Nyagrodha in Ayurveda Botanical Name Ficus bengalensis Linn


Nyagrodha consists of dried mature stem bark of Ficus bengalensis Linn. (Fam. Moracem) , a large branching tree with numerous mrial roots occurring all over India.


Sanskrit : Vata
Assamese : Vat, Ahat, Vatgach
Bengali : Bot
English : Banyan tree
Gujrati : Vad, Vadalo
Hindi : Badra, Bargad, Bada
Kannada : Aala, Aladamara, Vata
Kashmiri : Bad
Malayalam : Peraal
Marathi : Vml
Oriya : Bata, Bara
Punjabi : Bhaur
Tamil : Aalamaram, Aalam
Telugu : Marri
Urdu : Bargad, Bad


a) Macroscopic

Mature stern bark grey with thin, closely adhered ashy white, light bluish-green or grey patches, bark fiat or slightly curve, thickness varies with age of tree : externally rough due to presence of horizontal furrows and lenticels, mostly circular and prominent, fracture short in outer two thirds of bark while inner portion shows a fibrous fracture taste, astringent

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of mature bark shows compressed cork tissue and dead elements of secondary cortex consisting of mostly stone cells and thin-walled, compressed elements of cortex cork cells rectangular, thick-walled and containing brownish content, secondary cortex wide, forming more than half of thickness of bark, composed of large groups of stone cells and parenchymatous cells, stone cells vary in shape, parenchymatous cells thin-walled and somewhat cubical to oval few in number and occur between groups of stone cells, some of cells contain prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, starch grains and tannin, secondary phloem composed of a few sieve elements parenchyma, fibres, stone cells and latex tube alternating with medullary rays, sieve elements compressed in .outer region of bark while intact m inner region, few thick-walled phloem parenchyma occurring in between patches of phloem fibres and stone cells, stone cells similar to those present in secondary cortex, some phloem cells contain prismatic calcium oxalate crystals also, present in fibres forming crystal fibres, medullary rays 2-5 seriate, composed of thick-walled, circular to oval cells few cells also converted into stone cells and some have pitted walls, also containing plenty of starch grains, mostly rounded, rarely oval or semi-lunar in shape, simple as well as compound type, compound starch grains consist of 2-3 components, cambium composed of a few layers of small, rectangular, thin-walled cells.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Tannins, glycosides and flavonoids.


Rasa : Kasaya
Guna : Guru, Ruksa
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Dahaghna, Mutrasangrahaniya, Stambhana, Varnya, Vranapaha, Kaphapittajita, Yonidosahrt

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Nyagrodhadi Curna, Nyagrodhadi Kvatha Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Daha, Prameha, Raktapitta, Trsna, Visarpa, Vrana, Yonidosa

DOSE – 3-6 g of the drug in powder form.

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Pasanabheda in Ayurveda Botanical Name Bergenia ciliata (Haw ) Sternb.


Pasanabheda consists of rhizomes of Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb., Syn. Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engl. (Fam. Saxifragacem), a small perennial herb found throughout temperate Himalayas from Bhutan to Kashmir at an altitude between 2000-3000 m and in Khasia hills upto 1200 m altitude.


Sanskrit : Asmabhedaka, Silabheda
Assamese : Patharkuchi
Bengali : Patharkuchi, Himasagara, Patrankur
English : —
Gujrati : Pashanbheda, Pakhanbheda
Hindi : Pakhanabheda, Silphara, Patharcua, Pakhanabhed, Silpbheda
Kannada : Alepgaya, Pahanbhedi, Hittaga, Pasanaberu, Hittulaka
Kashmiri : Pashanbhed
Malayalam : Kallurvanchi, Kallurvanni, Kallorvanchi
Marathi : Pashanbheda
Oriya : Pasanbhedi, Pashanabheda
Punjabi : Kachalu, Pashanbhed
Tamil : Sirupilai
Telugu : Kondapindi
Urdu : —


a) Macroscopic

Rhizome, solid, barrel shaped, cylindrical, 1.5-3 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter with small roots, ridges, furrows and root scars distinct, tranversely cut surface shows outer ring of brown coloured cork, short middle cortex, vascular bundles and large central pith, odour, aromatic, taste, astringent.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of rhizome shows cork divided into two zones, outer a few layers of slightly compressed and brown coloured cells, inner zone multilayered consisting of thin-walled tangentially elongatd and colourless cells, followed by a single layered cork cambium and 2-3 layers of secondary cortex composed of thick-walled, tangentially elongated, rectangular cells with intercellular spaces, some cells contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and simple starch grains cortex a narrow-zone of parenchymatous cells containing a number of simple starch grains, most of cortical cells also contain large rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, endoderm is and pericycle absent. vascular bundles, arranged in a ring, collateral, conjoint and open, phloem tissues cornposed of sieve elements and parenchyma, in outer region found as compressed masses while in inner region intact. a number of rosette crystals of calcium oxalate also found as crystal fibres, cambium present as continuous ring composed of 2-3 layers of thinwalled, tangentially elongated cells, xylem consist of fibres, tracheids, vessels and parenchyma, with centre occupied by large pith composed of circular to oval, parenchymatous cells, varying in size and containing starch grains with crystals of calcium oxalate similar to those found in cortical region.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 13 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Tannic acid, gallic acid and glucose


Rasa : Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Bhedana, Vastisodhana, Asmarighna, Mutravirecaniya

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Asmarihara Kasaya Curna, Mutravirecaniya Kasaya Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Asmari, Meha, Mutrakicchra

DOSE – 3-6 g of the drug in powder form.
20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Karkatasrngi in Ayurveda Botanical Name Pistacia chinensis Burgo


Karkatashringi consists of gall-like excrescences formed by insects on the leaves, petioles and branches of the plant Pistacia chinensia Burgo, Pistacia integerrima Stew. ex Brandis, Rhus succedanea Linn. (Fam. Anacardiacem) during autumn season, growing on the steps of Western Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at an altitude of 350-2400 m, often cultivated in Punjab plains.


Sanskrit : Srngi, Visani, Karkata
Assamese : Kakiasrngi
Bengali : Kankda Shringi
English : Crab’s claw
Gujrati : Kakada shing, Kakada singi
Hindi : Kakadasingi, Kakarasingi, Gheekadava
Kannada : Kakadasingi, Karkatakasringi
Kashmiri : Kakkar, Kamaladina
Malayalam : Karkatasringi
Marathi : Kakadshingi
Oriya : Kakadashrungi, Kakadashringi
Punjabi : Kakar, Kakarsingi
Tamil : Karkata singi
Telugu : Kakarsingi, Karkatakashrungi
Urdu : Kakrasinghi


a) Macroscopic

Dried galls hard, hollow, horn-like, thin-walled, generally cylindrical, tapering at both the ends, greyish brown externally and reddish brown internally, size varies from 2.5-30.0 cm or more, each gall contains numerous dead insects, odour, terebinthine, taste of powdered galls, strongly astringent and slightly bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of gall shows the collapsed epidermis on both the sides, epidermal cells thin-walled, tangentially elongated, ground tissues thin-walled and oval or circular, the outer two layers tangentially elongated while between vascular bundles radially elongated, outer few layers and some of cells of ground tissue filled with yellowish brown contents, vascular bundle scattered throughout the ground tissues in two rows, consist of phloem accompanied by a large tannin sac in each vascular bundle.

Powder-Powder greyish brown, under microscope, shows orange yellow colour isolated or associated fragments of xylem vessels and ground tissues.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 30 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 30 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oil, tannins and resinous matters.


Rasa : Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Guru
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Kasahara, Kaphavatahara, Urdhvavatajit, Hikkanigrahana

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Balacaturbhadrika Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Aruci, Svasa, Chardi, Hikka, Jvara, Kasa, Ksaya

DOSE – 3-6 g of the drug in powder form.

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Patha in Ayurveda Botanical Name Cissampelos pareira Linn


Paha consists of roots of Cissampelos pareira Linn. (Fam. Menisperrnacem), an extensively spreading, glabrous to softy pubescent, perennial climbing shrub with nodose stem, common in warm and dry regions of tropical and sub-tropical parts of India upto an altitude of about 1500 m.


Sanskrit : Ambashtaki
Assamese : Tuprilata
Bengali : Akanadi,Patha
English : Velvet leaf
Gujrati : Kalipath, Karondhium, Karondium, Venivel, Karedhium
Hindi : Patha, Padh, Akanadi
Kannada : Pahadavela, Agalushunthi
Kashmiri : Pad
Malayalam : Patha
Marathi : Pashadvel, Paharrel, Pahadavel, Padali
Oriya : Kanabindhi, Patha
Punjabi : Patha
Tamil : Vatta tiruppi
Telugu : Adivibankatiga, chiru boddi, Boddi tiga
Urdu : —


a) Macroscopic

Roots, cylindrical, often tortuous, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, light brown to yellowish in colour, surface rough and at places rugged due to transverse wrinkles, cracks and fissures, fracture short and splintery, odour, faint aromatic, taste, bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transvarse section of root shows, 6-10 layers of thin-walled, rectangular cork cells secondary cortex, 1-3 layered of oval to tangentially elongated cells, discontinuous ring consisting of 2-3 rows of stone cells and group of phloem fibres, stone cells variable in shape with simple pits, vascular strands as radiating strips usually 8-12 of xylem and phloem some reaching up to the centre, phloem consists of small strands of sieve elements and parenchyma just below the ring of stone cells, xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma, vessels and tracheids show simple pits on the walls, xylem parenchyma usually thick-walled and lignified but due to delignification patches of thin-walled parenchyma appear in the xylem region., medullary rays 1-3 seriate appear to be very wide at a number of places due to addition of delignified xylem parenchymatous cells, ray cells thin-walled, a few lignified and thick-walled while some show reticulate thickening, plenty of starch grains present in some of ray cells.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 13 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Alkaloids, saponin and quarternary ammonium bases, flavonol and sterol.


Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Tiksna
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Bhagnasandhanakrt, Grahi, Raktasodhaka, Visaghna, Tridosasamana, Stanyasodhana

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Brhatgangadhara Curna, Pusyanuga Curna, Pradarantaka Lauha, Sarasvata Ghrta, Stanyasodhana Kasaya Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sularoga, Atisara, Chardi, Jvara, Kandu, Kustha, Stanyadusti

DOSE – 3-6 g of the drug in powder form.

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Karpasa in Ayurveda Botanical Name Gossypium herbaceum Linn.


Karpasa consists of seeds (devoid of lint) of Gossypium herbaceum Linn. (Fam. Malvacem) , an annual or perennial shrub, 0.6-2.4m high, extensively cultivated in India.


Sanskrit : Tundakesi
Assamese : Karpasa, Tula
Bengali : Bona, Kapasia
English : Cotton plant seed
Gujrati : —
Hindi : Kapasa, Binaula
Kannada : Hati, Arale
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Karpasi, Panji Karpasam
Marathi : Sarki
Oriya : —
Punjabi : Lodhar
Tamil : Parutti kkoottam
Telugu : Patti ginga
Urdu : Pambadana, Habb-ul-Qutn


a) Macroscopic

Seed, dark brown, ovoid, 0.3-0.6 cm diameter, minute, shallow longitudinal grooves arise from funicular region of seed, taste, slightly bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of mature seed shows, two integuments forming seed coat, outer integument differentiated into epidermis, a wide zone of parenchyma and a hyaline layer, epidermis single layered, some trichomes arise from epidermis and form lint and fuzz hairs, lint hairs elongated with thin wall and wide lumen, fuzz hairs thick-walled with narrow lumen, parenchymetous zone consists of 4-8 layers of reddish-brown cells, a few vascular bundles embedded in this zone, hyaline layer consisting of 2-3 layers of tangentially elongated, cubical, thick-walled cells, inner integument composed of palisade and parenchyma, palisade cells compactly arranged and colourless, parenchyma many layered of tangentially elongated cells with deep reddish-brown contents, cotyledons thin, large and folded, upper epidermis of cotyledon, single layered, externally covered with cuticle followed by 1 or 2 layered palisade like cells of mesophyll, beneath this zone, mesophyll cells show elongated to rounded structure without inter-cellular spaces, lower epidermis single layered, cubical or oval, covered with cuticle, some lysigenous glands filled with yellowish-brown contents also found scattered in mesophyll region, starch and calcium oxalate crystals absent. Powder- Brown under microscope shows palisade cells, thin-walled mesophyll cells, deep brown contents and hairs, pieces of testa and fuzz intact.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 14 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Fixed oil, resin and sterols.


Rasa : Madhura
Guna : Guru, Snigdha
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Hrdya, Vrsya, Stanyajanana, Kaphakara


THERAPEUTIC USES – Daha, Srama, Bhranti, Murccha, Stanyaksya

DOSE – 3-6 g of he drug in powder form.

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Puga in Ayurveda Botanical Name Areca catechu Linn.


Puga consists of dried ripe seed of Areca catechu Linn. (Fam. Palmm), a graceful, slender, stemmed, perennial palm, trunk reaching a height of about 25 m cultivated in the coastal regions of Southern India, Bengal and Assam upto an altitude of 1000 m.


Sanskrit : Kramuka, Ghona
Assamese : Tamol, Tamul
Bengali : Supari
English : Areca nut, Betle nut
Gujrati : Sopari
Hindi : Supari, Chr alia
Kannada : Adiks
Kashmiri : Supari, Spari
Malayalam : Adakku, Pakku
Marathi : Supari, Pophal
Oriya : Gua
Punjabi : Supari, Spari
Tamil : Kamugu, Pakku, Pakhumaram
Telugu : Paka chekka, Vakka
Urdu : Fufal, Choalia


a) Macroscopic

Ovoid, externally pale, reddish-brown to light yellowish-brown, marked with a net work of paler lines, frequently with adhering portions of silvery brittle endocarp and adhering fibres of mesocorp at base of seed, seed hard with ruminate endosperm of brownish tissue alternating with whitish tissue, odour, characteristic, taste, astringent.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of seed shows a seed coat consisting of several rows of cells, tangentially elongated, with inner walls more or less thickened, whitish cell of endosperm tissue with thick porous walls containing oil globules and aleuronic grains, brown peri sperm tissue with thick walled cells and delicate trachem. Powder-Reddish brown to light brown, under microscope shows fragments of endosperm tissue with porous walls, irregularly thickened and small stone cells of seed coat, a few aleurone grains and oil globules and a few delicate trachem, starch absent.


Foreign matter Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 19 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Alkaloid (arecoline) tannins and fats.


Rasa : Kasaya
Guna : Guru, Ruksa
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Prabhava: Mohakrt, Dipana, Kaphapittajit, Kledanasana, Malabhedi, Mukhsodhana, Vikasi


THERAPEUTIC USES – Aruci, Mukhavikara, Yonisaithilya, Svetapradara

DOSE – 1-2 g of the drug in powder form.

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Kaseru in Ayurveda Botanical Name Scirpus kysoor Roxb.


Kaseru consists of rhizome of Scirpus kysoor Roxb. (Fam. Cyperacem), a weed commonly found on the margins of ponds and swampy places throughout India.


Sanskrit : Kaseruka
Assamese : Kaheru
Bengali : Keshura
English : Water chestnut
Gujrati : Kasela, Kasola
Hindi : Kaseru
Kannada : Kasure gadd, Kaseruva, Kothigadde
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Kazhi Muthanga
Marathi : Kasara, Kachera, Kachora
Oriya : Kasaru Kawda, Kasaru Kanda
Punjabi : Kaseru
Tamil : Gundatigagaddi
Telugu : Guntatungagaddi
Urdu : Kaseru


a) Macroscopic

Rhizomes, oval to cylindrical, often branched having a number of transverse rings, black coloured roots and rounded scars, black externally and cream coloured internally, odour, aromatic, taste, bitter.

b) Microscopic

Tranverse section of rhizome shows epidermis of collapsed and brown coloured cells: hypodermis, 4-8 cells with thick brown cell walls, followed by a wide zone of cortical ground tissue of oval to rounded, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, filled with oval to spherical starch grains, encircled by sclerenchymatous sheath, vascular bundles, found scattered throughout cortical ground tissue, endodermis consists of brown coloured cells with heavy thickenings on thier walls, enclosing a wide central stelar ground tissue with a number of scattered vascular bundles of closed, collateral type, encircled by sclerenchymatous sheath, stelar ground tissues of rounded to oval, thinwalled and parenchymatous cells, containing oval to spherical starch grains, a number of secretory cell with orange-brown contents found throughout cortical and stelar ground tissue.

Powder– Light brown, under microscope shows abundant round to oval starch grains and orange-yellow pigments, fragments of xylem vessels with annular thickenings and thinwalled, parenchymatous tissue.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Starch, saponins, sugars and progesterone.


Rasa : Madhura, Kasaya
Guna : Guru
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Caksusya, Grahi, Pittaghna, Dahaghna, Sukrakara, Stanyakara, Rucikara.


THERAPEUTIC USES – Aruci, Atisara, Daha, Daurbalya, Netraroga, Sukraksya, Stanyaksaya

DOSE – 5-10 g of the drug in powder form.

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Punarnava in Ayurveda Botanical Name Boerhavia diffusa Linn


Punarnava consists of dried, matured whole plant of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. (Fam Nyctaginacem), trailing herb found throughout India and collected after rainy season, herb is diffusely branched with stout root stock and many long slender, prostrate or ascending branches.


Sanskrit : Kahtilla, Sophaghni, Sothaghni, Varsabhu
Assamese : Ranga Punarnabha
Bengali : Rakta punarnava
English : Horse Purslene, Hog Weed
Gujrati : Dholisaturdi, Motosatodo
Hindi : Gadapurna, Lalpunarnava
Kannada : Sanadika, Kommeberu, Komma
Kashmiri : Vanjula Punarnava
Malayalam : Chuvanna Tazhutawa
Marathi : Ghetuli, Vasuchimuli, Satodimula, Punarnava, Khaparkhuti
Oriya : Lalapuiruni, Nalipuruni
Punjabi : ltcit (Ial), Khattan
Tamil : Mukurattai (Shihappu)
Telugu : Atikamamidi, Erra galijeru


a) Macroscopic

Stem-greenishpurple, stiff, slender, cylindrical, swollen at nodes, minutely pubescent or n early glabrous, prostrate divericately branched, branches from common stalk, often more than a metre long.

Root– wel developed, fairly long, somewhat tortuous, cylindrical, 0.2-1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish brown to brown coloured, surface soft to touch but rough due to minute longitudinal striations and root scars, fracture, short, no distinct odour, taste, slightly bitter.

Leaves-opposite in unequal pairs, larger ones 25-37 mm long and smaller ones 12-18 mm long ovate-oblong or suborbicular, apex rounded or slightly pointed, base subcordate or rounded, green and glabrous above, whitish below, margin entire or subundulate, dorsal side pinkish in certain cases, thick in texture, petioles nearly as long as the blade, slender.

Flowers-very small, pink coloured, nearly sessile or shortly stalked, 10-25 cm, in small umbells, arranged on slender long stalks, 4-10 corymb, axillary and in terminal panicles, bracteoles, small, acute, perianth tube constricted above the ovary, lower part greenish, ovoid, ribbed, upper part pink, funnel-shaped, 3 mm long, tube 5 lobed, stamen 2-3.

Fruit-one seeded nut, 6 mm long clavate, rounded, broadly and bluntly 5 ribbed, viscidly glandular.

b) Microscopic

Stem-Transverse section of stem shows epidermal layer containing multi cellular, uniserite glandular trichome consisting of 9-12 stalked cells and an ellipsoidal head, 150-220 n long, cortex consists of 1-2 layers of parenchyma, endodermis indistinct, pericycle 1-2 layered, thick-walled often containing scattered isolated fibres, stele consisting of many small vascular bundles often joined together in a ring and many big vascular bundles scattered in the ground tissue, intra fascicular cambium present.

Root-transverse section of mature root shows a cork composed of thin-walled tangentially elongated cells with brown walls in the outer few layers, cork cambium of 1-2 layers of thin walled cells secondary cortex consists of 2-3 layers of parenchymatous cells followed by cortex composed of 5-12 layers of thin-walled, oval to polygonal cells, several concentric bands of xylem tissue alternating with wide zone of parenchymatous tissue present below cortical regions, number of bands vary according to thickness of root and composed of vessels, tracheids and fibres, vessels mostly found in groups of 2-8 in radial rows, having simple pits and reticulate thickening, tracheids, small, thickwalled with simple pits, fibres aseptate, elongated, thick-walled, spindle shaped with pointed ends, phloem occurs as hemispherical or crescentic patches outside each group of xylem vessels and composed of sieve elements and parenchyma, broad zone of parenchymatous tissue, in between two successive rings of xylem elements composed of thin-walled more or less rectangular cells arranged in radial rows, central regions of root occupied by primary vascular bundles, numerous raphides of calcium oxalate, in single or in group present in cortical region and parenchymatous tissue in between xylem tissue, starch grains simple and compound having 2-4 components found in abundence in most of cells of cortex, xylem elements in parenchymatous tissue between xylem elements, simple starch grains mostly rounded in shape and measure 2.75-11 n in diameter.

Leaves-Transverse section of leaf shows anomocytic stomata on both sides, numerous, a few short hairs, 3-4 celled, present on the margin and on veins, palisade one layered, spongy parenchyma 2-4 layered with small air spaces, idioblasts containing raphides, occasionally cluster crystal of calcium oxalate and orange-red resinous matter present in mesophyll. Palisade ratio 3.5-6.5, stomatal index 11-16, vein islet number 9-15.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.


Assay-Contains not less than 0.1 per cent of total alkaloids, when assayed by the following methods, Take accurately about 100 g of the drug (60 mesh powder) and moisten with dilute solution of Ammonia. Extract continuously in a soxhlet apparatus for 18 hours with 95 per cent Alcohol. Remove the alcohol by distillation. Extract the residue with five 25 ml
portions of 1 N Hydrochloric acid till complete extraction of the alkaloid is effected. Transfer the mixed acid solutions into a separating funnel and wash with 5 ml of Chloroform, runoff the Chloroform layer. Make the acid solution distinctly alkaline with Ammonia and shake with five 25 ml portions of Chloroform or till complete extraction of alkaloids is effected. Wash the combined chloroform extracts with two portions each of 5 ml of water. Filter the chloroform layer in tared flask and evaporate to dryness. Add to the residue 5 ml of Alcohol, evaporate to dryness, repeat the process once again and weigh the residue to constant weight in a vacuum desiccator.

CONSTITUENTS – Alkaloid (Punarnavine).


Rasa : Madhura, Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Ruksa
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Anulomana, Sothahara, Mutrala, Vataslesmahara

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Punarnavasaka Kvatha Curna, Punarnavasava, Punarnavadi Mandura, Sukumara Ghrta, Sothaghna Lepa


DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Ketaki in Ayurveda Botanical Name Pandanus tectorius soland. ex.Parkinson


Ketaki consists of dried, underground roots of Pandanus tectorius Soland.ex Parkinson (Fam. Pandanacem), a densely branched shrub, rarely erect found along the coast of India and Andaman Island and sometimes cultivated in gardens also.


Sanskrit : Sucikapuspa
Assamese : Katki
Bengali : Katki
English : Screw pine
Gujrati : Kevado
Hindi : Kevada
Kannada : Kadajlmudu, Talehuvu
Kashmiri : —-
Malayalam : Pookaitha
Marathi : Kewda
Oriya : Ketaki, Kia
Punjabi : Keora
Tamil : Tazhai
Telugu : Mogali
Urdu : —-


a) Macroscopic

Root pieces, 2-6 cm long, 0.3-2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, rusty or yellowishbrown, to grey, surface smooth except for protuberances at certain places, papery cork, surface uneven, easily peelable exposing a fibrous surface, fracture, usually unbreakable.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of mature root shows a wide zone of stratified cork, exfoliating at places, consisting of rectangular, thin-walled, tangentially elongated, radially arranged cells, upper few layers filled with reddish-brown contents, remaining cells colourless, cortex, a wide zone of rounded cells with fibre groups towards central and middle region, cells obliterated at places, endodermis barrel-shaped, slightly thickwalled , pericycle and phloem not distinct, xylem forms bulk of root consisting of vessels, fibres and parenchyma, medullary rays not distinct, vessels show annular or pitted thickening, fibres thick-walled, elongated having a few simple pits. Powder-Yellowish-brown, under microscope shows fragments of corks, xylem vessels and fibres.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 16 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oil.


Rasa : Madhura, Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Balya, Kesya, Rasayana, Varnya, Daurgandhyanasana, Dardhyakara, Saukhyakara, Kaphapaha, Caksusya.


THERAPEUTIC USES – Gulma, Netraroga, Kapharoga.

DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Saptaparna in Ayurveda Botanical Name Alstonia scholaris (Linn)R.Br.


Saptaparna consists of stem bark of Alstonia scholaris (Llnn.) R. Br. (Fam. Apocynacem), a tall evergreen tree, found in the Sub-Himalayan tracts ascending to 900 m from Jammu eastwards and western peninsula mostly in deciduous forests.


Sanskrit : Saptacchada, Saptaparni, Saptahva
Assamese : Chatiyan
Bengali : Chatin
English : Dita
Gujrati : Saptaparna, Satvana
Hindi : Chhativan, Satawana
Kannada : Maddale, Hale, Eleyalaga
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Daivaphal, Ezilampala
Marathi : Satveen
Oriya : Chbatiana, Chatiana
Punjabi : Sathi, Satanna
Tamil : Ezilampalai
Telugu : Edakula Ponna
Urdu : —


a) Macroscopic

Bark occurs in channelled or occasionally quilled pieces, 3-4mm thick from branches and cut or broken irregularly into curved or flat pieces, about 7 mm thick from stem, externally younger bark dark grey to brown, older bark very rough, uneven and much fissured transversely and longitudinally, both marked with numerous rounded or transversely elongated, grey to whitish brown lenticels, internally brownish-buff to dark greyish-brown, somewhat striated and indented, fracture, short and smooth, fractured surface shows a narrow, inner portion traversed by numerous, fine, medullary rays and a varying spongy outer portion

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of bark shows a multi-layered, thick and thin-walled cork, a broad zone of secondary cortex composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, including many rounded latex cavities, scattered throughout tissue, containing numerous rhombic to polygonal calcium oxalate crystals, numerous stone cells forming a noncontinuous layer of 4-8 cells, irregular, rounded to linear, fibre-like, blunt at both ends, internal to secondary cortex a secondary phloem cells containing many sieve tubes, cork cells brick shaped to almost square in transverse and longitudinal sections and polygonal in surface view, cork cambium forms a region of two rows of cells identical to cork cells, situated in between cork and secondary cortex, secondary phloem cells smaller in dimension than cortical cells consisting of phloem parenchyma, many sieve tubes and companion cells, fibres absent.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.


Assay-Contains not less than 0.2 per cent of total alkaloids when assayed by the following method:-
Take 25 g in No. 60 mesh powder. Transfer to a continuous extraction apparatus and extract with 90 per cent Alcohol for 4 hours (at least 3 extractions are essential). Remove the solvent and transfer to a separating funnel with the help of a little water and 5 ml of 95 per cent Alcohol. Add about 15 ml of Water and 2 ml of solution of 20 percent Sodium Hydroxide to make the solution alkaline and extract with successive quantities of Chloroform till the extraction of alkaloid is complete. Shake the combined Chloroform extract with successive quantities of a mixture of 4 volumes of 0.2 N Sulphuric Acid and 1 volume of Alcohol until complete extraction of alkaloid is effected. Wash the mixed acid solution twice with 10 ml portion of Chloroform and then twice with 10 ml portion of Ether. Wash the combined Chloroform and Ether solution with 20 ml of 0.1 N Sulphuric acid. Transfer this washed acid extract to the original acid extract, make distinctly alkaline with solution of Sodium Hydroxide and shake with successive portions of chloroform till the extraction of the alkaloids is complete. Wash the combined chloroform solution with about 5 ml of water. Remove most of the chloroform and transfer the remainder to a small open dish. When the removal of chloroform is almost complete on water bath, add about 2 ml Dehydrated Alcohol and evaporate to dryness. Dry at 100o to constant weight and weigh as total alkaloids.

CONSTITUENTS – Alkaloids (echitamine, ditamine and echitamidine).


Rasa : Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Sara, Snigdha
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Anulomana, Dipana, Jvaraghna, Kushaghna, Raktasodhaka, Tridosaghna

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Amrtarisa, Aragvadhadi Kvatha Curna, Vajraka Taila.

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sula, Gulma, Jvara, Krmiroga, Kustha, Sandrameha

DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Khadira in Ayurveda Botanical Name Acacia catechu (Linn.f.) Willd.


Khadira consists of dried pieces of heart-wood of Acacia catechu (Linn. f.) Willd. (Fam. Leguminosm), a moderate sized tree, found mostly in dry parts of India.


Sanskrit : Gayatri
Assamese : Kharira, Khara, Khayar
Bengali : Khera, Khayera
English : Black catechu, Cutch tree.
Gujrati : Khair, Kathe, Kher
Hindi : Khair
Kannada : Kaggali, Kaggalinara, Kachinamara, Koggigida
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Karingali
Marathi : Khaira, Khair
Oriya : Khaira
Punjabi : Khair
Tamil : Karungali, Karungkali
Telugu : Chandra, Kaviri
Urdu : Chanbe Kaath


a) Macroscopic

Heart-wood, light red, turning brownish-red to nearly black with age, attached with whitish sapwood, fracture hard, taste, astringent

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of heart-wood shows, numerous, uni-to bi-seriate medullary rays, vessels occurring isolated or in small groups of two to four, xylem fibres with narrow lumen occupying major portion of wood, xylem parenchyma usually predominantly paratracheal, forming a sheath around vessels, wood consists of crystal fibres with 14-28 segments, each having one prismatic crystal of calcium oxalate, a few tracheids with scalariform thickening, some of cells, including vessels, filled with brown content, prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in a number of cells throughout the wood.

Powder– Brown coloured, under microscope shows a number of xylem fibres, vessels, crystal fibres, prismatic crystals of calcium exalate.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1.2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Catechin, catechu-tannic acid and tannin.


Rasa : Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Laghu, Ruksa
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Krmighna, Kushaghna, Medohara, Raktasodhaka, Kaphapittahara, Dantya

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Khadirarista, Arimedadi Taila, Khadiradi Gutika

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sotha, Kustha, Prameha, Vrana

DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for the decoction.

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Kiratatikta in Ayurveda Botanical Name Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham


Kiratatikta consists of whole plant of Swertia chirata Buch.Ham, (Fam, Gentianacem), a small, erect, annual, herbaceous plant, 0.6-1. 25 m high, found in temperate Himalayas at an altitude between 1200-3000 m from Kashmir to Bhutan and Khasia Hills in Meghalaya, drug collected when flowering (July-October) and dried.


Sanskrit : Kirata, Kirataka, Bhunimba, Kiratatiktaka
Assamese : Chirta
Bengali : Chirata
English : Chireta
Gujrati : Kariyatu, Kariyatun
Hindi : Chirayata
Kannada : Nalebevu, Chirata Kaddi, Chirayat
Kashmiri : Lose, Chiraita
Malayalam : Nelaveppu, Kirayathu, Nilamakanjiram
Marathi : Kiraita, Kaduchiraita
Oriya : Chireita
Punjabi : Chiretta, Chiraita
Tamil : Nilavembu
Telugu : Nelavemu.
Urdu : Chiraita


a) Macroscopic

Drug consists of whole plant, a peculiar shining yellowish tinge all over the herb in fresh sample, stem upto 1 m long and 6 mm in diameter, glabrous, yellowish-brown to purplish, slightly quadrangular above and cylindrical below, large, continuous, easily separable yellow pith, leaf, opposite, cauline, broad at base, ovate or lanceolate, entire, acuminate, glabrous, usually with 5-7 prominent lateral veins, branching from the axils of the leaves which ramify further into paniculate inflorescence, flower, tetramerous, 2-3 mm wide, ovoid, with two glandular depressions near the base of each of corolla lobes, ovary, superior, bicarpellary, unilocular, ovoid and pointed, fruit. a capsule with numerous, minute reticulated seed, 0.25-0.55 mm long, 0.16-0.45 mm broad irregularly ovoid.

b) Microscopic

Root-transverse section of root shows, 2-4 layers of cork, secondary cortex representee by 4-12 layers of thick-walled, parenchymataous cells, some showing radial wall formation, tangentially elongated with sinuous walls, secondary phloem composed of thin-walled strands of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma, secondary xylem composed of vessels, tracheids parenchyma and xylem fibres, all elements lignified and thick-walled, in older roots, centre of wood more or less spongy and hollow in most cases, outer woody ring remaining strongly lignified, vessels show scalariform thickening and also simple and bordered pits, tracheids similar in thickening as the vessels, fibres have simple pits, mucilage present in secondary cortical cells, minute acicular crystals present in abundance in secondary cortex and phloem region, resin also present as dark brown mass in secondary cortex cells.

Stem-transverse section of stem shows single layered epidermis, externally covered with a thick striated cuticle present in young stem, in older epidermis remains intact but cells flattened and tangentially elongated, four ribs also consists of an epidermis and parenchymatous cortical cells, endodermis distinct, showing anticlinal or periclinal walls, followed by single layered pericycle consisting of thin walled cells, stem possesses an amphiphloic siphonostele, external phloem represented by usual elements,
cambium between external phloem and xylem composed of a thin strip of tangentially elongated cells, internal phloem similar in structure as that of external phloem excepting that sieve tube strand is more widely separated, xylem continuous and composed mostly of tracheids, a few xylem vessels present singly or rarely in groups of two while tracheids and fibres present in abundance, vessels and fibre tracheids have mostly simple and bordered pits and fibres with simple pits on the walls, medullary rays absent, central part of the stem occupied by a pith consisting of rounded and isodiametric cells with prominent intercellular spaces mucilage present in cortical cells, minute acicular crystals also present in abundance, cortical cells, in resin present as dark brown mass in some cortical cells along with oil droplets.

Leaf-transverse section of leaf shows very little differentiation of mesophyll tissues, epidermis single layered covered with a thick, striated cuticle, more strongly developed on the upper surface than the lower, stomata of anisocytic type, palisade tissue single layered, cells at places become wider and less elongated particularly in bigger veins, spongy messophyll represented by 4-7 layers of somewhat loosely arranged, tangentially elongated cells, some epidermal cells prominently arched outside at the margin, mucilage present in epidermal and mesophyll cell while minute acicular crystal also present in abundance in mesophyll cells, in leaf parenchymas oil droplets also present.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol soluble extractive Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6. (60 per cent)
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

Absence of tannin-On addition of Ferric Chloride to aqueous or alcoholic extract no blue black colour develops.

Assay -Contains not less than 1.3 per cent, of the bitter principle as determined by the following method:-
Mix 20 g in powder (No. 60 sieve) with boiling water containing 0.5 g of Calcium Corbonate and extract with boiling water till the last portion of the extract is devoid of bitterness, concentrate in vacuum and dissolve the residue in hot Alcohol. Filter while hot and wash the residue thrice on the filter with 10 ml portions of hot Alcohol, remove the alcohol from the filtrate and take up the residue repeatedly with 25, 15, 15, 15, and 15 ml of hot water. Shake the aqueous extract repeatedly with 25, 20, 15, 15 and 10 ml of Ethyl Acetate, collect the Ethyl Acetate extracts, evaporate, dry and weigh.

CONSTITUENTS – Xanthones, xanthone glycoside and mangiferine (Flavonoid).


Rasa : Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksa
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Jvaraghna, Kaphapittahara, Raktasodhaka, Vranasodhana, Saraka, Trsnapaha

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Sudarsana Curna, Chinnodbhavadi Kvatha Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sotha, Daha, Jvara, Krmiroga, Kandu, Kustha, Meha, Trsna, Vrana

DOSE – 1-3 g of the drug in powder form.
20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Krsnajiraka in Ayurveda Botanical Name Carum carvi Linn


Krsnajiraka consists of dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi Linn. (Fam. Umbelliferm), a biennial herb, 30-90 cm high, cultivated as a cold season crop in plains of India and as summer crop in hilly areas of Kashmir, Kumaon, Garhwal and Chamba.


Sanskrit : Asitajiraka
Assamese : Krisnjeera, Ka1ajira, Kaljira
Bengali : Kala jira
English : Black Caraway
Gujrati : Shahjirun
Hindi : Kalajira
Kannada : Kari jeerige, Shahajeerige
Kashmiri : Krihunzur
Malayalam : Karunjiraka, Karinjeerakam
Marathi : Shahira, Shahajira
Oriya : Kalajira
Punjabi : Zira Siyah, Kalajira
Tamil : Karamjiragam, Shimai shambu
Telugu : Nalla Jeelakarra
Urdu : Zira Siyah, Kala Zira


a) Macroscopic

Fruit, greenish-brown, slightly curved, elongated, mericarps, usually separate, free from the pedicel, carpophores, upto 7 mm long, 2 mm broad almost equally five sided, narrow, tapering to each end, arcuate, glabrous, brown with five very narrow, yellowish primary ridges’ endosperm, orthospermous, odour and taste, aromatic and characteristic.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of fruit shows pericarp with outer epidermis of polygonal tabular cells with a thick outer wall and striated cuticle, trichomes, absent, vittm four dorsal, intercostal and two commissural extending the length of each mericarp, with an epithelium of brown cells and volatile oil in the cavity, mesocarp parenchymatous without reticulate thickening, costm five in each mericarp with vascular strand consisting of an inner group of small vessels and fibres and arched, outer group of pitted sclerenchyma with a small group of phloem on each lateral surface, on the outer margin of each vascular strand a small schizogenous canal extending into both stylopod and pedicel, inner epidermis of thin -walled, subrectangular cells, elongated tangentially each about 8-12n wide and 40-100n long, arranged parallel with one another, endosperm of thick-walled, cellulosic parenchyma, containing much fixed oil and numerous small aleurone grains upto 10 n in diameter, each containing one or sometimes two micro-rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, carpophore, when present, passing at the apex to a raphe in each mericarp, and with a small strand of sclerenchyma, the sclereids of which continue into the stylopod.

Powder-Colour fawn to brown, epidermal cells of pericarp with striated cuticle, fragments of brown endothelium of vittm, parenchymatous cells of the mesocarp without reticulate thickening, rectangular, finely pitted sclereids of mesocarp, thickwalled polygonal parenchymatous cells of endosperm containing much fixed oil, numerous small aleurone grains containing micro-rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, trichomes, starch and parquetry layer absent, it contains no less than 2.5 per cent of volatile oil.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Volatile oil Not less than 3.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oils (carvone and carvacrol).


Rasa : Katu
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Sothahara, Caksusya, Dipana, Jvaraghna, Pacana, Rucya, Sangrahi

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Jirakadyarista, Jirakadi Modaka

THERAPEUTIC USES – Agnimandya, Adhmana, Krmiroga, Jirnajvara, Grahaniroga

DOSE – 1-3 g of the drug in powder form.

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Kulattha in Ayurveda Botanical Name Vigna unquiculata (Linn.) Walp.


Kulattha consists of dry seeds of Vigna unquiculata (Linn.) Walp. Syn. Dolichos biflorus Linn. (Fam Leguminosm); an annual branched, sub-erect or twining, downy or glabrescent; herb; cultivated all over India.


Sanskrit : Khalva, Vardhipatraka
Assamese : —
Bengali : Kulattha, Kalaya
English : Horse gram
Gujrati : Kalathi, Kulathi
Hindi : Kulathi, Kurathi
Kannada : Huruli, Hurali
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Mudiraa
Marathi : Kulitha
Oriya : —
Punjabi : Lodhar
Tamil : Kollu, Kaanam
Telugu : Ulavalu
Urdu : Kulthi


a) Macroscopic

Seeds, hard, surface smooth, ellipsoid, flattened, greyish to reddish brown, 4-6 mm long and 4 mm wide, micropyle prominent, taste, somewhat astringent.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of seed shows testa consisting of a single layer of columnar, thin-walled, parenchymatous, palisade like cells covered with a thin cuticle followed by single layer of rectangular to square bearer cells and 3-4 layers of thin-walled rectangular parenchymatous cells, more wide at micropyler region, cotyledon consisting of single layer of upper and lower epidermis covered with a thin cuticle, epidermal cells thin-walled, rectangular and parenchymatous followed by mesophyll, consisting of angular parenchymatous cells, filled with numerous simple starch grains and protein bodies also present.

Powder-Whitish in colour, under microscope shows broken pieces of testa, parenchymatous cells and starch


Foreign matter Not more than Nil per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – An enzyme (urease) and oil.


Rasa : Kasaya
Guna : Laghu, Sara
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Vidahi; Svedasangrahaka, Krmihara, Kaphavatahara.

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Saptasara Kvatha Curna, Dhanvantara Taila

THERAPEUTIC USES – Asmari, Nasartava

DOSE – 12 g of the drug in powder form for decoction.

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Kustha in Ayurveda Botanical Name Saussurea lappa CB. Clarke


Kustha consists of dried roots of Saussurea lappa C.B. Clarke (Fam. Compositm), a tall, robust, perennial herb with thick roots, found in Kashmir at an altitude of 2500-3600 m, roots collected in September-October.


Sanskrit : Amaya, Pakala
Assamese : Kud, Kur
Bengali : Kudo
English : —
Gujrati : —
Hindi : Kutha
Kannada : Changal Kustha
Kashmiri : Kuth
Malayalam : Kottam
Marathi : Upleta, Kustha
Oriya : Kudha
Punjabi : Kuth
Tamil : Goshtam, Kosbtham, Kottam
Telugu : Changalva Koshtu
Urdu : Qust


a) Macroscopic

Drug greyish to dull brown, thick, stout, fusiform to cylindrical, 7-15 cm long, 1.0-5.5 cm broad, thicker roots with collapsed centre, occasionally ridged, wrinkles longitudinal and anastomosed, rootlets rarely present, cut surface shows two regions, outer periderm ring thin, inner porous woody portion lighter in colour showing fine radial striations and often the central portion collapsed, fracture, short, horny, odour, strong, characteristically aromatic, taste, slightly bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of thin root shows thin periderm, followed by broad zone of phloem and still broader zone of xylem traversed by wide medullary rays, cork, 3-5 layered wide secondary cortical cells polygonal, mostly elongated, secondary phloem consists of mostly storage parenchyma, small groups of sieve tubes and companion cells and often phloem fibres, bast fibres thick-walled, lignified, upto 350 n in length, with many simple pits associated with fibre, tracheids and parenchyma, wood fibres smaller than bast fibres, with wider lumen and obtusely tapering ends, meduallary rays multi seriate and wider in phloem region, resin canals found throughout as large cavities, some roots possess a central cylinder of sclerenchyma, while others have parenchymatous centre with scattered xylem elements, in older roots, wood parenchyma collapses and takes a spongy appearance in the centre of root, inulin present in storage parenchyma. Powder-Deep brown or rusty, under microscope irregular bits of yellow, brown or orange-red fragments of resins and oils associated with thin-walled parenchymatous cells, broken bits of xylem vessels with scalariform, reticulate thickening and horizontal end walls.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oil, alkaloid (saussurine) and bitter resin.


Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Kaphavatajit, Raktasodhaka, Varnya, Sukrala

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Kttoamacukkadi Taila.

THERAPEUTIC USES – Svasa, Kasa, Kustha, Vatarakta, Visarpa

DOSE – 0.2-1.0 of the drug in powder form.

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Kutaja in Ayurveda Botanical Name Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roth) A.DC


Kutaja consists of dried stem bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roth) A. DC. (Fam. Apocynacem): a small to medium sized tree, found throughout India, drug collected from 8-12 years old tree during the middle of rainy season (July to September) and again at the end of winter season by hewing and peeling and separated from attached wood.


Sanskrit : Kalinga, Sakra, Vatsaka
Assamese : Dudhkuri
Bengali : Kurchi
English : Ester tree, Conessi bark
Gujrati : Kuda, Kadachhal, Kudo
Hindi : Kurchi, Kuraiya
Kannada : Kodasige, Halagattigida, Halagatti Mara
Kashmiri : Kogad
Malayalam : Kutakappala
Marathi : Pandhra Kuda
Oriya : Kurei, Keruan
Punjabi : Kurasukk, Kura
Tamil : Kudasapalai
Telugu : Kodisapala, Palakodisa
Urdu : Kurchi


a) Macroscopic

Small recurved pieces of varying sizes and thickness, outer surface buff to brownish longitudinally wrinkled and bearing horizontal lenticels, inner surface brownish, rough and scaly fracture short and granular, taste, acrid and bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of dried stem bark shows cork consisting of 4-12 rows of tangentially elongated cells, radial 15- 45 n tangential 30-60 n cork cambium consists of a row of thin walled tangentially elongated cells, secondary cortex usually wide, parenchymatous, interspersed with strands of stone cells, stone cell rectangular to oval, with numerous pits often containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, non-lignified pericyclic fibres upto 52 mm thick, present in bark, secondary phloem wide consisting of sieve-tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and stone cells, stone cells arranged in tangential rows in concentric manner associated with crystal sheath containing prisms of calcium oxalate, medullary rays mostly bi or triseriate rarely uniseriate becoming wide toward, outer part and consist of thin-walled, radially elongated, parenchymatous cells, medullary ray cells near stone cells become sclerosed.


Water-soluble extractive Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 18 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.


Assay- Kutaja contains not less than 2 per cent of total alkloids when assayed by the following method:weigh accurately about 5 g in powder (No. 85 seive) and moisten with 10 ml of an Alcohol-chloroform mixture (1 :3) containing 2 per cent of Ammonia solution for 15 minutes. Pack the mixture in a small glass percolator surrounded by a jacket of hot water kept at 50o. Macerate with more of the alkaline Alcohol-chloroform mixture for an hour and collect 25 ml of percolate in a receiver containing 1 g of Oxalic acid dissolved in 5 ml of alcohol. Stop the percolation add l0 ml of the alcoholchloroform mixture containing 1 per cent w/v of Sodium Hydroxide and macerate for fifteen minutes. Continue the percolation adding further quantities of the alcoholchloroform mixture until the alkaloids are completely extracted. Mix the percolate well and extract by shaking with five 20 ml portions of 2 N Hydrochloric acid. Combine the acid extracts and make alkaline with dilute Ammonia Solution. Extract with four 10 ml portions of Chloroform, add 1 ml of 0.5 N Sodium Hydroxide, and extract again with Chloroform. Wash each Chloroform extract with the same two 10 ml portions of water contained in different separators. Combine the Chloroform extracts, add 20 ml of O.IN Sulphuric Acid and shake well for 5 Minutes. Transfer the acid Liquid to a conical flask, wash the Chloroform extract with two 20 ml portions of water and add the washing to the acid liquid in the conical flask. Titrate the excess of acid with 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide using the mixed 3 indicator. Each ml of 0.1N Sulphuric Acid is equivalent to 0.01657g of total alkaloids of Kutaja.

CONSTITUENTS – Conessine and related alkaloids.


Rasa : Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Laghu, Ruksa
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Dipana, Sangrahi, Kaphapittasamaka

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Kutajarisa, Kutajavaleha, Kutajaghana Vati

THERAPEUTIC USES – Arsa, Atisara, Kustha, Pravahika, Trsna, Jvaratisara

DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Lavanga in Ayurveda Botanical Name Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr M.Perry.


Lavanga is the dried flower bud of Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr. & L.M. Perry Syn. Eugenia aromatica Kuntze, Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. (Fam. Myrtacem), a tree. cultivated in many parts of the. world and also to a considerable extent in South India: flower buds collected twice a year, In the months of October and February when they change colour from green to crimson, dried carefully and separated from their peduncles.


Sanskrit : Devapuspa
Assamese : Lavang, Lan, Long
Bengali : Lavang
English : Clove
Gujrati : Lavang, Laving
Hindi : Lavanga, Laung
Kannada : Lavanga
Kashmiri : Rung
Malayalam : Karampu, Karayarnpoovu, Grampu
Marathi : Lavang
Oriya : Labanga
Punjabi : Laung, Long
Tamil : Kirambu, Lavangam
Telugu : Lavangalu
Urdu : Qarnful, Laung


a) Macroscopic

Flower bud measuring 10-17.5 mm in length, dark brown or dusty red, consisting of a sub-cylindrical, slightly flattened, four sided hypanthium, readily exuding oil when pressed hypanthium containing in its upper portion a two celled inferior ovary with numerous ovules attached to a axile placenta, surmounted by four thick, divergent sepals and covered by unopened corolla consisting of four membranous imbricate petals, frequently detached, enclosing numerous incurved stamens and one erect-style, odour, strongly aromatic, taste, pungent, aromatic followed by slight tingling of the tongue.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of hypanthium shows epidermis and calyx teeth composed of straight walled cells, With thick cuticle having large anomocytic stomata, hypanthium tissue spongy, clusters of calcium oxalate crystals varying in size from 6-20 n in diameter, small number of stone cells and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in stalk, stamens, each with an oil gland in the apex of the connective, triangularly centricular pollen grains, 15-20 n in diameter anther walls showing a typical fibrous layer, schizolysigenous glands found in all parts of clove, occasional isolate pericyclic fibres present.

Power-Dark brown, fragments of parenchyma showing large oval, schizolysigenous oil cavities, spiral tracheids and a few rather thick-walled, spindle shaped fibres, calcium oxalate crystals in rosette aggregates, 10-15 n in diameter, fragments of anther walls with characteristic reticulated cells pollen grains numerous, tetrahedral, 15-20n. in diameter.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Volatile oil Not less than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oils (eugenalacetate and caryophyllene).


Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Tiksna
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Sulahara, Dipana, Kasahara, Kaphapittasamaka, Pacana, Rucya

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Lavangadi Vati, Lavangadi Curna

THERAPEUTIC USES – Amlapitta, Svasa, Chardi, Adhmana, Hikka, Kasa, Ksaya, Trsna

DOSE – 0.5-2.0 g of the drug in powder form.

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Eranda in Ayurveda Botanical Name Ricinus communis Linn


Eranda consists of dried, mature roots of Ricinus communis Linn. (Fam. Euphorbiaceae), a tall glabrous shrub or almost small tree 2-4 m high, found throughout India, mostly growing wild on waste land and also cultivated for its oil seeds.


Sanskrit : Gandharvahasta, Vatari, Pancangula, Citra, Urubu, Rubu
Assamese : Eda, Era
Bengali : Bherenda
English : Castor oil plant
Gujrati : Erandio, Erando
Hindi : Arand, Erand, Andi, Rend
Kannada : Haralu, Oudala gida
Kashmiri : Aran, Banangir
Malayalam : Avanakku
Marathi : Erand
Oriya : Jada, Gaba
Punjabi : Arind
Tamil : Amanakku
Telugu : Amudapu veru
Urdu : Bedanjir, Arand


a) Macroscopic

Root light in weight almost straight with few rootlets, outer surface dull yellowish brown, nearly smooth but marked with longitudinal wrinkles, some places whitish-yellow and soft, odourless, taste, acrid.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of root shows thin layer of cork of squarish to tangentially elongated, thin-walled cells, beneath cork, secondary cortex of thin-walled, tangentially elongated cells, narrow cortex of rounded to tangentially elongated thin-walled parenchymatous cells, some containing large oil globules, rosettes of calcium oxalate crystals and round simple or compound starch grains, phloem a broad zone, consisting of sieve tubes, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres, fibres long, mostly septate, highly thickened, having narrow lumen, some fibres surrounded by concentric rows of cells containing crystals of calcium oxalate, sieve tubes, thin-walled with companion cells and phloem parenchyma in the inner region of phloem more prominent , some phloem parenchyma cells contain crystals of calcium oxalate , cambium 3-5 layered, cells rectangular in shape, xylem occupies major part of root, pentarch, five groups of primary xylem distinct in the centre of the wood, xylem consists of vessels, parenchyma and fibres , vessels uniformly scattered throughout the xylem region, either solitary or in groups, larger in size towards phloem, with bordered pits , xylem parenchyma less ia number around vessels containing starch grains, xylem fibres long and thick-walled, medullary rays uni-to-biseriate, more or less straight, 4-5 seriate rays, sometimes found near protoxylem groups, ray cells, thin-walled, slightly radially elongated in phloem region, thick-walled in xylem region, all ray cells contain starch grains.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Alkaloid (ricinine).


Rasa : Madhura
Guna : Guru, Snigdha
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Vatahara, Vrsya, Amapacana

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Grandharvahastadi Kvatha Curna, Vatari Guggulu, Gandharvahasta taila

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sotha, Jvara, Udararoga, Amavata, Vastisula, Kaisula

DOSE – 20-30 g of the drug for decoction.

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Kankola in Ayurveda Botanical Name Piper cubeba Linn. f.


Kankola consists of mature, dried fruits of Piper cubeba Linn.f. (Fam. Piperacem), woody, climbing, perennial with dioeceous flowers in spike, cultivated to a small extent in India, specially in the Karnataka state, fruits collected when mature but still unripe and carefully dried.


Sanskrit : Kankolaka, Cinosana, Cinatiksna, Kakkola, Kankolika
Assamese : Kakkol, Kababcheni
Bengali : Kahabcbini, Sugandhamaricha
English : Cubebs, Tailed Pepper
Gujrati : Chanakabab, Chinikabab
Hindi : Seetalchini, Kababchini
Kannada : Gandhamenasu, Balamenasu
Kashmiri : Kushfal, Kababchini
Malayalam : Cheenamulaku, Takkolam, Valmulaku
Marathi : Kankol
Oriya : Kababchini
Punjabi : Kababchini, Sardchini
Tamil : Vaali milaku, Valmilagu
Telugu : Chalavamiriyalu, Tokamiriyalu
Urdu : Kababchini


a) Macroscopic

Fruit wrinkled, rounded, 5-7 mm in diameter, light brown to dark brown, about 7 mm long stalk attached, pericarp red to slightly brown, testa fused with pericarp, fruit hard and stony albumen white and oily, odour, aromatic end characteristic, taste, pungent and slightly bitter.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of fruit shows an outer layers of epidermis, externally covered with thick cuticle, a raw of 2-5 small, crushed, brown and thick-walled cells below, mesocarp composed of large, thin-walled parenchymatous cells, oil cells and vascular bundles, endocarp of multi-layered sclereids heavily lignified with narrow lumen, testa and tegmen composed of elongated cells tegmen cells hyaline and kernel cells greyish in colour.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 14 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Essential oil (cubebin).


Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Tiksna
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Dipana, Kaphavatahara, Pacana, Rucya, Vastisodhana, Mukhadaurgandhyahara

IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Dasamularisa, Kumaryasava

THERAPEUTIC USES – Sula, Aruci, Mutrakrcchra, Mukharoga

DOSE – 1-2 g of the drug in powder form.

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Dhataki in Ayurveda Botanical Name Woodfordia fruiticosa (Linn ) Kurz


Dhataki Dhataki consists of flowers of Woodfordia fruticosa (Linn.) Kurz. (Fam. Lythraceae) : much branched, semi deciduous, undershrub or shrub, 1-3 m high, rarely upto 3 m, found throughout India, ascending to 1500 m in Himalayas and also in the Gangetic plains , also cultivated in gardens.


Sanskrit : Bahupuspi, Tamrapuspi, Vahnijvala
Assamese : Dhaiphool
Bengali : Dhaiphul
English : Fire flame bush
Gujrati : Dhavadi, Dhavani
Hindi : Dhai, Dhava
Kannada : Dhataki, Tamrapushpi
Kashmiri : Kath
Malayalam : Tattiripuvu, Tatire
Marathi : Dhayati, Dhavati
Oriya : Dhaiphula, Dhatuki
Punjabi : Davi, Phul Dhava
Tamil : Kattati, Kattathi., Kattattipoo
Telugu : Aarl Puruvu
Urdu : —


a) Macroscopic

Flower, about 1.2 cm long, occurs as single or in bunches of 2-15, calyx 1.0-1.6 cm long, ridged and glabrous, bright red when fresh but fades on drying, with campanulate base and oblique apex having 6 triangular and acute teeth, each tooth being, 2-2.5 mm long, 6, very minute accessory sepals attached outside at the juncture of calyx tooth and deeper in colour, petals 6, attached inside the mouth of calyx-tube, shightly longer than calyx tooth, alternating with calyx-tooth pale rose or whitish, thin, papery, lanceolate, acuminate, stamens 12, united at the base, about 1.5-2 cm long, filament filiform, curved at the apex, keeping anthers inside calyx-tube , anthers dorsifixed brown, almost rounded or broadly ovate, carpels 2, united, ovary superior, style filiform, longe, than ovary and stamens, taste, astringent.

b) Microscopic

Transverse section of sepal shows, single layered cuticularised epidermis, provided with both glandular and covering trichomes ;glandular trichomes, multicellular, long, consisting of a stalk and a globose, thin-walled, multicellular head, covering trichomes, unicellular thick-walled broad at base and pointed at the apex, ground tissue consisting of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells surface view of petal shows thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, provided with very few sparsely distributed covering trichomes, transverse section of filament shows, epidermis consisting of single layered tangentially elongated cells, covered with a very thick-cuticle, ground tissue consisting of thin walled parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces, surrounding a central. vascular cylinder of spirally thickened vessels, transverse section of anther shows, single layered epidermis, covered with cuticle followed by several layers of thickened cells, surrounding both the pollen-sacs having numerous pollen grains, pollen grains roughly tetrahedral with three pores, measuring 12-16 n approximately , central region consisting of thin-walled cells emboding vascular bundles.


Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 28 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.

CONSTITUENTS – Tannin and glucoside.


Rasa : Katu, Kasaya
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Grahi, Visaghna, Garbhasthapana, Krminut, Sandhaniya.


THERAPEUTIC USES – Atisara, Raktapitta, Trsna, Vrana, Visarpa

DOSE – 3-6 g. of drug in powder form.

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