State Bank of India PO (Pre.) Examination Held on 21-6-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India PO (Pre.) Examination Held on 21-6-2015 Reasoning
State Bank of India PO (Pre.) Examination Held on 21-6-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India PO (Pre.) Examination Held on 21-6-2015


Directions- (Q. 1-5) Study the information carefully and answer the given question.

     A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular area of equal distances between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people are facing the centre while some face outside. (i.e., in a direction opposite to the centre).

    Note- – Same direction means if one person is facing the centre then the other also faces the centre and vice-versa Opposite direction means that if one person is facing the centre then the other faces outside and vice-versa.

     D sits third to the right of B. E sits second to the left of B. Immediate neighbours of B face the same direction (i.e., if one neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour also faces the centre and vice-versa) C sits second to the left of E. E faces the centre. F sits third to the right of C. G sits second to the left of H. H is not an immediate neighbour of B. G faces the same direction as D. Immediate neighbours of E face opposite directions. (i.e., if one neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour faces outside and vice-versa). Immediate neighbours of F face opposite directions (i.e., if one neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour face outside and vice-versa).

1. How many people in the given arrangement face the centre ?

(A)  Two

(B)  Three

(C)  One

(D)  Four

(E)  Five

Answer: (E)

2. Which of the following is true regarding A as per the given seating arrangement ?

(A)  H sits second to the left of A

(B)  A faces outside

(C)  Only two people sit between A and B

(D)  C is one of the immediate neighbours of A

(E)  Only three people sit between A and G

Answer: (B)

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

(A)  F

(B)  G

(C)  B

(D)  G

(E)  D

Answer: (B)

4. What is E’s position with respect to H ?

(A)  Third to the left

(B)  To the immediate left

(C)  To the immediate right

(D)  Second to the right

(E)  Third to the right

Answer: (B)

5. Who sits second to the left of G?

(A)  H

(B)  A

(C)  B

(D)  Other than those given as options

(E)  F

Answer: (A)

Directions – (Q. 6-10) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

   A, B, C, D, K, L and M live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered seven. Each one of them also likes different games namely. Snooker, Badminton, Chess, Ludo, Cricket, Hockey and Polo (but not necessarily in the same order.)

   Only three people live between B and K. B lives on one of the floors above K. K does not live on the lowermost floor. Only one person lives between B and the one who like Chess. The one who likes Polo lives on one of the even numbered floors above the one who like Chess.

    Only two people live between M and the one who likes Chess. The one who likes Snooker lives immediately above M. A lives immediately above L. A does not like Chess.

    The one who likes Ludo lives on one of the odd numbered floors below L. M does not like Ludo. D lives on one of the Floors above C. Only one person lives between the one who likes Cricket and the one who likes Hockey. D does not like Cricket. M does not like Badminton.

6. Which of the following games does B like ?

(A)  Snooker

(B)  Ludo

(C)  Polo

(D)  Badminton

(E)  Chess

Answer: (D)

7. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 4 ?

(A)  The one who likes Hockey

(B)  The one who likes Chess

(C)  A

(D)  L

(E)  B

Answer: (A)

8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement ?

(A)  Only two people live between K and M

(B)  The one who likes Hockey lives immediately above K

(C)  C likes Chess

(D)  C lives on an even numbered floor

(E)  None of the given options is true

Answer: (B)

9. If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, the positions of how many people will remain unchanged ?

(A)  None

(B)  Three

(C)  Two

(D)  One

(E)  Four

Answer: (D)

10. Which of the following combinations is true with respect to the given arrangement ?

(A)  Polo-C

(B)  Ludo-B

(C)  Cricket-K

(D)  Chess-L

(E)  Snooker-A

Answer: (D)

11. A person starts walking from his office towards a party has. He walks for 30 m towards East. He takes a 90 right turn and walks for 15 m. He again takes a 90° right turn, and walks for another 20 m. He then walks for 25 m after taking a 90 left turn. Turning 90° towards his right he walks for 10 m to reach the party hall. How far and in which direction is the party hall from his office ?

(A)  40 m towards West

(B)  40 m towards South

(C)  45 m towards South

(D)  45 m towards North

(E)  40 m towards North

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 12-16) In this question. two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

12. Statements :

Some wins are trophies.

Some trophies are cups.

No cup is a prize.

Conclusions :

I. Atleast some cups are wins.

II. All prizes being trophies is a possibility

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (B)

13. Statement :

No layer is a coat.

All coats are deposits.

All deposits are sheets.

Conclusions :

I. All coats are sheets.

II. All deposits can never be layers.

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (D)

14. Statements :

Some flats are apartments.

No apartment is a hall.

Some halls are rooms.

Conclusions :

I. Atleast some rooms are flats.

II. No apartment is a room.

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (E)

15. Statements :

Some wins are trophies.

Some trophies are cups.

No cup is a prize.

Conclusions :

I. No trophy is a prize.

II. No prize is a win.

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (E)

16. Statements :

Some codes are secrets.

All secrets are puzzles.

Conclusions :

I. All secrets being codes is a possibility

II. Atleast some puzzles are codes.

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (B)

17. Point A is 40 m to the north of point B. Point C is 20 m to the west of point A. Point D is 30 m to the south of point C. Point E is exactly midway between points D and F in such a manner that Point D, E and F form a horizontal straight line of 40 m. Point F is to the east of point D. Point G is 30 m to the north of  point F. How far and in which direction is point G from point A ?

(A)  30 m towards west

(B)  40 m towards north

(C)  20 m towards east

(D)  20 m towards east

(E)  30 m towards east

Answer: (D)

18. Statements : L = P ≤ W < V ≤ K ≥ Q; B < L; K = M

Conclusions : I. B < V

II. M > P

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (D)

19. Statements : L = P ≤ W < V ≤ K ≥ Q; B < L; K = M

Conclusions : I. L ≥ Q

II. W = M

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (E)

20. Statements : R ≤ U = B < S; B ≤ X

Conclusions : I. X > R

II. X = R

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (C)

21. Statements : C > U ≤ S < T = O > D ≥ Y; Z = O ≤ P

Conclusions : I. U > D

II. S < P

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (B)

22. Statements : C > U ≤ S < T = O > D ≥ Y; Z = O ≤ P

Conclusions : I. Z > Y

II. C < O

(A)  Only conclusion I is true

(B)  Only conclusion II is true

(C)  Either conclusion I or II is true

(D)  Both conclusion I and II are true

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Answer: (A)

Directions – (Q. 23 to 25) Study the following information and answer the given question.

   J is the sister of T. T is married to D. D is the father of R.

   M is the son of H. T is the mother-in-law of H.

   D has only one son and no daughter.

   J is married to B. L is the daughter of B.

23. How is L related to T ?

(A)  Niece

(B)  Sister

(C)  Cannot be determined

(D)  Daughter

(E)  Mother

Answer: (A)

24. How is M related to D ?

(A)  Nephew

(B)  Uncle

(C)  Brother

(D)  Son

(E)  Grandson

Answer: (E)

25. How is J related to R ?

(A)  Sister

(B)  Aunt

(C)  Mother-in-law

(D)  Mother

(E)  Cannot be determined

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 26 to 30) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question in a certain code language.

   ‘efforts required in teaching’ is written as ‘dp kj te hy’

   ‘nothing kids is tough’ is written as ‘dp op cs mb’

    ‘kids heart is huge’ is written as ‘cs re mb gr’

    ‘task required huge efforts’ is written as ‘hy kj re ba’

   (All codes are two letter codes only)

26. In the given code language, what does the code ‘kj stand for ?

(A)  in

(B)  either ‘required’ or ‘efforts’

(C)  either ‘huge’ or ‘kids’

(D)  task

(E)  huge

Answer: (B)

27. What is the code for ‘teaching’ in the given code language ?

(A)  hy

(B)  te

(C)  op

(D)  other than those given as options

(E)  kj

Answer: (D)

28. What is the code for ‘kids’ in the given code language ?

(A)  either ‘mb’ or ‘cs’

(B)  either ‘op’ or ‘gr’

(C)  dp

(D)  other than those given as options

(E)  re

Answer: (A)

29. What will be the code for ‘in task’ in the given code language ?

(A)  te hy

(B)  dp kj

(C)  ba kj

(D)  ba te

(E)  other than those given as options

Answer: (D)

30. What may be the possible code for ‘quite tough heart’ in the given code language ?

(A)  uc ba re

(B)  gr uc re

(C)  op uc gr

(D)  op kj hy

(E)  op gr kj

Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 31 to 35) Study the following information to answer the given question.

    Eight friends E, F, G, H, L, M, N and O are seated in a straight line, facing North, but not necessarily in the same order.

    O sits at the extreme right end of the line. Only four people sit between O and G.

    Both B and M are immediate neighbours of G.

    Only two people sit between M and L. L is not an immediate neighbour of O.

     N sits second to left of E.

31. What is the position of L with respect to G ?

(A)  Third to the right

(B)  To the immediate left

(C)  Second to the right

(D)  Fourth to the right

(E)  Second to the left

Answer: (E)

32. Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to N ?

(A)  Only three persons sit between N and O

(B)  None of the given options is true

(C)  Only one person sits to the right of N

(D)  E sits to immediate right of N

(E)  Both L and F are immediate neighbours of N

Answer: (B)

33. Who amongst the following people represents the person seated at the extreme left end of the line ?

(A)  E

(B)  N

(C)  L

(D)  F

(E)  H

Answer: (C)

34. How many persons are seated between O and E ?

(A)  Two

(B)  Three

(C)  None

(D)  Four

(E)  One

Answer: (C)

35. Who amongst the following sit exactly between M and L ?

(A)  E, N

(B)  F, O

(C)  F, G

(D)  E, G

(E)  H, N

Answer: (C)

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