1) Candidates seeking admission to entrance examination is required to apply on-line.
2) Log on to link in the Home page www.jipmer.edu.in. and navigate to the link “Apply on-line MD/MS admission – 2014”.
3) Read the prospectus and instruction carefully.
4) The flow chart for filling application on-line given as Appendix in the Prospectus.
5) The candidate should acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling up the application on-line.
6) Mode of payments are a) Net Banking, b) Credit Card, c) Debit Card
1. Mere completion of “REGISTRATION FOR PAYMENT” does not confer right for issue of hall ticket.
2. The process of submission of application On-line is completed only after clicking the “submit button” after Up loading personal details, Scanned Photograph and Scanned Signature (Refer to the Flow chart appended to the prospectus).
3. The candidate is advised to download a copy of their filled in application which would contain Application No., Personal details, scanned photograph, scanned signature and the payment details.
4. Fees would not be refunded under any circumstances.
5. No request for change in the details provided in the application would be considered, after the submission of the On-line application by clicking the “submit button”.
6. Incomplete application, application with false details would be rejected
Instructions for Photograph:
a. One (1) recent colour passport size photograph with light background is required. Black & White / Polaroid photographs are not acceptable.
b. Photograph MUST be snapped on or after 01.12.2013.
c. Photograph must be taken with name of candidates (as in application) and date of taking photograph.
- The photograph must be snapped with a placard while the placard is being held by the candidate indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph. In case name and date are written on the photograph after taking it, the application will be rejected.
- The name and date on the photograph should be legible.