IBPS-RRBS Officer (Pre.) Exam-2017 Held on 16-9-2017
Quantitative Aptitude
1. A mixture of milk and water in a jar comprises 12 litre of milk. If 5 litre of pure milk and 3 litre of pure water were added to this jar, the percentage of water in the new mixture would be 20%. What was the initial quantity of water in the jar? (in litre)
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 6
(E) 1
Directions- (Q. 2-6) Refer to the graph and answer the given questions-
2. If in August the number of members who registered for both the clubs together increased by 20% as compared to June, what is the number of members who registered for both the clubs together in August
(A) 1152
(B) 816
(C) 1128
(D) 1056
(E) 1028
3. The number of members who registered for Club A in April was what per cent less than that registered in June for the same club?
4. A Club B, the number of female members who registered in March was three-fifth of the number of male members who registered in the same month. If the number of female members who registered for Club A in March was 50 more than that registered for Club B in the same month, what was the number of male members who registered for Club A in March?
(A) 140
(B) 130
(C) 110
(D) 100
(E) 120
5. What is the respective ratio between the total number of members who registered for both the clubs together in March and that in July?
(A) 9 : 13
(B) 6 : 13
(C) 7 : 17
(D) 9 : 11
(E) 6 : 11
6. What is the difference between the total number of members who registered for Club A in May and June together and that registered for Club B in the same months together?
(A) 240
(B) 180
(C) 220
(D) 160
(E) 300
7. 8 men can finish a piece of work in 25 days. 15 women can finish the same piece of work in 16 days. 4 men and 8 women started working together and worked for 10 days. After that 6 more men joined them. How many days will they now take to finish the remaining work?
Directions- (Q. 8-12) Study the table and answer the given questions-
Number of items sold and percentage of items returned by the customers over the months in two different shops-
8. The total number of items returned by the customers to shop A in August and October together was approximately what per cent more than the total number of items returned by the customers to shop B in September and October together?
(A) 46
(B) 32
(C) 67
(D) 51
(E) 23
9. The number of items returned by the customers to shop B in August was what per cent of the number items returned by the customers to that shop in November?
(A) 64
(B) 50
(C) 44
(D) 32
(E) 26
10. What was the average number of items which were not returned by the customers to shop B in September, October and November ?
(A) 438
(B) 251
(C) 255
(D) 380
(E) 352
11. What is the respective ratio between the number of items not returned by the customers to shop A in October to the number of items returned by the customers to that shop in November?
(A) 15 : 6
(B) 21 : 5
(C) 19 : 7
(D) 11 : 3
(E) 17 : 8
12. All the items returned by the customer to shop A in September were found to be defective and the shop received complaints from some of the customers who did not return the items and about 1/12th of those items not returned by the customer were found to be defective. What was the total defective items sold by that shop in that month?
(A) 116
(B) 168
(C) 198
(D) 216
(E) 172
13. ?% of (813.97 ×08) – 754.08 + 467.06
(A) 50
(B) 46
(C) 44
(D) 52
(E) 45
14. (1356.07 − ?) ÷09 = 2196.11 ÷ 5.92
(A) 367
(B) 335
(C) 294
(D) 258
(E) 274
15. ?2 + 142.04 – 21.97×08 = 277.03
(A) 9
(B) 5
(C) 16
(D) 17
(E) 6
(A) 29
(B) 43
(C) 48
(D) 50
(E) 25
(A) 18
(B) 11
(C) 4
(D) 12
(E) 9
18. If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as-
(A) 4% of a
(B) 5% of a
(C) 20% of a
(D) 25% of a
(E) None of these
Directions- (Q. 19-23) Refer to the pie chart and answer the given question-
19. What is the central angle corresponding to the number of brownies sold by bakery E?
(A) 104°
(B) 108°
(C) 106°
(D) 102°
(E) 105°
20. The respective ratio between the number of brownies sold by bakery D and that by bakery F is 2 : 3. If bakery F sold each brownie for Rs 50, what was the amount earned by bakery F?
(A) Rs 3200
(B) Rs 2400
(C) Rs 2000
(D) Rs 2800
(E) Rs 3000
21. What is the difference between the average of the number f brownies sold by bakeries A and B and the average of the number of brownies sold by bakeries C and E?
(A) 28
(B) 32
(C) 36
(D) 42
(E) 45
22. The respective ratio between the number of chocolate and that of vanilla sold by bakery B is 5 : 3 and the respective ratio between the number of chocolate and that of vanilla brownies sold by bakery C is 3 : 1. What is the total number of chocolate brownies sold by bakeries B and C together? (Bakeries B and C sell only chocolate and vanilla brownies)
(A) 130
(B) 120
(C) 100
(D) 150
(E) 90
23. What is the difference between the total number of brownies sold by bakeries A and D together and that sold by bakery E?
(A) 12
(B) 16
(C) 6
(D) 18
(E) 9
24. The respective ratio between the present age of A and B is 9 : 10. 8 years ago the respective ratio of 1/7th A’s age that time and 1/4th of B’s age that time was 1 : 2. What will be the respective ratio between A’s age and B’s age 8 years hence?
(A) 17 : 18
(B) 11 : 12
(C) 9 : 11
(D) 9 : 12
(E) 8 : 13
25. Area of rectangle is equal to area of the circle whose radius is 21 cm. If the length and breadth of the rectangle are in the ratio 14 : 11 respectively. What is its perimeter?
(A) 142 cm
(B) 140 cm
(C) 132 cm
(D) 150 cm
(E) 155 cm
26. A metallic cuboid measuring 12 cm × 9 cm × 2 cm is melted and cast into a cube. Find the length of each edge of the cube-
(A) 5 cm
(B) 6 cm
(C) 2 cm
(D) 8 cm
(E) 10 cm
27. A boat can travel 6.4 km downstream in 16 minutes and 9.9 km upstream in 33 minutes. What is the total time taken by the boat to travel 48 km upstream and the same distance downstream together?
(A) 4 hr 40 min
(B) 4 hr
(C) 5 hr
(D) 5 hr 20 min
(E) 6 hr
Directions- (Q. 28-32) What will come in place of question-mark (?) in the given number series?
28. 48 63 43 68 38 ?
(A) 76
(B) 73
(C) 79
(D) 66
(E) 75
29. 14 16 22 34 54 ?
(A) 76
(B) 84
(C) 86
(D) 75
(E) 95
30. 852 285 96 33 12 ?
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 5
(D) 3
(E) 1
31. 0.25 4 32 128 256 ?
(A) 264
(B) 256
(C) 234
(D) 274
(E) 284
32. 9 4 3 3 4 ?
(A) 11
(B) 7.5
(C) 8.5
(D) 9.5
(E) 10.5
Directions- (Q. 33-37) In this question, two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equation and answered as-
(A) x > y
(B) x ≥ y
(C) x < y
(D) x ≤ y
(E) relationship cannot be established or x = y
33. (I) 3x2 + 13x + 12 = 0
(II) 4y2 + 5y + 1 = 0
34. (I) x2 = 25
(II) y2 + 10y + 25 = 0
35. (I) 5x2 – 11x + 2 = 0
(II) 3y2 – 5y + 2 = 0
36. (I) 5x2 – 13x + 6 = 0
(II) 2y2 – 7y + 6 = 0
37. (I) 2x2 – 17x + 35 = 0
(II) 3y2 – 10y + 7 = 0
38. Ram invests a certain sum in Scheme A offering simple interest @ 5% p.a. for 4 years. He further invests the amount obtained from Scheme A into Scheme B offering compound interest @ 10% p.a. (compounded annually) for 2 years. If the interest obtained from Scheme B was Rs 378, what was the sum invested in scheme A ? (in Rs)
(A) 1200
(B) 1000
(C) 1600
(D) 1500
(E) 1400
39. Mohan kept 30% of his retirement fund for himself and distributed the remaining amount among his wife, his only son and his only daughter in the respective ratio of 7 : 3 : 4. If the difference between the amount that Mohan kept for himself and the amount he gave to his son is Rs 31500. What was the total retirement fund?
(A) Rs 2,40,000
(B) Rs 2,70,000
(C) Rs 2,10,000
(D) Rs 2,60,000
(E) Rs 3,00,000
40. A bag contains 2 red balls, 5 yellow balls and ‘X’ green balls. One ball is drawn at random and the probability of all being yellow is 2/9. What is the value of X?
(A) 3
(B) 12
(C) Other than those given as options
(D) 6
(E) 9
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