IBPS Bank Pos/MTs (Pre.) Examination Held on 14-7-2017
Quantitative Aptitude
Directions- (Q. 1 to 5) When a number arrangement machine is given an input line of numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule.
The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. All the numbers are two digit numbers :
Input : 81 63 79 42 15 24 86 37 96 19
Step I : 15 19 81 63 79 42 24 86 37 96
Step II : 96 86 15 19 81 63 79 42 24 37
Step III: 24 37 96 86 15 19 81 63 79 42
Step IV: 81 79 24 37 96 86 15 19 63 42
Step V: 42 63 81 79 24 37 96 86 15 19
Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended output of arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input : 26 69 13 82 55 21 71 34 93 47
1. Which is the fourth element to the left of the seventh element from the left end in Step III of the given arrangement?
(A) 93
(B) 82
(C) 13
(D) 26
(E) 55
2. What will be the resultant if the fifth element from right end in Step V is subtracted from the second element from left end in Step II as per the given arrangement?
(A) 59
(B) 79
(C) 56
(D) 48
(E) 67
3. In which of the following steps ’26 69 55’ found consecutively in the same order as the given arrangement?
(A) Only II
(B) Both I and II
(C) Both II and III
(D) There is no such step
(E) Only III
4. As per the given arrangement, in Step I ‘21’ is related to ‘69’ in a certain pattern. Following the same pattern, ‘26’ is related to ‘93’ in Step IV. To which of the following is ‘47’ related to following the same pattern in Step V?
(A) 71
(B) 21
(C) 34
(D) 69
(E) 55
5. How many elements appear to the right of ‘26’ in Step IV of the given arrangement?
(A) Six
(B) None
(C) Two
(D) Five
(E) Seven
Directions- (Q. 6 to 8) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions-
D is the father of only F and E. D has only one son. E is married to G. G is the son-in-law of M. H is the only son of G. K and J are the children of E. L is married to K.
6. How is M related to J?
(A) Aunt
(B) Grandmother
(C) Mother
(D) Niece
(E) Granddaughter
7. How is H related to L?
(A) Brother
(B) Brother-in-law
(C) Son-in-law
(D) Nephew
(E) Uncle
8. How is F related to K?
(A) Grandfather
(B) Either ‘brother’ or ‘sister’
(C) Aunt
(D) Either ‘nephew’ or ‘niece’
(E) Uncle
Directions- (Q. 9 and 10)In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Either conclusion I or II follows
(C) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(D) Only conclusion II follows
(E) Both conclusion I and II follows
9. Statements:
B ≤ O = L ≤ D; P ≥ C ≥ A = L
Conclusions: I. P = B II. B < P
10. Statements:
P ≥ O ≤ L < E; S ≤ O ≥ A = K
Conclusions: I. E < S II. K ≤ P
Directions-(Q. 11 to 15) Read the given information to answer the given questions-
Eight people viz., A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the table while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides, but not necessarily in the same order. The ones sitting in the middle of the sides are facing the centre and the ones sitting at the corners of the table are facing outside (i.e., opposite to the centre).
A sits in the middle of one of the sides. C is an immediate neighbour of A. E sits second to the left of C. Only three people sit between E and G. Only two people sit between G and D (either from left or right). D is not an immediate neighbour of C. B sits second to the right of D. F sits second to the right of B.
11. How many people sit between C and H when counted from the left of H?
(A) None
(B) Two
(C) One
(D) More than three
(E) Three
12. Which of the given statements is not true as per the given arrangement?
(A) G sits at one of the corners of the table
(B) All the given statements are true
(C) Only three people sit between F and D
(D) B and F face the centre
(E) E sits second to the right of F
13. Which of the following pairs represent the people sitting between H and F, when counted from the left of F?
(A) G, B
(B) C, G
(C) C, E
(D) A, D
(E) B, D
14. As per the given arrangement, four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
(A) C
(B) D
(C) H
(D) G
(E) E
15. Who sits third to the left of B?
(A) G
(B) A
(C) E
(D) H
(E) C
Directions – (Q. 16 to 20) Read the given information to answer the given questions.
Eight people viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a straight line facing north with equal distance between each other. Each of them teaches a different subject viz. Chemistry, History, Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology, Geography and Social Science.
(Note : None of the given information in necessarily in the same order.)
P sits third from the left end of the line. Only one person sits between P and the one who teaches English. Only three people sit between the one who teaches English and R. As many people sit to the right of R as to the left of the one who teaches Social Science. Only three people sit between the one who teaches Social Science and W. No one sits between W and the one who teaches History. As many people sit to the left of the one who teaches History as to the right to T. Only One person sits between T and V. The one who teaches Mathematics sits to the immediate right of the one who teaches Physics. The one who teaches Mathematics is an immediate neighbour of V. Only one person sits between Q and the one who teaches Mathematics. More than four people sit between Q and the one who teaches Chemistry. U sits to the immediate left of S. U does not teach Geography.
16. How many people sit to the right of U?
(A) More than three
(B) None
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) One
17. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
(A) Q-Physics
(B) T-English
(C) S-Chemistry
(D) W-History
(E) P-Biology
18. Which of the following is true about the one who teaches Geography as per the given arrangement?
(A) The one who teaches Geography sits second to the left of P
(B) Only one person sits between T and the one who teaches Geography
(C) V sits to the immediate left of the one who teaches Geography
(D) None of the given statements is true
(E) Less than two people sit between the one who teaches Geography and English
19. What is the position of the one who teaches Chemistry with respect to V?
(A) Immediate right
(B) Fourth to the right
(C) Third to the right
(D) Third to the left
(E) Fourth to the left
20. Who sits third to the left of S?
(A) T
(B) The one who teaches Mathematics
(C) P
(D) The one who teaches Biology
(E) The one who teaches Social Science
Directions- (Q. 21 to 25) Study the given information to answer the given questions-
In a certain code language,
‘with all caring friends’ is written as ‘bs up ck lq’
‘all the time dancing’ is written as ‘av tn lq og’
‘friends daning and singing’ is written as ‘tn dz up ry’
‘caring and loving people’ is written as ‘dz xn bs eh’
(Note: All the codes are two letter codes only)
21. How many ‘all singing song’ be coded as in the given code language?
(A) ry sf lq
(B) ry bs up
(C) av lq ry
(D) sf tn ry
(E) ry lq eh
22. What is the code for ‘time’ in the given code language?
(A) Either ‘lq’ or ‘tn’
(B) up
(C) tn
(D) Either ‘av’ or ‘og’
(E) Either ‘xn’ or ‘lq’
23. If ‘people dancing together’ is coded as ‘tn gi xn’, then how will ‘loving friends together’ be coded as in the given code language?
(A) av dz up
(B) eh gi dz
(C) gi up lq
(D) eh dz up
(E) gi up eh
24. What does the code ‘ck’ stand for in the given code language?
(A) friends
(B) all
(C) caring
(D) singing
(E) with
25. What does ‘bs dz’ stand for in the given code language?
(A) and caring
(B) and with
(C) caring with
(D) with the
(E) and the
Directions- (Q. 26 to 30) Read the given information to answer the given questions-
Seven people viz., T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z studies in three branches of an engineering college viz. Aeronautical, Chemical and Electrical. Each of them also likes a different sport viz. Hockey, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Boxing, Archery and Wrestling. Atleast two people study in each branch.
(Note: None of the given information is necessarily in the same order)
T studies in Aeronautical with only the one who likes Archery. The one who likes Wrestling studies with the one who likes Hockey. U studies with W and the one who likes Cricket. Neither U nor W like either Wrestling or Hockey. Z studies with the one who likes Boxing. Neither T nor U like Boxing. Y studies with V. V neither studies Electrical engineering nor likes Wrestling. T does not like Volleyball.
26. Who amongst the following studies Chemical Engineering?
(A) Y
(B) U
(C) The one who likes Volleyball
(D) W
(E) The one who likes Cricket
27. Which of the following is true as per the given arrangement?
(1) Y likes Cricket.
(2) X studies Aeronautical Engineering.
(3) The one who likes Boxing studies Electrical Engineering.
(A) Only 3
(B) Only 1
(C) Both 1 and2
(D) Only 2
(E) Both 2 and 3
28. Which sport does X likes?
(A) Wrestling
(B) Archery
(C) Boxing
(D) Volleyball
(E) Cricket
29. Four of the following five study in the same branch based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Who amongst the following study in a different branch as per the given arrangement?
(A) T-X
(B) Football-Archery
(C) Wrestling-Boxing
(D) Y-Hockey
(E) W-Volleyball
30. Who amongst the following likes Football?
(A) T
(B) U
(C) V
(D) W
(E) Y
Directions- (Q. 31 to 35) Read the given information to answer the given questions-
Seven people viz. J, K, L, M, N, O and P advertize for a brand viz. Fastrack, Biba, Nike, Puma, Marigo, Vivo and Zara in seven different months of the same year viz. February, April, May, June, August, September and November.
(Note: None of the given information is necessarily in the same order. No one advertises in any other month of the given year.)
Only two people advertise between P and the one who advertises for Puma. P advertises in a month having 31 days. More than three people advertise between the one who advertises for Puma and the one who advertises for Biba. Only three people advertise between the one who advertises for Biba and K. No one advertises between K and the one who advertises for Marigo. Only three people advertise between O and L. L advertises in one of the months before O. The one who advertises for Fastrack advertises in a month immediately before the one who advertise for Nike. Only two people advertise between N and the one who advertises for Vivo. Only one person advertises between M and the one who advertises for Zara. M advertises in one of the months before June.
31. Who advertises in the month of April?
(A) The one who advertises for Fastrack
(B) N
(C) The one who advertises for Puma
(D) J
(E) M
32. How many people advertise between M and the one who advertises for Nike?
(A) Three
(B) One
(C) More than three
(D) Two
(E) None
33. Advertisement for Marigo is done in which month?
(A) April
(B) September
(C) August
(D) June
(E) May
34. As per the given arrangement, L is related to the one who advertises for Zara following a certain pattern. In the same pattern, N is related to the one who advertises for fastrack. Following the same pattern to who amongst the following is O related to?
(A) Vivo
(B) Puma
(C) Marigo
(D) Biba
(E) Nike
35. Which of the given combinations is correct as per the given arrangement?
(A) J-Zara
(B) L-May
(C) N-Fastrack
(D) M-Vivo
(E) O-November
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