Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Polymer Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


AD 07


         CH 5400 – POLYMER CHEMISTRY

(Also equivalent to CHE 400/CH518)



Date & Time : 30-10-2006/9.00-12.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions                                               (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What are plastics? How are they classified?
  2. How is cross–linked polymer prepared from trifunctional monomers?
  3. What are the initiators used in free–radical polymerization?
  4. How does nitrobenzene inhibit the action of a growing polymer chain?
  5. Define living polymers.
  6. Give any two examples for each anionic and cationic surfactants.
  7. Write the advantages of suspension polymerization.
  8. Define block copolymer and graft copolymer.
  9. What are ‘antioxidants’ ? Give an example.
  10. Define virgin polymers.


Answer any EIGHT questions.                                   (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)

  1. Discuss the mechanism of cationic polymerization.
  2. The polymer obtained by bulk polymerization is highly pure. Why? Explain.
  3. Write short notes on interfacial condensation.
  4. Explain the geometrical isomerism in polymers.
  5. Differentiate random and chain–end polymer degradation.
  6. What are the raw materials used to prepare polyethylene? Explain LDPE and HDPE.
  7. Write a note on PMMA.
  8. Discuss the factors affecting the c–c bond stability in thermal degradation.
  9. Explain the different types of plastics.
  10. Define the following terms.

(a)  Fillers        (b)  plasticizers            (c) stabilizers

  1. Discuss the process of Die–casting.
  2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of extrusion moulding.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


23.(a) Explain the mechanism of photo–initiated polymerization.  Write the role of
initiators in redox–oxidation reaction.

(b) How does the chain transfer takes place in free–radical polymerization?  (5 + 5)

  1. Explain the bimetallic mechanism of Zieglar–Natta catalyst and its advantages.
  2. Discuss emulsion polymerization.
  3. (a) What is photodegradation? Explain the characteristics of photo stabilizers.

(b) Discuss the salient features of conducting polymers.                         (5 + 5)

  1. (a) How is PET prepared? Why does its melting point high?

(b) Explain the preparation of nylon 6,6 and bakelite.                             (5 + 5)

  1. What is FRP? Explain the different techniques used and mention their

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Physical Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download


AD 09


         CH 5500 – PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – II

(Also equivalent to CHE 508)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions.                                              (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Write the anodic reaction of SCE.
  2. Define concentration cell. Give an example for concentration cell without
  3. Derive the relation between emf and equilibrium constant.
  4. Calculate the ionic strength of 0.01 m MgCl2.
  5. Explain how the use of KCl minimises liquid junction potential.
  6. Differentiate order from molecularity.
  7. What is the role of a catalyst in a reversible reaction?
  8. “Adsorption if spontaneous must be exothermic”. Explain.
  9. Calculate the value of one Einstein for a radiation of wavelength 300 nm.

(Use SI units).

  1. The half life of a reaction is doubled on doubling the initial concentration.
    Deduce the order of the reaction and the units of rate constant.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                   (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)

  1. Explain an experimental method of determining the standard reduction potential
    of Zn electrode.
  2. Explain the construction and working of Weston saturated cell.
  3. Calculate the emf of the following cell Zn/Zn2+(0.05 m)½½Zn2+(0.005 m)½Zn.
  4. How will you determine the Ksp of Ag2CrO4?
  5. Explain the working of lead storage cell.
  6. Mention Debye–Huckel equation. How will you verify it experimentally?
  7. Derive an expression for the rate constant of a II order reaction with unequal
    concentrations ofHowH


  1. Explain the steps involved in thermal chain reactions with special reference to the
    dissociation of ethanal.  Indicate the rate expression for each step.
  2. At 378.5° C the half life period for a I order reaction is 363 min and Ea is
    52 kcal/mol.  Calculate the time required for the reactant to be 75% decomposed
    at 450° C(R = 2 cal K1 mol1).
  3. How is surface area of a solid determined using adsorption studies?
  4. Explain “Skrabal” plots.
  5. The decomposition of NH3(g) on a tungsten filament follows first order kinetics
    at low pressure and zero order kinetics at high pressure.  Explain.
  6. Explain “photosensitation” with two examples.







Answer any FOUR questions.                                                (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain any five types of electrodes. Derive expression for EMF of each of them.

25.(a) Explain the derivation of Nernst equation.

(b) Calculate the emf of Cu½Cu2+ (0.01 m) electrode at 25° C.

(Cu½Cu2+ : SRP = 0.34 V)

  1. Explain the following

(a)  Determination of Ka of a weak acid by conductometric method.

(b)  Conductometric titration of a mixture of HCl and CH3COOH  vs  Standard


  1. Explain how the kinetic parameters for a single substrate enzymatic reaction can
    be obtained.
  2. Explain the principle of “flash photolysis” with a block diagram.
  3. Mention the postulates of ARRT and explain how the expression for rate constant
    can be obtained from ARRT.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 01



(Also equivalent to CHE 500)



Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are the factors affecting the lattice energy?
  2. Which are readily soluble in water (a) CaCO3 (b) K2CO3. Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Why an anion is always bigger and a cation is always smaller in size than the parent atom?
  4. Give the Lewis structure of ammonia molecule.
  5. Explain why the density of ice is less than water?
  6. What are London forces? What is their origin?
  7. Arrange the following acids according to their increasing acid strength with suitable    explanation, HOCl, HClO3, HClO2, HClO4.
  8. How does HNO3 behave as a base in concentrated sulphuric acid? Give the chemical equation.
  9. How is hydrogen peroxide prepared?
  10. Give the reasons for the anomalous properties of oxygen from the rest of the elements.




Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. What is lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of NaCl using Born Haber’s
  2. Calculate the electronegativity of carbon (rC = 0.71 Ao) following Allred –Rochow method.
  3. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  4. Discuss the structure of (a) PCl5 (b) POF3 using hybridization theory.
  5. Write short notes on (i) p-type & n-type semiconductors
  6. What are clathrates? What are their characteristics?
  7. What are conjugate acid-base pairs? Give two examples.
  8. Explain the role alkali metal in liquid ammonia as solvent.
  9. Write a short note on nitrogen fixation.
  10. Compare the gradation properties of nitrogen group elements with respect to their oxidation    states, metallic character and electronegativity.
  11. Give the preparation, properties and uses of hydrazine
  12. How does O3 react with (a) lead sulphide  (b) potassium iodide









Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. (a) Discuss fajan’s rule with suitable examples.

(b) Explain the structure of the following compounds using VSEPRtheory

(a) ClF3   (b) ICl4

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for O2 Write the MO electronic    configuration and bond order for O2, O2+, O22+ O2-, O22-molecule
  2. How does band theory of metals explain the conducting properties of metals?
  3. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.
  4. How are oxides classified? Give examples
  5. (a) How are superphosphate and triple super phosphate prepared?

(b) Compare and contrast the properties of O3 and H2O2.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 General Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



AE 03



(Also equivalent to PB 4200)



Date & Time : 31-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




                                                            PART A


                        Answer all the questions                               (20 Marks)

  1. Choose the best answer (5 x 1 = 5)

1.Which one of the following is true for viruses?

(a) made up of proteins only.

(b) multiply only in host cells.

(c) occur only inside the bacteria.

(d) complex, cellular and microscopic entities.


  1. E.coli has _________________ DNA.

(a) circular double stranded                        (b) linear double stranded

(c) circular single stranded                         (d) linear single stranded.


  1. Little leaf of brinjal is a _________ disease.

(a) spiroplasmal                   (b) viral

(c) mycoplasmal                  (d) fungal.


  1. Microbes produce __________________ enzymes.

(a) extra-cellular                 (b) intra-cellular

(c) allosteric                        (d) both extra and intra cellular.

  1. The cell wall of fungi is made up of

(a) chitin     (b) pectin         (c) polysaccharide       (d) protein.


  1. State true or false (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Influenza virus is an example of enveloped helical virus.
  3. The reserve food material in fungi is glycogen.
  4. Transformation was discovered by Lederberg.
  5. The causal organism of citrus canker is Xanthomonas citri.

10.Gamma radiations can be used for food preservation.


III. Complete the following:                                                            (5 x 1 = 5)

11.The spores with flagella are called _______________________

12.Culture preservation by freeze- drying is called ____________________

13._________________ fragments are synthesized during discontinuous replication.

14.The primary host for Puccinia graminis is ___________________

15.The antibiotic discovered by Sir Alexander Flemming was ______________







  1. Answer the following questions each in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Define selective media.
  3. What is spermatization?
  4. Define Operon.
  5. Give the composition of Bordeaux mixture.
  6. What is pasteurization?




  1. Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words only. Draw necessary

diagrams                                                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Enumerate the general characteristics of Viruses.
  2. Briefly discuss about the microbial enzymes and their commercial applications.
  3. Identify and comment on the various phases of microbial growth curve.
  4. How bacteria are classified based on the nutritional requirements?

25.With the help of labelled diagrams, explain the different types of asexual reproduction

in fungi.

26.Explain in detail about bacterial conjugation.

27.Write about the pathogen , symptoms and control measures of Tobacco mosaic


28.Explain nitrogen cycle in detail mentioning the role of microorganisms.



  1. Answer the following questions each in about 1500 words. Draw necessary

diagrams.                                                                                     (2 x 20 = 40)

29.(a) Describe  in brief the range of thallus structure, vegetative, asexual and sexual

reproduction of microalgae.



(b) Write an essay on the internal and external feautures of a bacterial cell.


  1. (a) Explain the following:


(ii) Transformation.



(b) Explain the processes involved in wastewater treatment.





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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 General Chemistry For Physics & Maths Question Paper PDF Download




AD 05





Date & Time : 31-10-2006/9.00-12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



PART- A                                    (10×2=20)

Answer ALL the questions.

  1. What is mutarotation?
  2. What are essential and non essential amino acids? Give an example.
  3. What are chromophore? Give examples.
  4. Why is pyridine more basic than pyrrole?
  5. State the first law of themodynamics.
  6. Write a note on photosynthesis.
  7. What is a peptide – linkage? Give an example for a dipeptide.
  8. Distinguish between intensive and extensive properties.
  9. Define enthalphy of neutralisation.
  10. What are antipyritics? Give an example.

PART- B                                           (8×5=40)

Answer any EIGHT questions.

  1. Explain the formation of a & b anomers of glucose.
  2. Explain any one theory of colour and constitution of dyes.
  3. Explain the preparation and uses of sulphanilamide.
  4. What is nuclear fussion? Explain its importance.
  5. Write a short notes on calomel electrode.
  6. How are amino acids synthesised by Gabriel synthesis?
  7. How is malachite green prepared? Give its uses.
  8. Explain any one theory of hydrogen bonding.
  9. a) What is Bordeaux mixture?
  10. b) Draw the structure of BHC.
  11. Explain standard hydrogen electrode.
  12. Write a note on (a) Direct dyes

(b) Vat dyes

  1. Explain Kohlrausch’s law with an example.


PART- C                                         (4×10=40)

Answer any FOUR questions.

  1. Draw the Born – Haber cycle for sodium chloride and mention its terms. (10)
  2. a) What is lanthanide contraction? (4)
  3. b) Explain the ion exchange method for the separation of lanthanides. (6)
  4. Discuss the structure of proteins.           (10)
  5. Elucidate the structure of fructose.           (10)
  6. a) Explain the Haworth synthesis of anthracene. (5)
  7. b) How is pyrrole synthesised? How does it react with the con. nitric acid in acetic anhydride? (5)
  8. a) Explain the role of micronutrients. (5)
  9. b) How are the following prepared? (a) urea (b) Triple superphosphate. (5)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

                         LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 03





Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Write the Schrodinger wave equation and discuss the significance of wave function.
  2. What is inert pair effect? Explain with an example.
  3. Give the electronic configuration of manganese and its variable oxidation states.
  4. Which of the following element has higher ionization energy? Give reasons:
    (a) oxygen (b)
  5. What is galvanization? What is the role of standard electrode potential in this process?
  6. Arrange the following acids in the increasing acid strength with suitable explanation,
    HOCl,          HClO3,        HClO2,       HClO4.
  7. What are the differences between roasting and calcination?
  8. Write the Lewis dot formula for ammonia molecule and give the number of bonded and lone   pairs of electron.
  9. Mention the hybridization and geometry of PCl5
  10. Why the density of ice is lesser than that of water?




Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Explain a) Heisenberg uncertainity principle b) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
  2. Write short notes on a) froth floatation process b) Van-Arkel process in metallurgy.
  3. Explain the diagonal relationship in the periodic table with an example.
  4. What is lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of CaF2 using Born Haber’s
  5. Calculate the electronegativity of carbon (rC = 0.71 Ao) using Allred –Rochow method.
  6. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  7. Discuss the structure of (a) SF6 (b) COCl2 using hybridization theory.
  8. What is levelling effect? How does HNO3 behave as a base in concentrated sulphuric acid?    Give the chemical equation.
  9. What are clathrates? What are their characteristics?
  10. What are conjugate acid base pairs? Give an example.
  11. What is symbiosis? Give examples.
  12. What are the different types of forces in non-polar molecules?





Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. Describe the role of Ellingham diagram for the reduction of metal oxides

to metals in metallurgy.

  1. Explain the structure of the following compounds using VSEPRtheory

(i) SF4                      (ii) H2O               (iii) ClF3              (iv) ICl4

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for O2 Write the MO electronic    configuration and bond order for O2, O2+, O22+ O2-, O22-molecule
  2. Discuss fajan’s rule with suitable examples.
  3. How does band theory of metals explain the conducting properties of metals and n-type and p-   type semicondctors?
  4. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Chemistry For Biologists – Theory Question Paper PDF Download

                   LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 04



(Also equivalent to CHE 102)



Date & Time : 28-10-2006/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                                     (10 ×2 = 20 marks)

  1. Draw the structure of CsCl and label it.
  2. Write any four postulates of VSEPR theory.
  3. Write the IUPAC nomenclature for the following compounds
    a) [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3             b) K[Ag(CN)2]
  4. Define the following terms.
    a) Molality b) mole fraction.
  5. What is the principle of volumetric analysis?
  6. Write the rate of the following reaction
    2NO(g) + 2H2(g) à N2(g) + 2H2O(g)
  7. What is peptization?
  8. ‘p-nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.’ Why?
  9. Differentiate resolution and raecemization.
  10. How is nylon-66 prepared?



Answer any eight questions                                                (8 × 5 = 40 marks)

  1. Discuss the shape of PCl5 and BF3 based on VSEPR theory.
  2. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding with examples.
  3. Discuss the primary and secondary standards.
  4. Explain any two theories of acids and bases.
  5. Derive the rate expression for a second order reaction 2A à
  6. Explain the role of enzyme as catalyst in chemical and biochemical reactions.
  7. Discuss the optical and kinetic properties of colloids.
  8. Draw the resonance structure of the following
    a) nitrobenzene b) phenol.
  9. Explain any two methods of resolution of racemic mixtures.
  10. Write short notes on
    a) enantiomers b) chirality        c) meso compound             (2 + 1.5 + 1.5)
  11. Draw the structure of the monomers used to prepare the following polymers.
    a) polypropylene b) polyvinyl chloride   c) Teflon          d) buna-S
  12. Discuss the different types of polymers.



Answer any four questions                                                (4 × 10 = 40 marks)


  1. a) Describe the shape of IF7 using VSEPR theory.
    b) Discuss geometrical and optical isomerism in coordination compounds with an example for each. (4+6)
  2. a) Write a note on dipole-induced dipole interaction.
    b) Derive the Henderson equation of buffer solutions. (4+6)
  3. a) Discuss any two methods of determining order of the reaction.
    b) Define the terms homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst with one example for each. (6+4)
  4. a) Derive the half-life period of first order kinetics of a reaction.
    b) Discuss the applications of colloids. (5+5)
  5. a) Write the order of acidity of the following CH3COOH, CCl3COOH, CF3COOH b) Write the order of basicity of the following NH3, R-NH2, R2NH, R3
    c) Explain the optical activity of lactic acid. (2+2+6)
  6. a) Discuss the methods used to differentiate geometrical isomers.
    b) Explain the mechanism of chain growth polymerization. (5+5)

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Bioinformatics Question Paper PDF Download


AE 04


         PB 3202 – BIOINFORMATICS



Date & Time : 31-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Part A

Answer all the questions                                                                              (20 marks)


I      Choose the correct answer                                                                  (5 x1  = 5)


  1. Pubmed is a ________ database.

a)gene             b) sequence                  c) journal             d) disease.

  1. ________ is a protein structure visualization tool.
  2. a) rasmol b) genbank       c)  bioedit            d) NCBI
  3. PDB is a ________ database.
  4. a) sequence b) structure   c) pathway          d) journal.
  5. Pattern is a representation of ________.
  6. a) gene   b) structure             c) motif             d) genome
  7. Alpha helix is a protein________ structure.
  8. a) primary b) secondary                 c) tertiary           d) quarternary.



II State True or False                                                                                    (5 x 1  =5)


  1. X represents any aminoacid in a pattern.
  2. Blastp is used for searching protein sequences in databases.
  3. Beta sheet is a tertiary structure.
  4. Protein structure can be downloaded from Rasmol.
  5. Genscan is used for protein structure analysis..

III  Complete the following                                                                (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. ________ is the RNA which transfers the aminoacids.
  2. The double helical structure of DNA was proposed by ________.
  3. Swissprot is a protein________ database.
  4. Fasta format begins with a ________ symbol.
  5. ________ is the software for multiple sequence alignment..








IV Answer  the following, each in 50 words                                   .             (5 x  1 = 5)


  1. What is Accession number.
  2. What is Genetic codon.
  3. Explain : Restriction enzymes.
  4. What are Purines.
  5. Define : GC%.



Answer any Five of the following , each in about 350 words.                 (5 x 8 =40)


  1. Explain NCBI, DDBJ and EMBL.
  2. Discuss the applications of Bioinformatics.
  3. Explain Genscan and its applications. .
  4. Explain the double helical structure of DNA.
  5. Ezplain the secondary structure prediction tool .(sopma or nnpredict).
  6. Ezplain any 5 commands in Rasmol.
  7. Describe ORF finder in detail.
  8. Explain a software for nucleic acid sequence analysis.



Answer any Two of the following, each  in about 1500 words.               (2 x 20 = 40)

Draw diagrams / flowcharts wherever necessary.



29.a) Explain Genbank and its file format.


29..b) Explain BLAST,  its types and significance.


30.a) Explain about  protein synthesis in detail.


30.b) Explain any two protein sequence databases.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Bio Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

                          LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 08



(Also equivalent to CHE 401/CH 520)



Date & Time : 01-11-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                                     (10 ×2 = 20 marks)


  1. What are essential amino acids? Give any two examples.
  2. Define point mutation. Explain with respect to sickle cell anaemia.
  3. Mention the factors influencing enzyme action.
  4. What are waxes? Give example.
  5. Expand the terms EFA and PUFA. Give an example for each.
  6. Draw the pyranose structure of glucose and the furanose structure of fructose.
  7. ‘Glycogen highly branched whereas starch is not.’ Why?
  8. Explain the fork model for DNA replication.
  9. What are plasma proteins? Give example.
  10. Define the terms catabolism and anabolism.





Answer any eight questions                                                (8 × 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Give the structure and functions of the following organelles.
    a) centriole b) lysosome                 c) chloroplast.
  2. How are proteins sequenced from the N-terminal using Edmann’s reagent and C- terminal using enzymes?
  3. Define enzyme immobilization. Explain the various methods of enzyme immobilization.
  4. Give the advantage of solid-phase peptide synthesis. Explain how peptides are synthesized by solid phase method.
  5. What are coenzymes? Explain the mechanism of coenzyme action.
  6. Explain the biosynthesis of cholesterol.
  7. Define the following with suitable examples
    a) Hydrogenation of fats.
    b) auto-oxidation of fats
    c) saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  8. ‘Starch is edible whereas cellulose is not.’ Explain.
  9. Explain glycolysis.
  10. Differentiate between DNA and RNA.
  11. Explain the electron transport chain.
  12. How is blood coagulated?













Answer any four questions                                                (4 × 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the following
    a) Strecker’s synthesis of amino acids
    b) Phthalimide synthesis of amino acids
    c) Reaction of ninhydrin with amino acids
    d) ornithine cycle
  2. What are inhibitors? Explain competitive, non-competitive and allosteric inhibitions.
  3. a) How are fatty acids biosynthesized?
    b) How are triglycerides biosynthesized?
  4. a) Explain TCA cycle.
    b) Define mutarotation and explain with reference to glucose.
  5. How are proteins biosynthesized?
  6. Explain the following
    a) DNA replication.
    b) The base pairing in DNA
    c) DNA is the genetic material whereas RNA is not.

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Analytical Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

                         LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 02





Date & Time : 01-11-2006/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks






Answer all the questions                                                     (10 ×2 = 20 marks)


  1. What is a universal antidote?
  2. State how many significant figures are there for the following?
  3. a) 0.00200    b) 99.9   c) 9.023 d) 0.00149
  4. What is meant by test of purity?
  5. Give the factors affecting Rf value.
  6. Distinguish between end point and equivalence point.
  7. What is the significance of titration curve?
  8. Draw the structure of M2+-EDTA complex.
  9. What are precipitation titrations?
  10. Explain gravimetric factor.
  11. Define thermogram.




Answer any eight questions                                                (8 × 5 = 40 marks)


  1. How would you calibrate a burette?
  2. A student obtained the following results for the percentage of manganese in a mineral 30.48, 30.71, 30.07, and 30.62.
    Calculate the a) median b) average deviation
  3. Explain distillation under reduced pressure.
  4. Give the principle and applications of gas chromatography.
  5. Give the criteria for primary standard substances.
  6. Calculate the pH of the buffer mixture containing 5 g of CH3COOH and 7.5 g CH3COONa in 500mL solution. Dissociation constant of CH3COOH at 25 °C is 1.75 x 10-5.
  7. What are the characteristics of metal ion indicators?
  8. 20 mL of a NaOH solution containing 4g of NaOH per litre required for complete neutralization 22 mL of a solution of hydrochloric acid. Calculate the normality of HCl and amount in gram per litre.
  9. Describe the application of solubility product principle in qualitative analysis.
  10. Describe the method of locating the end point in the acid-base titrations.
  11. Mention the factors affecting a thermogram?
  12. Explain the mechanism of precipitate formation.







Answer any FOUR questions                                                 (4 × 10 = 40 marks)


  1. List out the rules to be followed in storage and handling of chemicals.
  2. Discuss the various components of TG with a block diagram.
  3. a) Derive the expression for the pH of a buffer solution.
  4. b) Calculate the pH of 100 ml of  05 M HCl and 100 ml of 0.02 M solution of HNO3 at 25°C.
  5. What is distillation under reduced pressure? Explain with suitable example.
  6. Replicate samples of a silicon alloy are analysed and determined to contain 95.61, 95.67, 95.71 and 95.60 % of Ag. Calculate the mean and standard deviation.
  7. What are Ion exchange resins? How are they used in the purification of water?


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Analytical Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


AD 10



(Also equivalent to CHE 509)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Part A

Answer all the questions.                                                                                      10×2=20

  1. Define chromophores with an example.
  2. Calculate the number of photons emitted in one second from a 100W red lamp, assuming that the photons emitted by the lamp have an average wavelength of 694 nm (1W = 1 Js-1)
  3. What is Von Weirman ratio?
  4. How many normal modes of vibrations possible for CO
  5. Calculate the molarity of a solution, which contains 6.00g of NaCl in 200 ml of the solution.
  6. What is meant by precision?
  7. Calculate the relative average deviation of following set of values in titration experiment 9.8, 10.6, 10.8 and 10.4 ml.
  8. Define the term absolute error.
  9. What are the factors affecting the solubility product?
  10. What are the various cleaning agents commonly used for cleaning glasswares?


Part B

Answer any eight questions.                                                                                  8×5=40


  1. What are the requirements of a primary standard?
  2. Explain quinonoid theory for phenolphthalein and methyl orange.
  3. A compound of molecular weight 100 has a molar absorptivity of 1.00×105 l mol-1 cm-1. How many grams of this compound should be present in exactly in 1 litre of the solution so that after a two hundred-fold solution, the resulting solution will have an absorbance of 0.5 in a 1 cm cell?
  4. A sample of pure NaCl (MW=58.44) weighing 0.2286g is dissolved in water and exactly 50ml of AgNO3 is added to precipitate AgCl. The excess Ag+ is backtitrated with 12.56ml of 0.0986N solution of KSCN. Calculate the normality of AgNO3
  5. What are the procedures employed to minimize the coprecipitation.




  1. What is S/N ratio? How is it improved?
  2. Explain the terms threshold vapor concentration and universal antidote.
  3. In two separate determinations, the concentration of iron in a given sample was found to be a) 20.17 ppm b) 19.80 ppm. Taking the accepted value as 20.00 ppm, calculate the absolute error, relative error as percent and as parts per thousand in the two determinations.
  4. What is Rf value? What are the factors affecting Rf value?
  5. In the precipitation reaction when 0.0500M AgNO3 is added to 25.00 ml of a solution that is 0.0150M NaCl, 0.0100M NaBr, calculate the concentration of silver ion.
  6. Explain the development of chromatogram in TLC. Give its applications.
  7. Write a note on normal error curve and explain its importance.


Part C

Answer any four questions.                                                                                 4x 10=40



  1. How is UV-Visible spectrum recorded by double beam spectrophotometer?
  2. What are the factors affecting emax and l Explain with examples.
  3. a) Derive Henderson equation for acidic buffer.
  4. b) How is Volhard method used for the determination of chloride? (5+5)
  5. a) Explain the principle of steam distillation.
  6. b) Describe with diagram how a substance can be purified by this method. (5+5)
  7. Explain the theory behind the separation of mixture by column chromatography. Mention its applications.
  8. In a set of measurements the following concentrations of Fe (ppt) was reported:

20.21, 20.41, 20.31, 20.11, 19.91, 20.01 and 19.81.Calculate a) average deviation

  1. b) standard deviation   c) relative standard deviation   d) coefficient of variation   e) range.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Synthetics Org.Chem. & Org. Spectroscopy Question Paper PDF Download



LM 20





Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00   Dept. No.                                           Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions.                                                                       (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. How H-bonding can affect the vibrational frequency of O-H group? Explain with suitable examples.
  2. What is noise decoupling? What is its importance?
  3. What types of magnetic nuclei are suitable to record NMR spectrum? Why?
  4. Define bathochromic and hyperchromic shift.
  5. What are the different types of mass spectrometric techniques?
  6. Define functional group interconversion (FGI) with example.
  7. Explain why 1,3-butadiyne (HCºC-CºCH) will not undergo Diels-Alder reaction with maleic anhydride?
  8. How many moles of BH3 are needed for the reduction of 9 moles of 1-butene?
  9. Predict the product for the following reaction


  1. What are synthons? Explain with examples.




Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                           (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)


  1. List the types of vibrations occurring in the following compounds and mention the regions.
  3. What is the effect of solvents on the n ® p* and p ® p* transitions? Why does it occur?
  4. Comment on the following.
  5. a) vicinal coupling b) long range coupling         c) hetero atom coupling
  6. Draw the schematic representation of 180° magnetic deflection mass spectrometer.
  7. Calculate the number of splitting for the following compounds. Mention the chemical shift positions of each type of protons.
  8. a) Ethyl methyl ketone b) ethylbutanoate




  1. Predict the absorption maxima for the following compounds


  1. Give the mechanism of chromate oxidation reaction of 1°, 2°, and 3° alcohols.
  2. Predict suitable alkyne and catalyst for the synthesis of the following alkenes.
  3. a) cis-2-pentene b) trans-2-butene
  4. Explain the use of protecting groups in an organic synthesis with example.
  5. Explain Swern oxidation with mechanism.
  6. Explain Birch reduction with suitable example.
  7. What is Diels-Alder reaction and explain the reactivity of diene and dienophile substituted with electron withdrawing and donating groups?



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                            (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


23     a) What are the factors that affect fundamental vibrational frequencies? Explain.

  1. b) Predict the proton nmr spectrum for the following compounds


24     a) What are lanthanide shift reagents? Give examples.

  1. b) Calculate the molecular formula from the following mass spectral data.

m/e         15        29        42        43        45        60        61        62

Relative  21        16        12        100      94        58        1.4       0.26

  1. a) Calculate the absorption maximum for the following compound. Predict its IR spectral pattern also.
  2. b) From the following spectral data identify the compound and give reasons (molecular formula is C6H10O2). (See Annexure)
  3. Discuss the retrosynthetic analysis of the following compound and suggest suitable starting materials.
  4. a) b)




  1. How will you synthesize the following compounds starting from ethyl acetoacetate?
  2. a) CH3CH=CHCOOH b) CH3COCH2COCH3               c) 4-methyl uracil
  3. Predict the product and identify the name of the following reactions.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Polymer Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



WS 22






Date & Time: 30/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00         Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



PART-A                                               (10×2=20)

Answer all questions.

  1. What are co-polymers? Give examples.
  2. Write any two uses of the following.
  3. a) Nylon     b) polyester
  4. Draw the structure of isotactic polypropylene.
  5. Define critical micellar concentration.
  6. What is virgin polymer?
  7. Give the structure of Teflon and mention its monomer and use.
  8. Differentiate organic and inorganic polymers.
  9. Compare bulk and solution polymerization.
  10. What is nitrile polymer?
  11. What are elastomers?


Answer any eight questions.                                                                      (8X5=40)

  1. Write short note on:
  2. Addition polymerization
  3. Condensation polymerization
  4. Describe the process and reactions involved in vulcanization.
  5. What are Photostabilizers? Explain their characteristics with example.
  6. How are the following polymers and their monomers prepared?
  7. i) Polyethylene        ii)  Buna-s
  8. Explain the mechanism of alkali catalyzed polycondensation of phenol and

formaldehyde. Mention the uses of this polymer.

  1. What is polymer degradation? Explain the different types of polymer degradation.
  2. Write the preparation and uses of the following:
  3. i) PET             ii) HDPE
  4. Differentiate thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
  5. Define cohesive energy and account for high cohesive energy of polyamide.
  6. Explain the types of stereo regular polymer.
  7. Write a note on ‘gas phase polymerization’.
  8. What is compounding? Explain its importance.





Answer any four questions.

  1. a) Explain the mechanism of free-radical polymerization with an example. (5)

b)Give an account of cationic polymerization.                                                  (5)

  1. Discuss the different steps involved in emulsion polymerization. (10)
  2. Write a note on fibre reinforced plastics. (10)


  1. Write a note on:
  2. Injection moulding
  3. Blow moulding. (5+5)
  4. What is Zeiglar-natta catalyst? Explain its advantages with mechanism. (10)
  5. a) Explain the role of primary and secondary bond forces in polymers.         (6)
  6. b) Give preparation, properties and uses of the following:
  7. i) PVC ii) PUF                                                                   (2+2)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Physical Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 13






Date & Time: 27/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions.                                              (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. What is primary reference electrode? What is its SRP ?
  2. Define chemical cell. Give an example.
  3. Draw the graph of pH vs  volume of alkali added for a potentiometric acid–base  titration.
  4. Calculate the ionic strength of 0.02M Na2SO4.
  5. Define transport number.
  6. What is a pseudo–order reaction? Give one example.
  7. What is the effect of ionic strength on the rate constant of the reaction

S2O82 + 2I  ®   2SO42 + I2?


  1. Mention the order and molecularity for a reaction proceeding through SN2
  2. Define quantum yield of a photochemical reaction.
  3. What is an adsorption isobar?



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                   (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain an experimental method of determining the standard reduction potential
    of Cu electrode.


  1. Derive the relation between emf and (i) Equilibrium constant  (ii)  DS
  2. Calculate the emf of the following cell Cd½Cd2+(0.01 m)½½Cd2+ (0.001 m)½Cd
  3. How will you determine the Ksp of AgI.
  4. Explain Arrhenius theory of electrolyte dissociation. Give evidences in favour of it.


  1. Define equivalent conductance. Explain its variation with respect to
    concentration for  (i)  CH3COOH  (ii)  HCl


  1. The rate constant of a second order reaction of the type A + B ® products is
    given by the expression  log10k  =   + 12.

The time is in minutes while the concentration of each is 0.008 M.  Calculate
the energy of activation and the half life at 10° C (Use R = 2 cal K–1 mol–1).


  1. Write briefly on the kinetics of parallel reactions with one example.
  2. Differentiate physisorption from chemisorption.
  3. How is order of a reaction determined experimentally using “half life” method?


  1. Compare collision theory of bimolecular reactions with ARRT.
  2. Derive Langumir adsorption isotherm equation.
  3. Explain chemiluminescence with two examples.




Answer any FOUR questions.                                                (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


  1. (a) Derive Nernst equation.

(b) Calculate the emf of hydrogen electrode at pH = 2.


  1. (a) Explain the determination of pH using quinhydrone electrode.

(b) How will you prove electrochemically that mercurous ion exists as .


  1. (a) Explain Debye theory of activity coefficient.

(b) Calculate the mean activity of 0.05 m Al2(SO4)3.


  1. Explain the kinetics of unimolecular reactions.


28  Derive Michaelis – Menton equation for a single substrate enzymatic reaction
and explain.


  1. Explain the mechanism of bimolecular surface reactions with one example for


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Natural Products Question Paper PDF Download



LM 21






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer ALL questions.                                                                                              (10×2=20)

  1. What happens when naphthalene is treated with ozone?
  2. How will you synthesise phenanthrene from benzil?
  3. Write any one example for ring expansion reaction of pyrrole.
  4. How does thiophene react with mandelic anhydride?
  5. What are alkaloids? How are they classified?
  6. How are terpenoids isolated?
  7. Write any four properties of nicotine.
  8. What is isoprene rule?
  9. Write the basic structure of flavone and flavonol.
  10. What are natural pigments? Give an example.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                                                  (8×5=40)

  1. Explain the Hawarth synthesis of naphthalene.
  2. What happens when the following reagents are treated with pyrrole?

(a) SO2Cl2/ether  (b) K2CO3/heat   (c) CHCl3/aq.KOH  (d) C6H5N2Cl   (e) SO3/pyridine

  1. Write a note on Hofmann’s exhaustive methylation method of degradation of alkaloids.
  2. Explain the synthesis of piperic acid from catechol.
  3. What are terpenoids? How are they classified on the basis of the number of isoprene units?
  4. Write short notes on isolation of essential oils from plants?
  5. How is camphor synthesized from camphoric acid?
  6. Give the different products obtained on the oxidative degradation of α-pinene.
  7. Explain the synthesis of menthol.
  8. Explain the biological importance of anthocyanines.
  9. Write a note on carcinogenic hydrocarbons.
  10. Elucidate the structure of caffeine.


Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                                   (4×10=40)

  1. a) Explain the orbital structure of naphthalene. (5)
  2. b) Draw the flow chart of isolation of anthracene. Explain. (5)
  3. Discuss the constitution and importance of nicotine.
  4. Elucidate the structure of camphor.
  5. Explain the structure and synthesis of cyanidine chloride.
  6. Discuss the structure of quercetin.
  7. Elucidate the structure of uric acid.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Organic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download





LM 05





Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00        Dept. No.                                                Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions                                   (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Classify the following groups into +I and –I groups: i) CH3 ii) NH2 iii) NO2 iv) Cl
  2. Give the differences between mesomeric effect and inductive effect.
  3. Define torsional strain and torsional energy.
  4. Give the eclipsed and staggered conformations of n-butane.
  5. Give the IUPAC names and the structures of the products formed by the reaction of 1-pentyne with one mole of HBr and a peroxide.
  6. What is Markownikoff rule? Explain with an example.
  7. Why is acetylene acidic?
  8. What is Diels-Alder addition reaction?
  9. Differentiate between enantiomers and diastereomers.
  10. Assign R & S notation to the following compounds:



Answer any Eight questions                                                        (8 x 5 = 20)


  1. Distinguish between a) absolute and relative configuration b) meso and racemic forms
  2. Draw the Fischer-projection formulae for all the possible stereoisomers of 2,3-dichlorobutane and specify as R or S configurations to the asymmetric carbon.
  3. How is 1,3-butadien prepared? Give the reactions of 1,3-butadiene with a) maleic anhydride     b) HBr.
  4. Explain the mechanism of halogenation of alkane.
  5. How will you prepare the following compounds from acetylene:
  6. a) acetaldehyde              b) ethyne         c) vinyl chloride
  7. Write short notes on i)Wurtz synthesis ii) Corey House synthesis.
  8. How will you prepare the following:
  9.             i)  n-propanol from propene    (ii) Glycol from ethylene.


  1. Explain the mechanism of markownikoff and antimarkownikoff addition of propene.
  2. Write short notes on a)hydroboration reaction b) addition polymerization reaction
  3. Explain the mode of hybridization of carbon in methane, ethylene and acetylene.
  4. Explain cis and trans addition with an example.
  5. Write down the structural formulae of the olefin from which the following products are obtained on ozonolysis:
  6.                     a) cyclopentanone and acetone   b) ethylmethyl ketone and propanaldehyde




Answer any FOUR questions                                                (4 X 10 = 40)


  1. a) Explain why aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic amines.

b)Explain the various factors affecting the stability of primary, secondary,                                                     tertiary and methyl carbonium ions

  1. Explain the rate of halogenation of alkanes and the factors affecting the rate of the reaction.
  2. Explain the 1,4- and 1,2- addition reactions of butadiene in detail.
  3. Give the mechanism of the following reactions: a) dehydration of alcohols b) dehydrohalogenation c) peroxide effect d) alkylation of alkene.
  4. Bromination of an organic compound(A) of formula C6H12 yields C6H12Br2. On reduction of the compound gives 2-methylpentane. On oxidation it yields a mixture of acetic acid and isobutyric acids. Assign the structural formula to the organic compound. Express the above reaction by chemical equation and give the IUPAC names of A and other products.
  5. a) Discuss the conformational analysis of 1,2-dichloroethane with potential energy diagram. b) Give the E or Z notation to the following compounds:





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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Molecular Dynamics Question Paper PDF Download


LM 17







Date & Time : 16.04.2007/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                      Max. : 100 Marks





Part A

Answer ALL questions.                                                                        (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

  1. Define (i) particle (ii) wave
  2. Bring out the difference between photoelectric effect and Zeemann effect.
  3. Determine the Eigen value for “Ae-ax for the operator (d/dx2)”.
  4. What is the condition for φ1 and φ2 to be orthogonal functions in the interval [a,b]
  5. Explain the difference between thermodynamic probability and mathematical probability?
  6. Explain phosphorescence in terms of spin multiplicity
  7. Define quantum yield of a photochemical reaction.
  8. Define steady state approximation. What is its advantage?
  9. What is residual entropy? Give an example.
  10. Calculate the number of ways of distributing 4 fermions among 8 energy levels.



Part B

Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                            (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)



  1. Explain the energy distribution in black body
  2. An electromagnetic radiation of wave length 200Å is incident on a metal surface of threshold frequency 6.53×1014 Hz .Calculate the velocity of the electrons emitted.
  3. Calculate the wave length of the lowest energy of the Balmer
  4. Calculate the ground state energy of a π-electron in 1, 3-butadiene. (The C=C & C-C bond distances are 1.33 and 1.54 Å, respectively).
  5. Explain the concept of separation of partition
  6. Derive an expression for the translational partition function.
  7. Draw Jablonski diagram and indicate the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence. Discuss also their difference with regard to transition (pathways), duration, and change in spin multiplicity.
  8. Mention the various factors affecting fluorescence and phosphorescence and discuss any two factors in detail giving one example each.
  9. Discuss the principle and working of Uranyl Oxalate Actinometer.
  10. Discuss the differences in the kinetics of the two photochemical reactions of H2 with Cl2 and H2 with Br2.
  11. Write Sackur-Tetrode equation and define the terms involved. Also explain how the translational entropy of a gas varies with (a) temperature (b) pressure (3+2)
  12. (a) Differentiate fermions and bosons statistically.

(b) Calculate the molar residual entropy of a crystal in which the molecules can adopt

24 orientations of equal energy at 0K.                                                                 (3+2)




Part C

              Answer any FOUR questions.                                                            (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Discuss, with a suitable diagram, the different types of lines produced in the emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen.
  2. Derive an expression for the energy of a particle in a one dimensional box on the basis of quantum mechanics.
  3. Derive an expression for the most probable distribution on the basis of classical statistics.
  4. Discuss the mechanism and kinetics of the photochemical reaction between H2 and Br2.
  5. Mention the different types of quenching and derive Stern-Volmer equation for bimolecular quenching.                                                                                                             (3+7)
  6. Mention any four relaxation techniques and derive an expression for relaxation time for a reaction involving equilibrium A = B (both I order) using temperature-jump method. (2+8)


* * * * *



  1. Planck’s constant = 6.625 x 10-34 Js
  2. Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1
  3. Velocity of light = 3 x 108 ms-1
  4. Avogadro number = 6.023 x 1023
  5. Rydberg constant = 1.097 x 107 m-1

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Organic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 11






Date & Time: 21/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions.                                                                                  (10 ´ 2 = 20)

  1. ‘cyclopropane is more reactive than cyclohexane’.  Explain.
  2. How will you prepare a vicinal dihalide from an alkene?
  3. Why are lower member of alcohols soluble in water but not the higher members?
  4. Ka of CH3COOH, ClCH2COOH, Cl2CHCOOH and CCl3COOH are 1.75 ´10-5,
    136 ´10-5, 5530 ´10-5 and 23,200 ´10-5 respectively. Provide a suitable explanation.
  5. What is the stereochemistry of the products obtained on the addition of bromine on

maleic acid?

  1. How will you synthesise ethylbenzene from acetophenone?
  2. How will you distinguish between benzaldehyde and acetophenone?
  3. Arrange the following series of compounds in order of increasing acid strength. Give reasons for the order you select.

Benzoic acid, p-ethylbenzoic acid, p-nitrobenzoic acid, o-,p-dinitrobenzoic acid.

  1. What is Kolbe reaction?
  2. Write any one example for diazo coupling reaction.



Answer any eight questions.                                                                           (8 ´ 5 = 40)

  1. Write the mechanism for the following reaction

CH3-CH2-CH=CH2   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

  1. How will you prepare 4-methyl pentanoic acid using diethyl malonate?
  2. Explain Baeyer’s strain theory of cycloalkanes.
  3. a) Write the mechanism for the action hydroiodic acid on ethyl methyl ether? (3)
  4. b) What is the action of ethyl iodide on sodium phenoxide? (2)
  5. Complete the following reactions.
  6. a) Acrylic acid     +     HBr        ¾¾®
  7. b) Neopentane     +      Cl2
  8. c)   Bromoethane   +      C6H6
  9. d) Propanol
  10. e) 2 – bromobutane
  11. How would you distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols by Victor-Meyer’s method?
  12. Give the mechanism of Friedal-Craft’s acylation of benzene.
  13. Write a note on: (a) Cannizaro reaction (b) Perkin reaction
  14. Write any three synthetic applications of acetoacetic ester.
  15. What happens when benzamide is treated with bromine in KOH solution? Explain the mechanism.
  16. Write a note on: Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
  17. Give the product and write the mechanism.





Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                       (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. a) Explain the mechanism of the following reaction and discuss the

stereochemistry of the product formed.                                                           (6)

CH3Br    +    KOH      ¾®     CH3OH   +   KBr

  1. b) Discuss the effect of polarity of the solvent on the rate of SN1 and SN2 reactions.           (4)
  2. a) Explain the stability of various conformations of cyclohexane with a potential

energy diagram.                                                                                                  (6)

  1. b) Explain the factors affecting the stability of conformations.                           (4)
  2. a) How will you prepare the following alcohols using a Grignard reagent? (6)

(i) n-butyl alcohol    (ii) tert-butyl alcohol      (iii) sec-butylalcohol

  1. b) How will you distinguish CH3OH and C2H5OH using a simple chemical test.(4)
  2. a) Discuss the molecular orbital structure of Benzene. (5)
  3. b) Write a note  on: Benzoin condensation                                                           (5)
  4. a) How will you synthesise sulphanilamide from aniline? Give its importance.  (5)
  5. b)  How will you synthesise m-nitrophenol from nitrobenzene?                          (5)
  6. a). How will you convert phenol into:

(i)  benzene  (ii) anisole   (iii) 2,4,6-tribromophenol.                                 (2+2+2)

  1. b) What is Claisen rearrangement? Explain the p-migration mechanism of
    2,6-dimethyl allyl phenyl ether.                                                                    (4)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Microbial Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 39





Date & Time: 25/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00              Dept. No.                                                         Max. : 100 Marks





Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions


I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Technique of attachment of cells or protoplasts or enzymes to a matrix is known as
  2. entrapment                                      b. immobilization
  3. impregnation d. covalent bonding
  4. Which of the following process is very important for the development of

characteristic flavor and aroma of wine?

  1. Brewing                   b. Malting        c. Ageing                     d. Mashing
  2. Most of the Vitamin B12 fermentation processes use ______ as the carbon source.
  3. glucose b. sucrose        c. trehalose                  d. starch
  4. Industrial production of enzyme is mostly carried out by ______ fermentation.
  5. Submerged b. solid surface            c. liquid surface           d. both b and c
  6. Entirely decomposed organic material refers to _______
  7. fertilizer b. manure                    c. compost                   d. humus


II State whether the following statements are True or False                   (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms are called as biofertilizers.
  2. Yoghurt is a product of fermented milk.
  3. Inhibitory relationships between microorganisms are called amensalism.
  4. Maximum amount of citric acid is produced in Airlift or Stirred bioreactor.
  5. Xanthan is an exopolysaccharide.



III. Complete the following                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. ______involves transfer of genes between unrelated strains which are producers of

known substrates.

  1. _______ refers to the microbial cells or total protein extracted from pure microbial

cell culture.

  1. ______ results in change in a chemical molecule by means of microbial or

enzymatic reaction.

  1. In food industry, Glutamic acid is used in the form of __________
  2. ______ is a technique of seed-dressing with bacteria as water suspension







  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. What are Mycobeads?
  2. Mention any two substrates used for oyster mushroom cultivation.
  3. What is Algalization?
  4. What is vinegar?
  5. Mention any one microbe which produces polyhydroxyalkanoates.


PART B                       ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. Explain the various substrates used for industrial fermentation.
  2. Explain the fermentation process of beer production.
  3. Write notes on the production of insulin
  4. Write in brief for the production of Vitamin B12
  5. Mention any two microorganisms that are involved in the production of protease

enzyme, glutamic acid, acetic acid and citric acid.

  1. Briefly explain the technology of citric acid production.
  2. Write down the procedure of transformation of steroids.
  3. Enumerate the significances of Xanthan, Bioplastics and Biosensor.

PART C                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


29a. i) With an example, explain how microbes play an important role in the production

of  dairy products.


ii). With the flow chart explain the methodology of mushroom cultivation. Write

down the procedure for  commercial preparation of mushroom.



  1. Give the outline of the entire fermentation process. Add a note on product recovery

processes (Down Stream processing)


30a. Write an essay on Biofertilizers.


  1. i) Explain the microbial technology of α – amylase production.


  1. ii) Explain the working principle of modern device to quantify the

biomolecules in   our system. Add a note on its significance in other fields.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Inorganic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 12





Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00         Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions.                                                                           (10 ´ 2 = 20)

  1. Write the exceptional electronic configuration of any four d-block elements.
  1. Calculate the EAN and give the stability of the following complex.
  1. i) [Pt Cl 6 ] 2-    ii) [Pd (NH3) 6 ] 4+
  2. Write a note on hydrate isomerism with example.
  3. Give the important oxidation states of lanthanides. How would you

account for them?

  1. Calculate the CFSE for octahedral high and low spin d4 and d6– configurations.
  2. How is radius of nucleus calculated?
  3. What is meant by carbon dating?
  4. What are isotopes and isotones? Give an example to each.
  5. What are differences between amorphous and crystalline solids?
  6. Show that 1a.m.u. = 1.66´10-27 Kg = 931.5 MeV



Answer any EIGHT questions                                                                         (8 ´ 5 = 40)

  1. Draw the structures and write the names of all possible isomers of.
  2. i) [Co (NH 3) 5 (NO2)] 2+        ii) [Cr (SCN) (NH 3) 5] Cl 2
  3. a) Explain the colours in the compounds of the following.
  4. i) Mn 2+ ii) Cr 3+ iii) Zn 2+                                                                     (2)
  5. b) What are chelates? Give its any one application.                                             (3)
  6. a) Write a note on Roasting and Calcinations processes. Give their chemical

equations.                                                                                                           (2)

  1. b) How is nickel purified by Mond’s process? (3)
  2. Discuss the term “dressing” of the ore? Describe any one method carried out for the concentration of the ore.



  1. a) Define the term oxidation and reduction in terms of oxidation number.
  2. b) Explain the oxidizing and reducing properties of Fe2+ and Fe3+
  3. Explain the Ellingham diagram for the metal oxides for different elements.

17.How are mesons classified? Why are mesons needed inside the nucleus?

  1. Actual mass of 127 I nucleus was found to be 126.941 a.m.u. Calculate the binding

energy of this nucleus and predict whether the nucleus is stable or not.

  1. Write a note on Geiger- Muller counter.
  2. Derive Bragg’s equation for X- ray crystallography.
  3. Discuss the structure of CsCl and calculate the number of atoms per unit cell.
  4. Draw the (100), (110), (111), and (200) planes in a cubic cell.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                     (4×10=40)


  1. a) Discuss the crystal field splitting in square planar complex. (5)
  2. b) Find out hybridization and the value of µ expected for following complex. (5)
  3. i) [Fe (CN) 6]3- ii) [Pt Cl 6]2-
  4. a) Explain the optical isomerism in coordination compounds with coordination

number 6.  Discuss any three types.                                                                     (5)

  1. b) Describe the any one structure and hybridization of Co2 (CO) 8. Do

these compounds obey EAN rule.

  1. a) What is lanthanide contraction? Give its causes and consequences? (7)
  2. b) Discuss the catalytic properties of transition elements                                (3)
  • a) Using band theory, explain the various types of semiconductors. (7)
  1. b) Write a note on lattice energy. (3)
  2. Discuss the following nuclear processes.
  3. a) b+ Emission
  4. b) Electron capture
  5. c) g – Emission
  6. Explain the working of a conventional nuclear reactor. What is breeder reactor?


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