Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Bioprocess & Enzyme Technology Question Paper PDF Download



VE 30






Date & Time: 22/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                 Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                     (20 marks)


  1. Choose the best answer. (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae produces the enzyme

(a) dextranase          (b) invertase    (c) uric oxidase            (d) glucose isomerase.

  1. Pick the odd one out:

(a) disc turbine        (b) vaned disc (c) open turbine           (d) Ekato intermig.

  1. Which one of the following is a precursor in media formulation?

(a) pectin    (b) bromide     (c) phenoxy aceticacid            (d) glutamic acid.

  1. In ion –exchange chromatography the separation principle is based on the

(a) size and shape                            (b) molecular recognition

(c) net charge                                  (d) hydrophobicity.

  1. Sulphite waste liquor is a by-product from __________ industry

(a) molasses                                     (b) cane sugar

(c) paper pulping                             (d) steeping of corn starch.


  1. Say True or False; if false, state reasons.  (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. The hydrolysis of starch with amylase results in short chain polymers called


  1. The ‘Prochem Maxflo T’ is a conventional agitator.
  2. Osmotic shock is a mechanical method of cell disruption.
  3. Triton X-100 is a detergent.
  4. Mutagenicity of chemicals can be detected using biosensors.


III. Complete the following.                                                                (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. The genetic modification for improving the strain is achieved by __________ &


  1. The ______________ type of sparger has perforation pipes which may be of cross or

ring type.

  1. The other term for ‘Del factor’ is ___________________.
  2. ______________ is used to measure the air-flow rate in bioprocess control.
  3. The method of separating the amphoteric substances based on their isoelectric point is

called ___________________.


  1. Answer the following in one or two sentences, each in about 50 words. (5 X 1 =5)
  2. Define idiophase.
  3. What are on-line sensors?
  4. Give two examples of microorganisms used in effluent treatment.
  5. What are precursors? Give examples.
  6. What is super-critical fluid extraction?




  1. Answer any five questions, each in about 350 words only. (5 X 8 = 40)


  1. Explain the various ranges of fermentation products.
  2. Give an account on the industrial applications of enzymes.
  3. Illustrate the various methods of preserving the pure cultures.
  4. Determine the mass, energy and momentum transfer in transport phenomena.
  5. Explain the working mechanism of air-lift reactor with applications.
  6. Bring out the significance of computer aided control in fermentation technology.
  7. Enumerate and explain the uses of enzymes in biotransformation.
  8. Give an account on foaming and its control.




  1. Answer the following, each in about 1500 words. (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. a) Describe the various types and methods of enzyme immobilization and add a note

on its applications.




  1. b) Brief out the methods of producing the healthy state of inoculum for bacterial and

mycelial processes.


  1. a) Explain how media formulation effects the fermentation process.




  1. b) Explain the primary separation techniques involved in recovering the metabolites.

(cell-disruption techniques and solid-liquid separation).




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Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Bio-Instrumentation Question Paper PDF Download



AF 01






Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions:                                                  (20 marks)


I  Choose the best answer:                                                      (5×1=5)

1 One curie is defined as

(a)  3.7x 1010disintegrations/ second       (b) 3.7x 1012disintegrations/ second

(c) 3.7x 108disintegrations/ second         (d) 3.7x 1011disintegrations/ second

  1. Handerson Hasselbach equation is represented as

(a) pH= pK + log A/ HA                                (b) pH= pK + log HA/A

(c) pH= pK – log A/ HA                                 (d) pH= pK-log HA/A

  1. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the transmittance is called as

(a) quantum efficiency (b) optical density (c) extinction (d) concentration

  1. The volume of mobile phase present outside the gel particles is called as

(a) elution volume (b) bed volume (c) void volume (d) total volume

  1. Which of the following is not included under the main text of the thesis?

(a) introduction (b) review (c) results (d) references


II Say true or false, if false state reason:                             (5×1=5)


  1. In isopycnic centrifugation, separation is independent of buoyant density of the particle.
  2. TEMED catalyses the formation of free radicals from ammonium per sulfate.
  3. Avidin is not used as ligand for separation of biotin containing enzymes in affinity


  1. 1-phenyl 4-phenyloxazole is used as secondary scintillant in liquid scintillation


  1. MEDLINE is an example of off-line literature search.


III Complete the following:                                                   (5×1=5)


  1. ———– is the ratio of weight of the particle in the centrifugal field to the weight of

same particle when acted by gravity alone.

  1. SDS-PAGE is used for the analysis of ———- and ———.
  2. ————— is a helium consisting of two protons and two neutrons
  3. A mixture of substances with different partition coefficients can be separated by a

technique called ———-

  1. —————— is the hardest portion in any thesis.








IV Answer the following each within 50 words:         (5×1=5)


  1. Compare prism and grating in UV-vis spectrophotometer.
  2. Define isotachophoresis.
  3. Define isocratic elution
  4. What is quenching?
  5. What is Byline?





V Answer any 5 questions each within 350 words:                      (5×8=40)


21 Describe the principle and instrumentation of Atomic emission flame


22 Write an account on principle and applications of Biosensors.

  1. Explain the principle and procedure of ion exchange chromatography

24 Describe Geiger-Muller Counter with a diagram. Add a note on its applications with

biosafety measures adopted.

  1. Explain the principle and procedure for the separation of isoenzymes

using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

  1. Write notes on principle and applications of Mass spectroscopy
  2. Describe the principle and applications of radioimmunoassay.

28   What are the various points to be considered while writing a review paper?





VI Answer any one of the following each within 1500 words:        (2×20=40)


29 (a) Explain the principle, design and applications of analytical ultracentrifuge. Add a

note on their advantages over conventional centrifuges.


(b) Write the principle, operation and applications of Rank oxygen electrode.

30 (a) Describe in detail about HPLC and its operation with a flow diagram.


(b) Explain the various parts of a thesis in detail, giving the significance of each




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Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Advanced Biochemistry Question Paper PDF Download



VE 27






Date & Time: 04/05/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks



PART A                                             (20 marks)

  1. Choose the best answer: (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. In living system, most of the reactions fall into the category of

(i) Oxidation – reduction                    (ii) Internal rearrangement                              (iii) Group transfer                              (iv) All of those

  1. Amino acid molecules can be covalently joined through a substituted amide linkage, termed as,

(i) Dipeptide    (ii) Covalent bond       (iii) Peptide bond        (iv) Isoelectric bond

  1. The overall yield of ATP from the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule is

(i) 30 – 32        (ii) 20-24                     (iii) 16-19                    (iv) 6-9

  1. The possible energy relationship between catabolic and anabolic pathway.

(i)  ATP → ADP                                 (ii) NADH→NAD                                          (iii) FADH2 → FAD                           (iv) All of those

  1. Hormones which are released into the blood and carried to target cells throughout the body are called

(i) Endocrine   (ii) Paracrine                (iii) Autocrine              (iv) None of these

  1. State true or false, if false give the reason: (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. The configuration of molecules is changed only by breaking bonds.
  3. Sickle-cell anemia is a molecular disease of hemoglobin.
  4. DNA isolated from different tissues of the same species has the same base composition.
  5. The first step of glycolysis is reversible.
  6. Lowered blood glucose triggers secretion of glucose of glucagons and increases insulin release.

III. Complete the following:                                                                             (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. The energy required to break a bond is called …………..
  2. Human erythrocytes are formed from precursor stem cell called …………..
  3. The main storage polysaccharide of animal cell is ………….
  4. The agents which completely scavenge the free radicals are known as ………….
  5. The water soluble hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine are collectively termed as…………..




  1. Answer the following each in about 50 words: (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Define Functional group. List out the functional groups of biomolecules.
  3. Write the biological role of molecular chaperones.
  4. Define: Mutarotation.
  5. What are Apolipoproteins?
  6. Mention the biological importance of hypothalamus.



  1. Answer any five questions, each in about 350 words: (5 x 8 = 40)
  2. Explain briefly the principles of bioenergetics.
  3. Write in detail about the amino acid classification and physical properties.
  4. Explain the role of water and fat soluble vitamins in living system with an example.
  5. Write short notes on regulation and integration of metabolism.
  6. Discuss the types of fatty acid oxidation and add a note on their importance.
  7. Explain the principle and separating technique for electrophoresis.
  8. How does the drug get metabolized and distributed in liver?
  9. Explain the chemical nature and biological action of prostaglandin?



  1. Answer the following each in about 1500 words: (2 x 20 = 40)
  2. (a) Explain in detail the classification, structure, chemistry and properties of carbohydrates.


(b) Give an account of glucose metabolism in blood.

  1. (a) Explain the role of enzymes in determining the concentration of metabolites for clinical diagnosis.


(b) Describe the biosynthesis of pancreatic hormone. Explain the regulation of insulin and glucagons.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Strategic Marketing Management Question Paper PDF Download


KP 37







Date & Time: 25/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




 Answer all questions. Each answers carries maximum of 2 marks.

 Each answer should be around 10 lines.                                                                   (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Why do some new products fail?
  2. When is ‘Skim the cream’ pricing appropriate?
  3. Mention some idea generating techniques?
  4. Mention any two characteristics of the ‘Business Strength’ dimension of the GE Multifactor Portfolio Matrix
  5. Identify any two product strategies during the maturity stage of the product life cycle.
  6. Can monopolies be challenged?
  7. How does ‘experimentation’ become a strategic advantage to the firm?
  8. Identify a brand strategy which works well in any industry known to you.
  9. What are the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ elements in marketing?
  10. Identify any two tactics to manage or survive a recession.

SECTION – B                           


Answer any 5 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 8 marks.

Answers should be in about 1 page.                                                                        (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Comment on Davidson’s seven principles of brand development.
  2. Suggest three advertisements (appealing to man’s emotions) ideas to reduce violence in Indian society.
  3. Recommend a logistics plan to help a new retail chain specializing in Home Computers to start its presence in Chennai?
  4. Suggest appropriate strategies for market followers in the Higher Education industry.
  5. Comment on the cost-effectiveness of different promotion tools during the life cycle of a product.
  6. Compare ‘Cost based’ with ‘Market based’ Pricing-approach, for a food business product item.
  7. Recommend ideas and design a good message, to help a political party to win the ensuing elections.
  8. Why is it important to segment your audience before developing a promotion campaign?



Answer any 2 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 20 marks.

Answers should be around 4 pages.                                                                        (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Using the PEST framework below, prepare a critical external environment analysis report on

Chennai to help a Multinational Office Appliances brand, start operations in the city soon.

Political/ Legal Framework: (legislative structures, monopoly restrictions, political and government stability, political orientations, taxation policies, employment legislation, foreign trade regulations, environmental protection legislation, pressure groups, trades union power Socio-cultural factors: (demographics, lifestyles, social mobility, educational levels, attitudes, consumerism)
Economic Factors: (business cycles, money supply, inflation rates, investment levels, unemployment, energy costs, GNP trends, patterns of ownership) Technological factors (levels and focuses of government and industrial R &D expenditure, speed of technology transfer, product life cycles, joint ventures)


  1. Develop a ‘Value Chain’ analysis report for a Food Chain focusing on promoting cost effective,

tasty and safe foods in the South Indian Market.

Keep in mind the 5 primary activities (inbound & outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and

service) and 4 support activities (infrastructure, HR mgt., technology development and

procurement) suggested by Porter.



  1. An Indian Company has hired you to suggest ways to enhance its Brand Image in the wake

of the financial scandal it has faced, of late. You can use the following ideas before you suggest

Brand strategies to the company.

The Brand’s current market positioning; competitors positioning strategies and resource bases; ways

in which the market is likely to develop and the implications of product, brand and market life

cycles; customer perceptions of the portfolio of brands in the market; customers’ expectations and

the extent to which these are being met both by the brand and its competitors; etc., like distributors

expectations; financial, managerial and operational resources usage; bases of competition;

importance of branding to the organization; and managerial expectations of the brand.




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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Service Marketing Question Paper PDF Download



KP 47






Date & Time: 29/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions in not more than 3 lines each                     (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Give a brief definition of the concept of Service.
  2. What is customer service?
  3. What are implicit service promises?
  4. What is adequate service level?
  5. What is service quality assessment?
  6. Enumerate the core dimensions of E-Service quality.
  7. What is service recovery.
  8. State the types of guarantees in services marketing.
  9. What is physical evidence?
  10. State the Key pricing structures used in services marketing.


Answer any FIVE in not more than 2 pages each.                  (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. “Four very important components make up a service” – What are these?
  2. Write a note on the Zone of Tolerance.
  3. What are the determinants of customer satisfaction.
  4. What is relationship marketing?
  5. Enumerate and explain the different types of complainers.
  6. Explain the different types of personnel in a service organization.
  7. “The Serivce scape can play many roles simultaneously” – What are these?
  8. What are the guidelines to be followed for evolving the physical evidence strategy?



Answer any TWO in not more than 4 pages each              (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. How does a services marketer address the issues involving customer service expectations?
  2. What are the sources of pleasure and displeasure in a services encounter?
  3. There are some key differences in the way prices are perceived by customer in services consumption, as compared to merchandise consumption. What are these?


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Question Paper PDF Download



KP 48






Date & Time: 16/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                        ( 10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. What is meant by portfolio management?
  2. Write a short note on “options and futures”.
  3. What do you understand by risk?
  4. How to measure a risk?
  5. Identify the factors on which the profit potential of an industry depends upon.
  6. Distinguish between Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis.
  7. What is Capital Asset Pricing Model?
  8. In what way stock split affect the share price movement?
  9. Why Strong form of market hypothesis is not popular as Weak form hypothesis?
  10. The investor is seeking an efficient portfolio in the correlation of 0.7 between the portfolio

and the market and the S.D is 2.5.  Market S.D is 1.4%.  Market rate of return is 16%.  The

risk free rate of return is 8%.  What is the required rate of return?



Answer any five questions:                                                                    ( 5 x 8 = 40 )


  1. Compare and contrast between speculation and investment.
  2. Briefly explain the functions of a secondary market.
  3. List out and explain the classification of risks involved in the investment process.
  4. The market price of an equity share is Rs.100. Following information is available in
    respect of dividends, market price and the expected market condition after one year.

Market condition           Probability                Market price (Rs.)          Dividend (Rs.)

            Good                                 0.25                                115                                9

Normal                              0.50                               107                                 5

Bad                                   0.25                                 97                                 3

Find out the expected return and variability of returns of the equity share.

  1. Discuss the basic concepts underlying Chart Analysis.
  2. Give a brief summary of tests conducted and their results under semi strong form of

efficient market hypothesis.

  1. What do you mean by Weak Form Market? Bring out its assumptions.
  2. Mittal owns a portfolio of two securities with the following expected returns, standard

deviation and weights:

Security Expected Return Standard Deviation  Weight
X 15% 18% 0.30
Y 20% 23% 0.70

What is maximum and minimum portfolio standard deviation for varying levels of correlation between two securities?


Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. Discuss in detail the various alternative methods of investment available.
  2. Explain in detail the various segments of macro economic variables of fundamental analysis

of portfolio.

  1. Write note on
  • Fiscal policy
  • Systematic Risk
  • Risk exposure in company analysis
  • Support level and resistance level in Chart Techniques
  • Institutional investors


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download


KP 50







Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Answer All Questions:                                                                                       10 x 2 = 20


  • What is Action Research?
  • What criteria should a research problem satisfy?
  • How does questionnaire differ from schedule?
  • Define a hypothesis.
  • What is the rationale of footnotes in a research report?
  • Define Type I and Type II errors.
  • Under what conditions is it appropriate to use a one – tailed test?
  • What is Z test?
  • Mention any two conditions to be satisfied for applying Chi square test?
  • What do you understand by Non – Parametric tests?



Answer any five only:                                                                                    5 x 8 = 40


  • Explain the objectives of social research?


  • How is research problem selected? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples


  • Examine the merits and limitations of experimental approach to research?


  • Distinguish between structured and unstructured interview.


  • Describe the essential features of a research report.


  • What is pilot survey? Explain its usefulness in the context of social research


  • Ten students are selected at random from a college and their heights are found to be 100, 104, 106, 110, 118, 120,122,124,126 and 128 cms. In the light of these data discuss the assumption that the mean height of the students of the college is 110cm.

The table value of t at 5% level for 8 df is 2.306 and for 9 df is 2.262 and 10 df is 2.228 for a two tailed test.


  • The following data is collected on two characteristics:


Particulars                   Smokers          Non – Smokers

Literate                             83                           57

Illiterate                            45                           68

Based on this can you say that there is no relation between the habit of smoking and literacy.







Answer any two only.                                                                                        2 x 20 = 40


  • Explain the stages involved in formulation of a research project.


  • Discuss various approaches to research?


  • The following data is relating to the units produced per day by 4 workers in 5 machines of different types. Test whether the four workers differ in terms of mean productivity and test whether the mean productivity is the same for the five different machines.


Workers Machine Type
1 2 3 4 5
1 10 9 8 12 10
2 11 9 8 12 10
3 13 10 9 10 11
4 14 9 8 12 12



  • School children taking coaching in three private schools A,B and C secure the following scores out of 100.


No of Children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
School – A 33 38 39 48 58 70 61 41 45 49
School – B 32 15 87 32 22 63 56 57 44
School – C 55 68 27 88 46 52 76

Test the hypothesis that the students in the three private schools have identical distribution of scores at significance level at 1 %. Apply H test.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Modern Management Practice Question Paper PDF Download



KP 43






Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all question                                                                           ( 10 x 2 = 20 marks)

Explain briefly in about 10 lines each of the following:


  1. Human Relations skills of Managers
  2. Role of Front Line Managers
  3. BCG Matrix
  4. Span of Control
  5. Core Competency
  6. Equity Motivation Theory
  7. Maslow Need Hierarchy
  8. Change Management
  9. Characteristics of excellent companies

10 Just in Time (JIT)



Answer any 5 questions (1 page each)                                             (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the Challengers to Managers in 21st century?
  2. Differentiate between Specialist Managers and Generalist Managers
  3. Explain Strategic Management Process
  4. Describe Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. Distinguish between functional and divisional organizational structure
  6. Explain Total Quality Management (TQM)
  7. What are Leadership Traits? Can managers be developed?
  8. Explain Hertzberg two factor theory of motivation?



Answer any two questions ( 4 pages each)                                      (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain Span of Control? What are the factors that determine optimum span of

control? How the degree of span of control influences organizational structure

  1. “Not all changes are improvements, but all improvements are changes”. Explain the

statement with reference to managing change. What are the barriers to change?

  1. Distinguish between group and team. What are the stages of group development?

What are the conditions for promoting effective group decision making?


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Labour Legislation Question Paper PDF Download



KP 58






Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00    Dept. No.                                               Max. : 100 Marks




(Answer ALL questions)                                    (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Who is a competent person according to The Factories Act?
  2. Define the term “Hazardous Process”.
  3. Give the list of dependents as found in the Workmen Compensation Act.
  4. What are the various objectives of Industrial Disputes Act?
  5. What do you mean by Public utility service? .Give any two examples for public utility service.
  6. Who is an “Appellate Authority”?
  7. A woman worked for 55 hours during the previous week, hourly rate of wages =Rs.50. Calculate the overtime wages payable to her.
  8. An employee worked for 250 days during the previous year; should his services be treated as continuous service?
  9. State the procedure to be followed for the submission of draft standing orders.
  10. Define the term “week” as per The Factories Act, 1948.


                               (Answer any FIVE questions)                                    (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Enlist and explain the various rules regarding distribution of compensation to the workmen.
  2. Bring out the provisions regarding the working hours for children.
  3. Expalin the procedures to be followed in the following cases as per the Factories Act.
  4. a) Constitution of site approval committee
  5. b) Compulsory disclosure of information by the employer.
  6. List out and explain the classification of industrial disputes.
  7. Under what circumstances strikes and lock outs are considered as illegal? What are the

Rules to be applied for the levy of penalty for such illegal strikes and lock outs?

  1. Briefly explain the provisions relating to the following:
  2. a) Certification of Standing Orders.
  3. b) Conditions to be fulfilled for the certification of standing orders.
  4. What are the various deductions allowed from wages as per The Payment of Wages Act?


  1. Explain the Jurisdiction and powers of Presiding Officers of National

Commission to solve industrial disputes.


(Answer any TWO questions)                            (2 x 20 = 40)


19 a) Discuss in detail the various welfare measures to be provided to the workers in the

Factory as under The Factories Act-1948.

  1. b) What are the special provisions to be applied in factories to ensure the good

Governance in Factories.


  1. Explain in detail the provisions to be followed in the following cases as per The

Workmen Compensation Act.

  1. a) Rights of workmen laid-off for compensation.
  2. b) Retrenchment ..


  1. Bring out the provisions to be followed as per the Standing procedures Act for the

Following  matters.


  1. a) Payment of subsistence allowance. (7)
  2. b) Powers of certifying Officers and appellate authorities.(7)
  3. c) Powers of Appropriate Government.(6)


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 International Marketing Question Paper PDF Download


KP 54






Date & Time: 18/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00   Dept. No.                                                            Max. : 100 Marks





ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS                                                                      (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. What is counter-trade?
  2. What is a ‘transnational corporation’?
  3. Define the term ‘culture’.
  4. Mention some functions of the ‘WTO’.
  5. Mention any two indicators of ‘South Indian values’.
  6. Explain any features of Ethnocentric approach to International Marketing.
  7. Give two reasons for the recent increase in the dollar value?
  8. Differentiate OPEC from APEC.
  9. Are anti-dumping policies relevant today?
  10. Explain any two methods of market entry into foreign market.

ANSWER ANY FIVE (in about 1 Page each)                                              (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the ‘Driving’ forces which promote Global trade?
  2. Are the basic goals of marketing relevant to global marketing?
  3. Comment on the global market potential for any two of the following:                                a) Bollywood or Kollywood Films; b) Ethnic Indian Fashions and Art; and c) Ethnic Indian Foods; d) Indian Education; e) Tourist spots in India
  4. Give a critical appraisal of globalization in the current context of global recession.
  5. What are the key market entry modes to be considered before going global?
  6. Is ‘product standardisation’ an appropriate marketing strategy for recessionary times?
  7. Differentiate Geo-centrism from Polycentrism.
  8. Can a nation be branded? What are the factors which affect a nations brand value?


ANSWER ANY TWO                                                                                  (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the different forms of protectionist measures available to Governments.
  2. Is India capable of being a future ‘Super Power’? Do you see any positive indicators for a bright future for India, in the current economic, social, and political environment reality in the world?
  3. Choose any country and explain the special logistics and distribution challenges that exist there. What is the best way for a non-Indian company to deal with distribution challenges in a country like India?




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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Indian Securities Market Question Paper PDF Download


KP 41







Date & Time: 20/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





(Answer ALL questions)                                                                                           (10×2=20)


  1. Give the expansion of ICRA and CRISIL.
  2. What do you understand by derivatives?
  3. Who are allowed to function as merchant bankers?
  4. What is listing?
  5. What do you mean by “volatility”?
  6. Define “Hedging”.
  7. Give the names of any two leading power sector companies on the basis of Profitability.
  8. What is market index?
  9. The price of a company’s stock on 10th may 2008 was Rs.880.The price on 3rd June 2008 was

Rs.1020 and dividend received during the year was Rs.13 per share. Calculate the rate of return on

the stock?

  1. Coupon rate =Rs.80.

Price of the bond = Rs.1,000.

Maturity value     = Rs.1,200.

Calculate the holding period return.



(Answer any FIVE questions)                                                                                         (5×8=40)


  1. Bring out the differences between the primary market and secondary market

Operations in India.

  1. Explain the following concepts relating to Government securities:
  2. Yield structure b) Yield Curve c) Valuation methodology.


  1. What is rights issue? State the advantages of rights issue.
  2. Briefly explain the conditions to be fulfilled for the registration of merchant bankersIn India.
  3. Compare and contrast between Forwards and Futures.
  4. State and explain the various powers of stock exchanges to make Bye-laws.
  5. a) A wants to buy a share and hold it on for 5 years. He estimates Rs.8 as dividend to be paid by

the company continuously for the next 5 years. He hopes to sell the share at Rs.100 at the end of

the 5th year. What is the present price? His required  rate of return is 20%.                 (4-marks)

  1. Felix bought three stocks during 2007.From the following details given below,

Find out whether his expectations are fulfilled or not. His expected return on investment

is 25%.                                                                                                                             (4-Marks)



PRICE ON 30.11.07




     A         480       1,100    3.50
     B         620       1,700     2
     C      1,230       1,620     2.50



18.a) An investor buys  NIFTY Futures contract for Rs.2,80,000 (lot size 200 futures). On

The settlement date, the NIFTY closes at 1,378.Find out his profit or loss, if he pays

Rs.1,000 as brokerage. What would  be the position, if he has sold the futures

contract?                                                                                                                           ( 4- marks)


  1. b) The shares of Lookmen Ltd, are being traded at Rs.250 on BSE. Its futures for  1 month, 2 months

and 3 months are also available on the BSE. If the risk free rate is 12% p.a and no dividend is

expected during the period, what should be  The equilibrium price of these futures?        (4-marks)




(Answer any TWO questions)                                                                                              (2×20=40)


  1. Briefly explain the various reforms introduced in the Primary market operations in India.


20  a) Explain in detail the salient features  of OTCEI with the benefits of getting OTCEI listing  for

the  Investors. (12-marks)

  1. Bring out the advantages of credit rating to various parties involved in the Investment activities..


  1. a) Discuss the procedure adopted for clearing and settlement of transactions by National

Securities Clearing Corporation Limited (NSCCL)


  1. b) 9% bond (life 5 years) is issued by a company at 90%.It is redeemable at a Premium of 5%.

Find out the post-tax YTM for the investor, whose Marginal  Income tax rate is 30% and capital

gain tax rate is 10%.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



KP 55






Date & Time: 21/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks




Explain the following concepts (5 Lines each)                                   (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)


  1. What does KASEC represent?
  2. What is Manpower planning?
  3. What is Career planning?
  4. What is BOS? Give an illustration
  5. Explain the Hot Stove Rule in discipline
  6. What are fringe benefits?
  7. What is OTAPACE?
  8. Define Grievance
  9. Define Job Evaluation
  10. What is mentoring?


                                                                SECTION B

Answer any five questions                                                                  (5 X 8 = 40 Marks)

(Answers should not exceed  2 pages each)


  1. State the objectives of Human Resources Management.
  2. State the procedure to be followed in redressing grievances in an organization. State the characteristics of a good grievance procedure.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor/External recruitment.
  4. Explain any 8 strategies that can be pursued for career planning.
  5. Explain any 8 strategies for dealing with the problem of attrition that is faced by many corporates today.
  6. What are the various alternatives you would consider in dealing with surplus manpower in an organization?
  7. Explain any four methods of off the job training.
  8. Explain the disciplinary procedure you would follow in dealing with acts of misconduct.



Answer any two questions                                                                  (2 X20 = 40 Marks)

(Answers should not exceed six pages each)


  1. Explain the changing roles of a HR Manager. Why is he considered to be a strategic business partner? Explain any 6 major challenges that he faces in the 21st
  2. State the objective of Job Evaluation. Explain the four principal methods of Job Evaluation. Give Illustrations.
  3. Explain the traditional methods of Performance Appraisals. What are their strengths and weaknesses


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Global Business Strategey Question Paper PDF Download



KP 56






Date & Time: 23/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all Questions. Each carries 2 marks                                10 x 2 = 20 marks


For each term below explain in about 10 lines

  1. Technological environment
  2. European union
  3. Tariff and subsidies
  4. Value Chain Analysis
  5. Competitive advantage
  6. “Focus” Strategy
  7. Investment mode of market entry
  8. Expatriates
  9. International Joint Venture
  10. Matrix Organization structure



Answer any Five questions (One Page answer)                                5 x 8 = 40 marks


  1. Explain role & objectives of WTO
  2. How does an International Firm assess the economic environment?
  3. Explain five force analysis of industrial competition
  4. What is Globalization? What are the arguments against globalization?
  5. Explain types of International Joint Ventures. What are the problems of IJV?
  6. How to assess and reduce political risks in International business?
  7. Who are strategists? What are the main elements of strategy formulation?
  8. Explain advantages and disadvantages of international acquisitions



Answer any TWO questions. (4 pages Essay)Each carries 20 marks:

2 x 20 = 40 marks

  1. Write a short profile of any MNC operating in India. Make a SWOT analysis for the same MNC
  2. Explain cost, differentiation, and focus strategies given my Michael Porter by giving examples of strategies used by international firms. Evaluate the merits and demerits of each strategy.
  3. Argue for and against Globalization. What are the practical implications of globalization on Indian companies? What are your suggestions to overcome adverse effects, if any?


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Creative Advertising Question Paper PDF Download



KP 51






Date & Time: 27/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL Questions:                                                                 (10 x 2= 20)


  1. Define marketing research.
  2. Why are women exploited in advertising?
  3. What is stereotyping?
  4. What are the literary forms of message being used in advertising?
  5. Which is more sensational: Google ads or Newspaper ads?
  6. How does Brainstorming help in creating advertisements?
  7. Differentiate Rational appeal from Emotional appeal.
  8. What is creativity? Give an example.
  9. What is global advertising? Name some of the global advertising agencies.
  10. Identify an example for ‘deceptive advertising’.



Answer any FIVE questions:                                                         (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Explain the qualities of creative thinkers.
  2. Briefly describe how advertisements help the economy?
  3. Do we need ethics for advertising? Why?
  4. What is Integrated Marketing Communications and what are its benefits?
  5. What is lay-out and explain the various stages in lay-out process?
  6. How do Direct-response advertising and Direct mail advertising differ?
  7. What is media planning? How does it relate to marketing and advertising?
  8. Explain the various functions of advertising.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                          (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. Define what copy writing is with its types and styles. Also explain the copy structure.
  2. Write short notes on:
    1. Marketing opportunities and threats for multinationals and their effect on marketing communications.
    2. Challenges to standardization or adaptation in finding an effective communication mix.
  3. Write an essay on how the recent recession has affected the Advertising industry and suggest ways and means to overcome this crisis. Explain what sort of advertising message can we create to make the public buy goods and services at this time when people do not have purchasing power.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download



KP 36






Date & Time: 17/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00    Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions                                                                                  (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What is Financial Leverage?
  2. Illustrate the point of indifference.
  3. Discuss the features of an appropriate capital structure.
  4. Explain the Traditional approach to cost of capital.
  5. Classify the different form of Dividend.
  6. What are the advantages issues of bonus shares to the investors.
  7. How do you classify the working capital policy?
  8. What are the significance of capital budgeting?
  9. Write short note on Operating Lease.
  10. Analyze the Implication of capital Rationing.


Answer any five questions.                                                           (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Discuss the factors affecting Working Capital Management.
  2. State the SEBI Guidelines for Bonus Issue.
  3. Explain the cost benefit identification of a project.
  4. The following annual figures relate to XYZ Co.


Sales(at two months ‘ credit)                                                36,00,000

Materials consumed (suppliers extend two months credit)    9,00,000

Wages paid (monthly in arrear)                                              7,20,000

Manufacturing expenses outstanding at the end of the year     80,000

(Cash expenses are paid one month in arrear)

Total administrative expenses, paid as above                        2,40,000

Sales promotion expenses, paid quarterly in advance            1,20,000

The company sells its products on gross profit of 25 percent counting depreciation as part of the cost of production. It keeps one month’s stock each of raw materials and finished goods, and a cash balance of Rs.1,00,000.

Assuming a 20 percent safety margin, calculate the working capital requirements of the

company on cash cost basis. Ignore work – in – process.

  1. A Ltd. has been buying items in lots of 1,200 quantity units which is 6 months requirement.

Cost per unit is Rs.12, ordering cost Rs.8 per order and carrying cost is 25%.

Calculate the saving per year by buying in economic lot quantity.

  1. Following are the details regarding three companies A Ltd., B Ltd., and C Ltd.:

A Ltd.                                         B Ltd.                                        C Ltd.

r = 15%                                       r = 5%                                       r = 10%

Ke = 10%                                 Ke = 10%                                 Ke = 10%

E = Rs.8                                      E = Rs.8                                   E = Rs.8

Calculate the value of an equity share of each of these companies applying Walter’s formula when dividend payment ratio (D/P ratio) is: (a) 50%, (b) 75%, (c) 25%. What conclusion do you draw?

  1. A company has sales of Rs.1lakh. The variable costs are 40% of the sales while the fixed

operating costs amount to Rs.30,000 . The amount of interest on long-term debt is

Rs.10,000. You are required to calculate the composite leverage and illustrate its a impact if

sales increase by 5%.

  1. A Ltd. has an Equity Capital consisting of 5,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each. It plans to

raise Rs.3,00,000, for the finance expansion programme and as identify four options for

raising funds.

  1. Issued Equity shares of Rs.100 each.
  2. Issue 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each and 2,000, 8% preference shares of Rs.100 each.
  3. Borrow of Rs.3,00,000 at 10% interest p.a.
  4. Issued 1,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each and Rs.2,00,000, 10% Debentures.

The company has EBIT of Rs.1,50,000 of its expansion. Tax Rate is 50%

Suggest the source in which funds should be raised.




Answer any two questions.                                                           (2 x 10 = 20)


  1. X Ltd. has an existing sales of 10,000 units at Rs.300 per unit, variable cost is Rs.200 per

unit and Fixed cost is Rs.3,00,000 per annum. Present credit policy is 1 month credit period.

The company plans to increase credit period for 2 months or 3 months and has made to

following estimates.

Existing                          Proposed

Credit period                        1 month              2 months         3 months

Increase in sales                         –                         15%               30%

% of bad debts                           1%                       3%                5%

There will be on increased in fixed cost by Rs.50,000 if sales increases beyond 25% of the present level. The cost of capital is 20%

Suggest the suitable credit period to be adopted.

  1. From the following details relating to K Ltd.


EBIT                                       23,00,000

Less: 8% Debenture Interest               80,000


Less: 11% Loan Interest                   2,20,000

EBT                                       20,00,000

Less: Tax @ 50%                           10,00,000

EAT                                        10,00,000

No. of Equity shares (Rs.10 each) = 5,00,000 shares.

Market price per share = Rs.20.

PE Ratio = 10

The company has undistributed Reserves of Rs.20,00,000. It requires Rs.30,00,000 to redeem the debentures and modernize its plant which has the following financial options –

  1. Borrow 12% loan from Banks.
  2. Issue 1,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.20 each and the balance from a 12% Bank loan.

The company expects to improve its rate of return by 2% as a result of modernization. However,

the PE Ratio is likely to reduce 8 if the entire amount is borrowed. Advice the company.

  1. A Limited company has the following capital structure:


Equity Share Capital (2,00,000 shares)       40,00,000

6% Preference shares                                  10,00,000

8% Debentures                                            30,00,000


The market price of the company’s equity shares is Rs.20. It is expected that company will pay a current dividend of Rs.2 per share which will grow at 7 per cent for ever. The tax rate may be presumed at 50 per cent. You are required to compute the following:

(a) A weighted average cost of capital based on existing capital structure.

(b) The new weighted average cost of capital if the company raises an additional Rs.20,00,000 debit

by issuing 10 per cent debentures. This would result in increasing the expected dividend to Rs.3

and leave the growth rate unchanged but price of share will fall to Rs.15 per share.

(c) The cost of capital if in (b) above, growth rate increases to 10 per cent.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Corporate Accounts & Accounting Standards Question Paper PDF Download


KP 57







Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Answer All Questions:                                                                                       10 x 2 = 20

  • Under what headings will you classify the following items while preparing Balance Sheet of a Company?
    1. Preliminary Expenses. ii) Unclaimed Dividend, iii) Loose Tools., iv) Securities Premium.
  • Fill in the Blanks:
    1. If the proposed dividend lies between 12.5% and 15 % the percentage of profits to be

transferred to general reserve is ————.

  1. ii) A reserve which is represented by investments outside the business is known as ———-.
  • What are accounting standards?
  • What are Notes to Accounts?
  • Give an example of Loss Contingency.
  • Whether the following items are a) Prior period items, b) Extraordinary items, c) Change in accounting estimate. D) None of these.
  • Expenses of Rs. 1, 00,000 of the previous year, which were omitted, form the books of account of the previous year due to oversight.
  • Write off a huge debt of a major customer due for more than a year.
  • On 1-1-2001 A Ltd has 1800 equity shares outstanding. On 31-05-2001, it issued 600 equity shares for cash (without bonus claim). On 1-11-2001 it bought back 300 shares. Calculate weighted average number of shares as on 31-12-2001.
  • Define Holding Company.
  • What is purchase Consideration according to AS14?
  • S Ltd was taken over by R Ltd the following position was mutually agreed upon

S Ltd.              R Ltd

Number of Shares                               60,000             90,000

Face Value of Share                            100                  10

Net Assets                                           3, 60, 00,000   72, 00,000

Ascertain intrinsic values of the shares, ratio of exchange of shares and Number

of shares to be issued.


Answer any five only:                                                                                          5 x 8 = 40


  • Distinguish between Merger method and Purchase method of Accounting for amalgamation.


  • Define “Value added.” Explain the importance of Value Added concept in the present industrial environment?


  • Define “Impairment Loss”. How would an impaired Asset be identified? What are the disclosure provisions relating to impairment of assets?


  • X Ltd, having three whole time directors on its Board, the others being part time directors, earned profits during the year ended 31st March, 2007 to the tune of Rs.2,50,000 after taking into consideration the following:

Depreciation on fixed assets – Rs.47, 800

Depreciation admissible as per Income Tax rules – Rs. 32, 800

Provision of Income Tax – Rs.1, 22,500

Capital expenditure included in general expenses charged to     P&L A/C – Rs.12, 500

Calculate the maximum remuneration payable to the whole time directors assuming that the remuneration payable to the whole time directors to be calculated on net profits remaining after payment of commission to part time directors and the commission to part time directors is to be calculated on net profits remaining after payment of remuneration to whole time directors.


  • X Ltd., is having a plant (Asset) carrying amount of which is Rs.250 lakhs on 31.03,2002. Its useful life is 5 years and residual value at the end of 5 years is Rs.5 lakhs. Estimated future cash flow from using the plant in next 5 ears are:

For the year ended on                                   Estimated cash flow ( Rs.in lakhs)

  • 50
  • 30
  • 30
  • 20
  • 20

Calculate “Value in use” for plant if the discount rate is 25% and also calculate the recoverable amount and impairment loss. Give necessary journal entries.


  • A) P Ltd had 12, 00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up outstanding prior to rights issue. The details of rights issue are as follows:
    1. One new share for every two shares outstanding.
    2. Rights issue price. Rs.18
    3. Last date to exercise rights is 31st December, 2003
    4. Fair value of each equity share earned by the company as follows:

Year ended 31-3-03 Rs.40, 00,000

Year ended 31-3-04 Rs.54, 00,000

Calculate EPS to be reported under AS-20.


  1. B) Calculate from the following information basic earning per share:

Profit Rs.50,00,000., 10% Preference Shares of Rs.100 lakhs., Number of Equity shares in the beginning of the year 10 lakhs. Bonus issued in the middle of the year 5,00,000.


17)  Balance sheet of H.Ltd, and S.Ltd  as on 31.12.2000 given below:

Liabilities         HLtd.         S.Ltd.              Assets              H.Ltd.       S.Ltd.

Share Capital    10,000           5,000             sundry assets   17,000      10,000

(Rs.1 each)

General Reserve 5,000        ———             4000 shares in

S.Ltd                 5000

Creditors            3,000            3,200

P&L A/C           4,000            1,800

22,000          10,000                                     22,000     10,000

Shares were purchased by H.Ltd. in S.Ltd. on 30th june,2000. On 1st  January, 2000 the balance sheet of S.LTd. showed loss of Rs.3,000 which was written off out of the profits earned during 2000.Profits are assumed to accrue evenly throughout the year. Prepare consolidated Balance sheet.


  • a) What is Contingent Liability as per AS 29?
  1. b) Board of directors approved the financial account of year 2003 – 04 on 31st July, 2004. The following events occurred before the approval of financial accounts by Board of Directors. State how you would deal with this situation:

“The wages of the employees are revised retrospectively from 01.01.04. The agreement is signed on 01.07.04. The negotiations have been going on since 1.2.04. The due to this revision extra wages payable from 01.01.04 to 31.03.04 was Rs.5, 00,000.”

  1. c) Write the areas where AS29 is not applicable.



Answer any two only:                                                                                        2 x 20 = 40


  • The authorized capital of X Ltd is Rs.5, 00,000 consisting of 2,000, 6% preference shares of Rs.100 each and 30,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The following was the Trial Balance of X Ltd as on 31-03-2006

Particulars                                                                  Debits (Rs.)     Credits (Rs.)

Investment in shares in cost                                           50, 000

Purchases                                                                   4, 90, 500

Selling Expenses                                                            79, 100

Stock on 01-04-2005                                                 1, 45, 200

Salaries and Wages                                                        52, 000

Cash in hand                                                                  12, 000

Interim preference dividend for half year                       6, 000

Discount on issue of Debentures                                     2, 000

Preliminary Expenses                                                       1, 000

Bills Receivable                                                             41, 500

Interest on Bank Overdraft                                             7, 800

Interest on Debentures up to 30-09-05                            3, 750

Debtors and Creditors                                                   50, 100            87, 850

Freehold property at cost                                           3, 50, 000

Furniture at cost                                                             35, 000

6% preference share capital                                                               2, 00, 000

Equity share capital fully paid up                                                      2, 00, 000

5% Mortgage Debenture secured on –

-Freehold properties                                                                           1, 50, 000

Income tax paid in advance for 2005 -06                                  10, 000

Dividends                                                                                                4, 250

Profit and Loss A/C (1-4-2005)                                                            28, 500

Sales (Net)                                                                                         6, 70, 350

Bank Overdraft secured by Hypothecation of stocks                       1, 50, 000

Technical know – how fees at cost paid –

– during the year                                                        1, 50, 000

Audit fees                                                                        5, 000

14, 90,950        14, 90,950

You are require dot prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended         31-03-06 and the balance sheet as on that date after taking into the following:

  • Closing stock was valued at Rs.1,42,500
  • Purchase includes Rs. 5000 worth of goods and articles distributed among valued customers.
  • Salaries and wages include Rs.2000 being wages incurred for installation of electrical fittings which were recorded under furniture.
  • Bills receivable of Rs.2000 maturing after 31-3-06 were discounted.
  • Depreciation on furniture to be charged at 10% on written down value.
  • 1000 of discount on issue of debentures to be written off.
  • Provide provision for taxation Rs.4000
  • Technical know how is to be written off over a period of 10 years and preliminary expenses to be written off Rs.500.
  • Salaries and wages include Rs.10000 being the directors remuneration
  • Debtors include Rs.6000 debts due for more than six months.

Keeping in mind the requirements of schedule VI part I and Part II of the companies Act 1956, draw up the final accounts of X Ltd.


  • Following are the balance sheet of two companies W Ltd and Z Ltd as at 31st March 2005

Liabilities                    W Ltd.         Z Ltd.     Assets                      W Ltd        Z Ltd

Equity shares of                                              Sundry assets         750000     350000

Rs.100 each                 500000        300000    1000 shares in

Reserves                      100000          60000    W Ltd at Cost                         100000

Creditors                     150000          90000

750000        450000                                   750000     450000

W Ltd was to absorb Z Ltd agreeing that the shares of both the companies are worth Rs.120 each. The purchase consideration was to be discharged in the form of fully paid shares.

A Sum of Rs.20000 is owed by W Ltd to Z Ltd. Also included in the stock of W Ltd is Rs.30000 goods supplied by Z Ltd at cost plus 20%

Give entries in the books of both the companies and Balance sheet in the books of W Ltd.

  • The Balance sheets of H Ltd and S Ltd as at 31st March, 2007 were as under:

Liabilities.             H Ltd.      SLTd.       Assets.                          HLtd.          SLTd

Equity Capital      9,00,000   3,00,000    Fixed Assets              9,00,000   4,00,000

(Rs.10 each)

General Reserve   5,00,000     30,000     Investments              6,00,000    ———-

P&L A/C             6,00,000  2,00,000      Debtors                     1,60,000      90,000

Creditors              1,00,000  1,70,000      Inventory                 2,10,000    1,20,000

Bank                         2,30,000       90,000

21,00,000   7,00,000                                    21,00,000     7,00,000


H Ltd has acquired 75% of S Ltd shares at Rs.600000 on 1st July, 2006. S LTd had an opening balance of Rs.1,00,000 in profit and loss account form which it paid dividend for 2005 -06 at 20 % on 30th September,2006. The dividend received by H Ltd is included in its profit and loss account.

Inventory of H Ltd includes Rs.20, 000 out of purchases of Rs.50, 000 made from small Ltd in January 2007. Credit period is 90 days. S Ltd had sold these items at a margin of 25% on cost. There has been no change in the General Reserve Account for S Ltd during 2006 -07.

Prepare a consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2007.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Consumer Behaviour Question Paper PDF Download


KP 42







Date & Time: 22/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                           Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions in not more than 3 lines each                   (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What is a generic goal?
  2. What is Positive motivation?
  3. Define Personality.
  4. What is “Others – directed men”?
  5. What is brand personality?
  6. What is Umbrella Positioning?
  7. What is an attitude object?
  8. What is a normative reference groups?
  9. Briefly explain the impact of a friendship group on consumer behaviour.
  10. What is a brand community?


Answer any FIVE in not more than 2 pages each                                                 (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain Abraham Maslow’s Hirarchy of needs and highlight the implications it has for understanding consumer’s behaviour.
  2. Write notes on: (a) Need for cognition,  (b)  Visualisers vs. Verbalizers.
  3. What are the factors that distort consumer’s perception?
  4. How do consumer’s handle risk?
  5. Explain the multi attribute model.
  6. “Two important barriers to communication affect the accuracy with which consumers interpret messages” – What are these and how can a marketer overcome than?
  7. Explain consumers behaviour toward:  (a) Clothing    (b) pursuit of leisure   (c) fashion   (d) Savings.
  8. Explain the Socialization of family member.




Answer any TWO in not more than FOUR pages each.                              (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the Dynamics of Perception.
  2. What are the factors to be considered by marketers while designing the message structure and presentation?
  3. Define Consumer Behaviour and explain the important implications of the definition.  Why should a marketer study consumer behaviour?


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Business Taxation Question Paper PDF Download



KP 46






Date & Time: 29/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                        ( 10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. Mention the rate of tax in which the income of firm is taxed.
  2. What do you mean by Minimum Alternative Tax with respect Company assessment?
  3. Why Valuation date is important with regard to Wealth Tax Act?
  4. What are the bases of levy of Central Excise Duty?
  5. What do you understand by ‘remission of duty is available under the Central Excise Duty?
  6. Highlight the objectives of Customs Act?
  7. Indicate the arguments in favour of VAT.


  1. (a) On 30th May 2007, Mr. B, a Malaysian citizen leaves India after a period of 2 years stay. Determine
    Mr. B’s residential status for the assessment 2008-09.

(b) Will your answer show any change if he leaves India on 29th May 2007.


  1. Mr. L obtained a loan of Rs.5 lakhs on 31st July 2004 from his friend by mortgaging his house property.

The loan was utilized for the purchase of shares and securities.  Can the amount of unpaid loan of Rs.2

lakhs on 31st March 2008 be claimed as a deduction under section 2(m) of the Wealth Tax Act? Support

your answer with relevant provision.


  1. Calculate the assessable value for the purpose of levy of excise duty from the following

particulars :

Cum-duty selling price inclusive of sales tax @ 4%   Rs.75,320

Rate of excise duty applicable to the Product                        17%

Trade discount allowed                                              Rs.2,500

Freight (to be charged extra)                                      Rs.3,000



Answer any five questions:                                                                    ( 5 x 8 = 40 )


  1. Explain the bases for charge of Income .
  2. Enumerate the ‘assets’ identified by the Wealth Tax under section 2(ea).
  3. What is CENVAT? What are its features?
  4. Mention any ten circumstances under which the central government may absolutely prohibit import

or export of goods.

  1. Explain the provisions relating to registration and the related exemption under the Central Excise.


  1. From the following calculate the depreciation admissible for the asst. year 2008-09

(a) Factory building – WDV                                       Rs.5,00,000

(b) Plant and Machinery – WDV                                Rs.8,00,000

Addition:        30-6-2007                                Rs.1,00,000

31-12-2007                              Rs.1,00,000

Sale     :           1-12-2007                                Rs.6,00,000

(c) Furniture & Fixture – WDV                                   Rs.1,00,000


  1. A, B and C are in a firm sharing profits in ratio of 2:1:1 respectively. The profit of the firm for the

previous year ending 31-3-2008 amounted to Rs.16,000 which has been arrived at after given the

following deductions:

  • interest paid to A – Rs.4,000
  • Salary paid to B – Rs.6,000
  • Paid shop rent to C – Rs.3,000
  • Paid commission to A – Rs.1,500
  • Paid Rs.5,000 as donation to National Children Fund

Compute admissible remuneration.





  1. Mr. Jay has the following assets and liabilities on the valuation date:

(Rs. in Lacs)

  1. Residential house                                                                           40.0
  2. A farm house – 15 km away from the local limits of Kerala         10.0
  3. Cars for personal use                                                                        6.0
  4. Jewellory                                                                                        14.0
  5. Aircraft for personal use                                                              150.0
  6. Urban land (construction is not permitted under the law)             10.0
  7. Cash in hand                                                                                    1.5
  8. Shops given on rent                                                                       20.0
  9. Gold Deposit Bonds                                                                      10.0
  10. Loan taken to purchase the aircraft 50.0

Compute the Net wealth of Mr. Jay.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. What is the law relating to valuation of excisable goods for the purpose of charging excise duty?


  1. Following are the incomes of a domestic company for the year ending on 31st March, 2008:
  2. i) Business profit                                                        4,20,000;
  3. ii) Dividend from an Indian public sector company     10,000;

iii)  Dividend from an Indian company whose

80% income is agricultural income                        Rs.      9,000;

  1. iv) Income from Unit Trust of india       5,000;
  2. v) Royalty received from a foreign concern

for providing technical knowledge                        Rs.     16,000;

  1. vi) Fee from an Indian company for technical advice    12,000;

vii)  Dividend from a foreign company                         Rs.     8,000;

viii)  Company has donated to an approved fund           Rs.   8,800

Compute the total income of the company for the assessment year.  Find the tax liability, if the book profit of the company is Rs.11,80,000 u/s 115 JB.  The company has distributed 12% on its paid up capital of Rs.5 lakh on 1st September 2008, before filing of its return of income.


  1. X Ltd., is a company carrying on business in the construction and sale of residential flats. It furnishes the following data and requests you to compile wealth tax return and determine the tax payable for the Assessment Year 2008-09:

Market value Rs.

(a) Land in Rural area 15,00,000
(b) Land in Urban area (construction not permitted as per municipal laws) 23,00,000
(c) Land in Urban area (held as stock-in-trade since 2005, construction will be commenced during June, 2008) 49,50,000
(d) Motor cars (not being held as stock-in-trade) 11,30,000
(e) Jewellery (not being held as stock-in-trade) 18,00,000
(f) Aircraft 1,58,00,000
(g) Bank Balance 3,10,000
(h) Cash in hand as per cash book 1,70,000
(i) Guest house and land appurtenant 8,00,000
(j) Residential Flats of identical size provided to 6 employees for their use (salary of one of them exceeds Rs.5,00,000) 15,00,000
(k) Residence provided to Managing Director (salary exceeds Rs.5,00,000) 10,00,000
(l) Flats constructed and remaining unsold (not being held as stock-in-trade) 30,00,000
(m) Residence provided to a whole time director (Salary Rs.7,20,000 the director owns 25% equity shares) 17,00,000

The company has taken a loan of Rs.6,00,000, Rs.7,00,000 and Rs.50,000 for acquiring property numbers (a), (c) and (l) respectively. Find out the wealth tax liability of the company for the A.Y. 2008-09.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Business Environment & Policies Question Paper PDF Download



KP 40






Date & Time: 04/05/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00   Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the Questions                                                            10 X 2 = 20 marks


  1. Enumerate the various components of macro environment.
  2. What is Environmental Analysis?
  3. What are the various forms of Foreign investment?
  4. State the objectives of Economic Planning in India.
  5. Mention the most plant level impact of Technology on business.
  6. What is the entrepreneurial role of the State?
  7. Why is protection of Consumers necessary?
  8. Define Culture. Name the elements of Culture.
  9. ‘Profit motive and Social responsibility are contradictory’ – Comment.
  10. List the sources of ethical standards in business.



Answer any FIVE Questions                                                         5 X 8 = 40 marks


  1. Examine the factors that influence the external environment of business.
  2. Describe the process of environmental analysis.
  3. Discuss the challenges of Globalisation of to-day.
  4. Explain the salient features of India’s Technology Policy.
  5. What changes have take place in the Industrial Licensing system in India?
  6. Discuss the ways for reconciling the economic and social objectives of business.
  7. Define Social Responsibility of business. Account for the growing concern for social

responsibility of business.

  1. Discuss the impact of urbanisation on business to-day.



Answer any TWO Questions                                                         2 X 20 = 40 marks

  1. Examine the functions of the State. Why is State intervention in economic  affairs

necessary? Discuss the extent of State intervention in business in India since


  1. Comment on the objectives of the Environment Protection Act,1986? Explain  the

measures for protection and improvement of environment under the Environment

Protection Act, 1986.

  1. Explain the concept, nature and elements of Culture. How do castes and communities,

Social attitudes, religion and joint family system influence  business and business affairs?



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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Brand Management Question Paper PDF Download



KP 49






Date & Time: 23/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions in not more than 5 times each:                             (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Give a brief definition of a brand.
  2. State the 5 product levels.
  3. Briefly explain the concept – Brand Equity.
  4. What is Brand Judgement?
  5. What is Brand Credibility?
  6. What is URL?
  7. What is a Logo?
  8. What is Mass Customization?
  9. What is Event Marketing? How is it significant for Branding?
  10. State any 3 advantages of a global marketing program.


Answer any 5 in not more than 2 pages each:                                            (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. How do Brands help consumers?
  2. How can the following be branded:
  • services (b) retailer        (c) people        (d) entertainment        (e) geographic locations
  1. What are the challenges in Branding?
  2. What are the advantages in creating a high level of brand awareness?
  3. Write a note on Brand Imagery.
  4. How can branding be enhanced and strengthened by packaging?
  5. Briefly explain the criteria for choosing brand elements.
  6. Explain the different types of Personalized Marketing.


Answer any 2 in not more than 4 pages each:                                            (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. What is Strategic Brand Management Process?
  2. What are the guide lines to be used for positioning a brand accurately?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Brand Extensions?



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