Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2016 Coordination Chemistry-I Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

                            LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 20





Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer the following:                                                                                    (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Draw the structure of optically inactive isomer of the following, giving reasons for optical inactivity [Co (ox)2 Cl2]-3 ion (ox = oxalato).
  2. Give the IUPAC names of (i) ferrocene (ii) nickeltetracarbonyl.
  3. What are the defects of VBT?
  4. Mention the assumption used by crystal field theory?
  5. What is nephelauxetic effect?
  6. What is CRSE?  Calculate CFSE of a d8 metal ion containing coordination compound.
  7. What are complimentary and non-complimentary electron transfer reactions?
  8. What are thermodynamically stable and kinetically stable coordination compounds?
  9. Explain 18 electron rule with an example.
  10. Give structures of any two industrially useful coordination compounds.




Answer any EIGHT of the following                                                            (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. What is chelate effect?  Give thermodynamic explanation for this effect.
  2. Why does electronic spectrum of [Ti (H2O)6]3+ show a shoulder, though Ti3+ is a d’ system?
  3. Why is [Cu(en)3]2+ less stable than [Cu(en)2 Cl2]+?
  4. Explain the theoretical basis of trans effect.
  5. How is esr spectrum useful in proving covalency in M-L bond?
  6. Explain Job’s method of continuous variation?  What is inferred from this experiment?
  7. Draw and explain various types of overlap of orbitals of central atom/ion and ligand to from a p bond in an octahedral molecule.
  8. How is Mossbauer spectroscopy useful in deducing geometry of Fe3(CO)12?
  9. Discuss bonding nature of p – electron delocalized ligands with central atom/ion.
  10. What is the central metal atom present in Vitamin B12?  What is its oxidation state?  What is the use of this vitamin?
  11. Give an account of orgamometallic compounds.
  12. Explain any two uses of coordination compounds in laboratories.




Answer any FOUR of the following                                                                         (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the factors affecting CFSP of coordination compound?  Explain each factor.
  2. Draw energy level diagram and explain the formation of a square planar molecule according to CFT.
  3. What are the differences between Tanabe-Sugano diagram and Orgel diagram?
  4. Discuss SN1, SN2 and SN CB mechanisms of an octahedral coordination compound.
  5. List and explain various photochemical and photo physical processes of coordination compounds.
  6. Write short notes on (i) Marcus – Hush Theory       (ii) Oxygen transport.                 (5+5)


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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 42







Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks


Part – A

Answer all the questions                                                                  (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are inert and labile complexes?
  2. What is chelate effect? Explain with an example.
  3. What is the ground term of a free ion with 3d9 configuration?
  4. What are π-acceptor ligands? Give two examples.
  5. Explain Why do the bond order values of C-O in mixed phosphine carbonyls vary in the order [(Ph3P)3Mo(CO)3] < [(Cl3P)3Mo(CO)3].
  6. Why are the magnetic moment of Co(II), high spin, octahedral complexes much higher than that of tetrahedral complexes?
  7. Explain SN1CB mechanism with an example.
  8. Why is MnO4 ion, a d0 system coloured?
  9. What is meant by hapticity of a ligand? How is it designated?
  10. Differentiate the types of cytochromes.


Part – B

Answer any eight  questions                                                          (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. Explain the geometry of [Fe(H2O)6]2+ and [Fe(CN)6]4- ions using VB theory.
  2. How does M.O theory explain the field strength of Cl and CN.
  3. State and explain Jahn-teller theorem. Discuss the consequences of Jahn-Teller distortions on the electronic spectra of octahedral complexes.
  4. How is optical rotatory dispersion study useful to determine the absolute configuration of chiral complexes.
  5. Explain the EPR spectral features of CuII(salen) complex.
  6. What is trans effect? Discuss the theories of trans effect.
  7. Explain the types of  photosubstitution reactions of metal complex with examples.
  8. Explain the fluxional isomerism with two examples.
  9. Explain the synergic effect of metal-ligand bonding in metal carbonyls.
  10. Why is the electron transfer in the system [Co(NH3)6]2+ [Co(NH3)6]3+  slower than that in the system [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Fe(CN)6]3- .
  11. Predict the structure of the following using Wade’s Rule. a) Os5(CO)16  b)Re4(CO)162-.
  12. Describe the essential structure of haemoglobin and explain the cooperativity in its oxygenation.




Part – C

Answer any four questions.                                                                    (4 x 10 = 40)


  1.  Explain the splitting of degeneracy of d-orbitals in square planar environments of ligands.
  2.  Discuss the bonding in ferrocene on the basis of molecular orbital energy level diagram.
  3.  Explain the features of Tanabe- Sugano and Orgel diagrams. Construct Orgel diagram for d3and d7, tetrahedral and octahedral complexes.
  4. a) Explain the principles involved in the Mossbauer spectral analysis of metal complexes.
  1. b) How do the Mossbauer spectra of K4[Fe(CN)6] and K3[Fe(CN)6] differ.
  1. Discuss in detail the mechanisms of outer and inner sphere electron transfer in metal complexes.
  2.  Write short notes on
  1. a) Wilkinson catalyst b) Zeigler-Natta catalyst
  2. c) Wacker’s process d) Fischer Tropsch process

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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


GH 39







Date : 29/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer all the questions                                                            (10 ´ 2 = 20)


  1. Why do octahedral complexes undergo substitution of ligands by SN1mechanism?
  2. What are the merits and demerits of CFT?
  3. Define CFSE. Calculate CFSE for d7 , low spin and high spin octahedral system.
  4. What is spectrochemical series? Mention any two applications.
  5. Derive the ground term configuration of d3?
  6. Why Mn(II), d5 metal complexes are colourless?
  7. Mention two biologically important coordination compounds and their applications.
  8. Find the values of x and y assuming the validity of the 18 electron rule for [Mn(CO)x(NO)y].
  9. Why is the rate of electron transfer reaction slow in the system [Co(NH3)6]2+/3+ compared to [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- system?
  10. What is Wilkinson catalyst? What type of chemical reaction can be effected by using this catalyst?



Answer any EIGHT questions                                                      (8 ´ 5 = 40)


  1. Calculate OSSE and state whether the following oxides are spinel or inverse spinel : Mn3O4, Fe3O4, CuFe2O4.
  2. Differentiate labile and inert complexes using crystal field theory.
  3. Discuss any two evidences of crystal field theory’
  4. What is linkage isomerism? How are these isomers differentiated by IR spectral analysis?
  5. Write short notes on Nephelauxetic effect.
  6. State and explain Jahn-Teller effect.
  7. Why do electronic spectra of [V(H2O)6]3+ show only two absorption bands against three predicted for the system?
  8. What is trans effect? Explain the theories of trans effect in explaining the mechanism of substitution reaction of square planar complexes.
  9. Discuss the expected Esr spectrum of  [Cu(salicylaldimine)2]2+ ion.
  10. What are supramolecules? Explain the nature and types of interactions of supramolecule.
  11. Discuss the structure and functions of the enzyme, carboxypeptidases.
  12. Explain the types of photochemical reactions with examples.


Answer any FOUR questions                                                (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. How do the d-orbitals split in square planar and tetrahedral crystal field of ligands?
  2. Explain with the help of MO theory why Cl acts as a weak ligand where as CNacts as a strong ligand in octahedral transition metal complexes.
  3. Draw and explain the Orgel diagram for d2, d7 octahedral and d8, d3 tetrahedral configuration of metal ion and explain the possible electronic transitions.
  4. Explain the mechanism and factors affecting the innersphere and outersphere electron transfer reaction of metal complexes.
  5. Write notes on i) the Wackers process ii) hydroformylation reaction
    iii) metathesis reaction.
  1. Explain the structural aspects of haemoglobin in the oxygen transport.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2008 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

DB 26



THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 05-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Part – A


Answer ALL questions. Each question carries TWO marks                                       (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. The thermodynamic stability of high-spin complexes of d0,5,10 metal ions are lower than that of other dn metal ions under identical ligand framework. Comment upon this observation.
  2. It is exceedingly difficult to synthesize low-spin Td complexes of first row transition metals. Rationalize.
  3. Jahn-Teller distortion in 6-coordinate complexes of d1 metal ions escapes experimental detection, whereas such a distortion can be detected in 6-coordinate complexes of d9 metal ions. Rationalize.
  4. How are the s– and p-bonding quantified by AOM?
  5. The CN stretching vibration in cyano complexes occur at higher energy than that of free cyanide ion. Explain.
  6. Differentiate trans-effect and trans-influence.
  7. What is p-acceptor series? How is it constructed?
  8. Transition metal complexes are invariably colored, while their cabonyls are mostly colorless. Offer a reasonable explanation.
  9. What is organometallation reaction? Cite an example.
  10. What are synthetic oxygen carriers? Cite a few such model complexes.


Part – B


Answer EIGHT questions. Each question carries FIVE marks                                 (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Give an account of isomerism in coordination compounds. How is fluxional isomerism studied experimentally?
  2. d6 Metal ions have a strong tendency to form Oh complexes, while d8 metal ions have a strong tendency to form square planar complexes with strong ligands. Explain with the aid of qualitative crystal field splitting energy level diagrams.
  3. How are the following differentiated by IR spectroscopy: (a) nitro- and nitrito complexes and (b) bridging- and terminal carbonyls?
  4. State Jahn Teller theorem. Explain static dynamic Jahn Teller effect with an example. How is this studied experimentally?
  5. What are Orgel diagrams? Construct the Orgel diagram for d3,8 metal ions in Oh  and Td geometries.
  6. Give an account of the synthesis and structural features of organometallic complexes of cyclobutadiene and cycloheptatriene.
  7. The epr spectrum of [Cu(salen)] consists of four sets of eleven lines each. Interpret the spectrum and substantiate your result with the help of experimental evidences.
  8. Give an account of the mechanism of substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.
  9. a.             What are 16- and 18-electron complexes? Cite an example each.
  10.   Explain the bonding and structural aspects of transition metal complexes of two open chain          p-donor organic ligands.
  11. Give a brief account of photoisomerization and photosubstitution reactions of coordination compounds with examples.
  12. Explain the mechanism of hydroformylation reaction.
  13. Explain the structure and functions of superoxide dismutase.


Part – C


Answer FOUR questions. Each question carries TEN marks                                   (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


  1. a) With the help of MO theory show that s-donation and p-back bonding increase the magnitude of   10Dq values.                                                                                                                       (6)
  2.    b)  Explain the electronic spectral features of high spin Oh and Td complexes of d1-9 metal ions.     (4)


  1.    Explain the principles of angular overlap model. Show that Dt = 4/9 Do with the help of this theory.


  1. a) Explain the mechanism of Smidt reaction highlighting the sequence of reactions.                       (5)
  2. b)  Give a brief account of the synthesis of Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Explain the mechanism of

polymerization of olefins by one such catalyst.                                                                             (5)


  1. a) What are electron transfer reactions? Differentiate complimentary and noncomplimentary electron

transfer reactions with examples.                                                                                                   (3)

  1. Explain the inner- and outer-sphere mechanisms of electron transfer reactions in coordination compounds with examples. Mention the various factors which affect these mechanisms.        (7)


  1. a) What is supramolecular chemistry? Mention the various  supramolecular interactions.               (3)
  2. Explain the formation of supramolecular assemblies formed by the recognition of neutral molecules and anions by molecular receptors.                                                                           (7)
  3. a) Explain the structural features of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Explain the mechanism of oxygen

transport and storage by these heme proteins.                                                                               (6)

  1. b)  Explain the structural features and the biological roles of the enzyme, carboxypeptidase A.





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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2009 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



WD 40






Date & Time: 06/05/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                                                            (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Calculate CFSE for high and low spin d5 metal complexes.
  2. What is spectrochemical series? Mention any two applications.
  3. Derive the ground term configuration of d6.
  4. The magnetic moment of mobs of [FeF6]3- is not equal to the magnetic moment value of mcal (spin only value), while in  [Fe(CN)6]3-, mobs is equal to mcal.  Explain.
  5. Explain why large numbers of sharp bands of low intensity are observed for d5 configuration?
  6. Why do electronic spectra of [V(H2O)6]3+ show only two absorption bands against three predicted for the system?
  7. What are the factors that favour charge transfer transition in metal complexes.
  8. What are supramolecules?
  9. What is Wilkinson catalyst? What type of chemical reaction can be effected by using this catalyst?
  10. Mention two biologically important coordination compounds and their applications.


Answer any EIGHT questions                                                      (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Discuss any two evidences of crystal field theory.
  2. Calculate OSSE and state whether the following oxides are spinel or inverse spinel : Mn3O4, Fe3O4, CuFe2O4.
  3. Differentiate labile and inert complexes using crystal field theory.
  4. What is linkage isomerism? How are these isomers differentiated by IR spectral analysis?
  5. Explain the bonding present in ferrocene using MO theory.
  6. State and explain Jahn-Teller effect.
  7. What is trans effect? Explain the theories of trans effect in explaining the mechanism of substitution reaction of square planar complexes.
  8. Discuss the expected esr spectrum of  [Cu(salicylaldimine)2]2+ ion.
  9. Explain the nature and types of interactions of supramolecule.
  10. Discuss the structure and functions of the enzyme, carboxypeptidases.
  11. Explain the types of photochemical reactions with examples.
  12. Write notes on i) the Wackers process ii) hydroformylation reaction


Answer any FOUR questions                                                (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. How do the d-orbitals split in square planar and tetrahedral crystal field of ligands?
  2. Explain how ORD and CD studies help in determining the absolute configurations of chiral complexes.
  3. Explain with the help of MO theory why Cl acts as a weak ligand where as CNacts as a strong ligand in octahedral transition metal complexes.
  4. Explain the features of Tanabe-Sugano and Orgel diagram. Construct orgel diagram for d2, d7 octahedral and d8, d3 tetrahedral of metal ion and explain the possible electronic transitions.
  5. Explain the mechanism and factors affecting the innersphere and outersphere electron transfer reaction of metal complexes.
  6. Explain the structural aspects of haemoglobin in the oxygen transport.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2010 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 01-11-10                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Part – A


Answer all the questions                                                                                                            (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are (i) CFSE and (ii) CFSP?
  2. What is electro neutrality principle? What is its significance?
  3. Derive ground state term for Co[III] ion. How is it split in the presence of ligand field?
  4. What is is nephelauxetic effect? What is its significance?
  5. What is the principle of ORD?
  6. What is photoisomerisation reaction? Cite an example.
  7. Name the orbitals of the central atom/ion in a coordination compound which can form (i) sigma and (ii) pi bonds.
  8. What is the nature of intermolecular interactions in supramolecular asssemblies.
  9. What is ESCA?
  10. What are cupredoxins?


Part – B

Answer any eight questions                                                                                                 (8 x 5  = 40)


  1. What is Wilkinson catalyst? What type of reaction can make use of this catalyst?
  2. State Jahn-Teller theorem. Which are the d-electron configurations prone for large Jahn-Teller distortions.
  3. Why is [Mn(CO)5] unstable, whereas its dimer is stable?
  4. Explain any one of the failures of valence bond theory.
  5. What are the assumptions of Crystal Field Theory? Why are they considered to be wrong?
  6. Explain optical isomerism in octahedral coordination compounds citing examples.
  7. How is IR spectroscopy useful in understanding back-bonding in carbonyl compounds.
  8. Explain the nature of bonding in cyclic alkene- metal compleses with an example.
  9. How is a Tanabe-Sugano diagram different from an Orgel diagram?
  10. Account for the high intense colour of KMnO4 and low intense colour of MnS
  11. Explain the role of photosystem I and photosystem II in photosynthesis.
  12. Briefly explain the use of some essential elements in a human body.


Part – C

Answer any four questions.                                                                                             (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Explain the formation of a square planar complex using CFT with a neat energy-level diagram.
  2. Discuss some evidences for CFSE.
  3. Discuss associative and dissociative mechanisms for substitution reactions of octahedral and square planar coordination compounds.
  4. Discuss factors affecting rate of an electron transfer reactions.
  5. Explain the use of coordination compounds as industrial catalysts.
  6. Describe the nature of different types of copper present in proteins.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2011 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 12-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer all the questions                                                                                                          (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What are (i) spin paired and (ii) spin free complexes?
  2. What is electro neutrality principle? Give its significance.
  3. Derive ground state term for Cr[III] ion. How is it split in the presence of ligand field?
  4. What are the d-electron cofigurations which show large Jahn-Teller distortions?
  5. What are ambidentate ligands? Cite an example.
  6. Account for the high intense colour of KMnO4?
  7. Mention some metal containing biological molecules and the metal ions present in them.
  8. What are the characteristics of (i) Orgel diagrams?
  9. What are cupredoxins?
  10. What is Zeigler-Natta catalyst? What type of reaction can make use of this catalyst?



Answer any eight questions                                                                                                  (8 x 5  = 40)

  1. Why is [Cu(en)3]2+ less stable than [Cu(en)2(H2O)2]2+.
  2. Why is [Mn(CO)5] unstable, whereas its dimer is stable?
  3. Explain the failure of valence bond theory in explaining square planar complexes of Cu(II).
  4. Mention the assumptions of Crystal Field Theory? Why are they considered to be wrong assumptions?
  5. Explain optical isomerism in octahedral coordination compounds citing examples.
  6. How is IR spectroscopy useful in understanding back-bonding in carbonyl compounds?
  7. Explain the nature of bonding in ferrocene.
  8. How is a Tanabe-Sugano diagram different from an Orgel diagram?
  9. Account for the (i)high intense colour of KMnO4 and (ii)low intense colour of [Mn(H2O)6]2+.
  10. What is meant by photosensitiser? Give its application.
  11. Briefly explain the use of Na+ and Ca2+ ions in human body.
  12. Explain 18-electron rule with one example.






Answer any four questions.                                                                                                    (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. Explain the formation of a square planar complex using (i) CFT and (ii) VBT.
  2. What is meant by CFSE? Discuss any two evidences for the same.
  3. Discuss various mechanisms proposed for substitution reactions of octahedral coordination
  4. Discuss factors affecting rate of an inner sphere electron transfer reactions.
  5. Explain the use of coordination compounds as industrial catalysts.
  6. Describe the nature of copper containing proteins.



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2012 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 24-04-2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks:

  1. The thermodynamic stability of high-spin complexes of d0,5,10 metal ions are lower than that of other dn metal ions under identical ligand framework. Comment upon this observation.
  2. Identify the number of isomers of [Co(en)2(SCN)2]+.
  3. It is exceedingly difficult to synthesize low-spin Td complexes of first row transition metals. Rationalize.
  4. What is nephelauxetic ratio? Mention its significance.
  5. Transition metal complexes are invariably colored, while their cabonyls are mostly colorless. Offer a reasonable explanation.
  6. Jahn-Teller distortion in 6-coordinate complexes of low-spin d4 metal ions escapes experimental detection, while it can be detected in 6-coordinate complexes of high-spin d4 metal ions. Explain.
  7. Differentiate trans-effect and trans-influence.
  8. Organometallic compounds are formed by transition metal ions in their low oxidation state. Comment.
  9. What is halometallation reaction? Cite an example.
  10. Mention the biological roles of the enzyme carboxy peptidase A.


Answer eight questions. Each question carries five marks:

  1. How is nitro- and nitrito complexes differentiated by IR spectroscopy?
  2. State Jahn Teller theorem. Explain static dynamic Jahn Teller distortion with an example. How is it studied experimentally?
  3. What is molecular recognition? Give an account of recognition of neutral molecules by molecular receptors.
  4. Explain photoisomerization and photosubstitution reactions in transition metal complexes with examples.
  5. Give an account of the synthesis and structural features of p-complexes of cyclooctatetraene and cycloheptatriene with transition metals.
  6. Explain supramolecular assemblies formed by self assembly methods.
  7. Give an account of the mechanism of substitution reactions in tetrahedral complexes.
  8. What is trans-effect? You are provided with K2PtCl4 and ammonia. How do you synthesisecis– and trans-isomers of [PtCl2(NH3)2]?
  9. Explain the synthesis of Ziegler-Natta catalysts and the mechanism of polymerization of olefins by this catalyst.
  10. The epr spectrum of [Cu(salen)] consists of four sets of eleven lines each. Interpret the spectrum and substantiate your result with the help of experimental evidences.
  11. Write a note on copper proteins.
  12. Explain the structural features and biological roles of superoxide dismutase.


Answer four questions. Each question carries ten marks:

23a. Identify the metal orbitals and LGOs suitable for s– and p-bonding in Oh complexes of transition metal ions. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for s-bonding.          (6)

  1. Justify the position of CO in the spectrochemical series with the help of MO theory. (4)
  2. Explain the principles of angular overlap model. Show that Dt = 4/9Do with the help of this theory.

25a. Explain the electronic spectral features of high-spin Oh and Td complexes of d1-9 metal ions.                                                                                                                                                      (6)

  1. Construct the Orgel diagram for high-spin d3 and d7Oh and Td complexes.                  (4)

26a. Explain the mechanism of palladium chloride-catalyzed production of acetaldehyde. (4)

  1. Explain the mechanism of replacement of coordinated water by another ligand in octahedral complexes.                                                                                         (6)

27a. Explain the mechanism of oxygen transport in mammalian systems.                             (7)

  1. Give an account of synthetic oxygen carriers. (3)

28a. What are electron transfer reactions? Differentiate complimentary and non-complimentary electron transfer reactions with examples.                                                 (3)

  1. Explain the inner- and outer-sphere mechanisms of electron transfer reactions in coordination compounds with examples. Mention the various factors which affect these mechanisms.            (7)



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2012 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 03/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Part – A

Answer all the questions:                                                                                                           (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of d4, high and low spin octahedral system.
  2. Why does metal with d8configuration readily form square planar complexes?
  3. Is MnCr2O4 likely to have a normal or inverse spinel structure?
  4. What is the electronic configuration of [Mn(NCS)6]4- if the magnetic moment of complex is 6.06 Bohr magneton.
  5. Why is the stretching frequency of C—O high for terminal carbonyls compared to bridging metal carbonyls?
  6. Why does electronic spectra of [Ni(en)3]2+ show three absorption bands?
  7. Why the electron transfer reaction is slow between the complexes of [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Co(NH3)6]3+?
  8. What is Nephelauxetic effect?
  9. What is Wilkinson catalyst? Which type of reaction is easily activated by this catalyst?
  10. What are the main functions of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?

Part – B

Answer any eight questions:                                                                                                     (8 x 5  = 40)


  1. Explain the d orbital splitting of octahedral complexes using crystal field theory.
  2. Write a brief note on static and dynamic JahnTeller effect.
  3. What are the evidences supporting Crystal field theory? Explain with examples.
  4. Which dn configurations show quenching of orbital angular momentum if it forms octahedral, high and low spin complexes?
  5. Derive the ground term of d4 and d5.
  6. Discuss the associative and dissociative mechanisms of substitution reactions in metal complexes.
  7. Describe the mechanistic pathway of hydroformylation of alkene using catalyst.
  8. How is optical rotatory dispersion study useful to determine the absolute configuration of chiral complexes?
  9. What is trans effect? How is this effect helpful in synthesizing steroisomers?
  10. What are supramolecular assemblies? Describe any one method to assemble such a system.
  11. Explain photoaquation and photoisomerisation reactions with examples.
  12. Briefly explain the role of metal ion in the hydrolytic breakdown of protein by carboxy peptidase.





Part – C

Answer any four questions:                                                                                                        (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Explain with the help of MOT why Cl acts as a weak ligand whereas

CNacts as a strong ligand in octahedral transition metal complexes.

  1. How is Orgel diagram helpful in explaining the electronic spectrum of d1-9, high spin octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.
  2. Discuss in detail the mechanisms of outer and inner sphere electron transfer in metal
  3. a) Explain the synergic effect of metal-ligand bonding in metal carbonyls.
  4. b) Explain the variations in the stretching frequency of the isoelectronic species, Cr(CO)6, [V(CO)6]and [Mn(CO)6]+.
  5. Discuss the bonding in ferrocene on the basis of molecular orbital energy level diagram.
  6. Discuss the essential structure of haemoglobin and explain its cooperativity in its oxygenation.


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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2015 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 16


                                                 CH 6601 – COORDINATION CHEMISTRY

(Also equivalent to CHE 601)



Date & Time : 21-04-2006/FORENOON     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer All the questions                                                                                10×2=20

  1. Draw the structure of salicyldoxime? How is it prepared?
  2. Calculate the CFSE value for [Cr(NH3)6]3+ complex.
  3. How is ferrocene prepared? Draw is structure.
  4. Show that Ni(CO)4 obeys EAN rule.
  5. Draw the structures of (a) Co2(CO)8 (b) Mn2(CO)10
  6. What are metal-arene complexes? Give one example.
  7. What is cisplatin? Mention its use.
  8. Give the IUPAC name of (a) K[PtCl3(C2H4)] (b) Fe2(CO)9
  9. How is ‘salen’ ligand prepared?
  10. Mention any two uses of crown ethers.



Answer any Eight only                                                                                   8×5=40

  1. Apply ligand field theory to [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Fe(H2O)6]3+
  2. How are cis and trans – [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] prepared?
  3. Give the evidence for the bridge mechanism in inner sphere electron transfer      mechanism.
  4. Describe the splitting of d orbitals in the tetrahedral ligand field.
  5. Give any two reactions indicating the metal template synthesis.
  6. Explain the Wackers process of converting ethylene to ethanal.
  7. Discuss the photosubstitution reactions in metal carbonyls.
  8. How is ‘Do’ influenced by the nature of the central metal atom?
  9. Draw the structures of (a) Ni(DMG)2 (b) [Zn(EDTA)]-1
  10. Write a note on biological significance of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
  11. Write a note on iron-molybdenum centre in nitrogenase enzyme






Answer any Four only                                                                                   4×10=40

  1. State Jahn-Teller theorem. Explain the d-orbital splitting due to elongation and compression along the z-axis in the octahedral complexes. Give one evidence for such a distorted structure.
  2. Discuss the association and dissociation mechanism of the substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.
  3. Discuss the bonding in metal carbonyls. Give any two evidences supporting the bonding scheme.
  4. Describe the hydrogenation of alkene using Wilkinson catalyst. State the merits of this method.
  5. Discuss the structure and function of carboxypeptidase-A.
  6. Write a note on (a) Crown Ethers (b) Color in transition metal compounds



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


LH 18





Date & Time: 18/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00     Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks





  1. Calculate the CFSE for [Co(NH3)6]3+.
  2. Draw the structure of (a) Et2DTC and (b) 1,10-phenanthroline.
  3. What is Irving-Williams series?
  4. The thermodynamic stability of complexes of Sc(II), Mn(II), and Zn(II) is lesser than the corresponding complexes of the rest of the first row transition metals. Give reason.
  5. What is nephelauxetic ratio? Mention its significance.
  6. Octahedral complexes of Ni(II) are paramagnetic whereas its square planar complexes are diamagnetic. Explain.
  7. For which of the configuration Jahn Teller distortion is detected, low spin d4 or high spin d6 in an octahedral geometry? Give reason.
  8. Draw the structures of (pentaheptocyclopenadienyl)(allyl)(dicarbonyl)molybdenum and


  1. How is trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] prepared?
  2. Mention the biological roles of Co(II) and Cr(III).



  1. Draw the crystal field splitting energy level diagram in tetrahedral complexes.
  2. Discuss the photoisomerization reactions of coordination complexes.
  3. Write a note on superoxide dismutase.
  4. Discuss the template synthesis with any two examples.
  5. How does the nature of the metal ion influence Do of complexes?
  6. Give an account of M-L covalency in transition metal complexes.
  7. Discuss the associative mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.
  8. Explain Static-dynamic Jahn Teller distortion with an example.
  9. Give an account of the organometallic compounds of cyclobutadiene and their reactivity.
  10. Account for the following: (a) metal carbonyls are thermally unstable and (b) organometallic compounds are formed by metals in their lower oxidation states.
  11. Explain the structural features of Fe2(CO)9 and Co2(CO)8.
  12. Explain the mechanism of alkene hydrogenation by Wilkinson catalyst.




  1. Discuss the active centre and function of nitrogenase enzyme.
  2. Discuss the mechanism and evidences of inner-sphere electron transfer reactions in coordination compounds.
  3. Discuss the structural features of Schiff base ligands and their ability to form metal complexes.
  4. State Jahn teller theorem. Mention the consequences of Jahn Teller distortion. Explain Jahn Teller distortion in six-coordinate complexes with the aid of qualitative crystal field splitting energy level diagram.
  5. Explain the following with examples: (a) oxidative-addition reaction, (b) insertion reaction, and

(c) reductive elimination reaction.

  1. (a) Give an account of the failure of crystal field theory. (b) Construct the qualitative MO energy level diagram for an octahedral complex involving M-L sigma bond only.



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”



GH 21







Date : 21/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


                                                                           PART – A                                                           

Answer all the questions:                                                                  10 x 2 = 20


  1. Calculate CFSE value for high spin Mn2+ octahedral complex.
  2. What is meant by spin – orbit coupling?
  3. ‘The electron transfer from [Co(NH3)6]2+ to [Co(NH3)6] 3+ is extremely slow’. Explain
  4. Give two examples for photoredox reactions.
  5. How is ferrocene prepared? Draw its structure.
  6. Explain cis effect with an example.
  7. Write two examples for Metal template synthesis.
  8. Draw the structure of (a) Fe3(CO)12 (b) Co4(CO)12
  9. What is the biological significance of peroxidases?
  10. What are the contrast agents used in MRI?


Answer any Eight questions:                                                   8 x 5 = 40


  1. Describe the CF splitting of metal d – orbitals in tetrahedral field of ligands.
  2. State John-Teller theorem. Explain why Cu2+ does not form regular octahedral complex while Ni2+
  3. What are the experimental evidences for overlapping between metal and ligand orbitals? Explain with examples.
  4. Discuss the splitting of metal d-orbitals in square planar complex.
  5. Explain dissociative mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in octahedral complex with suitable example.
  6. What are photoisomerisation reactions? Explain with two examples.
  7. How are cis-and trans – isomers of [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] prepared?
  8. Write the name and draw the structure for the following
    • [Pt(C6H5-C º C-C6 H5) (PPh3) 2]
    • Be(C5H5) 2
  9. What is Wilkinson’s catalyst? Describe the hydrogenation an alkene using it.
  10. Discuss the bonding in (a) metal carbenes (b) Metal alkyls.
  11. Write a note on iron-molybdenum center in nitrogenase enzyme.
  12. Explain chelate therapy with examples.




Answer any FOUR Questions:                                                         4 x 10 = 40


  1. What are the principles of MO theory as applied to complexes? Construct MO energy level diagram for  [Co(NH3)6]3+ and explain why it is a diamagnetic complex.
  2. Define inner-sphere electrom transfer reaction. Explain the mechanism involved with a suitable example.  What are the experimental evidences for inter sphere electron transfer reactions?
  3. (a) Describe the factors affecting crystal field stabilization Energy in complexes.

(b) What are complimentary and non-complimentary electron transfer reactions?  Give two examples.

  1. (a) Write a note on cis-and trans-effect in synthesis of octahedral complex.

(b) Describe template synthesis of metal phthalocyanins.

  1. Describe in detail about bonding in metal carbonyls.
  2. (a) Write a note on Zeigler-Natta catalyst and its synthetic application.

(b) Discuss the structure and functions of carboxypeptidase – A.



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2009 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”


WD 20







Date & Time: 21/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                       (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Calculate CFSE value for octahedral complex.
  2. Predict whether an octahedral complex formed by a ion is perfect or distorted. Explain.
  3. on treatment with gives trans . Account for.
  4. Give two examples for photo substitution reaction.
  5. What is the principle involved in Metal template Synthesis? Give an example.
  6. What are non-complementary electron transfer reactions? Give an example.
  7. Explain the role of rhodium metal in Wilkinson’s catalysis.
  8. Draw the structure of .
  9. What is meant by chelate therapy? Mention its advantage.
  10. What is the biological role of catalases in nitrogen fixations?




Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                               (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. Describe with a neat diagram, the splitting of metal d-oribals in a square planar complex.
  2. What are the experimental evidences for metal-ligand orbitals overlapping?
  3. State Jahn Teller theorem. The octahedral complex formed by is distorted. Explain.
  4. Discuss the mechanism of inner-sphere electron transfer reaction with a suitable example.
  5. Explain associative mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.
  6. Write a note on photoisomerisation reactions.
  7. Describe the polarization theory of trans effect in synthesis of square planar complexes.
  8. How do you prepare Schiff bases using template synthesis? Explain with two examples.
  9. The IR spectrum of consists of two CO stretching bands at 1857 cm-1 and 1897 cm-1. Rationalize this.
  10. Explain the polymerization of olefins using Ziegler-Natta catalyst.
  11. What is the significance of contrast agents in MRI? Give three examples.
  12. Write a note on iron-molybdenum center in nitrogenase enzyme.




Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                                             (4 x10 = 40)


  1. (a) Construct Metal orbitals and LGO suitable for and – bonding in Octahedral geometry  (5)

(b) Construct MO energy level diagram for .                                                            (5)


  1. Define outer-sphere electon transfer reaction. Explain the mechanism with an example. What are the experimental evidences for outer sphere electron transfer?


  1. (a) Explain dissociative mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.  (5)

(b) Describe the CF split of metal d-orbitals in octahedral geometry.                                              (5)


  1. (a) Predict the stability of .                    (5)

(b) Draw the structure of (i) Fe3 (CO)12   (ii)Mn2(CO)10.                                                                 (5)


  1. (a) What is meant by Cis effect? Explain with two examples.          (5)

(b) Describe the template synthesis of metal phthalocyanins.                                                         (5)


  1. (a) Write a note on Wilkinson’s catalyst and hydrogenation of alkene using it.          (6)

(b) Write the structure of carboxypeptidase-A. What is its biological importance?                      (4)



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2011 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”








Date : 07-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL the questions                                                                           (10 x 2=20)

  1. What is the role of catalase in nitrogen fixation?
  2. Calculate CFSE value for Mn2+.
  3. What are noncomplementary electron transfer reactions?
  4. Explain outer sphere mechanism with an example.
  5. What is Trans effect? Give an example.
  6. Give an example of metal phthalocyanin involving metal template synthesis.
  7. State Jahn Teller Theorem.
  8. Draw the structure of Ni(CO)4
  9. Mention the advantages of chelate therapy.
  10. What are coenzymes? Give an example.


Answer any EIGHT questions                                                                         (8 x 5 =40)

  1. Describe with a neat diagram crystal field splitting of metal d-orbitals in tetrahedral field.
  2. Explain the polymerization of olefins using Ziegler Natta catalyst.
  3.    Explain photo substitution reactions with a suitable example.
  4. Discuss the mechanism of inner sphere electron transfer reaction with a suitable example.
  5. What is the significance of contrast agents in MRI? Give two examples.
  6. Discuss the theories of Trans effect.
  7. Explain metal template synthesis of Schiff bases with suitable examples.
  8. Describe bonding in Fe3(CO)12
  9. Explain the mechanism of alkene hydrogenation.
  10. Write a note on photoisomerisation reactions.
  11. Discuss the biological role of carboxypeptidase and catalases.
  12. What are the experimental evidences for metal-ligand overlapping?


      Answer any FOUR questions                                                              (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. a. Construct MO energy level diagram for [Co (NH3)6]2+
  2. Explain crystal field splitting of metal d-orbitals in octahedral complexes.
  3. a. Discuss the structure and bonding of ferrocene.
  4. Explain dissociative mechanism of ligand substitution reaction in octahedral


  1. a. Explain cis effect with two examples.
  2. Describe the metal template synthesis of Schiff bases
  3. a. Write briefly on in vivo and in vitro nitrogen fixation.
  4. Draw the structure of a. Fe(CO)5   b. Mn2(CO)10.
  5. a. Explain 18 –electron rule with any two examples
  6. Construct Metal orbitals and LGO’s suitable for σ and П bonding in octahedral


  1. a. Write a note on the following
  2. hydrogenation reaction c. hydroformylation reaction.
  3. photoredox reactions d.  Photoisiomerizations reactions.



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2012 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download”








Date : 18-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                       (10 x 2 =20 marks)


  1. Calculate CFSE for [Co(NH3)6]2+ .
  2. Write the oxidation number and coordination number of iron in K3[Fe(CN)6].
  3. Define outer sphere mechanism with an example.
  4. Draw the structure of Fe(CO)5.
  5. What is nephelauxetic effect?
  6. Mention the applications of radiopharmaceuticals.
  7. Define metal template synthesis with a suitable example.
  8. Give the biological role of peroxidase.
  9. What is chelate therapy?
  10. Give an example for non-complementary electron transfer reaction.



Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                                     (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Write a note on photoredox reactions.
  2. What is Trans effect? Mention its applications.
  3. Among the complex ions [Fe(H2O)6 ]2+and [Fe(H2O)6]3+  which is expected to give greater splitting of d orbitals.
  4. Discuss the structure and function of carboxypeptidase
  5. How does Zeigler Natta Catalyst catalyze the polymerization of ethylene?
  6. State and explain Jahn Teller theorem with a suitable example. What are its consequences?
  7. What are the experimental evidences for metal – ligand overlapping?
  8. [Co(CN)6]3 is diamagnetic but [Co(F)6]3 is paramagnetic. Account for difference in magnetic properties of these two octahedral complexes using CFT.


  1. Explain metal template synthesis of Schiff bases with suitable examples.
  2. Discuss the mechanism of inner sphere electron transfer reaction with suitable examples.
  3. Describe the structure and bonding in Metal alkyls      ii. carbenes.
  4. Explain the following apoenzymes   ii. coenzymes.




Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                                       (4 x 10=40 marks)


  1. What are π–acceptor ligands? Discuss in detail the nature of bonding involved in

Fe3(CO)12   and Cr(CO)6.

  1. Discuss the σ and π metal –ligand bonding in transition metal complexes with reference

to octahedral geometry.

  1. a) Explain invivo and invitro nitrogen fixation.
  2. b) Give the importance of contrast agents in MRI.
  3. a)Explain the 18 electron rule with two examples.
  4. b) Discuss the structure and bonding of ferrocene.
  5. What do you understand by nucleophilic substitution mechanism reactions for

octahedral complexes? Discuss associative and dissociative mechanism of ligand

substitution for octahedral complexes.

  1. a) Giving a neat diagram explain Crystal Field splitting of d orbitals when a transition

metal ion is placed in a tetrahedral field.

  1. b) Discuss the mechanism of hydrogenation of olefins using Wilkinson’s catalyst.




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