Reserve Bank of India Grade ‘B’ Officer Examination Held on 4-9-2016
English Language
Directions – Read this sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.
1. The moment which began to help / the commoners fight /
(A) (B)
against the oppressive regime, eventually / turned into a terrorist organization.
(C) (D)
No error
2. The new policies that have / been formulated by the government /
(A) (B)
recently aim at bring in / transparency within the system.
(C) (D)
No error
3. All the passengers owed their / life to Jacob as he drove them safely /
(A) (B)
through the hilly road to a / halt; when their car broke down. No error
(C) (D) (E)
4. Neither Maya nor Kaya could / top this time in the /
(A) (B)
exams as they both got beat / by Harsh, the new entrant. No error
(C) (D) (E)
5. E-pharmacies are now facing serious roadblocks /
due to lack of proper regulatory framework, /
understanding of the sector and / opposition from organized drug traders.
(C) (D)
No error
Directions – In this question, there are two statements which can be combined into a single statement in a number of different ways without changing their meaning, Below them are given three probable starters (A), (B) and (C) of such a combined sentence. One, two, three or none of them may be correct. Decide upon which is/are correct, if any and mark the option which denotes your answer. If none of the three starters is suitable, mark, ‘None’ as your answer.
6. Shanghai is supposed to the ‘diamond’ on China’ Silk Road Economic Belt – a new metropolis carved out of the mountains in the country’s northwest. It is shaping up to be fool’s gold, a ghost city in the making.
1. Shanghai is supposed to be the.
2. Instead of being the ‘diamond’ on China’s Silk Road Economic Belt.
3. Because Shanghai is shaping up to the fool’s gold.
(A) Only 1
(B) Both 1 and 2
(C) Only 2
(D) Only 3
(E) None
7. A quieter, cleaner future is not that far away, with more automobile buyers gradually taking to electric vehicles. Even with limited driving range, electric vehicles can successfully replace the bulk of personal cars on roads.
1. It’s a myth that electric vehicles can successfully.
2. In addition to limited driving range.
3. Despite limited driving range, electric vehicles can.
(A) Only 2
(B) Both 1 and 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Only 1
(E) None
8. A survey revealed that consumers think smartphone makers are releasing too many new models each year.
Handset devices are one of the most frequently replaced electronic products.
1. Handset devices are one of the most frequently replaced electronic products.
2. Even though handset devices are replaced every year.
3. While consumers think smartphone makers are releasing too many models each year.
(A) Both 1 and 2
(B) Only 3
(C) Only 2
(D) Only 1
(E) None
Directions – Read the following passage carefully and answer the given question.
There is a parallel universe beyond the confines of China’s banking system : shadow banking. This is where borrowers and industries, shunned by banks, look for funding. Regulators look the other way. Until the early 2000s banks accounted for nearly all lending in China, but in the past five years their share has come down to just three-fifths of all new credit. On a conservative estimate, China’s shadow financing now adds upto 40 trillion Yuan, nearly two-thirds of its GDP. Compared with advanced economies, this is modest. America’s shadow-banking sector is 1.5 times the size of its GDP. But China’s shadow assess have increased by more than 30% annually over the past three years compared with less than 10% for the rest of the world, according to the Financial Stability Board. In theory,, shadow banks seek higher returns but also take care to manage risks. In practice, it often does not work out like that. China’s boom in shadow banking had an innocent enough start. In 2010, regulators reined in bank lending after the credit binge that helped lift the economy out of the global financial crisis. Projects from highways to apartment blocks were left half-finished. To see them through to completion, regulators tolerated an expansion in non-bank financial institutions. It was a workaround that seemed to shift risk away from the banks yet kept credit flowing. The most prominent of the shadow lenders were trust companies, versatile institutions that could lend money and take direct stakes. Trusts charged higher rates of loans than banks and also offered higher returns to their wealthy investors (the minimum investment is 1m Yuan). Today, they hold assets of 16 trillion Yuans, more than the insurance sector. Five year ago, Chinese shadow banking was driven mainly by companies that could not get bank loans. Now it is ordinary people looking for higher returns. It is a vicious cycle. Seeing savers’ insatiable appetite for these products banks feel compelled to create yet more and are straying, distant enough from conventional banking to offer higher rates but close enough that their customers still feel reassured Shadow banking far from being a new kind of efficient lending, has spread hidden risks throughout the economy and regulators buying their heads in the sand harms conventional banks.
9. Which of the following can be said about trust companies ?
(A) These are lucrative but high risk ventures
(B) These are the newest shadow banking entities
(C) Though plagued by frauds they continue to flourish in America
(D) These are innovative institutions with an array of sale financial products
(E) None of the given statements can be said about trust companies
10. Which of the following aptly descries the tone of the passage ?
(A) Sarcastic
(B) Indifferent
(C) Disheartened
(D) Rational
(E) Compassionate
11. Which of the following is the central theme of the passage ?
(A) China’s banking system is more transparent today than in the early 2000s
(B) China’s shadow banking sector is highly regulated and repressed and in need of liberalization
(C) Shadow banking is a necessary
(D) China’s large state-owned traditional banks are a model for developed countries
(E) China’s risk laden banking sector is one the verge of creating a global financial crisis
12. Which of the following has/have impacted China’s traditional banking sector ?
1. Regulators distancing themselves from the shadow banking sector.
2. Tightened lending regulations for traditional banks.
3. Growth of online finance.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 2
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) Only 1 and 3
13. Which of the following can be used to replace the phrase. “It is a vicious cycle ?”
(A) The most vulnerable do not have access to credit and insurance in China.
(B) Regulators discourage shadow banking thereby amplifying the lack of credit problem.
(C) There is a lack of funds for infrastructure development in China.
(D) More and more risky financial products and institutions are springing up owing to demand.
(E) None of the given statements.
Directions – The sentence has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for the blanks which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
14. In its previous budget, the government ……….. at increasing the Gross Domestic Product ………… enhanced expenditure.
(A) achieved, in
(B) aimed, through
(C) conned, on
(D) picked, at
(E) annulled, over
15. Sources indicate that the primary ………. there have been recent outbreaks of new and unknown diseases ……. the world is deforestation.
(A) reason, across
(B) cause, on
(C) inference, into
(D) effect, over
(E) source, about
16. Video conferencing has become the new face of communication …….. various corporate and is believed to be eating ……… the airline industry’s profitability.
(A) between, up
(B) of, on
(C) for, for
(D) across, down
(E) in, into
17. Recently, we have heard about many …….. that make us believe that viewing smartphones in the dark ………… be harmful to our eyes.
(A) people, will
(B) cases, should
(C) instances, could
(D) storeys, would
(E) situation, to
18. …… losing his first two sets in the game of tennis against the State champion, Sham remained ………… and finally won the match.
(A) Respite, cool
(B) Before, focussed
(C) Inspite, stoic
(D) Despite, calm
(E) For, thirsty
Directions – Read the following passage carefully and answer the question :
Economists agree that foreign trade has afforded big benefits to Britain overall. More recently, as countries like Vietnam and China have become manufacturing giants, consumers have enjoyed cheap imported goods. However, a body of Research on the American company shows that import competition from poor countries can depress the incomes of the low skilled, at least in the short run. Britain’s economy is twice as exposed to foreign trade as America’s. For the period 2000-07, British workers industries that suffered from high levels of import exposure to Chinese products earned less. They also spent more time out of employment than those in other industries. Studies also show that a one standard-deviation increase in import competition worsened rates of mental illness by 1.2 percentage points. Unfortunately the pain tends to be concentrated geographically. In the past decade, the number of over-25s unemployed for more than one year has increased much faster in manufacturing hubs-areas where manufacturing make up more than 20% of the local economy than in areas where it makes up less. On the ground, the result is clear to see these manufacturing centres are fading-left out of Britain’s generally healthy economic growth. It does not have to be this way. The large overall gains from free trade mean it should be possible to compensate its losers. That means ‘trade adjustment assistance’ should work. In Germany, the upgrading the skill of the workforce is the norm and is accomplished through a sophisticated system of apprenticeships. But America’s trade adjustment assistance programme which funds training and support for workers displaced by foreign competition and Britain’s preferred programme, are feeble. In Britain it is supposed to provide training and support when there are mass redundancies. But it is a murky operation, there are almost no data on what it does. In 2008, its budget was pitiful £ 6 m($ 8 m). Data from the OECD, a club mostly of rich countries, suggest that even after accounting for Britain’s low unemployment rate, for years it has been a stingy spender on ‘active’ labour-market policies (i.e., those that seek to improve the skills of the (low-skilled) unemployed, not just let them languish). Until this failure to share the proceeds is corrected, don’t expect opposition to globalization to go away any time soon.
19. According to the passage, which of the following is/are (an) outcome(s) of the present “trade adjustment assistance” ?
1. A large number of low skill individuals in Britain are still unable of find employment.
2. The resistance to globalization of trade will continue in countries like America and Britain.
3. Rise in incomes of highly skilled individuals.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All (1), (2) and (3)
(E) Only (1) and (3)
20. Which of the following is the author’s view of Britain’s manufacturing hubs ?
(A) These have prospered tremendously with globalization
(B) These are holding their own against manufacturing giants like Vietnam
(C) Most of those employed in these hubs are low skill immigrants
(D) These are detenorating and dying on account of globalization of trade
(E) These have been shielded from globalization by the government’s projectionist policies
21. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage ?
(A) Expanded global trade has benefited some Asian economies.
(B) Economists were caught unawareness by Britain’s exit from the European Union
(C) America’s trade adjustment assistance programme is modeled on that of Germany.
(D) Globalization of trade has reduced the gap between the have and have not’s in developing countries
(E) None of the given statements is true in the context of the passage
22. What do the statistics in the passage convey ?
(A) Effort to compensate workers hurt by globalization contribution to the global financial crisis.
(B) Investment in Education has reduced unemployment in developed countries.
(C) The youth of today are better educated than the previous generation, in Britain
(D) Unemployment benefits are sizeable and very effective in all developed countries
(E) The effects of free trade are sever but not enough is being done to mitigate its impact
23. Which of the following best describes experts’ view of foreign trade ?
(A) The reports of the ill-effects of foreign trade are grossly exaggerated
(B) Contrary to perception, opening up of trade has done more harm than good in developing countries
(C) The cost of foreign trade to a country is not just economic but is also social and psychological
(D) OECD countries have benefitted unduly from foreign trade causing a backlash in developed countries
(E) None of the gives options
Directions – In the given passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find the appropriate word in each case.
Shanghai, which already boasts 14 subway lines, a high-speed maglev service, two huge modern airports, some twenty expressways and a bullet-train departure every three minutes, is about to add one more piece of infrastructure – the headquarters of the new BRICS development bank. China is setting up the bank together with the four other members of the BRIC club. Fittingly, the bank will focus on infrastructure (24) to poorer countries. China is also pushing to establish another multilateral creditor, the Asian infrastructure Investment Bank, which, as its name suggests, will (25) on the same thing. With these two new banks, China is exporting a central feature of its development model to the rest of the world. It spent 8.5% of its GDP investing infrastructure from 1992 to 2011. That was more than any other country and well (26) the developing country norm of 2.4% of GDP.
Given China’s growth-its economy expanded seven-fold during that time-the wisdom of investing in infrastructure seems self-evident. Research generally turns up a (27) relationship between infrastructure investment and growth, especially in poorer countries. According to a survey, making Latin America’s infrastructure investment and growth, especially in poorer countries According to a survey, making Latin America’s infrastructure as good as East Asia’s would increase annual growth rates by as much as five percentage points in the countries with the worst roads and phones. Yet it is difficult to isolate the precise effect on growth of any given project. Investment normally gives an immediate (28) to GDP, whether it involves a bridge to nowhere or one to a crowded island. What matters is the long-run impact. Over time, infrastructure can gin up growth in two main ways. It can generate a rise in incomes if reduced transaction costs promote trade. And it can raise growth rates if it leads to greater information sharing and thus improved productivity. But these effects are difficult to (29) because infrastructure investment often (30) with economic growth, casting doubt on causality. Did the new roads boost growth or did faster growth increase demand for them?
(A) supplying
(B) providing
(C) paying
(D) lending
(E) settling
(A) intensify
(B) revolve
(C) weigh
(D) benefit
(E) concentrate
(A) farther
(B) likewise
(C) above
(D) under
(E) more
(A) positive
(B) cold
(C) exponential
(D) correlation
(E) faint
(A) boon
(B) gloat
(C) lift
(D) augment
(E) charge
(A) measure
(B) weight
(C) arrive
(D) accord
(E) grant
(A) tackles
(B) coincides
(C) correspond
(D) squares
(E) supplements
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