Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2016 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2008 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


DB 22


FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 06-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all the questions                                                        (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. How is effective nuclear charge calculated?
  2. Explain the influence of charge density on electron affinity of fluorine.
  3. What are the factors to be considered for predicting chemical properties of an element?
  4. How are the shapes of orbitals arrived at?
  5. What is F-centre?
  6. Why is the bond length of O22+ less than that of O2?
  7. Explain why CCl4 does not act as Lewis acid while SiCl4 and SnCl4 do so.
  8. Why is the dipole moment of NH3 greater than that of NF3?
  9. Differentiate semiconductors and superconductors.
  10. Differentiate spinel and inverse spinel structures of oxides.



Answer any eight questions                                                  (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. Describe the three types of cubic unit cell among the Bravais lattices? Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell in each case.
  2. Define the following and explain their trends in a period and in a group giving reasons:
  3. a) electron affinity b) electronegativity c) atomic radius d) ionisation energy
  4. How is Born-Haber cycle useful in predicting feasibility of formation of an ionic crystalline compound? Explain with an example.
  5. Explain with examples, the factors favouring the formation of covalent character in ionic compounds.
  6. Give the energy level diagram, electronic configuaration and bond order of NO,  NO+, NO
  7. Predict the structures of the following molecules using VSEPR theory.

(i) XeF4                               (ii) ICl4.

  1. What are intermolecular forces? How do these forces originate?
  2. How are clathrates prepared? Mention their uses.
  3. Explain the role of liquid ammonia i) acid- base reactions ii) complexometric reactions.
  4. Explain the acid-base concepts by (i) Lux-flood (ii) solvent system concept.
  5. What are Miller indices? Sketch the planes with Miller indices

(a) (111)       (b) (110)             c) (112)            (d) (312)

  1. Discuss the structure of zinc blende.




         Answer any four questions                                                   (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Derive Born-Lande equation.
  2. Write an essay on defects in ionic crystals and their consequences.
  3. Explain why the molecule of CO is diamagnetic and NO is paramagnetic, using M.O theory.
  4. Explain the band theory of metals. How does this theory explain the conductance behaviour of metals?
  5. Explain the Pearson’s concept of hard and soft acids and bases, with examples. Discuss any three applications of this theory.
  6. Describe the basic principles and methodology of X-ray diffraction analysis.



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2009 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


WD 26







Date & Time: 25/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00   Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                                                   (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are the informations obtained from radial and angular wave functions?
  2. Why is the ionization energy of Na+ ion higher than that of Ne though both are isoelectronic?
  3. Which of the following is readily soluble in water i) PbCl2 ii) PbCl4? Suggest reason(s).
  4. Why is CCl4 not a Lewis acid while SiCl4 and SnCl4 are?
  5. Why is the dipole moment of NH3 greater than that of NF3?
  6. Calculate the effective nuclear charge felt by a 3d electron of nickel (atomic number=27).
  7. Draw the (111) and (210) planes in a cube.
  8. What is F-center?
  9. What is leveling effect of solvent? Explain with examples.
  10. What are pseudohalogens? Why are they considered so?



Answer any eight questions                                                           (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. Describe in detail the Slater’s rule and their important applications.
  2. Define the following and explain their trends in a group. i) Atomic radius ii) eletronegativity  iii) electron affinity
  3. Construct Born-Haber cycle for the formation of NaCl and explain how it is useful in calculating electron affinity.
  4. What are London Forces? What is their origin?
  5. Predict and explain magnetic properties of N2 and O2 molecules, using molecular orbital theory.
  6. Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects in crystals.
  7. Explain with examples, the factors favouring the formation of covalent character in ionic compounds.
  8. Predict the structure of the following molecules using VSEPR theory.

(i) XeF2  (ii) ICl4.

  1. Mention the rules for hybridization. Explain the structure of (i) POCl3  (ii) CCl4.
  2. i) How are supramolecules different from clathrates?
  1. ii) Explain the role of hydrogen bonding in the architecture of supramolecular assemblies.
  1. Write short notes on i) symbiosis ii) proton sponges.



Answer any four questions                                                             (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Derive Born-Lande equation to calculate the lattice energy theoretically? What are the factors that affect the lattice energy?
  2. Explain the band theory of metals. What type of energy bands are obtained in i) sodium metal ii) an insulator iii) semiconductor.

Account for the following observations using molecular orbital theory:  i) the bond energy of NO+ is higher than that of NO ii) the bond length of CO+ is larger than that of CO.

  1. Explain the Pearson’s concept of hard and soft acids and bases, with examples. Discuss any three applications of this theory.
  2. Compare and contrast the principles involved in powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.
  3. What is radius ratio rule? Discuss the structures of  zinc blende and perovskite



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2012 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 27-04-2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


          Part – A


Answer all the questions                                                                                (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Calculate the effective nuclear charge felt by a 3d electron of iron atom(z = 26).
  2. Why is the electron affinity of nitrogen almost zero while that of fluorine high?
  3. Which among the following is readily soluble in water (a) CaCO3 (b) K2CO3? Give reasons.
  4. What is F- centre?
  5. Why is the bond angle in water less than that of methane?
  6. Why is the bond length of O22+ less than that of O2?
  7. Why is the molecular weight of acetic acid found to be doubled when determined by colligative method?
  8. What are clathrates? Give an example.
  9. What is the role of sodium metal in liquid ammonia? Give any two applications.
  10. Differentiate spinel and inverse spinel structure of oxides.

Part – B

Answer any eight questions                                                                           (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Define the following and explain their trends in a period and in a group.
  2. a) electron affinity b) ionisation energy
  3. How is electron affinity determined by constructing Born-Haber cycle for NaCl?
  4. Explain with examples, the factors favouring the formation of covalent character in ionic compounds.
  5. Predict the structure of the following molecule/ion using VSEPR theory.

(i) XeF2                            (ii) ICl4.

  1. How are clathrates prepared? Mention their uses.
  2. Explain Why the bond order of NO+ is higher than that of NO .
  3. What are intermolecular forces? How do these forces originate?
  4. Explain the role of liquid ammonia in i) acid- base reactions ii) complexometric reactions.
  5. Explain the acid-base concepts by Lux-flood and solvent system concept.
  6. What are Miller indices? Sketch the planes in a cube with Miller indices a) 111 b) 110             c) 112          d) 312
  7. Describe the three types of cubic unit cell among the Bravais lattices. Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell in each case.
  8. What is radius ratio rule? Discuss the structure of zinc blende.


                                                                  Part – C


Answer any four questions                                                                                    (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. How is lattice energy calculated theoretically? What are the factors that affect lattice energy?
  2. Discuss in detail the following types of defects in crystals. a) Schotky defects b)Frenkel defects
  3. c) metal deficiency defect d) metal excess defect.
  4. Explain the magnetic property of CO is diamagnetic using M.O theory.
  5. Explain the band theory of metals. How does this theory explain the conductance behaviour of metals?
  6. Explain the Pearson’s concept of hard and soft acids and bases, with examples. Discuss any three applications of this theory.
  7. Describe the basic principles involved in X-ray diffraction studies.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2012 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 05/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks:                                                           10×2=20


  1. For two ions of the same size and charge one with an (n-1)dxns0electronic configuration will be more polarizing than a cation with a noble gas configuration (n-1)s2(n-1)p6ns0. Illustrate with an example.
  2. Illustrate isolabel relationship with an example and mention its significance.
  3. What are thermochemical radii? How are they calculated?
  4. What is Madelung constant? How is it calculated for the rock salt structure?
  5. Both Cu(I) and Cu(II) are stable, whereas Ca(I) is unstable and is readily oxidized to Ca(II). Explain.
  6. KI with a small enthalpy of hydration (-611 kJ mol-1) is soluble in water, but CaF2with a large enthalpy of hydration (-6782 kJ mol-1) is insoluble in water. Offer a resonable explanation.
  7. Both trigonalbipyramidal and square pyramidal geometries involve dsp3 hybridization: what is the difference between these two?
  8. What are ionic liquids? How are they classified?
  9. What are superacids? Cite an example.
  10. Illustrate leveling effect with an example.



Answer any eight questions. Each question carries five marks:                                                     8×5=40


  1. Derive Born-Lande equation to compute lattice energy. How is a more accurate measure of lattice energy obtained?
  2. Explain the polarity of covalent bond between two hetero atoms in the light of MO theory with the aid of MO energy level diagram.
  3. In molecules where variable hybridization is possible, different bond lengths are possible. Illustrate with an example.
  4. Give an account of the general structural features of ionic compoundswith unitcell diagrams.

15a.  What is critical radius ratio? Mention its significance.

  1. Calculate the size of the octahedral hole in a lattice of closest packed anions.
  2. What is the principle of conservation of atomicorbitals? Account for the electronegativity difference between atoms in a molecule with the aid of qualitative MO energy level diagram.
  3. Explain the influence of bond pair and lone pair electrons in determining the structures of SF4 and NH3.
  4. Give an account of imperfection in crystal lattices.
  5. What are proton sponges? How do they affect basicity?
  6. Discuss the solvolysis and precipitation reactions in liquid ammonia.
  7. Give an account of the unique properties of sulfuric acid as a solvent.
  8. Explain (a) apicophilicityand (b) symbiosis with examples.



Answer any four questions. Each question carries ten  marks.                                                  4×10=40   


23a.  Schematically represent s– and p-molecular orbitals formed by the overlap of p-orbitals.

  1. The ionization energy of NO is 894 kJ mol-1and the nitrosyl ion (NO+) is stabilized and exists in several compounds. Explain with the help of a qualitative MO energy level diagram.
  2. How does the MO energy level diagram of NO differ from that of BeH2?


24a.  What are electron density counter diagrams? How is the effect of polarization illustrated with theaid of such diagrams?

  1. How does hybridization affect electronegativity of atoms in molecules? Illustrate with an example.


25a.  Explain the Band theory of metals and account for the metallic properties.

  1. How do you account for covalent character of ionic compounds? Cite experimental evidences to illustrate such a property of ionic compounds.


26a.  What are inclusion compounds? How are they classified?

  1. Explain the structural features of gas hydrates and describe their applications.


27a.  Explain HSAB principle? Mention the factors which influence the hardness of a chemical species.

  1. Write a note on the donor acceptor number of solvents.


28a.  Describe Lux-Flood and Usauovich concepts of acids and bases.

  1. Discuss the classification of acids and bases.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

                         LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 03





Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Write the Schrodinger wave equation and discuss the significance of wave function.
  2. What is inert pair effect? Explain with an example.
  3. Give the electronic configuration of manganese and its variable oxidation states.
  4. Which of the following element has higher ionization energy? Give reasons:
    (a) oxygen (b)
  5. What is galvanization? What is the role of standard electrode potential in this process?
  6. Arrange the following acids in the increasing acid strength with suitable explanation,
    HOCl,          HClO3,        HClO2,       HClO4.
  7. What are the differences between roasting and calcination?
  8. Write the Lewis dot formula for ammonia molecule and give the number of bonded and lone   pairs of electron.
  9. Mention the hybridization and geometry of PCl5
  10. Why the density of ice is lesser than that of water?




Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Explain a) Heisenberg uncertainity principle b) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
  2. Write short notes on a) froth floatation process b) Van-Arkel process in metallurgy.
  3. Explain the diagonal relationship in the periodic table with an example.
  4. What is lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of CaF2 using Born Haber’s
  5. Calculate the electronegativity of carbon (rC = 0.71 Ao) using Allred –Rochow method.
  6. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  7. Discuss the structure of (a) SF6 (b) COCl2 using hybridization theory.
  8. What is levelling effect? How does HNO3 behave as a base in concentrated sulphuric acid?    Give the chemical equation.
  9. What are clathrates? What are their characteristics?
  10. What are conjugate acid base pairs? Give an example.
  11. What is symbiosis? Give examples.
  12. What are the different types of forces in non-polar molecules?





Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. Describe the role of Ellingham diagram for the reduction of metal oxides

to metals in metallurgy.

  1. Explain the structure of the following compounds using VSEPRtheory

(i) SF4                      (ii) H2O               (iii) ClF3              (iv) ICl4

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for O2 Write the MO electronic    configuration and bond order for O2, O2+, O22+ O2-, O22-molecule
  2. Discuss fajan’s rule with suitable examples.
  3. How does band theory of metals explain the conducting properties of metals and n-type and p-   type semicondctors?
  4. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 03






Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Part A

Answer all the questions.                                                                                      10×2=20

  1. State Mulliken’s scale of electro negativity.
  2. How are the molecular shapes predicted using Sidgwick-Powell theory?
  3. Why is 4s orbital lower in energy than 3d orbital?
  4. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers are not allowed?
    1. n = 3, l = 4, m = -1 , s = +1/2
    2. n = 2, l = 2, m = 0 , s = +1/2
  5. What is intra molecular hydrogen bonding? Give an example.
  6. Calculate the amount of energy required to convert 1.5g of potassium atoms in the gaseous state to form potassium ions. Ionization energy of potassium is 419 kJ mol-1 and atomic mass of potassium is 39 amu.
  7. Why the bond angle of water is reduced to 104° from the normal tetrahedral angle?
  8. Give Lewis definition of acid and base with an example.
  9. Write the electronic configuration of Mn2+ and Al3+.
  10. Write the expression for Schrodinger wave equation and define the terms involved.


Part B

Answer any eight questions.                                                                                  8×5=40

  1. Discuss the hybridization of IF5 with the help of VSEPR theory.
  2. Write notes on Zone refining and Mond’s process?
  3. Normalize the wave function y = sinx between the limits +p to -p
  4. Draw the molecular orbital diagram of CO and calculate the bond order.
  5. How is the lattice energy of a solid obtained from Born-Haber cycle?
  6. State and explain Fajan’s rules to explain the covalent character in ionic compounds with examples.
  7. Discuss the crystal structure of CsCl.
  8. Explain symbiosis with examples.
  9. Discuss the variation in electron affinity along the period and down the group.



  1. Explain the following:
  2. a) Electron affinities of halogens are very high.
  3. Ionic radius of K+ is smaller than that of Cl but both are isoelectronic.
  4. MgS is harder than LiCl.
  5. Using band theory of metals explain the nature of conductors, insulators and semiconductors.
  6. Explain ‘leveling effect’ with two examples.


Part C

Answer any four questions.                                                                                 4x 10=40

  1. Discuss the salient features of the periods in the modern periodic table.
  2. How are the following factors affect the ionization energy
  3. a) atomic size b) nuclear charge
    c) screening effect                   d) electronic configuration
  4. Draw and explain the molecular orbital diagram of oxygen and calculate the bond order of O2, O2, O22- and O2+.
  5. Explain the hybridization of a) SF4 b) SF6
  6. Draw and explain Ellingham diagram for the reduction of metal oxide by carbon.
  7. Discuss the following reactions in liquid ammonia giving two examples of each type:
  8. a) acid-base reactions b)ammonolysis
    c)complex formation               d) precipitation reactions


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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”


GH 3







Date : 06-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL the questions.                                                                         (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. State Heisenberg uncertainity principle.
  2. Explain diagonal relationship of elements in the Periodic Table.
  3. Write election dot formula for (i) PCl5 (ii) O2
  4. Describe the structure of XeF6 using VSEPR theory.
  5. What is the relationship between ionization porential of an element and election affinity of an element in favouring the formation of an ionic compound between them?
  6. Bromides and iodides have higher lattice energies than expected from theoretical calculations. Give reasons.
  7. What are Hume – Rothory rules?
  8. Why does ice float in water?
  9. Label as acid or base; AlCl3, HSO4, Ag+
  10. What are aprotic solvents? Give 2 examples.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                        (8 x 5 = 40 marks)

  1. What are radial and angular wave functions? What information can we get from these functions.
  2. How do you determine the electronegativity of elements using Pauling method?
  3. Explain with example electrolytic reductions in aqueons and non-aqueous media.
  4. How is the lattice energy of a solid determined from Born-Haber cycle?
  5. What are Fajan’s rule? How do they help in explaining covalent character of ionic compounds?
  6. Using VSEPR theory illustrate the structure of (a) ICl2   (b) XeF4
  7. Draw MO energy diagram for CO molecule. Calculate the bond order in CO molecule.
  8. Discuss resonance e dot structures of carbonate ion.
  9. Discuss the crystal structure of CsCl.
  10. Write a note on clathrates.
  11. Balance the following chemical reactions by oxidation number method.



  1. Describe (a) Lux-flood concept  (b) Solvent – system Concept of acid, bases.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                         (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

  1. What are quantum numbers? Explain how they are derived. Describe the significance of quantum numbers.
  2. How are the following factors affect the ionization potential of an element?

(a) atomic size (b) nuclear charge   (c) screening effect   (d) electronic configuration.

  1. (a) Draw MO energy diagram for NO molecule. Calculate the bond order.

(b) Of the species O2, O2+, O2, O22-, which will have maximum bond strength? Explain based on MO theory.

  1. (a) Explain with two examples, the exception to octet rule.

(b) Discuss the hybridization involved and structure of (i) NH3   (ii) SF4

  1. (a) How does band theory explain the property of metal, semi-conductor and insulator?

(b) What are types of hydrogen bonding? Explain with examples.

  1. What are the characteristic of liq Ammonia as a solvent? Describe any four types of reactions taking place in liq. NH3 with two examples each.



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2008 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”




DB 03


FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 12-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL the questions.                                                                                     (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Why orbitals like 1 p and 3 f are not possible?
  2. Define inert pair effect. Give an example.
  3. State Hume Rothery’s ratio rule.
  4. HF is a liquid whereas HCl, HBr and HI are gases at 298k.
  5. Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electronic concept.
  6. Classify the following as Lewis acids or bases.
  7. BF3 ii) NH3 iii) Cl iv) Zn2+
  8. Of the following species which has the shortest bond length? NO or NO+
  9. Give Born – Lande equation for lattice energy.
  10. Electron affinities of halogens are high. Give reason.
  11. What are bonding and anti bonding orbitals?




Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                                                (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Discuss Mulliken Jaffee concept of electronegativity.
  2. Differentiate between Zone refining and electrolytic refining
  3. What is ( n+l ) rule? Why is 4s orbital is lesser in energy than 3d orbital?                                  (2+3)
  4. Discuss the structure of XeF4 on the basis of VSEPR theory.
  5. Draw the molecular orbital energy diagram for CO molecule.
  6. Nitrogen molecule is diamagnetic while oxygen molecule is paramagnetic. Explain on the basis of Molecular Orbital diagram.
  7. What are clathrates? Give any three applications.                                                                  (2+3)
  8. Explain the nature of conductors, insulators and semi conductors using band theory.
  9. Explain the terms polarization, polarizing power and polarizability.
  10. State giving reasons which cation will have greater polarizing power.
  1. Na+ or Mg2+             ii) Cu2+ or Ca2+                        iii) Pb2+ of Pb4+
  1. What are hard and soft acids and bases? Give examples.
  2. Discuss the crystal structure of CsCl.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                                 (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Define the following and explain their trends in a period and in a group.                             (3 + 7)
  1. Electron affinity ii) Ionization energy                ii) Atomic radius
  1. Mention the hybridization and bond angle for the following geometries.
  1. Octahedral ii) Trigonal planar        ii) Trigonal bipyramidal           iv) Tetrahedral
  2. v) Pentagonal bipyramidal
  1. Differentiate the following                                                                                                     (2 x 5)
  1. Inter and Intramolecular hydrogen bonding with a suitable example.
  2. Cubic close packing and hexagonal close packing.
  1.  a) What is lattice energy? Discuss the factors affecting lattice energy.                                   (2 + 4)
  1. b) State and explain Fajan’s rule.                       (4)


  1. a) How does inductive effect and resonance effect contribute to the strength of Lewis acids?    (6)
  2. b) Discuss the following reactions in liquid ammonia as solvent.
  3. i) Acid – Base reaction            ii) Precipitation reaction                                                      (4)


  1. a)  Explain the hybridization and geometry of SF4.                                                                        (5)


  1. b) How are the molecular shapes predicted by Sidgwick – Powell theory?                                 (5)




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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2009 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”



WD 03






Date & Time: 22/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions:                                                             10 x 2 = 20       


  1. Define inert-pair effect with an example.
  2. State Pauli’s exclusion principle.
  3. Among and , which has more electron affinity? Why?
  4. is less soluble than Give reason.
  5. Calculate the bond order in .
  6. Describe the structure of based on VSEPR Theory.
  7. Among O-chloro phenol and p-chlorophenol, which is more volatile? Explain.
  8. Explain ion dipole – dipole interactions of molecules.
  9. Label the following as Acid or base. .
  10. What are aprotic solvents? Give two examples.



Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                   8 x 5 = 40


  1. Write a note on magnetic separation of ore dressing.
  2. (a) Write the Schrodinger wave equation and explain the terms.

(b) What is the significance of wave function?

  1. Discuss the diagonal relationship between and .
  2. State and explain Fajan’s rules to explain the Covalent character of ionic compounds with examples.
  3. Explain the trend in ionisation potential values of elements belonging to Second Period.
  4. Apply MO theory and draw MO energy level diagram for ‘NO’ molecule. Calculate bond order.
  5. Based on Valence Bond Theory, discuss the geometry of (a) (b) .
  6. Explain the structure of (a) (b) using VSEPR Theory.
  7. Write a note on clathrates.
  8. What are Hume-Rothery rules? What are their significance in the structure of alloys?
  9. Balance the following chemical reactions by oxidation number method.
  1. Write a note on Lewis theory of acids and bases.


Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                     4 x 10 = 40


  1. Discuss various factors affecting the formation of ionic compounds with suitable examples.
  2. How is electro negativity determined by (a) Pauling Method (b) Mulliken – Jaffe Method.
  3. Write electron dot formula for
  4. Describe the conditions for the combinations of atomic orbitals to produce Molecular Orbitals.
  5. How does band theory explain the conducting properties of metals, Semi-conductor and insulator?
  6. Describe the role of liquid ammonia as a solvent for various types of reactions with examples.


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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2010 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”








Date : 12-11-10                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                          (10 × 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Size of Cl ion is greater than that of Chlorine atom – Explain.
  2. Define Ionisation energy.
  3. What is Aufbau principle?
  4. What is inert pair effect?
  5. Define bond order.
  6. What is Lewis concept of acids and bases?
  7. What are interstitial compounds?
  8. Explain why O2 is paramagnetic whereas O22 is diamagnetic.
  9. Which is more soluble in water MgSO4 or BaSO4? Why?
  10. Find the oxidation number of
  • Mn in KMnO4 2) S in  H2S2O8.



Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                    (8 × 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the following processes
  2. Smelting  b) Froth floatation.                                                                                              (2+3)
  3. Define Electron affinity. Explain its trend across the period and down the group of periodic table.
  4. Describe the factors favouring the formation of covalent bond in reference to Fajan’s rule.
  5. Explain ‘Ellingham diagrams’.
  6. Lithium shows greater resemblance with magnesium than with other alkali metals.
  7. What are the postulates and limitations of Valence bond theory?
  8. Draw the M.O diagram for NO molecule and explain its magnetic behavior.
  9. What do you mean by inter and intra molecular hydrogen bonding?Discuss the effect of H-bonding on melting point and boiling point of substances.
  10. What are bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals?


  1. Write a note on clathrates.
  2. Explain Pearsons’s concept of hard and soft acids. Give examples.
  3. Balance the following chemical reaction by ion- electron method

MnO4 + C2O42 à Mn2+ + CO2   (in acidic medium).




Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                                (4 × 10 = 40  marks)


  1. What is electronegativity? How do you calculate electronegativity on the basis of
  2. Pauling’s approach        b) Mulliken’s approach                                                        (2+4+4)


  1. Define lattice energy and solvation energy. Describe how lattice energy of ionic solids is evaluated by Born-Haber cycle.


  1. Define Hybridisation. On the basis of hybridization discuss the geometry of the following molecules.
  • SF6        2) PCl5            3) NH3            4) XeF4                                                                   (2+8)


  1. a) Explain the postulates of VSEPR theory.                                                                                  (6)


  1. b) Differentiate between a σ bond and a π bond. With an example.             (4)


  1. a) Distinguish between cubic close packing and hexagonal close packing of spheres. (6)


  1. b) Give reasons for the following:

1) H2S is a gas H2O is a liquid


2) Diamond is a hard substance while graphite is soft.                                                       (4)


  1. Describe the following reactions in liquid ammonia giving suitable examples.


  1. a) Acid-base reactions
  2.    b) Precipitation reactions
  3.    c) Complex formation reactions
  4. d) Ammonolysis


“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2011 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”








Date : 06-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer ALL questions.                                                                                              (10 x 2 = 20marks)


  1. What are the possible values of quantum numbers n, l ,m and s for an electron in 3d orbital?
  2. The metallic character increases in the order As< Sb <Bi. Substantiate.
  3. What would be the effect on lattice energy of increasing the charge on M n+?
  4. What is inert pair effect?
  5. Explain the shape of beryllium chloride, using the concept of hybridization,
  6. He2 + exists while He2 does not. Why?
  7. What are London forces?
  8. Why is sodium in liquor ammonia blue?.
  9. HgO is soluble in HCl but HgS is not. Reason out using HSAB principle.
  10. What are aprotic solvents? Give one example.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                                                             (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Describe the method of froth floatation.
  2. How is electronegativity expressed using Mulliken-Jaffé and Allred -Rochow scales? Explain.
  3. What is electrochemical series? Give one application of this series.
  4. State and explain Fajan’s rules.
  5. Using VSEPR theory arrive at the structures of XeF4 and XeF6 .
  6. Explain the factors that affect lattice energy.
  7. State and explain isoelectronic principle.
  8. Construct the qualitative MO energy level diagram of oxygen and account for its paramagnetism.
  9. State and explain Hume – Rothery rules.
  10. What are interstitial solid solutions? Explain.
  11. What are the characteristics of hard and soft acids and bases?
  12. What are leveling and differentiating solvents? Explain with an example for each.




Answer any FOUR questions                                                                                             (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


23.What is an Ellingham diagram? With the help of this diagram, fix the criterion for

  1. Reduction of metal oxide by carbon at a given temperature
  2. Reduction of oxide X2O3 by a metal Y and

iii. Reduction of metal oxide by hydrogen.


  1. a) Construct and explain, Born-Haber cycle for determination of lattice energy of sodium chloride. (6)


  1. b) What is Born – Lande equation.              (4)


  1. Using the molecular orbital diagram, explain the magnetic properties and stabilities of CO and N2.


  1. Write a comparative account of the VB and MO theories of bonding.


  1. Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and insulators on the

basis of band theory.


  1. Describe the following reactions in liquid ammonia giving an example for each:
  2. Acid-base reactions ii. Precipitation reactions  iii. Complex formation reactions and
  3. Ammonolysis.                                                                                                 (10)



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2012 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”








Date : 02-05-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL questions:                                                                                           10 x 2 = 20 Marks


  1. State Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
  2. What is meant by Diagonal Relationship? Give an example.
  3. Which among the following are ionic compounds i) Sodium Bromide ii) Calcium Fluoride

iii) Carbon tetrachloride iv) Magnesium Oxide.

  1. Distinguish Electronegativity from Electron affinity.
  2. Define Bond Order.
  3.  Mention the bond angle and hybridization of  BF3.
  4. How do you classify solids based on their electrical conductivity?
  5. Differentiate Substitutional Alloy from Interstitial Alloy.
  6. Give any two examples each of Oxidizing and Reducing agents
  7. Classify the following as Bronsted acid or bases i) HCl   ii) NH3  iii) +NH4 iv) Cl



Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                                     (8 x 5 = 40 Marks)


  1. What are the limitations of Bohr’s theory?
  2.  a) State the Modern Periodic law.
  1. b) Write the electronic configuration of chromium (z = 24).                                     (3 +2)
  2. a) What is meant by Inert Pair effect?
  3. b) Distinguish Calcination from Roasting                                     (2+3)
  4. Mention the essential criteria for the formation of an ionic bond
  5. What is Covalency? Mention the factors which enhance covalency?
  6. What are the postulates of Valence Bond Theory. Predict the shape of [PtCl4]2- and [NiCl4]2-.
  7. Arrange the following in increasing Bond order O2, O2+, O2 and  O22-.  Justify your answer.
  8. Explain the structure and geometry of XeF6 molecule based on VSEPR Theory.
  9. What is meant by isoelctronic species? Arrange the following ions in the order of

increasing size and justify your answer. Na+, Mg2+, F, Al3+ and Si4+.



  1. Using suitable example distinguish intermolecular hydrogen-bonding from intra

Molecular  hydrogen-bonding? Why is the boiling point of para nitro phenol higher than that of ortho nitro phenol.

  1. Classify the following as Monoprotonic acids, Polyprotonic acids, Monoprotonic bases and Polyprotonic bases from the following: i) Hydrofluoric acid ii) Oxalic acid iii) Hydrogen Sulphide iv) Acetic acid v) SO42-.
  2. a) Define Acid-Base Behaviour proposed by Usanovich.                                        (2)
  3. b) What is meant by Lewis Base? Give any two examples.                         (2+1)




Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                                    (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)


  1. a) What is the significance of wave function Y and Y2?                        (3)


  1. b) Explain the term i) Covalent Radius ii) Ionization Potential (4)


  1. c) What is the oxidation state of: i) Cr in Potassium dichromate
  2. ii) Mn inPotassium permanganate iii) Pt in H2[PtCl6].                         (3)


  1. a) What is Born-Lande equation and explain the terms involved.                                            (5)


  1. b) Explain in brief the factors influencing the magnitude of electronegativity. (5)


  1. a) Explain in brief the Sidgwick rule of Maximum covalency.                                      (6)


  1. b) Draw the structure of i) Carbon monoxide ii) Sulphur dioxide iii) Ammonia
  2. iv) Phosphorus pentachloride.                                                                                                  (4)


  1. a) Sketch the Molecular Orbital diagram of Nitrogen molecule and calculate the bond order. (6)


  1. b) Distinguish Bonding from Anti bonding molecular orbital.                                                      (4)
  2. Write notes on:
  3.       a) Conditions determining the formation of solid solution.                                                         (5)
  4. b) van der walls forces.                                                                 (5)


  1. a) Give any two examples each of i) Acid-Base reactions   ii) Redox reactions.                          (4)


  1. b) Discuss the role of liquid Ammonia as a solvent.                                                                       (6)





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