Khatmi seeds or Tukhm-e-khatmi, consist of dried seeds of Althma officinalis Linn. (Fam. Malvacem), a perennial, uniformly downy herb occurring in Kashmir region.
Sanskrit : Khatmi
Assamese : —
Bengali : —
English : Marsh Mallow
Gujrati : —
Hindi : Khatmi bija
Kannada : —
Kashmiri : —
Malayalam : —
Marathi : Khatmi
Oriya : —
Punjabi : —
Tamil : Khatmi
Telugu : Khatmi
Urdu : Bajrul Khitmi, Khatmee, Tukhma-e-Khatmee
a) Macroscopic
The seeds are small to moderate size, approximately 6 mm, usually brownishblack, reniform, rugose, hairy at margins; become mucilagenous when soaked in water.
b) Microscopic
T.S. shows testa – an outer multicellular layer comprising of outer most thick walled epidermis with multicellular, 2 to 6 armed stellate and some unicellular hairs, longest being near the micropyle; this is followed by 4 to 10 layers of parenchymatous cells several with rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, interrupted by schizogenous mucilage canals; the inner epidermis of testa is also thick walled. Tegmen two layered; outer tegmen – 4 to 6 cells deep, lignified 2 to 6 armed stellate hairs present also on it, this easily detached from the inner tegmen; inner tegmen – 4 to 6 cells deep, the outer being a row of palisade-like malphighian cells followed by a slightly thick walled, nonlignified two layered hypodermis of cells with their inner periclinal walls concave (i); 2 to 3 layered parenchymatous mesophyll; the inner epidermis is a layer of thin walled cells with rod like lignified thickening scattered on the anticlinal walls; endosperm cells filled with starch grains which are polygonal to rounded, 5 to 20 n m in size, hilum circular or showing a 2 to 5 rayed cleft, lamellm indistinct; ovule campylotropous; seeds of Althma rosea do not show the type of hairs present in A. officinalis, but have mostly unicellular hairs.
Powder – Powder brownish-black in colour, odourless, mucilaginous and sweetish in taste; shows elongated thick walled ridged malphighian cells; in surface view they are hexagonal showing wall thickenings; patches of parenchyma with mucilage and starch grains, polygonal to rounded, 5 to 20 n m, hilum circular, or with a 2 to 5 rayed cleft, lamellm indistinct; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and stellate hairs; a small amount of powder on microscopic slide turns maroon with 50 % H2SO4 and black with 1NNaOH in amylacetate. When treated with 1% ruthenium red, powder becomes pink in colour showing the presence of mucilage.
Foreign matter Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 10 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 18 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
T.L.C. of the methanolic extract on precoated silica gel ‘G’ plate (0.2 mm thick) using toluene : ethyl acetate : methanol (85 : 15 : 0.5) shows under UV (366 nm) blue fluorescent at Rf. 0.18, 0.33 and 0.67. On spraying with Anisaldehyde-Sulphuric acid and heating the plate for ten minutes at 120oC, spots appear at Rf. 0.10 (grey), 0.18 (grey), 0.32 (green), 0.37 (navy blue), 0.57 (greyish blue) and 0.67 (greyish blue).
CONSTITUENTS – Glucose, sucrose, galactose & mannose, linoleic acid; isobutylalcohol, limonene, phellandrene, γ- toluerldehyde, citral, terpeneol, β- sitosterol.
Rasa : Madhura
Guna : Guru, Picchila, Snigdha
Virya : Sita
Vipaka : Madhura
Karma : Mutrala, Pittahara, Vatahara, Vedanasthapana, Slesma Kala Snehakara, Slesma Saraka
THERAPEUTIC USES – Kasa, Mutrakrcchra, Pratisyaya, Mutradaha, Kantharoga.
DOSE – 3-6 g.