SBI Assistant Manager System (ITSO) Examination-2015 Held on 17-1-2016 English Language Question Paper With Answer Key

SBI Assistant Manager System (ITSO) Examination-2015 Held on 17-1-2016 English Language
SBI Assistant Manager System (ITSO) Examination-2015 Held on 17-1-2016 English Language Question Paper With Answer Key

SBI Assistant Manager System (ITSO) Examination-2015 Held on 17-1-2016

English Language


Directions – (Q. 1 to 5) This question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. Soon a gentle long press of the digit 9 on your existing mobile phone will send an immediate ………… to the police as the Government rolls out the panic button……

(A)  figures, system

(B)  alarm, gear

(C)  result, steady

(D)  alert, facility

(E)  signals, system

Answer: (D)

2. Citizens can now …. of various government services by ……. up simplified forms that may be compressed to a single-paper format.

(A)  opt, cleaning

(B)  profit, adding

(C)  yield, drawing

(D)  benefit, writing

(E)  avail, making

Answer: (E)

3. Around 400 dabbawalas have started an ……….. called ‘Rob Bank’ to ………. criminal wastage of food at social functions.

(A)  initiative, prevent

(B)  associate, stop

(C)  effort, abrupt

(D)  program, halt

(E)  attempt, deal

Answer: (A)

4. …………. intense use of energy and materials, levels of pollution are ………….. low in developed economies.

(A)  Inspite of, beyond

(B)  Without, between

(C)  Despite, relatively

(D)  Regardless, still

(E)  Notwithstanding, dangerous

Answer: (C)

5. Phases of economic uncertainty ………… to be a reminder about ……….. having a financial plan and sticking to it are important.

(A)  seems, when

(B)  incline, how

(C)  serve, what

(D)  tend, why

(E)  fail, which

Answer: (D)

Directions – (Q. 6 to 10) Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as you answer, if there  is no error, mark – No error, as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any).

6. It was evident that / the man could not control / his emotions as he thanked /

       (A)                                     (B)                                             (C)  

the donor’s family for saving his life. No error

                   (D)                                     (E)   

Answer: (E)

7. Eating a lot of / processed meat can / led to micro-nutrient deficiencies/

      (A)                          (B)                                         (C)

and cause hunger. No error

         (D)                  (E)  

Answer: (C)

8. Children will / be provided with / energy-dense oral nutritional supplements/

        (A)                   (B)                                 (C)  

and medicines. No error

        (D)             (E)        

Answer: (B)

9. Aided by the cheerful company / of her new found friends, /

           (A)                                           (B)    

the actress opens up about / coming to terms on her father’s demise.

       (C)                                                      (D)       

No error


Answer: (C)

10. Ministers and Officers have been / asked on refraining from /

                  (A)                                          (B)        

making any statement which could / damage the peace process. No error

                  (C)                                                    (D)                                (E)         

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 11 to 15) Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/ phrase given in bold in sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, select-No correction is required as the answer.

11. If you are one of these who actually include vegetables in the diet, chances are you may just have to rein in your carnivorous instincts.

(A)  has to rein

(B)  had to reining

(C)  rein in

(D)  have to rein

(E)  No correction required

Answer: (E)

12. Good ar quality fundamentally is to good health and the authorities should also let people know this.

(A)  is fundamental.

(B)  fundamentally

(C)  fundamental is

(D)  is fundamentally

(E)  No correction required

Answer: (D)

13. Many upset fans took to social media to expressing their anguish over the secret meeting.

(A)  anguish expressing

(B)  express their anguish

(C)  expressed

(D)  express anguish on

(E)  No correction required

Answer: (B)

14. Depression, clinical or physiological, takes a great toll on your system in more ways then ones.

(A)  more ways than one

(B)  most way

(C)  many ways and one

(D)  many way then

(E)  No correction required

Answer: (A)

15. Even the many of diligent and health conscious people end up giving in to temptation.

(A)  Most of

(B)  Even

(C)  Even the most

(D)  Each of the

(E)  No correction required

Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 16 to 25) Read the following passage carefully and answer the question. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

   Earlier this year, Indonesia’s President promised a ‘massive deregulation’ aimed at attracting foreign investment. Outsiders were thrilled. His predecessor, left the country’s business climate chocking on what Adam Schwarz, a consultant, calls ‘a regulatory miasma’ that strongly discouraged investment, whereas the new President, has openly courted foreign capital. Over the past six weeks his administration has unveiled a series of deregulatory measures. The government made it easier for foreigners to open bank accounts, struck down import restrictions on goods such as tyres and cosmetics that were designed to protect local industries and eliminated some onerous and silly business regulations. No longer, for instance, most Indonesian-language labels be affixed to imported goods before they arrive; now they can be printed in Indonesia and attached before public circulation. The time required to process some investment permits was cut and taxes were cut for exporters who deposit foreign-exchange revenue in Indonesia or convert it into rupiah-a move to shore up the country’s wobbly currency.

   These are the sort of simple, pratical measures that are completely and directly felt by industry. And to its credit, Indonesia has resisted the temptation to panic in the face of a plunging currency and rising bond yields. It has, for instance, maintained fiscal discipline-aided by a law that caps the budget deficit at 3%. Markets nonetheless seem unconvinced. The rupiah continued its slide after the first two announcements. It has recovered some ground this month, along with other emerging-market currencies, but has still fallen by 8% against the dollar this year. Economic growth is at its slowest since 2009. Nobody doubts the new deregulatory measures are better than nothing, but they are hardly ‘massive’. One foreign businessman, long resident in Indonesia, assesses them as resulting from “bureaucrats talking to themselves about how we can be a better bureaucracy rather than how we can be more receptive to foreign investment.” For the most part, the President’s new measures remove regulations that should never have  been implemented in the first place. They neither fundamentally change Indonesia’s investment climate nor signal to investors that Indonesia is preparing for bigger reforms.

    Indonesia’s negative-investment list, which details the sectors that are barred to foreign capital, remains sizeable. Hiring foreigners is still a burdensome process : one rule requires businesses to hire ten Indonesians for every foreign worker. Businesses complain that bureaucrats pass rules hastily, without even trying to understand their effect on the private sector. A rule banning metal-ore exports remains in place and will continue to remain so; it was intended to encourage a domestic smelting industry but instead has cost thousands of jobs and billions in export revenue.

    Infrastructure development-the centerpiece of the President’s ambitious economic plans-has begun to pick up, but only after severe delays, and the programme remains well below its targets for this year. Perhaps most damaging is a pervasive sense of disarray. Policies are announced and the scrapped,, whether because objections that should have been aired before, as with a law to force foreigners to pass a language test, or because they conflict with other plans, as happened with a proposed road tax. Ministries seem to pass rules independently, without consulting each other or the President. Decentralization-meaning a huge devolution of power from the national government to the regional level-may have held the country together in the early 2000s, but today it impedes infrastructure development and  hinders policy coordination. Poor communication from the President compounds these  problems. The good news, as Mr. Schwarz notes, “is that country has come to an intersection and the President has said, “I’ve got to do something different because what we’ve been doing isn’t working.” These bold words are welcome. But bold actions would be better still.

16. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A)  Indonesia’s  new government has adopted communications about implementing schemes

(B)  Indonesia has too many unnecessary regulatory procedures and systems.

(C)  Indonesian economy is heavily dependent on exports of goods lie cosmetics

(D)  The current government has n intention of truly reforming Indonesia.

(E)  None of the given options can be inferred from the passage

Answer: (A)

17. Why according to the author, are foreign investors not attracted to Indonesia?

1. Time consuming regulations

2. Stock market crash in 2009

3. Lack of political stability

(A)  Only 1

(B)  Only 2

(C)  All 1, 2 and 3

(D)  Only 1 and 3

(E)  Only 2 and 3

Answer: (A)

18. Choose the world which is mot nearly the same in meaning to the word DISCIPLINE given in bold as used in the passage.

(A)  punishment

(B)  specially

(C)  order

(D)  classification

(E)  train

Answer: (C)

19. According to the author how can the Indonesian economy regain health ?

(A)  Putting a brake on its massive reform agenda

(B)  Removal of concessions to exporters

(C)  Stricter control of the private sector

(D)  Ensure stability by implementing the previous government’s policies

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (E)

20. According to the passage, which of the following is/are (a) measure(s) that has/ have been implemented by the present inclination government?

1. Reduction in imports to reduce the fiscal deficit

2. Reducing the red tape for business.

3. Opening up of the mining sector by encouraging foreign investment in it.

(A)  Only 1

(B)  Only 2

(C)  All 1, 2 and 3

(D)  Only 1 and 3

(E)  Only 2 and3

Answer: (E)

21. Which of the following is the central idea of the passage ?

(A)  Indonesia needs more meaningful and developing reforms to boost economic growth

(B)  Indonesia’s present government is not doing enough and should be voted out of power

(C)  Indonesia is headed for a financial crash and foreign investors are pulling out quickly

(D)  Indonesia’s reforms are too radical in nature and must destabilize its economy

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (A)

22. What do the statistics cited about Indonesia’s economy reveal ?

(A)  Indonesia’s economy was not affected by the financial crisis of 2008

(B)  The measures taken by Indonesia’s new government have ensured economic recovery

(C)  The Indonesian government has not revealed the true extent of its economic recession

(D)  Indonesia’s economy is not flourishing at present outside the government’s efforts

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (B)

23. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word PERVASIVE given in bold as used in the passage.

(A)  invasive

(B)  determinant

(C)  restrictive

(D)  insensitive

(E)  continual

Answer: (C)

24. Which of the following describes Indonesia’s labour market at present ?

(A)  Its labour force is not skilled and foreign workers are much in demand

(B)  It will  provide employment to millions of workers in the mining industry

(C)  It provides the right to locate the cost of hiring foreign workers

(D)  It has implemented an ambitious programme to skill Indonesian workers

(E)  Not clearly mentioned in the passage

Answer: (E)

25. Which of the following best describes the author’s views of Indonesia’s attempt at decentralization of powers?

(A)  It has been well implemented as the President cannot interfere at the regional level

(B)  It will foster corruption and  has hampered development of the lucrative mining industry

(C)  It has many ministries accountable for their decisions and improved coordination among them

(D)  It is a bold move which he hopes will succeed when implemented

(E)  Other than those given as option

Answer: (A)

Directions- (Q. 26 to 35) In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

    Many multinationals think they understand and have tried to ……..(26)……. the serious risks posed by operating in China-intellectual-property-rights violations, corruption, lack of transparency, potential political instability ….(27)…. one of the highest risks of all China’s massive environmental degradation-in …..(28)…. discussed in cooperate boardrooms. China’s environmental problems are ….(29)…. the point where they could ….(30)…. its GDP growth. Its State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) concluded in June 2006 that environmental degradation and pollution …(31)…. the Chinese economy the equivalent of 10% of GDP annually. This figure is echoed in more specific costs reported in the Chinese press : up to $ 13 billion from the degradation and health impact of acid rain, $ 6 billion from the spread of desert regions, and the list goes on. The effect on the population is …..(32)… Already more than 4,00,000 people die each year as a result of the country’s air pollution, according to environmental experts and an estimated 190 million people drink water so contaminated that it makes them sick. Some 40 million people have had to migrate because their local ecology can no longer ….(33)…. them. The Chinese leadership is now concerned that environmental …..(34)… is leading to social unrest. The domestic media reported 50,000 environmental protests in 2005. Such protests are usually small in scale, but some have engaged upwards of 30,000 to 40,000 people, some have been violent, and they are increasing in…(35)…


(A)  elevate

(B)  mitigate

(C)  amplify

(D)  cure

(E)  relieve

Answer: (B)


(A)  Because

(B)  Thus

(C)  Yet

(D)  Till

(E)  Until

Answer: (C)


(A)  almost

(B)  scanty

(C)  popularly

(D)  just

(E)  barely

Answer: (E)


(A)  reaching

(B)  beyond

(C)  arriving

(D)  joining

(E)  coming

Answer: (A)


(A)  stay

(B)  drive

(C)  curl

(D)  constrain

(E)  sustain

Answer: (D)


(A)  compensate

(B)  amount

(C)  cost

(D)  affect

(E)  vitiate

Answer: (D)


(A)  alarming

(B)  distressed

(C)  countering

(D)  delightful

(E)  shoddy

Answer: (A)


(A)  approve

(B)  bare

(C)  harm

(D)  sustain

(E)  survive

Answer: (D)


(A)  leading

(B)  causing

(C)  appealing

(D)  advancing

(E)  bulging

Answer: (E)


(A)  frequent

(B)  number

(C)  sum

(D)  numerical

(E)  representation

Answer: (B)

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