SRMJEEE 2015 Admission Procedure

It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisite qualification for admission. Having been called for the written test / counselling does not necessarily mean acceptance of the eligibility.

• The admission offered to a candidate who has been provisionally admitted to a program will stand cancelled if he / she does not submit the relevant documents in original pertaining to admission (such as Marks Statements, Transfer Certificate, Conduct Certificate, etc.) to the Admissions officer before the date stipulated by the University.

• Admissions to various programs will however be subject to verification of facts from the original certificates / documents of the candidates. In case any discrepancy is noticed, even at a later point of time after admission, the management reserves all right to cancel the candidate’s admission and such a decision shall be final and binding on the candidate.

Admission Procedure:
For B.Tech Program
• The admission will be purely on the basis of the performance in the Engineering Entrance Examination conducted by SRM University.
• The candidates short-listed based on their performance in the entrance examination will be
called for the counseling to be held at the

SRM University premises in Kattankulathur – 603 203,

SRM University Haryana,
Sonepat – 131029,

SRM University Sikkim,
Gangtok – 737102

SRMJEEE 2015 Eligibility and Streams

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1. Nationality Criteria:

The applicant for admission should be a resident Indian national and

(i) should have studied in schools located in India in the preceding two years for admission to Undergraduate program.
(ii) should have studied in educational institutions in India and completed their qualifying examination.

2. Eligibility Criteria in Qualifying Examination:

Engineering and Technology
Undergraduate Programs B.Tech.: A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent and

(a) For all programs: Minimum 70% aggregate in Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry

(b) For biotechnology, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics and genetic engineering: Minimum 70% aggregate in Mathematics /
Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

• Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the SRMJEEE are eligible for all the B.Tech. degree programs.
• Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the SRMJEEE are eligible for B.Tech. Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics and Genetic engineering programs and also for various programs in Health Sciences.

SRMJEEE 2015 Application

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Applying to SRMJEEE 2015 is simple with ‘two options’. You can choose either one of them (NOT BOTH)

OPTION 1: Fill the OMR sheet and send to us by safe means.
OPTION 2: Apply online using Unique Voucher Code and relevant instructions given.

Candidate’s mobile number & e-mail address are mandatory as they will be used for all communications.

For B.Tech: Candidate can choose either paper-pencil entrance exam or online entrance exam.


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SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Examination (SRMJEEE) for B.Tech is common for SRM Group of Universities viz., SRM University, SRM University SIKKIM and SRM University HARYANA.

About SRMJEEE 2015:

SRM University is one of the top-ranking universities, renowned worldwide for giving quality education and best academic results. This university has highly qualified and experienced faculty, well-equipped laboratories, libraries, air-conditioned class rooms with improved teaching methodologies and hi-tech environment.

There are three campuses of SRM University for streamlining the flow of education.

A)     Kattankulathur Campus includes SRM HOSTEL, a MEDICAL COLLEGE, a HOSPITAL providing accomodation and medical facility for 1200 patients and a RESEARCH CENTER.

B)      Ramapuram Campus includes Dental College, College of Science and technology and College of Engineering & Technology.

C)      NCR Campus includes amenities like HOSTELS, SPORTS CENTER, AUDITORIUM, ACADEMIC HOUSE, ventilated CLASSROOMS and lush PLAYGROUNDS.

Career Prospects with SRM University:

Students coming from diverse educational backgrounds find career prospects with excellent exposure at SRM University. Its  state-of-the art infrastructure and latest technology-driven system provides students a gateway to international opportunities.

Courses Offered through SRMJEEE-2015

SRMJEEE offers  a wide range of courses for Engineering & Technology

  • B.Tech – Bachelor of Technology (Duration 4 Years)
    Aerospace Engineering
    Automobile Engineering
    Biomedical Engineering
    Chemical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Computer science & Engineering
    Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Electronics & Communication Engineering
    Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
    Genetic Engineering
    Information Technology
    Mechanical Engineering
    Mechatronics Engineering
    Software Engineering

SRMJEEE 2015 Selection Process:

SRM University conducts entrance exam called SRMJEEE 2015.

This is for admissions to a variety of courses offered across different campuses of SRM University.

The selection process is done on the basis of the score attained in SRMJEEE .

SRMJEEE 2015 Exam Pattern

SRMJEE  Conducts  Examination by two methods – Online and Paper Based. The exam pattern comprises four parts:

1. Mathematics Paper 1 – 35 questions for 100 marks

2. Physicas Paper 2- 35 questions for 100 marks

3.Chemistry Paper 3 –  35 questions for 100 marks

4. Biology Paper 4 – 50 questions for 100 marks

All questions are of objective nature. There is  also negative marking for every wrong answer. 1 mark each will be deducted in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics respectively and 0.7 mark in Biology.

SRMJEEE 2015 Eligibility:

Eligibility criteria for candidates appearing in SRMJEE are following:

  • 10+2 or equivalent exmination passed.
  • Minimum aggregate of 70% in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

SRMJEEE 2015 Syllabus:

Visit SRM University Website  to view syllabus for SRMJEE 2015.

Advantages of Entranceindia Model Papers for Preparing SRMJEEE 2015:

  • Entranceindia previous year’s model papers helped students knowing the examination pattern to achieve competitive and qualifying score.
  • Students can enhance their level of preparation with these model papers.
  • Practising with these papers will help them improving their speed and accuracy.
  • Candidates improve their concepts and problem solving ability.
  • These papers give an overview about the level of examination paper which help students to improve their readiness.
  • Model papers often have questions which have high probability of appearance in main exams. This gives students an added benefit of scoring better.

The SRMJEEE Important Dates are as follows:

Last date for receipt of Filled-in Application March 10, 2015
Slot Booking for Online examination March 26 to 30, 2015
Entrance Examination

  1. Paper Pencil Examination
April 26, 2015
  1. Online Examination
April 19 to 22, 2015
Publication of Rank List & Counseling Schedule May 4, 2015


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