Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. (Pre.) A.O. Exam-2017 Held on 22-10-2017 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. (Pre.) A.O. Exam-2017 Held on 22-10-2017
Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. (Pre.) A.O. Exam-2017 Held on 22-10-2017 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. (Pre.) A.O. Exam-2017 Held on 22-10-2017


Directions- (Q. 1) Read the following information and answer the question which follows :

  ‘The upcoming Marathon seems to be an impossible task for me. I can only run 5 km at a stretch. Even if I double that I would still not reach half way through the Marathon’ Rohan.

1. Which of the following statements can be inferred from Rohan’s statement?

(A) Any runner who can complete the Marathon can definitely finish first five kilometers of the Marathon faster than Rohan

(B) If Rohan runs four times his capacity, he would finish the marathon

(C) Had the specified time for Marathon been one hour, Rohan would have completed it in two hours’ time

(D) The specified distance of the upcoming Marathon is definitely more than 20 km

(E) If Rohan runs 5 more kilometers, he will reach exactly half way through the Marathon’s specified distance

Answer: (D)

Directions- (Q. 2-4) Read the following information and answer the given questions.

  Q is the brother of P. K is the mother of P. Q is married to C. C is the daughter-in-law of L. P is the mother of N. N is the sister of V.

2. How is K related to C?

(A) Sister

(B) Daughter-in-law

(C) Mother

(D) Daughter

(E) Mother-in-law

Answer: (E)

3. How is L related to N?

(A) Grandfather

(B) Uncle

(C) Grandson

(D) Son

(E) Son-in-law

Answer: (A)

4. If N has only one brother as sibling, how is V related to Q?

(A) Father

(B) Nephew

(C) Uncle

(D) Son

(E) Brother

Answer: (B)

Directions-(Q. 5-9) In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions.

(A) if only conclusion I is true

(B) if only conclusion II is true

(C) if either conclusion I or II is true

(D) if none of the conclusions is true

(E) if both conclusions are true

5. Statements : T > R > A > C < K; N < E < C > S > D

Conclusions: I. S > A

II. K < E

Answer: (D)

6. Statements : S = L ≤ U = M; Z ≥ R > C = M

Conclusions : I. Z. S

II. S = Z

Answer: (A)

7. Statements : T > R > A > C < K; N < E < C > S > D

Conclusions : I. D < T

II. N < R

Answer: (E)

8. Statements : Y ≤ E < L = O ≥ W; S ≥ P > L ≥ I ≤ T

Conclusions : I. E < P

II. I > E

Answer: (A)

9. Statements : Y ≤ E < L = O ≥ W; S ≥ P > L ≥ I ≤ T

Conclusions : I Y ≤ T

II. S > W

Answer: (B)

Directions- (Q. 10-14) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

In a certain code language,

‘plot for all persons’ is written as ‘fn bo dl sw’

‘find the hidden plot’ is written as ‘dl et ga nu’

‘try and find out’ is written as ‘ga yc mp zh’

‘for the lock out’ is written as ‘nu mp fn rv’

(All codes are two-letter codes only)

10. If ‘try the key’ is coded as ‘nu ka yc’ in the given code language, then how will ‘key and lock’ be coded as?

(A) ka bo zh

(B) zh ga ka

(C) Other than those given as options

(D) bo rv ga

(E) rv zh ka

Answer: (E)

11. In the given code language, what does the code ‘sw’ stand for?

(A) Either ‘for’ or ‘find’

(B) either ‘persons’ or ‘all’

(C) hidden

(D) for

(E) plot

Answer: (B)

12. Which of the following may represent the code for ‘find friends’ in the given code language?

(A) bo ga

(B) ga cl

(C) fn ga

(D) et bo

(E) cl et

Answer: (B)

13. What is the code for ‘for hidden plot’ in the given code language?

(A) ef fn dl

(B) fn dl bo

(C) ga bo fn

(D) mp rv et

(E) dl et ga

Answer: (A)

14. What is the code for ‘out’ in the given code language?

(A) fn

(B) mp

(C) rv

(D) nu

(E) Other than those given as options

Answer: (B)

Directions- (Q. 15-19) In this question, two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

(A) If only conclusions I is true

(B) If only conclusion II is true

(C) If both conclusions are true

(D) If none of the conclusion is true

(E) If either conclusion I or II is true

15. Statements: Some clouds are gates. No gate is a flip-flop. All flip-flops are memories.


(I) No cloud is a flip-flop.

(II) All memories can never be gates.

Answer: (B)

16. Statements : All crackers are parcels, Some parcels are gifts. No gift is a box.

Conclusions :

(I) No cracker is a gift.

(II) Some parcels are definitely not boxes.

Answer: (B)

17. Statements : Some chips are diodes. All diodes are transistors.

Conclusions :

(I) Some chips are definitely not diodes.

(II) Atleast some transistors are chips.

Answer: (B)

18. Statements : All crackers are parcels. Some parcels are gifs. No gift is a box.

Conclusions :

(I) All gifts being parcels is a possibility.

(II) Some boxes are crackers.

Answer: (A)

19. Statements : Some clouds are gates. No gate is flip-flop. All flip-flops are memories.

Conclusions :

(I) No gate is a memory.

(II) Atleast some gates are memory.

Answer: (E)

Directions- (Q. 20-24) Study the following information and answer the given question.

  Seven people, namely, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V like seven different cities namely, Agra, Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Patna, Chandigarh and Kolkata. Each of them works in either of the three departments of a company viz. Production, HR and IT with at least two of them in a department.

(Note : None of the information given is necessarily in the same order).

  R works in HR department with the one who likes Mumbai S works with the one who likes Patna. S does not work with R. P. works with only the one who likes Delhi. P neither likes Patna nor works in Production Department. The one who likes Agra works with the one who likes Jaipur. Neither R nor Q likes Jaipur, Q works with only T. U likes Chandigarh. U does not work in IT department.

20. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

(A) V-Kolkata

(B) P-Patna

(C) Q-Jaipur

(D) S-Chandigarh

(E) T-Agra

Answer: (B)

21. Who amongst the following likes Kolkata?

(A) R

(B) P

(C) T

(D) S

(E) Q

Answer: (D)

22. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?

(A) None of the given statements is true

(B) R likes Agra city

(C) U works in the same department in which S works

(D) V works with only the one who likes Chandigarh

(E) Both Q and T work in Production Department

Answer: (C)

23. Which of the following combination represent the combination of people working in IT department?

(A) S, P and the one who likes Kolkata

(B) P and V

(C) R, the one who likes Mumbai

(D) The one who likes Agra and T

(E) T, the one who likes Patna and Agra

Answer: (D)

24. Which of the following combinations represents the department in which V works and the city he likes?

(A) IT-Delhi

(B) IT-Kolkata

(C) Production-Kolkata

(D) Production-Patna

(E) HR-Patna

Answer: (D)

Directions-(Q. 25) Read the following information and answer the given question.

25. The number of workers joining trade union in Company B has decreased tremendously in the past few years. Which of the following cannot be a reason for the decreased number of workers joining these unions?

(A) The wages and other benefits offered in Company B are better than the received by workers in other companies

(B) Social events and activities for the welfare of society are organized by the employers of company B regularly

(C) The employers in Company B ensure that the grievences of workers are received well in time

(D) The Management of Company B considers the view of workers in all decisions related to their welfare

(E) The intervention of Government in regulation of trade unions has decreased in recent times

Answer: (E)

Directions- (Q. 26-30) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

  Seven people – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the top most floor is numbered seven. Each one of them likes a different watch-Casio, Citizen, Fossil, Seiko, Tissot, Omega and Fastrack, but not necessarily in the same order.

  U lives on floor number 4. Only two people live between U and the one who likes Citizen. Only three people live between the one who likes Citizen and the one who likes Fastrack. S live on one of the even numbered floors above the one who likes Fastrack. Only one person lives between S and the one who lies Seiko. V lives one of the odd numbered floors below the one who likes Seiko. Only one persons lives between V and the one who likes Fossil. P lives either immediately above or immediately below the one who likes Fossil. T lives immediately above P. Only one person lives between Q and the one who likes Casio. The one who likes Tissot lives on one of the floors above the one who likes Omega.

26. Who lives immediately below S?

(A) T

(B) Q

(C) U

(D) The one who likes Omega

(E) The one who likes Tissot

Answer: (B)

27. How many people live above the one who likes Seiko?

(A) More than three

(B) Two

(C) None

(D) Three

(E) One

Answer: (D)

28. Which of the following watches does T like?

(A) Omega

(B) Fastrack

(C) Fossil

(D) Tissot

(E) Casio

Answer: (C)

29. On which of the following floor numbers does Q live?

(A) 7

(B) 5

(C) 3

(D) 2

(E) 6

Answer: (B)

30. How many people live between the one who likes fastrack and the one who likes Casio?

(A) None

(B) One

(C) More than three

(D) Two

(E) Three

Answer: (B)

Directions- (Q. 31-35) Study the following information carefully and answer the question.

  When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

(All the numbers are two-digit numbers)

Input : turn 12 84 mist hike 45 vast 26 site gate 72 56

Step I : gate turn 12 mist hike 45 vast 26 site 72 56 84

Step II : 72 gate turn 12 mist 45 vast 26 site 56 84 hike

Step III : mist 72 gate turn 12 45 vast 26 site 84 hike 56

Step IV : 45 mist 72 gate turn 12 vast 26 84 hike 56 site

Step V : turn 45 mist 72 gate 12 vast 84 hike 56 site 26

Step VI : 12 turn 45 mist 72 gate 84 hike 56 site 26 vast

Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.

As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input : 15 role air 96 63 born with 77 like 39 some 52.

31. How many elements are there between ‘with’ and ‘born’ in step IV?

(A) None

(B) One

(C) Two

(D) Three

(E) Five

Answer: (D)

32. In which of the following steps is ’15 some 52’ found consecutively in the same order?

(A) Step IV

(B) Step VI

(C) Step II

(D) Step I

(E) Step III

Answer: (B)

33. Which of the second element to the left of the ninth elements from the left in the second step?

(A) 39

(B) like

(C) with

(D) role

(E) air

Answer: (B)

34. In step I, ‘some’ is related to ‘77’ following a certain pattern. Following the same pattern, in step V, ‘role’ is related to ‘96’. In step IV, to which of the following is ‘born’ related to ?

(A) with

(B) 63

(C) like

(D) 39

(E) role

Answer: (D)

35. In Step II, which element appears exactly between ‘77’ and ‘15’?

(A) Only ‘role’

(B) Both ‘born’ and ‘52’

(C) Only ‘air’

(D) Only ‘some’

(E) Both ‘like’ and ‘39’

Answer: (C)

Oriental Insurance Co. Specialist Officer Finance Examination Held on 30-5-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

Oriental Insurance Co. Specialist Officer Finance Examination Held on 30-5-2015 Reasoning
Oriental Insurance Co. Specialist Officer Finance Examination Held on 30-5-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

Oriental Insurance Co. Specialist Officer Finance Examination Held on 30-5-2015


1. Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

Even though country X has developed a new vaccine called Stagerine for the treatment of an earlier incurable disease, the Health Ministry of Country X has recently ordered to discontinue its usage until further refinements. Which of t he following strengthens the order given by the Health Ministry of country X?

(A)  Country has also started developing same medicine for the same disease

(B)  ‘Cyamine’, the mixture of chemicals which is crucial for the development which is crucial for the development of Stagerine is available only with the scientists of Country B

(C)  The vaccine Stagerine though highly effective for the targeted disease has some long term side effects like skin infection, lever enlargements, swelling of bones etc.

(D)  Each vaccine costs around $ 69 which is not affordable by many citizens of the country

(E)  The vaccine is made from the pollen of some flower which is available only in the forests in some remote locations of the country

Answer: (C)

2. E is the son of A. D is the son of B. E is married to C. C is B’s daughter. How is D related to E?

(A)  Father-in-law

(B)  Cannot be determined

(C)  Uncle

(D)  Brother-in-law

(E)  Daughter

Answer: (D)

3. If all the vowels in the word ‘GUIDANCE’ are rearranged in the alphabetical order from left to right, followed by the consonants in the alphabetical order from left to right, the position of which of the following five alphabets given below will remain unchanged?

(A)  N

(B)  I

(C)  G

(D)  D

(E)  A

Answer: (C)

4. Statements : Some villages are cities. All cities are oceans. No ocean is a town.

Conclusions :

I. All cities being villages is a possibility.

II. No two is a village.

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (E)

5. Statements : Some stones are rocks. No rock is a hill. All hills are mountains.

Conclusions :

I. Some stones are mountains.

II. All mountains are rocks.

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (C)

6. Statements : Some villages are cities. All cities are oceans. No ocean is a town.

Conclusions :

I. Atleast some oceans are villages.

II. No city is a town.

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (A)

Directions-(Q. 7 to 11) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question-

   A, B, C, D, P, Q,  R and S are sitting around a circular table with equal distances between each other (but not necessarily in the same order). Some of them face outside and some of them face the centre.

    Note : Facing the same direction means if one faces the centre then the other also the centre and vice versa. Facing the opposite directions means if one faces the centre then the other faces outside and vice-versa. Immediate-neighbours face the same direction means if one neighbour faces the centre then the other neighbour also faces the centre and vice-versa.

    Immediate neighbour face the opposite directions means if one neighbour faces the centre then the other neihbour faces outside and vice-versa.

   P sits to the immediate right C. Only three people sit between P and A. R sits third to t he left of A. Neither A nor S is an immediate neighbour of B. D sits to the immediate left of B. The immediate neighbours of A face the same directions. The immediate neighbours of B face opposite directions. S sits second to the right of P. The immediate neighbours of C face the same directions. S faces outside.

7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way in the given seating arrangement and so four a group. Find the odd one that does not belong to that group.

(A)  P

(B)  Q

(C)  D

(D)  B

(E)  A

Answer: (E)

8. What is the position of D with respect to S ?

(A)  Second the right

(B)  Third to the right

(C)  Third to the left

(D)  Immediate right

(E)  Fourth to the left

Answer: (B)

9. Who sits third to the right of Q?

(A)  P

(B)  B

(C)  A

(D)  Other than those given as options

(E)  R

Answer: (B)

10. How many people in the given arrangement face the centre ?

(A)  More than four

(B)  Three

(C)  One

(D)  Two

(E)  Four

Answer: (B)

11. Who sits exactly between B and the one who sits to the immediate left of R, when counted from the right of B?

(A)  D

(B)  A

(C)  P

(D)  R

(E)  O

Answer: (D)

Directions- (Q. 12 to 16) Study the following information and answer the question.

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E F and G will be participating in seven different activities for annual college festival namely, Dancing, Singing, Painting Acting, Baking, Running and Miming (not necessarily in the same order, for Monday to Sunday of the same week).

    F will participate on Wednesday. Only one person will participate between F and the one who will participated in Acting. The one participating in painting will participate immediately before the one participating in Acting. C will participate immediately before E. Neither C nor E will participate in Acting. Only two people will participate between C and the one who will participate in Miming. The one who will participate in Baking will participate after C (May or may not be immediately after). B will participate immediately after the one who will participate in Running. Only two  people will participate before A. B will not participate in Singing.

12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?

(A)  E-Saturday

(B)  G-Monday

(C)  F-Tuesday

(D)  A-Wednesday

(E)  D-Thursday

Answer: (B)

13. Which of the following pairs represents those who will participate immediately before and immediately after F?

(A)  Other than those given as options

(B)  A, C

(C)  B, D

(D)  G, B

(E)  G, C

Answer: (A)

14. As per the given arrangement, B is related to painting and D is related to Baking in a certain way. To which of the following is A related in the same way ?

(A)  Running

(B)  Dancing

(C)  Other than those given as options

(D)  Acting

(E)  Miming

Answer: (C)

15. On which of the following days will G participate ?

(A)  Monday

(B)  Saturday

(C)  Friday

(D)  Tuesday

(E)  Thursday

Answer: (A)

16. In which of the following activities will D participate ?

(A)  Other than those given as options

(B)  Painting

(C)  Singing

(D)  Running

(E)  Acting

Answer: (E)

Directions- (Q. 17 to 20) Study the information and answer the given question-

     In a certain code language,

‘shared his valuable experiences’ is written as ‘sa ro li me’

‘valuable contribution of teacher’ is written as ‘dy sa ha kt’.

‘experiences are his teacher’ is written as ‘li ps me dy’

‘shared contribution of success’ is written ‘ha ro kt cn’

(All t he codes are two letter codes only.)

17. What does the code ‘dy stand for in the given code language ?

(A)  either ‘are’ of ‘of’

(B)  either ‘his’ or ‘experience’

(C)  teacher

(D)  are

(E)  shared

Answer: (C)

18. What is the code for ‘contribution’ as per the given code language ?

(A)  either ‘ha’ or ‘kt’

(B)  ‘sa’

(C)  ‘dy’

(D)  ‘ro’

(E)  either ‘li’ or ‘ro’

Answer: (A)

19. What does the code ‘sa’ stand for in the given code language ?

(A)  teacher

(B)  shared

(C)  either ‘are’ or ‘his’

(D)  valuable

(E)  are

Answer: (D)

20. Which of the following possibly means ‘his working experiences’ as per the given code language ?

(A)  me dy ro

(B)  li kj me

(C)  kj me dy

(D)  me cn li

(E)  cn li kj

Answer: (B)

21. Starting from point P, Kishore walks 10 metres towards South. He takes a left turn and walks for 30 metres. He then takes a right turn and walks for 20 metres. Again turning to his right, he walks for 30 metres are reaches a point Q. How far and in which direction is this point Q from point P?

(A)  30 metres towards North

(B)  20 metres towards South

(C)  20 metrs towards North

(D)  30 metres towards South

(E)  other than those given as options

Answer: (D)

22. In this question is a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the suggested course of action logically follows for pursuing.

Statement : Railways of country Buroon is facing losses due to reduction in fare by various airlines in the country.

Course o f action :

I. Railways of country Buroon should improve the quality of rail journey with respect to facilities.

II. Number of schemes offering concessional fares should be restricted for airlines of country Buroon.

(A)  Either course of action I or II follows

(B)  Only course of action II follows

(C)  Neither course of action I nor II follows

(D)  Only course of action I follows

(E)  Both courses of action I and II follows

Answer: (D)

Directions – (Q. 22-27) In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the question. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer-

23. Statements :

P ≤ U = R ≥ T; R < A; P ≥ M

Conclusions : I. M ≤ T

II. T < A

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (D)

24. Statements :

P U = R ≥ T; R < A; P ≥ M

Conclusions : I. A > P


(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (C)

25. Statements :

A ≥ B = C S; Q ≥ C > R

Conclusions : I. Q ≥ B

II. S > R

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (A)

26. Statements :

A ≥ B = C S; Q ≥ C > R

Conclusions : I. R < A

II. Q ≥ S

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (C)

27. Statements :

K < I H > D ≥ R; Z ≤ N

Conclusions : I. Z K

II. Z > R

(A)  Both conclusion I and II follows

(B)  Either conclusion I or II follows

(C)  Only conclusion I follows

(D)  Only conclusion II follows

(E)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: (E)

28. This question consists of a statement and two inferences numbered I and II given below it. An inference is something which is not directly stated but can be inferred from the given fats. You have to decide which of the given inferences logically follows from the given statement and select the appropriate answer.

Give answer :

(A)  If only II inference is inferred.

(B)  If either I or II inference is inferred.

(C)  If neither I nor II inference is inferred.

(D)  If both I and II inferences are inferred.

(E)  None of the above

Answer: (B)

Statement : It has been observed in schools that many students engage in bullying those who are either younger to them or vulnerable despite being punished repeatedly. However, research suggests that, bullying behaviour reduces in students who are sent for counseling as compared to those who are only punished for the same.

I. No student who is sent for counseling engages in bullying behaviour.

II. Counselling is more effective in modifying behaviour of students as compared to punishment.

29. It is possible to make only one meaningful word with sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth letters of the word ‘DOCUMENTARY’, which would be the third letter of that word from left end ? If more than such words can be formed, give ‘X’ as the answer. If no such words can be formed, give Z as your answer-

(A)  X

(B)  R

(C)  Z

(D)  A

(E)  T

Answer: (A)

30. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘PLATFORMS’ each of which as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions), as they have between them in the English alphabetical series ?

(A)  Three

(B)  None

(C)  One

(D)  Two

(E)  More than three

Answer: (D)

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