KEAM Medical (UG) 2014 Filling in the OMR Answer Sheet

 All entries in OMR answer sheet are to be made with blue or black ink BALLPOINT PEN only. Marking with fountain pen, gel pen, sketch pen or pencil is not permitted.
Use of any ink of colour other than blue or black is not permissible.

The answer sheet has two parts – “CANDIDATE’S DATA” on the left side and “ANSWERS” on the right with a thin perforation in between, length-wise. Fill in all the entries on the left side (Candidate’s Data part) before beginning to answer questions.

(a) CANDIDATE’S DATA PART: (Left side of the sheet) Fill in the boxes and the appropriate bubbles with blue or black ink ballpoint pen.

Roll Number : Fill in and mark the Roll No. as given in the admit card with ballpoint pen. The Roll number should be entered without any corrections or overwriting.
Name: Fill up the item correctly and legibly. Name is to be entered as given in the admit card with ballpoint pen.

Fill up the Roll Number again.
Question booklet Sl. No. has to be entered as given in the top right side of your question booklet.

Name of subject : Enter name of the subject.
Signature of the Candidate : The candidate has to sign in this box and should be identical with the signature affixed in the admit card and attendance sheet. The item for signature of the invigilator will be filled in by the concerned person.

(b) ANSWER PART OF THE OMR SHEET : (Right side of the sheet)

  • A specimen copy of the OMR answer sheet is included in the Prospectus. Each answer sheet will be having a unique pre-printed ‘BARCODE’ that will be used as a secret code against which the evaluation takes place. Candidates should not tamper with the BAR CODE. If a candidate tampers, mutilates or damages the barcode, he/she will be disqualified and his/her candidature will be cancelled. The answer sheet in respect of such candidates will not be subjected to valuation and they will be debarred from appearing for the Entrance Examinations for a period not exceeding two years.


  •  All entries in OMR answer sheet are to be made with blue or black ink BALLPOINT PEN only.
  • Marking with fountain pen, gel pen, sketch pen or pencil is not permitted.
  • Use of any ink of colour other than blue or black is not permissible.
  • Do not write your roll number or name or make any stray marks on this part of the sheet.
  • Do the marking for answers only in the spaces provided (bubbles).

 Method of marking :

(a) The Answer part of the OMR sheet (right side) consists of ovals, known as ‘bubbles’. USE ONLY BALLPOINT PEN (BLUE OR BLACK INK) for filling (marking) these bubbles. Marking with any other colour or with sketch/gel pen is not permitted.

(b) Each question will have five answers marked (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E).The most appropriate answer will have to be selected. Thereafter, using ballpoint pen (blue or black ink) mark the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate answer. For example if the answer to question 2 is C, bubble C has to be darkened .

(c) Mark only one bubble for each question. The bubble should be filled completely and must be dark.

(d) Here are some wrong methods of marking answers, such as In all these cases mentioned above, though the candidate may have given the correct answer, it will not be read by the scanner because of the wrong method of marking the answer.

(e) The bubble should be filled completely. Candidates are advised not to make any special effort to mark bubbles artistically.

(f) Warning : Marking once made will be final.

(g) Any attempt to erase the mark once made will leave smudges or marks on the bubble, which will treat it as a valid mark.

(h) Any fresh mark made after attempting erasure of an already marked bubble will lead to multiple marks with the consequent penalty of negative marks.

  •  Candidates will get the copy of the OMR sheet after the completion of the examination. The copy which is attached to the Main OMR sheet will be detached by the Invigilator in the presence of the candidate after the completion of the examination. The candidates will be permitted to carry this copy with them after the Examination.
  •  The question booklet for each paper will be supplied to the candidate only five minutes before the actual time prescribed for the commencement of the examinations. The candidates should take care to mark the necessary entries, in the question booklet as well as on the OMR answer sheet immediately before beginning to answer the questions.
  •  Immediately after the commencement of the examination, the candidate should check that the question booklet supplied is of the correct version and that it contains all the 120 questions in serial order. The question booklet should not have unprinted or torn or missing pages in it. If the question booklet does not agree with the above, the matter should be brought to the immediate attention of the invigilator. In such cases the invigilator should take immediate action to rectify the same by issuing the candidate a question booklet of the same version. The question booklet initially issued will be taken back only after the replacement is made.
  •  Candidates are warned that they should enter only the necessary information as required in the OMR answer sheet (on the left part). Any additional information, which is not required and which may help to identify the candidate (made in any part of the OMR sheet), will disqualify the candidate and his/her candidature will be cancelled without any further intimation. Further he/she will be debarred from appearing for the Entrance Examinations for a period not exceeding two years.
  •  Any mistake in filling up the data part of the OMR sheet or in marking the answers will affect the valuation of the script adversely.

WARNING : Any malpractice or attempt to commit any kind of malpractice in the Examination will result in the disqualification of the candidate.

KEAM Medical (UG) 2014 Answer Sheet

Separate answer sheet (OMR Answer Sheet) having a copy of the original OMR sheet attached to it, will be given to mark the answers. Candidates should not detach the copy of the OMR sheet from the original during the course of Examination. All impressions made in the original OMR sheet will be carried over to the copy attached. Hence candidates, while making entries in the OMR sheet and while answering, should ensure that the copy of the OMR is always aligned with the original OMR sheet. Any change in alignment can result in variation of the position of the entries in the original and copy of OMR sheets. If any candidate detaches the copy before the conclusion of the examination, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.

 The evaluation of the answer sheet of objective type papers will be done using the OPTICAL MARK READING (OMR) System. Hence the answer sheet (OMR answer sheet) is designed to suit this system.

 A specimen copy of the OMR answer sheet is included in the Prospectus. Each answer sheet will be having a unique pre-printed ‘BARCODE’ that will be used as a secret code against which the evaluation takes place. Candidates should not tamper with the BAR CODE. If a candidate tampers, mutilates or damages the barcode, he/she will be disqualified and his/her candidature will be cancelled. The answer sheet in respect of such candidates will not be subjected to valuation and they will be debarred from appearing for the Entrance Examinations for a period not exceeding two years.

 IMPORTANT : Extra care is needed while handling the OMR Answer sheet in the following respects.

DO NOT: (i) Pin or staple (ii) Punch or tag (iii) Make holes anywhere (iv) Wet or soil (v) Tear or mutilate (vi) Wrinkle or fold the OMR Answer Sheet.

KEAM Medical (UG) 2014 Question Paper

The question papers will be given in the form of a question booklet. A candidate will be given the question booklet before the actual time prescribed for the  commencement of the examination, to enable him/her to acquaint himself/herself with the instructions to be followed.

Facing Page Layout of Question Booklet ( Medical) 

WARNING : Any malpractice or any attempt to commit
any kind of malpractice in the Examination will Disqualify the Candidate.
Version Code Question Booklet Serial  Number
Time : 150 Minutes Number of Questions : 120 Maximum Marks : 480
Name of Candidate
Roll Number
Signature of Candidate

Each question paper will have 4 versions as detailed below :

Paper I – Chemistry & Physics Versions – A1, A2, A3 & A4.
Paper II – Biology Versions – B1, B2, B3 & B4.

  •  The question booklet version will be printed on the top left margin of the facing sheet of the question booklet.
  •  If the Roll Number ends in an odd number, then the candidate should get a question booklet marked A1/B1/A3/B3. If the Roll Number ends in an even number, then the candidate should get a question booklet marked A2/B2/A4/B4.
  •  On receipt of the question booklet the candidate should ensure that the Version Code printed in the OMR answer sheet and in the question booklet are the same.
  •  If the candidate gets a question booklet where the version does not match the Roll Number as stipulated , he/she should draw the attention of the invigilator immediately, and get it replaced by a version that matches the Roll Number.
  •  The question booklet serial number is printed on the top right margin of the facing sheet. If the question booklet does not bear a serial number, get it replaced by a new question booklet of the same version having a booklet number printed.
  •  Candidate must write his/her name and roll number in the space provided in the Question booklet. The Roll Number should be written carefully. The column for the signature of the candidate should also be filled in (The signature should be identical with the signatures in the admit card and in the attendance sheet).
  •  The question booklet will be sealed at the middle of the right margin. The candidate should not open the question booklet, until an indication is given by the invigilator to start answering at the scheduled time.

KEAM Medical (UG) 2014 Reporting for the Examination

(i) Candidates should bring Admit card, ballpoint pen (either blue or black ink) and a card board/clip board for the Examination.

(ii) Candidates will not be permitted to take items such as pencil, eraser, correction fluid, calculator, logarithm table, electronic gadgets, mobile phones etc. into the examination hall.

(iii) Candidate should be present at the examination hall, 30 minutes before the prescribed time for the commencement of the examination.

(iv) No candidate will be permitted to enter the examination hall, 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination.

(v) Candidates will be permitted to leave the examination hall only after completion of the examination.

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