Staff Selection Commission (SSC) 10+2 Recruitment Examination Held on November 15, 2015
Part-I General Intelligence
1. Choose the similar group of numbers on the basis of certain common properties they possess :
(72, 66, 96)
(a) (54, 57, 78)
(b) (24, 69, 58)
(c) (55, 66, 77)
(d) (63, 70, 86)
Directions (Q. Nos. 2-5) In the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from t he given ones that will complete the series.
2. AZ, CX, FU, ?
(a) IV
(b) JQ
(c) KP
(d) IR
3. 4, 11, 17, 22, ?, 29, 31, 32
(a) 24
(b) 26
(c) 27
(d) 23
5. Y, T, P, ?, K
(a) M
(b) L
(c) O
(d) N
Directions (Q. Nos. 6-9) In the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
(a) 77
(b) 79
(c) 73
(d) 75
(a) 32
(b) 45
(c) 80
(d) 30
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 2
(a) 21
(b) 20
(c) 5
(d) 4
Directions (Q. Nos. 10-17) In the following questions, select the word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
10. Carpentry : Skill : : ? : Talent
(a) Masonry
(b) Singing
(c) Plumbing
(d) Driving
11. Concord : Agreement : : Discord : ?
(a) Blended
(b) Comparison
(c) Conflict
(d) Association
12. 42 : 20 : : 64 : ?
(a) 32
(b) 33
(c) 34
(d) 31
13. Female : Feminine : : Male : ?
(a) Manager
(b) Man
(c) Masculine
(d) Macho
14. PS : VY : FI : ?
(a) UX
(b) VZ
(c) WZ
(d) LO
15. KcaC : CacK : : XgmF : ?
(a) EgmX
(b) Fmg X
(c) Gmef
(d) EmgF
16. SUMO : PRJL : : TAXI : ?
(a) QDNF
(b) WDXJ
(c) QDVF
(d) QXUF
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/2
(c) 1
(d) 1/4
Directions (Q. Nos. 18-26) In these questions, find the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.
(a) (45, 18)
(b) (36,27)
(c) (23, 14)
(d) (82, 29)
(a) ZXVT
(b) SRQP
(c) LKJI
(d) HGFE
(a) UVWX
(b) SRQP
(c) LKJI
(d) HGFE
(a) NKM
(b) DAC
(c) UTV
(d) IFH
(a) 2518
(b) 3249
(c) 2709
(d) 8314
(a) Fast
(b) Knock
(c) Wrong
(d) Psychology
(a) 36
(b) 66
(c) 76
(d) 56
(a) Rice : Cereals
(b) Tea : Beverages
(c) Legumes : Nodules
(d) Beans : Pulses
(a) Triangle
(b) Cone
(c) Rectangle
(d) Circle
27. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
1. India 2. Bengaluru
3. Asia 4. Karnataka
(a) 3, 4, 2, 1
(b) 3, 1, 4, 2
(c) 3, 1, 2, 4
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4
Directions (Q. Nos. 28-29) In the following questions, arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary.
28. 1. Necessary 2. Navigate
3. Nautical 4. Naval
(a) 4, 3, 2, 1
(b) 3, 4, 2, 1
(c) 3, 12, 4, 1
(d) 2, 4, 3, 1
29. 1. Range 2. Rain
3. Rein 4. Ranger
(a) 2, 4, 3, 1
(b) 2, 3, 4, 1
(c) 2, 1, 3, 4
(d) 2, 1, 4, 3
30. After going 80 m from his house towards East, a person turns left and goes 20 m, then turns right and moves 100 m, then turns left and goes 60 m, then turns rights and goes 120 m to reach the park. What is the distance between his hou se and the park?
(a) 80 m
(b) 120 m
(c) 20 m
(d) 100 m
31. If SUNDAY = 18, MONSOON = 21, YEAR = 12, then THURSDAY = ?
(a) 24
(b) 26
(c) 42
(d) 28
32. In following series, find 20th number.
9, 5, 1, −3, −7, − 11, …
(a) −67
(b) −64
(c) −75
(d) −70
33. If FADE is coded as 3854 then how can GAGE be coded?
(a) 1824
(b) 2834
(c) 2824
(d) 2814
34. If it is possible to form a word with the first, fourth, seventh and eleventh letters in the word SUPERFLUOUS, write the first letter of that word.
(a) L
(b) O
(c) E
(d) S
35. If ‘−’ stands for addition, ‘+’ for multiplication, ‘÷’ for subtraction and ‘×’ for division, which one of the following equations is correct?
(a) 5 + 2 – 12 ÷ 6 × 2 = 13
(b) 5 + 2 – 12 × 6 ÷ 2 = 10
(c) 5 ÷ 2 + 12 × 6 – 12 = 4
(d) 5 – 2 + 12 × 6 ÷ 2 = 27
36. If P denotes ÷, Q denotes ×, r denotes + and S denotes −, then 16Q12P6R5S4 = ?
(a) 31
(b) 32
(c) 33
(d) 30
37. Unscramble the following letters to frame a meaningful word. Then find out the correct numerical position of the letters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) 6 7 4 2 1 5 3
(b) 6 2 4 1 3 7 5
(c) 6 4 5 2 1 7 3
(d) 6 3 4 7 1 2 5
38. The sum of ages of mother, daughter and son is 87 years. What will be the sum of their ages after eight years?
(a) 101
(b) 110
(c) 111
(d) 105
39. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
(a) mbabm
(b) ambbm
(c) mabam
(d) abmab
40. If Ramya’s rank is 22nd out of 46 students. What is her rank from the last?
(a) 25th
(b) 29th
(c) 32nd
(d) 24th
41. Two statements are given, each followed by two conclusion/assumption, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusion/assumptions, if any, follows from t he given statements.
Some papers are pens.
All the pencils are pens.
I. Some pens are pencils.
II. Some pens are papers.
(a) Only conclusion II follows
(b) Either I or II follows
(c) Both I and II follow
(d) Only conclusion I follows
42. Which conclusion is true with respect to the given statements?
(i) Roy studies History and Political Science.
(ii) Roy studies Oxford University.
(a) Roy does not study History.
(b) Roy does not study Political Science.
(c) Roy studies History and Political Science in Oxford University.
(d) Roy studies Social Science.
43. The mall is 250 m north-west of the market. The school is 250 m South-West of the market. In which direction is the school from the mall?
(a) East
(b) West
(c) South
(d) North
44. Identify the answer figure from which the pieces give in the question figure have been cut.
45. Which figure will best represent the relationship amongst the three classes?
Boy, Sportsman, Student
46. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
47. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From t he given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened?
48. The image of a clock in a mirror is seen as 3 : 15. What is the right time?
(a) 8 : 45
(b) 10 : 45
(c) 7 : 45
(d) 9 : 45
49. A word is represented by only one set of a numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g.,
‘T’ can be represented by 00, 14 etc., and ‘N’ can be represented by 59, 68 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘ROAD’.
(a) 67, 96, 56, 57
(b) 56, 67, 57, 96
(c) 67, 57, 96, 56
(d) 96, 67, 56, 57
The solid so formed by joining unit cubes is rotated to obtain different positions, which of these cannot b3e the shape after it has turned?
Part-II English Language
Directions (Q. Nos. 51-54) In following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, mark option (d) as your answer.
51. One must / obey one’s / teachers. No error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
52. She always fed / her children / before she fed her dog. No error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
53. They came here in / the evening and begin making / further arrangements.
(a) (b) (c)
No error
54. Make what you write / and say more / absorbed and engrossing. No error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Directions (Q. Nos. 55-58) In these questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.
55. She failed to ……… to her name.
(a) rise up
(b) line up
(c) shine up
(d) keep up
56. All orders must ………. the rules.
(a) conforms with
(b) conform to
(c) conforms to
(d) conforming with
57. As the doctor ……….. into the room, the nurse handed him the temperature chart of the patient.
(a) is coming
(b) came
(c) was coming
(d) comes
58. The economic ……….. has affected our sales tremendously.
(a) touchdown
(b) showdown
(c) slowdown
(d) crackdown
Directions (Q. Nos. 59-62) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
59. Chastise
(a) Praise
(b) Upbraid
(c) Monitor
(d) Chase
60. Pawn
(a) Sponge
(b) Scrounge
(c) Hire
(d) Pledge
61. Feeble
(a) Weak
(b) Playful
(c) Pretty
(d) Small
62. Maestro
(a) Genius
(b) Admirer
(c) Employee
(d) Novice
Directions (Q. Nos. 63-72) In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternative and fill in the blanks.
In civilized life there is a rule (63) violence, against taking the (64) into our hands. It is a rule which (65) of us observe so often, indeed, that a great (66) of people go through life (67) orderliness and non-violence as part of the scheme of nature.
But, when (68) comes into their midst (69) refuses to observe the current rules, and (70) the simple rule that might is right, the law-abiding members (71) society do not known what to do, and look on in (72) bewildered confusion..
(a) upon
(b) after
(c) at
(d) against
(a) law
(b) police
(c) people
(d) rule
(a) every
(b) most
(c) none
(d) many
(a) sum
(b) amount
(c) number
(d) capacity
(a) accepting
(b) not expecting
(c) expecting
(d) not accepting
(a) everyone
(b) no one
(c) any one
(d) none
(a) whom
(b) who
(c) how
(d) where
(a) follow
(b) following
(c) followed
(d) follows
(a) on
(b) of
(c) at
(d) in
(a) helpful
(b) helping
(c) helped
(d) helpless
Directions (Q. Nos. 73-76) In the following questions, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (a), (b) (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (d).
73. Hundreds of children are deaf born every
(a) deaf are born every
(b) every born are deaf
(c) are born deaf every
(d) No improvement
74. She had realized that she had seen him before.
(a) had been realized
(b) realized
(c) has realized
(d) No improvement
75. She is willing to help you.
(a) wilful
(b) willingly
(c) wilfully
(d) No improvement
76. Being ill, he came to work.
(a) He came to work and fell ill
(b) Despite coming to work, he was ill
(c) Inspite of being ill, he came to work
(d) No improvement
Directions (Q. Nos. 77-80) In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
77. Appoint
(a) Dismiss
(b) Reward
(c) Yield
(d) Disunite
78. Accusation
(a) Encouragement
(b) Complaint
(c) Felicitation
(d) Exculpation
79. Guilty
(a) Dubious
(b) Honest
(c) Innocent
(d) Sorry
80. Bizarre
(a) Droll
(b) Ridiculous
(c) Ordinary
(d) Comical
Directions (Q. Nos. 81-84) In these questions, four alternative are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined. Choose the
81. Now-a-days it has become a fashion to take Frence Leave.
(a) Seeking permission from French Embassy
(b) Saying goodbye in French style
(c) Absenting oneself without permission
(d) Taking leave to go to France
82. International monetary affairs are governed by the gnomes of Zurich.
(a) Witchcraft of Zurich
(b) Foreign leaders
(c) Big international bankers
(d) Guardians of treasure
83. To make up one’s mind.
(a) To decide what to do
(b) To remember things clearly
(c) To remind oneself of something
(d) To think creatively
84. To put in a nut-shell.
(a) To be long and exhaustive about something
(b) To state something very concisely
(c) To place something
(d) To be blunt about something
Directions (Q. Nos. 85-88) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted the given words/sentences.
85. Art of working with metals
(a) Meteorite
(b) Metaphysics
(c) Metallurgy
(d) Metalloid
86. A gathering at a religious
(a) Congregation
(b) Spectators
(c) Mob
(d) Audience
87. One who compiles a dictionary.
(a) Lexicographer
(b) Cartographer
(c) Bibliographer
(d) Lapidist
88. A place where birds are kept.
(a) Aquarium
(b) Aviary
(c) Sanctuary
(d) Apiary
Directions (Q. Nos. 89-92) In these questions, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
(a) Equanimous
(b) Equanamous
(c) Ecuanemous
(d) Ecuanimous
(a) laboratory
(b) laboratorry
(c) laboratery
(d) laborratory
(a) humane
(b) humein
(c) humaen
(d) humain
(a) Pedestrean
(b) Pedestrian
(c) Padestrian
(d) Pedistrian
Directions (Q. Nos. 93-96) In the following questions, first and the last part of sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
93. 1. Falcons have sharp angular wings
P. to dive sharply
Q. and allow them
R. to chase their prey
S. that give them the speed
6. to capture their victims
(a) SQPR
(b) QPRS
(c) PRSQ
(d) SRQP
94. 1. This summer was the most
P. to believe that next
Q. and we have reason
R. scorching in living memory.
S. year and the year after
6. will be hotter still
(a) RQPS
(b) SRPQ
(c) SPQR
(d) QSPR
95. 1. The students
P. touched the
Q. arrived and
R. their teacher
S. feet of
6. with reverence
(a) QRSP
(b) RQSP
(c) QPSR
(d) QPRS
96. 1. The watchman
P. and found two thieves
Q. woke up when
R. with black masks
S. he heard the dog darking
6. trying to get in.
(a) SPQR
(b) QSRP
(c) PQRS
(d) QSPR
Directions (Q. Nos. 97-98) In these questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
97. The boys were making kites.
(a) Kites are being made by the boys.
(b) Kites were being made by the boys.
(c) Kites are made by the boys.
(d) The boys and made kites
98. He will not use the computer.
(a) By him the computer will not be used.
(b) The computer will not be used by him.
(c) The use of the computer will not be by him.
(d) The computer he will not use.
Directions (Q. Nos. 99-100) In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct.
99. The Policeman said t the driver, “Do you have a license ?”
(a) The police man asked the driver whether he have a licence.
(b) The policeman asked the driver whether he had a licence.
(c) The policeman asked the driver whether he had had a licence.
(d) The policeman asked the driver whether he has a licence.
100. The teacher said to the students “March quietly to the ground.”
(a) The teacher said to the students that they should march quietly to the ground.
(b) The teacher instructed the students that they should march quietly to the ground.
(c) The teacher instructed the students that they must march quietly to the ground.
(d) The teacher instructed the students to march quietly to the ground.
Part-III Quantitative Aptitude
101. Length of the each edge of a regular tetrahedron is 1 cm. Its volume is
102. The numerical value of
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 4
103. After allowing a discount of 20%, a radio is available for Rs 1200. Its marked price was
(a) Rs 1550
(b) Rs 1500
(c) Rs 1800
(d) Rs 1400
104. If ABCD be a rhombus, AC is its smallest diagonal and ∠ABC = 60°, find length of a side the rhombus when AC =6 cm.
(a) 6 cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 6√2 ccm
(d) 3√3 cm
105. If a man were to sell his hand-cart for Rs 720, would lose 25%. At what price must he sell in gain 25%?
(a) Rs 1200
(b) Rs 960
(c) Rs 1152
(d) Rs 768
106. If x = a(b – c), y = b(c – a), z = c(a – b), then the value of is
(c) 0
107. Successive discounts of 20% and 10% are equivalent to a single discount of
(a) 15%
(b) 28%
(c) 25%
(d) 30%
108. The ratio of syrup and water in an mixture is 3 : 1, then the percentage of syrup in this mixture is
(a) 75%
(b) 25%
109. If A, B and C be the angles of a triangle, then out of the following, the incorrect relation is
110. The average of 12 numbers is 15 and the average of the first two is 14. What is the average of the rest?
(a) 15
(c) 14
111. If Rahim deposited the same amount of Rs x in a bank at the beginning of successive 3 years and the bank pays simple interest of 5% per annum, then the amount at his credit at the end of 3rd year will be
112. A plate on square base made of brass of length x cm and width 1 mm. The p late weighs 4725 gm. If 1 cubic cm of brass weighs 8.4 gram, then the value of x is
(a) 75
(b) 76
(c) 72
(d) 74
113. If then the value of
114. In a circle with centre at O (0, 0) and radius 5 cm, AB is chord of length 8 cm. If OM is perpendicular to AB, then the length of OM is
(a) 2.5 cm
(b) 3 cm
(c) 4 cm
(d) 1 cm
115. A merchant has 1000 kg sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 8% profit is
(a) 560 kg
(b) 600 kg
(c) 640 kg
(d) 400 kg
116. If
(a) 2
(b) 1/16
(c) 1/4
(d) 4
117. Two trains start at the same time from A and B and proceed toward each other at the speed of 75 km/h and 50 km/h respectively. When both meet at a point in between, one train found to be travelled 175 km more than the other. Find the distance between A and B.
(a) 875 km
(b) 785 km
(c) 758 km
(d) 857 km
118. How much of Rs 312 exceeds Rs 200?
(a) Rs 96
(b) Rs 4
(c) Rs 8
(d) Rs 104
119. Let ABC a triangle and AD be the perpendicular from the vertex A on the side BC such that AD2 = BD ∙ Then measure of ∠BAC is:
(a) 100°
(b) 90°
(c) 75°
(d) 120°
120. ∠A of ∆ ABC is a right angle. AD is perpendicular on BC. If BC = 14 cm and BD = 5 cm, then mean of AD is:
(a) 2√5 cm
(b) √5 cm
(c) 3√5 cm
(d) 3.5√5 cm
121. If then the value of tan θ is :
122. A number x is divisible by 7. When this number divided by 8, 12 and 16, it leaves a remainder each case. The least value of x is
(a) 148
(b) 149
(c) 150
(d) 147
123. If then the value of a – b is :
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) −1
(d) 0
124. Measure of each interior angle of a regular hexagon is
(a) 100°
(b) 60°
(c) 45°
(d) 120°
125. The average expenditure of a man for the first five months is Rs 1200 and for the next seven months is Rs 1300. If he saves Rs 2900 in that year, h is monthly average income is
(a) Rs 1500
(b) Rs 1600
(c) Rs 1700
(d) Rs 1400
126. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 5 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete the same work in
(c) 4 days
(d) 1/24 days
127. If tan θ + sec θ = 3, θ being acute, the value of 5 sin θ is
(a) 5/2
(d) 4
128. A man purchased an article for Rs 1500 and sold it at 25% above the cost price. If he has to pay Rs 75 as tax on it, his net profit percentage will be
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 30%
(d) 15%
129. If the ratio of principal and the simple interest of 5 years is 10 : 3, then the rate of interest is
(a) 5%
(b) 6%
(c) 8%
(d) 3%
130. Base of a right prism is a rectangle, the ratio of whose length and breadth is 3 : 2. If the height of the prism is 12 cm and total surface area is 288 sq cm, the volume of the prism is
(a) 291 cm3
(b) 288 cm3
(c) 290 cm3
(d) 286 cm3
131. At what rate of compound interest per annum will a sum of Rs 1200 become Rs 1348.32 in two years?
(a) 7.5%
(b) 6.5%
(c) 7%
(d) 6%
132. A man travels for 5 hours 15 minutes. If he covers the first half of the journey at 60 km/h and rest at 45 km/h,, then find the total distance travelled by him.
(b) 189 km
(c) 378 km
(d) 270 km
133. The Vulgar fraction of is
(a) 15/33
(b) 11/39
(c) 17/39
(d) 13/33
134. If x = y = z, then is
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 1
135. A candidate who gets 20% marks in an examination, fails by 30 marks. But if he gets 32% marks, he gets 42 marks more than the minimum pass marks. Find the pass percentage of marks.
(a) 52%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 12%
136. The quotient when 10100 is divided by 575 is
(a) 225 × 1075
(b) 1025
(c) 2‑75
(d) 275 × 1025
137. The volume of a right circular cone which is obtained from a wooden cube of edge 4.2 dm wasting minimum amount of wood is
(a) 19404 cu dm
(b) 194.04 cu dm
(c) 19.404 cu dm
(d) 1940.4 cu dm
138. A can do in one day three times the work done by B in one day. They together finish two-fifth of the work in 9 days. The number of days by which B can do the work alone is
(a) 90 days
(b) 120 days
(c) 100 days
(d) 30 days
139. In ∆ ABC, AD ⊥ BC and AD2 = BD ∙ The measure of ∠BAC is
(a) 60°
(b) 75°
(c) 90°
(d) 45°
140. Among the following statements, the statement which is not correct, is
(a) Every natural number is an integer.
(b) Every natural number is a real number.
(c) Every real number is a rational number.
(d) Every integer is a rational number.
141. In ∆ ABC, ∠B = 90°, AB = B cm and BC = 15 cm, then sin C = ?
(a) 15/17
(b) 8/17
(c) 15/8
(d) 8/15
Directions (Q. Nos. 142-145) The total expenditure of a company for a particular month is Rs 60000. The various heads of expenditure I to IV are indicated in a pie-chart given below.
These heads are
I. Raw materials
II. Conveyance
III. Overhead expenses
142. What percentage of total expenditure is on electricity?
(a) 23%
(b) 25%
(c) 30%
(d) 20%
143. What is the amount spent on overhead expenses?
(a) Rs 12000
(b) Rs 15000
(c) Rs 18000
(d) Rs 10000
144. Total expenditure on conveyance is
(a) Rs 12000
(b) Rs 15000
(c) Rs 20000
(d) Rs 10000
145. What percentage of total expenditure is on raw materials?
(a) 25%
(b) 30%
(c) 60%
(d) 23%
Directions (Q. Nos. 146-150) The following chart represents Demand and Production for 5 companies ABCDE.
On the basis of the graph, answer the following questions :
146. The ratio of the number of companies having more demand than production to those having more production than demand is
(a) 4 : 1
(b) 2 : 2
(c) 3 : 2
(d) 2 : 3
147. If company A desires to meet the demand by purchasing surplus production of a company, then the most suitable company i s
(a) C
(b) D
(c) E
(d) B
148. If x% of demand for company C equals demand for company B, then x equals
(a) 24
(b) 20
(c) 60
(d) 4
149. The different between average demand and average production of the five companies taken together is
(a) 400
(b) 280
(c) 130
(d) 620
150. If the production of company D is h times of the production of company A. Then h equals
(a) 1.5
(b) 2.5
(c) 1.2
(d) 1.8
Part-IV General Awareness
151. The amount of matter in a ball of steel is its
(a) weight
(b) mass
(c) density
(d) volume
152. A demand curve will not shift
(a) when only income changes
(b) when only prices substitute products change
(c) when there is a change in advertisement expenditure
(d) when only price of the commodity changes
153. ‘Earth Day’ is celebrated on
(a) April 4
(b) April 22
(c) September 17
(d) February 16
154. The Lalit Kala Academy is devoted to the promotion of
(a) fine Arts
(b) literature
(c) music
(d) dance and drama
155. Where did the Black-Hole tragedy took place?
(a) Monghyr
(b) Calcutta
(c) Mushidabad
(d) Dacca
156. In which of the Round Table Conference Mahatma Gandhi participated?
(a) First Round Table Conference 1930
(b) Second Round Table Conference 1931
(c) Third Round Table Conference 1932
(d) All of the above
157. All forms of ROM are also known as
(a) Freeware
(b) Middleware
(c) Firmware
(d) Shareware
158. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with Election Commission?
(a) Article-352
(b) Article-356
(c) Article-360
(d) Article-324
159. India born Vijai Sheshadri won the prestigious 2014 Pulitzer Prize in which of the following categories?
(a) Music
(b) Poetry
(c) Drama
(d) Journalism
160. P. Rama Rao Committee is related to which of the following?
(a) Taxes
(b) Defence
(c) Industry
(d) Agriculture
161. What is Kyoto Protocol?
(a) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing acid rain.
(b) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planting trees to control pollution.
(c) It is an agreement among countries to start using nuclear energy.
(d) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing global warming.
162. The simplest CPU-scheduling algorithm is
(a) SJF Scheduling algorithm
(b) Roundrobin scheduling algorithm
(c) Multilevel scheduling algorithm
(d) FCFS scheduling algorithm
163. The ‘King of Metals’ is
(a) gold
(b) silver
(c) iron
(d) aluminium
164. The time element in price analysis was introduced by
(a) JM Keynes
(b) Alfred Marshall
(c) JS Mill
(d) JR Hicks
165. How much of world’s surface is covered by water?
(a) 55%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 25%
166. Christmas factor is involved in
(a) blood coagulation
(b) excretion
(c) digestion
(d) respiration
167. Amino acids are required for the synthesis of
(a) alkaloids
(b) lipids
(c) proteins
(d) carbohydrates
168. Mixed Economy means
(a) promoting both agriculture and Industries in the economy
(b) co-existence of public and private sectors
(c) co-existence of rich and poor
(d) co-existence of small and large Industries
169. Which of the following phenomenon helps to conclude that light is a transverse wave?
(a) Interference
(b) Diffraction
(c) Polarization
(d) Refraction
170. Which was the first Linguistic State to be created?
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Maharashtra
171. Plank’s constant has the dimensions of
(a) energy
(b) linear momentum
(c) angular momentum
(d) force
172. ‘Rand’ is the currency of
(a) Namibia
(b) Iran
(c) Romania
(d) Norway
173. The first Biosphere Reserve in India has been established in
(a) Kanha
(b) Nilgiri
(c) Nandadevi
(d) Hazaribagh
174. Arundhati Roy is the author of
(a) God of Small Things
(b) Disgrace
(c) The Tin Drum
(d) My Childhood Days
175. Minamata disease is caused by pollution of water by
(a) lead
(b) tin
(c) methyl isocyanate
(d) mercury
176. Kimono is a dress style of which Asian country?
(a) Japan
(b) Korea
(c) Laos
(d) China
177. If the President wants to resign, he shall address his letter of resignation to
(a) Prime Minister of India
(b) Vice-President of India
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) Chief Justice of India
178. The largest reservoir of fresh water is
(a) glaciers
(b) ground water
(c) ponds
(d) lakes
179. By whom was the autonomous investment separated from induced investment?
(a) Schumpeter
(b) Malthus
(c) Joan Robinson
(d) Adam Smith
180. Transpiration increases in
(a) hot, dry and windy condition
(b) hot, damp and windy condition
(c) cool, damp and windy condition
(d) cool, dry and still condition
181. When price of a substitute of commodity ‘x’ falls, the demand for ‘x’
(a) falls
(b) remains unchanged
(c) increases at increasing rate
(d) rises
182. The most abundant element by number in the living system is
(a) nitrogen
(b) hydrogen
(c) oxygen
(d) carbon
183. World Wildlife Fund was founded in
(a) 1965
(b) 1969
(c) 1992
(d) 1961
184. The headquarters o the Survey of India Department is located at
(a) Jaipur
(b) Dehradun
(c) Hyderabad
(d) New Delhi
185. Who built the famous Shiva temple at Ellora?
(a) Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna I
(b) Mauryan Emperor Ashoka
(c) Gupta King Samudragupta
(d) Chalukyan King Pulikeshi II
186. Who is the author of the book ‘Romancing with Life’?
(a) Kapil Dev
(b) Dev Anand
(c) Shashi Tharoor
(d) Bill Clinton
187. Kathakali is a dance prevalent in which state?
(a) Kerala
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Odisha
188. Blowing air with open pipe is an example of
(a) Isothermal process
(b) Isochoric process
(c) Isobaric process
(d) Adiabatic process
189. The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is
(a) nanometer
(b) fermi
(c) angstrom
(d) micron
190. When was the ‘League of Nations’ established?
(a) In 1918
(b) In 1920
(c) In 1939
(d) In 1914
191. Iron filings can be separated from a heterogenous mixture using the technique of
(a) Sublimation
(b) Magnetization
(c) Sedimentation
(d) Evaporation
192. Who discovered the link between electricity and magnetism?
(a) Volta
(b) Maxwell
(c) Diesel
(d) Michael Faraday
193. Natural System of Classification was proposed by ……… botanists.
(a) Indian
(b) German
(c) Swedish
(d) British
194. Who composed the Allahabad Pillar inscription?
(a) Harisena
(b) Mahasena
(c) Veerasena
(d) Vishnusena
195. What is the number of players on each side in Rugby Football?
(a) 15
(b) 16
(c) 12
(d) 11
196. Which of the following scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?
(a) Kepler
(b) Galileo
(c) Newton
(d) Copernicus
197. Todar Mal,, he brilliant revenue officer served under
(a) Sher Shah
(b) Bhagwan Das
(c) Humayun
(d) Baz Bahadur
198. If xylem and phloem are arranged in the same radius, such a vascular bundle is called
(a) Collateral
(b) Bicollateral
(c) Concentric
(d) Radial
199. Which of the following rivers originates from Trans Himalayas?
(a) Yamuna
(b) Sindu
(c) Saraswathi
(d) Ganga
200. Among the following districts of Tamil Nadu, which district is unfit for cultivation due to increased salinity?
(a) Coimbatore
(b) Tiruchirapalli
(c) Nagapattinam
(d) Ramanthapuram
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