applicable which will be declared after the declaration of the boards’ results of 2014.

8. The weightage of normalized qualifying examination marks is only for deciding ranking of JEE (Main) which will be used for admission to all Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs)/ NITs/IIITs but excluding IITs.

9. The candidates who are appearing in the improvement examination to improve their qualifying examination marks will get only one chance to inform JEE (Main) Unit as to which year qualifying examination marks to be considered for the purpose of declaration of final merit. The candidates are advised to regularly visit JEE (Main) website and newspapers for the notification regarding above.

10. The five subjects will be taken into account for calculation of percentile and normalization of qualifying examination marks for paper 1(B.E./B. Tech.) and paper 2 (B. Arch./B. Planning)of JEE (Main) which are:

1- Language,
2- Physics,
3- Mathematics,
4- Any one of (Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Technical Vocational Subject),
5- Any other subject.
Note: If a candidate has appeared in six subjects in the qualifying examination, the subject (fifth or sixth) with better marks will be considered.

11. In order to calculate normalized qualifying examination marks following data is considered. Marks of all the students in that Board whose subject combinations meet the eligibility criteria of JEE-Main.

JEE Main 2014 Information Bulletin

JEE Main 2014 Guidelines to Candidates (Offline Exam)

1. Please check the Admit Card carefully for your Name, Paper, Date of Birth, Gender, Test Center Name, City, State Code of Eligibility and Category. In case of any discrepancy, communicate to JEE (Main) Secretariat immediately for necessary action.

2. The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidate subject to his/her satisfying the eligibility conditions.

3. The examination rooms/hall will be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of the test. Candidates should take their seats immediately after opening of the examination hall. If the candidates do not report in time, they are likely to miss some of the general instructions to be announced in the Examination Hall.

4. The candidate must show, on demand, the Admit Card for admission in the examination room/hall. A candidate who does not possess the Admit Card issued by the Board shall not be permitted for the examination under any circumstances by the Centre Superintendent.

5. For Aptitude Test in Architecture, candidates are advised to bring their own geometry box set, pencils, erasers and colour pencils or crayons.

6. Candidates are advised to bring with them a cardboard or a clip board on which nothing should be written, so that they have no difficulty in filling responses in the Answer Sheet even if the tables provided in the examination room/hall do have smooth surface. They should also bring with them their own Ball Point Pens (Black/Blue) of good quality.

7. The candidates are advised to also bring with them a copy of document (as per following applicable criteria) on the day of their JEE (Main) – 2014 and submit the same to the invigilator at the examination centre. The Candidates have to write Roll No. of JEE (Main) Examination on the copy of the document being submitted in support of class 12th/Qualifying examination.

S. No Applicable Criteria to candidates Copy of Document required to be brought and submitted to the invigilator at the Centre after writing  JEE Main Roll No. on it.
1 Candidates, who qualified in class 12th / qualifying  Examination in 2012 or 2013, and have not opted for improvement of
performance in 2014.
Copy of their Final marks- sheet/ marks statement of Class 12th /Qualifying Examination of year 2012 or 2013.
2 Candidates, who qualified in class 12th / qualifying  Examination in 2012 or 2013, and have opted for  improvement of performance
in 2014 in all subjects.
Copy of their Admit card/Hall ticket for improvement of performance in Class 12th /Qualifying Examination
3 Candidates, who are appearing in class 12th /  qualifying examination in 2014. Copy of their Admit card/Hall ticket for class 12th/Qualifying Examination 2014.

This is in addition to the candidates bringing their Admit Card for JEE (Main) 2014.

8. No candidate, under any circumstances, will be allowed to enter the Examination Center after the commencement of the  examination.

9. A seat indicating roll number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidate should find out and occupy their allotted seat only. Any candidate found to have changed room or the seat on his/her own other than allotted, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and no plea would be accepted for it.

10. Ten minutes before the commencement of the paper, each candidate will be given sealed Test Booklet with an Answer Sheet placed inside it.

11. Immediately on receipt of the Test Booklet the candidate will fill in the required particulars on the cover page of the Test Booklet with Ball Point Pen only. He/She will not open the Test Booklet until asked to do so by the Invigilator. Do not open/break the seal before the announcement.

12. No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave his/her seat or Examination Room until the full duration of the paper. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as instructed by the Centre

13. No Candidate will be allowed to carry any baggage inside the Examination Center. JEE Apex Board will not be responsible for any belongings stolen or lost at the premises.

14. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, Calculators, Docu Pen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, bits of papers, mobile phone, pager or any other device, except the Admit Card, identity proof, document as required. If any candidate is in possession of any of the above items, his/her candidature will be treated as unfair means and his/her current examination will be cancelled & he/she will also be debarred for future examination(s) & the equipment will be seized.

15. Smoking and eating is strictly prohibited in the examination room.

16. Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed to be taken into the examination rooms during examination hours.

17. No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave his/her seat or Examination Room until the full duration of the paper. Candidates should not leave the room/hall without handing over their Answer Sheets to the Invigilators on duty.

JEE Main 2014 Online Application Form

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