Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2008 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



GF 9







Date : 26-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

             Part A            (Answer all the questions)                      (10 x 2 = 20)                      

  1. What is minimum subscription?
  2. What is meant by underwriting?
  3. Write a note on capital redemption reserve.
  4. How do you apportion the following expenses while ascertaining profits prior to incorporation:  Depreciation, advertisement, director’s fee, preliminary expenses.
  5. Briefly explain consolidation and subdivision of shares with an example.
  6. What is interim dividend?
  7. A company forfeits 100 shares of Rs 10 each, issued at Rs 11 per share. The premium was payable on allotment. The shareholder failed to pay the allotment money of Rs.3 per share and second and final call of Rs 5 per share. Pass the journal entry.
  8. A company issued 1000 8% debentures of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5%, redeemable at a premium of 10%. Pass journal entry.
  9. How is provision for tax treated in the final accounts of a company?
  10. The following extract from the balance sheet of G and Company Limited as on 31st December 1997 is given to you                                                                                                                                   Rs.

Share capital:

200000 equity shares of Rs.10 each                                                                            20,00,000

300000 6% redeemable preference shares of Rs 10 each                                                        30,00,000

Capital reserve                                                                                                             15,00,000

General reserve                                                                                                              9,00,000

Profit and Loss account                                                                                                           25,50,000

The company exercises its option to redeem the preference shares on 1.1.98. The company has sufficient cash. Give journal entries to record the redemption.


                                                     Part B (answer any five questions only)               5 x 8 = 40


  1. On 1.1.92 a company issued Rs 20,00,000  7% debentures at 5 % discount repayable in five years at par. The company reserved the right to redeem to the extent of Rs 2,00,000 in any year by purchase in the open market. The interest was payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st December and the same was duly paid.

On 31st December 1992, the company purchased Rs 200000 debentures at a cost of Rs. 1,91,000. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company up to 31st December 1992 including closing entries on that date if the above redemption was out of profit.

  1. F ltd issued 60000 shares which were underwritten as follows.

X – 30000 shares, Y – 18000 shares, Z – 12000 shares.

In addition there was firm underwriting as follows.

X – 3000 shares Y – 1500 shares Z – 4500 shares.

The total subscription including firm underwriting were 45600 shares. The following marked form were included in the subscription

X – 9000 shares Y – 13500 shares Z – 5100 shares.

Show the allocation of liabilities of each underwriter if the benefit of firm underwriting is given to individual underwriters by treating them like marked forms.

  1. Distinguish between debentures and shares.
  2. What is capital reduction? What are the provisions of the companies act with regard to reduction of share capital?
  3. Explain the provisions relating to redemption of preference shares.
  4. The following particulars are available in respect of the business carried on by Mitra.


  • Capital invested 50000
  • Trading results

1994                profit                                                                                                   12200

1995                profit                                                                                                   15000

1996                loss                                                                                                        2000

1997                profit                                                                                                   21000

  • Market rate of interest on investment                                                                    8%
  • Rate of risk return on capital invested in business        2%
  • Remuneration from alternative employment of the proprietor( if not engaged in business) 3600 per annum

Compute the value of good will of the business on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits taking average of last four years.

  1. S limited was incorporated on 1.7.98 and received its certificate of commencement of business on 1.8.98. the company bought the business of m/s p and co. with effect from 1.3.98. from the following figures relating to the year ending 31st March 99, find out the profits before and after incorporation.
  • Sales for the year were Rs. 6,00,000 out of which sales upto 1.7.98 were 250000
  • Gross profit for the year was Rs 1,80,000
  • The expenses debited to profit and loss account were:
particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Rent 9,000 General expenses 4,800
Salary 15,000 Advertising 18,000
Directors fees 4,800 Stationery 3,600
Interest on debentures 5,000 Commission on sales 6,000
Audit fees 1,500 Bad debts(Rs 500 relate to debts prior to incorporation) 1,500
Discount on sales 3,600 Interest to vendor on purchase consideration up to 1.9.98 3,000
depreciation 24,000
  1. The following particulars relate to a company which went into voluntary liquidation.

Preferential creditors Rs 25000, unsecured creditors Rs.58,000, 6% debentures Rs.30,000.

The assets realized Rs 80,000. The expense of the liquidation were Rs 1500 and the liquidators remuneration was agreed at 2.5% on the amount realized and 2% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors including preferential creditors. Show the liquidators final statement of accounts.


Part C (answer any two questions only)                            2 x 20 = 40


  1. A Limited issued a prospectus inviting applications for 200000 shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 5 per share payable on application Rs 2.50 per share, allotment Rs 7.50, (including premium) on first call Rs 4, and on final call Re 1 per share. Applications were received for 300000 shares and allotment was made on pro-rata to the applicants of 240000 shares, and the remaining applications being refused. David to whom 4000 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and on his failure to pay the first call his shares were forfeited. Madan the holder of 6000 shares failed to pay the two calls and his shares were forfeited all these shares were sold to Robert at Rs 8 per share fully paid. Pass journal entries.
  2. From the following balance sheets of X Limited prepare cash flow statement.


Liabilities 31.03.06 31.03.07 Assets 31.03.06 31.03.07
Equity share capital 3,00,000 4,00,000 Goodwill 1,15,000 90,000
Preference share capital 1,50,000 1,00,000 Land and building 2,00,000 1,70,000
General reserve 40,000 70,000 Plant 80,000 2,00,000
Profit and loss account 30,000 48,000 Debtors 1,60,000 2,00,000
Creditors 55,000 83,000 Stock 77,000 1,09,000
Bills payable 20,000 16,000 Bills receivable 20,000 30,000
Provision for taxation 40,000 50,000 Cash 15,000 10,000
Proposed dividend 42,000 50,000 bank 10,000 8,000
  6,77,000 8,17,000   6,77,000 8,17,000

            Additional information:

  • Depreciation of Rs 10000 and Rs 20,000 has been charged on plant and land and building respectively
  • And interim dividend of Rs 20,000 has been paid
  • Income tax of Rs 35,000 has been paid.
  1. From the following trial balance prepare profit and loss a/c and balance sheet for the year ended 31.03.02.
Particulars Debit (Rs) Particulars Credit(Rs)
Plant at cost 3,00,000 Equity share capital 4,00,000
Land and Building 5,00,000 8% preference share capital 2,00,000
Investment in shares 2,00,000 Depreciation upto 31.03.01






Stock 70,000 Dividend equalization reserve 10,000
Bank 60,000 Profit and loss a/c on 1.4.01 25,000
Debtors 50,000 Creditors 30,000
Income tax deducted at source on dividend 2,200 Dividend (gross) 10,000
Establishment expenses 15,000 Miscellaneous receipts 2,300
Rent and taxes 6,000 Trading account balance 3,04,400
Audit fees (including Rs 1000 paid for other services 2,500
M.D.’s minimum remuneration 12,000
Directors fees 2,000
Sundry expenses 6,000
Income tax for previous year not provided 6,000
  12,31,700   12,31,700

You ascertain that:

  • Depreciation is to be charged on the written down value of plant @ 10% and land and building @ 5%
  • The directors propose to recommend a dividend of 15% on equity shares.
  • Provision for taxation is to be made at 55%.
  • D. is entitled to 5% on the net profits subject to a minimum of Rs.12,000 per annum.
  • A sum of Rs 15,000 is to be transferred to dividend equalization reserve.


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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2011 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 08-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL questions :                                                                                         (10 x 2 = 20 marks )


  1. What is partial underwriting of shares ?
  2. Name any four preferential creditors.
  3. Write a note on Capital Redemption Reserve ?
  4. What do you understand by the term ‘Forfeiture of shares’ ?
  5. Distinguish between ‘Ex-Interest’ and ‘Cum-Interest’ ?
  6. Calculate the goodwill at one year’s purchase of the last three year’s average profit. The profit for the 1st year was Rs.6,000, 2nd year Rs.12,000 and the 3rd year Rs.18,000.
  7. Raj Ltd. issued 40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each payable as Rs.5 on application and Rs.5 on allotment. Applications were received for 50,000 shares and the allotment was made on pro-rata basis. Krishna to whom 400 shares were allotted, failed to pay the allotment money and his shares were forfeited. Calculate the net amount received on allotment for the remaining shares.
  1. X Ltd. decides to redeem 650, 15% redeemable preference shares of Rs.100 each at premium of 10%. It has a general reserve of Rs.70,000 and Securities premium of Rs.4,000. Calculate the amount required to be transferred to Capital Redemption Reserve a/c in the following cases :-

(a)   If it is decided to issue 1,950 Equity shares of Rs.10 each at 30% premium for the

purpose of redemption of Preference shares.

(b)   If it is decided to issue 3,125 Equity shares of Rs.10 each at 20% discount for the

purpose of redemption of Preference shares.


  1.     The liquidator of a company is entitled to a remuneration of 2% on assets realized and    3% on the amount distributed to unsecured creditors. The assets realized Rs.1,00,000 including cash balance of Rs.5,000. Amount available for distribution to unsecured creditors before paying liquidators remuneration was Rs.43,100. Calculate liquidator’s remuneration.


  1. 75% of an issue of 3,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each is underwritten by R & Co. Applications totaled 2,00,000 shares. Determine the liability of the underwriters ?


Answer any FIVE questions :                                                                                  ( 5 x 8 = 40  marks)


  1. State the provisions of the Companies Act regarding the calculation of net profits available for managerial remuneration.


  1. State the legal requirements for alteration of share capital.
  2. G Ltd. issued 2,000, 12% debentures of Rs.100 each on 1.1.2005 at a discount of 10%, redeemable at premium of 15% in equal annual drawings in 4 years out of profits. Give    journal            entries both at the time of issue and redemption of debentures.



  1. Determine the maximum remuneration payable to the part time directors and manager under

Section 309 and 387 from the following particulars:

Before charging any such remuneration the Profit & Loss account showed a credit balance of Rs.23,05,000 for the year ended 31.03.2008 after taking into account the following particulars:                                                                  Rs.

Profit on sale of investments                                      2,05,000

Subsidy received from government                            4,10,000

Loss on sale of  fixed assets                                          65,000

Ex-gratia to an employee                                               30,000

Compensation paid to an injured workman                   75,000

Provision for taxation                                                 2,79,000

Bonus to foreign technicians                                      3,12,000

Multiple shift allowance                                             1,00,000

Special depreciation                                                       75,000

Capital expenditure                                                     5,10,000

  1. AB Ltd. issued 1,50,000 equity shares. The whole of the issue was underwritten as follows:

X – 50%; Y – 25% and Z – 25%. Applications for 1,20,000 shares were received in all, out of which applications for 30,000 shares under stamp of X, those for 15,000 shares that of Y and those for 30,000 shares that of Z. The remaining shares did not bear any stamp. Determine the liability of the underwriters.

  1. The balance sheet of Wallace Ltd. as on 31.12.2007 was a under:

Rs.                                                                 Rs.

Redeemable preference shares                        Sundry assets                          3,65,000

of Rs.100 each                         1,00,000        Bank                                        1,40,000

Equity shares of Rs.100 each    2,00,000

General reserve                            80,000

P & L a/c                                      50,000

Creditors                                      75,000

———–                                                        ————

5,05,000                                                        5,05,000

On this date the preference shares were redeemed at par. Journalize and prepare balance sheet after redemption.


  1. A company went into voluntary liquidation on 31.03.2008, when the following balance sheet was prepared.

Liabilities                                                         Assets

Rs.                                                       Rs.

3,000 shares of Rs.10 each                 30,000 Goodwill                                 6,960

Unsecured creditors                            15,532 Freehold property                   5,000

Partly secured creditors                        5,836 Machinery                               7,480

Preferential creditors                              810   Stock                                     11,710

Bank O/D                                               332   Debtors                                   9,244

Cash                                           100

P & L a/c                               11,816

——–                                               ———-

52,310                                               52,310

The liquidator realized the assets as follows:

Freehold property Rs.3,600; Machinery Rs.5,000; Stock  Rs.6,200;  Debtors Rs.8,700.

The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.100 and the liquidator’s remuneration was agreed at 2.5% on the amount realized including cash and 2% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors. Prepare the liquidator’s final statement of account.






  1. Following are the Balance sheets of two companies as on 31.3.2006

Liabilities                    XLtd.              Y Ltd.

Share capital ( shares of Rs.10  each )           25,000             40,000

Capital reserves                                              5,000               ___

General reserves                                             18,000             50,000

Loans                                                             11,000             20,000

Creditors                                                        21,000             23,000

Provision for tax                                            5,500               26,000

Proposed dividend                                         ___                  5,000


85,500             1,64,000



            Fixed assets                                                     41,500             80,000

Investments                                                     8,500               _

Current assets                                                  34,500             84,000

Goodwill                                                         1,000               –


85,500             1,64,000


Additional information :

  1. X Ltd is absorbed by Y Ltd
  2. Goodwill of X Ltd is worthless
  3. Fixed assets of X Ltd are valued at Rs.39,500
  4. Shareholders of X Ltd are given shares of Y Ltd on the basis of the intrinsic value of these two companies.

Calculate the intrinsic value  of shares of both companies.


Answer any TWO questions :                                                                                  ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Unstable Ltd. went into compulsory liquidation . Their summarized Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2009 appears as under:


Liabilities                                                Rs.                Assets                                Rs.

   2,50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each     25,00,000    Land and Buildings               5,00,000

Secured Debentures

(secured on Land & Building)              10,00,000    Other Fixed Assets             20,00,000

Unsecured Loans                                     20,00,000    Current Assets                    45,00,000

Trade Creditors                                        35,00,000    Profit & Loss a/c                 20,00,000

90,00,000                                                90,00,000                    Contingent liabilities are :                               Rs.

for Bills Discounted                                        1,00,000

for Excise duty demands                                1,50,000


On investigation, it is found that the contingent liabilities are certain to devolve and that the assets are likely to be realized as follows :                Rs.

Land and Buildings                                        11,00,000

Other Fixed Assets                                         18,00,000

Current Assets                                                            35,00,000

Prepare the Statement of Affairs and Deficiency A/c.








  1. The following is the Balance sheet of United Industries Ltd on 31.3.2008


Liabilities                     Rs.                Assets                            Rs.

Share capital:

6,000 6% preference shares         6,00,000        Goodwill                        45,000

Of Rs.100

12,000  equityshares of Rs.100  12,00,000        Land &Building          6,00,000

8% Debentures                             3,00,000        Plant                            9,00,000

Bank overdraft                             3,00,000        Stock                           1,30,000

Sundry creditors                                      1,50,000        Debtors                       1,40,000

Cash                               15,000

Profit&loss account    7,00,000

Preliminary expenses      20,000


25,50,000                                            25,50,000


On the above date, the company adopted the following scheme of reconstruction

  1. The equity shares are to be reduced to shares of Rs.40 each fully paid and the preference share to be reduced to fully paid shares of Rs.75 each.
  2. The debenture holders took over stock and debtors in full satisfaction of their claim.
  3. The land and buildings to be appreciated by 30% and plant and machinery to be depreciated by 30%.
  4. The fictitious and intangible assets are to be eliminated.
  5. Expenses of reconstruction amounted to Rs.5,000.

Give journal entries incorporating the above scheme of reconstruction and prepare the reconstructed Balance sheet.


  1. From the following Balance sheets prepare a Cash Flow Statement.                                                                       2008          2009                                              2008              2009

                                             Rs.              Rs.                                                   Rs.                Rs.

Capital                 1,80,000      1,80,000          Cash                        40,000           50,000

P & L a/c                23,000         16,000          Debtors                   73,000           77,000

Reserve                  50,000         60,000          Investments             84,000        1,10,000

Debentures          1,14,000      1,30,000          Prepaid expenses     2,000               1,000

Prov. for tax         22,000           13,000          Stock                     1,06,000          92,000

Creditors                96,000      1,03,000          Machinery             1,79,000       1,71,400

Goodwill                    1,000               600

————-        ———–                                        ———–       ————

4,85,000      5,02,000                                        4,85,000       5,02,000

————-        ———–                                        ———–       ————

Additional information:

  • New machinery for Rs. 15,000 was purchased but old machinery costing Rs. 6,000 was sold for Rs.2,000 on which accumulated depreciation was Rs. 3,000.
  • Interim dividend paid 10,000.
  • Tax paid during the year Rs.25,000.



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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2012 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 24-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer ALL questions:                                                             (10×2=20 marks)


  1. Distinguish between Firm underwriting and Pure underwriting.


  1. Mention two purposes for which share premium can be used.


  1. What is a Contingent liability? Give an example.


  1. Distinguish between sub division and consolidation of share.


  1. What is a vendor’s suspense account?


  1. Pass the entries at the time of issue and redemption for the following transaction:

Issued 1000 9% debentures of Rs.100 each at 10% discount, redeemable at 5% premium.


  1. Unsecured creditors at the time of liquidation amounted to Rs.39,500. Liquidator is entitled to 2% commission on amount paid to unsecured creditors.

Calculate the commission payable if the amount available before paying unsecured creditors is  (a) Rs.40,000  (b) Rs.60,000.


  1. A Ltd issued 5000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par. 80% of the issue was underwritten by X for a commission of 2%. Applications were received for 3500 shares. What is the liability of X in terms of number of shares he has to take up and in terms of Rupees he has to pay to the company.


  1. X Ltd had the following balances in its books:

Redeemable Preference share capital                     Rs.2,00,000

Securities premium                                              Rs.15,000

General reserve                                                  Rs.90,000

Preference shares are redeemable at 10% premium. Calculate the minimum number of equity shares of RS.10 to be issued at 5% premium to redeem the preference shares.


  1. X Ltd forfeited 100 shares of Rs.10 each, issued at 10% discount for failure to pay the final call of Rs.2.

80 shares are reissued at Rs.7 fully paid.

Pass forfeiture and reissue entries.




Answer ANY FIVE questions:                                                     (5×8=40 marks)


  1. Explain the various methods used to value shares of a Joint Stock Company.


  1. List out the preferential creditors at the time of liquidation of a company.





  1. The following scheme of reconstruction has been approved for B Ltd:
  2. i) The shareholders to receive in lieu of their present holding of 60,000 shares of Rs.10 each fully paid, the following:
  3. a) fully paid equity shares, equal to one third of their holding.
  4. b) 8% preference shares fully paid, equal to one fifth of the above new

equity shares.

  1. c) Rs.60,000 8% debentures.
  2. ii) Debenture holders total liability of Rs.75,000 is to be reduced to Rs.25,000. This will be satisfied by the issue of 2500 8% preference share of Rs.10 each, fully paid.

iii)     Goodwill is to be written down by Rs.2,50,000, Machinery by Rs.25,000 and the balance in the scheme to be used to write down premises.

  1. iv) Company issued Rs.50,000 6% debentures for cash.

Journalize the above transactions.


  1. X Ltd was incorporated on 1/5/2011 to take over a business on 1/1/2011.

The first accounts were drawn up to 30/9/2011, which included the following details:

Gross profit Rs.56,000; General expenses Rs.14,220; Director’s fees Rs.5,000; Preliminary expenses Rs.1500; Rent up to 30/6/2011 was Rs.1200 per annum, after which it was increased to Rs.3,000 per annum. Salary of Manager was Rs.6,000 per annum. He was made a Director on date of incorporation and thereafter his remuneration was included in the Director’s fees given above.

The purchase consideration of Rs.1,00,000 was settled on 1/7/2011 along with interest at 12% per annum.

The monthly average of sales for the first four months of 2011 was one half of that of the remaining period.

Calculate profit before and after incorporation.


  1. B Ltd has Rs.3,00,000 12% debentures on 1/4/2011. Interest is payable on 31st March each year.

On 1/5/2011 Rs.20,000 own debentures are purchased at Rs.94 cum interest and immediately cancelled.

On 1/8/2011 Rs.50,000 own debentures were purchased at Rs.95 (ex interest) and held as investment.

On 1/12/2011 Rs.60,000 own debentures were purchased at Rs.96 cum interest and held as investment.

On 31/3/2012 all the own debentures held as investments were cancelled.

Show Journal entries in the books of the Company.


  1. H Ltd had 10000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid and 5000 7% redeemable Preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid, redeemable at a premium of 10%. It had a credit balance of Rs.40,000 in P/L and Rs.50,000 in General Reserve.

The company resolved to redeem the Preference shares, for which purpose it issued 3000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at Rs.12 per share.

Subsequently the company made a bonus issue of 1 share for every 2 held.

Pass necessary Journal entries.


  1. H Ltd issued 60000 shares which were underwritten as follows:

X – 30000 shares, Y – 18000 shares and Z – 12000 shares.

In addition there was a firm underwriting as follows:

X – 3000 shares, Y- 1500 shares and Z – 4500 shares.

Total subscriptions received, including firm underwriting, were for 45600 shares.


The applications included the following marked forms:

X – 9000 shares, Y – 13500 shares and Z – 5,100 shares

Show the liability of each underwriter when,

  1. a) firm underwriting is treated as marked forms.
  2. b) firm underwriting is treated as unmarked forms.


  1. The average capital employed by K Ltd is Rs.35,00,000, whereas the net trading profits before tax for the last three years have been Rs.14,75,000, Rs.14,55,000 and Rs.15,25,000.

During these three years the Managing Director was paid a salary of Rs.10,000 per month. But now he would be paid a salary of Rs.12,000 per month. The normal rate of return expected in the industry to which K Ltd belongs is 18%. Tax rate is 50%.

Calculate Goodwill on the basis of three years purchase of super profits.




Answer ANY TWO questions:                                                  (2×20=40 marks)


  1. A Ltd invited applications for 2,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.5 per share payable as follows:

On application  Rs.2.50 per share

On allotment Rs.7.50 per share (including premium)

On first call Rs.4 per share

On final call Rs.1 per share

Applications were received for 3,00,000 shares and allotment was made pro-rata to the applicants of 2,40,000 share – the remaining applications being refused. Excess application money was adjusted to allotment.

X who was allotted 4000 shares failed to pay the allotment and first-call money and his shares were forfeited.

Y the holder of 6000 shares failed to pay the two calls and his shares were also forfeited.

All these shares were sold to Z at Rs.8 per share, fully paid.



  1. a) A Ltd went into liquidation on 31/12/2011, on which date his liabilities stood as follows:

10000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid            Rs.1,00,000

10000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, Rs.8 paid up      Rs.80,000

Preferential creditors                                            Rs.30,000

Unsecured creditors                                             Rs.1,40,000

12% debentures                                                  Rs.1,00,000

Assets realised                                                    RS.4,00,000


Liquidation expenses were Rs.10,000

Liquidator is entitled to 5% commission on amounts paid to unsecured creditors and 10% commission on amounts repaid to shareholders.

Debenture holders were paid on 31/3/2011.

Prepare liquidators final statement of account.


  1. b) From the following data prepare a Cash flow statement as per AS3 and ascertain the cash and cash equivalents as on 31st March 2010:

Cash and cash equivalents on 1st April 2009 Rs.40,000

Sale of machinery during the year Rs.20,000 (loss on sale Rs.4,000)

Depreciation provided on machinery Rs.15,000

Machinery purchased during the year Rs.1,45,000

Investments costing Rs.30,000 was sold at a profit of Rs.5,000


Increase in equity capital during the year Rs.1 lakh

IDBI loan repaid Rs.60,000

Interest paid on loan Rs.9,000

Debentures issued during the year Rs.50,000

Dividend received on investments Rs.2,000

Income tax paid Rs.30,000

Profit before tax Rs.60,000

Increase in creditors Rs.8,000

Decrease in debtors Rs.6,000

Increase in stock Rs.5,000


  1. The following Trial Balance is extracted from the books of XYZ Ltd on 31/12/2011

Particulars                                  Debit         Credit

Rs.            Rs.

Furniture and fittings                        6,400        –

Machinery                                  1,37,500        –

Equity Share Capital Rs.10 each           –         1,22,000

P/L balance on 1/1/2011                     –            11,000

Bad Debts                                       2,000       –

Sundry Debtors and Creditors          38,000      25,000

Stock on 1/1/2011                         34,600        –

Purchases and Sales                      56,000    1,55,000

12% debentures                                 –                   25,000

Advertising                                     4,500        –

Calls in arrears                                2,000        –

Commission                                       –                  12,000

Cash                                               6,500         –

Taxes and Insurance                       12,500        –

Salaries                                       40,000        –

Bills receivable and payable             20,000      10,000

———   ———-

3,60,000 3,60,000


  1. Stock on 31.12.2011 was Rs.33,250.
  2. Depreciate machinery @ 5%, Furniture @ 10%.
  • Debentures were issued on 1st July 2011.


  1. One-half of commission received is in respect of work to be done next year.
  2. Write off further Rs.1,000 as bad debts and provision for bad debts is to be made at 5% on Sundry Debtors.
  3. Prepaid insurance Rs.250 and outstanding salaries are Rs.300
  • Directors propose 10% dividend on equity shares, subject to 10% dividend tax.
  • Provide Income tax at 50%

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ending 31.12.2011 and a Balance sheet as on that date.



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Loyola College B.Com April 2009 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



KP 18





Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks




Answer any TEN questions.                                                                                       (10  x 2 = 20)

  1. What conditions must a company satisfy for issuing shares at discount?
  2. Distinguish between marked and unmarked applications.
  3. How do you value goodwill under capitalization of super profit?
  4. Write short notes on (i) rights issue of shares, (ii) bonus shares.
  5. What is the need for valuation of shares?
  6. A company purchased assets for Rs. 5,00,000. The vendors were paid Rs. 1,40,000 in cash and the balance in 10% debentures of 100 each is issued at 90%. Journalise.
  7. From the following particulars determine maximum remuneration available to full- time director of a manufacturing company.

The P&L A/c of the company showed net profit of Rs. 40,00,000 after taking into   account the following


  1. i) depreciation Rs. 1,00,000(including special depreciation Rs. 40,000
  2. ii) provision for income tax Rs. 2,00,000

    iii) donation to political party Rs. 50,000,iv) capital profit on sale of assets Rs. 15,000

  1. A company forfeited 10 shares of Rs. 10 each. Rs. 6 called up, issued at a discount of 10% on which Rs. 2 per share was paid.  These shares were reissued at Rs. 8 called up  for Rs. 5 per share. Pass forfeiture and reissue entries.
  2. Company has following shares as a part of its share capital. 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 called up and paid up and 10,000, 10% preference shares of Rs. 10 each. The company decided to alter the share capital as follows: i)To convert the partly paid-up equity shares  into fully paid-up shares of Rs. 8 each, ii) To consolidate the preference share into shares of Rs. 50 each. Journalise the alterations.
  3. X Ltd. decides to redeem Rs. 2,00,000, 10% preference shares at a premium of 10% out of profits. The company has general reserve balance of Rs. 3,00,000. Write entries for redemption.



Answer ANY 5 questions                                                                                                        (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. How do you ascertain underwriter’s liability in the following cases:

(a) Complete underwriting

(b) Partial underwriting

(c) Firm underwriting

  1. Write short notes on: (i) Capital Redemption Reserve, and (ii) Ex-Interest and Cum- Interest Quotations


  1. A company earned the following net profits during the last four years after taxes:

1996-Rs. 60,000, 1997-Rs. 65,000,1998-Rs. 75,000, and 1999-Rs. 70,000.  The capital employed in the business was Rs. 60,000.  Reasonable rate of return, normal  in the industry was 10%.  Super profits of the company can be maintained for l5 years.

Find out goodwill of the company:

  • If the present value of annuity of Re. 1 for five years at 10% is 3.78 and the goodwill  should be valued

on Annuity basis.

2) If the super profit should be capitalized at normal rate of return.

3) If goodwill is 5 years purchase of the super profits.


  1. The Quick Ltd., went into voluntary liquidation on 31-3-05 at which date its capital  consisted of 2,000

shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid and particulars of the   assets and liabilities  were as under:

Cash in hand                                                                                       1,000

Machinery which realized                                                                 35,000

Stock which realized                                                                         20,000

Debtors which realized                                                                     10,000

Unsecured creditors (including Rs. 5,000 preferential creditors)     55,000

Secured creditors(securities realized Rs. 30,000 by themselves)     22,000

8% Debentures(having floating charge)                                           40,000


The liquidator’s remuneration was fixed at 4% commission on the assets realized  by him including surplus from secured creditors and 2% on the distribution made  to unsecured creditors.   The liquidation expenses came to Rs. 2,380 and the   interest on debentures was due for one year to the date of winding up.

Prepare the liquidator’s final statement of account showing the rate and amount  distributed as final dividend

to the unsecured creditors.


  1. Ashok Ltd. was incorporated on 1st April to take over as from 1st January in the same year an existing

business of Desai Bros.  Under the agreement all  the profits made from 1st January are to belong to the

company.  The following balances appeared in the company’ ledger as at 31st December:


Share Capital

Bank Overdraft

Sundry Creditors

Fixed Deposits

Freehold Land

Building at Cost


Transport Vehicles

Stock on 1st January

Book Debts

Cash at Hand














Preliminary Expenses

Written off


Rent Received

Rates and Taxes

Repairs to Building

Miscellaneous Expenses

Directors Fees

Interest to Vendors

(upto 30th June)
















Stock on 31st December amounted to Rs. 4,80,000. Bad debts amounting to Rs. 1,000  of which Rs. 500

related to book debts taken over by the company and a provision  of  Rs. 5,000 to be made for doubtful debts.

Depreciation has to be written off at 5% on buildings, 10% on furniture and 20%  on Vehicles.

Prepare(a) Trading Account (b) Profit and Loss Account showing profit post and  prior to incorporation of the company (assuming that the sales are evenly spread over throughout the year)

  1. A company has 10,000 9% redeemable preference shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid.  The company

decides to redeem the shares on 31st Dec. 2007 at a premium  of 10%.  The company makes the following


  • 6,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 10%
  • 4,000 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each.

The issue was fully subscribed and allotments were made.  The redemption

was duly carried out.  The company has sufficient profits.

You are required to give the necessary entries.

  1. On 31st Dec. 1998, the balance sheet of a limited company disclosed the following position.
Liabilities Rs. Assets  Rs.
Issued capital in Rs. 10 shares

Profit & Loss A/c


5% Debentures

Current Liabilities






Fixed assets

Current assets





14,80,000 14,80,000



On Dec. 31, 1998, the fixed assets were independently valued at Rs. 7,00,000  and the goodwill at

Rs. 1,00,000.  The net profits for the three years were:

1996-Rs. 1,03,000;1997-Rs. 1,04,000;and 1998-Rs. 1,03,300 of which 20% was  placed to reserve, this proportion being considered reasonable in the industry in  which the company is engaged and where a fair return on investment may be taken   at 10%.  Compute the value of the company’s share by (a) the net assets method and (b) the yield method.


  1. Ltd. was promoted as a Joint Stock Company in 2000. The working of company was not successful.  On 31-12-2001 company’s balance sheet stood as under:


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital- Authorised

Subscribed & paid up:

12000 shares of Rs. 100 each

fully paid













Land & Buildings






Profit & Loss Account

Preliminary Expenses

Discount on Issue of shares











24,00,000 24,00,000


It is resolved to reconstruct the company on the basis of the following scheme:

(1) The 12,000 shares of Rs. 100 each are to be reduced to an equal number of fully  Paid shares of Rs. 50 each.

(2) Debenture holders are to be discharged by the issue of 8,000 unissued shares as fully paid up shares of

Rs. 50 each in full settlement of their claim

(3) The claims of creditors be reduced by 50% as agreed by them.

(4) The amount available be used to write off Profit and Loss Account, Preliminary Expenses, Discount on issue of shares, 50% off Goodwill; Rs. 20,000 off Stock; and Rs. 30,000 off Machinery; and also provision for doubtful debts to be made  to the extent of Rs. 10,000.

Give the necessary Journal entries:                                                    


Answer ANY 2 Questions:                                                                                         (2 x 20 = 40)   


  1. The balance sheets of Gargi Ltd., as at December 31, 2006 and 2007 are given below:

       Assets                                                                2007                        2006


Cash Balances                                                Rs     60,000                        50,000

Trade Debtors                                                      1,00,000                        75,000

Inventory                                                              1,20,000                     1,40,000

Land                                                                        80,000                     1,00,000

Plant & Machinery                                               2,50,000                     2,00,000

Accumulated depreciation on plant                      (80,000)                     (60,000)

Total  of assets                                                     5,30,000                      5,05,000


       Liabilities and Capital

Trade creditors                                                        40,000                        30,000

Debentures                                                              90,000                      1,50,000

Equity share capital                                              2,40,000                      2,00,000

Retained Earnings                                                1,60,000                      1,25,000

Total of liabilities and capital                              5,30,000                      5,05,000


Cash dividends of Rs. 25,000 have been paid during the year.

You are required to prepare a cash flow statement.


  1. On 1st April 1999, ABC Ltd. issued 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 12 per share, payable as to Rs. 5 on application, Rs. 4 on allotment, and the balance on 1st July 1999.

The lists closed on 12th April 1999 by which date applications for 1,40,000 shares had been received.  Of the cash received, Rs. 80,000 was returned and Rs. 1,20,000 was applied to the amount due on allotment, the balance of which was paid on 19th April 1999.  All share holders paid the call due on 1st July 1999, with the exception of one allottee for 1,000 shares.  These shares were forfeited on 30th November 1999 and reissued  as fully paid at Rs. 8 per share on 2nd January 2000.


Pass Journal entries in the books of ABC Ltd.


  1. From the following trial balance of Vishal Trading Co. Ltd. as at 31.3.2000 and the adjustments given

below prepare the trading and profit and loss account,  profit and loss appropriation account and the

balance sheet:

        Dr          Cr

Share Capital

6000 shares of Rs. 10 each…………………………..

Buildings …………………………………………….

Furniture(including Rs. 2,500 additions made on 1.4.1999)


Shares of Rs. 10 in X Co Ltd. , Rs. 8 paid………….

Stock on 1.4.1999…………………………………….

Dividend Equalisation Reserve ……………………..

10% Debentures ……………………………………

Interest on Debentures(paid for ½ year)

Goodwill . . . . . . . . …………………………………..

Bank Overdraft(unsecured)

Bill Receivable and Bills Payable……………………

Debtors and Creditors

Loans to Employees

Discount on Issue of Shares

Purchases and Sales…………………………………

Carriage Inwards

Carriage outwards

Salary to Staff

Salary to Managing Director

General Expenses

Interest on Bank Overdraft

Legal Charges


Profit & Loss Appropriation Account(1.4.1999) …..

Discount ……………………………………………..

Miscellaneous Income ……………………………….

Cash in hand………………………………………….



































































  • Closing stock was valued at Rs. 25,000
  • Provide for ½ year’s outstanding interest on debentures
  • Write off ¼ of discount on issue of shares
  • Provide for Rs. 10,000 for income tax and 10% tax on proposed dividend
  • The directors have proposed dividend at 15%
  • Transfer Rs. 3,000 to dividend equalization reserve
  • Depreciate buildings at 2.5% and furniture at 10%.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2011 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 07-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Part – A


Answer ALL Questions:                                                                     10 X 2 = 20 marks


  1. State any two legal provisions as to the utilization of securities premium.
  2. Enumerate the various ways of redemption of debentures.
  3. Give an imaginary Profit & Loss appropriation account of a limited company.
  4. Write a note on “Intrinsic Value of Shares”.
  5. What do you understand by “Consolidation of shares”?
  6. Ltd. forfeited 1,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, issued at a discount of 10% for non-payment of the first call of Rs.2 and the final call of Rs. 3 per share. Show the necessary journal entry.
  7. Ltd. redeemed Rs.10,000, 12% debentures out of capital by drawing a lot and it has also redeemed Rs.20,000 10% debentures out of profit by drawing a lot. Journalize.
  8. Dharran Ltd. earned a profit after tax of Rs.10,00,000 in 2008-09 and it wanted to pay a dividend of 18% on its Capital of Rs.30,00,000. What will be the balance left in the Profit & Loss A/c.
  9. Give journal entries for the following transactions in connection with internal reconstructions:-
    • 30,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid reduced to shares of Rs.5 each fully paid.


  • 300 9% debentures Rs.1000 each converted into 1500

12% debentures of Rs.100 each.


  1. Total assets of the firm is Rs.8,40,000. The liabilities of the firm is Rs.4,40,000. Normal rate of return in this class of business is 12.5%. The firm earned a profit of Rs.64,000. Calculate goodwill, if it is to be valued at          2 years’ purchase of super profit.


5 X 8 – 40 MARKS

Answer any FIVE Questions:

  1. Explain the law relating to calculation of ‘Managerial Remuneration’.
  2. What are preference shares? What are the conditions for the redemption of preference shares?
  3. Define goodwill. What are the different methods of calculation of goodwill?
  4. A company issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.3 per share payable. Rs.5 on application, Rs.5 (including Premium) on allotment and the balance on call. All the shares offered were applied for and allotted.  All the moneys due on allotment were received except on 200 shares. Call was made.  All the amount due thereon was received except on 300 shares. Directors forfeited 200 shares on which both allotment and call money was not received.

Pass the necessary journal entries to record the above and also show how this will appear in the Balance Sheet of the Company.

  1. On 1st January ‘X’ Ltd. has Rs.1,00,000 6% debentures. In accordance with the power under the deed the directors acquire the debentures as follows in the open market for immediate cancellation:

March 1             –        Rs.20,000 at Rs.98

August 1            –        Rs.40,000 at Rs.100.25

December 15     –        Rs.10,000 at Rs.98.5

You are required to give journal entries for purchase and cancellation of debentures.

  • If the above purchase rates are ‘Ex-Interest’
  • If the above purchase rates are ‘Cum-Interest’.

Assume that interest is payable every year on 30th June and 31st December.


  1. From the following Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2005 and 31.12.2006. You are required to prepare a cash flow statement:



Liabilities                2005           2006          Assets          2005        2006

Share Capital          1,00,000      1,50,000      Fixed Assets  1,00,000     1,50,000

Profit & Loss A/c        50,000         80,000      Goodwill           50,000        40,000

General Reserve         30,000         40,000      Inventories       50,000        80,000

12% Bonds                50,000       60,000      Debtors            50,000        80,000

Sundry Creditors         30,000        40,000      Bills receivable   10,000        20,000

Outstanding Expen.     10,000        15,000      Bank                 10,000       15,000

2,70,000    3,85,000                            2,70,000   3,85,000

  1. P Mills Ltd., was incorporated on 31st July 2007 to purchase the business of H. & Co., as on 1.4.2007. The books of account disclosed the following on    31st March 2008.
    • Sales for the year Rs.32,10,400 (1st April to 31st July 2007 Rs.8,02,600; 1st July 2007 to 31st March 2008 Rs.24,07,800)
    • Gross Profit for the year Rs.4,12,800; Managing Directors’ Salary Rs.12,000; Preliminary expenses written off Rs.18,000; Company Secretary’s salary Rs.58,000.
    • Bad debts written off Rs.14,890 (prior to 31st July Rs.4,020, after 31st July Rs.10,870)
    • Depreciation on Machinery Rs.25,200; General expenses Rs.51,000; Advertising Rs.7,400; Interest on debentures Rs.20,000.

You are required to prepare a statement apportioning properly the net profit of the company as between pre-Incorporation and post-incorporation.

  1. The issued Share Capital of a company was Rs.10,00,000 consisting 10,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The net profits for the last 5 years were Rs.1,00,000; Rs.80,000 ; Rs.1,20,000; Rs.1,60,000 and Rs.1,40,000 of which 20% was placed to reserve, this proportion being considered reasonable in the industry in which the company is engaged and where a fair investment return may be taken at 12%.  Compute the value of Company’s share by the yield value method.




Answer any two questions: –                                                       Marks: 2 X 20 – 40


  1. The following is the Trial Balance of Bee Ltd. as on 31st March 2008

       Rs.                                                       Rs.

Stock on 1.4.2007               75,000                Purchase returns             10,000

Purchases                         2,45,000                Sales                           3,40,000

Wages                                30,000                Discount                          3,000

Carriage                                   950               Profit & Loss A/c.            15,000

Furniture                             17,000                Share Capital               1,00,000

Salaries                                 7,500                Creditors                        17,500

Rent                                     4,000                General Reserve              15,500

Sundry Trade Exp.                 7,050                Bills Payable                     7,000

Dividend Paid                                  9,000

Debtors                              27,500

Plant & Machinery                29,000

Cash at Bank                       46,200

Patents                                 4,800

Bills receivable                       5,000



5,08,000                                                   5,08,000



Prepare the Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31.03.2008 and a balance sheet as on that date after considering the following adjustments:

  • Stock on 31.3.2008 Rs.88,000
  • Provide for Income tax at 50%
  • Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 15%, furniture at 10%, and patents at 5%
  • On 31.3.2008 outstanding rent amounted to Rs.800 and Salaries Rs.900.
  • The Board recommends payment of a dividend of 15% p.a. Transfer the minimum required amount to General reserve.
  • Provide Rs.510 for doubtful debts.
  • Provide for managerial remuneration at 10% on profit before tax.
  1. The following was the Balance Sheet of ABC Limited as on 31.12.2006.

Liabilities                               Rs.                 Assets                   Rs.

Share Capital                                                Goodwill                10,000

12000 shares of                                            Land & Building       20,500

Rs.10 each             1,20,000                          Machinery               50,850

Less Calls in arrear                                         Preliminary Exp.        1,500

Rs.3 per share                                               Stock                     10,275

300 shares                  9,000      1,11,000       Debtors                  15,000

Creditors                                   15,425         Bank                        1,500

Provision for tax                           4,000         P & L A/c   22,000

(-) net

profit of      1,200   20,800

this year


1,30,425                                   1,30,425




Machinery value was Rs.10,000 in excess. It is proposed to write down this asset and to extinguish the profit & Loss A/c debit. balance and to write off goodwill and preliminary expenses by the adoption of the following scheme:-


  • forfeit the shares on which the calls are outstanding.
  • Reduce the paid up Capital by Rs.3 per share.
  • Re-issue the forfeited shares at Rs.5 per share.
  • Utilize the provision for tax if necessary


You are required to draft the journal entries necessary and the balance sheet after carrying out the scheme.


  1. On 31.3.2008 the date of liquidation of a company, its balance sheet was as under:


Liabilities                   Rs.                    Assets                          Rs.


Share Capital:

7% preference shares          3,00,000              Land & Buildings           4,00,000

6000 Eq. Shares of Rs.10       48,000              Plant & Machinery         1,60,000

Each Rs.8 Paid up

Stock                           4,00,000


3000 Eq. Shares of Rs.10       21,000              Debtors                        6,40,000

Each Rs.7 paid up

Cash at Bank                   51,000

6% Debentures of Rs.100  12,00,000



Outstanding interest on           72,000



Creditors                                 8,000


Bills Payable                             2,000



16,51,000                                             16,51,000




The assets were realized as under:


Land & Buildings Rs.3,50,000 ; Plant & Machinery Rs.2,00,000 ; Debtors Rs.6,00,000 ; Stock Rs.4,61,000 ; Liquidation expenses Rs.2000. Remuneration of liquidator 0.5% on assets realized including cash and 1% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors.


Creditors shown in the balance sheet included Rs.2000 preferential.  Interest on debentures is to be paid up to 31.5.2008. Dividend on preference.  Shares is in arrears for 1 ½ years. Legal charges Rs.1,000/-. Prepare liquidator’s final statement of Account as on 31-3-2008.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 21-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL Questions:                                                                                           (10 x 2 =20 marks)

  1. State the need for underwriting of shares.
  2. Distinguish between ‘Ex-interest’ and ‘cum-interest’ price.
  3. Under what headings will you classify the following items while preparing the Balance sheet of a company :
  4. Preliminary expenses
  5. Bills payable
  6. Provision for tax
  7. Outstanding debenture interest
  8. Explain the term capital reduction.
  9. What is Normal Rate of Return?
  10. 50,000 shares of Rs.10 each are issued at a premium of 10%, the full amount of shares will be paid in one lump sum.
  11. Sadan Ltd. issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par.  The issue was underwritten for maximum remuneration permissible by law.  The public applied for and received 16,000 shares.  Calculate the commission payable to the underwriter.
  12. Forex Ltd. issued 2000,12% debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 5% , repayable at a premium of 10% . Give the appropriate journal entry.
  13. Calculate managerial remuneration, assuming there are two whole time directors, a part time director and manager from the details given below :

Net profit before provision for income tax and managerial remuneration but after depreciation Rs.8,70,410.

Depreciation provided in the books Rs.3,10,000 and allowable depreciation is Rs.2,60,000.

  1. 5,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each are reduced to fully paid shares of Rs.6 each. Show the effect of the above in the books of the company.


    Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                                (5 x 8 =40 marks)


  1. Explain the different kinds of ‘Alteration of share capital’ which do not require approval of court of law.
  2. What is ‘Statement of affairs’? How is it prepared?
  3. Describe the method of dealing with ‘unmarked applications’ in relation to an underwriting contract.
  4. Axe Ltd. issued 40,000 shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.2 per share.  The shares were payable as follows : Rs.2 on application, Rs.5 on allotment (including premium)and Rs.5 on first and final call.  All the shares were applied for and allotted.  All moneys were received with the exception of the first and final call on 1,000 shares which were forfeited.  400 of these were reissued as fully paid at Rs.8 per share.  Give the necessary journal entries.
  5. Irone Ltd was incorporated on July 31, 2010 to purchase the business of Rode Ltd. as on April1,2010. The books of accounts disclosed the following on March31,2011.
  6. Sales for the year Rs.32,10,400 (1st April1 –31st July ,2010 Rs.8,02,600, 1st August to 31st March  24,07,800)
  7. Gross profit for the year Rs.4,12,800, managing director’s salary Rs.12,000, preliminary expenses written off Rs.18,000, company secretary’s salary 58,000.
  8. Bab debts written off Rs.14,890. (prior to 31st July Rs.4,020 and after Rs.10,870)
  9. Depreciation on machinery Rs.25,200, general expenses Rs.51,000, Advertising Rs.7,400, Interest on debentures Rs.20,000.

You are required to prepare a statement showing the Pre-incorporation and Post-incorporation profits.


  1. The Balance sheet of Skey Ltd.as on 31st2010 is as follows :

Liabilities                    Rs.                               Assets                          Rs.

Share Capital:

15,000 equity shares of

Rs.100 each fully paid                        15,00,000                    Land& Buildings          6,60,000

Profit and loss account              3,09,000                   Plant & Machinery        2,85,000

Sundry creditors                        2,31,000                   Stock                           10,50,000

Bank overdraft                              60,000                   Sundry Debtors             4,65,000

Provision for taxation                1,35,000

Dividend equalization fund       2,25,000

___________                                                    ___________

24,60,000                                                          24,60,000

___________                                                     __________

The net profit of the company after deducting all working charges and providing for depreciation and taxation were as under :

2006 – Rs.2,25,000 ;   2007 – Rs.2,88,000;    2008 – Rs.2,70,000;  2009 – Rs.3,00,000;  2010 – Rs.2,85,000

On 31st December 2010, land and buildings were valued at Rs.7,50,000 and Plant and machinery at Rs.4,50,000.

10% is considered as the reasonable return on capital.

Calculate the value of the company’s shares after taking into account the revised values on fixed assets and goodwill  based on four years purchase of the annual super profits.


  1. The financial position of Axe Ltd. on 1st April 2010 and 31st March 2011 was as follows :

Liabilities                                                        1.4.2010(Rs.)              31.3.2011(Rs.)

Current liabilities                                             72,000                                     82,000

Loan from associate company                        –                                               40,000

Loan from bank                                              60,000                                     50,000

Capital and Reserves                                   2,96,000                                  2,98,000


 Assets                                                         1.4.2010                              31.3.2011

Cash                                                                8,000                                         7,200

Debtors                                                         70,000                                       76,800

Stock                                                             50,000                                       44,000

Land                                                              40,000                                       60,000

Building                                                     1,00,000                                    1,10,000

Machinery                                                  2,14,000                                    2,44,000

Provision for depreciation                           (54,000)                                    (72,000)


During the year Rs.52,000 was paid as dividends .  Prepare Cash Flow Statement as per

AS-3 .

  1. The Balance sheet of Yee Ltd. as on 31st2010 disclosed the following information :

15% Debentures                                  Rs.8,00,000

Debenture Sinking Fund                          3,40,000

Debenture Sinking fund investment represented by Rs.80,000 own Debentures purchased at 98 and the remaining amount by Rs.2,80,000 4% stock.

On the above date , directors redeemed all the debentures . For this purpose, they realized 4% stock at par.  They utilized Rs.1,20,000 for redemption out of current year’s profits.  You are required to give journal entries.



    Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                              (2 x 20 =40 marks)

  1. Bigge Ltd. has a nominal capital of Rs.6,00,000 divided into shares of Rs.10 each. The following Trial Balance is extracted from the books of the company as on 31st December 2010.

Calls in arrear                                  7,500       6% Debentures                        3,00,000

Premises (Rs.60,000 added                            Profit and loss account              14,500

On 1.7.2010)                              3,60,000       Creditors                                    50,000

Machinery                                  3,00,000       General reserve                          25,000

Interim dividend paid                    7,500       Share capital (called up)          4,60,000

Purchases                                   1,85,000       Bills payable                               38,000

Preliminary expenses                       5,000       Sales                                        4,15,000

Freight                                           13,100       Provision for bad debts                3,500

Director’s fees                                 5,740

Bad debts                                        2,110

4% government securities             60,000

Stock (1.1.2010)                           75,000

Furniture                                         7,200

Sundry Debtors                             87,000

Goodwill                                       25,000

Cash                                                   750

Bank                                               39,900

Wages                                            84,800

General expenses                           16,900

Salaries                                           14,500

Debenture interest                            9,000

_________                                                    _________

13,06,000                                                      13,06,000

__________                                                   __________

Prepare final accounts for the year ending 31st  December 2010 in the prescribed form, after taking into account the following adjustments :

  1. Depreciate machinery by 10% and furniture by 5%
  2. Write off half of the preliminary expenses
  3. Wages include Rs.10,000 paid for the construction of a compound wall to the premises and no adjustment was made.
  4. Provide 5% for bad debt on sundry debtors
  5. Transfer Rs.10,000 to general reserve.
  6. Provide for income tax Rs.25,000
  7. Stock on 31st December was Rs.1,01,000.



  1. Neo Company  was formed on 1st January 2010 with an authorized capital of Rs.7,00,000 divided into 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each and 2,000 preference shares of Rs.100 each to acquire the business of Wilson as a going concern. The Balance sheet of Wilson at 31st December 2010 is given below :

Liabilities                        Rs.               Assets                                                   Rs.

Sundry creditors           7,500             Cash at bank                                         3,800

A’s Loan account        15,500             Sundry debtors                                     9,700

Wilson’s capital       1,57,000              Stock                                                   36,000

Furniture                                               3,500

Plant and machinery                           70,000

Land and Buildings                            57,000

_________                                                                   _________

1,80,000                                                                       1,80,000

__________                                                                 __________

The purchase consideration was to be discharged by the issue of 15,000 equity shares of

Rs.10 each, 500 preference shares of Rs.100 each and Rs.20,000 in cash.  Neo Co. also

agreed to discharge the sundry creditors but declined to accept A’s loan.  All the assets of

the old company  were taken over at their balance sheet values except stock which was

valued at Rs.40,000. A provision of 5% was also created against sundry debtors.

To provide necessary working capital and to pay the purchase consideration the

remaining equity shares were issued at a premium of 10% and all cash was duly received.

The preliminary expenses amounting to Rs.15,000 were paid by the company

immediately after the issue.

Show the opening entries in the books of the  Neo Company Ltd. and also the opening

Balance sheet.


  1. King Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation on 31st December 2010 when their Balance sheet read as follows :

Liabilities                    Rs.                   Assets                          Rs.

Issued and subscribed capital :                                   Land and Buildings      7,50,000

15,000 10% cumulative preference                             Plant and machinery   18,75,000

Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid        15,00,000        Patents                                      3,00,000

7,500 equity shares of Rs.100                                     Stock                             4,02,500

Each,, Rs.75 paid                                  5,62,500       Sundry Debtors             8,25,000

22,500 equity shares of Rs.100                                   Cash at bank                 2,25,000

Each, Rs.60 paid                                 13,50,000        Profit and loss account 8,53,750

15% debenture secured by a

Floating charge                                     7,50,000

Interest outstanding on debentures      1,12,500

Creditors                                               9,56,250

________                                         _________

52,31,250                                         52,31,250

________                                         _________

Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included preferential

creditors of Rs.38,000.

The assets were realized as follows :

Land and buildings     Rs.9,00,000, Plant and machinery      Rs.15,00,000, Patents

Rs.2,25,000, Stock   Rs.4,50,000, Sundry debtors     Rs.6,00,000.

The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.27,250.

The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized except cash.

Assuming the final payments including those on debentures were made on 30th June

2010,  Show the liquidator’s final statement of accounts.


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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 03/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer All Questions:                                                                                              (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Explain the term ‘Firm Underwriting’.
  2. What is call money? What is the maximum amount of a call according to table A.?
  3. What do you understand by redemption of debenture out of profits.?
  4. What are ‘divisible profit’?
  5. Write a note on ‘pre – incorporation profit’.
  6. How do you calculate ‘Average capital employed’?
  7. 5,000 Equity shares of Rs 100 each reduced to Rs 75 each and 1000 preference shares of Rs 50 each is reduced by Rs 25 Pass Journal entries.
  8. Amount needed after 5 years for debenture redemption is Rs 60,00,000. Rate of interest on investment expected is 5% Annual investment needed to get Rs 15 after 5 years, Rs 2.71462. Ascertain the annual transfer to sinking fund.
  9. Padma co.Ltd was formed for taking over the business of Mr. Ganapathi. The purchase consideration was Rs 1,92,000 which will be settled by issue 960 shares of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5% and balance in cash. Assets taken over were Rs 2,08,000 and liabilities taken over were Rs 28,000. Give journal entries in the books of padma co.Ltd.
  10. Calculate Net profit before tax and Extra ordinary items. P&L a/c balance on 31/03/10:

Rs. 10,00,000 and on 31/03/11 Rs 11,00,000 Transfer to General Reserve Rs.10,000,

Proposed Dividend Rs. 25,000,  Provision for taxation Rs. 40,000.




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                     (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What is ‘acquisition of Business’? Explain the methods of computing purchase consideration on acquisition of business.
  2. Explain the Provisions Under sec 78 of the companies Act for the use of share premium.
  3. Explain the circumstances under which valuation of shares is essential and discuss the various methods of valuation.
  4. WYE Co.Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs.10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows:

X: 10,000 shares,     Y: 6,000 shares.  The public applied for 16,000 shares which included market application as follows:-     X: 2,400 shares;     Y: 600 shares.

Determine the obligating of the underwriters.

  1. Ltd issued 2,000 12% Debentures of Rs.100 each on 1.1.2008 at a discount of 10%, redeemable at premium of 15% in equal annual drawings in two years out of profits. Give journal entries both at the time of issue and redemption of debentures.   (ignore the treatment of loss on issue of debentures and interest).
  2. From the following Profit & Loss Account of Soundarya Ltd. For the year ended 31.12.2010 and additional data given, calculate commission due to managing director at 5% of net profit.  Salary of managing director is to be treated as part payment of the commission.

Profit & Loss A/c  of the year ended 31.12.2010.

  Rs.   Rs.
To opening stock 11,000 Pay sales 1,70,000
To Bonus (including Rs.500 for 2009) 5,000 By closing stock 15,000
To Director’s fees 3,000 By other income:


To Managing director:






Profit sale of fixed assets 1,000
To Development rebate reserve 800    
To provision for Tax 3,000    
To Establishments Expenses 40,000    
To Loss on sale of investments 200    
To Net profit c/d 1,22,000    
  1,88,000   1,88,000

The book value of the fixed assets sold was Rs.2,000 and their original cost was Rs.2,600.


  1. A company was incorporated on 1st May 2010 acquiring the business of a sole trader with effect from 1st January 2010. The accounts of the company were closed for the first time on 30th September 2010, disclosing a gross profit of Rs.1,68,000.  The establishment expenses were Rs.42,660. Directors’ fees Rs.3,000 per month, preliminary expenses written off Rs.4,000, rent upto  June, 2010 was Rs.300 per month which was there after increased to Rs.750 per month.  Salary to the manager was at Rs.1500 per month who was appointed a director at the time of incorporation of the company.

Prepare a statement showing profits prior and subsequent to incorporation assuming that the net sales were Rs.24,60,000.  The monthly average of which for the first four months of 2010 was half of that of the remaining period.

  1. From the following information, calculate the value of good will on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profit.
  • Average capital employed in the business is Rs.20,00,000.
  • Rate of interest expected from capital having regard to the risk involved is 10%.
  • Net trading profits of the firm for the past three years were Rs.3,50,400; Rs.2,80,300; and Rs.3,10,100.
  • Fair remuneration to the partners for their services is Rs,48,000 p.a.
  • Sundry assets of the firm are Rs.23,50,400 and current Liabilities are Rs.95,110.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Swan ltd., issued 8,000 9% Redeemable preference shares of Rs.100 each at par 1.7.2004, redeemable at the option of the company on or after 30th June 2010, partly or fully.

Redemption were made out of profit as follows:

  • 1,200 shares on 30th June 2010 at par.
  • 1,600 shares on 31st December 2010 at 10% premium.
  • Remaining shares 30th June 2011 at a premium of 5% by making a fresh issue of 40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at premium of Re.1 each,

On 30th June 2011, the company also decided to capitalize 50% of its Capital redemption reserve by issuing bonus shares of Rs.10 each fully paid at a premium of Rs.2.50 per share.   Pass necessary entries to record the above transactions.

  1. The Silver Ore co.ltd. was formed on 1.4.2007 with an authorized capital of Rs.6,00,000 in shares of Rs.10 each of these 52,000 shares had been issued and subscribed but there was calls in arrear on 100 shares.  From the following trial balance as on March 31, 2008, Prepare the Trading and Profit & Loss Account and the Balance sheet:
  Rs.   Rs.
Cash at bank 1,05,500 Share Capital 5,18,750
Plant 40,000 Sale of Silver 1,79,500
Mines 2,20,000 Interest on F.D. up to Dec.31 3,900
Promotion expenses 6,000 Dividend on Investment 3,200
Advertising 5,000    
Cartage on plant 1,800    
Furniture & Buildings 20,900    
Administrative Expenses 28,000    
Repairs to plant 900    
Coal and oil 6,500    
Royalties paid 10,000    
Railway Track & wagons 17,000    
Wages of miners 74,220    
Cash 530    
Investment – shares of tin mines 80,000    
Brokerage on above 1,000    
6% FD in syndicate bank 89,000    
  7,06,350   7,06,350


  • Depreciate plant and Railways by 10% . Furniture & building by 5%
  • Write off a third of the promotion expenses.
  • Value of silver ore of march 31, 2008 Rs.15,000.
  • The directors forfeited on Dec. 20, 2007, 100 shares on which only Rs.7.50 had been paid.


  1. Knight co.ltd went into voluntary liquidation on 31.12.2010 when their balance sheet read as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Issued & subscribed capital: 15,000 10% cumulative preference shares of Rs.100 each fully paid 15,00,000 Land  & Buildings 7,50,000
7,500 Equity shares of Rs.100 each Rs.75 paid 5,62,500 Plant & Machinery 18,75,000
22,500 equity shares of Rs.100 each Rs.60 paid 13,50,000 Patents 3,00,000
15% debenture secured by a floating charge 7,50,000 Stock 4,02,500
Interest outstanding on debentures 1,12,500 Sundry debtors 8,25,000
Creditors 9,56,250 Cash at bank 2,25,000
    Profit & Loss a/c 8,53,750
  52,31,250   52,31,250

Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included Preferential creditors of Rs.38,000.

The assets were realized as follows:  land & Buildings Rs.9,00,000; Plant & machinery Rs.15,00,000; patents Rs.2,25,000; Stock Rs.4,50,000; Sundry debtors Rs.6,00,000.


The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.27,250.  The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized except cash.  Assuming the final payments including those on debentures were made on 30.6.2011, show the liquidator’s final statement of account.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



RO 31







Date : 26/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

PART A          (Answer all the questions)                      (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What is over subscription?
  2. What is meant by firm underwriting?
  3. How do you apportion the following expenses while ascertaining profits prior to incorporation:  Insurance, carriage outwards, director’s fee, preliminary expenses.
  4. Briefly explain calls in arrears and calls in advance.
  5. What are contingent liabilities? Give any 2 examples.
  6. A company issued 1000 8% debentures of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5% redeemable at a premium of 10%. Pass journal entry.
  7. How is provision for tax treated in the final accounts of a company?
  8. Write a note on capital redemption reserve.
  9. From the following information calculate the minimum fresh issue of shares. Redeemable Preference shares 400000, premium on redemption 10%. Divisible profits available Rs 80000. Fresh issue of equity shares of Rs. 10 each is to be made at 25% premium.
  10. B Ltd. Has 60000 equity shares of Rs.100 each, Rs.80 per share called up. The company decided to pay off Rs.20 per share of the paid up capital and at the same time to reduce the Rs.100 share to Rs. 60 share fully paid up by canceling the unpaid amount. Give journal entries.


                                                     PART B (answer any five questions only)                        5 x 8 = 40



  1. Explain the need for valuation of shares and the factors affecting the value of shares.
  2. What is capital reduction? What are the provisions of the companies act with regard to reduction of share capital?
  3. Explain the provisions relating to redemption of redeemable preference shares.
  4. B ltd. Issued 10000 shares of Rs.100 each. The entire issue was underwritten as follows. A 50%, B 30%, and

C 20%. In addition there was firm underwriting as follows. A 1000 shares, B 750 shares, and C 500 shares. The total subscription including firm underwriting was 8000 shares and the subscription included the following marked applications. A 1500, B 2000 and C 750. Find the liability of the underwriters.

  1. Average capital employed in K ltd. Is Rs 35,00,000 net trading profits before tax for the last 3 years were Rs 14,75,000 Rs 14,55,000 Rs 15,25,000.  In these 3 years the M.D. was paid a salary of Rs.10,000 pm. But now he would be paid a salary of Rs 12,000 pm. Normal rate of return is 18% , rate of tax is 50%. Calculate goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits.
  2. On 1.10.2004 a company issued 10000 14% debentures of Rs.100 each (interest payable on 30th September  and 31st march) the company is allowed to purchase own debentures for immediate cancellation. On 31st August 2005 it purchased 1000 debentures at Rs. 98 ex interest and on 31st December 2006, 500 debentures at Rs.97 cum interest. Pass journal entries.


  1. The following particulars relate to a company which went into voluntary liquidation.

Preferential creditors Rs. 600, secured creditors Rs.20,000(securities realised Rs.25,000) unsecured creditors Rs.30,500. The assets realized Rs 26,000(excluding securities) the expense of the liquidation were Rs. 252 and the liquidators remuneration was agreed at 3% on the amount realized and 1.5% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors. Show the liquidators final statement of accounts.


  1. Z  ltd was incorporated. On 1.7.05 to acquire a running business of Y with effect from 1.1.05. The following was the profit and loss account of the year ending 31.12.05.


Particulars Rs. particulars Rs
To. Office expenses 1,08,000 By gross profit 4,50,000
To. formation exps 20,000
To stationary 10,000
To selling expenses 1,20,000
To directors fees 40,000
To Net profit 1,52,000
  4,50,000   4,50,000


Prepare a statement showing profits earned by the company in the pre and post incorporation periods. The total sales for the year took place in the ratio of 1:2 before and after incorporation respectively.



PART C (answer any two questions only)                            2 x 20 = 40

  1. The following is the balance sheet of united industries ltd. On 31.3.06.


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share capital Goodwill 45,000
6000 6% pref sh of Rs. 100 each 6,00,000 Land and building 6,00,000
12000 equity shares of Rs 100 each 12,00,000 Plant 9,00,000
8 % debentures 3,00,000 Stock 1,30,000
Bank over draft 3,00,000 Debtors 1,40,000
Sundry crs. 1,50,000 Cash 15,000
P &L a/c 7,00,000
Preliminary exps 20,000
  25,50,000   25,50,000


              On the above date the company adopted the following scheme of reconstruction.

  • The equity shares are to be reduced to shares of Rs 40 each fully paid and the preference shares to be reduced to fully paid shares of Rs 75 each.
  • The debenture holders took over stock and debtors in full satisfaction of their claims.
  • Land and buildings to be appreciated by 30% and plant to be depreciated by 30%.
  • The fictitious and intangible assets to be eliminated.
  • Expenses of reconstruction amounted to Rs 5000.

Give journal entries incorporating the above scheme of reconstruction and prepare the reconstructed balance sheet.


  1. The Beta co. was registered with a capital of Rs 6,00,000 in equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The following is the list of balances extracted from its books on 31.3.07


Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Wages 84,865 Freight 13,115
Calls in arrears 7,500 Salary 14,500
Plant and machinery 3,30,000 Directors fee 5,725
Premises 3,00,000 Bad debts 2,110
Interim dividend 37,500 Debentures 9,000
Opening Stock 75,000 capital 4,00,000
Fixtures 7,200 6% debentures 3,00,000
Sundry debtors 87,000 P & l a/c (cr) 14,500
Goodwill 25,000 Bills payable 38,000
Cash in hand 750 Sundry crs. 50,000
Bank 39,900 Sales 4,15,000
Purchases 1,85,000 General reserve 25,000
Preliminary exps 5,000 Bad debts reserve 3,500
General exps 16,835


Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet in proper form after making the following adjustments.

  • Depreciate plant and machinery by 10%.
  • Write off Rs. 500 from preliminary expenses.
  • Provide half years debenture interest due.
  • Bad and doubtful debts reserve at 5%.
  • Stock on 31.3.07 was Rs. 95,000.
  1. From the following Balance sheet prepare cash flow statement.


liabilities 31.12.06










Creditors 36,000 41,000 Cash 4,000 3,600
Bank loan 60,000 45,000 Debtors 35,000 38,400
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,20,000 Stock 25,000 22,000
Profit and loss 18,000 29,000 Land 20,000 30,000
Buildings 50,000 55,000
machinery 80,000 86,000
2,14,000 2,35,000   2,14,000 2,35,000


  • Dividend paid during the year 2007 Rs 20,000
  • Depreciation provided on machinery Rs 10,000
  • During the year machinery whose book value is Rs 8000 was sold for Rs 5,000.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2009 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



JQ 09






Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks



PART-A                                                (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions


1.What is the meaning of forfeited shares?

2.What are the different types of  underwriting?

3.Write a short note on redemption of debentures.

4.What is meant by ex-interest price and cum-interest price?

5.The provision for tax at the end of 31.03.2007 stood at  Rs.300000.During2007-08 the tax

liabilities up to 31.03.2007 were settled for Rs.274000. provision required in respect of 2007-08

is Rs. 82000. How will you show provision for tax in profit &loss account?

  1. What are the objectives of cash flow statement?

7.How do you calculate time ratio and sales ratio?

8.In order to provide capital reduction scheme, a debenture holder of  Rs.  400000 has agreed to

take over stock worth Rs. 100000 and book debts of Rs.  80000 in full satisfaction of the amount

due to him. Pass journal entry  to record  the above transaction.

9.Write a note on voluntary winding up.

10.Ascertain the value of an equity share under networth method from the  following data

assuming preference shares have priority as to the payment  of capital only :


10% preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid       :           Rs   600000

Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid                    :           Rs   800000

Net assets available to shareholders                           :          Rs.2800000


                           PART-B                                                                     (5 x 8 = 40 Marks)    

      Answer any FIVE questions:


11.Define a share. Explain the various  types shares.

12.PQR Ltd. issued 25000 shares of 100 each.The whole issue was underwritten by James. In

addition, there is firm underwriting of  3000 shares by James. Applications for 17000 shares

were received by the company in all. Calculate the liability of James.

  1. What is a debenture? How does it differ from a share?
  2. How will you deal with the following items while preparing a company’s final accounts for the

year ended 31.03.2009?

[a] Land& Buildings [cost Rs.1000000; depreciation provided

Rs. 160000] sold for Rs.1500000.

[b] Closing stock valued at market price Rs.1240000 instead of cost which was Rs.1300000.

15.Advance petro Ltd. was incorporated on 1-3-2008 to acquire a spice powder merchant’s

business as from 1-1-2008. The purchase consideration was agreed at Rs.60000 to be satisfied

by issue of 6000 equity shares of Rs.10 each. The shares were issued to vendor on 1-4-2008.

You are required to apportion the interest paid to vendor between pre and post incorporation

periods assuming the rate of interest is 6% p.a.

16.Explain the different kinds of Alteration of Share capital which do not  require approval of a

court of law.

  1. On the date of liquidation of a company, the salaries of four clerks for  four months at the rate

of  Rs.7000 p.m. per clerk and salaries of four peons for three  months at the rate of Rs.1500

p.m. per peon are outstanding. You are required to calculate the amount to be included in

preferential creditors and unsecured creditors.


  1. Allen runs a cosmetic store. His net assets on 31st Dec. 2008 amounted to Rs. 250000. After

paying rent of Rs.2500 a year and a salary of  Rs. 12000 to his manager, he earns a profit of

Rs. 75000. His landlord is interested in acquiringthe business. 15% is considered to be

reasonable return on capital employed. Calculate the value of  goodwill by capitalising super





                                                   PART-C                                             (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)


      Answer any TWO questions:


  1. ABC Ltd. had Rs. 400000 5% Debentures outstanding on 1.1.2008  [redeemable on 31.12.08]

on that date the sinking fund stood at Rs.374500, represented by Rs. 50000 own debentures

purchased at an average price of  Rs.99 and Rs. 330000  3% stock. The annual installment

added to the fund was Rs.14200.  On 31st Dec. 2008  the investments were realised at Rs. 98

and the debentures were redeemed.Write up the accounts for 2008.


20.Balance sheets of M/s. Green and Red as on 1st Jan.2008 and 31st  Dec. 2008 were as follows:


Liabilities    1.1.08     31.12.08          Assets          1.1.08        31.12.08

Rs.            Rs.                                        Rs.               Rs.

creditors      40000       44000             cash               10000           7000

Red’s loan   25000          –                   Debtors          30000         50000

Bank loan    40000       50000             stock              35000         25000

Capital       125000     153000             Machinery      80000         55000

Land               40000         50000

Buildings       35000         60000


Total         230000     247000                                   230000       247000


During the year machine costing Rs. 10000 [accumulated depreciaton  Rs.3000] was sold for

Rs.5000. The provision for depreciation against machinery as on 1st Jan. 2008 was Rs. 25000

and on 31st Dec. 2008  Rs. 40000. Net profit for the year 2008 amounted to Rs. 45000.

Prepare Cash flow statement.


  1. The following was the Balance sheet of Bharat construction Ltd.as on 31st March 2009.


Liabilities                  Rs.                 Assets                         Rs.


Issued and paid up                              Goodwill                  10000

capital                                                 Land& Buildings     20500

12000 shares of                                    Machinery                50850

Rs. 10 each  1,20,000                         Preliminary exp.        1500

Less:                                                   Stock                         10275

calls in arrear                                      Debtors                     15000

Rs.3 per share                                     Bank balance              1500

on 3000 shares     9000                         Profit&loss a/c          20800

———-  1,11,000

Creditors                            15,425

Provision for tax                 4,000


Total                            1,30,425                                          1,30,425


Machinery value was Rs. 10000 excess. It is proposed to write down  this asset and  to

extinguish the profit &loss a/c debit balance and to write off goodwill and preliminary expenses

by adoption of the following scheme:

[a] Forfeit the shares on which the call are outstanding ;

[b] Reduce the paid-up capital by Rs.3 per share;

[c] Re-issue the forfeited shares at Rs. 5 per share and

[d] Utilise the provision for tax  if necessary.


You are required to draft the journal entries necessary and the

Balance sheet after carrying out the scheme.



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