Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2006 Literary Appreciation – I Question Paper PDF Download


AP 02



(Also equivalent to GEL 051/ EL 1072)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer any 10 of the following in about 75 words each (10×3= 30 marks)

  1. What is the usual misconception about love?
  2. Why are Romeo and Juliet bothered about their names?
  3. Who does the little boy symbolize  in “The Selfish Giant?”
  4. Why are the adults averse towards the snow?
  5. Why are the Maine woods referred to as virgin forests?
  6. What argument does the hermit use to dissuade the king from killing the deer?
  7. Give two reasons why the author wants a wife.
  8. Why does Nora insist that she has never been understood?
  9. Why is the daughter referred to as the docile cow in the poem “I Ask…Why?
  10. What does W.H.Auden signify by saying the “the death of the poet was kept from his poems?”
  11. Bring out the symbolic significance of the glass menagerie in the play.
  12. What lessons for life did A.P.J.Kalam learn from his parents?
  13. Why does George Orwell regard sports as an “unfailing cause of ill-will?”
  14. What doe the author mean by seeing off the shine?
  15. Why is Brady reluctant to fight against Jack?




Answer any 4 of the following  in about 200 to 250 words each      (4×10=40 marks)

  1. What according to Scott Peck is the distinction between falling in love and true love?
  2. Discuss the divine quality of nature as portrayed by Thoreau and Kalidasa.
  3. Critically examine Nora’s discussion with Helmer as a plea for women’s liberation.
  4. Examine Swami and Friends as a humorous account on the importance of sports for young people.
  5. How important are the early influences and experiences critical in shaping one’s future according to Dr. Kalam’s life story?











[EL 1051         Sub: Literary Appreciation]


  1. To love is to give. Show how the little child transforms the giant’s life through his act of love.



Answer any TWO of the following in about 300 to 400 words each.(2x 15=30 marks)

  1. Write a note on the different kinds of love that have nourished your life.
  2. If Chennai city is a concrete jungle what kind of relief does the sea and the beach bring to our lives?
  3. Women are an integral part of men’s lives as mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. What kind of changes are necessary to make this world a safer and happier place for them?
  4. Dr. Kalam has always lavished praise on his teachers for having touched and shaped his life. Can you think of any teacher who has been a  positive influence on you?
  5. Do you think big sporting events like the World Football Cup, Olympics, Cricket etc play a role in promoting world peace?


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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2006 General English – I Question Paper PDF Download


AP 03


         EL 1057 – GENERAL ENGLISH – I

(Also equivalent to GEL 057)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below. 2×5=10

                        Honest Thought and Simple Truth

How happy is he born and taught

That serveth not another’s will;

Whose armour is his honest thought,

And simple truth his highest skill!

Whose passions not his masters are,

Whose soul is still prepared for death

Untied unto the world of care

Of princely love or vulgar breath;

Who hath his life from rumours freed,

Whose conscience is his strong retreat

Whose state can neither flatterers feed,

Nor ruin make accusers great;

Who God doth late and early pray

More of His grace than gifts to lend;

Who entertains the harmless day

With a well-chosen book or friend;

This man is free from servile bands

Of hope to rise or fear to fall;

Lord of himself, though not lands;

And having nothing, he hath all.



  1. What is the armour of the happiest man?
  2. What is his skill?
  3. What kind of life does he lead?
  4. Write five qualities of this man?
  5. Pick out four pairs of rhyming words.



  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. 2×5=10

                                        Selfless Love

In the cold mountainous regions of North India, where it is very cold, travellers are helped to keep warm in this way. They take a small vessel, put burning coal in it, and cover it up. They weave strings around it and, wrapping it with cloth, carry it under their arms. Three men were travelling thus towards the sacred place of Amarnath. One of them saw several others suffering with cold, and, taking the fire out of his vessel lit a fire so that everyone could get warm. So everyone left the place alive. When they had all to walk in the dark the second man of the party took out the fire in his vessel and lit a torch with it, and helped them all to walk along in safety. The third man of the party mocked them and said: `You are fools. You have wasted your fire for the sake of others.’ `Show us your fire, ‘said they to him. When he broke open his vessel there was no fire, but only ashes and coal. With his fire one had given warmth and another had given light. But the third man was selfish and kept the fire to himself, and it was no use even to him.

In the same way, it is God’s will that the love which we receive from him, should give warmth and light to others.



  1. Where were the three men travelling?
  2. How do the people in these cold regions keep themselves warm?
  3. How did the first man help others?
  4. How was the travellers’ path lit?
  5. What do you learn from the third man?



III. Annotate any TEN of the following in about 75 words. 10×4=40


  1. I am a part of all that I have met;


  1. Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;

Death closes all: but something before the end


  1. And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise


  1. If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of a distance run

  1. You see I’m not as young as I was and it couldn’t seem able to get the

letters in me’ead when I was a nipper I don’t think there’s much chance

of it now.


  1. “That’s an idea” he said. “Strange `ow things come to you when you least expect it.”


  1. And I will make thee beds of roses

And a thousand fragrant posies;


  1. …. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds.


  1. It is the star to every wandering bark.


  1. But no one descended to the Traveller

No head from the leaf-fringed sill

Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes.


  1. While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf

`Neath the starred and leafy sky.


  1. If these delights thy mind may move,

Then live with me and be my love.







  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in about 300 words. 4×10=40
  2. How does the character of Ulysses in the poem represent an ideal role model for the youths of today?


  1. How does the poem “The Listeners” portray the spiritual plight of mankind?


  1. Describe the various images used by Shakespeare to drive home the idea of constancy in `love’.


  1. What are the qualities suggested by Rudyard Kipling to become a successful man in life?


  1. Attempt a character sketch of the Verger, Albert Edward.


  1. How does the “Foreword to the Broken Wings” depict the true love of Gibran for Selma?


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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2006 English Thro Literature – I Question Paper PDF Download


AP 04



(Also equivalent to GEL 058)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





I Answer any TEN of the following in about 50 words each.                     (10×3=30)


  1. What impact did Shakespeare’s death make on Elizabethan drama?
  2. What did the poet, in the poem Kubla Khan, see in his vision?
  3. What solution does Mathew Arnold prescribe to mitigate the sufferings of this dark world? Do you agree with the poet? Give reasons.
  4. Comment on the line – ‘If design govern in a thing so small’.
  5. Why are the peasants compared to ‘swarms of flies’?
  6. What do you learn about the character of the mother from the last two lines of the poem Night of the Scorpion?
  7. What devices does the writer recommend to avoid bores?
  8. How do workers tend to lose in a general strike?
  9. How does the master class, in the modern age, maintain hold on the slave class? Explain.
  10. Why is it impossible to achieve excellence in any subject? Give reasons.
  11. What should a reader look for in a biographical account? Why?
  12. Sum up Shaw’s views on ‘work’ and ‘leisure’.



II Answer any FIVE of the following in about 100 words each.            (5×5=25)


  1. Why does Shaw consider slavery of man to man as unnatural slavery?
  2. What reasons does Livingstone give to opt for Literature as a subject to see man full face?
  3. How did the girl get the third goat from Sindhu?
  4. How did the mathematics master trap Wasserkopf at the end?
  5. Why does the poet not wish to lodge Shakespeare by Chaucer, Spenser or Beaumont?
  6. Comment with examples on the qualities of magic and superstition in Kubla Khan.
  7. Explain the high philosophy of the peasants’ prayers in Night of the Scorpion.











[EL 1058 English Through Literature]


III Answer the following in about 250 words each.                           (2×15=30)


  1. Enumerate Bernard Shaw’s views on Freedom.


Analyse critically Mathew Arnold’s reflections in his poem Dover Beach.


  1. Choose a candidate or political party you like and formulate an essay defending your freedom of choice.


Narrate an event in your life and share your concerns over the cultural degradation due to the influence of media.


IV Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.           (5×1=5)


We have to focus our eyes —(1)—the business of the moment, and —(2)—power of long vision is easily lost. But man needs —(3)—long vision —-(4)— life and should view it —(5)—bifocal spectacles.


V  Dialogue writing                                                                                (10 marks)


Construct a dialogue between a travel agent and the representative of your class over arranging a mini bus for an educational tour for a week.



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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2006 English For Empowerment Question Paper PDF Download


AP 06



(Also equivalent to GEL 065)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




I Answer all the questions                                                                              (10 marks)


Choose the correct answer from those given and fill in the blanks.

1.Vellamal was the ————— of Mr. Kumar. (servant, sister, mother)

2.Beethoven was a great ——————-. (scientist, basket ball player, composer)

3.The wanderer had a ——————— on his head. (millstone, pumpkin, sack of sand)

  1. The mullah was a ———————–. (magician, preacher, sultan)

5.The  wise Ali advised the boy to think of ——————. (moderation, temptation, meditation)

  1. The King left the palace door —————–. (closed, open, ajar)

7.The Professor called the student————-. (by name,  ‘son’ , brother)

  1. Old Mother Laima presented the lad with ————–. (a ring, a pair of shoes, mat)
  2. Malla Reddy was the ——————- of Yashoda. (brother, landlord, husband)
  3. The boy was thrown into the lake by ————-. (the boatman, his mother, his father)



II Two passages from your text are jumbled and given below. Arrange the Two Passages   separately in the right order.                                                         (10 marks)



  • Starting on his first day in the cell, the Vizier practiced picking up the calf and carrying it up and the steps of the dungeon tower.
  • A magician was performing his art before the sultan and winning the enthusiasm of his audience.
  • Everyone followed with great interest this play, which was going on in front of them.
  • When he saw him saw him, he was overcome with amazement. “ God help me, what a miracle, what a genie.”






[EL 1064   Sub: English For Empowerment]


  • The Mullah, a preacher, wanted to get some nuts for his wife, because she had promised cook him fesenjah, a dish with nuts.
  • You don’t have any talent anyway—away with you to the dungeon. And you won’t be lonely, and so you will have one of your kind right there, you will have calf as a cellmate.
  • I will help you if you do exactly as I tell you. The Mullah said “I promise to do everything as you say, if you can just free me from this terrible jar.”
  • But his vizier gave him pause for thought as he said, “Your Highness, no master falls from the sky. The magician’s art is the result of his industriousness and practice.”
  • The sultan himself was filled with admiration and exclaimed, “God, help me, what a miracle, what a genie!”
  • Wide-eyed and with open mouth, the Mullah watched and said, “Are you a magician?”
  • The Mullah did this, and, behold without any trouble, he pulled his hand out of the jar.
  • “Your highness no master falls from the sky. My strength is the result of my industriousness and practice.”


III. Choose the correct answer from your understanding of the various lessons you have    studied:                                                                                               (1×10=10)

  1. Vellamal was Mr. Kumar’s ___________
  2. aunt b. grandmother c. mother d. cousin
  3. Leaders must exercise ______ _______ if they expect to control others.
  4. effective leaders b. self control c. different styles d. negative attitude
  5. The vizier had a ________ as his cell mate.
  6. steer b .donkey c. rabbit d. camel
  7. The scholar had a lot of _________ in the heavy chests.
  8. pearls b. gold c. weapons  d. books
  9. The boy loved to eat a lot of ________.
  10. apples b. water melon c. dates  d. fish
  11. A mullah is a __________.
  12. preacher b.nut cracker c. doctor d. saint
  13. The wanderer had a heavy ____________ around his neck.
  14. pumpkin b. water hose c. millstone d. boulder
  15. Revathi is a 12th standard student from ___________.
  16. Vayalur b. Pudukottai c. Pappapatti d. Vellore
  17. A successful candidate is always ___________.
  18. afraid b. confident c. silent d .lazy
  19. Yashoda’s husband was ______ _______ .

a.Bala Reddy b.Rama Reddy c.John Reddy d.Malla Reddy.











[EL 1064         Sub: English For Empowerment]

IV Answer the following questions from the various lessons you have studied

(10×1=10 marks)

  1. Who according to is a winner?
  2. Why did the kink want to test the courtiers?
  3. How did the problem between Vayalur and Pudur start?
  4. What did the professor ask the student to do in the class?
  5. Mention any one burden the traveler was carrying.
  6. What did Mullah’s want him to do one day?
  7. What answer did wise Ali give to the mother?
  8. How did the fisherman spend his time everyday?
  9. Why was the scholar called wise?
  10. Name any great personality who became successful after meeting with many failures


V Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.         (10 marks)

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.

His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to depend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for a long time every day. Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other began to live, for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and colour of the world outside. The man described all the beautiful things in the park outside. He told him about the people passing by. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour of the rainbow. Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window. He had died peacefully in his sleep. The attendants took his body away. After a little while, the other man asked if he could be moved to the bed next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the change. And after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. He tried very hard to look out of the window. There was only a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who described such wonderful things outside the window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said,” Perhaps he just wanted to make you happy.”


  1. Why were the two men admitted in the hospital?
  2. How did they spend their time?
  3. What did the man describe?
  4. What happened to the man by the window one morning?
  5. Why did the man encourage the other man in his room?









[EL 1064         Sub: English For Empowerment]

VI        Read the following story and answer the questions given below.  (10 marks)


The Enlightened Butcher


This story from Mahabaratha brings to light that our spiritual achievement is useless if we neglect our duties or Dharma.


Kaushika was his parent’s only son. “Mother,” he said one day, “ I want to go off into the jungle and devote myself to spiritual studies.” His mother said with concern, “but son, your father and I are very old. Your father is sick and he can hardly move. If you go away, what will happen to us? Who will attend to our needs?”


Kaushika did not listen. He was determined to study the Vedas. His mother cried in vain as she watched her son turn his back on her and leave for the jungle. Eventually Kaushika acquired great mystical powers.


One afternoon, as he was meditating under a tree, a crane flew up, and perched herself on a branch above Kaushika. Some bird droppings fell on Kaushika head. Kaushika furiously threw a gaze at the crane. The crane immediately fell dead. The sage felt sorry for what he had done. “How could I have allowed my anger to take over me that way?” He mourned.


Later in the day, he went to a village to beg for alms. The lady of the house asked him to wait and went to get some food. Right then her husband arrived. She immediately set aside the pot of food she was taking to the sage and went to her husband. After washing his feet, giving him food, and attending his needs, she came back out to give the alms to the sage. The sage was very insulated. “You put your husband before a pious sage? Do you know the power of a Brahmin?” he asked.


She calmly replied, “Yes, a true Brahmin is he who has mastered his anger. Please do not threaten me, I am not a crane that will die with your fiery gaze.” The sage was amazed. How does she know about the crane?” he wondered.


The lady continued, “Oh holy one! You are a learned Brahmin but you have not understood the truth about virtue. If you want to be enlightened, go to Dharmavyadha

who lives in Mathura. Anyone will tell you where he lives.”


The sage thanked the lady and hurried to Mathura. “He must be a great and learned sage indeed,” Kaushika thought to himself. But when he finally reached Dharmavyadha’s place, he found it to be a butcher’s shop! A very ordinary looking man came out and said, “Welcome holy one. I am Dharmavyadha, the man you seek.”


How can a butcher be spiritually enlightened? Kaushika asked in amazement. Dharmavyadha smiled and said with compassion, “ I know the story of the crane and of the woman who sent you here. Come, let us go to my house.”







[EL 1064         Sub: English For Empowerment]


The sage could not contain himself and blurted out, “But killing animals is such a sinful profession! Are you not ashamed?” “I am not,” the butcher calmly said. “ I am engaged in my family trade. I work hard and honestly at it. There is no reason for me to be ashamed of my work!”


“Holy one,” continued the butcher. “If I do injury to other creatures, so do you as you did to the crane.” “As we walk on the soil, we are trampling on numerous creatures. Nor is air devoid of creatures. You see the farmer tilling the land? He is killing so many animals that thrive under the soil.”


They reached the butcher’s house. The Butcher’s wife was doing her household chores and his two boys were playing. The butcher introduced the sage to his wife and boys. Then the butcher entered the house and touched his parent’s feet. “Here is a learned Brahmin from a far off place,” the butcher told his father. “Welcome, holy one”, the father said.


Before leaving the room the butcher remarked, “ My parents are my Gods. My wife and my children attend to them with devotion and love. We consider caring for them to be our greatest duty. In doing one’s duty cheerfully, lies true virtue. This is what the dutiful wife sent you to learn.”


“Oh learned one!” the butcher continued, you have run away from your responsibilities and deserted your aged father and mother. Spiritual achievement is useless if one has neglected one’s Dharma, or duties.” The sage remembered his mother crying, “ Who will look after us when you are gone my son?”


The sage apologized, “You have shown me the path of true virtue, the true meaning of Dharma, Oh pious one. I am deeply indebted to you”. Kaushika immediately returned to his parents and served them lovingly till the end of their days.


Answer the following questions from the passage in complete sentences.


  1. Why did Kaushika leave the house and his parents?
  2. Why did Kaushika kill the crane?
  3. Why did the lady in the house make Kaushika wait for his alms?
  4. What is the profession of Dharmavyadha?
  5. How did Dharmavyadha explain the virtue of his profession?



VII Answer  any one of the following and your should be in five paragraphs.                                                                                                                                 (10 marks)

(a) What do you mean by success? What are the ingredients that go into making a successful person?

(b) How important is relationships in life? Write about the different relationships you        share with the people around you.






[EL 1064         Sub: English For Empowerment]


VIII Answer  any one of the following and your should be in five paragraphs.                                                                                                                               (10 marks)


  • We are wanderers in our life carrying the burden of responsibilities. Explain.
  • Write about the different perspectives of the businessman and the fisherman.


IX Vocabulary.


  1. Match the following. (3 marks)


  1. adjoining sea reproduce
  2. remake search
  3. congratulate mistake
  4. looking for compliment
  5. flaw unwilling
  6. reluctant coastal


  1. Choose one word substitute to the following expressions.                (3 marks)


Virtues, cattle, horror, businessmen, monster, boatman


    1. worthy qualities
    2. domesticated animals
    3. extreme fear
    4. one who runs a business
    5. one who provides transport by boat
    6. wicked person



X Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate words given.                       (4 marks)


Scream, convince, tide, puzzled

    1. The child __________ for ice-cream.
    2. Some people are adamant. We cannot _________ them.
    3. On seeing the question paper the candidate was _________.
    4. Time and ______ wait for no man.


XI        Use the following hints and write the story in your own words.       (10 marks)

Poor man – in a hut – no wife – no children – worked in the field – one evening – an old man came – the poor man gave food and shelter – old man was satisfied – presented a goose – went away – next morning – the goose – a goose – a golden egg – the poor man sold eggs everyday – became rich – wanted to became rich – wanted to become richer – did not want to wait – killed the goose – lost both.


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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 Value Added General English (Vage) Question Paper PDF Download


LO 20






Date & Time : 17-04-2007/9.00-12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




I  Explain any TEN of the terms/expressions in about 30 words each. (10×2 = 20 marks)

  1. Value Education
  2. Nation-state
  3. Holistic Approach
  4. Mega Industries
  5. Eco Spirituality
  6. Alienation
  7. Seasonal Migration
  8. Ninth Schedule
  9. Ladder of legislature
  10. Structure of the Judiciary
  11. Livelihood securities
  12. Lifeline
  13. Green fuel
  14. Cyber crime
  15. Meltdown


II  Answer EIGHT of the following in about 100 words each.         (8×5 = 40 marks)


  1. What is the meaning of inclusive globalization?
  2. Why does the author  say  ‘education is never value neutral?
  3. Identify ways of using the Internet for study purposes.
  4. Discuss the Gujarat riots of 2002 as a blot on India’s collective conscience.
  5. Suggest a few concrete measures to improve the living standards of rural Indians.
  6. List the dangers of being a negatively programmed person.
  7. What is the objective of the Ninth Schedule?
  8. What do we mean by Judicial activism? Give contemporary examples from Indian history.
  9. Identify a few reasons that would go in favour of robotic surgery.
  10. Suggest measures to contain global warming.



III  Answer any TWO of the following in not more than 300 –500 words each                                                                                                                               (2×20=40 marks)

  1. Is there a place for ethics and government regulation of the internet?
  2. Is it healthy for the judiciary to interfere in the affairs of parliament when the legislature does not do so with the judiciary?
  3. Argue either for or against the use of bottled water.
  4. Explain the role of the developed nations in sustaining global poverty.


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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 Literary Appreciation – I Question Paper PDF Download



LO 02






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer any 10 of the following in about 75 words each (10×3= 30 marks)

  1. How does Scott Peck describe love?
  2. Why are Romeo and Juliet bothered about their names?
  3. How does the little boy bring about a change of heart in “The Selfish Giant?”
  4. Why are the adults eager to get rid of the snow?
  5. Why are the Maine woods referred to as virgin forests?
  6. What argument does the hermit use to dissuade the king from killing the deer?
  7. Give two reasons why the author wants a wife.
  8. Why does Nora decide to slam the door on Helmer?
  9. give two ways in which the girl child suffers in  the poem “I Ask…Why?
  10. What does W.H.Auden signify by saying the “the death of the poet was kept from his poems?”
  11. Bring out the connection between Laura and the glass menagerie in the play.
  12. What lessons for life did A.P.J.Kalam learn from his father?
  13. Why does George Orwell regard sports as an “unfailing cause of ill-will?”
  14. What does the author mean by seeing off the shine?
  15. Why is Brady reluctant to fight against Jack?



Answer any 4 of the following  in about 200 to 250 words each (4×10=40 marks)

  1. Show how John Keats uses the images of death and winter to highlight the fate of the unfortunate knight.
  2. Discuss the union between plant life and human life as portrayed by Thoreau and Kalidasa.
  3. Critically examine Nora’s discussion with Helmer as a plea for self respect and personal autonomy.
  4. Examine Swami and Friends as a humorous account on the importance of sports for young people.
  5. How important are the early influences and experiences critical in shaping one’s future according to Dr. Kalam’s lifestory?
  6. To love is to give. Show how the little child transforms the giant’s life through his act of love.



Answer any 2 of the following in about 300 to 400 words each. (2×15=30 marks)

  1. Write a personal account of the love you have shared with a grandparent.
  1. Jot down your observations during a a journey in a crowded bus on a hot summer’s day.
  2. if you were a filmmaker what positive images of womanhood would you like to highlight in your films?
  3. Dr. Kalam has always lavished praise on his teachers for having touched and shaped life. Can you think of any teacher who has been a positive influence on you?
  1. Do you think big time cricket is getting to be dangerously corrupt with every tournament?


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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 Essential English Question Paper PDF Download



LO 07






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Fill in the blanks with Articles (a, an, the). (10 X 1 = 10)


______ lad waited for ______ long time for him. ______ sun rose high in ______ sky, then began to sink down lower ______ lower, but still ______ Nine- Headed Monster did not return.


______ lad climbed out of ______ boat ______ drew it up onto ______ shore.


______ lad went through ______ opening along ______ passage that grew higher ______ wider until at last he came to some copper gates. He stopped ______ gave ______ light knock on ______ gates. Not ______ sound. He knocked ______ bit louder, but there was still not ______ sound.


  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

A learned business man was at the pier of a small costal village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow tuna. The educated complemented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The fisherman replied, “Only a little while”. The businessman then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The fisherman said that he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The businessman then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”

The fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta, stroll into the village each evening where I sip coffee and chat with my friends. I have a full and busy life, sir”.

The businessman scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat and with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to a big city. You will run your expanding enterprise”.

The fisherman asked, “But sir, how long will this all take?”

To which the businessman replied, “15-20 years”.

“But what then, sir?”

The businessman laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.”

“Millions, Sir? Then what?”

The businessman said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small costal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip coffee and talk with your friends”.

The fisherman replied “……………….. ……… ……………..”

Answer the following questions.                                                                                  (5 X 3 = 15)

  1. What were the suggestions given by the businessman to the fisherman?
  2. What did the business man say about the fisherman’s life after retirement?
  3. “Millions, Sir? Then what?” Who asked these questions and what are their implications?
  4. If you were in the position of the fisherman what would your reply be?
  5. Why didn’t the fisherman think of spending more time on catching more fish and for making money?
  6. Write about the different perspectives of the wise businessman and the fisherman in a tabular column.                                                                                         (5 marks)



  1. A Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.


He came at around ten thirty form his office very tired and worn out from the hard day’s work. He wanted to just fall on his warm and cozy bed and go off to sleep. But he knew his duty always comes first before his comfort. Sitting at the feet of his father, he took a bowl of warm water and started to clean the infected areas surrounding his feet. The wounds on the wrinkled skin needed tender care and love in order to slowly heal. Since a diabetic needs to be very careful, he made sure that the nails were trim and clean. He did all possible things to prevent an infection from erupting. His father sat watching his son with silent admiration. Through his misty eyes he could see him entering the kitchen and could hear the clatter of plates and tumblers. With a broad smile he came and sat beside his father. Then he began feeding him with a spoon. Everything had to be clean. Besides his father also had a nervous problem, as a result of which his hands were not steady. So he had to help him out with everything.


“Good night appa”, he said and went to the hall. There he knelt down to say his prayers. The father who was a skeptic has observed this for a couple of months. He recollected the days when he had insulted him several times whenever he saw him praying. He remembered how he debated with his son about the reality of God. “God is for the weak. Strong men can do anything without him.” A weak smile emerged in his face. A moment of realization dawned on him. From the half open shutters the moon light filtered into the darkness raising shadows unknown. Suddenly he realized that he was walking towards the hall. He sat beside his son.


Answer the following questions.                                                                                  (5 X 2 = 10)



  1. How did the son feel when he came home from his work?
  2. What did he do every day after he came home?
  3. What are the ailments his father is suffering form?
  4. Describe the attitude of the father.
  5. What resulted in the change in the father’s attitude?
  6. Compare the above passage with the lesson “Prayer” and write a paragraph in ten sentences on the values expressed in the two passages.                                                           (5 marks)
  7. Make sentences using the following words.                                                   (5 x 1 = 5)      
  1. worn out 2. admiration 3. emerged      4. recollect       5. dawned


  1. (a) Write a paragraph on “My best day at Loyola” in about 100 words. (2 x 5 = 10)

(b)Write a paragraph on “Me, Myself and My Friends” in about 100 words.


  1. What is the best gift that you would give to your parents? (200 words) (15 marks)


  1. Write a letter to your friend about the recent World Cup Cricket series. (10 marks)


  1. Write an essay on the topic “If I were a god…” in about 200 words. (15 marks)




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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English Through Literature – I (S.S.) Question Paper PDF Download









Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



I Answer any TEN of the following questions in 50 words, choosing at least FOUR questions from each section ‘A’ and ‘B’.                                                    (10 X 4 = 40)

Section A (Annotations)

  1. “Jallaluddin would talk about God as if he had a working partnership with him”

(i) Who is Jallaluddin?

(ii) Describe his ‘working partnership with God’.

  1. “… it is possible to say poblicly what many thinking people were saying privately before the Dynamos ever arrived.”

(i)What were the people saying privately?

(ii) Who is the opponent team?

  1. “Up! Up! My friend, and quit your books;

Or surely you’ll grow double;”

(i) What does the poet mean by growing double?

(ii) Identify the poet and the context.

  1. “Only the actions of the just

Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.”

(i) What does ‘actions of the just’ refer to?

(ii) Why do they smell sweet and blossom?

  1. “I am no orator as Brutus is”

(i) Identify the speaker.

(ii) What idea does this statement convey about the speaker?

  1. “The astrologer shivered in his grip; and his voice shook and became faint.”

(i) Explain the reason for the astrologer’s fear.

Section B (Short Answers)

  1. Why does George Orwell feel that international level sport is a mimic warfare?
  2. What does one learn from the vernal wood?
  3. Explain the contrast presented between the phrases ‘sceptre and crown’ and ‘scythe and spade’.
  4. Describe the childhood influences of Kalam.
  5. How does Antony describe Caesar’s mantle?
  6. How is playing games and nationalism connected?
  7. Describe the astrologer’s ‘professional equipment’.


II Answer any THREE of the following questions in 150 words each.    (3 x 10= 30)

  1. Detail in your own words the physical appearance of the astrologer.
  2. Explain the ideas conveyed about nature in the poem “The Tables Turned”.
  3. Describe how death puts an end to the pride of achievements?
  4. What does Antony say about the contents of Ceaser’s will?
  5. According to George Orwell what are the disadvantages of the sporting spirit?


III Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 250 words.     (2 x 15 = 30)

  1. Describe the astrologer’s encounter with the last client of the day in the form of a dialogue.
  2. Explain the lessons Kalam learns from his parents.
  3. Bring out the greatness of Mark Antony’s speech.
  4. Analyse “The Sporting Spirit” with reference to the recent world cup cricket matches.



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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English Through Contemporary Ideas Question Paper PDF Download









Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



I Answer any TEN of the following in about 50 words each.                     (10×3=30)


  1. Bring out Shakespeare’s contribution to Elizabethan drama?
  2. Describe the pleasure dome that Kubla Khan wanted to build?
  3. Comment on Arnold’s use of the sea as an image of faith.
  4.  ‘If design govern in a thing so small’. Bring out the significance of this extract.
  5. Mention any two characteristics of the peasants described in the Poem Night of the Scorpion.
  6.  Mention any two superstitious beliefs of the villagers in the poem Night of the Scorpion?
  7. Why are bores always sure of an audience?
  8. What is a bore’s greatest asset?
  9. What, according to Shaw, should be the object of all honest governments?
  10. What is unnatural slavery?
  11. How does Richard Livingston distinguish between knowledge and education?
  12. Which subjects tell us about man at his best?


II Answer any FIVE of the following in about 100 words each.            (5×5=25)


  1. What, according to Richard Livingston, are the essentials of good education?
  2. How is man’s slavery to Nature pleasant? Explain.
  3. How did the girl get the third goat from Sindhu?
  4. How does the Mathematics Master describe Wasserkopf’s character?
  5. How does Jonson pay rich tributes to Shakespeare in his poem? Explain.
  6. How does Coleridge achieve a fine blend of magic and superstition in Kubla Khan? Give examples.
  7. Bring out your understanding of the Indian rural life from your reading of Night of the Scorpion.


III Answer the following in about 250 words each.                           (2×15=30)


  1. Why, according to Shaw, is perfect freedom not possible? Discuss the role of governmental agencies in this context.           (or)

What is the melancholic view of life expressed by Arnold in his poem Dover Beach?


  1. Do you think there is perfect freedom in India? Justify your answer.


Do you think there are alternative methods  to examinations to measure a person’s knowledge?  Discuss with examples.



IV Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.           (5×1=5)


If you have to work —(1)– twelve hours a day, you have no freedom at all. If you work eight hours —(2)– day you have four hours a day to do what you like —(3)–, subject to —(4)– laws of the land and your possession of money enough to buy —(5)– interesting book or pay for a seat at the pictures, or on a half a holiday at a football match.


V  Dialogue writing                                                                                (10 marks)


Construct a dialogue between the representative of your class with the Principal of another college to invite their students for the cultural festival organized in your college.



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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English Thro Literature – I Question Paper PDF Download









Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



I Answer any TEN of the following in about 50 words each.                     (10×3=30)


  1. Bring out Shakespeare’s contribution to Elizabethan drama?
  2. Describe the pleasure dome that Kubla Khan wanted to build?
  3. Comment on Arnold’s use of the sea as an image of faith.
  4.  ‘If design govern in a thing so small’. Bring out the significance of this extract.
  5. Mention any two characteristics of the peasants described in the Poem Night of the Scorpion.
  6.  Mention any two superstitious beliefs of the villagers in the poem Night of the Scorpion?
  7. Why are bores always sure of an audience?
  8. What is a bore’s greatest asset?
  9. What, according to Shaw, should be the object of all honest governments?
  10. What is unnatural slavery?
  11. How does Richard Livingston distinguish between knowledge and education?
  12. Which subjects tell us about man at his best?


II Answer any FIVE of the following in about 100 words each.            (5×5=25)


  1. What, according to Richard Livingston, are the essentials of good education?
  2. How is man’s slavery to Nature pleasant? Explain.
  3. How did the girl get the third goat from Sindhu?
  4. How does the Mathematics Master describe Wasserkopf’s character?
  5. How does Jonson pay rich tributes to Shakespeare in his poem? Explain.
  6. How does Coleridge achieve a fine blend of magic and superstition in Kubla Khan? Give examples.
  7. Bring out your understanding of the Indian rural life from your reading of Night of the Scorpion.


III Answer the following in about 250 words each.                           (2×15=30)


  1. Why, according to Shaw, is perfect freedom not possible? Discuss the role of governmental agencies in this context.           (or)

What is the melancholic view of life expressed by Arnold in his poem Dover Beach?


  1. Do you think there is perfect freedom in India? Justify your answer.


Do you think there are alternative methods  to examinations to measure a person’s knowledge?  Discuss with examples.



IV Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.           (5×1=5)


If you have to work —(1)– twelve hours a day, you have no freedom at all. If you work eight hours —(2)– day you have four hours a day to do what you like —(3)–, subject to —(4)– laws of the land and your possession of money enough to buy —(5)– interesting book or pay for a seat at the pictures, or on a half a holiday at a football match.


V  Dialogue writing                                                                                (10 marks)


Construct a dialogue between the representative of your class with the Principal of another college to invite their students for the cultural festival organized in your college.



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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English For Technical Writing Question Paper PDF Download


LO 14







Date & Time : 16.04.2007/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                                        Max. 100 Marks



Answer any TEN of the following questions:        (10X10= 100 marks)



  1. Analyze writing as a process.


  1. What are the different techniques involved in Pre-writing. Illustrate each with an example.


  1. You have been selected by a Non Governmental Organization to attend an international conference on global warming. Write a letter to your division manager requesting him to grant official sanction to attend the conference.
  2. How can an effective Document Design be achieved?


  1. Break the following text into smaller chunks of information, prioritize the information, highlight the ideas and vary the appearance of the document using several methods of document design:





Thirty members and guests attended the meeting at the Carriage Club. After the dinner, Roger Traver introduced the guest speaker, George Smith, University Chancellor, and noted his accomplishments and experiences prior to education- U.S.Navy commander, Oak Ridge laboratory researcher, and politician. Dr. Smith’s talk, ‘Industry and Education Collaboration’ was very interesting and included a history of special projects enjoyed by both academics and corporate heads. Dr. Smith suggested that we engineers could work with education to

  1. Provide training seminars, 2. Help in urban development and 3. Provide intern opportunities. Recent industry education collaborations include training seminars in computers, fiber optics, and human resource options. The chancellor’s primary thrust was a request for $ 100,000 in financial aid for urban development. He said money had already been donated from three sources: a large reality firm, Capital Homes, Had given $ 20,000: A philanthropic group, We Care had donated a matching $ 20,000: Dr. Smith’s University gave a matching $20,000. The remaining $40,000, Dr. Smith hoped, would come from industry donations. Finally, the chancellor noted that industry could help itself, as well as the community, by providing internships for University undergraduate majors. These internships could either be semester- or year-long arrangements, where by students would work for minimum wage to learn more about the day-to-day aspects of their chosen fields. The chancellor said that these internships would not only increase the students’ theoretical knowledge of engineering by giving them hands- on experience but also make them better future employees of the host engineering companies. Everyone would benefit. Dr. Smith noted that the students would receive a grade and credit for their work. After the speech, our VP introduced new business, calling for nominations for next year’s officers; gave us the agenda for our next meeting; and adjourned the meeting.





  1. Discuss the importance of graphics. What are the various criteria for effective graphics?


  1. Write short notes on the following:
    1. Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
    2. Rewriting.
    3. Document Design
    4. Online Help.
    5. E-mail


  1. What are the various problems encountered in e-mail writing?

Suggest remedies for effective e-mail writing.

  1. You are one of the main dealers of Hitachi air conditioners. Write an

e-mail to the marketing manager of that company requesting him to fax the necessary details of  the various schemes announced for the summer.

10.How would you classify reports?


11.Explain the format of a report using an illustration.


12.You are the manager in an engineering department at a reputed company. Your current department supervisor is retiring. So, you must recommend the promotion of a new supervisor to the company’s higher authority. Write a report discussing the traits of four other personnel and furnish your reasons for promoting a particular candidate.

13.You are the Human Resources Manager in a reputed concern. Script an oral presentation in order to induct the newly appointed staff.



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Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English For Self Enhancement Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


LO 10






Date & Time: 16/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00     Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



  1. The following words have more than one meaning. Write at-least two different sentences for each word in two different meanings. (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. board 2. bank 3. patient         4. run               5. tear


II Choose the right answer from the choices given.                                                                       (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. Your relationship with your cousin’s son
  2. a) Brother-in-law b) Nephew c) Uncle

2) The relationship between you and the mother of your niece

  1. a) Cousin b) Sister c) Aunt

3) A person to whom another is engaged to be married

  1. a) Fiancé b) Sister-in-law c) Cousin

4) One’s wife or one’s husband

  1. a) In-law b) Spouse c) Comrade

5) What is the term used to refer to one’s father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, etc.

  1. a) Colleagues b) in-laws c) fiancés


III Fill in the blanks with suitable rhyming words given in brackets.                                          (5 X 1 = 5)


1) When a boy is born it is celebrated

When a girl is born it is ________(educated, regretted, located)

2) Boy or girl, they are two wings of human race

If one wing is made weak where is ________(craze?, face?, grace?)

3) Gone are the days of male domination

A time has come for mutual ________(convention, co-operation, evolution)

4) In politics, give women 33% reservation

They will make India a super power in the next ________(vacation, moderation, generation)

5) Celebrate when a girl is born

Future India will really have its ________(dawn, plan, barn)


IV Write the odd word found in every set of words.                                                                     (5 X 1 = 5)


1) a. dacoit      b. robber          c. plumber       d. thief                        e. burglar

2) a. nap          b. sleep            c. snore            d. dream          e. fight

3) a. drink        b. gulp             c. gargle           d. munch         e. sip

4) a. limp         b. laugh           c. jump                        d. run               e. jog

5) a. swallow   b. whisper        c. murmur        d. chat             e. babble


V Choose from the following, FIVE WORDS which are related to positive attitude.                (5 X 1 = 5)


  1. suspicion 2. determination 3. frankness 4. depression 5. courage 6. self-respect 7. anger
  2. nervousness 9. lethargy 10. dexterity






VI Used the underlined words in sentences of your own                                                              (5 X 1 = 5)


He shook his head,

perhaps he mistook my meaning

‘How old are you, Sir I asked.

He appeared extremely ancient, and I approached him slowly, believing him.

to be real.

He smiled with regret, saying fifty words long

‘Not old’

The grey beard sat Sunning himself.

‘How long have you lived?”


VII Use FIVE  of the following idioms/phrases in sentences of your own.                      (5 X 1 = 5)

  1. to be in the dark b. to make ends meet. c. by hook or crook     d. to back up
  2. to make out f. stand up for g. work out


VIII Rewrite FIVE of the following sentences by correcting the errors.                         (5 X 1 = 5)

  1. He is one of my best friend.
  2. She was received her degree last year
  3. Ganga is considered a holy river.
  4. I have two sister-in-laws.
  5. The manager along with the workers are given bonus.
  6. The principal and the professor discussed about the student’s problem.
  7. I and my brother will soon visit our village.


IX All the sentences and words below are given together without any space in between or punctuation marks. Read it carefully and split the clusters/group into meaningful sentences which would become a story. Use punctuation marks in appropriate places. (NOT for visually challenged students)           (5 marks)






Frame FIVE relevant questions from the following paragraph.                                                     (5 marks)

Personal values are those that the individual accepts as true or good. The individual is not influenced by anybody to determine his/her choices. He/she decides certain standards of living and aims at achieving them. Their achievements are measured according to these values without any known interaction either with other individuals or the society. The individual is at liberty to select any moral code of conduct and passes it without affecting others. For instance, the individual has the freedom to choose his/her dress code, courses they want to study, or pastimes and other activities they want to work.


X Complete the following story in your own way.                                                                         (5 marks)

A king was distressed because his people were lazy. He decided to teach them a lesson. One night he had a big stone put in the middle of the road. A young soldier came riding; he blamed the government for not removing the stone. The king had the stone removed. Under the stone there was a box…





XI Rewrite the following sentences in logical order.                                                                      (5 marks)

  1. As a little girl she was looking at the sky.
  2. Her first flight in to the space was successful
  3. Kalpana Chawla had a great passion for flying at her early age.
  4. She had a dream to become an astronaut
  5. Her dream came true in 1996 when she was chosen to be an astronaut in the U.S. Space Shuttle


XII Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below.                         (10 marks)

He died

After thirty years of marriage,

She, remembering their plan,

Moved to a brave new life,

Miles away beside the sea.

All seemed idyllic. But

He had not been there. Soon,

Loneliness tore her apart.

Sadly she returned to where

He had been. Still alone,

She was not lonely.

  1. Supply a title to the poem.
  2. What is the relationship between ‘he’ and ‘she’?
  3. What was their plan?
  4. Why did the plan not work?
  5. Does the story have a happy ending? Explain.


XIII Construct meaningful sentences from the fragments given.                                     (5 marks)

  1. books read I pleasure for
  2. what I was doing me asked the teacher
  3. must you careful be road while crossing the
  4. fault heaven in the fault finders will find even
  5. working I hard am get to class first examination next in the


XIV Arrange the jumbled sentences so as to make a meaningful story.                                      (10 marks)

  1. “I am the same person who served as model when you painted the portrait of child Jesus, twenty years ago”.
  2. The young model wept.
  3. The painting was lifelike because of the child model.
  4. After twenty years the same artist wanted a model to paint the portrait of Judas who betrayed Jesus.
  5. His painting of Judas was again lifelike because of the young man who served as model for the portrait.
  6. At last the artist found out the model for Judas.
  7. The artist asked him why he was weeping.
  8. An artist wanted to paint a portrait of child Jesus.
  9. It was very difficult to find a man with such a cruel inhuman face as the betrayer, Judas, had.
  10. He got one divine looking child as a model for his painting.


XV Give the SYNONYMS of FIVE of the following words.                                                       (5 X 1 = 5)

  1. accept 2. Cowardice 3. illness          4. defeat          5. approve       6. wide                        7. unique


XVI Write a paragraph in about 100 words on any ONE of the following.                               (5 X 1 = 5)



XVII Write an essay in about 200 words on any ONE of the following topics.                          (10 marks)

  1. Develop self-esteem 2. Keep the Campus Clean. Avoid Plastics.


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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2007 Literary Appreciation-I Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2007 Literary Appreciation Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2007 General English-I Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2007 English Thro Literature-I Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2007 English Through Indian Reflective Writings Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College U.G. English April 2008 Value Added General English Question Paper PDF Download



MD 17







Date : 17/04/2008             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


  1. Explain any TEN of the following: (10 x 3 = 30 marks)


  1. Rural sports
  2. Sustainable development
  3. Party – Cracy
  4. Holistic education
  5. Blasphemy
  6. Ecological footprint
  7. The Moral Ape
  8. Alienation
  9. The IT Divide
  10. Climate Change
  11. Anthropocentric worldview
  12. Vicious cycle of corruption
  13. Gender sensitivity
  14. Maslow’s theory of needs
  15. The consuming class


  1. Answer any SIX of the following in about 100 words each: (6 x 5 = 30 marks)


  1. Who and how much should one sacrifice to save our only planet, Mother Earth, from global warming?
  2. What is Sarvodya or Gandhian approach for social transformation?
  3. Is it possible to wed faith and history, in the words of Romila Thapar, with regard to the Sethusamudram Project?
  4. Do you agree with the view that man is a noble savage?
  5. How can the IT sector be humanised?
  6. “The rich can afford to be honest, whereas the poor who are desperate, cannot.”  Comment on this statement against the backdrop of corruption in India.
  7. Al Gore, the nobel laureate, has said that we have to choose between ecology and economics.  Consider his opinion in the light of SEZs mushrooming in India.
  8. What is “the dharma of emerging woman,” according to Tamil poet Subramania Bharatiar as quoted by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in his essay, “Women Empowerment”?


III. Answer any TWO of the following in about 200 – 250 words:      (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. How will you match the ideals of Gandhiji on the one hand and Ratan Tata on the other to build a new India in 2025?
  2. Higher Education in India is at crossroads, with privatisation of education and dilution of the higher ideals of higher education.  Discuss.
  3. “For the Buddha, the tree was sacred : it had intrinsic value; but for Western civilization it is just an object”, so says Satish Kumar, editor of “Resurgence”magazine.  Elucidate.
  4. Is the sporting spirit missing in modern sports?  Illustrate.



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Loyola College U.G. English April 2008 Power Communication In English Question Paper PDF Download



MD 12







Date : 16-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer the following questions in about  300 words  each:                                  (10 x 10 = 100)



  1. Explicate the theory of communication process with an appropriate diagram.



  1. Draft a speech on the following topic:

“The Internet can either serve as an instrument of mass instruction or mass corruption.”

  1. Elaborate on the five ways of developing a power thrust in your speech.
  2. Explain how ability to read body language can help a person to communicate effectively.


  1. Identify the Six factors that matter in a group discussion.
  2. What are the 14 essential points one must follow to make a positive impression in a group discussion?
  3. Imagine you are participant A in a group discussion with three other discussants Mr. B, Mr.C and Mr.D. Construct three rounds of exchanges between the participants on the following topic:

“The only way of halting Global Warming is to reduce, reuse and recycle all natural resources”.



  1. What are the techniques one should use to maximize audience impact during a presentation?
  2. Highlight the differences between a conventional job interview and a telephone interview.
  3. Why do students need career guidance? What is its purpose?



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