Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Herbal And Ethanobotany Question Paper PDF Download


AE 11



(Also equivalent to PBB 513)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Part A


Answer all questions                                                                           (20 Marks)


  1. Choose the best answer (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. One of the following is not a pure chemical entity owing to its definite melting point and uniform constitution.
  2. Starch b. Cellulose c. Lignin          d. Alkaloids
  3. _____ means the addition of an inferior or a spurious material to any article to defraud .
  4. Deterioration b. Admixture c. Sophistication          d. Substitution
  5. Who systematised Unani medicine?
  6. Theophrastus b. Hippocrates c. S K Jain    d. E P Janaki Ammal
  7. Extract of _____ is used in the preparation of hair oils.
  8. Eclipta alba b. Coriandrum sativum
  9. Phyllanthus amarus d. Ocimum sanctum
  10. Sitz bath is also known as
  11. Oat bath b. Lavender bath    c. Hydrotherapy bath    d. Hip bath


  1. State whether the following are true or false (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Tribes always wish to live in harmony with nature.
  2. Crystallisation of herbal constituents preceeds microextraction and microfiltration.
  3. Siddha system of medicine is otherwise referred to as Hindu medicine.
  4. Comfrey goo is a herbal oil.
  5. Curative principles for Jaundice are extracted from Phyllanthus amarus.


III. Complete the following                                                                (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Drug colour names are standardised and determined by ______ charts.
  2. _______ are some selected plants considered by tribes as sacred and are used in worship of God or Deity.
  3. ______ is the pioneering ethnobotanist of Botanical Survey of India.
  4. ______ is the alkaloid of Adathoda vasica widely used as an expectorant.
  5. ______ involve the exclusive use of glycerin in the place of honey to sweeten the drugs.






  1. Answer the following in one or two sentences (5 x 1 = 5)


Write notes on the following:

  1. Materia Medica
  2. Stas – Otto process
  3. Baram or Charam
  4. Tincture
  5. Vincristin and Vinblastin


Part B


Answer any five of the following, each not exceeding 350 words.  (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Bring out the important conditions towards drug adulteration.
  2. Comment on the strategies of conservation of medicinal plants by tribes.
  3. Discuss in general Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
  4. Explain the methodology of ethnobotanical research.
  5. Write short note on the tribal attitude towards disease diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Comment on the importance of ethnobotany in India.
  7. How to collect, dry and to store herbs?
  8. With suitable diagrams, describe any one of the following in organoleptic terms.
  9. Andrographis paniculata b. Datura metel



Part C


Answer the following, each not exceeding 1500 words.                   (2 x 20 = 40)


29 a. Write an essay on organoleptic evaluation of drugs.


  1. Describe the importance of ethnobotany in Indian systems of medicine.

30 a. Write down the methodologies of extraction of phytopharmaceuticals


  1. Describe the preparatory procedures of the following herbal preparations.
  2. Compresses or Fomentations   ii. Elixirs   iii. Herbal Teas     iv. Salves


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Genetics And Plant Breeding Question Paper PDF Download



AE 13





Date & Time : 01-11-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions


I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


01.The nucleic acid was first isolated from the nuclei of pus cells by

  1. Freidrich Miesher b. W.T. Astbury
  2. Wilkins d. F.G. Banting


  1. The partial expression of both alleles in a heterozygote so that the phenotype is

intermediate between those of the two homozygotes is

  1. dominance b. incomplete dominance
  2. pleotropism d. independent assortment


  1. Genetic code determines
  2. constancy of morphological traits b. structural pattern of organism
  3. sequence of aminoacids in a protein sequence of nucleotides in a protein


  1. Which of the following represents Klinefelters syndrome ?
  2. XX b. XO              c. XYY           d.  XXY


  1. Mutation was proposed as a theory for the operative mechanism of evolution by
  2. Charles Darwin b.  Louis Pasteur
  3. Francisco Redi d.  Hugo de Vries


II State whether the following statements are  True or False    ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Individuals with a dominant lethal gene die before they can reproduce.
  2. The sequence of nucleotide bases in the mRNA is complementary to the template

DNA strand.

  1. The regulatory gene of trp operon constitutively synthesizes a non- functional protein

called co- repressor.

  1. Down syndrome is the result of twenty first chromosome present in three doses.
  2. The cross between the parents belonging to two different species of the same genus

is called intraspecific hybridization.





III. Complete the following                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. The condition in which one member of an allelic pair is manifested to the exclusion

of  the other——————-.

12     ________ enzymes are capable of catalyzing phosphodiester bond formation.

13    The __________ gene  marks the site at which transcription of mRNA  starts.

14     The second correction system  for correcting the occasional error missed by the

editing function is called _______ repair.

15     The use and disuse principle of evolution was proposed by _______.


  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Define codominance.
  2. Distinguish between A DNA and Z DNA.
  3. What is poly A tail ?.
  4. Write the mode of action of alkylating agents.
  5. What is pureline selection ?.


PART B                                     ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. What is quantitative inheritance? Briefly explain this with suitable example.
  2. Describe the structure and organization of a gene.
  3. Explain the structural organization of a chromosome.
  4. Write a brief note on the features of genetic code.
  5. Give a brief account on common defects in DNA and their origins.
  6. What is klinefelter’s syndrome ?. Add a note on its symptoms and related findings.
  7. Define mass selection. Briefly describe the procedure of mass selection and discuss

its merits and demerits.

  1. Give a brief account of Darwin’s theory of natural selection.



PART C                                    ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. (a) Write an essay on sex determination in plants.


(b)  i. Give an account of supercoiling of DNA.

  1. Discuss :    ‘DNA is the genetic material’.


  1. (a) Describe the following with suitable examples.
  2. Genetic recombination using tetrad analysis.
  3. Transposable elements in plants.


(b)  Write an essay on different types of chromosomal aberrations.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Biostatistics Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AB 07





Date & Time : 31-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all questions.                                                                        (10×2=20)

  1. What is a histogram? Mention its use.
  2. Comment on the following statement: “Arithmetic mean is always the best measure of central tendency”.
  3. Give the various measures of dispersion.
  4. What is the probability of getting the sum as 5 when two dice are thrown?
  5. The distribution function of a random variable ‘X’ is as follows:

X:        -1         0          1

P[X=x]:       ¼         ½         ¼ .  Find E(X+2).

  1. Give any two properties of normal distribution.
  2. Define ‘Statistic’. Give an example for the same.
  3. From a random sample of 50 observations the mean and variance are found to be 10.1 and 2.3 respectively. Based on the above information can it be concluded that the population mean is 9 ? Test at 5% level.
  4. Mention any one use of F – distribution.
  5. Show that for a standardized random variable, the mean and variance are zero and one respectively.



Answer any five questions.                                                         (5×8=40)


  1. Calculate mean, median and mode from the following data:

Marks: 10-19   20-29   30-39   40-49   50-59   60-69   70-79

           No. of students:   8         19        29        36        25        13         4     

  1. The Serum – cholesterol levels (mg/dL) of 10 patients are given below:                                                                                 195,145,205,159,244,166,250,236,192,224. Draw a box – plot for the above data and interpret it.
  2. A problem in statistics is given to 3 students P, Q and R whose chances of solving it are 1/3,1/4 and 2/5 respectively. What is the probability that ) exactly one will solve the problem b.) no one will solve the problem?
  3. If the height of 300 students is normally distributed with mean 68 inches and standard deviation 2.5 inches, how many students have height: ) greater than 72 inches           b.) less than 60 inches                                      c.) between 65 and 71 inches.
  4. Consider a population with N=6 units, the values being 12,14,10,14,15,12. Select all possible samples of size 2 and verify whether the sample mean is an unbiased estimator for the population mean.
  5. What are ‘large sample tests’? Explain any one test procedure based on large samples.
  6. Suppose a study to examine the relative efficacy of pencillin and spectinomycin in the treatment of gonorrhea is conducted. Three treatments are looked at (1) pencillin, (2) spectinomycin, low dose and (3) spectinomycin, high dose. Three responses are recorded: (1) positive smear, (2) negative smear, positive culture and (3) negative smear, negative culture. The data obtained is given below:


Treatment            + smear      – smear, + culture      – smear, – culture

                     Pencillin                  40                     30                              130

                     Sceptinomycin        10                     20                               70

                     (low dose)

                     Sceptinomycin        15                     40                               45

                     (high dose)

                 Test whether there is any relationship between the type of treatment and

the response at 5% level.


  1. Explain the procedure for testing a specified value of Population median.


                                                           SECTION C

      Answer any two questions.                                                         (2×20=40)


  1. a.) Find mean deviation about mean and median and their coefficients

from the following data:

X: 10         17         20           24              14

f:  5           12        18           12               3

b.) Assume that a factory has two machines. Past records show that

machine 1 produces 30% of the items of the output and machine 2

produces 70% of the items. Further 5% of the items produced by

machine 1 were defective and only 1% produced by machine 2

were defective. If a defective item is drawn at random, what is the

probability that it was produced by a.) machine 1  b.) machine 2 ?


  1. a.) If 20% of the bolts produced by a machine are defective, determine

the probability that out of 4 bolts chosen at random i.) one  ii.) none

will be defective.

b.) A typist in a company commits the following number of mistakes per

page in typing 432 pages:

Mistakes per page:      0       1        2        3        4

No. of pages:     223    142     48     15       4

Fit a Poisson distribution to the above data and test the goodness of fit

at 5% level.

c.) Define the following terms:

i.) random experiment   ii.) sample space   iii.) event.         (4+12+4)


  1. a.) In a random sample of 800 people from city A, 220 were found

having typhoid while in a random sample of 600 people from

city B 145 were having typhoid. Test at 5% level whether the

proportion of people suffering from typhoid in the two cities are


b.) Below are given the gains in weights(lb.) of lions fed on two diets

X and Y respectively:

Diet X: 25       32        30        32        24        14        32

Diet Y:            24        34        22        30        42        31        40        30                                32        35

Test, at 5% level, whether the mean gain in weight between the two

diets is significant.                                                                    (8+12)


22 a.) Let M be the median lung capacity in liters for males. Use the

Wilcoxon statistic with the following 17 observations to test, at 5%

level, the null hypothesis H0: M = 4.7 against a two sided alternative


4.3     5.0       5.7       6.2       4.8       4.7       5.6       5.2       3.7                     4.0     5.6       6.8       4.9            7.6       5.4       3.8       5.6

b.) Explain the following:

i.) Random Variable

ii.) Addition theorem of probability

iii.) Percentiles

iv.) Type 1 Error.                                                                     (10+10)



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Bio-Informatics Question Paper PDF Download


AE 09


         PB 5404 – BIO-INFORMATICS



Date & Time : 06-11-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                                                              (20 marks)


I      Choose the correct answer                                                                  (5 x1  = 5)



  1. _________ is a secondary database.
  2. a) PIR b) swissprot            c) prosite                          d) ncbi
  3. _________ is a nucleic acid seqeuence database.
  4. a) DDBK b) Genbank            c) sopma   d)PDB
  5. _________ is the visual comparison of 2 sequences.
  6. a) dotplot b) PDB   c) Lalign         d) blast
  7. _________is a database search tool.
  8. a) blast b) PIR          c) PDB       d) expasy.
  9. ________is the software to find gene locations in genomes.
  10. a) mapviewer b)  blast         c) fasta             d) sopma



II State True or False                                                                                    (5 x 1  =5)


  1. GC % is related to Tm.
  2. Proteases are enzymes which cut DNA sequences.
  3. Rasmol is a protein structure database.
  4. Protein structures can be downloaded from swissprot.
  5. Swissmodel results can be obtained through email.


III  Complete the following                                                                (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. _________is a Secondary structure prediction tool.
  2. _________ is used to search NCBI protein sequence databases.
  3. _________ is a protein structure visualization tool.
  4. _________is a gene prediction software.
  5. Tm represents _________ of DNA. .





IV Define the following                                                          .             (5 x  1 = 5)


  1. Define : Transition
  2. Expand PAM.
  3. What is a Dendogram.
  4. Expand : NCBI.
  5. Expand : EMBL..




Answer any Five of the following , each in about 350 words.                 (5 x 8 =40)


  1. Explain dotplot and its applications.
  2. Explain promoter 2.0 and its applications.
  3. Explain any 5 commands in rasmol.
  4. Describe in general the various types of biological databases.
  5. Explain peptide cutter and its applications.
  6. Explain the software to identify the restriction site in DNA.
  7. Explain SOPMA in detail.
  8. Explain prosite patterns.





Answer  the following, each  in about 1500 words.          (2 x 20 = 40)

Draw diagrams / flowcharts wherever necessary.




29.a) Explain smithwaterman algorithm in detail.


  1. b) Discuss homology modelling in detail.



30.a) Discuss BLAST, its types, process and output format.


  1. b) Explain genbank and its file format.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Angio. Taxonomy & Embryology Question Paper PDF Download

                      LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AE 05





Date & Time : 02-11-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions.                                                                                (20 marks)

I Choose the best answer.                                                                               (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Gynandrophore is characteristic of the family:
  1. Cucurbitaceae b. Solanaceae c. Capparidaceae     d. Anacardiaceae


  1. Sexual system of classification is a type of  ——- classification.
  1. Artificial b. Natural c. Phylogenetic            d. Modern


  1. Gossypium hirsutum belongs to the family
  1. Euphorbiaceae b. Solanaceae c. Cucurbitaceae          d. Malvaceae


  1. The ubisch bodies are present in
  1. pollen tube b.pollen mother cell d. pollen grain             d. tapetal cells


  1. The number of microspore mother cells required to produce 100 pollen grains is:
  1. 25 b. 50 c. 75                d. 100


II State whether the following statements are true or false.                           (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Keys used in identification of plants are indented and bracketed.


  1. Polygamous flowers are characteristics of Cucurbitaceae.


  1. Catharanthus roseus is known for its narcotic value.


  1. Dichogamy is a condition where the anther and stigma mature at same time.


  1. The three nuclei at the micropilar end form the antipodals.


III Complete the following                                                                             (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. In numerical taxonomy, characters are referred as ————–.


  1. Binomial name for onion is ————- —————.


  1. Tobacco contains an alkaloid —————.


  1. Remains of nucellus in a seed is called —————–.


  1. The distal most cell of the suspensor is called as —————.





IV Answer the following in not more than 50 words each.                           (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Define archechlamydeae
  2. Mention the features of Bicarpellatae
  3. What are essential oils?
  4. What is allogamy?
  5. Write short notes on circinotropous ovule.






Answer any FIVE of the following in not more than 350 words.                 (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Comment on the principles of ICBN.
  2. Give the outline of Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification.
  3. Enumerate the salient features of Euphorbiaceae.
  4. Write notes on spices and condiments.
  5. Give the binomial, family, useful parts and uses of any 2 cereals and 2 pulses.
  6. Draw a neatly labelled diagram showing the T.S. of a mature anther.
  7. Briefly describe the process of fertilization
  8. Describe the development of a typical monocotyledonous embryo.




Answer the following in not exceeding 1500 words each.


  1. (a) With suitable examples describe biochemical and molecular systematics.


(b) Compare the floral characters of the families Capparidaceae, Anacardiaceae

and Cucurbitaceae.


  1. (a) Describe the structure and development of the various types of embryo sac

found in angiosperms.


(b) Give an illustrated account of the various types of endosperms found in




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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Recombinant Dna Technology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 50


APRIL 2007




Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00        Dept. No.                                                                  Max. : 100 Marks





Part A  (10 x 2 = 20)


Write short notes on the following:

  1. DNA methylase
  2. Palindromic sequences
  3. Reverse transcriptase
  4. Selectable markers
  5. DNA primer
  6. Jumping genes
  7. Ti plasmid
  8. Hb vaccine
  9. “Super bug”
  10. Intellectual Property Rights


Part B (5 x 8 = 40)


Answer any FIVE of the following, not exceeding 350 words each. Draw necessary diagrams.


  1. Comment on restriction and modification systems of E. coli.
  2. Give the protocol for restriction mapping of DNA.
  3. Bring out the strategies for the construction of genomic DNA library.
  4. Write notes on various expressions of cloned genes.
  5. Explain restriction fragment length polymorphism and its applications.
  6. Describe Maxam and Gilbert DNA sequencing process.
  7. Enumerate and explain the International Safety Guidelines.


Part – C  (2 x 20 = 40)


Answer the following in not more than 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams.


  1. (a) Describe the classification of restriction enzymes. Give suitable examples.


(b) Explain the types of vectors used in recombinant DNA technology.


  1. (a) Write detailed notes on industrial applications of rDNA technology.


(b) Bring out the social and moral implications of genetic engineering.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Principles Of Horticulture Question Paper PDF Download



IB 45






Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part A


  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. The method of cultivating fruit yielding plants is called as ……..
  2. floriculture b. agriculture               c. horticulture              d. pomology


  1. The ………… pot is most suitable one for cultivation of plants.
  2. porous b. paper                       c. cement                     d. plastic


  1. Which of the following is suitable for lawns?
  2. a) Cyanodon b) Cymbopogon                      c) Citonella                  d) Quisqualis
  3. Nelumbo is suitable for ______ garden
  4. a) rock b) terrace                                 c) roof                         d) water
  5. Name the plant used in commercial floriculture:
  6. a) Gomphrena b) Tuberose                             c) Ixora                        d) Geranium


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. IAA is used for the initiation of roots.
  2. The rooted plant in layering is called stock.
  3. Ravenela madagascarensis is used as a specimen tree.
  4. Disbudding is practiced in rose cultivation..
  5. Freezing is a method for increasing the shelf life of cut flowers.


III. Complete the following                                                                 (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. The purpose of mulching is to ………………
  2. The culture of plants in which the root medium is exclusively water fortified with

dissolved nutrient is called ………..

  1. The art of pruning plants to desired shape is called ________
  2. Pathogens in the soils can be eliminated by __________.
  3. Zerbera is widely used as __________.


  1. Answer the following in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Why some plants are called as medicinal plants?
  2. Define Agriculture
  3. What are edges?
  4. Define roof gardens.
  5. Distinguish between arches and pergolas.






Part B


Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams.

(5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Explain the types of vegetative propagation.
  2. List out the important features of Ooty Botanical Garden and Lalbagh
  3. Mention Do’s and Don’t during pot culture technique.
  4. List out any 8 garden implements and its significance in horticulture
  5. Write notes on fencing hedge , borders and adornments.
  6. Explain the organization of water gardens and rock gardens.
  7. Explain briefly about the cultivation of rose.
  8. With suitable examples illustrate the importance of flowers in preparation of garlands and flower ornaments.


Part C


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams

(2 x 20 = 40)


29a.   Write in detail about Japanese art of plant cultivation.



  1. i) With a blue print,  explain in detail about  the structure of  nursery.


30a. Explain in detail about commercial floriculture




  1. Explain the following:
  2. i) Flower bouquets ii) Ikebana

iii)  Topiary                              iv) transplantation


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant Physiology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 33






Date & Time: 27/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part – A (20 marks)


Answer all the questions.

I  Choose the best answer                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Symplast is associated with :
  1. Plasmodesmata b. Plasma membrane c. Xylem          d. Phloem


  1. Which one of the following is not easily absorbed by plants?
  1. Nitrogen b. Potassium c. Calcium       d. Iron


  1. Oxygen evolved during photosynthesis is derived from
  1. Carbon di oxide b. Starch c. Water                       d. ATP


  1. Legumes transport nitrogen primarily in the form of
    1. Aspargine        b. Allantoin     c. Glutamate                d. Ornithine


  1. Phytohormone used in fruit ripening is
  1. Auxin b. Cytokinin c. Gibberellic acid       d. Ethylene



II  State whether the following statements are true or false.              (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Movement of water is by cohesion and adhesion.
  2. UV-visible spectrophotometer is used to detect micro nutrients.
  3. CAM plants belong to C4 type.
  4. Glycolysis takes place in mitochondria.
  5. Biologically active form of phytochrome is Pr.


III  Complete the following.                                                               (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Ratio of turgid weight with fresh and dry weight is known as ————-.
  2. Die Back disease is caused due to the deficiency of ————-.
  3. The rate of respiration equals to the rate of photosynthesis which is termed as —-.
  4. Prosthetic group for nitrate reductase is —————-.
  5. Hormone used to break the seed dormancy is ————-.


IV Answer the following each within 50 words.                               (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. List any 2 applications of Laws of Thermodymaics.
  2. Comment on antiport and symport.
  3. What is CO2 burst mechanism?
  4. Expand GDH and GOGAT.
  5. What is Richmond Lang effect?


Part – B


Answer any FIVE of the following, each not exceeding 350 words.                            (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Compare the Munch Mass flow hypothesis with solute transport in plants.
  2. Describe the theory of photosynthesis for stomatal movements.
  3. Tabulate the roles and deficiency symptoms of macronutrients.
  4. Distinguish between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation with illustrations.
  5. Explain trans and reductive amination reactions.
  6. Give an account of glucose oxidation till pyruvate formation.
  7. Describe the functions of auxins in plants.
  8. With suitable illustrations and examples, write notes on physiology of flowering.


Part – C


Answer the following, each not exceeding 1500 words. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.                                                                                                                                  (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. (a) Explicate the active mineral uptake mechanism with suitable theories.


(b) Illustrate and explain CO2 fixation process in C3 plants.


  1. (a) Describe the components of nitrogenase. Add note on its activity.


(b) Discuss the effects of drought on crop plants.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant DIVersity-II (Pterido, Gymno, Paleo.) Question Paper PDF Download



IB 43






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00            Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions


I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Which of the following stele is found in Marsilea rhizome.
  2. Protostele b. Haplostele
  3. Plectostele d. Amphiphloic siphonostele
  4. Name the economically important fern which can be used in paddy cultivation.
  5. Selaginella b. Azolla          c. Rhynia                     d. Marsilea
  6. Sago is obtained from
  7. Cycas circinalis                               b. Zamia
  8. Dioon                                             d. Macrozamia
  9. Ovuliferous scale of Pinus is a part of
  10. megasporophyll b. microsporophyll
  11. ovule d. dwarf shoot
  12. Microtome technique is used to study ………. fossils.
  13. petrified b. compressed                         c. cast              d. mold


II State whether the following statements are True or False                                       (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Homosporous fern Selaginella exhibit seed habit.
  2. 07. Lycopodium is commonly known as horse tail.
  3. Secondary xylem of Cycas consists of tracheids and vessels.
  4. Double fertilization occurs is Pinus.
  5. The name of the cone of Lepidodendron is Lepidostrobus.


III. Complete the following                                                                                         ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. In Pteridophytes, the branching of the stem is ……… type.
  2. The ………. of Psilotum plant is associated with endophytic mycorrhiza.
  3. Mucilage canals are present in the stem of ………….

14.The ………….. produces cork cells towards outer side and secondary cortex towards

inner side.

  1. In ……….. process, the tissues are transferred into hard stone like structure.


  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words                ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. What is plectostele? Give one example.
  2. Distinguish between exosporic and endosporic gametophyte.
  3. Define polyembryony.
  4. Write short notes on manoxylic wood.
  5. Mention any two Indian contributions towards Gymnosperms.





PART B                                          ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)


Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. List out the important features of Pterophyta and Psilophyta.
  2. Describe the anatomical features of Equisetum rhizome.
  3. Draw the life cycle of homosporous and heterosporous pteridophytes.
  4. Enlist the salient features of Coniferales.
  5. With the help of labeled diagrams only differentiate the anatomy of Cycas leaflet with

Gnetum leaf.

  1. Write brief account on economic importance of Gymnosperms.
  2. Give an account of the morphology, anatomy and sporangium of Rhynia.
  3. Briefly explain the different techniques used to study the fossils.


PART C                                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


29a. Give a detailed account of the structure and development of sporangium in

homosporous and heterosporous fern.




b.Write down the external features of sporophytic plant body of Lycopodium,      

        Equisetum, Marsilea and Azolla.



30a. Give a general account of the reproductive organs of Cycas , Pinus and Gnetum.



b i). Enumerate the salient features of Bennettitales.

ii). Give an account of different types fossils.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant Diseases & Management Question Paper PDF Download

IB 25








Date & Time : 16.04.2007/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                      Max. : 100 Marks




Part – A (20 marks)


Answer all the questions.

I  Choose the best answer                                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Find the odd one.
  1. Puccinia graminis b. Fusarium oxysporum
  2. Cercospora personata d. Colletotrichum falcatum


  1. Whip tail disease of cauliflower is due to deficiency of ——
  1. Copper b. Zinc c. Molybdenum           d. Iron


  1. Soft rot of vegetables is caused by
  1. Pythium spp b. Phytophthora spp
  2. Rhizoctonia spp. d. Colletotrichum sp.


  1. Characteristics of Xanthomonas campestris are
  1. Gram , rod, non spore forming b. Gram+, rod, non spore forming
  2. Gram , cocci, non spore forming d. Gram+, rod, spore forming


  1. δ- Endotoxins are produced by
  1. Bacillus thuringiensis b. Trichoderma viridae
  2. Xanthomonas oryzae d. Mycoplasma spp.


II  State whether the following statements are true or false.                                      (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Tyloses are extensions of xylem vessels.
  2. Irish famine was due to Phytophthora infestans.
  3. Horizontal resistance is controlled by polygens.
  4. Cuscuta spp belongs to the family Convolvulaceae.
  5. Red rot of sugar cane is caused by Fusarium oxysporum.


III  Complete the following.                                                                                         (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Bordeaux mixture was discovered by ————-.
  2. Mosaic and motling type of symptoms are produced by ———–.
  3. Little leaf of brinjal is caused by ————–.
  4. Two or more disease cycles in a crop plant is termed as ———– disease.
  5. Macro and micro conidia are characteristic of ————–  pathogen.






IV Answer the following each within 50 words.                                                         (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Enumerate Koch postulates
  2. What are phytoalexins?
  3. What is Rogueing?
  4. Give the importance of Melodogyne spp.
  5. TMV. Expand and what type of nucleic acid present in it?


Part – B


Answer any FIVE of the following, each not exceeding 350 words.                                    (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Briefly explain the causes of epiphytotics.
  2. Explain physiological diseases.
  3. Write short notes on hypertrophy and hypotrophy.
  4. Give an account on chemicals that controls crop diseases.
  5. Illustrate and explain various types of spores produced by Puccinia spp.
  6. Describe the types of galls produced in plants.
  7. Discuss about the pathogens and symptoms of damping off.
  8. Comment on the disease little leaf of brinjal.


Part – C


Answer the following, each not exceeding 1500 words.                                         (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. (a) Describe the various events occurs during the pathogenesis.


(b) Explain the defense mechanisms mediated by biomolecules.


  1. (a) Write notes on the pathogens, symptoms, disease cycle and control measures

of Tikka disease of ground nut.


(b) Give a detailed account of the disease downey mildew.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant Cell Structure Question Paper PDF Download




IB 47


APRIL 2007

B 315 Plant Cell Structure



Date & Time :30.04.07 / 1:00 – 4:00        Dept. No.                                                             Max. : 100 Marks




Part A                                                                          (10 x 2 = 20)


Write short notes on the following:

  1. Cell theory
  2. Ergostic substances
  3. Middle lamella
  4. Prokaryotic ribosome
  5. Heterochromatin
  6. Introns and exons
  7. Centrioles
  8. Crossing over
  9. Senescence
  10. Karyotype


Part B                                                                         (5 x 8 = 40)


Answer any FIVE of the following, not exceeding 350 words each. Draw necessary diagrams.


  1. Describe the chemical composition of plant cell wall.
  2. Bring out the biological properties of cytoplasm.
  3. Explain the structure and types of lysosomes in plants.
  4. Briefly explain chromosomal variations in numbers.
  5. Write notes on “one gene one enzyme” hypothesis.
  6. Describe nucleocytoplasmic interaction with reference to Acetabularia.
  7. Give the cytological changes caused due to crown gall disease.
  8. What are the cytological responses of plants to pollutions?


Part – C                                                                        (2 x 20 = 40)


Answer the following in not more than 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams.


  1. (a) Explain the structure and chemical composition of plasma membrane.


(b) Describe ultra structure of chloroplast. Add note on the types of plastids.


  1. (a) Illustrate and explain the various stages of meiosis.


(b) Write notes on the structure of DNA. Add note on its replications.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 31






Date & Time: 30/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions

I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Which one of the following media is most commonly used in plant tissue culture?
  2. Whites medium b. B5 medium    c. Nitsch medium     d. M.S. medium


  1. What term is given to the ability of a cell regenerated into a plantlet?
  2. callus b. totipotency              c. meristem                  d. explant


  1. A small fragment of radio-labeled DNA molecule complementary to the foreign

DNA is called…

  1. cDNA b. DNA probe             c. palindromic DNA   d. T- DNA


  1. Function of nod gene is ….
  2. nitrogen fixation b. nodule development
  3. nitrogen assimilation d. nitrogenase production


  1. The purified form of agar is ……
  2. cellulose b. agarose                    c. alginate                    d. sucrose


II State whether the following statements are True or False                (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Laminar air flow cabinet consists of HEPA filter.
  2. Knudson medium is used for orchid culture.
  3. The opine synthesized by Nop. Ti plasmid is acetosyringone.
  4. pBR 322 is constructed from pUC.
  5. Sodium alginate is used as fusogent.


III.  Complete the following                                                                    ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Hot air oven is used for …………. of glassware.
  2. PEG refers to …………
  3. Agrobacterium tumefasciens causes a disease called ………
  4. The function of APS in Electrophoresis is ………
  5. Spirulina contains ……… pigment.





  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Define Micropropagation.
  2. What is explant?
  3. Distinguish between Ti and Ri plasmid.
  4. Define molecular probe.
  5. What is single cell protein?

PART B                       ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)


Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. Briefly explain the various sterilization techniques in plant tissue culture.
  2. What is acclimatization? Explain how in vitro regenerated plants are transferred to

natural condition.

  1. Define callus. Explain the types of callus. Add a note on its significance.
  2. Define: a. Organogenesis b. Encapsulation of embryo
  3. Cybrid d. Dedifferentiation.
  4. Explain briefly the molecular interaction between Rhizobium and legume plants.
  5. What is Taq DNA polymerase? Write down the steps involved in PCR.
  6. Describe any two methods of direct gene transformation in plants.
  7. Write notes on phycocolloids.


PART C                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500  words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


29a. Mention the significance of plant tissue culture techniques in plant sciences.



  1. Give an account of somatic hybridization. Add a note on its significance of



30a. i. Describe the structure and function of mitochondrial genome.

  1. Explain the method of southern blotting.


  1. i. Explain how Ti plasmid is exploited in plant biotechnology.
  2. Explain the role of yeast in gene cloning.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Plant Bio-Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



IB 27






Date & Time: 04/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions


I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. The pH denotes the relative concentration of …… ions in a solution.
  2. hydrogen b. hydroxyl                  c. oxygen         d. both a and b


  1. Pick the odd one out.
  2. Starch b. Cellulose                 c. Glycogen     d. Glucose


  1. The number of peptide bond present in a tripeptide is ….
  2. 1 b. 2                  c. 3                  d. 4


  1. Name the additional group present in Phospholipids.
  2. phosphoric acid b. sulphuric acid          c. lecithin         d. citric acid


  1. Mention the site at which substrate binds with an enzyme.
  2. active site b. N-terminal               c. Carboxyl end           d. both b and c



II State whether the following statements are  True or False    ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. TEMED acts as catalyst in SDS-PAGE.
  2. Sucrose is the condensation of two molecules of fructose.
  3. The R group in Glycine is hydrogen.
  4. An alcohol group in lecithin is glycerol.
  5. Enzyme involved in oxidation-reduction reaction is called oxidoreductase.


III. Complete the following                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. ……….. force is involved in centrifugation.
  2. The reserved carbohydrate in cell wall is …….
  3. Tryptophan is a …………. amino acid.
  4. Esters of fatty acids with other than glycerol is called as ……..
  5. Km refers to ………..


  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Expand TLC and GLC.
  2. Define Disaccharide.
  3. What is β – sheet structure?


  1. Define glycolipid.


  1. What is active site?

PART B                       ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. Define biomolecule. Explain how chemical bonding occurs in biomolecules.
  2. Explain the working principle of centrifuge. Add a note on various types of


  1. Describe the structure and properties of cellulose and starch.
  2. Briefly explain the structure of protein.
  3. Give an account of classification of amino acids based on R group.
  4. Explain the mode of action of enzymes.
  5. Write notes on saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  6. Describe the classification of enzymes.

PART C                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500  words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


29a.  Give a detailed account of different supporting media used in  electrophoresis.



  1. Explain the structure and properties of monosaccharide and disaccharides.


30a. Give an account on the classification and properties of protein.




  1. i.  What is an enzyme? Describe the general classification and enzyme kinetics.
  2. Explain the types of enzyme inhibitors.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 37






Date & Time: 21/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part – A (20 marks)


Answer all the questions.

I  Choose the best answer                                                                               (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Statement A: Monerans include all unicellular eukaryotes.

Statement B: Whittaker coined the term “protists”.

    1. Statement A is correct, but statement B is incorrect.
    2. Statement B is correct, but statement A is incorrect.
    3. Both A and B are correct        d. Both A and B are incorrect


  1. Match A Mesophiles B. Obligate anaerobes   C. Acid fast    D. Coccobacilli
  1. E. coli ii. Closteridium            iii. Neisseria    iv. Mycobacterium
  2. A – ii B – i C – iv              D – iii
  3. A – ii B – i C – iv              D – iii
  4. A – ii B – i    C – iv              D – iii
  5. A – ii B – i C – iv              D – iii


  1. Griffith used ———– for his experiment on transformation.
  1. Streptococcus b. Staphylococcus c. Bacillus        d. E. coli


  1. Which one of the following involved in denitrification process?
  1. Nitrosomonas b. Nitrococcus c. Nitrospira    d. Corynebacterium


  1. Catalytic sites of enzymes has got more of ————-.
  1. Methionine b. Arginine c. Glycine        d. Glutamine


II  State whether the following statements true or false.                               (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Negative staining is used to stain gram-negative bacteria.
  2. Fastidious organisms require specific growth requirements for their course.
  3. Competancy attained during exponential phase.
  4. Lytic phages are otherwise known as avirulant phages.
  5. Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen.


III  Complete the following.                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. In —————— drop preparation ———— slide is used.
  2. ———— and ———— are those which grow either in the presence or absence of


  1. Microbes that requires specific nutrients for growth is termed as ————.
  2. —————- are viruses which have algae as their hosts.
  3. Toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus is ————–.





IV Answer the following each within 50 words.                                           (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Mention the contributions of each of the following scientists:
  2. Lister b. Lederberg c. Ehrlich         d. Jenner
  3. What are gas vacuoles? What is their function?
  4. Differentiate coenzyme and cofactors.
  5. Distinguish between icosahedral and helical viruses.
  6. What is bioflocculation?


Part – B


Answer any FIVE of the following, each not exceeding 350 words.            Draw necessary diagrams.                                                                                                                              (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Tabulate the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  2. Classify bacteria based on shape and arrangement.
  3. Write about the cultivation of viruses.
  4. Expand the following with a foot note each.
  5. PPLO b. Ag – ab       c. Taq              d. nm               e. TMV            e. CPE
  6. Compare cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation in phototrophs.
  7. Briefly explain the mechanism of bacterial transformation.
  8. Explain phosphorous cycle. Add note on the roles of VAM in agriculture.
  9. Outline the protocol for industrial production of vinegar.



Part – C


Answer the following, each not exceeding 1500 words.                               (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. (a) What are pure cultures? Discuss the methods of isolation of pure cultures.


(b) Give an account of lytic cycle. How does it differ from lysogenic cycle?



  1. (a) With the outline explain in detail about the pentose phosphate pathway.


(b) Give an account on microbial food spoilage. Explain the methods of food




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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Microbial Technology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 29






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )



  1. ­­Cultures can be preserved at _____ °C in cryopreservation.
  2. a) -160 b) -100 c) -196                         b) -120
  3. Saccharomyces is not used in the production of
  4. a) Wine b) Champagne c) Hep B vaccine         d) Riboflavin
  5. Which of the following is used in the production of Vitamin B2?
  6. a) Saccharomyces b) E. coli c) Propionibacterium d) Vibrio         
  7. Which of the following is used in the production of citric acid?
  8. a) Glucanobacter b) Penicillium c) Aspergillus              d) Bacillus
  9. Methanogens are is used in the production of
  10. a) biogas b) biofertilizer. c) biopesticide.                        d) biopolymer




  1. State whether the following are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )



  1. Ion excghange chromatography is used for product recovery.
  2. Yoghurt is produced using
  3. Erythropoitin can be produced by recombinant DNA technology.
  4. Pectinase is used in cheese industries.
  5. Dextran is obtained from




III. Complete the following                                                                 (5 x 1 = 5)



  1. N-Alkanes are used as _______ source
  2. The DNA content of Spirulina is ______%
  3. Ashbya gossypii is used for the production of _______.
  4. The chemical name for Aspartame is __________________.
  5. Baculoviruses are used as ________













  1. Answer the following in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Mention the functions of sparger and baffles.
  2. What are single cell proteins? Give examples.
  3. List any four microbes used in production of Vitamin B12.
  4. What is rennet? Mention its uses.
  5. What are exopolymers? Give examples.





Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams.  (5 x 8 = 40)



  1. Discuss about the different nitrogen sources used in the formulation of medium.
  2. Explain the steps involved in directed mutagenesis for strain improvement.
  3. Write notes on Beer production.
  4. Give an account of humulin production.
  5. Explain in detail about the production of ß- carotene.
  6. Briefly explain about amylase production using microbes.
  7. Discuss in brief about the production of Vinegar.
  8. Write notes on biopesticides and their production. Add note on its merits.




Answer the following questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams         (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. a) Explain in detail about methods used in production of recombinants for improved industrial





  1. Give a detailed account of cheese production. Add a note on the types of cheese.


  1. a) Explain: a) Production of Streptomycin  b) Biotransformation.




  1. i. Elaborate processes involved in the production of citric acid.
  2. Write notes on Exopolysaccarides and their applications



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 28






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the following questions                                                                         (20 marks)

  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. Name the person who coined the term chemotherapy.
  2. a) Lister b) Leewenhock    c) Lederberg d) Lille
  3. An example of a semisynthetic drug is
  4. a) sulphonamide b) ampicillin c) penicillin      d) bacitricin.
  5. A disease which runs a rapid and severe course with distinct symptoms is called
  6. a) chronic b) latent c) acute      d) localised
  7. TB is caused by the bacterium
  8. a) Corynebacterium b) Clostridium c) Meningococcus d) Mycobacterium
  9. Which among the following is a sexually transmitted disease.
  10. a) syphilis b) typhoid c) cholera d) plague



  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )
  2. Cold sterilization  refers to killing microbes using low temperatures.
  3. Streptomycin is obtained from Streptomyces griseus.
  4. Vaccination comes under passive immunity.
  5. Chicken pox is a viral disease.
  6. Malaria is caused by



III. Complete the following                                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Pasteurization was proposed by ________.
  2. If a disease spreads all over the body affecting various parts, it is called ____ infection .
  3. Penicillin is obtained from the fungus______.
  4. Rice water stool is the most prominent symptom of ______.
  5. Fungal infections of skin are called _____infections. .




  1. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Write down any two of Koch’s postulates.
  3. What is Crede’s method ?
  4. Distinguish between endemic and pandemic disease.
  5. Name the causal organism of tetanus. Add a note on symptoms.
  6. Write down any 2 symptoms of gonorrhoea,.



 Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words.                           (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Write down the importance of radiation as a method of control.
  2. Mention the source, mode of action , spectrum of activity of any two antibiotics.
  3. Give an outline of immunity.
  4. Discuss the symptoms, treatment and control of tuberculosis.
  5. Give a schematic representation only of the disease cycle of malarial parasite.
  6. Expand the following with a footnote each.
  7. LTH ii. BCG iii. AVS           iv.  NmEP
  8. Write about the gaseous chemosterilizers.
  9. Mention the contributions of any four microhiologists to medical microbiology.


Answer any two of the questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams     (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. a) Describe the physical methods of control of microbes


  1. Write about any four antigen – antibody reactions.


  1. a) Write an essay on the causal organism , mode of transmission, symptoms and treatment of AIDS.                                           OR
  2. Write short notes on
  3. ameobiasis (10)
  4. exotoxins (10)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Herbal And Ethanobotany Question Paper PDF Download



IB 32






Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part A


Answer all questions                                                                                     (20 X 01 = 20)


  1. Choose the best answer. (05 x 01 = 05)


01.Tribals always wish to live in harmony with

  1. Ecosystem b. Environment    c. Nature                 d. World
  2. Extract of ______ is used in hair oils.
  3. Coriandrum sativum b. Eclipta alba      c. Phyllanthus amarus       d. Ocimum sanctum
  4. Sitz bath is also known as ______ bath
  5. Oat b. Lavender                             c. Hydrotherapy          d. Hip
  6. Who systematized Unani medicine?
  7. Hippocrates     b. Theophrastus           c. S K Jain                   d. E K Janakiammal
  8. Siddha system of medicine is otherwise called as _______ medicine
  9. Malay             b. Chinese                   c. Indian                      d. Hindu


  1. State true or false. (05 x 01 = 05)


  1. Crystallization of herbal constituents proceeds microextraction and microfiltration.
  2. Curative principles for Jaundice are extracted from Phyllanthus amarus.
  3. Deterioration means the addition of a spurious material to any article to defraud.
  4. Infusion of leaf extracts of Ocimum sanctum is seldom recommended by physicians.
  5. Comfrey goo is herbal oil.


III. Complete the following.                                                                           (05 x 01 = 05)


  1. ______ is the alkaloid extracted from Adathoda vasica used as an expectorant.
  2. ______ involve the exclusive use of glycerin instead of honey.
  3. Drug color names are standardized and determined by ______.
  4. ______ are some selected plants considered by tribes as sacred.
  5. ______ is the pioneering ethnobotanist of Botanical Survey of India (BSI).


  1. Answer the following, each within 50 words (05 x 01 = 05)


  1. What are suppositories?
  2. Write for any two medicinal properties of Ocimum sanctum.
  3. What is Materia Medica?
  4. Name the terpenoid extracted from Azadirachta indica. Mention its importance.
  5. What do you mean by Baram or Charam?







Part B


Answer any Five of the following, each not exceeding 350 words.           ( 05 x 08 = 40)


  1. What is drug adulteration? Mention any six methods of adulteration.
  2. Enumerate the strategies implemented by tribes towards conservation of medicinal plants.
  3. How the ethnobotanical research is carried out in India?
  4. What is a Patent? Discuss about it in the context of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
  5. Explain how tribals diagnose and treat diseases?
  6. Write down the importance and scope of ethnobotany in India.
  7. Describe in brief the methods involved in the preparation of medicinal herbs towards further extraction.
  8. With suitable diagrams, describe any one of the following in organoleptic terms.
  9. Zingiber officinale (or)      ii. Phyllanthus amarus



Part C


Answer the following, each not exceeding 1500 words.                             (02 x 20 = 40).


29  (a). Write an essay on organoleptic evaluation of drugs.


(b). Describe the importance of ethnobotany in alternate systems of medicine in India.

30  (a). How to extract phytopharmaceuticals?


(b). Explain the methodology of preparation of the following:

  1. Poultices ii. Compresses or Fomentations   iii. Glycerites   iv. Elixirs


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Genetics And Plant Breeding Question Paper PDF Download



IB 30






Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions


I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. The scientist known for using X- rays to cause mutation is
  2. T.H. Morgan b. H.J. Muller   c. Friedrich Miesher     d. D.E. Moore


  1. Which one of the following is the smallest unit ?
  2. recon    b.  muton          c. cistron          d. operon


  1. In Coli according to operon theory an operator gene combines with
    1. regulator protein to “ switch on “ structural gene transcription.
    2. regulator protein to “ switch off “ structural gene transcription.
    3. regulator gene to “ switch off “ structural gene transcription.
    4. regulator gene to “ switch on “ structural gene transcription.


  1. In the nuclei of the body cells of men and women most chromosomes are alike but they differ in number of X and Y chromosomes present. The nuclei of the body cells of men contain
  2. two X chromosomes b. two Y chromosomes
  3. one X and one Y chromosome d. one X and no Y chromosome


  1. Mutation is very important for evolution to continue because mutation
    1. tends to bring equilibrium in a particular environment.
    2. triggers struggle for existence.
    3. causes recombination of genes.
  2. produces new variations.


II State whether the following statements are  True or False    ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. If the test cross ratio of monohybrid cross is 1:1 (red : white) then the genotype

of the parent is Rr.

  1. DNA has the ability to store genetic information, which can be expressed in the cell as needed.
  2. Neurospora is suitable for genetic studies because it has very short life cycle.
  3. Bromouracil is a base analogue mutagen.
  4. Newer varieties developed by plant breeders are adapted only to selective areas.



III. Complete the following                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. An offspring of two homozygous parents that differ from one another by only one

character is called——————-.

  1. In ________ mechanism the synthesis of the new DNA strand is initiated from the

pre existing strand.

  1. _______ inversion in which the rearrangement of genes is confined to single arm of

the chromosome

  1. —————– introns are located in the protein encoding genes of the nucleus.
  2. —————– discovered that new species arise as a result of natural selection.


  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
  2. What is polygenic inheritance?
  3. Distinguish between positive and negative supercoiling.
  4. Define cistron.
  5. What are intercalating agents?
  6. Define heterosis.


PART B                       ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. Write notes on
  2. incomplete dominance
  3. Lethal genes
  • Multiple alleles
  1. Back cross
  2. Brief the events in semiconservative method of replication.
  3. Give an account of post transcriptional modifications.
  4. Describe the structure of a transposable element. Add a note on its functions.
  5. What is Down’s syndrome? Mention its physical and physiological features.
  6. What is point mutation? Mention its types and effects with examples.
  7. Describe the procedure of hybridization in plant breeding.
  8. Briefly explain the principles of Lamarckism.


PART C                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

29 a. Describe the following

  1. Law of independent assortment
  2. Cytoplasmic inheritance


b.Describe in detail the structure and organization of DNA.


30 a.  With an example explain how gene expression can be regulated in E. Coli.


  1. Give a detailed account of DNA repair mechanisms.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 General Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


IB 40







Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




Part A


  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. Protozoans belong to
  2. a) monera b) protista                    c) viruses                     d) animalia
  3. EMB agar is a __________ medium.
  4. a) differential b) selective                  c) enrichment               d) general
  5. ______ is involved in the transfer of genetic material between different cells.
  6. a) pili b) fimbria                    c) flagella                     d) mesosomes
  7. Thiobacillus is involved in _______ cycle
  8. a) nitrogen b) carbon                     c) sulfur                       d) phosphorus
  9. The device that involves conversion of biochemical signal to electric signal is called
  10. a) biosensor b) electrosensor                         c) thermistor              d) bioconvertor


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. Viruses are free living entities.
  2. Enrichment cultures are used routinely for all microbes.
  3. DNA polymerase is involved in replication of DNA.
  4. Bacterial diseases can be controlled by fungicides.
  5. Proteases and lipases are used in the formulation of detergents.


III. Complete the following                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. Among fungi, sexual reproduction is absent in ______________.
  2. The time taken by a bacterium to divide into two cells is called ________.
  3. Lac operon concept explains the principle of __________.
  4. Little leaf of brinjal is caused by _________________.
  5. _______ is a widely used method for preservation of milk.



  1. Answer the following each in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)


  1. What are microalgae?
  2. Define axenic cultures.
  3. What are plasmids?
  4. Give the composition of Bordeaux mixture.
  5. What are vaccines?








Part B


Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams.

(5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Enumerate the general characteristics of viruses.
  2. Explain the stages of microbial growth.
  3. What is conjugation? Add a note on the movement of DNA during conjugation.
  4. Describe the disease cycle in wheat rust.
  5. Bring out the commercial applications of microbial enzymes.
  6. Give an account of Nitrogen cycle.
  7. Describe the process involved in Penicillin production.
  8. Give the methods for food preservation from microbial spoilage.


Part C


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams

(2 x 20 = 40)


  1. Explain how bacteria are classified based on their shape and flagellation. Add a note on the

ultrastructure of bacterial cell



  1. Write notes on :   i) Transduction                     ii) Transformation.


  1. a. Write notes on the pathogen, symptoms and control measures for
  2. i) Citrus canker ii) Tobacco mosaic disease




  1. Describe the process involved in primary and secondary treatment of waste water.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Fermentation Technology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 23





Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00       Dept. No.                                                                 Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all questions


  1. Choose the best answer (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Microbe mediated conversion of a compound into a structurally related one is called
  3. microbial transformation b. compound transformation
  4. biotransformation d. molecular transformation


  1. ____ = μmaxs / (Ks + s)
  2. ½ μ b. ½ μmax c. μ2     d. μ


  1. ______ is required to achieve a number of mixing objectives during fermentation.
  2. Agitator b. Impeller c. Agitator or impeller d. Acetator


  1. Measurement and control of dissolved oxygen is accomplished using _____ electrodes.
  2. polarographic b. reference c. Bourdon tube          d. tubing


  1. Reversible exchange of ions between a liquid phase and a solid phase is referred to as
  2. ion-exchange b. ion-transfer c. ion-reversion            d. ion-mobilisation


  1. State whether the following statements are true or false (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Baffles are incorporated into the fermenter to prevent vortex and to improve aeration efficiency.
  3. In continuous culture systems, D = F / W.
  4. During fermentation, monitoring equipment produces information to indicate the progress of the process.
  5. In computer administered fermentation, data reduction is performed by the data analysis system.


III. Complete the following                                                                          (5 x 1 =5)

  1. ______ technology has revolutionised and extended the production of several potential fermentation products.


  1. In microbial growth kinetics, the maintenance phase is equivalent to _______ phase.


  1. ________ fermenters are used highly for the production of Single Cell Proteins.


  1. Carbon & Energy source + Nitrogen source + O2 + other requirements → Biomass + _____ + CO2 + H2O + ∆.


  1. ________ sensor is not an integral part of the fermenter.




  1. Answer the following, each within 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Define fermentation in strict biochemical sense.
  3. What is fed – batch culture?
  4. Distinguish between asepsis and containment.
  5. Functionally differentiate In-line and On-line sensors.
  6. What are antifoams?

Part B


Answer any five of the following, each within 350 words                                                 (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Comment on the range of fermentation process.
  2. Enumerate the basic functions of a fermenter.
  3. Describe in brief the methods of preservation of industrially important microorganisms.
  4. Give an account of the control systems of process variables in fermentation process.
  5. Derive for the kinetics of batch fermentation.
  6. Give the schematic representation of down stream processing with a brief explanation.
  7. Write down the various applications of Biosensors.
  8. Comment on the following fermentation vessels:
  9. Waldhof – type fermenter ii.  Tower fermenter

iii. Cylindro – Conical vessels                   iv. Air – lift fermenters


Part C


Answer the following, each within 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams

(2 x 20 = 40)

29 (a) Trace the chronological development of the fermentation industry.


(b) Describe in general the preparation of media for industrial fermentation.

30 (a) Discuss the application of computers in fermentation technology.


(b) Bring out the application of chromatography in fermented product recovery and



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