Medical PG Physiology
1. Lowest threshold potential in a motor nerve fibre is at
(A) Dendrite
(B) Body
(C) Axon hillock
(D) Axon
2. Heat loss from the body depends mostly on
(A) Thermoregulatory centre
(B) Warming of air during inspiration
(C) On the environmental temperature
(D) Radiation and evaporation
3. All are true regarding capillaries except
(A) Have large total cross-sectional area
(B) Contain larger quantity of blood than veins
(C) Site of gaseous exchange
(D) Lined by endothelium
4. Mouth-to-mouth respiration provides an oxygen concentration of
(A) 16%
(B) 20%
(C) 22%
(D) 24%
5. Hyaline membrane contains
(A) Albumin
(B) Fibrin
(C) Globulin
(D) WBCs
6. Surfactant is secreted by
(A) Type-I pneumocytes
(B) Type-II pneumocytes
(C) Bronchial goblet cells
(D) Endothelium of pulmonary vasculature
7. Which is the best parameter for analysis of Hypoxic hypoxia
(A) Arterial PO₂
(B) Arterial PCO₂
(C) Venous PO₂
(D) A-V Difference
8. Which compound shifts the Oxygen dissociation curve to the right
(A) 1, Phosphoglycerate
(B) 2, 3 DPG
(C) 1, 3 DPG
(D) Glyceraldehyde
9. All of the following cause Hyperventilation except
(A) Decreased pH in CSF
(B) Decreases plasma HCO₃
(C) CO poisoning
(D) Increased adrenergic levels
10. Sertoli cells secrete
(A) Testosterone
(B) Estrogen
(C) Androstenedione
(D) Inhibin
11. Secretion of Prolactin is affected by
(A) GnRH analogue
(B) Dopamine
(C) Serotonin
12. All are feature of Pyramidal tract lesion except
(A) Clasp knife rigidity
(B) Increased tone
(C) Babinski sing + ve
(D) Involuntary movement
13. Features of Neuroglia cells include all except
(A) Protoplasmic astrocytes are found in grey matter
(B) Oligodendrocytes are derived from ectoderm
(C) Microglia are mesodermal in origin
(D) Central neuroglial cells are derived from Schwann cells
14. Kinesthetic sensation is
(A) Transmitted by the β-type of sensory nerve
(B) Located in Merkl’s disc
(C) Transmitted by Meissner’s corpuscles
(D) Means abnormal perception of sensation
15. Cerebellar connection to other parts of the brain is projected through which cell
(A) Golgi cells
(B) Basket cells
(C) Purkinje cells
(D) Oligodendrocytes
16. Output from the cerebellum is solely from
(A) Basket cells
(B) Granular cells
(C) Treitz cells
(D) Purkinje cells
17. Renin secretion is increased by all of the following except
(A) Na⁺ in PCT
(B) Afferent arteriolar low pressure
(C) Na⁺ in DCT
(D) Sympathetic nerve stimulation
18. Sperms acquire motility in
(A) Epididymis
(B) Seminal vesicle
(C) Rete testes
(D) Vas deferens
19. Human insulin differs from beef insulin by how many number of amino acid residues
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
20. Normal excretion of protein in urine per day is
(A) 100 mg
(B) 150 mg
(C) 400 mg
(D) 600 mg
21. Normal gastric juice contains all except
(A) Na⁺
(B) K⁺
(C) Ca⁺⁺
(D) Mg⁺⁺
22. Which of the following is true about gastric emptying
(A) Decreased by cholecystokinin
(B) Decreased by gastrin
(C) Increased by secretin
(D) Increased by GIP
23. ‘D’ cells of the pancreas secrete
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Intestinal peptide
(D) Somatostatin
24. Spontaneous release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction produces
(A) Miniature end-plat potential
(B) Action potential
(C) Post-tetanic potential
(D) Resting membrane potential
25. Myasthenia gravis is a disorder of
(A) Motor neuron
(B) Neuromuscular junction
(C) Peripheral nerve
(D) Spinal cord
26. Oxygen affinity is increased by all of the following except
(A) Alkalosis
(B) Hypoxia
(C) Increased HbF
(D) Hypothermia
27. Which of the following does NOT stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors
(A) Hypoxia
(B) Hypocapnia
(C) Hypocapnia
(D) Low perfusion pressure
28. Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum at
(A) Apex of lung
(B) Base of lung
(C) Right posterior lobe of lung
(D) Equal in all areas of lung
29. Highest conduction rate in m/s is observed in
(A) SA node
(B) AV node
(C) Bundles of His
(D) Purkinje system
30. The order of activation after stimulation of Purkinje fibres is:
(A) Endocardium, Septum, epicardium
(B) Endocardium, epicardium, Septum
(C) Septum, endocardium, epicardium
(D) Septum, epicardium, endocardium
31. Cardiac output in L/min divided by heart rate equals
(A) Cardiac efficiency
(B) Mean stroke volume
(C)Cardiac index
(D) Mean arterial pressure
32. Pulmonary micro-circulation differs from systemic circulation in having
(A) Resistance low, pulsatile flow high
(B) Resistance low, capillary pressure low
(C) Resistance high, pulsatile flow low
(D) Resistance high, capillary pressure high
33. Blood supply during exercise is increased in:
(A) Cutaneous circulation
(B) Hepato-splanchnic circulation
(C) Renal circulation
(D) Coronary circulation
34. BMR depends on
(A) Body weight
(B) Surface area
(C) Amount of adipose tissue
(D) Amount of lean body mass
35. Ketone bodies are produced in the
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Muscle
36. Which of the following does NOT form a filtration barrier in nephrons
(A) Podocytes
(B) Mesangium
(C) Endothelial cell
(D) Basement membrane
37. Which of the following occurs along with glucose transport into a cell
(A) Sodium symport
(B) Sodium anteport
(C) Potassium transport
(D) Amino acid transport
38. Appreaciation of shape and size of an object placed in the hand is lost in the lesion of
(A) Tractus gracilis
(B) Tractus Cuneatus
(C) Lateral spinothalamic tract
(D) Spino-reticular tract
39. Unidirectional flow of a nerve impulse is at
(A) Synapse
(B) Axon
(C) Dendrites
(D) All of the above
40. Excitable tissue at rest is least permeable to
(A) Na⁺
(B) K⁺
(C) Ca⁺⁺
(D) Cl
41. Which is True about capillaries
(A) Stores 25% of blood volume
(B) Stores 15% of blood volume
(C) Stores 5% of blood volume
(D) Stores 95% of blood volume
42. QRS complex on ECG tracing indicates
(A) Atrial depolarization
(B) Ventricular depolarization
(C) Atrial repolarization
(D) Ventricular repolarization
43. Mean arterial pressure is
(A) Systolic + (Diastolic BP)/2
(B) Systolic + 1/3rd Pulse pressure
(C) Diastolic + (Systolic BP)/2
(D) Diastolic + 1/3rd Pulse pressure
44. Total alveolar ventilation volume (in L/min) is
(A) 1.5
(B) 3.5
(C) 4.2
(D) 5.0
45. The fraction of inspired air in mouth-to-mouth respiration is
(A) 0.16
(B) 0.19
(C) 0.21
(D) 0.26
46. Anemic hypoxia is due to
(A) ↓PO₂ in arterial blood
(B) ↑PO₂ in arterial blood
(C) ↑PCO₂ in arterial blood
(D) ↓O₂ content in arterial blood
47. Erythropoietin secretion occurs when
(A) ↓Tissue pO₂ concentration
(B) ↑ Tissue pH
(C) ↑ Tissue pCO₂ concentration
(D) ↑Hemoglobin
48. Anion gap is mostly due to
(A) Proteins
(B) Sulphates
(C) Phosphates
(D) Nitrates
49. Glucose symport occurs with
(A) Na⁺
(B) Ca⁺⁺
(C) K⁺
(D) Cl⁻
50. Endogenous triglycerides are maximum in
(B) Chylomicron
51. Gall bladder contraction is stimulated by
(A) Gastrin
(B) Vagus
(C) Secretion
(D) Cholecystokinin
52. The enzymes secreted by endocrinal part of pancreas are all except
(A) Somatostatin
(B) Chymotrypsin
(C) Glucagon
(D) Insulin
53. Flocculonodular lobe has direct connections with
(A) Red nucleus
(B) Inferior olivary nucleus
(C) Vestibular nucleus
(D) Dentate nucleus
54. True about function of brain are all except
(A) Sensitive to hypoxia
(B) Dependent on glucose
(C) Uses fatty acids in starvation
(D) Does not store energy
55. Melatonin is secreted by
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Adrenal cortex
(C) Pineal gland
(D) Melanocytes
56. Spirometry can demonstrate and measure all of the following except:
(A) Tidal volume
(B) Residual volume
(C) Vital capacity
(D) Inspiratory reserve capacity
57. Surfacant is made up of :
(A) Fibrin
(B) Mucoprotein
(C) Mucoprotein
(D) Fibrinogen
58. The important feature of 2.3 Diposphoglycerate includes :
(A) Higher concentration in adult blood
(B) Contribution to Bohr effect
(C) Increases affinity of O₂ to haemoglobin
(D) Associated with foetal blood to promote oxygenation.
59. Set of data which correctly defines restrictive lung disease is :
(A) ↑FRC, ↑compliance of lung tissue
(B) ↑FEV₁/FVC, ↓compliance of lung tissue
(C) ↓FEV₁/FVC, ↓compliance of lung tissue
(D) ↑TLC, RV is ↓
60. Aerobic capacity is maximally increased by :
(A) Regular 3 minute exercises
(B) Spurts of exercises
(C) Prolonged exercises
(D) Sternous exercises
61. Which of the following variants of hypoxia does not stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors :
(A) Hypoxic hypoxia
(B) Anaemic hypoxia
(C) Stagnant hypoxia
(D) Histotoxic hypoxia
62. Blood in splanchnic area during exercise is decreased due to :
(A) Venoconstriction with decreased blood flow
(B) Venodilation with decreased blood flow
(C) Venodilation with increased blood flow
(D) Venodilation with normal blood flow
63. Most important stimulant for bile secretion is :
(A) Cholecystokinin
(B) Secretin
(C) Bile acid
(D) Bile salt
64. Corpus luteum is maintained by :
(A) Progesterone
(B) LH
(D) Estrogen
65. Weber Fechner law is related with :
(A) Amplitude
(B) Surface area
(C) Number of sensory fibre involvement
(D) Stimulus discrimination
66. Modality that is lost on the ipsilateral side in Brown sequard syndrome is
(A) Pain
(B) Temperature
(C) Crude touch
(D) Proprioception
67. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis involves :
(A) Upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron both
(B) Posterior column only
(C) Lower motor neuron only
(D) Raphae nucleus
68. All of the following are known functions of hypothalamus except :
(A) Temperature regulation
(B) Increased in heart rate with exercise
(C) Food intake
(D) Hypophyseal control
69. All of the following statements about adrenals are true except :
(A) Chromoffin granules are seen in pheochromocytoma
(B) Adrenal medulla normally secretes epinephrine & excess of norepinephrine
(C) Tumours of adrenal medulla secrete nor epinephrine in excess of epinephrine
(D) Adrenal medulla is not essential for life
70. Increased ratio of insulin to glucagon causes :
(A) Decreased levels of cyclic AMP
(B) Decreased levels of lipoprotein lipase
(C) Decreased amino acid synthesis
(D) Enhanced lipolysis in adipose tissue
71. True statement regarding extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid is :
(A) ECF is rich K+
(B) ECF is more than ICF
(C) ECF is rich in organic anion
(D) High Na:K+ ratio is seen
72. Most diffusible ion in excitable tissue is :
(A) Na⁺
(B) K⁺
(C) PO⁻₊
(D) Cl⁻
73. True regarding transport across a cell membrane is :
(A) Cl⁻with glucose symport
(B) Na⁺ with glucose anteprot
(C) Na⁺ with glucose symport
(D) K⁺ with glucose symport
74. First change observed in distal part, of a cut nerve is :
(A) Axonal degeneration
(B) Sprouting
(C) Myelin degeneration
(D) Schawn cells proliferation
75. QRS complex indicates :
(A) Atrial repolarization
(B) Atrial depolarization
(C) Ventricular repolarization
(D) Ventricular depolarization
76. Isovolumic relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle ends with :
(A) Peak of ‘C’ waves
(B) Opening of A.V. valve
(C) Closure of semilunar valve
(D) Begning of “T” wave
77. In the physiological state :
(A) Vein contain 25% of blood
(B) Capillaries contain 25% blood
(C) Vein contains 5% of blood
(D) Capillaries contains 5% blood
78. Erythropoitin level are increased by :
(A) ↓PO₂
(B) ↓PCO₂
(C) ↓Hb
(D) ↓pH
79. Total lung capacity depends upon :
(A) Size of airway
(B) Closing volume
(C) Lung compliance
(D) Residual volume
80. Pulmonary function changes seen in Emphysema are :
(A) ↑TLC
(B) ↓RV
(C) ↑FEV₁
(D) ↑VC
81. Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum at :
(A) Apex of lung
(B) Base of lung
(C) Posterior lobe of lung
(D) Middle of the lung
82. Alveolar-arterial tension gradient increases in all of the following conditions except :
(A) Hypoventilation
(B) Rt-Lt shunt
(C) Diffusion defect
(D) Ventilation perfusion abnormality
83. Gallbladder contraction is stimulated by :
(A) Gastrin
(B) Secretin
(C) Vagus
(D) Cholycystokinin
84. Features of pyramidal tract lesion are all except :
(A) Clasp knife rigidity
(B) Involuntary movements
(C) Positive Babiniski sign
(D) Exaggrated reflexes
85. Motor aphasia refers to defect in :
(A) Peripheral speech apparatus
(B) Verbal expression
(C) Auditory comprehension
(D) Verbal comprehension
86. Ability to perceive shape and size is lost due to lesion of:
(A) Tractus gracilis
(B) Tractus cuniatus
(C) Spinothalamic tract
(D) Spinoreticular tract
87. Group B muscle fibre are :
(A) Sympathetic pregaglionic
(B) Sympathetic postganglionic
(C) Parasympathetic preganglionic
(D) Parasympathetic post ganglionic
88. In hippocampus EEG waves are :
(A) α wave
(B) β wave
(C) Theta wave
(D) Delta wave
89. Flocculo nodular lobe has direct connection with :
(A) Red nucleus
(B) Inferior olivary nucleus
(C) Vestibular nucleus
(D) Dentate nucleus
90. In moderate exercise the respiratory rate is increased due to response of :
(A) Propioception receptor in the joints
(B) ↑PCO₂in arterial blood
(C) ↑PO₂in arterial blood
(D) J-receptor stimulation
91. Endogenous non-shivering thermogens are secreted by all except :
(A) Liver
(B) Spleen
(C) Heart
(D) Small intestine
92. CO2 is transported in blood mainly as :
(A) Bicarbonate
(B) Carbimino-compounds
(C) Free CO₂
(D) Plasma-protein combination
93. In upper air way obstruction all of the following changes are seen except :
(A) Decreased Maximum breathing capacity
(B) RV decreased
(C) Decreased FEV
(D) Decreased vital capacity
94. CCK-PZ causes all of the following except :
(A) Gall bladder contraction
(B) Pancreatic enzyme secretion
(D) Decreased lower esophageal sphinictor
95. Delta cells of pancreas secretes :
(A) Glucagon
(B) Insulin
(C) Somatostatin
(D) Pancreatic polypeptide
96. Which of the following is true about Nephron function
(A) Ascending thick limb is permeable to water
(B) Descending thin limb is impermeable to water
(C) Osmolality of intra-tubular content in DCT is more than surrounding interstitution
(D) Osmolality of intratubular content in PCT is isotonic to surrounding interstitium
97. Twitch of a single motor unit is called :
(A) Myoclonic-jerk
(B) Fasciculation
(C) Tremor
(D) Chorea
98. Sympathetic stimulation causes all of the following except :
(A) Increase in heart rate
(B) Increase in blood pressure
(C) Increase in total peripheral resistance
(D) Increase in venous capacitance
99. G-CSF and GMCSF in haematopoisis causes :
(A) Leucocytosis
(B) Erythrocytosis
(C) Leucopenia
(D) Thrombocytosis
100. Pain-sensitive intracranial structure is :
(A) Piamater
(B) Pial vassels
(C) Duramater
(D) Brain matter
101. Parasympathetic stimulation causes :
(A) Decrease GI secretion
(B) Bronchodilation
(C) Sweat-secretion
(D) Pupillary constriction
102. EEG waves from hippocampus are :
(A) α- Wave
(B) β-Wave
(C) Theta-Wave
(D) Delta-Wave
103. CSF/plasma glucose ratio is :
(A) 0.2-0.4
(B) 0.6-.08
(C) 1.2-1.6
(D) 1.6-2.2
104. Sperm acquires motility in :
(A) Seminal vesicle
(B) Testes
(C) Epidydimis
(D) Ejaculatory duct
105. Antibodies against sperms may develop after :
(A) Trauma
(B) Infection
(C) Vasectomy
(D) Orchidectomy
106. The gene coding for androgen receptors is located on :
(A) Short term of X- chromosome
(B) Short arm of Y-chromosome
(C) Long arm of X-chromosome
(D) Long arm of Y-chromosome
107. Cartoid sinus pressure causes:
(A) Reflex bradycardia
(B) Breathing
(C) Heart rate
(D) BP
108. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in:
(A) Duodenum
(B) Jejunum
(C) IIeum
(D) Stomach
109. Loop of Henle handles the following ions except:
(A) Na⁺
(B) K⁺
(C) Cl⁻
(D) Urea
110. Functional residual capacity of lung is defined as
(A) Volume expired after normal expiration
(B) Volume remaining after forced expiration
(C) ERV + RV
(D) Tidal volume + volume inspired forcefully
111. Ionophores have following actions except:
(A) Abolish proton gradient
(B) Inhibit ADP to ATP conversion
(C) Hydrophilic in character
(D) Abolish pH gradient
112. Apnoea is defined as:
(A) Stoppage of heart beat
(B) Cessation of respiration
(C) Irregular respiration
(D) RR
113. Cardiac index ratio is determined by:
(A) CO & surface area
(B) SV & surface area
(C) Surface area only
(D) Peripheral resistance
114. Beri beri is caused by deficiency of
(A) Riboflavin
(B) Pantothenic acid
(C) Folic acid
(D) Thiamine
115. True about cytokines are all except
(A) It is polypeptide
(B) Have autocrine and paracrine effects
(C) Involved in Leukocytic movements
(D) It takes part in intrinsic enzymatic reaction
116. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for all actions except
(A) Absorption of phosphorous increase
(B) Vit D absorption increases
(C) Mobilizes calcium from bone
(D) Increase intestinal absorption of calcium
117. Life span of neutrophil is :
(A) 6 hours
(B) 6 days
(C) 10 days
(D) 15 days
118. Helper and cytotoxic cells belong to:
(A) T cells
(B) B cells
(C) Monocytes
(D) Macrophages
119. Arterial blood O2 in ml of O2 per dL:
(A) 12.1
(B) 19.8
(C) 15.6
(D) 27.8
120. Longest transit time in GIT is seen in:
(A) Stomach
(B) Jejunum
(C) Colon
(D) Ileum
121. Protein synthesis occurs in:
(A) Smooth ER
(B) Golgi bodies
(C) Rough ER
(D) Lysosomes
122. Following are true about HCO3-except :
(A) Extracellular concentration 25 m mol
(B) Intracellular concentration 10 m mol
(C) 7.5% solution gives 2 nmols
(D) In kidney, HCO 3-is produced by carbonic anhydrase
123. Cardiac index is defined as:
(A) Stroke volume M²/BSA
(B) C.O.P per unit body surface area
(C) Syst press/M² BSA
(D) End diastolic volume
124. Chyme is propulsed forward in small intestine by:
(A) Segmentation
(B) Haustrations
(C) Migratory motor complexes (MMC)
(D) Peristalsis
125. Pacemaker of the G.I.T is located in:
(A) Cardiac end of stomach
(B) Long muscle of small intestine
(C) Pyloric end of stomach
(D) Fundus of stomach
126. Not a vit. K dependent factor :
(A) II
(C) IX
127. Activity of factor VIII procoagulant is deficient in:
(A) Haemophilia
(B) Von Willibrand’s disease
(D) Sickle cell anemia
128. Volume determining preload is :
(A) End diastolic volume of ventricles
(B) End systolic volume
(C) Volume of blood in aorta
(D) Ventricular ejection volume
129. True about Hb dissociation curve is :
(A) Acidosis shifts O₂ dissociation curve to right
(B) ↑CO₂ shifts the curve to left
(C) Hypoxia shifts curve to left
(D) 2.3 DPG has no effect no curve
130. Following are true about G protein except:
(A) G channels
(B) Phosphorylase formation
(C) Made up of 4 units
(D) Related to ras oncogene
131. True about facilitated diffusion are A/E:
(A) Occur in direction of concentration gradient
(B) Does not require energy
(C) Occur in direction opposite to electrical gradient
(D) Facilitated by charge of molecule
132. Least conduction velocity is seen in :
(A) AV node
(B) Purkinje fibres
(C) Bundle of his
(D) Ventricular myocardial fibres
133. Elimination waste product from a normal person requires minimal amount of urine of :
(A) 100 ml
(B) 500 ml
(C) 1000 ml
(D) 2000 ml
134. Epinephrine action in liver :
(A) Glycogenoloysis
(B) Gluconeogenesis
(C) Glycolysis
(D) Lipolysis
135. Enterogastric reflex is stimulated by all except :
(A) Alk. content of small int.
(B) Hyperosmolarity of chyme
(C) Distention of duodenum
(D) None
136. Gaucher’s disease is due to deficiency of :
(A) β-glucosidase
(B) Sphingomyelin
(C) Aldolase
(D) G6PD
137. Diet devoid of carbohydrates causes :
(A) Ketosis
(B) DM
(C) No effect
(D) Obesity
138. Blood pressure is defined as the product of :
(A) Systolic pressure × pulse
(B) Diastolic pressure × pulse rate
(C) Pulse pressure × pulse rate
(D) Cardiac output × peripheral resistance
139. In exercising muscle; true about metabolism is :
(A) Same in aerobic and anaerobic
(B) Fatty acids used mainly
(C) Glycogen and creatine kinase used aerobically
(D) All of the above
140. Nitrogen washout method is used for estimating:
(A) Dead space volume
(B) Functional residual capacity
(C) Tidal volume
(D) Diffusion capacity
141. Repolarization in isolated muscle piece fibre proceeds from:
(A) Epicardium to endocardium
(B) Epicardium to endocardium
(C) Left to right
(D) Right to left
142. In sickle cell anemia replacement is :
(A) Valbglu in b6
(B) Glu by val in b6
(C) Hist val b8
(D) 6A
143. ADT text is for :
(A) Bence jounces protein
(B) Fetal Hb
(C) Albumin
(D) Myoglobin
144. Vasopressin acts by :
(A) Water transport across collecting duct
(B) Water absorption at meduallary ducts
(C) Water secretion at loop of Henle
(D) Water transport at PCT
145. If one of your nerves is compressed and this leads to paresthesia for some time, the type of nerve fiber affected is probably:
(A) A α
(B) A α δ
(C) C
(D) B
146. In normal adult Vd/Vt ratio is :
(A) 20
(B) 0.35
(C) 40
(D) 50
147. The cardiac output can be determined by all except:
(A) Fick’s principle
(B) V/Q ratio
(C) Echocardiography
(D) Thermodilution
148. True about a blood flow in various organs:
(A) Liver > Kidney > brain > heart
(B) Liver > brain > kidney > heart
(C) Kidney > brain > heart > liver
(D) Liver > heart > brain > kidney
149. The ODC is shifted to the left by :
(A) Acidosis
(B) Raised pH
(C) Raised CO2
(D)Raised temperature
150. Administration of pure of O2 to hypoxic patients is dangerous because :
(A) Apnea occurs due to hypostimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors
(B) Pulmonary edema
(D) Convulsions
151. The feature of JVP in cardiac tamponade is
(A) Prominent x descent with prominent ‘y’ descent
(B) Prominent x descent with absent ‘y’ descent
(C) Absent x descent with prominent ‘y’ descent
(D) Absent x descent with absent ‘y’ descent
152. Sweating a result of exertion is mediated through
(A) Adrenal hormones
(B) Sympathetic cholinergic
(C) Sympathetic adrenergic
(D) Parasympathetic cholinergic
153. Hyperbaric oxygen is dangerous because it :
(A) Decreases displacement of O₂ from Hb
(B) Decreases respiratory drive
(C) Enzyme damage
(D) Is toxic to tissures
154. Pressure on carotid sinus cause :
(A) Hyperapnea
(B) Reflex bradycardia
(C) Tachycardia
(D) Dyspnea
155. Hpocalcemia due to calcitonin is by :
(A) Increased excretion in kidney
(B) Decreased bone resorption
(C) Decreased intestinal absorption
(D) Decreased renal reabsorption
156. Most susceptible to hypoxia is :
(A) Thalamus
(B) Caudate
(C) Cerebellum
(D) Hippocampus
157. Calcium absorption is from :
(A) Proximal small intestine
(B) Distal lleum
(C) Middle small intestine
(D) Ascending colon
158. Unlikely to be involved in lesion of anterior spinal artery is :
(A) Pain and temp
(B) Vibration and proprioception
(C) Pyramidal tract
(D) Sphincters
159. Best test for GFR is with :
(A) Inulin
(B) Hippuric acid
(C) Cratinine
160. Basal cardiac output in an adult in nearly :
(A) 7.5 litre
(B) 5 litre
(C) 12 litre
(D) 10 litre
161. ACTH level is highest during :
(A) Early morning
(B) Evening
(C) Afternoon
(D) Night
162. Acromegaly is due to excess of :
(A) Somatomedin
(B) Growth hormone
(C) Somatostatin
(D) Insulin
163. All are vitamin K dependent clotting factors of hepatic origin except :
(A) II
(D) X
164. Reperfusion injury is caused by :
(A) Vitamin E
(B) Superoxide ion
(C) Calcium ion
(D) Magnesium ion
[bg_colMagnesium ion lapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]
Answer: (B)
165. All are controlled by autonomic nervous system except :
(A) Aldosterone
(B) Insulin
(C) GH
(D) Somatostatin
166. cAMP action mediates all except :
(A) Glucagon
(C) LH
(D) Estrogen
167. Maximum contraction of gall bladder is seen with :
(B) Secretin
(C) Gastrin
(D) Enterogastrone
168. Physiological gastrectomy is :
(A) Ligate all major arteries
(B) Antrectomy
(C) Upper 1/3 of stoma resected
(D) Ligation of 4-out of five arteries
169. Exocytosis :
(A) Extrusion of cell bound vesicles
(B) Intrusion of liquid particles
(C) Instrusion of solid particles
(D) All of the above
170. O2 consumption is minimal when temp. gradient between skin and ext. env. is :
(A) < 0.5⁰
(B) > 2.5⁰
(C) < 1.5⁰
(D) > 3.5⁰
171. Max. blood supply to liver is by :
(A) Portal v.
(B) Hepatic A.
(C) Splenic A.
(D) Mesenteric A.
172. What is true of iron :
(A) It is stored in ferritin
(B) It is absorbed by Transferrin in the intestine
(C) Spleen is major storage organ
(D) Fe++ is excreted in urine
173. Erythropoietin is secreted by A/E :
(A) Hemangioblastoma
(B) Hepatoma
(C) Renal cell carcinoma
(D) Adrenocortical tumours
174. Which is true about rennin :
(A) It helps to convert angiotensinogen to Angiotensin – I
(B) Secreted by PCT
(C) ↑GFR causes ↑ secretion of renin
(D) ↓plasma Na⁺ & H₂O
175. Nitric Oxide is produced in :
(A) Endothelium
(B) Plasma
(C) Platelets
(D) Serum
176. Maximum water absorption takes place in :
(A) Proximal convoluted tubule
(B) Distal convoluted tubule
(C) Collecting duct
(D) Loop of Henle
177. True about Insulin action is :
(A) Causes neoglucogenesis
(B) Not useful for growth & development
(C) Required for transport of glucose, aminoacid, K⁺ & Na⁺
(D) Catabolic hormone
178. Aggrecan is
(A) Receptor over platelets
(B) A molecule present in osteoid tissue
(C) Granules in leukocytes
(D) Important component of cartilage
179. Which of the following is most prone to hypoxic injury :
(A) Thalamus
(B) Hippocampus
(C) Caudate nucleus
(D) Cerebellum
180. Function of hepatic stellate cells is/are :
(A) Formation of sinusoides
(B) Vit-A storage
(C) Increases blood perfusion
(D) Increases blood perfusion
181. Function of peritoneum are A/E :
(A) Lubrication
(B) Hormone release
(C) Pain sensitive
(D) Enzymatic digestion
182. Central cyanosis is seen if :
(A) Methemoglobin 0.5 gm/dl
(B) O₂ saturation < 85%
(C) O₂ saturation < 94%
(D) Hb – 4 gm%
183. Which of the following act through tyrosine kinase receptor :
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) GH
184. True about Glutathione reductase :
(A) Sulphur containing enzyme
(B) Important in methemoglobinemia
(C) Free radical scavenger
(D) All
185. Thymidylated RNA is present in :
(A) mRNA
(B) rRNA
(C) tRNA
(D) 16-s-RNA
186. Which of the following organ is not involved in Calcium metabolism :
(A) Lung
(B) Liver
(C) Spleen
(D) Skin
187. Volume of air taken in and given out during normal respiration is reffered to as :
(B) TV
(D) VC
188. In a patient with a transplanted heart which of these are the reasons for increased cardiac output during exercise :
(A) Reinnervation of transplanted heart by vagus
(B) Intrinsic mechanism
(C) Epinephrine from medulla
(D) Bainbridge reflex
189. Hormones secreted by adrenal medulla are :
(A) Glucagon
(B) Cortisol
(C) Norepinephrine
(D) Insulin
190. UMN includes :
(A) Pyramidal cells
(B) Peripheral nerves
(C) Anterior horn cells
(D) Glial Cells
191. Functions of basal ganglia include :
(A) Gross motor
(B) Skilled movements
(C) Emotions
(D) Maintenance of equilibrium
192. All of these cause hyperglycemia except :
(A) GH
(B) Cortisol
(C) Catecholamines
(D) Insulin
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