Deepak Sibal

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Deepak Sibal

Born in a family of lawyers, after having been designated as a Senior Advocate by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, was elevated as Additional Judge of the same Court on 25.09.2014. Thereafter, on 23.05.2016, was administered oath as Permanent Judge

IBPS Specialist Officer (Marketing) Examination Held on 1-2-2016 Professional Knowledge Question Paper with Answer Key

IBPS Specialist Officer (Marketing) Examination
IBPS Specialist Officer (Marketing) Examination Held on 1-2-2016 Professional Knowledge Question Paper with Answer Key

IBPS Specialist Officer (Marketing) Exam., 2015

(Held on 1-2-2016)

Professional Knowledge

1. A tangible product that the consumer feels comfortable purchasing without gathering additional information and then actually buys with minimum of effort is termed a(n)-

(A)  Shopping good

(B)  Convenience good

(C)  Business product

(D)  Specially good

(E)  Unsought good

Ans: (B)

2. The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics or behaviours and who might require separate products or marketing programs is called –

(A)  Market segmentation

(B)  Market positioning

(C)  Market differentiation

(D)  Market targeting

(E)  Marketing mix

Ans: (A)

3. …………. is not a stage of product life cycle in marketing.

(A)  introduction

(B)  maturity

(C)  Growth

(D)  Decline

(E)  Planning

Ans: (E)

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic important in influencing an innovator’s rate of adoption ?

(A)  Organization type of the innovator

(B)  Compatibility

(C)  Divisibility

(D)  Communicability

(E)  Complexity

Ans: (A)

5. The financial contracts whose values are obtained from the values of underlying assets are…..

(A)  mortgage

(B)  Commercial papers

(C)  Stocks

(D)  Derivatives

(E)  Bonds

Ans: (D)

6. All of the following are considered to be broad market follower strategies EXCEPT-

(A)  innovator

(B)  imitator

(C)  cloner

(D)  counterteller

(E)  adapter

Ans: (E)

7. A company has four choices when it comes to developing brands. Which one of the following is not one among them ?

(A)  New brands

(B)  Multi brands

(C)  Brand extension

(D)  Line extension

(E)  Brand sponsoring

Ans: (E)

8. ……….. is a demand state where consumer may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing model ?

(A)  declining demand

(B)  irregular demand

(C)  negative demand

(D)  non-existent demand

(E)  latent demand

Ans: (E)

9. …….. is the development, design and implementation of marketing programme, processes and activities that recognises the breadth and interdependencies of today’s marketing environment.

(A)  Niche marketing

(B)  Supply chain marketing

(C)  Holistic marketing

(D)  Relationship marketing

(E)  Demand-centred marketing

Ans: (C)

10. The ………. holds that marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintain or improve both the consumer’s society’s well-being.

(A)  Societal marketing concept

(B)  Society centered marketing

(C)  Customer-centered marketing

(D)  Focused business model

(E)  Production centered business

Ans: (C)

11. Major oil producers carry an oil exploration, oil drilling, oil refining, chemical manufacture and service-station operation. When an organization does all of these separate tasks distribution channel they can be said to have achieved what is called –

(A)  parallel marketing

(B)  horizontal integration

(C)  vertical integration

(D)  concentric integration

(E)  conglomerate marketing

Ans: (C)

12. Which of the following describes the tendency of people to interpret information in a way that will support what they already believe ?

(A)  Selective creativity

(B)  Selective distortion

(C)  Selective matching

(D)  Selective attraction

(E)  Selective attribute

Ans: (B)

13. The ……… stage of a product is characterized as being one where there is period of rapid climb in sales and substantial profit improvement.

(A)  introduction

(B)  decline

(C)  maturity

(D)  saturation

(E)  growth

Ans: (E)

14. The discomfort caused by post purchase conflict is called –

(A)  Dissatisfaction

(B)  Cognitive Dissonance

(C)  Post purchase behaviour

(D)  Buyer’s remorse

(E)  Comparative tension

Ans: (B)

15. ……… is the study of how individuals, groups and organizations select, buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideals or experiences tot satisfy their needs and wants.

(A)  Psychology

(B)  Product differentiation

(C)  Psychographic segmentation

(D)  Target marketing

(E)  Consumer behaviour

Ans: (E)

16. Mutual Funds are regulated in the country by-


(B)  Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI)


(D)  Securities and Exchange Board of India

(E)  Reserve Bank of India

Ans: (D)

17. Situation in which a firm introduces new products to stimulate sales but the profit comes at the expense of other products sold by that firm is called –

(A)  Repositioning

(B)  Push marketing

(C)  Differentiated marketing

(D)  Cannibalization

(E)  Cartelization

Ans: (D)

18. Cultivating opinion leaders and getting them to spread information about a product or service to others in their communities is –

(A)  Buzz Marketing

(B)  Leader Marketing

(C)  Niche Marketing

(D)  Complex Marketing

(E)  Selective Marketing

Ans: (A)

19. Marketing management is defined as-

(A)  Monitoring the profitability of the company’s products and services

(B)  The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationship with them

(C)  Managing the market process

(D)  Developing marketing strategies to move the company forward

(E)  Selecting target markets to deploy marketers

Ans: (D)

20. The measure of the brand’s ability to capture consumer performance and loyalty is termed –

(A)  Brand superiority

(B)  Brand equity

(C)  Brand version

(D)  Brand loyalty

(E)  Brand preference

Ans: (D)

21. Mission statements are at their best when they reflect a ……. an almost impossible dream that provides direction for the next 10 to 30 years.

(A)  Market

(B)  Strength

(C)  Competency

(D)  Vision

(E)  Value

Ans: (D)

22. A strategy in which the initial price of the product is set low in relation to the target market’s range of expected price is termed –

(A)  Market Skimming Pricing

(B)  Old Pricing

(C)  Discount market pricing

(D)  Market Penetration Pricing

(E)  Special market Pricing

Ans: (C)

23. A group of tradition bound consumers who are the tool to adapt an innovation is called –

(A)  Challengers

(B)  Leaders

(C)  Innovators

(D)  Laggards

(E)  Loyal agents

Ans: (D)

24. Low prices on products for which you have accurate price knowledge lets you know that the product has to be a bargain. This type of pricing is termed-

(A)  Reference pricing

(B)  Psychological pricing

(C)  Volume pricing

(D)  Promotional pricing

(E)  Signpost pricing

Ans: (A)

25. The want satisfying power of product is called its –

(A)  Price

(B)  Utility

(C)  Bond

(D)  Purpose

(E)  Goal

Ans: (B)

26. Based on the rates firms play in the target market in a specific industry, they are classified as following except in a-

(A)  Market challenger

(B)  Market plotter

(C)  Market leader

(D)  Market nicher

(E)  Market follower

Ans: (B)

27. TQM approach in which all the people of the company are involved in constantly improving the performance of products, services and business processes. TQM stands for-

(A)  Tata Quality Management

(B)  Total Quality Marketing

(C)  Total Quantity Management

(D)  Total Queries Management

(E)  Total Quality Manipulation

Ans: (*)

28. When backed by buying power, wants become-

(A)  self-esteem needs

(B)  demands

(C)  exchanges

(D)  physical needs

(E)  social needs

Ans: (B)

29. The philosophy of product centered concept is……….

(A)  Right products for the customers

(B)  Make and sell

(C)  Make what the market wants

(D)  Sense and respond

(E)  Selling on product benefits

Ans: (B)

30. The customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market offering relative to those of competing offers is called –

(A)  Customer perceived value

(B)  Customer expectation

(C)  Customer satisfaction

(D)  Customer Loyalty

(E)  Customer relationship

Ans: (A)

31. Button market is where ………

(A)  capital is disposed

(B)  gold is purchased and sold

(C)  shares are purchased

(D)  production of silver takes place

(E)  investments are made

Ans: (E)

32. Especially in large firms, a sales force frequently is specialized in some organizational fashion. Which of the following is not one of such specializations ?

(A)  Customer specialization

(B)  Major accounts specialization

(C)  Product specialization

(D)  Geographic specialization

(E)  Economic order specialization

Ans: (B)

33. Greater consumer control means that, in building customer relationships, companies can no longer rely on marketing by intrusion. The most practice marketing is-

(A)  Conversion

(B)  Delivery

(C)  Retention

(D)  Attraction

(E)  Attention

Ans: (D)

34. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, sense of belonging is grouped in-

(A)  Esteem needs

(B)  Social needs

(C)  Safety needs

(D)  Physiological needs

Ans: (B)

35. Michael Porter has identified five forces that determine the intrinsic long-run attractiveness of market segment. Which of the following would not be among Porter’s Five forces

(A)  Threat of buyer’s growing bargaining power

(B)  Threat of substitute products

(C)  Threat of technological partners

(D)  Threat of intense segment rivalry

(E)  Threat of new entrants

Ans: (C)

36. The unplanned static or distortion during the communication process, which results in the receivers’ getting a different message then the one that the sender sent is the-

(A)  Response

(B)  Feedback

(C)  Noise

(D)  Decoding

Ans: (C)

37. If a MNC like Nestle varied the elements of the marketing mix to suit the countries in which it sold its products, which type of strategy would it be following ?

(A)  Differentiated

(B)  undifferentiated        

(C)  Standardized

(D)  Adapted

(E)  Concentrated

Ans: (C)

38. Under which of the following company orientations towards the market place would we expect to get ‘better economical’ talacy?

(A)  Marketing concept

(B)  Holistic marketing concept

(C)  Production concept

(D)  Selling concept

(E)  Product concept

Ans: (B)

39. If a company focuses only one or a few market segments instead of small share of a large market, the same is-

(A)  Segment marketing

(B)  Conceptual marketing

(C)  Mass Marketing

(D)  Micro Marketing

(E)  Niche Marketing

Ans: (A)

40. An estimate the total financial value of the brand is-

(A)  Brand valuation

(B)  Brand tracking

(C)  Brand auditing

(D)  Brand partitioning

(E)  Brand equity

Ans: (E)

41. The total combined customer value of all the company’s current and potential customers is called –

(A)  Customer share

(B)  Customer delight

(C)  Customer loyalty

(D)  Customer orientation

(E)  Customer equity

Ans: (C)

42. We can say that a………… has three characteristics. (1) It is source of competitive advantage in that it makes a significant contribution to perceived customer benefits; (2) It has application in a wide variety of markets, and (3) It is difficult for competitors to imitate.

(A)  Strategic business unit

(B)  Core competency

(C)  Business strategy

(D)  Winning strategy

(E)  Core technology

Ans: (B)

43. Which demographic segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics ?

(A)  Age and life cycle segmentation

(B)  Gender segmentation

(C)  Age segmentation

(D)  Psychographic segmentation

(E)  Income segmentation

Ans: (D)

44. The internet version of word of mouth marketing is termed –

(A)  Viral marketing

(B)  Web marketing

(C)  Channel marketing

(D)  Network marketing

(E)  Virtual marketing

Ans: (A)

45. ……….. is the development, interpretation and communication of decision oriented information to be used in all phases of marketing process.

(A)  Marketing forecast

(B)  Market intelligence

(C)  Market Planning

(D)  Marketing research

(E)  Marketing information system

Ans: (E)

46. GATT is more than 60 years old treaty designed to promote world  trade by reducing tariff and other international trade barriers. GATT stands for-

(A)  General Aspects on Tariff and Trade

(B)  General Agreement on Traffic and Trade

(C)  Geneva Agreement on Trade and Tariff

(D)  General Allowance for Trade and Tariff

(E)  Geneva Agreement on Traffic or Trade

Ans: (B)

47. People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. Which of the following do not belong to the adapter categorization on the basis of relation time of adopter of innovators ?

(A)  Innovators

(B)  Laggards

(C)  Early Majority

(D)  Late Majority

(E)  Super Majority

Ans: (C)

48. As per BCG Matrix of classification of SBUs of an organization, Cash cows are SBUs that typically generate-

(A)  Large Awareness levels but few sales

(B)  Problems for product managers often

(C)  High industry growth

(D)  More cash than that can be invested profitably in its own business

(E)  Paper losses in the long run

Ans: (D)

49. A strategy of ……… pricing involves using prick in a competitive weapon in order to push competitors out of market or eliminate competitors.

(A)  Bargain

(B)  Psychological

(C)  Premium

(D)  Advanced

(E)  Predatory

Ans: (B)

50. Behavioural basis of market segmentation includes-

(A)  Loyalty or brand loyalty

(B)  Attitude

(C)  Buying occasions     

(D)  All of these

Ans: (B)

IBPS PO Exam Results

IBPS PO 2015 Main exam results are to be declared soon:

          The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) was established in the year 1975 as the Personal Selection Services (PSS) whose recruitment takes place either two tier or three tier process.

IBPS RRB and SO recruitment is a two tier process whereas IBPS PO & Clerk consists of three stages such as Common Written Examination (CWE) followed by an interview and final placement.

About Institute of Banking Personnel Selection:

              The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is an autonomous body which was set up to implement world class assessment and selection of personnel for various client organizations. It provides its services to many public sector banks like SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, few co-operative banks, public sector undertakings of non-financial sectors, state owned companies, Government departments and so on.

IBPS exam has become one of the famous tests in the country for being a successful “Personnel Selection Test Conducting Agency”. Its strength and ability lies in conducting multiple choices of objective tests for Lakhs and Lakhs of students across 200 test centres in India and also in few foreign locations.

Also, few major Universities and reputed management institutes engage IBPS regularly for conducting their Admission tests.


About IBPSPO exam:

                 Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has conducted preliminary examination on October 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th, 2015 for the selection of Probationary officer (PO) or Management Trainee (MT) positions.

This was an online computer based test and consisted of multiple choices of questions. The duration of preliminary exam was one hour and total number of questions in the question paper was 100.

The results of the preliminary examination were declared on October 17th 2015.

The results of preliminary examination only serve to shortlist the candidates for the final IBPS PO main examination.

Following this preliminary exam, IBPS PO main exam was conducted on October 31st, 2015. The results of the main exam are expected to be declared soon at the official website of IBPS. Thus, students who wish to check their results please be ready with required details and then click on “IBPS PO/MT Results” which will direct you to the respective page showing your results. Candidates please take a print out of this page for future reference.

The examination pattern for IBPS PO 2015 main comprised of 200 objective types of questions based on Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude, and English language, General awareness with special reference to the banking industry and computer knowledge. Candidates will be finally shortlisted on the basis of the performance in preliminary exam, main exam and personal interview.

The official site of IBPS is


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