Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Statistics For Management Question Paper PDF Download



NO 17







Date : 24/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL questions.                                                                       (10 x 2 =20 marks)


  1. Define a random experiment and give an example.
  2. A random experiment has the following probability function as follows, find E(X).


X -1 0 1
P(X) 0.2 0.3 0.5


  1. Differentiate between statistics and parameters.
  2. What are the assumptions of analysis of variance test?
  3. Define index numbers.
  4. Name any 2 methods of constructing unweighted index numbers.
  5. What are variable control charts? Name them.
  6. For a quality control process, the mean is 0.5230 cm and standard deviation is 0.0032 cm. Calculate 3σ upper and lower control limits, if the sample size is 4.
  7. Define a Linear Programming Problem.


  1. Solve the following game:     A



Answer any FIVE questions.                                                               (5 x 8 =40 marks)


  1. Aakash can solve 3 problems out of 5, Deepak can solve 2 out of 5 and Godfrey can solve 3 out of 4.What is the probability that:
  • The problem will be solved
  • Only two will solve the problem
  1. The probability of an increase in demand of a particular product in the next year is 0.75. If this demand increase takes place, the probability that the sales will increase is 0.7. If there is no demand increase, the probability that the sales will increase is 0.5. Given that at the end of the year, the sale has risen, what is the probability that there was an increase in demand of the product?
  2. A college conducts both day and evening classes intended to be identical. For a sample of 100 day students, the results was:  = 72.4 and σ = 14.8 and for a sample of 200 evening students, the exam results was:  = 73.9 and σ = 17.9. Are the two means statistically equal at 5% level of significance?
  3. Edible oil is packed in tins holding 16 Kg each. The filling machine can maintain this but with a standard deviation of 0.5 Kg. Samples of 25 are taken from the production line. If the sample mean is 16.35 Kg, can we be 95 % sure that the sample has come from a population of 16 Kg tins?
  4. Explain the uses of index numbers, and state the problems in the construction of index numbers.


  1. The following table gives an inspection data on completed CD’s there were 2000 CD’s in 20 lots of 100 each. Draw a control chart for fraction defectives, and check if the process is in control.
Lot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of defectives 5 10 12 8 6 5 6 3 3 5
Lot No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
No. of defectives 4 7 8 2 3 4 5 8 6 10







  1. Solve the following Linear Programming Problem: Min z = 2 x + y subject to the constraints,  x ≤ 4, x + y ≥ 1, 5 x + 10 y ≤ 50, x, y ≥ 0.


  1. Given the following data, determine the least cost allocation of the available machines M1, M2, M3, Mand M5,  to 5 jobs A, B, C, D and E.
M1 25 29 31 42 37
M2 22 19 35 18 26
M3 39 38 26 20 33
M4 34 27 28 40 32
M5 24 42 36 23 45










Answer any TWO questions.                                                               (2 x 20 =40 marks)


  1. (i) The screws produced by a certain machine were checked by examining samples of 128. The following table shows the distribution of 128 samples according to the number of defective items they contained:
No. of defectives 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of samples 7 6 19 35 30 23 7 1




Fit a binomial distribution and find the expected frequencies if the chance of a screw being defective is ½. Also find the mean and variance of the distribution.

(ii) East-West airlines have the policy of employing women whose height is between 62 and 69 inches. If the height of women is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 64 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches, out of the 1000 applications receives, find the number of applicants that would be (i) too tall (> 69), (ii) too short (< 62)


  1. (i) A random sample is selected from each of 3 makes of ropes and their breaking strengths(in  pounds) are measured with the following results:
I 70 72 75 80 83
II 100 110 108 112 113 120 107
III 60 65 57 84 87 73

Test whether the breaking strength of ropes differ significantly at 5% level of significance.


(ii) Construct Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s Index numbers for the following data.


      2006  2007
Commodity Price Quantity Price Quantity
A 2 8 4 6
B 5 10 6 5
C 4 14 5 10
D 2 19 2 13


  1. Construct a control chart for mean and range for the following data on the basis of fuses, samples of 5 being taken every hour. Comment on whether the production seems to be under control.


                            Sample Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
42 42 19 36 42 51 60 18 69 64 61 15
65 45 24 54 51 74 60 20 109 90 78 30
75 68 80 69 57 75 72 27 113 93 94 39
78 72 81 77 59 78 95 42 118 109 109 620
87 90 81 84 78 132 138 60 153 112 136 84










  1. There are three sources A, B, C which store a given product. These sources supply these products to four dealers D, E, F, G. The cost (Rs.) of transporting the products from various sources to various dealers, the capacities of the sources and the demands of the dealers are given below.


D E F G Supply
A 3 7 6 4 5
B 2 4 3 2 2
C 4 3 8 5 3
Demand 3 3 2 2  


Find out the solution for transporting the products at a minimum cost by using  (i) North-West Corner Rule, (ii) Least Cost method and (iii) Vogel’s Approximation Method. Compare the costs and write down the best solution.


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Project Management Question Paper PDF Download



AP 18







Date : 23/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer all Questions:                                                                                        (10×2=20)


  1. What are the external constraints of project identification?
  2. What is the need for studying project profiles?
  3. How do you estimate the volume of prospective consumers?
  4. What do you mean by time-cost trade off?
  5. What is project implementation?
  6. While ascertaining the technical feasibility of a project, what  aspects are to be considered?
  7. What is project appraisal?
  8. Write a note on project life cycle?
  9. State the importance of project design.
  10. State the need for network analysis for an entrepreneur.



Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                              (5×8=40)


  1. What is meant by network analysis? Discuss PERT and CPM as the important techniques of network analysis.
  2. What is a sick unit?  What measures can be adopted to rehabilate a sick unit.
  3. What is feasibility study? Examine the different aspects of feasibility study.
  4. Discuss the steps involved in the processing and selection of business idea.
  5. Examine the problems commonly faced by entrepreneurs while establishing a new project.
  6. What are the attributes of a good project manager.
  7. What is market analysis ? Explain its significance to an entrepreneur?
  8. Examine the various elements and importance of Risk and Uncertainty in project appraisal study.



Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                               (2×20=40)


  1. As an entrepreneur what criteria would you adopt for project identification and project selection? Explain.
  2. Explain the elements of project formulation and enumerate the various steps in project formulation.
  3. What are the techniques adopted for evaluating projects?  Enumerate the tax incentives available for new projects.



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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Production Management Question Paper PDF Download



AP 17







Date : 21/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

SECTION-A                                                            10 x 2 = 20


Answer the following questions


  1. State the different types of Product Design
  2. Expand   P=f(M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9)
  3. What is automation
  4. Distinguish between job enrichment and job enlargement
  5. What is process chart?
  6. What is P.F analysis?
  7. Distinguish between AQL and LTPD
  8. What is quality circle?
  9. Define Method Study
  10. What is ISO?


                                 SECTION –B                                                              5 x 8 = 40


Answer any five questions


  1. What are the Components of production function?
  2. Mention the different types of continuous production
  3. State Weber’s theory of Industrial location
  4. Bring out any six factors influencing selection of site for a factory
  5. What are the advantages of quality control system
  6. State the different kinds of job design
  7. How ergonomics can reduce accidents?
  8. What is integrated approach to materials management?


SECTION-C                                                           2 x 20 = 40


Answer any two


  1. What are the various product development tools and techniques adopted by organizations?


  1. State the objectives of maintenance methods and explain the different types of the same adopted by an organization


  1. Classify the different types of stores maintained by any organization and bring out the functions carried out by a store keeper.




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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Mercantile Law Question Paper PDF Download



AP 06







Date : 22/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


SECTION – A                       (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions:


  1. What is a Voidable contract?
  2. What is an “Executory Contract?”
  3. Define a “Cross offers”.
  4. Write a short note on “Minor as an Agent”.
  5. Define the term “Authority of an Agent”.
  6. Define the term “Agreement to sell”.
  7. Define Warranty.
  8. Define “Charter Party”.
  9. What are the terms commonly used in respect of all Insurance Contracts?
  10. Define “Maritime Perils”.


SECTION – B                       (5 X 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions:


  1. Discuss the Classification of Contracts according to their mode of creation.
  2. Explain about the persons who are disqualified by law to enter into a contract.
  3. State the provisions of Indian Contract Act regarding the persons who are entitled to perform the contract.
  4. Discuss the agency relationship between a husband and his wife.
  5. Define the term “Goods”. What are the classification of Goods- explain the provisions under the Sale of Goods Act.
  6. Define a Common Carrier. What are the characteristics of a Common Carrier?
  7. Discuss the types of Marine Policies.
  8. Discuss the principles of Insurance.



SECTION – C                       (2 X 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO questions only:


  1. Discuss in detail the essential and legal rules for a valid contract.
  2. Explain the various types of Life Insurance Policies.
  3. Explain in detail the cases where Objects and Consideration is Unlawful.


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Marketing Management Question Paper PDF Download



AP 9






Date : 29-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL the questions.                                                             (10×2=20 marks)

  1. What do you mean by ‘blanket brands’?
  2. State any 3 functions of packaging.
  3. What is ‘product-mix’?
  4. Write a brief note on ‘Penetration Pricing’.
  5. State any 2 functions of middlemen.
  6. What are the essentials on a label on processed food items?
  7. Explain the term ‘Re-marketing’.
  8. What is demographic segmentation?
  9. Differentiate ‘Market’ from ‘Marketing’.
  10. What is ‘Sales Promotion’?


Answer any FIVE questions.                                                           (5×8=40 marks)

  1. Describe the elements of a ‘Marketing Mix’.
  2. What are the criteria for market segmentation? Briefly describe the criteria with suitable examples.
  3. Explain in detail the new product development process.
  4. Discuss the various strategies to be adopted by a markteer of consumer goods, during the stages of the product life cycle.
  5. Define Branding – What are the objectives of branding?
  6. What are the factors to be considered while fixing the price of industrial raw materials?
  7. Describe the important channels of distribution available for the marketing of consumer goods.
  8. Critically evaluate the methods of adverting appropriation.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                           (2×20=40 marks)

  1. “In today’s world customer Relationship Management is the key to successful Marketing” – Discuss.
  2. Define Promotion. Describe the commonly adopted techniques of sales promotion, both dealer and consumer sales promotion.
  3. What are the objectives of pricing? Describe any three important methods of pricing.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Introduction To Statistics Question Paper PDF Download


NO 8







Date : 07-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer all the questions                                                                              (10×2=20 marks)

  1. Mention the various uses of statistics in Business and Industry.
  2. Distinguish between ‘Census’ and ‘Sampling’ methods of collection of data
  3. What are the different types of bar diagram?
  4. State the different components of time series.
  5. The mean heights of 25 male workers in a factory is 61 inches and mean height of 35 female workers in the same factory is 58 inches.  Find the combined mean height of 60 workers in the factory.
  6. From the following find out whether the data are consistent or not

(A) =100, (B) = 150, (AB) = 60, N = 500

  1. The arithmetic mean of a group of 75 observations is 27.  It was later discovered that one observation was wrongly read as 43 instead of the correct value 53.  Calculate correct mean.
  2. The first four central moments of distribution are 0, 2.5, 0.7 and 18.75.  Comment on kurtosis of the distribution.
  3. An automobile driver travels from plain to hill station 100 Km distance at an average speed of 30 km per hour.  He then makes the return trip at average speed of 20 km per hour.  What is his average speed over the entire distance (200 km)?
  4. If the upper quartile of a series is 40 and lower quartile is 15, find out the value of quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation.



Answer any five questions                                                                              (5×8=40 marks)

  1. Distinguish between probability and non-probability sampling.  Examine critically the various types of probability sampling.
  2. In order to ascertain if the marriage has any effect on the examination results of students, 1,000 students were selected at random.  There were Hindus, Muslims & Christians of the 1000 students, 375 were married.  Of the married students, 167 passed and of the unmarried students, 203 failed.  Find Yule’s coefficient of association between marriage and failure of students in the examination.
  3. Draw ogive by less than and more than methods for the following and determine the median graphically:


Marks 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30 30-36
No. of students 4 8 15 20 12 6


  1. Obtain the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between the variables X and Y from the following pairs of observed values.


X 50 55 65 50 55 60 50 65 70 75
Y 110 110 115 125 140 115 130 120 115 160


  1. Fit a straight line trend by the method of least squares to the following data:


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Sales (‘000) 38 40 65 72 69 67 95 104

      Estimate the sales for the year 2000


  1. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness:


Variable 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Frequency 5 6 11 21 35 30 22 11




  1. Compute mode using grouping and analysis table from the following frequency distribution of marks at a test in English.


Marks 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
No. of students 20 43 75 76 72 45 39 9 8 6


  1. Find out the mean deviation from the median for the following data:


Age (years) 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18
No. of Students 30 90 120 150 80 60 20




Answer any two questions                                                                  (2×20=40 marks)


  1. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data:




















10-15 3 7
15-20 4 9 4 3
20-25 7 6 12 5
25-30 3 10 19 8


  1. The scores of two batsman A and B in ten innings during a certain season are:


A 32 28 47 63 71 39 10 60 96 14
B 19 31 48 53 67 90 10 62 40 80


Find which of the two batsmen is more consistent in scoring.

  1. Find the seasonal variation by the ratio-to-trend method from the data given below:


Year 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
2001 86 95 96 99
2002 96 102 104 110
2003 103 108 106 107


  1. From the data given below find:
  1. The two regression equations
  2. The coefficient of correlation between marks in Economics and Statistics
  3. The most likely marks in Statistics when the marks in Economics are 30
  4. The most likely marks in Economics when the marks in Statistics are 35


Marks in Economics 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32
Marks in Statistics 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39



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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



AP 14






Date : 03-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer all the questions                                                       (10×2=20 marks)

  1. Define Human Resource
  2. Job Satisfaction
  3. Organisational Climate
  4. Grievance
  5. Conflict
  6. Performance appraisal
  7. Attitudes
  8. Human Resource Management
  9. Organizational Development
  10. Personality




Answer any five questions                                                    (5×8=40 marks)

  1. Briefly explain about the external sources of recruitment
  2. What are the various sources of conflict in an organisation.
  3. Briefly informal groups how does it benefit the organisation.
  4. Briefly explain about the different types of personality.
  5. Explain the role of Human Resource Management in a competitive environment.
  6. Briefly explain about the different sources of grievances.
  7. How does training benefit an organization.
  8. Explain any five methods of performance appraisal.




Answer any two questions                                                    (2×20=40 marks)

  1. Explain the different methods of training an employee in an organisation.
  2. Explain the process of selection in detail.
  3. Explain the Grievance procedure in detail.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Financial Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



AP 3







Date : 23-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer ALL questions.                                                                    (10 x 2 = 20marks)

  1. What is Balance Sheet?
  2. Purchased a machinery on 1.7.2005 for Rs. 40,000; sold on 1.8.2007 for Rs. 28,000; Depreciation on WDR @ 10% p.a Calculate profit or loss. Books are closed on 31st Dec.
  3. Calculate Capital introduced from the following details: Capital in the beginning Rs.5000; Capital at the end Rs.13,000; Profit made during the year Rs.2000.
  4. What are Self-balancing ledgers?
  5. Write a note an Dependent branch.
  6. What is the meaning of Inter-Departmental transfer?
  7. Write a note on Hire-Purchase trading Account?
  8. Calculate short workings, if Minimum Rent in Rs.10,000; and actual Royalty is Rs. 8,000.
  9. How is the loss of stock computed?
  10. Explain Average clause in insurance policy.



Answer any FIVE questions.                                                           (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

  1. Distinguish between Hire purchase and instalment.
  2. Alfred maintains books on single entry system. He gives you the following information:


Capital on January 1, 2007                 15,200

Capital on 31st Dec 2007                    16,900

Drawings made during 2007                4,800

Capital introduced on Aug 1, 2007      2,800


Calculate Profit made by Alfred.


  1. Below are given particulars from the books of a trader for the month of January.

Rs.                                                      Rs.

Jan. 1   Opening balance         30,000 Bills receivable dishonored     1500

Jan 31  Total Sales (Jan)          90,000 Discount allowed

to Debtors                                400

Sales Returns                               500 Bad debts                                  350

Cash from Debtors                  40,000 Transfers from

other ledger                              750

B/R received                           15,000

Prepare Debtors Ledger Adjustment a/c in general Ledger.

  1. M/s. Thomas & Co invoiced goods to their branches at cost. From the following details, relating to branch, prepare Branch Account for 2007 and Calculate profit.

Rs.                                                        Rs.

Debtors on 31st Dec. 2007      2000    Discounts to Customers              40

Goods sent to Branch             7000    Stock (1.1.2007)                     2000

Goods Returned by Branch      800    Stock (31.12.2007)                 1600

Goods Returned by Customers

to Branch          150    Bad debts                                    70

Cash Sales                               4300    Rent Paid by Head office       1300

Credit Sales                             6000    Insurance by Head office       1800

Cash remitted to H.O           11300    Salaries & Wages by

Head office                 2800

  1. The following purchases were made by a business hense having three departments:

Department A — 1000 units

Department B — 2000 units   @ a total Cost of Rs. 1,00,000

Department C — 2400 units


Stock on 1st January were:

Department A — 120 units

Department B —   80 units

Department C — 152 units


The sales were

Department A —1020 units    at Rs. 20/- per unit

Department B— 1920 units    at Rs. 22.50/- per unit

Department C— 2496 units    at Rs. 25/- per unit


Prepare Departmental Trading Account.


  1. Mr. A bought a machine under Hire purchase agreement, the cash price of the machine being Rs. 18000. As per the terms, the buyer has to pay Rs. 4000 on signing the agreement and the balance in four instalments of Rs. 4000 each, payable at the end of each year. Calculate the interest chargeable at the end of year.
  2. Ram Tiles Ltd., obtained a lease of land from Landlord for a period of four years from Jan. 1, 2004, paying a minimum Rent of Rs. 8000 per annum, merging in a Royalty of 50 paise per ton of clay raised. The lease contains a clause to the effect that if the minimum Rent paid in any year exceeds royalty for the year, the amount of excess can be recouped by the lessee out of the royalty payable in the following year only. Clay is raised as follows:

2004 à 2000 tons;      2006 à 20,000 tons

2005 à 10,000 tons;   2007 à 32,000 tons

Show the ledger Accounts including Minimum Rent A/C.

  1. A fire broke a out in a company on 1st April 2007 and short sales remained for a period of six months; Total sales during this period amounted to Rs. 80,000, while in previous year form 1st April 2006 to 30th Sep. 2006 were of Rs. 2,00,000. Sales have increased by 10% in 2007 in the period from 1st January 2007 to 1st April 2007. Find out short Sales during this period of six maonths of 2007.



Answer any TWO questions.                                                     (2 x 20 = 40marks)

  1. ‘A’ carries on a small business, but he does not maintain a complete set of account books. He banks all receipts and makes all payments only by means of cheques. He maintains properly a cash book, a sales ledger and a purchase ledger. He also makes a proper record of the assets and liabilities as at the close of every accounting year. From such records you are able to gather the following facts:

Receipts                         Rs.                Payments                     Rs.

From Sundry Debtors             17625  New plant purchased                 625

Cash Sales                                 4125  Drawings                                 6725

Paid in by the Proprietor           2500  Wages                                     6725

Salaries                                    1125

Interest paid                                 75

Telephone                                   125

Rent                                        1200

Light & Power                                       475

Sundry Expenses                    2125

Sundry Creditors                    7625

(Purchase ledger Accounts)


Assets and Liabilities:             31.12.2006                  31.12.2006

Rs.                               Rs.

Sundry Creditors                        2525                            2400

Sundry Debtors                           3750                            6125

Bank                                              625                               –

Stock                                           6250                            3125

Plant                                            7500                            7315

From the above data, prepare profit & loss a/c for the year ending 31.12.2007 and

a Balance Sheet as on that data.

  1. S & Co has its Branch at Kanpur, Goods are invoiced to the branch at selling price being cost plus 25% (on cost). From the following details prepare Branch Stock A/C; Branch expenses A/C; Branch Debtors A/C; Branch Adjustment A/C, Goods supplied to Branch A/C, Stock Reserve A/C.

Rs.                                                  Rs.

Cash Sales                   17400  Cash reveived from Debtors     5000

Credit Sales                   3600  Goods Supplied to Branch     19000

Rent & Rates                  900  Wages (Paid by Head Office)                760

(Paid by Head Office)                        Discount allowed to customers   200

Sundry Expenses            100  Goods returned by Customers    100

(Paid by Head Office)                        Opening Stock                                      3000

Goods Spoiled                              50

Opening Debtors           2000

  1. ‘P’ purchased an asset on Hire-purchase system for Rs. 56000 payment to be made, Rs. 15000 down and 3 instalments of Rs. 15000 each at the end of each year. Rate of interest is charged at 5% per annum. Buyer is depreciating the asset at 10% per annum on written down value method.

Because of financial difficulties P after having paid down payment and first instalment at the end of 1st year, could not pay second instalment and seller took possession of the asset. Seller after expending Rs. 357 on repairs of the asset sold it for Rs. 30,110.

Prepare ledger Accounts in the books of both parties to record the transactions.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Cost & Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



AP 13






Date : 30-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer ALL questions                                                                    Marks: 10 x 2 = 20

Explain the following:

  1. Cost unit
  2. Margin of safety
  3. Overtime premium
  4. Cash from financing activities
  5. Bin Card
  6. Current Ratio
  7. Working Capital is Rs.40,000. Current ratio 2; Stock Rs.30,000. Calculate Current Assets and Liquid Assets.
  8. Standard time 10 hours; Actual time taken 8 hours; Time rate Rs.12 per hour. Calculate earnings under Halsey Plan.
  9. Annual usage of material 6,000 units; Material cost per unit Rs.20; Ordering cost per order Rs.60; Carrying cost Rs.2 per unit per annum. Calculate Economic Order Quantity.
  10. Selling price per unit Rs.40; Variable cost per unit Rs.30; Fixed cost Rs.10,000. Calculate break even sales in rupees.




Answer FIVE questions, choosing at least TWO questions from each section.

Marks: 5 x 8 = 40



  1. What is Labour Turnover? Explain the causes of Labour Turnover.


  1. Prepare Stores Ledger Account assuming materials are priced using ‘weighted average method’.

1/12/07         purchases 800 units at Rs.3 per unit.

6/12/07         issued 500 units

8/12/07         purchases 600 units at Rs.4 per unit.

10/12/07       purchases 700 units at Rs.4 per unit.

15/12/07       issued 800 units

20/12/07       purchases 300 units at Rs.5 per unit.

27/12/07       issued 200 units.


  1. From the following data, prepare a statement showing the labor cost per day of 8 hours.
  2. Monthly salary (basic + DA) 400
  3. Leave salary 15% of Basic + DA
  4. Employee’s contribution to Provident Fund 8% of salary (a + b)
  5. Employer’s contribution to ESI 5% of salary (a + b)
  6. Pro-rata expenditure on amenities to labor 25 per head PM
  7. of working hours in a month 200


  1. From the following information, calculate a composite machine rate, for a machine whose scrap value is nil.
  2. Cost of machine 3,60,000
  3. Installation charges 40,000
  4. Working life 20 years
  5. Working hours 8000 per year
  6. Repair charges 50% of depreciation
  7. Power 10 units per hour at 10 p per unit.
  8. Lubricating oil 2 per day of 8 hours
  9. Consumable stores 10 per day of 8 hours
  10. Machine operator’s wages 4 per day




  1. State the merits and limitations of Ratio Analysis.


  1. A Ltd gives you the following data:

Selling price per unit           Rs.100

Material cost per unit          Rs.30

Labor cost per unit             Rs.20

Variable overhead per unit   Rs.10

Fixed overheads                 Rs.40,000


  1. Break even sales in units.
  2. Sales in units to earn a profit of Rs.20,000.
  3. Profit if sales are 6,000 units
  4. New break even sales if selling price is reduced by 10% and Fixed Cost increased by Rs.2000.


  1. X Ltd. gives you the following data:

Sales                               Rs.2,00,000

Cost of goods sold              Rs.1,50,000

Administration expenses      Rs.20,000

Debtors                            Rs.50,000

Average stock                             Rs.25,000


  1. Gross profit ratio
  2. Operating profit ratio
  3. Debtors collection period
  4. Stock turnover


  1. AB Ltd. gives you the following information:

Profit before tax                Rs.20,000

Depreciation written off       Rs.10,000

Goodwill written off            Rs. 5,000

Loss on sale of investment   Rs.8,000

Profit on sales of machinery Rs.6,000

Income tax paid                 Rs.18,000

Decrease in debtors            Rs.15,000

Increase in stock                Rs.5,000

Decrease in creditors          RS.2,000

Calculate cash from operating activities.




Answer ANY TWO questions                                             Marks 2 x 20 = 40


19a. From the following details, prepare the Balance Sheet of a company.

Gross profit ratio 20%; Debtors turnover 6 times; Fixed assets to Net worth 0.8;

Reserves to capital 0.5; Current ratio 2.5; Liquid ratio 1.5; Net working capital Rs.3,00,000; Stock Turnover ratio 6 times.



19b. The following are the Balance Sheets of ABC Ltd as on 31st March 2006 and 31st March  2007.









Share capital

P/L Account

Long-term loans


Tax provision

Proposed Dividend

















Fixed Assets























  1. Depreciation provided on Fixed Assets Rs.1,00,000
  2. Fixed Asset whose book value was Rs.50,000 was sold for Rs.40,000
  3. Tax paid during the year Rs.80,000
  4. The proposed dividend of 2006 was paid in 2007
  5. Investments were sold at a profit of Rs.2000

Prepare Fund Flow Statement.


20a. RC Ltd manufactured and sold 1000 radios during the year 2007. Details of cost and sales are as follows:

Cost of materials Rs.80,000; Direct wages Rs.1,20,000; Factory overheads Rs.50,000; Administration overheads Rs.1,00,000; Selling overheads Rs.20,000; Sales Rs.4,00,000.

During the year 2008, the company plans to produce and sell 1,500 radios. It is estimated that,

  1. Material prices will increase by 20% and wage rates by 5%.
  2. Factory overheads are to be charged as a percentage on prime cost.
  3. Selling expenses per unit will remain unchanged.
  4. Administration expenses will remain constant.

Prepare a statement showing the total cost and cost per unit and also the selling price to be charged per radio, if the company wants a profit of 20% on cost.




20b. In a factory, there are two Production depts., A and B, two Service depts., X and Y.   the overhead expense of these four depts. Are as follows:

A – Rs.6,500; B – Rs.6,000; X – Rs.1,200 and Y Rs.1,000

The expenses of the Service Dept are to be divided between the other departments on the following percentage basis:

Dept. X                   Dept A 50%             Dept B 30%             Dept Y 20%

Dept. Y                   Dept A 40%             Dept B 50%             Dept X 10%

  1. Prepare a statement showing the distribution of the Service dept expenses to the Production dept.
  2. Dept A absorbs overheads at a rate per labor hour and Dept B at the rate per machine hour. The estimated labor hours and machine hours in the respective depts. Are 2000 hours and 1000 hours respectively.

Calculate the overhead recovery rates for the two departments.

  1. Calculate the price to be quoted for a job that requires Rs.500 in material, Rs.200 in wages and uses 6 Labor hours in Dept A and 4 machine hours in Dept B.

The company wants a profit of 25% on cost.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Company Law & Sec. Practice Question Paper PDF Download



AP 7







Date : 29/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


SECTION – A                       (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions:


  1. What do you mean by perpetual succession of a company?
  2. Define a Government Company.
  3. What is certificate of incorporation?
  4. What is meant by doctrine of constructive notice?
  5. What are the books of account required to be kept by a company?
  6. List out various statutory books to be maintained by a public company.
  7. What are the sources from which dividend may be paid?
  8. What do you mean by divisible profit?
  9. What are the different types of Resolution?
  10. A company has 100 members. It sends notice of the General meeting to all of them. 20 members do not the meeting. Out of 80 members who are present 20 abstain from voting. How many members should vote in favour of a resolution if it is to be passed as a Special Resolution?


    SECTION – B                   (5 X 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions:


  1. On the basis of liability, explain how companies are classified?
  2. Distinguish between ‘Memorandum of association’ and ‘Articles of association’.
  3. The doctrine of indoor management is a ‘silver lining’ to strangers dealing with the company’. Comment.
  4. State the requirements for filling of annual accounts of a company.
  5. State the important duties of the Secretary in maintenance of statutory and other books of a company.
  6. What are the duties of a company Secretary in connection with payment of dividend?
  7. State the conditions and procedure for the payment of interest out of capital.
  8. Write a note on ordinary resolution and special resolution.



SECTION – C                       (2 X 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO questions:


  1. Define the term ‘promoter’. State the functions, duties and liabilities of the promoter.
  2. Explain in detail the various steps involved in incorporation of a public Limited company.
  3. Define the term dividend, Discuss the rules regarding the payment of dividends.


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



RO 31







Date : 26/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

PART A          (Answer all the questions)                      (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What is over subscription?
  2. What is meant by firm underwriting?
  3. How do you apportion the following expenses while ascertaining profits prior to incorporation:  Insurance, carriage outwards, director’s fee, preliminary expenses.
  4. Briefly explain calls in arrears and calls in advance.
  5. What are contingent liabilities? Give any 2 examples.
  6. A company issued 1000 8% debentures of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5% redeemable at a premium of 10%. Pass journal entry.
  7. How is provision for tax treated in the final accounts of a company?
  8. Write a note on capital redemption reserve.
  9. From the following information calculate the minimum fresh issue of shares. Redeemable Preference shares 400000, premium on redemption 10%. Divisible profits available Rs 80000. Fresh issue of equity shares of Rs. 10 each is to be made at 25% premium.
  10. B Ltd. Has 60000 equity shares of Rs.100 each, Rs.80 per share called up. The company decided to pay off Rs.20 per share of the paid up capital and at the same time to reduce the Rs.100 share to Rs. 60 share fully paid up by canceling the unpaid amount. Give journal entries.


                                                     PART B (answer any five questions only)                        5 x 8 = 40



  1. Explain the need for valuation of shares and the factors affecting the value of shares.
  2. What is capital reduction? What are the provisions of the companies act with regard to reduction of share capital?
  3. Explain the provisions relating to redemption of redeemable preference shares.
  4. B ltd. Issued 10000 shares of Rs.100 each. The entire issue was underwritten as follows. A 50%, B 30%, and

C 20%. In addition there was firm underwriting as follows. A 1000 shares, B 750 shares, and C 500 shares. The total subscription including firm underwriting was 8000 shares and the subscription included the following marked applications. A 1500, B 2000 and C 750. Find the liability of the underwriters.

  1. Average capital employed in K ltd. Is Rs 35,00,000 net trading profits before tax for the last 3 years were Rs 14,75,000 Rs 14,55,000 Rs 15,25,000.  In these 3 years the M.D. was paid a salary of Rs.10,000 pm. But now he would be paid a salary of Rs 12,000 pm. Normal rate of return is 18% , rate of tax is 50%. Calculate goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits.
  2. On 1.10.2004 a company issued 10000 14% debentures of Rs.100 each (interest payable on 30th September  and 31st march) the company is allowed to purchase own debentures for immediate cancellation. On 31st August 2005 it purchased 1000 debentures at Rs. 98 ex interest and on 31st December 2006, 500 debentures at Rs.97 cum interest. Pass journal entries.


  1. The following particulars relate to a company which went into voluntary liquidation.

Preferential creditors Rs. 600, secured creditors Rs.20,000(securities realised Rs.25,000) unsecured creditors Rs.30,500. The assets realized Rs 26,000(excluding securities) the expense of the liquidation were Rs. 252 and the liquidators remuneration was agreed at 3% on the amount realized and 1.5% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors. Show the liquidators final statement of accounts.


  1. Z  ltd was incorporated. On 1.7.05 to acquire a running business of Y with effect from 1.1.05. The following was the profit and loss account of the year ending 31.12.05.


Particulars Rs. particulars Rs
To. Office expenses 1,08,000 By gross profit 4,50,000
To. formation exps 20,000
To stationary 10,000
To selling expenses 1,20,000
To directors fees 40,000
To Net profit 1,52,000
  4,50,000   4,50,000


Prepare a statement showing profits earned by the company in the pre and post incorporation periods. The total sales for the year took place in the ratio of 1:2 before and after incorporation respectively.



PART C (answer any two questions only)                            2 x 20 = 40

  1. The following is the balance sheet of united industries ltd. On 31.3.06.


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share capital Goodwill 45,000
6000 6% pref sh of Rs. 100 each 6,00,000 Land and building 6,00,000
12000 equity shares of Rs 100 each 12,00,000 Plant 9,00,000
8 % debentures 3,00,000 Stock 1,30,000
Bank over draft 3,00,000 Debtors 1,40,000
Sundry crs. 1,50,000 Cash 15,000
P &L a/c 7,00,000
Preliminary exps 20,000
  25,50,000   25,50,000


              On the above date the company adopted the following scheme of reconstruction.

  • The equity shares are to be reduced to shares of Rs 40 each fully paid and the preference shares to be reduced to fully paid shares of Rs 75 each.
  • The debenture holders took over stock and debtors in full satisfaction of their claims.
  • Land and buildings to be appreciated by 30% and plant to be depreciated by 30%.
  • The fictitious and intangible assets to be eliminated.
  • Expenses of reconstruction amounted to Rs 5000.

Give journal entries incorporating the above scheme of reconstruction and prepare the reconstructed balance sheet.


  1. The Beta co. was registered with a capital of Rs 6,00,000 in equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The following is the list of balances extracted from its books on 31.3.07


Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Wages 84,865 Freight 13,115
Calls in arrears 7,500 Salary 14,500
Plant and machinery 3,30,000 Directors fee 5,725
Premises 3,00,000 Bad debts 2,110
Interim dividend 37,500 Debentures 9,000
Opening Stock 75,000 capital 4,00,000
Fixtures 7,200 6% debentures 3,00,000
Sundry debtors 87,000 P & l a/c (cr) 14,500
Goodwill 25,000 Bills payable 38,000
Cash in hand 750 Sundry crs. 50,000
Bank 39,900 Sales 4,15,000
Purchases 1,85,000 General reserve 25,000
Preliminary exps 5,000 Bad debts reserve 3,500
General exps 16,835


Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet in proper form after making the following adjustments.

  • Depreciate plant and machinery by 10%.
  • Write off Rs. 500 from preliminary expenses.
  • Provide half years debenture interest due.
  • Bad and doubtful debts reserve at 5%.
  • Stock on 31.3.07 was Rs. 95,000.
  1. From the following Balance sheet prepare cash flow statement.


liabilities 31.12.06










Creditors 36,000 41,000 Cash 4,000 3,600
Bank loan 60,000 45,000 Debtors 35,000 38,400
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,20,000 Stock 25,000 22,000
Profit and loss 18,000 29,000 Land 20,000 30,000
Buildings 50,000 55,000
machinery 80,000 86,000
2,14,000 2,35,000   2,14,000 2,35,000


  • Dividend paid during the year 2007 Rs 20,000
  • Depreciation provided on machinery Rs 10,000
  • During the year machinery whose book value is Rs 8000 was sold for Rs 5,000.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download



AP 2






Date : 06-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


          Section – A


Answer ALL the questions:                                                    10 X 2 = 20 marks


  1. Define the term “Business“.
  2. What do you understand by Macro Environment?
  3. What is socialism?
  4. What is the Entrepreneurial role of the State?
  5. What is Cultural Adaptation?
  6. What is sovereignty?
  7. Define Culture
  8. What do you understand by Social Responsibilities of business?
  9. What is liberalization?
  10. What is a Trade Mark?


Section – B


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                          5 X 8 = 40 marks


  1. Discuss the significance of understanding the Environment of Business.
  2. Explain the objectives and target of the Tenth Five-year plan.
  3. What are the basic features of capitalism?
  4. List out and explain the Economic roles of the State Government.
  5. Explain the various concepts of cultural traits and their impact on business.
  6. Describe the social responsibilities of business towards government and

the community.

  1. Explain the merits and demerits of a mixed economy.
  2. Explain the redresseal agencies under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.



Section – C


Answer any TWO questions:                                                         2 X 20 = 40 marks


  1. List out and explain the various factors that influence the environment of


  1. Discuss elaborately the fundamental rights and duties of citizen of India.
  2. Analyze the advantage and disadvantage of Globalization with reference

to India.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



AP 5







Date : 05/05/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer all the following.                                                                              10 x 2 = 20

  1. Define Communication.
  2. Bring out the meaning for Status Consciousness.
  3. Write a short note on memo.
  4. What is a Testimonial?
  5. How do you define Solicited Enquiry?
  6. Define Circular?
  7. Write short note on Bill of Lading?
  8. What do you mean by Office Note?
  9. What is a Report?
  10. What do you mean by Minutes?



Answer any FIVE of the following.                                                             5 x 8 = 40


  1. A customer bought from you a pen manufactured by you. He claims that the pen does not

write well and wants his money back. Write a letter to him refusing his claim.

  1. What details do you think should be given in a Letter of Appointment?
  2. Mention any four important points that should be kept in mind while drafting an Offer.
  3. Draft a circular letter announcing the retirement of a partner of your firm.
  4. Your agent in Karnataka has not been able to push the sales of the Queen pens

manufactured by you. Write a letter to him terminating his agency.

  1. Draft an office order asking the employees not to use the office telephone for personal


  1. What do you mean by Direct Mail Advertising? Discuss important sales increasing

techniques in Direct Mail Advertising.

  1. What is an Order Form? Write important guidelines for drafting replies to

defective/incomplete orders.



Answer any two of the following                                                                2 x 20 = 40


  1. Draft an application along with detailed resume for the post of lady Secretary of a large public limited company
  2. What are the various techniques employed for the Selection Interviews? Do you think it is

necessary for the interviewer also to prepare for the interview? What kind of preparation

would you recommend for him?

  1. You have received a large first order from a customer. Write a letter thanking him and

asking him to furnish you the names of his bankers and trade references


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration April 2008 Adv. Cost Management Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



AP 16







Date : 16/04/2008             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL Questions                                                             10 x 2= 20


  1. State any two reasons for the difference between the profit shown by cost accounts

and the profit shown by financial accounts.

2 What is meant by equivalent production?

  1. Write any TWO distinctions between job costing and process costing.
  2. What is meant by flexible budget?
  3. What are the advantages of pay back period?
  4. Distinguish between joint product and by-product.
  5. Calculate the ton kilometers run by a truck from the following details.

Distance traveled 200 kms per day

Normal loading capacity 100 tons.

Wastage in loading 10%

Percentage of vehicles under repair 5%

Effective days in a month 25.

8.A project requires an investment of Rs. 50,000 and has a scrap value of Rs. 2,000

after five years. It is expected to yield profit after taxes and depreciation during the

five years amounting to Rs. 4,000, Rs. 6,000,Rs. 7,000, Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 5,000.

Calculate the average rate of return on investment.

  1. Data relating to a job are thus;

Standard rate of wages per hour    Rs10

Standard hours                                  300

Actual rate of wages per hour        Rs 12

Actual hours                                     200

Calculate 1)Labour cost variance 2)Labour rate variance

10.Notional Profit on a contract is Rs.90,000 and 40% of the contract is completed. Cash received is 80%

of work certified. Calculate the amount of Profit to be reserved for contingencies.


                                               SECTION    B  

Answer any FIVE questions, choosing not less than TWO from each group   (5 x 8=40)



11.Write short notes on the following: (1) Inter process profits, (2) Work certified

(3) Abnormal gain (4) Batch Costing.


12.Alpha Company has a contract to run a tourist car on a 20 Kms route (one way)

for the chief executive of a firm.  The company  buys a car for Rs. 1,50,000 which has

life of 5 years. The company  estimates the following expenses:

Insurance Rs. 4,500 p.a.; Taxes Rs. 900 p.a.; Garage rent Rs. 500 p.m.; Repairs Rs. 4,800 p.a.; Drivers wages Rs. 300 p.m.; In addition the driver has to be paid 10% of the collections as commission.  Petrol will cost Re. 1 per Km. The car will make 4 round trips each day and will operate for 25 days in a month. If Alpha Company wants a profit of 15% on collection how much must the company charge per round trip?


  1. Profit disclosed by a company’s accounts for the year was Rs. 50,000 whereas

The net profit as disclosed by the financial accounts was Rs. 29,750.  Following

information is available:

  • Overheads as per cost accounts were estimated at Rs. 8,500. The charge for

The year shown by the financial accounts was Rs. 7,000.

  • Director’s fees shown in the financial accounts only for Rs. 2,000
  • The company allowed Rs. 5,000 as provision for doubtful debts.
  • Work was commenced during the year on a new factory and expenditure of

Rs. 30,000 was made.  Depreciation at 5% p.a. was provided for in the

financial accounts for 6 months.

  • Share-transfer fees received during the year were Rs. 1,000
  • Provision for income-tax was Rs. 15,000


From the above, prepare a statement reconciling the figures shown by cost and financial accounts.


  1. A company manufactures three joint products A,B and C. The actual joint-expenses

Rs. 8,000.  Profit on each product as a percentage of sales would be 30%, 25% and

15% respectively.  Subsequent expenses were as follows:

A                           B                         C

Rs.                         Rs.                      Rs.

Materials                                   100                         75                       25

Labour                                       200                       125                       50

Overheads                                 150                       125                       75

Sales                                       6,000                    4,000                  2,500

Prepare a statement apportioning joint expenses on the basis of reverse cost method.



  1. Write short notes on the following: (a) features of capital budgeting, (b) advantages

of budgetary control.


16.Following information has been made available from the cost records of United

Automobiles Ltd.

Direct Materials                                                                         Per Unit(Rs.)

X                                                                                             8

Y                                                                                             6

Direct Wages

X                                                                                            6

Y                                                                                            4

Variable Overheads-150% of direct wages

Fixed cost (total)                  Rs. 750

Selling Price

X                                                                                            25

Y                                                                                            20

The directors want to adopt anyone of the following alternative sales mixes in the

following period.

  • 250 units of X and 250 units of Y, (b) 400 units of Y only, (c) 150 units of X and

350 units of Y. State which of the alternative sales mixes you would recommend to the management.?







17.Prepare a cash budget for the month of May, June and July 2004 on the basis of

following information.

Months              Sales                    Credit Purchases    Wages                 Overheads

March          Rs. 80,000                        Rs. 36,000    Rs. 9,000             Rs. 10,000

April                   82,000                              38,000          8,000                     9,000

May                    85,000                               33,000        10,000                   12,000

June                    78,000                               35,000          8,500                     9,000

July                     80,000                               39,000          9,500                   10,500

Additional information:

  1. Cash balance on 1st May 2004 is Rs. 8,000
  2. Cash sales is 25% of sales
  3. Period of credit allowed by suppliers, two months and to customers, one month
  4. Lag in payment of wages, one month
  5. Advance Tax is payable in June of Rs. 8,000.
  1. From the following particulars, calculate all Material variances:

Material                       Standard                          Actual

Quantity    Price             Quantity    Price

Kg.          Rs.                 Kg.           Rs.

A                                 10             8                   10             7

B                                    8             6                    9             7

C                                    4            12                   5            11

22                                 24________



Answer any TWO Questions                    2 x 20=40

  1.  (a)   R commenced a contract on 1-4-2005.  The contact price was fixed at

Rs. 3,00,000  and the following expense were incurred on the contract upto


Materials issued Rs. 51,000 , plant issued Rs. 15,000, wages Rs. 81,000 and other

expense Rs. 5,000 , Cash received on the contract upto 31-3-2006 amounted to

Rs. 1,28,000, being 80% of the work certified.  Of the plant and materials charged to the contract, plant costing Rs. 3,000 and material costing Rs. 2,500 were lost.  Work uncertified on 31-3-2006 was Rs. 1,000 and materials at site on that date was Rs. 2,300, Depreciate plant at 15% p.a.

Prepare the contract account as on 31-3-2006 and show how the relevant items would appear in the  balance sheet as on that date.






19.(b)  Product ‘Z’ is obtained after it passes three distinct processes.  The following

Information is obtained from the accounts for the month ending March 2005:


Items                                                           _________________________________

Total                       I                        II                      III

Rs.                      Rs.                    Rs.                     Rs.

Direct Material                       7,542                  2,600                 1,980                 2,962

Direct Wages                         9,000                  2,000                  3,000                4,000

Production Overheads           9,000                      –                         –                        –

%of Normal Loss to input                                   5%                      10%                  15%

Output(in units) during the month                      950                      840                   750

Value of Scrap per unit (Rs.)                                 2                         4                       5


1,000 units at Rs. 3 each were introduced to process I.  There was no stock of material

or work-in progress at the beginning or end of the period.  The output of each process passess direct to the next process and finally to finished stores.  Production overhead is recovered on 100 percent of direct wages.

Prepare process  cost accounts and other related accounts.


20.(a) Prepare a flexible budget for overheads on the basis of the following data.

Ascertain overheads at 50% 60% and 70% capacity.

Variable overheads                                           At 60% capacity


Indirect material                                              6,000

Indirect labour                                               18,000

Semi-variable overheads

Electricity (40% fixed 60% variable)                30,000

Repairs (80% fixed 20% variable)                      3,000

Fixed overheads

Depreciation                                                    16,500

Insurance                                                          4,500

Salaries                                                           15,000

Total overheads                                                93,000



20.(b) A Co. plants to buy a machine for Rs. 80,000.  It is expected to have a life of 5

years and a scrap value of Rs. 10,000 at the end of its life.  The machine is expected to generate the following profits before depreciation and tax.

Year     Profit before Dep & tax (Rs.)     P.V. of Re 1 @ 10%

1                          20,000                                0.909

2                          40,000                                0.826

3                          30,000                                0.751

4                          25,000                                0.683

5                          16,000                                0.621

If the tax rate is 50% and the cost of capital is 10%, calculate

  • Pay Back Period, (b)Net Present Value

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Mercantile Law Question Paper PDF Download



OA 04


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 06-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL Questions:-                                                                                                       ( 10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What do you understand by consensus ad idem?
  2. Distinguish with an example ‘jus in rem’ and ‘jus in personam’.
  3. What is a wagering agreement?
  4. Can a third party ( a stranger to the contract) come forward to perform the contract?
  5. Who is a private carrier?
  6. What do you understand by the doctrine of subrogation?
  7. Distinguish a sub agent from a substituted agent.
  8. Does hire purchase agreement amount to a sale? Explain.
  9. Under the CST Act, where is a sale said to take place (i.e. Place of sale)?
  10. Give two exemptions to the rule ‘Nemo dat non quod habet’.


Answer any FIVE Questions:-                                                                                               ( 5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Define an offer. When does an offer come to an end?
  2. Examine the legal position of minors in contract.
  3. Explain and illustrate the effect of ‘mistake of fact’ on contracts.
  4. Explain the provisions on assignment of contracts.
  5. Examine the liabilities of a common carrier.
  6. What do you understand by maritime perils?
  7. Can an agent be held liable for the contracts entered into by him on behalf of the principal? Explain.
  8. Briefly discuss what kinds of sale come under the definition of ‘sale in the course interstate trade or



Answer any TWO Questions:-                                                                                                ( 2 x 20 = 40)


  1. In the case Abdul Aziz Vs Masum Ali, it was held “ the promise was not enforceable because there

was no consideration in the sense of benefit”. Explain the case and bring out the legal requirements for

a valid consideration.

  1. “Impossibility of performance is as a rule, not an excuse for non performance of a contract”. Discuss.
  2. What are the rights and duties of the buyer under the Sale of goods Act?



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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



OA 08


FIFTH SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 11-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer ALL Questions:-                                                                                           ( 10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What constitutes ‘Personality’ of individuals?
  2. Define ‘Values’ and what are its kinds?
  3. What is recruitment?
  4. What do you understand by ‘Morale’ in an organization?
  5. When is an employee aggrieved?
  6. What is grapevine? Is it good for an organization?
  7. Can conflict be positive in an organization? Give an example.
  8. What do you mean by ‘off the job training’?
  9. What do you mean by job matching?
  10. Explain factor comparison method of determining compensation for workers.


Answer any FIVE questions :-                                                                                     (  5 X 8 = 40 )

  1. How are attitudes formed in an individual and how does it affect the performance at work?
  2. Explain the relevance of 360 degree appraisal.
  3. What are the learning principles that should be kept in mind while planning a training programme?
  4. Explain the steps involved in a grevence proudure.

15 What are the different types of interviews and their purposes?

  1. What are the causes for job dissatisfaction of employees?
  2. Explain the pros and cons of ‘transfers’ in work place.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of promotion from with in?


Answer any TWO questions:-                                                                                      ( 2 x 20 = 40 )

  1. Discuss the various tests that may be used in a selection process.
  2. Explain the various factors that go to create a positive climate in today’s organizations.
  3. “Conflicts in organizations cannot be avoided but they can only be managed” Do you agree? Give reasons and explain how.


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



OA 10


FIFTH SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 07-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


SECTION –A                                                (10X2=20 MARKS)

Answer all the questions:

  1. What is cost sheet?
  2. What do you mean by Defectives?
  3. Define inventory control?
  4. How do you classify overheads?
  5. What is process costing?
  6. Calculate the total earnings of a worker under Halsey plan

Standard time        – 30 hours

Time taken             – 20 hours

Hourly rate of wages is Re 1 per hour plus D.A @ 50 paise per hour worked.

  1. Find out the economic order of quantity with the help of following details :-

Monthly usage                                                       : 500 units

               Cost of materials per unit                                         : Rs 20

               Cost of placing and receiving one order                  : Rs 60

         Annual carrying cost                                          : Rs 2 per unit

  1. Compute the depreciation chargeable to each department:

Depreciation Rs 27500

Machinery value in the departments:

X- Rs 200,000,      Y- Rs 400,000,            Z- Rs 500,000.

  1. Calculate profits as per financial accounts

Profit as per cost accounts                                    Rs. 60,000

Overheads recovered in costing                            Rs. 3,500

Under absorption of expenses in costing              Rs. 6,000

Income tax debited in financial                            Rs. 4000


  1. Calculate the materials purchased during the year


                  Direct wages                                                         60,000

                  Prime cost                                                             110.000

                 Opening stock of raw materials                             20,000

                 Closing stock of raw materials                               25,000

                 Expenses on purchase                                            15,000



SECTION- B                                     (5×8=40 marks)

            Answer any 5 questions:-

  1. What are the effects of labour turn over?
  2. What are the limitations of cost accounting?
  3. Explain ABC analysis? What are its advantages?



  1. From the following, prepare stores ledger under FIFO method:

JAN 1 opening balance at Rs 5 each

2 received 500 units of Rs 4each

10 issued 300 units

15 issued 200 units

26 received 500 units of Rs 5.50 each

27 issued 300 units

31 issued 250 units

  1. From the following information, calculate kilometers and total passenger kilometers:

No . Of buses                                : 4

Days operated in a month             : 30

Round trips made by each bus      : 4

Distance of route                          :30 km long (one way)

Capacity of bus                             : 60 passengers

Normal passengers traveling         : 80% of the capacity

  1. Calculate re-ordering level, minimum stock level , maximum stock level and average stock level:

Maximum consumption                – 150 units per day

Minimum consumption                 – 100 units per day

Normal consumption                     – 120 units per day

Re-order period                             – 10-15 days

Re- order quantity                         – 1500 units

Normal re- order period                – 12 days


  1. Work out the normal and over time wages payable to a worker from the following:

                        Days                            Hours worked

                        Monday                                   8

                        Tuesday                                   10

                        Wednesday                              9

                        Thurs day                                11

                        Friday                                    9

                        Saturday                                  4

            Normal working hours                        – 8 hours per day

            Normal rate                                         – Rs 2 per hour

            Over time rate                                     – double the usual rate

  1. Compute the machine hour rate from the following :

Cost of machine                                        : Rs 10,000

Scrap value after 10 years                         : Rs 2,000

Rent for a quarter for the department       : RS 300

General lighting                                        : Rs 240 p.a

Department supervisor’s salary                 : Rs 600 per quarter

Insurance premium for machine                : R s 60 p.a

Repairs                                                      : Rs 100 p.a

Power 2 units per hour at Rs 5 per 100 units

Estimated working hours p.a 2000

Machine occupies 1/4th of the total area in the department .The supervisor devotes 1/6th time for this machine.







SECTION- C                                                 (2X20= 40 MARKS)

Answer any two questions:

  1. From the following, prepare a cost sheet.

Materials                           – Rs 80,000

Direct wages                     – Rs 48,000

Machine hours worked     – 8,000

Machine hour rate             – Rs 4

Office overheads              – 10% on work cost

Selling overheads              – Rs 1.50 per unit

Units produced                 – 4000

Units sold                          – 3,600 units @ Rs 50 each


  1. A product passes through 3 stages from the following prepare process accounts and abnormal gains and abnormal loss a/c
Particulars   Process  
   I (Rs) II (Rs) III (Rs)
Raw material 2600 1980 2962
Direct wages 2000 3000 4000
Selling price of scrap

(Per Unit)

2 4 5
Normal loss 5% 10% 15%
production 950units 840 units 750 units


General expenses Rs 9,000 which absorbed on the basis of wages . 1000 units at Rs 3 each introduced into process I.

  1. A company’s informations related to a contract are given below. Prepare a contract account and also show how entries appear in balance sheet of the company:

Particulars                                                              Rs

Materials sent to site                                             85,349

Labour engaged on site                                         74,375

Plant installed at site                                             15,000

Direct expenditure                                                            3,167

Establishment charges                                           4,126

Materials returned to stores                                  549

Work certified                                                       195,000

Cost of work not certified                                     4,500

Material in hand at the end of year                       1,883

Wages accrued for the year                                  2,400

Direct expenses accrued                                       240

Value of plant at the end of the year                    11,000

Contract price agreed                                            250,000

Cash received                                                        180,000



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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Cost & Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



OA 07


FIFTH SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 15-11-08                       Dept. No.                                          Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL questions                                                                                                             (2 x 10 = 20)


  1. What is ABC Analysis?
  2. Explain the treatment of idle time in Cost Accounting.
  3. Distinguish between BIN card and Stores Ledger.
  4. Explain Debt Equity Ratio.
  5. Distinguish between Bread even Point and Margin of Safety.
  6. What is Working Capital?
  7. Annual usage 6000 units. Cost per unit Rs.20. Cost of placing and receiving one order is Rs.60. annual carrying cost Rs.2 per unit. Calculate Economic Order quantity.
  8. Normal piece rate is Rs.2 per unit. Standard time allowed for 25 units is 1 hour. A produced 150 and B produced 250 units in 8 hours. Calculate their wages under Taylors Differential Piece rate.
  9. Sales 1000 units at Rs.10 each. Variable cost Rs.6 per unit. Fixed cost Rs.8000. Calculate Break even point and sales to earn a profit of Rs.10000.
  10. Credit sales Rs.80000. Debtors on 31.12.1993 Rs.10000. Calculate debtors collection period.




Answer FIVE questions selecting at least TWO questions from each section.                   ( 5 x 8 = 40)




  1. What is labor turnover? What are its causes? Explain any 2 methods for computing labor cost.


  1. The accounts of XY Ltd for the year ending 31.12.2007 showed the following:

Material used Rs.1,00,000; Direct wages Rs.80,000; Works overheads Rs.16,000; Office overheads Rs.9,800. Prepare a Cost Sheet from the above.

In 2008 the company is asked to quote for a job for which material required is Rs.500 and direct wages Rs.300. profit required is 20% on cost. Works overheads are recovered as a percentage of wages and Office overheads as a percentage of Works cost.

Compute the price to be quoted for the job.


  1. From the following particulars calculate the earning of a worker under (1) straight piece rate (2) Taylors differential piece rate (3) Halsey plan (4) Rowan plan.

No. of working hours per week = 48; wages per hour Rs.3.75; Normal time per piece 20 minutes; rate per piece Rs.1.50; normal output for the week 120 pieces; actual output for the week 150 pieces. Differential piece rate 80% of piece rate when output is below standard and 120% when above standard.


  1. Compute machine rate from the following data:

Cost of machine                      Rs.13,500

Life of machine                                   10 years

Scrap value at end of 10 years Rs.1,980

Working hours per annum       1800

Insurance per annum               Rs.45

Consumable stores p.a.                        Rs.75

Rent for the dept per annum    Rs.975

Foreman’s salary p.a.               Rs.7,500

Lighting for dept. p.a.              Rs.360

Repairs for entire life               Rs.1440

The machine uses 10 units of power per hour at 10 paise per unit. The machine occupies 1/5th of the area of the department and the foreman devotes 1/5th of his time for this machine. The machine uses two light points out of a total of 12 for lighting the department.




  1. State the merits and limitations of Ratio Analysis.


  1. Prepare an Income statement from the following and calculate
  • Gross profit ratio (b) net profit ratio (c) interest coverage ratio (d) operating profit ratio.

Sales   Rs.8,00,000

Administration expenses Rs.40,000

Selling expenses Rs.80,000

Interest paid Rs.30,000

Cost of goods sold Rs.4,00,000

Income tax provision Rs.30,000





  1. From the following data calculate:
  2. Break even sales in rupees and units
  3. Selling price if break even sales is to be reduced to 6,600 units
  4. Profit if sales are Rs.8 lakhs.
  5. Margin of safety if profit is Rs.60,000.

Selling price Rs.20 per unit; variable cost Rs.14 per unit; Fixed cost Rs.79,200.


  1. The Balance Sheet of ABC Ltd on 31/12/2004 and 31/12/2005 are as follows:

2004                2005                                        2004                 2005

Equity Capital (Rs.10)100,000           200,000           Machinery       120,000           260,000

P/L A/c                           30,000            50,000           Furniture          30,000              40,000

12% Debenture              50,000          150,000           Stock                50,000              40,000

10% ICICI bank loan    50,000                                  Debtors              30,000              60,000

Creditors                        20,000             25,000          Cash                  10,000                 5,000

Tax provision                40,000            60,000          Bank                  50,000               80,000

290,000          485,000                                  290,000             485,000

(a) Machinery worth Rs.50,000 were purchased and paid for by the issue of equity shares.

(b) Depreciation provided on machinery Rs.30000 and on furniture Rs.5000.

(c) During the year 2005, Income tax Rs.50,000 and interim dividend Rs.8,000 were paid.

Prepare Fund Flow statement.



Answer Two questions (choosing 1 from each section)                                         Marks : 2 x 20 : 40




19.M.Ltd, has 3 production depts.. A, B and C and 2 service dept., X and Y.  following particulars are available for the month of March 2005.

Rent   Rs. 30000,  Building Tax  Rs. 15000,  Electricity   Rs.2400,  Indirect wages  Rs.12000,  Power Rs. 6000,  Depreciation on machinery Rs. 40000,  Canteen expenses Rs. 30000,  Welfare expenses Rs. 20000.  The following further details are available:


Total      A         B         C         X         Y

Floor space(Sq mts.)                           5000    1000    1250    1500    1000    250

Light points (nos)                                  240       40        60         80        40       20

Direct wages (Rs.)                               40000 12000  8000    12000  6000    2000

HP of machines (nos.)                           150       60        30         50        10       –

Cost of machines (Rs.)                                   200000 48000  65000  80000  4000    4000

Working hours                                                –             2335  1510     1525  –             –

The expenses of the service dept. are to be allocated to the production depts.. as follows:

A         B         C         X         Y

X                                             40%     30%     20%     –           10%

Y                                             30%     20%     40%     10%     –

Calculate the overhead absorption rate per hour for each of the three production depts.

What should be the price to be quoted for a job which would require Rs. 2000 material, Rs.1500 in wages and the job is handled by the three production depts. as follows:

Dept A. 6 hrs., Dept.B  10 hrs and Dept C. 4 hrs.  A profit of 25% on total cost is expected.


20.The following transactions took place in the month of December 2007 in respect of material X:

Dec.1   purchased 200 units at Rs.2 per unit.

10th      purchased 300 units at Rs.2.4 per units

15th      issued 250 units

18th      purchased 250 units at Rs.2.6 per unit

20th      purchased 150 units at Rs.2.5 per unit

24th      issued 200 units

28th      purchased 100 units at Rs.2.70 per unit

30th      issued 250 units

Prepare the Stores Ledger, pricing the issues under (a) Weighted Average Method (b) FIFO method
















  1. From the following data prepare the Balance Sheet

Current ratio                                                  1.75

Liquid ratio                                                    1.25

Stock turnover ratio                                       9

Gross profit ratio                                           25%

Debt collection period                                   1.5 months

Reserves and surplus to share capital            20%

Fixed assets turnover (cost of sales)              1.2

Long term debt to share capital                     60%

Fixed assets to net worth                              1.25

Sales for the year                                           Rs.12 lakhs


  1. The Balance Sheet of XYZ Co. as on 31/12/2005 and 31/12/2006 are given below:

2005                2006                                        2005                2006

(Rs.)                (Rs.)                                        (Rs.)                (Rs.)

Equity capital (Rs.10) 1,00,000         1,50,000          Fixed assets     2,00,000          3,50,000

P/L a/c                          40,000              80,000         Investments         40,000             60,000

General Reserve           30,000              50,000         Stock                   60,000             50,000

12% Debentures        1,00,000              2,00,000      Debtors               50,000             70,000

Creditors                        80,000             50,000         Cash                     20,000            30,000

Tax provision                   80,000       1,00,000         Bank                     60,000            70,000

———- ———-                                       ———             ———-

4,30,000          6,30,000                                    4,30,000            6,30,000


Income statement for the year ended 31/12/2006


Sales                                                                                                     20,00,000

Less: Cost of goods sold                                                                      15,00,000

Gross Profit                                                                                             5,00,000

Less: Adm. & selling expenses                                 2,50,000

Depreciation                                                   46,000

Loss on sale of fixed assets                                       10,000

Interest                                                           24,000                3,30,000

Profit before tax                                                                                       1,70,000

Less: Provision for tax                                                                                70,000

Profit after tax                                                                                          1,00,000

Less: Interim Dividend                                    40,000

Transfer to Reserve                            20,000                                60,000

Retained earnings                                                                                        40,000


During the year 2006, a machine whose book value is Rs.40,000 was sold for Rs.30,000/-

Prepare Cash Flow statement as per AS3.


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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Company Law & Sec. Practice Question Paper PDF Download




DA 05


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 08-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




 Answer ALL the questions.                                                                (10×2=20)


  1. What is perpetual succession?
  2. Give the expansion of NCLT. State its objective.
  3. Give the meaning of pre-incorporation contracts.
  4. What is doctrine of constructive notice?
  5. Where are the company books of accounts located?
  6. Who can inspect the books of accounts of a company?
  7. Define dividend warrant.
  8. State any two conditions for paying interest out of capital.
  9. Define company secretary.
  10. What is a notice?



 Answer any FIVE questions.                                                                (5×8=40)


  1. When is a private company deemed to be a public company
  2. “A promoter stands in a fiduciary position towards the company he promotes.” Explain.
  3. Give the secretarial duties regarding maintenance of statutory books of accounts.
  4. Briefly state the legal provisions regarding the payment of dividend.
  5. State the duties of the company secretary in connection with the holding of statutory meetings.
  6. Discuss the effects of Ultra Vires transactions.
  7. What are the books of accounts a company is bound to maintain?
  8. Write a note on (a) interim dividend (b) indoor management.



 Answer any TWO questions.                                                                (2×20=40)


  1. What is a company? How is it classified?
  2. “The memorandum of association is the fundamental charter of a company.” Discuss.
  3. Draft (a) notice (b) resolution (c) minutes.




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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2008 Business Management Question Paper PDF Download



OA 01


FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 12-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all the questions:                                                                              (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)


  1. Define management.
  2. State the functions of management.
  3. What do you mean by planning premises?
  4. Write a note on Decision Tree.
  5. What is meant by job rotation?
  6. Write a note on vestibule training.
  7. Who is Free-rein leader?
  8. What are the elements of communication process?
  9. What do you meant by controlling?
  10. Give any four uses of computers in business.


Answer any FIVE questions only:                                                               ( 5 x 8 = 40 Marks)


  1. Describe the functions performed by different levels of management.
  2. Explain the process of Decision-making.
  3. Briefly explain the importance of planning in the modern organizations.
  4. Distinguish between Delegation and Decentralization
  5. What are the different techniques of training?
  6. How to make communication system effective in an organization?
  7. Discuss any four leadership styles.
  8. Give an account any four control techniques employed in the organizations.


Answer any Two questions only:                                                                 (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)


  1. “Planning is an intellectual process, the conscious determination of courses of action, the basis of decisions on purposes, facts and estimates”. Discuss this statement and identify the steps involved in planning process.
  2. Assess the contributions of Henry Fayol to management thought.
  3. What are the different barriers of communication? What steps can be taken to overcome these barriers?



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