second SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
ST 2500/ STA 501 statistical methemattics – I
9.00 – 12.00 Max: 100 Marks
SECTION – A (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL questions. Each carries TWO marks.
- What is ‘permutation of indistinguishable objects’? State its value in factorial notation.
- If A, B,C are events, give the set theoretic notation for the following
- Exactly one of the three events occurs
- None of the three events occur
- If P(AÈB) =7/8, P(AÇB) = 1/6, P(Ac) =3/8, find P(B).
- Define a bounded function and give an example.
- Define a monotonic sequence and give an example.
- “The following is not a cumulative distribution function (c.d.f)” -Justify this statement:
- “The series diverges” – Justify
- “The function is not a probability generating function (p.g.f)” –
- State the Leibnitz test for alternating series.
- Find (0) if f(x) = x |x|, xÎÂ.
Section – B (5 ´ 8 = 40 Marks)
Answer any FIVE. Each carries EIGHT marks
- (a) Consider the construction of four-letter words from the word “CHEMISTRY”,
How many of these words begin and end with consonants? How many begin
with T end with a vowel?
- If there are 4 persons from Tamilnadu, 2 from Karnataka, 5 from Orissa and
3 from Kerala, find the number of ways they can be seated in a row such that
persons from the state sit together. Find the number of arrangements if they
have to be seated around a circular table. (4+4)
- State the relevant theorem and solve the following problem using it:
A box contains 10 black and 6 white marbles. Three balls are drawn at random
one by one without replacement. Find the probability that
- (i) First two draws give black and third draw gives white
(ii) First and third drawn give balls of the same colour while the second
draw gives the other colour.
- Consider the experiment of tossing a fair coin indefinitely until a Head
occurs. Write down the sample space of the experiment. If X is the number
of tosses to get the first Head, find the probability mass function (p.m.f.)
and c.d.f. of X.
- Show that the function and log x are continuous functions on (0, ¥).
- (a) Show by using first principles that
(b) Show that (4 + 4)
- Test the convergence of the following series and state the test which you use in each:
(a) (b) (4+ 4)
- Find the values of ‘s’ for which f(s) = is a p.g.f. Find the probability
distribution for which it is the p.g.f. Hence or otherwise find the mean of the distribution.
- Obtain the expansion of the exponential function and define the Poisson distribution.
SECTION – C (2 ´ 20 = 20 Marks)
Answer any TWO. Each carries twenty marks.
- (a) State the Binomial theorem for positive integer index. Find term which
contains y10 in the expansion of (3x2y-xy2/2)8
(b) State and prove Baye’s theorem.
(c) Three machines produce respectively 40%, 40% and 20% of the total
production in a factory. Of their output 3%, 5% and 4% respectively are
defective items. If an item is selected at random from the entire lot, what is
the probability that it is a defective? Given that a selected item is defective,
what is the probability that it was produced by the second machine. (7+7+6)
- (a) Show that the product of two continuous functions is continuous.
(b) Consider the following c.d.f. of a r.v.X
Identify the type of the distribution. Also, find P(X =3), P(2<X £ 4),
P(0 £ X <3/2) and P(X ³ 5/2) (8+12)
- (a) Discuss the convergence of the Geometric series for all possible
variations in x. Find the value of ‘a’ for which the sequence defines
a probability distribution on the set of positive integers. Find the p.g.f and
hence the variance of the distribution.
(b) Examine the applicability and validity of Rolle’s theorem for the function
- (a) Investigate the extreme values of f(x) = 2x5 – 104 +10x3 + 8
- Define Binomial distribution. Find the moment generating function (m.g.f.)
and hence its mean and variance. (10 +10)
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