Lavaliphala consists of dried fruit of Phyllanthus acidus (Linn.) Skeels syn. Cicca acida Linn. Merrill (Fam. Euphorbiacem), a small or medium sized tree cultivated in gardens, and also grown as a roadside tree.
Sanskrit : Sugandhamula, Lavali, Panduh, Komala Valkala
Assamese : —
Bengali : Noyaal, Harphal
English : Star gooseberry, Country gooseberry
Gujrati : Khaati Aawala, Raay aamali
Hindi : Harfaarevadi, Lavali
Kannada : Karinelli
Kashmiri : —
Malayalam : —
Marathi : Raaya-aawal
Oriya : —
Punjabi : —
Tamil : Arinelli
Telugu : Raachayusarike
Urdu : —
a) Macroscopic
Brownish green, globose, 1.5 to 1.8 cm dia obscurely 6 to 8 grooved, depressed at both ends; pieces show a highly shrivelled and wrinkled external surface, texture rough; odour characteristic; taste, acidic, followed by a delicately sweet taste; seed globose, 0.8 to 1.2 cm dia.
b) Microscopic
T.S. of mature fruit shows the epicarp with a single layer of tabular epidermis, covered by a thin cuticle; numerous sunken stomata scattered on the epidermis; epidermal cells in surface view polygonal in shape with corner thickenings; mesocarp consists of 8 to 10 layers of polygonal cells and 6 to 8 layers of radially elongated large, rather thick walled parenchyma cells, most of which contain yellow pigments (mesocarp of Emblica officinalis consists of mostly large polygonal cells with corner thickenings and have a very few pigment cells); prisms of calcium oxalate crystal and starch grains present in a few epidermal cells and also in a few parenchyma cells; many of the cells contain yellow pigments; ramified vascular bundles scattered throughout the mesocarp consist of xylem and phloem, xylem composed of tracheids and fibres; testa have palisade like epidermis composed of tightly packed sclereids with pits.
Powder – Shows pieces of isodiametric-parenchymatous cells with yellow or brown colour pigment; prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; fibres; sclereids with pits; starch grains are fairly abundant, small and simple.
Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on precoated silica gel ‘G’ (E. Merck grade) plate using Chloroform : Methanol : Formic acid (95 : 0.5 : 0.1) shows under UV (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.14 (green), 0.28 (green) and 0.83 (green). On spraying with Anisaldehyde-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for five minutes at 105oC six spots appear at Rf. 0.14 (orange), 0.17 (violet), 0.51 (orange), 0.66 (purple), 0.76 (violet) and 0.91 (purple).
CONSTITUENTS – Triterpenoids (β- amyrin, Phyllanthol) and Gallic acid.
Rasa : Madhura, Amla, Kasaya
Guna : Guru, Ruksa, Vasada
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Grahi, Hrdya, Kaphahara, Pittahara, Vatakara, Rakta Stambhana, Rucikara
THERAPEUTIC USES – Asmari, Arsa, Aruci
DOSE – 10-20 g.