Loyola College M.Sc. Zoology April 2009 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download


VE 44







Date & Time: 29/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                 Max. : 100 Marks



PART A                                  (20 marks)

Answer All questions

I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                           (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Silver Nitrate is associated with the treatment of
  2. Gonorrhoea b. Syphilis c. TB                           d. Cholera
  3. Hyaluronidase is otherwise known as
  4. Lecithinase b. Coagulase                c. Hemolysis                d. Spreading factor
  5. Streptomyces noursei is the source for the antibiotic:
  6. Streptomycin b. Pencillin      c. Nystatin       d. Bacitracin
  7. Match A) BCG B) Mycoses    C) Trophozoite     D) Chancre with
  8. i) Histoplasma ii) Mycobacterium     iii) Syphilis     iv) Entamoeba
  9. a) A-ii, B-i, C-iv,   D) iii           b) A-ii,   B-iv,   C-iii,    D) i
  10. c) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv,   D) iii           d) A-ii,   B-i,     C-iv,    D) iii
  11. Statement A: Dermatophytoses are fungal infections of skin.

      Statement B: They are commonly called as ringworm infection.

  1. Statement Ais correct, but B is incorrect
  2. Statement A is incorrect, but B is correct
  3. Both A and B are correct d) Both A and B are incorrect


II State whether the following are True or False. If false, give reason            (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Bright field microscope is used to view spirochaetes.
  2. Resident flora usually occurs as commensals.
  3. Interferons are antiviral proteins, found in blood.
  4. DPT refers to Diphtheria Polio Tetanus.
  5. The causal organism of meningitis is Streptococcus.


III. Complete the following                                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. _________ sterilization involves exposure to ___________ radiation to control microbes
  2. ___________ flora are part of NMF which remain permanently in our body.
  3. Widal test is a type of _____________ reaction to diagnose _______________.
  4. ___________ __________ stool is the most prominent symptom of Cholera.
  5. The causal organism of Typhus____________ is ___________ prowezekii.




  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words      (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. What is pasteurization?
  3. Define the term: Communicability.
  4. Name any two characteristics of antibiotics.
  5. Write down the causal organism and one symptom of Tuberculosis.
  6. Mention any two genera of Dermatophytic fungi.

PART B                             (5 x 8 = 40)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. Classify pathogenic bacteria based on Gram staining.
  2. Distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins.
  3. Write about any two antigen – antibody reactions.
  4. Differentiate between Syphilis and Gonorrhoea based on the causal organism,

morphology and symptoms.

  1. What are the different types of Anthrax based on site of entry? Add a note on its treatment.
  2. Expand the following with a foot notes each:
  3. a) HEPA b) NMF           c) CFT             d) HBV
  4. e) VZA f) HTST           g) MNL           h) IFT
  5. Write two points about each of the following
  6. a) Portal of entry b) Chemotherapy     c) Tertiary Syphilis        d) Trichomoniasis
  7. What are transient flora? How do they differ from resident flora, given examples.


PART C                       (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. a) Enumerate the characteristics of an ideal chemical agent. (6)

Write about the following used in chemical control: Phenols and Gaseous

chemosterilizers (14)


  1. b) Write notes on
  2. i) Tissue affinity and interhost survival period (10)    ii) Phagocytosis (10)
  3. a) Give a detailed account of HIV/AIDS.


  1. b) Comment on:
  2. i) Morphology, staining, cultural and antigenic characteristics of Vibrio cholera (10)
  3. ii) Outline of immunity (10)




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Loyola College M.Sc. Medical Lab Technology April 2013 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.Sc. Medical Lab Technology April 2014 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2006 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download

                     LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AE 07



(Also equivalent to PBB 401)



Date & Time : 03-11-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Section-A     (20 marks)

Answer all questions

  1. Choose the correct answer:            (5×1=5 marks)


  1. Match A. Jenner B. Koch C. Widal D. Calmette with
  2. Typhoid ii. Variola   iii. TB   iv. Cholera
  3. A-i, B-iv,  C-iii,    D-I                        b. A-ii,   B-i,    C-iv,    D-iii
  4. A-ii, B-iv,  C-i,      D-iii                      d. A-ii,   B-iii,  C-iv,    D-i
  5. Statement A: Griseofulvin is obtained from penicillium.

Statement B:  It is an antibacterial antibiotic.

  1. Statement A is correct, but Statement B is incorrect
  2. Statement A is incorrect, but Statement B is correct
  3. Both A and B are correct
  4. Both A and B are incorrect
  5. The most prominent resident flora of eye is :
  6. Corynebacterium xerosis b. Vibrio cholera
  7. Corynebacterium diphtheriae d. E.coli
  8. Histoplasmoses is caused by a :
  9. virus                  b. bacterium                c. actinomycete                       d. fungus
  10. Quinine is associated with
  11. rabies                b. syphilis                    c. malaria                                 d. tetanus


  1. State whether True or False. (5×1=5 marks)


  1. Sterilization involves the destruction of all forms of microbial life.
  2. The term ‘chemotherapy’ was coined by Lister.
  3. Intact skin is a good example of internal defense mechanism.
  4. Chicken pox is caused by varicella zoster virus.
  5. Tetanus is a communicable disease.


III. Complete the following :                                                                       (5×1=5 marks)


  1. Application of _________ radiation to sterilize biological materials is called ______


  1. ________ __________ tests are used to test the susceptibility of pathogens to drugs.
  2. ______ of ________ refers to the route taken by pathogenic microbes to gain

entrance to hosts.

  1. ________ _________ refers to fungal, infections which affect deeper systems of our


  1. Typhus fever is an example of ________ _______ disease.



  1. Answer the following each within 50 words. (5×1=5 marks)


  1. Enumerate any four characteristics of an ideal antimicrobial chemical agent.
  2. Mention the source and mode of action of Nystatin.
  3. What is relative immunity?
  4. Write down any two symptoms of Hepatitis.
  5. Name any two genera which cause dermatophytic infection in man.




Answer any five questions, each within 350 words.                                (5×8=40 marks)


  1. Compare the efficiency of moist heat and dry heat. Add a note on osmotic pressure

used  to control microbes.

  1. Write about the mode of action of sulphonamides.
  2. Discuss any one antigen-antibody reaction along with its applications.
  3. Explain the morphological, cultural, physiological and antigenic characters of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  4. Write about the disease cycle of malaria.
  5. Expand the following with a footnote each :
  6. Eto        ii. PABA         iii. TPCF          iv. DPT
  7. Distinguish between :
  8. Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic agent
  9. Penicillin and Streptomycin (source)

iii. Endemic and Pandemic disease

  1. Tetanus and Rabies (causal organism)
  2. Define the following :
  3. Fumigation       ii. Chemotherapy         iii. Transient Flora       iv. Amoebiasis




Answer the following, each within 1500 words only.                           (2×20=40 marks)


  1. a. Give an account of control of microbes by dry heat, radiation, phenols and heavy



  1. Discus the causal organism, symptoms, treatment and control of cholera.
  2. a. Compare and contrast Syphilis and Gonorrhoea..


  1. Write short notes on
  2. Gaseous chemosterilizers                   ii. Properties of Antibiotics

iii. Endotoxin                                          iv. Dermatophytoses



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 28






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the following questions                                                                         (20 marks)

  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. Name the person who coined the term chemotherapy.
  2. a) Lister b) Leewenhock    c) Lederberg d) Lille
  3. An example of a semisynthetic drug is
  4. a) sulphonamide b) ampicillin c) penicillin      d) bacitricin.
  5. A disease which runs a rapid and severe course with distinct symptoms is called
  6. a) chronic b) latent c) acute      d) localised
  7. TB is caused by the bacterium
  8. a) Corynebacterium b) Clostridium c) Meningococcus d) Mycobacterium
  9. Which among the following is a sexually transmitted disease.
  10. a) syphilis b) typhoid c) cholera d) plague



  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )
  2. Cold sterilization  refers to killing microbes using low temperatures.
  3. Streptomycin is obtained from Streptomyces griseus.
  4. Vaccination comes under passive immunity.
  5. Chicken pox is a viral disease.
  6. Malaria is caused by



III. Complete the following                                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Pasteurization was proposed by ________.
  2. If a disease spreads all over the body affecting various parts, it is called ____ infection .
  3. Penicillin is obtained from the fungus______.
  4. Rice water stool is the most prominent symptom of ______.
  5. Fungal infections of skin are called _____infections. .




  1. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Write down any two of Koch’s postulates.
  3. What is Crede’s method ?
  4. Distinguish between endemic and pandemic disease.
  5. Name the causal organism of tetanus. Add a note on symptoms.
  6. Write down any 2 symptoms of gonorrhoea,.



 Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words.                           (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Write down the importance of radiation as a method of control.
  2. Mention the source, mode of action , spectrum of activity of any two antibiotics.
  3. Give an outline of immunity.
  4. Discuss the symptoms, treatment and control of tuberculosis.
  5. Give a schematic representation only of the disease cycle of malarial parasite.
  6. Expand the following with a footnote each.
  7. LTH ii. BCG iii. AVS           iv.  NmEP
  8. Write about the gaseous chemosterilizers.
  9. Mention the contributions of any four microhiologists to medical microbiology.


Answer any two of the questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams     (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. a) Describe the physical methods of control of microbes


  1. Write about any four antigen – antibody reactions.


  1. a) Write an essay on the causal organism , mode of transmission, symptoms and treatment of AIDS.                                           OR
  2. Write short notes on
  3. ameobiasis (10)
  4. exotoxins (10)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2009 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



VE 14






Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks


PART A                                                                                                       (20 marks)

Answer All questions

I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                    (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Match A) Jenner B) Metchnikoff    C) Ehrlich     D) Twort with   i) Phagocytosis
  2. ii) Vaccination iii) Phage     iv) Chemotheraphy
  3. a) A-ii, B-i, C-iv,   D) iii          b) A-ii,   B-i,     C-iii,    D) iv
  4. c) A-ii, B-iv, C-i,     D) iii          d) A-ii,   B-iii,   C-iv,    D) i
  5. Statement A: Sulfonamides are semisynthetic drugs.

      Statement B: Mode of action is competitive inhibition.

  1. Statement Ais correct, but B is incorrect
  2. Statement A is incorrect, but B is correct
  3. Both A and B are correct
  4. d) Both A and B are incorrect
  5. Which of the following is a prominent resistant flora of vagina?
  6. E. coli             b. Staphylococcus        c. Lactobacillus           d. Salmonella
  7. The causal organism of chicken pox is a:
  8. Fungus b. Protozoan c. Bacterium                d. Virus
  9. The vector for malarial parasite is:
  10. Male Anopheles b. Female Anopheles        c. Male Qulex       d. Female Qulex


II State whether the following statements are True or False.                        (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Autoclave is used in dry heat sterilization.
  2. Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic.
  3. Agglutination is the most striking of all test tube antigen-antibody reactions.
  4. Histoplasmosis is an example for systemic fungal infection.
  5. Typhus fever is a vector borne disease caused by Rickettsia.

III. Complete the following                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Application of silver nitrate to the eyes of newborn to control ophthalmic ____________

is called Credes method.

  1. ___________ acremonium is the source for the antibiotic cephalosporin.
  2. Transmission of disease is otherwise known as _______________.
  3. Rice water stool is the most prominent symptom of _______________.
  4. Hydrophobia is associated with the disease _______________.


  1. Answer the following, each in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
  2. What is fumigation?
  3. Mention any two features of chemotherapeutic agents.
  4. Enumerate any two points about external defense mechanisms.
  5. Write down any two morphological characteristics of Mycobacterium.
  6. Name any two genera of dermatophytic fungi.

PART B                       (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. Enumerate the characteristics of an ideal antimicrobial chemical agent. Add a note an

phenol .

  1. Write about the salient aspects of antibiotic sensitivity tests.
  2. Distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins in tabular form.
  3. Discuss the causal organism, symptoms and control of chicken pox.
  4. Bring out the differences between Syphilis and Gonorrhea based on causal organism,

symptoms and incubation period.

  1. Expand the following with a foot note each:
  2. a) HTST b) MIC                        c) NMF           d) HBV
  3. Define the following:
  4. a) Lockjaw b) Cold sterilization      c) Chemotherapy        d) Inflammation
  5. Write about the following:
  6. Symptoms and treatment of amoebiasis
  7. Causal organism of Tetanus
  8. Acids and alkalies as chemical agent of control
  9. Grieseofulvin


PART C                       (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. a) Given an account on control of microbes by physical agents


  1. b) Give an outline of immunity. Add a note on blood as internal defense mechanism.
  2. a) Discuss the structure of HIV. Write about the symptoms, treatment and control of AIDS


  1. b) Describe in detail the causal organisms, symptom, lab diagnosis and prevention of




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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2010 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 11-11-10                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Part A (20 marks)


Answer all the questions                                                                  

  1. Choose the correct answer: (5 x 1  = 5)
  2. Match A) Bordet             B) Von Behring          C) Ronald Ross           D) Widal

with  i) Malaria      ii) Typhoid      iii) Whooping cough               iv) Diphtheria

  1. a) A-iii, B-i, C-iv,      D) ii                   b) A-iii,   B-ii,      C-i,    D) iv
  2. c) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii,       D) i                    d) A-iii,   B-iv,     C-i,    D) ii
  3. TMP refers to ______________.
  4. Trimetaprim b. Tetramethoprim c. Trimethoprim           d. Trimesoprim
  5. Common pathogenic microbe present in Vagina
  6. Bacillus sp. b. Candida sp. c. Clostridium sp.        d. Pseudomonas sp.   
  7. Typhus fever caused by bacterium called _________
  8. E. coli b. Rickettsia typhi c. Samonella paratyphi a         d. Samonella paratyphi b
  9. HIV virus affect by _______________.
  10. Red blood cells b. White blood cells       c.  Platelet cells           d. Liver cells


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False: (5 x 1  = 5 )
  2. Autoclave is an instrument used in moist heat sterilization.
  3. Narrow spectrum means antibiotics kill only limited range of pathogens.
  4. The quantitative measure of pathogenicity as known as virulence.
  5. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first discovered by Robert Koch.
  6. Tetanus is caused by the bacterium


III. Complete the following:                                                                                                           (5 x 1  = 5 )

  1. Phenol is otherwise called as _________
  2. Penicillin obtained from ___________ ___________.
  3. Inhibition of the growth of bacterial pathogens is called as ___________.
  4. VZV refer to________________________.
  5. Causal organism of Malaria is ____________




  1. Answer the following in about 50 words: (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Mention the names of any two filters used in filtration.
  3. Define
  4. What is microbiota?
  5. What do you mean by Opportunistic pathogen?
  6. mention any two dermatophytic fungi.


Part B


Answer the following each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams:           

                                   (5 x 7= 35)

  1. Discuss the importance of radiation as physical method of microbial control.


  1. Write about the importance of halogens and heavy metals in the control of microbes.
  2. Write about the source, mode of action and application of streptomycin.


  1. Explain about mode of action of cephalosporins.
  2. Describe the general features of normal microbial flora of human body.


  1. Discuss about the factors which influence infection.
  2. Write about the habit, structure and multiplication of Entamoeba histolytica.


  1. Write about the causative agent, treatment and vaccines of cholera.
  2. Write about the causal organism, symptoms and prevention of syphilis.


  1. Describe the symptoms and treatment of Tetanus.


Part C

Answer any three of the following questions each in about 1200 words. Draw necessary diagrams:          

                               (3 x 15 = 45)

  1. Write about the usefulness of high and low temperature in controlling microbes.
  2. Write about the mode of action and application of sulfonamides.
  3. Describe about any two antigen and antibody reactions.
  4. Discuss the morphology of the causal organism of tuberculosis. Write about its symptoms and treatment.
  5. Write about the mode of transmission, pathogenesis and prevention of AIDS.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2011 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 12-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


PART – A                                                    ( 10 X 2 = 20 marks)


Answer all the questions, each answer not exceeding 50 words

  1. Disinfectant
  2. Fumigation
  3. Sulphonamide
  4. Antibiotic sensitivity test
  5. Resident flora
  6. Skin as external defensemechanism
  7. Histoplasmosis
  8. Amoebiasis
  9. Symptoms of Tetanus
  10. Control of Rabies

PART – B                                                       ( 5 X 8 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each answer within 500 words only


  1. A) Write about the contributions of any eight scientists to the field of medical microbiology.


  1. B) Discuss the importance of phenols and heavy metals in the control of microbes.
  2. A)  What is chemotherapy?  Write down the  characterestics of a chemotherapeutic agent.


  1. B) What are antibiotics? Mention the source, mode of action of any four antibiotics.
  2. A)   Distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins.


  1. B) Write about the role of intestinal flora as normal microbial flora.
  2. A)   Explain the causal organism, symptoms, treatment and control of tuberculosis.


  1. B) Write about the causal organism, symptoms and treatment of cholera.
  2. A)   Discuss the mode of transmission,  symptoms and control of syphilis.


  1. B) Explain the disease cycle of


PART – C                                            ( 2 X 20 = 40 marks)


Answer any two of the following, each within 1500 words only

  1. Write an essay on any four physical methods of control of microbes.
  2. Give an outline of immunity. Write about any two antigen-antibody reactions.
  3. Discuss the causal organism, symptoms, treatment and control of chicken pox.
  4. Explain the mode of transmission, symptoms and prevention of AIDS.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2012 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 27-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Part – A


Answer all the following, each answer within 50 words:                                      (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Distinguish between moist heat and dry heat sterilization.
  2. Bring out the features of Koch postulates.
  3. Give the significance of β-lactam ring.
  4. Comment on phenol co-efficient test.
  5. Write short notes on Gnotobiotics.
  6. What are toxoids? Give example.
  7. Write about the causative agents of Histoplasmosis.
  8. Give salient features of HB vaccine.
  9. Write about the causative agents of dermatophytoses.
  10. Give the chemistry of tetanus toxins.


Part – B


Answer the following, each answer  within 500 words.  Draw diagrams wherever necessary:

         (5 x 7 = 35 marks)


  1. (a) Give the contributions of Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner.


(b) List out the properties of chemicals agents that control microbial growth. Add notes

on alcohols.


  1. (a) With illustrations, explain the mechanism of action of sulpha drugs.


(b) Give the sources, mode of action and applications of streptomycin.


  1. (a) Differentiate between the exo- and endo- toxins of human pathogens in the form of a tabular column.


(b) Write notes on any 2 tests based on antigen-antibody reactions.


  1. (a) Mention about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of tuberculosis.


(b) Write about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of chicken pox.


  1. (a) Describe about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of syphilis.


(b) Mention about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of malaria.





Part – C


Answer Any THREE of the following, each within 1200 words, draw diagrams wherever necessary:                                                                                               (3 x 15 = 45 marks)


  1. Write details on various physical agents that control microbial growth.
  2. Describe various mechanisms of antibiotic resistance developed by the pathogens.
  3. Explain various events of host – microbe interaction that takes place during disease development.


  1. Write notes on pathogen, disease cycle, diagnoses and control measures of cholera.
  2. Describe the pathogen, disease cycle, diagnoses and control measures of AIDS.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2012 Medical Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 10/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Part – A

Answer the following, each within 50 words:                                                                  (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Comment on thymine dimerization.
  2. Mention the contributions of Elie Metchnikoff.
  3. Give the significance of β-lactam ring.
  4. Mention the antifungal antibiotics.
  5. Write short notes on precipitation reaction.
  6. What are toxoids? Give an example.
  7. Write about the causative agents of Histoplasmosis.
  8. Mention the salient features of Variola Zoster virus.
  9. Mention any 2 applications of ELISA test.
  10. Give the importance of DPT vaccine.


Part – B

Answer the following, each within 500 words.  Draw diagrams wherever necessary:      (5 x 7 = 35 marks)


  1. (a) Give the mode of action and practical application of gaseous chemosterilizers.


(b) Explain the contributions of Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur.


  1. (a) Briefly explain the Kirby Boyer’s test.


(b) Give the sources, mode of action and application of penicillin.


  1. (a) Write notes on the normal microflora of skin.


(b) Explain the use of complement fixation reactions in disease diagnosis.


  1. (a) Cite the pathogen and explain the disease cycle and control measures of chicken pox.


(b) Write about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of hydrophobia.


  1. (a) Give the structure of the pathogen and enumerate on control measures of AIDS.


(b) Mention about pathogen, disease cycle and control measures of dermatophytosis.









Part – C


Answer Any THREE of the following, each within 1200 words, draw diagrams wherever necessary.                                                                                                                                                 (3 x 15 = 45 marks)


  1. Write in details on the role of radiations and temperature in controlling microbial growth.
  2. Describe the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance developed by the pathogens.
  3. Explain the outline of immunity.


  1. Write notes on pathogen, disease cycle, diagnoses and control measures of hepatitis.
  2. Give the pathogen and explain the disease cycle, diagnoses and control measures of malaria.


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