SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2018 Held on March 28, 2018 Question Paper With Answer Key

SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2018 Held on March 28, 2018
SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2018 Held on March 28, 2018 Question Paper With Answer Key

SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2018 Held on March 28, 2018

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-2) In the following questions, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select ‘No Error’.

1. The of January 26 was chosen (1)/ to commemorate the Purna Swaraj (2)/ declaration for the complete independence, of 1930 (3) No error (4)

(a)  1

(b)  2

(c)  3

(d)  4

Answer: (a)

2. A Creole language is (1)/stable natural language develop from (2)/ a mixture of difference languages. (3) No error (4)

(a)  1

(b)  2

(c)  3

(d)  4

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 3-4) In the following questions, the sentence given with blank of filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

3. She was discharged ………. the hospital after treatment.

(a)  from

(b)  of

(c)  with

(d)  as

Answer: (a)

4. The mechanic …….. the car according to his won liking.

(a)  tweaking

(b)  is tweaked

(c)  will tweak

(d)  have tweaked

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 5-6) In the following questions, out of the given four alternative, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

5. Dour

(a)  Cheery

(b)  Pleasant

(c)  Morose

(d)  Approachable

Answer: (c)

6. Scrumptious

(a)  Stale

(b)  Crushable

(c)  Devotedness

(d)  Tasty

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 7-8) In the following questions, out of  the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.

7. Exquisite

(a)  Elaborate

(b)  Consummate

(c)  Sensitive

(d)  Rough

Answer: (d)

8. Dogmatic

(a)  Flexible

(b)  Arrogant

(c)  Formal

(d)  Stubborn

Answer: (a)

9. Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

A serious critic

P : meaning of a work of art

Q : has to comprehend the particular

R : content, unique structure and the special

(a)  QRP

(b)  RQP

(c)  PQR

(d)  QPR

Answer: (a)

10. A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

The boss made the assistant work late.

(a)  The assistant was made to work late by the boss.

(b)  The assistant is being urged to work late.

(c)  The assistant was make to work late by the boss.

(d)  The assistant is working late due to the boss.

Answer: (a)

11. A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

Sneha said, “I am buying a gaming console today”.

(a)  Sneha said that she is buying a gaming console today.

(b)  Sneha says she was buying a gaming console that day.

(c)  Sneha say that she is buying a gaming console today.

(d)  Sneha said that she was buying a gaming console that day.

Answer: (b)

12. In the following question, a word has been written in four different ways out of which only one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.

(a)  Handkurchief

(b)  Handkerchief

(c)  Handkerchef

(d)  Handkurchef

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 13-17) In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

It is this fact which makes it ……… necessary that our interest shall be broad and pure if our thoughts are to be of this type. It is …….. enough that we have the strength to drive from our minds a wrong or  impure thought which seeks. …………. . To stand guard as a policeman over our thoughts to see that no unworthy one enters, requires ……. much time and energy. Our interest must be of a such a nature as to lead us away from the field of unworthy thoughts ……. we are to be free from their tyranny.

13. Which makes it ………. necessary that our intersects.

(a)  vital

(b)  vitality

(c)  vitally

(d)  vitalism

Answer: (c)

14. It is ………. enough that we have

(a)  not

(b)  no

(c)  nor

(d)  neither

Answer: (a)

15. Which seeks ……… . To stand guard

(a)  entrance

(b)  enter

(c)  entering

(d)  enters

Answer: (a)

16. Enters, requires ……….. much time and energy.

(a)  to

(b)  very

(c)  of

(d)  too

Answer: (d)

17. Unworthy thoughts ………… we are to be

(a)  if

(b)  when

(c)  why

(d)  then

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 18-19) In the following questions, out of the four alternative, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

18. A shot in the arm

(a)  Get hit by something.

(b)  Lose physical strength.

(c)  Lose motivation to do a task.

(d)  An encouraging stimulus.

Answer: (a)

19. You number in up

(a)  When you win by betting on your lucky number

(b)  Be the chosen one from a large group

(c)  Win a lottery or a lucky draw.

(d)  The time has come when someone is doomed to suffer a disaster.

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 20-21) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the words/sentence.

20. The study and classification of speech sounds

(a)  Twang

(b)  Resonance

(c)  Oratory

(d)  Phonetics

Answer: (d)

21. Feeling or expressing pensive sadness

(a)  Mirthful

(b)  Exultant

(c)  Apathetic

(d)  Melancholic

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 22-23) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select ‘no improvement.

22. You might be (to incline) to put the blame of infrastructure and officials, which is understandable.

(a)  inclined

(b)  incline

(c)  inclines

(d)  No improvement

Answer: (a)

23. LPG quickly (gain) popularity as it was easy to use and did not tarnish vessels.

(a)  gaining

(b)  will gain

(c)  gained

(d)  No improvement

Answer: (c)

24. The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

So we did get

(A) to read a whole lot

(B) this day onwards

(C) on how we can save the sparrow from

(a)  ABC

(b)  CBA

(c)  ACB

(d)  CAB

Answer: (c)

25. In the following question, four words are given of which one word is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.

(a)  frenatically

(b)  frenetically

(c)  freneticaly

(d)  frenatically

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26-27) In the following questions, select the related word pair/number from the given alternatives.

26. Wine : Grapes : : ? : ?

(a)  Curd : Milk

(b)  Thread : Cloth

(c)  Wood : Table

(d)  Chair : Sit

Answer: (a)

27. 36 : 9 : : 49 : ?

(a)  24

(b)  13

(c)  32

(d)  15

Answer: (b)

28. In the following question, select the related letter/letters from the given alternatives

GHJ : JKM : : NOQ : ?

(a)  QRT

(b)  PQS

(c)  RST

(d)  OPR

Answer: (a)

29. In the following questions, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.

(a)  Crop-Rice

(b)  Crop-Rubber

(c)  Crop-Wheat

(d)  Crop-Bajra

Answer: (b)

30. In the following question. four number pairs are given. The number of left side of (−) is related to the of the right side of (−) with some Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given options.

(a)  17-34

(b)  19-38

(c)  23-46

(d)  27-56

Answer: (d)

31. In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives.

(a)  DHM

(b)  GKO

(c)  IMQ

(d)  LPT

Answer: (a)

32. From the given alternatives, according to dictionary, which word will come at second position?

(1) Charity    (2) Cardigan

(3) Caravan   (4) Carton

(5) Challenge

(a)  Charity

(b)  Challenge

(c)  Cardigan

(d)  Caravan

Answer: (c)

33. In the following questions, select the missing number from the given series.

1, 2, 6, 42, ?

(a)  1696

(b)  1036

(c)  1806

(d)  984

Answer: (c)

34. A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

L, O, Q, T, V, ?

(a)  X

(b)  W

(c)  Y

(d)  Z

Answer: (c)

35. ‘R + S’ means ‘R is mother of S’, ‘R – S’ means ‘R is wife of S’, ‘R × S’ means ‘R is son of S’ and ‘R is father of S’.

Which of the following represents K as the grandson of T?

(a)  K + T × J × R

(b)  J + K × L × T

(c)  R + T – S ÷ K

(d)  K + L × R ÷ T

Answer: (b)

36. From the given alternatives, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.


(a)  Can

(b)  Rent

(c)  Recall

(d)  Calcite

Answer: (c)

37. In a certain code language, ‘FRANK’ is written as ‘GQBM’. How is ‘MARCO’ written in that code language?

(a)  NYTPB

(b)  MZSCQ

(c)  NZSBP

(d)  NQPBT

Answer: (c)

38. In a certain code language, ‘×’ represents ‘+’, ‘÷’ represents ‘×’, ‘−’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘+’ represents ‘−’. Find out the answer to the following question.

20 + 16 × 6 ÷ 10 – 4 = ?

(a)  13

(b)  12

(c)  30

(d)  19

Answer: (d)

39. The following equation is incorrect. Which two signs should be interchanged to correct the equation?

13 × 8 + 25 – 6 ÷ 10 = 20

(a)  ÷ and −

(b)  × and −

(c)  + and ÷

(d)  − and +

Answer: (b)

40. If 30%3 = 100, 70%14 = 50 and 20%8 = 25, then find the value of 50%5 = ?

(a)  110

(b)  30

(c)  100

(d)  20

Answer: (c)

41. Which of the following terms follows the trend of the given list?






Answer: (d)

42. Two football players A and B from opposing teams start from the same corner. A runs 35 m East, then 15 m south, turns to his right and runs 60 m. Meanwhile B runs 20 m North, then 25 m West, turns left and runs 20 m. What is the position of B with respect to A?

(a)  15 m North

(b)  5 m North

(c)  16 m South

(d)  5 m South

Answer: (a)

43. In the question two statements are given, followed by two conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.

Statement (I) All sticks are canes

(II) Some wands are sticks

Conclusions (I) Some canes are wands

(II) No wands are canes

(a)  Only conclusions I follows

(b)  Only conclusions II follows

(c)  Both conclusions I and II follow

(d)  Neither conclusions I nor II follows

Answer: (a)

44. In the following figure, rectangle represents Authors, circle represents Art critics, triangle represents Tattooists and square represents Joggers. Which set of letters represents joggers who are either Art critics or Authors?

(a)  BAH

(b)  CBA

(c)  AHF

(d)  BH

Answer: (d)

45. A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.


(a)  YIB

(b)  ZHA

(c)  AIB

(d)  BJC

Answer: (b)

46. In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.

9, 11, 14, 18, 23, ?

(a)  31

(b)  27

(c)  29

(d)  33

Answer: (c)

47. In the following question, four groups of three numbers are given. In each group the second and third number are related to the first number by a Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives.

(a)  (8, 17, 33)

(b)  (3, 7, 12)

(c)  (9, 19, 37)

(d)  (15, 31, 61)

Answer: (b)

48. If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?

Answer: (c)

49. Which of the following cube in the answer figure cannot be made based on the unfolded cube in the question figure?

Answer: (b)

50. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in the given two matrices. The columns and rows Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column for example ‘F’ can be represented by 31, 21 etc and ‘Y’ can be represented by 97, 98 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘TONE’.

(a)  34, 75, 23, 75

(b)  30, 59, 43, 98

(c)  14, 75, 23, 69

(d)  68, 78, 95, 34

Answer: (d)

51. If the value √3 = 1.732, then calculate the value of 

(a)  1.732

(b)  −1.464

(c)  3.464

(d)  −1.732

Answer: (d)

52. Find the difference between place value and face value of 7 in 589573212.

(a)  693

(b)  6993

(c)  69993

(d)  699993

Answer: (c)

53. If  then find the value of 5y – 15.

(a)  110

(b)  130

(c)  150

(d)  160

Answer: (c)

54. If  then find the value of 

(a)  0

(b)  1

(c)  2

(d)  3

Answer: (b)

55. Calculate the distance of the chord from the centre of the circle, if the chord of length 48 cm is drawn in the circle of radius 25 cm.

(a)  7 cm

(b)  14 cm

(c)  49 cm

(d)  56 cm

Answer: (a)

56. If the angle subtended by the radius of the circle and the vertex B of the triangle ABC is 40°. Then calculate the value of ∠BAC

(a)  35°

(b)  45°

(c)  50°

(d)  65°

Answer: (c)

57. Weights of two friends A and B are in the ratio of 7 : 8. A’s weight increase by 10% and then total weight of A and B increase by 20%. What is the percentage increase in the B’s weight?

(a)  28.75

(b)  11.55

(c)  32.85

(d)  24.25

Answer: (a)

58. The income of X, Y and Z are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 2 and their expenses in the ratio 5 : 5 : 2. If X saves Rs 3000 out of an income of Rs 18000, then what will be the savings of Y?

(a)  4500

(b)  9000

(c)  6000

(d)  7500

Answer: (b)

59. P and Q are two alloys which are prepared by mixing tin and lead in the ratio of 12 : 5 and 4 : 3 respectively. If equal quantities of alloys are melted to form third alloy R, then what is the ratio of tin and lead in alloy R?

(a)  84 : 65

(b)  57 : 35

(c)  76 : 43

(d)  78 : 47

Answer: (c)

60. What will be the average of the first 5 positive even numbers divisible by 9?

(a)  50

(b)  54

(c)  48

(d)  62

Answer: (b)

61. The simple interest on a sum for 20 years is 5/4 of the principal. What is the per annum rate of interest?

(a)  6.25%

(b)  12.5%

(c)  2.5%

(d)  5%

Answer: (a)

62. If Mohan purchase 13 articles for Rs 12 and sells al the articles at the rate of 12 articles for Rs 13, then what will be the profit percentage?

(a)  19.47

(b)  17.36

(c)  11.11

(d)  12.5

Answer: (b)

63. A tyre is sold at three successive discounts of 20%, 30% and 20%. What is the net discount?

(a)  62.8%

(b)  59.6%

(c)  55.2%

(d)  51.4%

Answer: (c)

64. What is the value of 

(a)  5/12

(b)  5/19

(c)  4/9

(d)  4/15

Answer: (a)

65. Robin can do a work alone in 9 days. Amit can do the same work alone in 6 days. Both of them finish the work together and they get a total Rs 2500. What is the share of Robin?

(a)  Rs 1700

(b)  Rs 1200

(c)  Rs 1500

(d)  Rs 1000

Answer: (d)

66. A boat covers 63 km upstream in 9 hours and covers the same distance downstream in 7 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water?

(a)  8.7 km/h

(b)  8.5 km/h

(c)  7 km/h

(d)  8 km/h

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 67-70) The line graph shows the sales per employee of a certain company. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

67. In which year were the Sales per employee greater than that of the previous year?

(a)  2014

(b)  2015

(c)  2017

(d)  2016

Answer: (d)

68. What was the difference in the Sales per employee between the years 2011 and 2015?

(a)  15

(b)  10

(c)  20

(d)  5

Answer: (c)

69. The Sales per employee in 2012 were greater than that in 2015 by

(a)  16.7%

(b)  20%

(c)  40%

(d)  28.5%

Answer: (c)

70. If the number of employees of the company was 80 in the year 2015 then what was the sales of the company in the year 2015

(a)  Rs 30 crore

(b)  Rs 40 crore

(c)  Rs 20 crore

(d)  Rs 50 crore

Answer: (b)

71. The lengths of the two diagonals of rhombus are 5 cm and 12 cm. Find its area.

(a)  30 cm2

(b)  15 cm2

(c)  60 cm2

(d)  45 cm2

Answer: (a)

72. What is the sum of the measures of all the interior angles of a regular polygon of 9 sides?

(a)  1260

(b)  1440

(c)  1800

(d)  2340

Answer: (a)

73. The surface area of a sphere is 1386 cm2. Find its diameter.

(a)  10.5 cm

(b)  42 cm

(c)  21 cm

(d)  31.5 cm

Answer: (c)

74. ∆PQR is right angled at Q. If m∠R = 60°, then find the value of (sec P – 1/√3)

(a)  (√6 – 6)/3√3

(b)  (1 – 3√2)/3

(c)  1/√3

(d)  2/√3

Answer: (c)

75. ∆PQR is right angled at Q. If cosec P = 25/24, then what is the value of cot R?

(a)  25/7

(b)  24/25

(c)  7/24

(d)  24/7

Answer: (d)

76. National Income refers to

(a)  money value of goods and services produced in a country during a year

(b)  money value of stocks and shares of a country during a year

(c)  money value of capital goods produced by a country during a year

(d)  money value of consumer goods produced by a country during a year

Answer: (a)

77. State Land Reform is under which part of the Constitution?

(a)  7th Schedule

(b)  8th Schedule

(c)  9th Schedule

(d)  10th Schedule

Answer: (c)

78. The remains of the resistant rocks found in the river eroded plain or peneplain are called

(a)  Monadnock

(b)  Jukenberg

(c)  Hum

(d)  No option is correct

Answer: (a)

79. Which of the following rivers does not make an estuary?

(a)  Narmada

(b)  Tapi

(c)  Mandovi

(d)  Mahanadi

Answer: (d)

80. Which ruler of Bengal had relations with China?

(a)  Ghiyasuddin Azamshah

(b)  Sikander Shah

(c)  Nusrat Shah

(d)  Hussein Shah

Answer: (a)

81. When was the Arya Samaj divided on principles?

(a)  1893

(b)  1895

(c)  1903

(d)  1913

Answer: (a)

82. Ustad Mansur was a famous painter of which Mughal ruler’s engime?

(a)  Akbar

(b)  Jahangir

(c)  Shah Jahan

(d)  Aurangzeb

Answer: (b)

83. Which country on October 23, 2017 signed the Paris agreement on climate change, leaving the United States and Syria as the only two countries holding out to sign this global climate pact?

(a)  Nicaragua

(b)  Colombia

(c)  Peru

(d)  Uganda

Answer: (a)

84. Which singer was in January, 2018, chosen for the 5th Edition of Yash Chopra Memorial Award 2018 for her outstanding contribution to the Hindi film industry?

(a)  Alka Yagnik

(b)  Asha Bhosle

(c)  Sunidhi Chauhan

(d)  Kavita Krishnamurthy

Answer: (b)

85. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir in Pakistan?

(a)  Islamabad

(b)  Hyderabad

(c)  Lahore

(d)  Karachi

Answer: (c)

86. What is the number of groups and periods in the modern periodic table?

(a)  18, 7

(b)  18, 8

(c)  16, 7

(d)  16, 8

Answer: (a)

87. Which among the following is an example of mixture?

(a)  Milk

(b)  Gasoline

(c)  Liquefied petroleum gas

(d)  All options are correct

Answer: (d)

88. Which Schedule of Indian Constitution was added by the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act?

(a)  Ninth Schedule

(b)  Tenth Schedule

(c)  Eleventh Schedule

(d)  Twelfth Schedule

Answer: (d)

89. Which among the following comes under the elements of Basic Structure of Indian Constitution?

(I) Supremacy of Constitution

(II) Free and Fair Election

(III) Judicial Review

(a)  Only I

(b)  Only II

(c)  Both I and II

(d)  All of these

Answer: (d)

90. The plasma of the blood contains which among the following constituents?

(I) Proteins    (II) Salts      (III) Hormones

(a)  I and II

(b)  I and III

(c)  II and III

(d)  All of these

Answer: (d)

91. What is the basis of first level of classification among plants?

(a)  Differential plant body

(b)  Specialized tissues

(c)  Ability to bear seeds

(d)  No option is correct

Answer: (a)

92. On September 5, 2017 who launched an online quiz competition named ‘Prakriti Khoj’?

(a)  Health Ministry

(b)  Commerce Ministry

(c)  Environment Ministry

(d)  Home Ministry

Answer: (c)

93. Researchers at the University of illinoise have discovered new from of matter called Excitonium which was coined by ………. in the 1960’s.

(a)  Bertrand Halperin

(b)  Eugene Wigner

(c)  Paul Dirac

(d)  Felix Bloch

Answer: (a)

94. On October 24, 2017, the government of India announced a massive of …………. package to boost economy.

(a)  Rs 7 lakh crore

(b)  Rs 9 lakh crore

(c)  Rs 15 lakh crore

(d)  Rs 5 lakh crore

Answer: (b)

95. On November 22, 2017 cabinet approved expansion of which mission for a Pan India coverage in all the 640 districts of the country?

(a)  Make in India

(b)  Swatchh Bharat

(c)  Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

(d)  Skill India

Answer: (c)

96. A body is initially moving with a velocity of 5 m/sec. It undergoes an acceleration of 2 m/sec2 for 4 seconds. Find the displacement of this body in these 4 seconds.

(a)  4 m

(b)  72 m

(c)  36 m

(d)  8 m

Answer: (c)

97. If the velocity of a body is halved its kinetic energy

(a)  become 4 times

(b)  becomes 1/4th

(c)  is also doubled

(d)  becomes half

Answer: (b)

98. Plants utilize ……….. from the atmosphere of photosynthesis.

(a)  oxygen

(b)  nitrogen

(c)  carbon dioxide

(d)  hydrogen

Answer: (c)

99. Which of the statements given below are correct?

(A) Russia hosted the Golf 2017 Players Championship.

(B) Elina Svitolina won the Tennis 2017 Italian Open Women’s Singles.

(C) Henri Kontinen and John Peers won the Tennis 2017 ATP World Tour Finals Men’s Doubles.

(a)  Only A

(b)  Only B

(c)  A and B

(d)  A and C

Answer: (d)

100. In Microsoft Excel, left arrow key stroke leads to ……… cell movement on spreadsheet.

(a)  One cell up

(b)  One cell down

(c)  One cell left

(d)  One cell right

Answer: (c)

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