IBPS Bank Specialist Officers (Personnel) (Pre.) Examination Held on 31-12-2017
Directions- (Q. 1-5) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.
Eight erasers of different colours viz. White, Yellow, Pink, Green, Orange, Blue, Red and Violet are stacked one above the other but not necessarily in the same order.
The green eraser is kept third from the bottom. Only one eraser is kept between the green and the red erasers. Only three erasers are kept between the blue and the violet erasers. The blue erasers is neither the topmost eraser nor kept immediately above or immediately below the green eraser. As many erasers are kept between the violet and the red erasers as between the pink and the white erasers. The pink eraser is kept at one of the positions above white as well as the blue eraser. More than three erasers are kept between the pink and the yellow erasers.
1. Which of the following erasers is kept at the topmost position?
(A) Violet
(B) Cannot be determined
(C) Pink
(D) Orange
(E) Yellow
2. Which of the following is the correct position of the Blue eraser in the stack?
(A) Fourth from the bottom
(B) Immediately below the orange eraser
(C) Third from the top
(D) Immediately above the yellow eraser
(E) Second from the bottom
3. Which of the following erasers is kept immediately below the pink eraser?
(A) Cannot be determined
(B) The orange eraser
(C) The blue eraser
(D) The red eraser
(E) The white eraser
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the given information?
(A) No eraser is kept between the pink and the white erasers
(B) The yellow eraser is kept exactly between the green and the red erasers
(C) The blue eraser is kept at one of the positions below the violet eraser
(D) Both violet and white erasers are kept below the green eraser
(E) None of the given statements is true
5. How many erasers are kept between the yellow and the white erasers?
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) None
(D) One
(E) Three
Directions- (Q. 6-8) In this question a statement is given followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a practicable and feasible step or administrative decision to be taken for follow-up, improvement of further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. One the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, and decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
6. Statement :According to latest census, the number of homeless people in urban areas is much more than that in rural areas of State of A whereas this trend is reverse in all other states of the country.
Course of Action I : Homeless people in urban areas of A should be relocated to the rural areas of State A.
Course of Action II : State A should cut public spending as well as subsidies on housing for the rural poor.
(A) Either I or II follows
(B) Only I follows
(C) Neither I nor II follows
(D) Only II follows
(E) Both I and II follow
7. Statement : Despite various appeal and orders by the municipal authorities since last one year, many housing complexes have not been segregating recyclable from non-recyclabe waste, leading to losses worth several crores every month.
Course of Action : Strict penalty should be levied by the authorizes on all the housing complexes which have not been following the protocol.
Course of Action II : The municipal authority should not collec the garbage from such housing complexes unless it is segregated accordingly.
(A) Either I or II follows
(B) Only I follows
(C) Neither I nor II follows
(D) Only II follows
(E) Both I and II follow
8. Statement : The electricity bill of Company X’s office building increased by 35% after the number of employees as well as the working hours were increased two months ago.
Course of Action I : A part of salary should be deducted from all employees towards the increased electricity bills.
Course of Action II : Electricity saving devices such as LED lighting and solar powered appliances should be used in the office building in place of traditional appliances.
(A) Either I or II follows
(B) Only I follows
(C) Neither I nor II follows
(D) Only II follows
(E) Both I and II follow
Directions – (Q. 9-13) Study the following information to answer the given question.
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre. Each one of them has different number of books with them viz. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 16.
Only three people sit between R and the person having 11 books. Only two people sit between the person having 11 books and W (Either from left or right). T sits second to left of the person having 6 books. The person having 6 books in neither an immediate neighbour of R nor the person having 11 books. R does not have 6 books. Only three people sit between V and the person having 2 books. V is not an immediate neighbour of T. V does not have 6 books. Sum of the total number of books with T and Q is 19. Q is not an immediate neighbour of T. Both the immediate neighbours of Q have more books than Q. Both V and R have even number of books with them. Sum of the total number of books with immediate neighbours of S is less than 10. Us is not an immediate neighbour of S.
9. Who amongst the following has 6 books?
(A) P
(B) W
(C) S
(D) Q
(E) U
10. How many people are sitting between W and the person having 8 books when counted from the right of W?
(A) Five
(B) One
(C) Three
(D) None
(E) Two
11. Who amongst the following has 13 books?
(A) U
(B) S
(C) T
(D) P
(E) W
12. Which of the following represents the person sitting to immediate right of T?
(A) The person having 13 books
(B) P
(C) S
(D) W
(E) The person having 4 books
13. Which of the following represents the position of U with respect of S?
(A) Fourth to the right
(B) Fourth to the left
(C) Second to the right
(D) Third to the left
(E) Third to the right
Directions- (Q. 14-17) In this question three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements and answered as-
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(C) Only conclusion II follows
(D) Either conclusion I or II follows
(E) Both conclusion I and II follow
14. Statements : Some profits are losses. No loss is a return. All wages are returns.
Conclusion I : No loss in a wage.
Conclusion II : All profits can never be returns.
15. Statements : All markets are shops. Some shops are arcades. All arcades are fairs.
Conclusion I : Atleast some fairs are shops.
Conclusion II : Atleast some arcades are markets.
16. Statements : No peak is a hill. All hills are slopes. All slopes are valleys.
Conclusion I : No peak is a slope.
Conclusion II : Atleast some valleys are peaks.
17. Statements : All markets are shops. Some shops are arcades. All arcades are fairs.
Conclusion I : No arcade is a market.
Conclusion II : All markets being fairs is a possibility.
Directions- (Q. 18 and 19) This question consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and choose the most appropriate option. as-
(A) Statement I alone sufficient to answer the question while statement II is not.
(B) Statement II alone sufficient to answer the question while statement I is not.
(C) Either statement I alone or statement II alone sufficient to answer the question.
(D) Both statement I and statement II together are necessary to answer the question.
(E) Both statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
18. How far is Point A from Point C?
(I) Ameena starts walking from point A. She walks 5 m towards north, takes a right turn and walks 7 m. She takes a right turn, walks 11 m and stops at point B. Point C is 6 m away from Point B.
(II) Raju starts walking from point A. He walks 6 m towards west, takes a left turn, and walks 22 m. He then turns left again, walks 13 m and stops at Point Q. Point C is to the north of both Point Q as well as B.
19. How is ‘treat’ coded in the given code language ? (All the given codes are two letter codes only)
(I) ‘treat them same’ is coded as ‘cu ti su’ in the code language. In the same code language, ‘same by them’ is coded as ‘ti py cu’.
(II) ‘a treat for eyes’ is coded as ‘su jo vi la’ in the code language. In the same code language, ‘eyes for a cause’ is coded as ‘vi ko la jo’.
Directions- (Q. 20 and 21) Study the following information and answer the question.
A certain number of people are sitting in a straight, horizontal line facing north. Only three people sit between Manas and Ravi. Ravi sits at one of the positions to the right of Manas. Only two people sit between Manas and Charu. Priya sits third to the right of Charu. Only three people sit between Priya and Fazila. Less than eight people sit in the line.
20. How many people sit between Manas and Fazila?
(A) Six
(B) One
(C) Three
(D) Two
(E) Four
21. If Anya is an immediate neighbour of Ravi, what is Anay’s position with respect to Priya?
(A) Immediate left
(B) Immediate right
(C) Second to the left
(D) Third to the left
(E) Second to the right
22. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the English alphabetical order and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Directions- (Q. 23-25) Read the following information to answer the given question.
Each of the six cities viz. A, B, C, D, E and F have different number of lakes. Only one city has more lakes than A. D has more lakes than E and C but less than B. B does not have the highest number of lakes. The city having third highest number of lakes has 9 lakes. E has 4 lakes.
23. If C has 6 lakes, which of the following is true?
(I) C has second lowest number of lakes
(II) City D possibly has 11 lakes
(III) Only two cities have more number of lakes than E.
(A) Both I and II
(B) Only II
(C) Only III
(D) Only I
(E) All I, II and III
24. How many lakes does A possibly have ?
(A) 10
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 5
(E) 8
25. How many cities have more lakes than D?
(A) Four
(B) Two
(C) One
(D) Three
(E) Cannot be determined
Directions- (Q. 26-30) Study the following information and answer the question.
Eight boxes marked as F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M are kept on eight different floors of a building. The lower mot floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each box has a different shape viz. Cuboid, Spherical, Oval, Conical, Cylindrical, Pyramidal, heart-shaped and Star-shaped.
• F is kept on an odd numbered floor below floor number 5. Only three boxes are kept between F and the cuboid box.
• Only two boxes are kept between L and the oval box. L is kept on floor above the oval box. L is kept on an odd numbered floor. L is not cuboid is shape.
• As many boxes are kept between the cuboid and the oval boxes as between the cylindrical box and K. K is kept at one of the floors below the oval box. K is not kept on floor number 2. Only three boxes are kept between the cylindrical box and M.
• The spherical box is kept immediately below H. H is neither kept on floor number 4 nor 8. Only two boxes are kept between H and the heart-shaped box.
• As many boxes are kept between M and the heart-shaped box as between I and the star-shaped box. G is kept on one of the floors above I.
• The pyramidal box is kept at one of the floors above the conical box.
26. Which of the following is true based on the given information?
(A) Box F is kept on the lowermost floor.
(B) Box L is spherical in shape.
(C) Box L is kept on floor number 7.
(D) None of the given options is true
(E) No box is kept between the cuboid and the oval boxes.
27. How many floors are there between the floors on which J and F are kept?
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) None
(E) One
28. I is kept on which of the following floor numbers?
(A) 7
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 2
(E) Other than the those given as options
29. Which of the following boxes is conical?
(A) J
(B) M
(C) G
(D) I
(E) K
30. What is the shape of box J?
(A) Oval
(B) Star-shaped
(C) Cylindrical
(D) Pyramidal
(E) Conical
31. Which of the following will come in the given series in the place of question mark?
p q r s 4 q r s t 4 5 r s t u 4 5 6 s t u v 4 5 6 7 ?
(A) w
(B) r
(C) t
(D) u
(E) 8
Directions-(Q. 32-35) In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Both conclusion I and II follow
(D) Either conclusion I or II follows
(E) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
32. Statements : J ≥ L > W ≤ R = T; B ≤ W < A
Conclusion I : B < J
Conclusion II : T ≥ A
33. Statements : J ≥ L > W ≤ R = T; B ≤ W < A
Conclusion I : B < T
Conclusion II : B = T
34. Statements : T < R ≤ U ≥ C > M; R ≥ S; C < Z
Conclusion I : S > Z
Conclusion II : Z > M
35. Statements : T < R ≤ U ≥ C > M; R ≥ S; C < Z
Conclusion I: Z > T
Conclusion II : M < S
Directions- (Q. 36-40) Study the following information to answer the given question.
Each of the seven people, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are seated in a straight line facing north with equal distance between each other. Each one of them owns are car from a different brands viz. Toyota, Hyundai, Tata, Tesla, Audi, BMW and Suzuki but not necessarily in the same order.
M sits third to the right of Toyota owner. O sits second to the right of M. The Audi owner sits second to the left of P. P is neither an immediate neighbour of Toyota owner nor sits at any of the extreme ends of the line. As many people sit to the right of P as to the left of N. As many people sit between N and M as between K and the BMW owner. K neither owns as Audi nor a Toyota. Only two people sit between the BMW and the Hyundai owners. More than three people sit between J and the Tesla owner. More than one person sits between the Tesla and the Tata owners.
36. Which of the following is true with respect to L as per the given arrangement?
(A) L owns a Tesla
(B) Only one person sits between L and the BMW owner.
(C) None of the given options is true
(D) L sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
(E) L is an immediate neighbour of J
37. How many persons are seated between N and M?
(A) Two
(B) None
(C) One
(D) Three
(E) Four
38. What is the position of K with respect to the Tata owner?
(A) Third to the right
(B) Fourth of the right
(C) Fifth to the right
(D) Third to the left
(E) Second to the right
39. Car of which brand does K own?
(A) Tesla
(B) Suzuki
(C) Tata
(D) Hyundai
(E) Other than those given as options
40. Which of the following represents persons seated at the two extreme ends of the line?
(A) J and the Suzuki owner
(B) L and the Toyota owner
(C) The Audi owner and L
(D) K, O
(E) The Tesla and The Tata owners
41. Read the following information carefully and answer the question.
Most of the Japanese companies which invested almost 500 million dollars in country Zylland made losses in the last financial year to the extent of 250 million dollars.
“If all the Japanese companies makes losses in Zylland to such extent, it would deter any further investments in the near future.” An industry insider.
Which of the following statements weakens the industry insider’s view to some extent?
(A) More than 94% of the total investments by Japanese companies were made in Zylland’s e-retailer company ‘Netshop’which closed down last year.
(B) Companies from all other countries invested an average amount of 450 million dollar only in zylland.
(C) An economic downturn which hit the world economy two y ears ago had impacted Zylland adversely as well.
(D) The Japanese companies were well aware before investing in Zylland that average profit earned through investments in this country was only 12%.
(E) All Japanese companies which made losses in Zylland also made losses in the past in some of their endeavours in other countries as well.
42. Read the following information carefully and answer the question.
NetBart has agreed to provide free of cost, high-speed internet connection to all schools in Village A.
“This step would bring the computer literacy to 10% in Village A “-NetBart’s CEO.
Which of the following is an assumption made by the NetBart’s CEO in the given statement
(A) No school at present can afford a paid internet connection.
(B) NetBart may provide free internet connections to other villages as well.
(C) At present computer literacy in Village A is much lower than other village.
(D) NetBart will make substantial profits from this venture.
(E) Al schools in Village A can afford adequate number of computers.
43. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word INVESTOR each of which has as many letters between them (in both forward and backward directions) as there are in English alphabetical order?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) None
(E) More than three
Directions- (Q. 44-48) Study the given information carefully and answer the given question.
Eight people A, B, C, D, L, M, N and O were born in one of the months-January, March, June and November of the same year but not necessarily in the same order. In each month these people were born on either 5th or 18th, with each person born on a different day.
C has born on an even numbered date in a month having only 30 days. Only two of these eight people were born between C and N. L is younger than N. L was born on the 18th. Only three of these given people were born between B and O. B is older than O. D is older than B. Only one of the given persons has birthday between D and A.
44. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?
(A) M is the youngest amongst the given people.
(B) C was born in November.
(C) None of the given statements is true.
(D) N was born on 5th March.
(E) O has his birthday on one of the days between D and A.
45. Which of the following combinations is correct based on the given information?
(A) L-November
(B) L-March
(C) M-18th
(D) A-March
(E) D-5th
46. When was D born?
(A) 5th June
(B) 18th January
(C) 5th March
(D) 18th March
(E) 5th November
47. How many people have birthday between M and L?
(A) Cannot be determined
(B) Four
(C) Six
(D) Three
(E) Five
48. How many people are younger than O?
(A) Six
(B) None
(C) Three
(D) One
(E) Four
49. In a certain code language, COULD is coded as BPTMC. Following the same coding pattern, ‘FLOWS’ is written as ‘EMNXR’. How will ‘PRICE’ be written in the same code language?
50. The positions of first and the sixth letters of the word NORMAL are interchanged; similarly, the positions of second and fifth letters and third and fourth letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement. Thus formed, how many letters are there between the letter which is third from the left and the letter which is second from the right, in the English alphabetical series?
(A) Three
(B) None
(C) One
(D) Two
(E) More than three
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